Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Apr 1930, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY' TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1930 \ PAGE ELEVEN The Ubi Daily Times + The question of granting a reduce ed tate to church organizations ue. inguths Mindy Hall for entertain. discussed on several 0 faa 7 hid oun Counch ; [ up again 'on Monday n when " apist Men's hs ask: | so ed for a rebate on the price of $15.00 paid for the Hall at a recent. mine M Pind it hard trying to make ends moet and save a tle money, byt if.they had your Abugrtusity at Bar. ¢ ide a8 you get a The Rexall Stores, Lady Queen would eat more reg- ularly, MORAL: We. serve you well and save you money. HERE'S HOW! 8500 Pepsodent ....... 80¢ boc © Riner's Milk Megne- 380 o Beidite Powders. 190 786 'Vasuum Bottles ,. 8c 500 Riker's French Balm soovvvvnarnes B00 760 Hospital Cotton .. Bbo 0c Opeko Coffee .... 40¢ $2.00 Boot's Malt and CLO Jivevens 91.80 8 Cakes Castile Soap . S80 $1.50 Electric Curling TONES ¢vnvvvvsniss BO $2.00 Rexalarm Clooks 98Sc 766 Lady Dainty Rubber Gloves u,v vevsse 400 500 Rexall Milk Magne sia Tooth Paste ,... 890 "SEE OUR WINDOWS" You "Save With Batety" av i new Ean 4 hl es will be socsived ab the Gon 71 an Chronicle Teapnone depuistion fr from the wd, 4 & men, and had ; one of te the Stestion of a new [lo nday School 1 Coun, W. M, Pringle while in sym. Ls with the Baptist church and h Club, pointed out that ei requ {rom other churches in yh past been turned down, "to grant this one was to estab. fish a precedent, Coun. Fred Rowe took the stand that the churches had as much right 10 » rebate as the schools, who were fe' the hall once a ges for $5.00, ¢ churches, 'he sai hare carry. ng on valuable educations! work a long moral lines fn the town. fter further discussion; council voted to reduce the ntal paid by the Ho 's, Club b to ceve Jack. hy ou t organizations of y in uid have every en- cotragement fo the Council. A petition for a concrete sidewalk on the south side Burns street, from Brock to Byron, signed by sev. eral ratepayers, was referred to the streets committee. The new tenang of the 'Bond Bros, service station oh Dundas street east asked Council to have light install. ed on the hydro pole at the west drive, Council thought that he should instal this light himself. However the request. went to the Fire and Light Committee, Total Amount Collected For Twelve Months Was $19,360.92 Customs and excise returns for the port of Whitby for the flscs! year ending March 31st. 1030, show a dedfehse of $6,528.65 over the phevious year of 1098-1930. The decrease is due almost entirely to business depression which seems. to 'be _goneral throughout the country, Juduiny from the returns pubiished | recently from other ports. The |%° 'otal collections for the 13 months apounted to $19,860.93, divided as 'tollows: ' 1080-80 1034.80 1000.84 LC r1602.8 13 1103.08 : 86 1895.71 ember ....1708,12 1643.25 PRICED RIGHT ! . ' Priced OURNEW CARS ARE Right! ' OUR USED CARS ARE Priced Right! Before You Buy Look Over our Stock 1927 Ex Son 1927 Pontiac Coach - 192 Cher. Sedan - 1928 Pontiac Sedan - 12 Star 5 Sedan $325 $315 . $325 TO HOLD REVIVAL nated by the Council of the year 1929, and given to the road super- futendent to perform by the abuve mentioned Council of the year 1029 and endorsed by the Department of Publie Highways of the Province of Ontario, the payment for ssid work having been provided for by the said 1029 Council by the issue of debentures in accord with the Foy anin of Whitby by-law No, 1104, which states thet the ue bentures were {ssued to raise money for the payment of the construction of roads, bridges and culverts de- stroyed by the storms of April und May of the year 1020, and In pur susnce with the. Statutes of the Province of Ontario, chapter 233, section 310, which states that REY. (CAPT. T. ¥, BEST Pastor of Whitby Baptist Church, who announces special revival services to be held from April 18 to 80. They will be interdenoms {national in chavacter, 1062.06 2336.60 2066.82 2008.44 1166.94 October .....211122 November ....1061.90 December ....1683.08 January .....3011.16 February ,...2000.02 Maoh. v4 00.1808.77 1463.28 206880.67 10860.0% 1088:20 .04 i. oso 826889.57 1029-80 ...o.0v0vvnes 10800.98 Decrease .,..... resus ' 6628.66 Customs Import Duty ..$11807.18 Excise Taxes 7048.74 Sundry Collections .... 16.00 $10360.93 WHITBY TOWNSHIP JOINS WHITBY IN PROTEST T0 G.N.A. Council Says Cancellation of Whitby-Lindsay Train Will Be Be Harmful The Musieipel O Council of the Township of Whitby met as per adjournment. All members pres ont, roeve Mackey in the chair. The minutes of last meeting were fread and confirmed, The several accounts were presented, Corres dance was read as follows: W, N, Blnclair, enclosing bills for | Powe 1aw costs. J. 8, Innes, Ltd, adian. agent 'for Cletrac Crawler tractor, advising Council of the condition of their Model X.' 20,{D Cletrac tractor as being vory bad, and that the cost to repair same necossarly be high: Thorne would Mulholland, Howson and MePhers | son, enclosng their bill for auditing the books and sccounts of the town ship for the year 1029, amount of account, $102.15. Mr. P. Gu Pure vis, Township Clerk, of Bast White by, advising Council gf a donation of $25.00 to Ld Brooklin Legion Post, A. BE. Wilon & Co, Insur anes, king Council for $33.57, me hilog oxoess premium on Polley No, 1028 by road and bridge insurance. Bickle, Clark, & Co, 'resenting bill from the British Am. wioad Bank Note Co. of $127.50 'or printing debentures hituy "own Council, requesting the Town. Hip to write the C.N.R. officials Ah against the discontinu. ance of the morning train from Lindsay to Whitby. Robt. C. Muir, of'the Depatment of Highways, ad- vising| Council of the receipt of by- law No. 1308, passed by Council of the Township of Whitby to pro- vide $20,000.00 for this year's township 'roads expenditures'. E. Shortridge, thanking Council for their donation of $25.00 to the Brooklin Branch Canadian Legion. Moved by P. R. Stover, seconded . I. Lick, that the clerk be y authorized to or E10 the Rallwiy Board protesting the discontinuing of pas. songer train from Lindsay to Whit. by as this municipality harmful in various ways Moved by R, ¥. Lick, seconasa by P. R. Stover, that this Council make a grant of $60.00 to Robt Mathewson for the medical support | of Miss Yatoman; and that the reeve with the treasurer be and are here. by authorized to sign cheque in favor of same.---Carried. oved by R. F. Lick, seconded | . R. Stover, that the road sup ized to immediately, when condis tions become favorable to continue the construction of the bridges, !¥ culverts, roads snd graveling desig: | em, TL > {YA City Js always 'in season' for: | ntendant be and is hereby auth. | 32; / ig. 8, J Anthon 811; M Steffer, 768; "money received by any Municipal Corporation from sale of debentures shall be kept In a separate account and shall be used only for the pur. ose for which the same was raised, 2d not be applied towards payment of the current or other expenditure if the Municipality." ---Carried, Moved by J. H, Jones, seconded by R. ¥. Lick, that the Collector's roll for the year 1920 be acceprwu and thet the collector and treasur- or be given further time to make collections Before the unpaid taxes are returned to the county, as per statement whose names are heretu attached which amounted to $089.21, Carried. Moved by P. Stover, seconded by R. F. Lick, that this Council auth- origes 'the road supt. to pay the following wage scile: Truck driver, 49¢. per hour; laborers, 30c. per hour; teamsters, 60c, per hour; foreman on concrete work, 40c. put bour and tractor driver, 3b6c, per hour, ~=Carried, Moved by W. ¥. Weir, seconded by J. H. Jones, that the reeve with the treasurer be and the same are hereby authorized tb lesue their cheques in favor of the several per. sons whose Dames appedr on voucher No. 4, roads and bridges, sumbering from 1 to 27, fuclusive, amount of account, $161, 08, also payment of accounts sheet No. 4, pumbering from } to 18, inclusive, amount of accounts, $928.60, Carried. Moved by J. H. Jones, that this Council does now adjourn to moet again on the Sth day'of May at the Counell then adjourned. HW, ELECTED NEW OFFICERS At the annual meeting of the County of Ontario Old Girls' Asso- in the auditorium of the' Publie Library, the following officers were electod: Honorary Presidents--Mrs. IE, E. Starr, Mrs. Laird, Miss Ray, Mrs, C. F. McGillivray, President--Mrs, A. Coulthard. Honorsry Vice-Prosident--Miss B. Anders 1st Vice-Prosident--=Miss Clara il, 204 Vicespresidont--Mrs. mond. Tronsurer--Mrs, J, E. Water. w. ouse. Ritording Secretary Mrs. - Cor, recta arr-<MIsH. Annes, The Qlyie Improvement Commit. toe ts of. the Executive. WHITBY HIGH SCHOOL EX. AMIN The followin INTIONS, di ! 0) n the terin standin of pupils of Chis. High 8 School ased on weekly examinations: Form V: Term Standing--0, Rob- ertson, 896; A. Draper, 829; R. Holliday, 6; J. Bascom, 698; M, Westney, 689; i Bentley, 656; S. Graham, : H Hite, 86.7; D Maundréll, 84.7 Quinn, 32; B. Chapman, 50.9 M. A rin, 47, Form LV: Tetm Standing :~B, Od- lum, 79.8; J. Parker, Ran Ki Lomax, 76,38; J 1 Schrihur, 7 iH. Levine, 739; M, Osborne,' Vag; 694; K. Thompson, 687; J. MacCon- nell, 64.7; 1. Luke, 64; J. Giroux, 60; Des: Lawler, 574; 1. B Worfolk, J Ruddy, "50; G. Seott, 48.5; H., Mesriam, 47.2, hy HE Terin Standing lL, Lo- vine, 87; E. Bird, Lawler, 84; N. Westney, Ww Dr 'prin le, 75; W, | Gordon, 743 W. Baker, 73; Mui Mer- riam, 69; 3. Gee, 08; F. 'Rosgttani, 68; Stien, 67; P, Price, 67; Clintock, hq 0. Dewland, i Mantel), 56 P. Levine, 55; | field, 83; 1. Rea, 51; H. N V. Hall, 50 ok Chapman, 44; Clarke, 41; card, 40; MH. August. us, 33; R. Gal e, 30; K. Richardson, Form 11; Term Standing (~R. Ayl. isworth, rd, B6; MM. Smith, 84; A. Scott, 82; G. Loving, [ 79: M, MacConnell, 22; H, Elm, 07: D. Butler, 65; K. KW [0 PR Ricp, 63; K. Looks, a M: Rober. 3; Jv McQuay, 60 Dalby, 59; M. Niddery, 5; ¥, Manderson, 57; 9, Smith, 54; F, Every, 53; + Wil: son, 83; M, Holtby, 52; FW rook, A. Downey, 51; I. Davey, W. Ruddy, 51; M. Barton, 5° N Sj emenee, 51; P, Neal, 80; B. Price, i Mi Mowat, 4; Marjory Smith, a: S, Correll, 39 (EB Johnson, 32, Form 1 Term Standing i=E. Masher, 70, B. Barton, 68; K. Mc. Gregor, 67; M, Xagan, 64; E. Wil. son, 638; A. Rousseau, 63.2; R, Blow, 63; R, Disney, 62"; S. Yacobosky, 624; L. Wilson, 00; R. Anderson, 59.8; .R. Downey, Pos M. Bassett, ; W, Mowat, $4; D." Maundrell, Sts C. Bell, 51.2; W. Harkness, 50.8; MW LT atts, Sh 55 Ross, ph M. Corns! 4 3; & Joh nson, gs B. ard. eh a "28 P. Ro 1A: Teri Stand fing: tj Me Jt 0, WH efter, Maddaford ws "Wits hag adda G. Wilson, wh A. Boynton, si; K E. Benson, - $64; 3: J. Webster, 3% i M. Bennett, 52.5 B Howard, 4 K) tess JA iimetier rawley, 528; C + Mee Wikdasson orm' Vilthen 784; erm cing & i We Te 0 A ht 5 2 Spee Tul aH Anderson, 70: Walter Armitage, 8; Glad {] Harlow, 58; Edith Newman, ary Neskel, 2%; Irene Salisbury, jo Nellie Green, 25; Kathleen Hogg, Mildred Harrison, 7. RETIRES VROM RANLYAY SEK ICH The Winnipeg Tribune of April Ath contains the following reference to Charles (;. KX, Nourse, who speu. his boyhood days and was edu- cated in Whitby, and who is » nephew ot the late Col. George H. Ham. The clipping wis sent to the Gazette, and Chronicle by Mr. BE. A. Blow, of Winnipeg, brother of Mr, B. R, Blow, local C.P.R, ticket agent, Whitby, "After n service that covers 27 years in Western Canada and the Yukon, Charles G, X. Nourse, now manager here for the Canadian Bank of Commerce, is to retire, Mr. Nourse is to be succeeded by An- drew Milligan, at present manager of the branch of St, John's, Nfld. It is understood that, in accord- ange with the bank's policy, Mr, Nourse will be granted n long leave of absence, and will then retire on pension, This morning he sald he had made no plans for the future, It was In 1803 that Mr, came from the East as one of the original staff of the Bank of Com- merce in Winnipeg. Since those early days his career hag been one of the most interesting in the rec. ords of the institution in the West, "His porvice extended as far as Dawson City in the days of the gold rush of 1898. There he served an assistant accountant of the bank's branch in one of the most stirring gold camps in the world's history, From Dawson, Mr. Nourse went to Skagway as manager, then to White Horse, names that have found a place in history, The bank's branches 'nt Lethbridge and Ons gary aio had Mr. Nourse. He was appointed to his present position in 1020, Ho has always taken a keen interest in amateur sport and lala the foundation for what has since developed into the Banker's Hockey league. He halls originally from Nourse |' Whitby, Ont., and started his bank ing eareer with the Commerce at Goderch In 1888." START STREET WORK S001 As soon as the streets dry up, work of grading, ditching and gra. velling will commence, Town Fuogineer H. L. Pringle reported to the Town Council on 'Monday ovening that work was being hamp- ered because of the fact that mony citizens had piled ashes on the sides of streets, contrary to the provis- long of the town bylaw, notified several offenders but no results had been obtained, The Council felt that the town byluw was not being observed prosecu- tions in the Police Court would have to be resorted to. Chief Gun~ son announces that these prosecu- tions will bé instituted at once if ashes are not removed. MARCH P, U, C, STATISTICS The amount of water delivered to the mains of the Town of Whithy during the month of Mar:h, just clo- sed, was 13673200 imperial gallons, which figures out at the average rate He had | " Clenns as well as Polishes" You can't get good results with a poor wax---and you cannot get a good wax unless it ay good quality in ents, That is why you, too, should use HAWES', Ask for it by name, Mado by Bdward Hawes & Co, Limited Titolo 27 AS FAMOUS AS HAWES? of 441,070 gallons per day, The great- est amount pumped 'in any one day was on the lst of March, viz, 517, 100 gallons; the least was on [or | day, March 2ud.; viz, 377,500 gallons, A year ago only 12,634,500 gallons were required and in 1928 11,650, 100 gallons, "Uhis would appear to ine dicate a steady increase mn water con sumption, but, unfortunately, there is a fly in the ointment. Two customs ers experienced rouble in the pipe lines under their own control and meter records show that this is where the excess water went, The "peak" demand for power ap- pears to have occurred at 805 a.m, on Tuesday, March 11th, and amount ed to 809 hp, The kwh, consump- tion for the month wis 296960. A year ago the record stood at 826 hp. | with a kwh consumption of 202,- 800, This indicates a slight decrease in the amount of power required from the hydro, but it also indicates quite a considerable increase in the use made of that power, Some of this. latter was, doubtless, absorbed by the waterworks pump plant in order to pump the greater quantity of water used during the month, Stop that Head Aching Why suffer fleadsshe, or any other pain, when ZUTOO TABLETS, taken when fool it coming on, will give relief in 20 minutes. Marmiess and re- Billing records for t-e month were as follows; 5 Power Light Water 1929 ..., 152015 659,89 918.35 1930 .... 147596 69366 947.79 It sliould be noted that March is an "off" month for billing, as very few accounts are sent out this month, A new species of whitefish has heen discovered In Clery Lake, Manitoba, The fish live at & great depth during the summer, eoming to the surface only in the spawn- | ing season, I redis LEMON OIL ! Emi TI PASTE OR LIQUID hour of one o'clock pm.--Carried. | Vv | McBrien, clerk. clation held on Tuesday afternoon C. Webster, G. Elms, $94; F. Newman, 58.5; S. | MTR GC Greens y 50; La 8 "WHERE ECONOMY RULES") A Splendid Example of A &P's Lower Prices The famous brands you see on A & P's shelves indicate clearly the quality of merchan- dise sold in A & P Stores. perfect value combinations. This qualify, combined with A & P's low prices, make . values that offer amazing savings. 22 King St. West, Phone 263--29 Simcoe St. South, Phone 3170 FINEST QUALITY PORTER- HOUSE BEST CUTS | BRISKET " "reNDER, JUICY BEEF SLICED Back mv. 42- ROAST MEATIS 38 "- a iv. J Ge shoulder ROAST ©». 20- PAVIES FAMOUS OLD ENGLISH CURED SMOKED WILTSHIRE BACON Side b. b. Je 'CHOICE YOUNG ROASTING LOINS rink on SPECIAL! LAMB 27. b 3d a on A LEG Halt or FILLETS FRESH ATLANTIC HERRING--Lake .. FILLETS--Smoked ' 'SALMON---Pink . .. TUNA FISH--14's . MID-LENTEN SUGGESTION Lobster i: "HIGHEST QUALITY \i E Al , 27s ib. 32 bay 1 4g FISH LENTEN SUGGESTIONS COD zw. "mx 2 ibs. 27 CENTRE CUTS stianLY: HiouER & HADDOCK - - » 13+ 'MACKEREL 1b. 11- TOTP 12¢ Fh CR Ib. 17¢ ov o:0 2;No. 1 Tins 33¢ spies yr sous Tin 3c 24 + 39. ! SARDINES 2 m= 33: 'GROCERIES SPECIAL! FANCY QUALITY PASTEURIZED CREAMERY BUTTER OUR OWN SUNNYFIELD BRAND BUTTER : 2 is 7% PRINTED AND WRAPPED IN OUR OWN BUTTER DEPARTMEND =~ SILVERBROOK CREAMERY, 2 Ibs. 73¢ FANCY SMYRNA LAYER AYLMER CHOICE QUALITY PEAS BURFORD PEAS NO, 4 SIEVE FIGS - + + 2m. 33 BUY NOW AT THIS LOW PRICE 2 No.2 Tins 25 sara Toe 2le 2 | Tins 14lb. Tin, 26¢ IT MUST BE GOOD BOKAR SPECIAL THIS WEEK «ib. Flavortight Large White RAISIN.LOAF ..:. 3 4 WHOLE WHEAT PAN BISCUITS . 'oe FRUIT ANDNUT LOAF ............ 12: SMALL, LOAF Loaf - 10: Hain + + Nise eiddt R00 LARGE 7c 11c DRE BREE SRW R z, 10c WALENCIA CAKE ....\ vu 1b. 2lc ¥ QUAKER BRAND SHIRRIFF'S SHREDDED Fruits and CELERY--California SPINACH--Fresh Texas rib fn LETTUCE 4 fora 2le BANANAS Scientifically Riponed in Our Own Marmalade --- 21 Delivered frosh dally, Every A & PP a» complete stook of fresh fruity Asparagus i. ib. 35 CARROTS--New California, . 2 behs, 17c CABBAGE--New Green Texas. 2 lba. Be \, TOMATOES--Mexican ....... 2 lbs Corn Flakes 3 rs 25 CHICKEN HADDIE--No. 1 Tin....., 18¢ WHITE BEANS ............. 3 Ibs, 25c MAGIC BAKING POWEDR RF Se | & Vegetables 2 Len ane MRE 3m 19: Modern Hanana Ripening Rooms. 2h een G Buns . THE GREAT AnANnc oF Pace TEA Sa. i

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