Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Apr 1930, p. 8

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i HE OSHAWA { 3 : ' DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1930 LJ LADIES' SOFTBALL ASSN. ANNUAL MEETING HERE SATURDAY i 8 | Down But Fails to Win-- Crowd Boos the Decision or po -- } i on April 10~The feather | Does hh Lon. Rod" Rov, was awarded the decision over amy Hackett of Toronto at the ok ten rounds of uninteresting ting here last night 'The decision "booed by the crowd that had large arena the time ut Wan sche gd. Hac oy in the first mo he # solid right to the "chin and knocked him down a mo- ment later, It took the champion three rounds to recover from the diz- es of that mad Yew moments ut gatart, The crowd cheered Hack- Jatt as he left the ring, " Bxeept for the first round, the bout id oat. hold much to interest the ll 'hey wanted. action, but they saw & tall man and a short man weave about the ring warily tapping other, Roy, after his lesson "ol the first round, was intent to keep out of range of those long arms ol the Toronto boy, and was a little bit worried about Hackett's superior height, Hackett soon found out that the champion eould hit hard and rast, and began to avoid clinches, He seem ed "content to dart in, send home "one or two qiiick ra,s and then dance out of danger, Roy did not show any footwork last night at all, sand Komgw wi wm vlly Hy foloned packett: around the flatfooted, his legs wide apart, His head weaving from cide to side, he sthrust hard, numbing punnches to. Hackett's midriff which was at convenient height for him, Whenever he got close enough, he slugged him tworhanded, throwin, overhand swings to his head and neck, Tactics remained unchanged till the lust round, when Loth attempted to mix it and started missing in their gager- " rely had they shaken hands. at the start of the affair than Hackett EAE -------------- GC ----------- Yo CAREW um R (© Leo "Kid" Roy Retains Featherweight Title But Decision Is Unpopular Hackett Knocks Roy | tepid in and shot over » rapler-like vight against the champions shin, Koy blinked his eyes and bteggered, Hackett followed it wp with a left and crossed with his right again. Roy flopped Into the ropes and his knees started to sag, Hackett came In close and Roy wrapped his arms ar round him and clinched, He fought mechanically and the remaining half minute of the round, with the To- onto Jad trying hard to annex the eatherweight erown with one good haymaker, He could not knock Roy out, though he sent him, down with- out a count, It was more a trip than 4 knockdown, Roy's seconds gave him a quick go- ing over between rounds, and the cold water brought him to, He spar- red for time in the second round, und 17 the third he was himself again, e began to stand wp and exchange blows with the man from 'Toronto, who outpointed him the last time they met. - It was a disappointing bout, and the orowd was not slow to show its disapproval of the decision announ- ged by ¥, X. Narbonne, Mayor Houde und Premier Tolmie of British Columbia stepped into the ring and shook hands with the fight- ers just betore the main bout, His Worship Mayor Houde extended a welcome to the visiting Premier, HARRY BATSTONE TO MANAGE TRI-COLOR Kingstone, April 10-"That Harry Batstone will be reuppointed goach of Queen's senior football team Is the report at the yniversity, The Athletic Board of Control will meet ina few days to 'make the appoint meant, The players went on record as being delighted with his work, and state that his ability was respon- sible for the winnin gof the cham- plonship, NORMELING 18 READY New York, April 10---=Max Beh meling Is in fighting trim now, and will leave Garmany for the United States either April 18 or 23 and resume training May 1 for his 15- round heavyweight match June 13 at the Yankee Stadium with Jack Sharkey, This was the gist. of in. formation reported yesterday hy Sehmeling's American manager, Joe Jacobs, who arrived on the Bre- men, 7+ AVALANCHE A SINGLE rock may start it, Down rs Ll 0 : VA ous and fami; You reap career, Any one of a dozen unforseen, the mountain it comes, gathering Swi terrible rey ANCHE 0 it is with life, Today, safe and seemingly pion Min} 4 home maintained by the rewards a business or then--the AVALANCHE! things can start it ted reverses--had Herein Nes the wisdom of insurance. It gives you, today, com guarantees a future security, Hany absolute TTT nl " % 5 E x 4 Vhs Ses Tome | MUTUAL LIFE pg 1 Xp y Mat Ch ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA ATERLOO, ONTARIO Canadian Ladies Enter L.O.B.A, Finals Toronto, April 10~~Canadian La- dies, intermediate cage champions of Toronto, advanced to the fine) of the L.OBA, last night at Cen- tral 'Y" by defeating the Hamil ton, Ramblers 18 to 11, and winn- ing the round 88 to 266, The Can. ueks now travel to Windsor to meet the Windsor girls In the fivst game of the L.0,B,A, finals, The game last night was a fast exhibition of hasketball, and both teams snapped the hall around in quick plays, The Canucks were down at half-time # to 6 but as ususl the second half wag thelvs, and they out-seoved the Ramblers 12 to 8, Ir re ----------T Torontos to In O.A.L.A. Toronto, April 30.-~"Toronto La grosse Club held its annual or ganigation meeting last night In the Prince George Motel when it was decided to enter four Lean in the O.ALA, Vrospects were considered bright for a strong senior force, while the age Hmit teams also expressed good prow pects, W, J, Blainey wus re-elected 19 again lead the Tovontos In the position of president, while other officers were elegted an follows: Hon, President, Malmer Nellly} Hon, Vice-President, Robert Bryce; Hon, Becond Vice-President, Fred Thompson; Vice-President, Fred Hogarth; Hecond Vice-President, i, sullivan; Third Vice-Vresident, Roy Gore; Secyetary, C, V. Rus sel; Treasurer, Henry Hockett; fxecutive, W. Davig, V, lundle, Roy Porteous, W, MeArthur, Mac Johnston, W, Robinson, V, Bain, C, Beasley, W, 8, Davies, ¥, Wag horney, Bv., 8, Hicks and Dr, T, A Carson, Waghorne Manager Fred Wagharne, Jr, was apr pointed manager of the senior team with Art Warwick as honor, ary coach, Patrons were elected an follows: Len Smith, Wm, Webster, Perey Quinn, ¥red Hambly, I, ¥, Phelan, C, Bmythe, Hon, C, MeRae, J, Wright, Br, and ¥, ¥, Wallace, Otfigers of the Torontos reports od nu good response to thelr eanvass for players and it is expected that A much stronger téam will be placed in the field this year when the senior schedule starts, Most of last year's Toronto Juniors will be eligibile for senior service and should round ont a powerful team, Junior, juvenile and midget teams will also be entered in the L.A, L, A I ---------- Belanger to Meet Braddock Toronto, April J10-Charlie Pel anger, of Winnipeg, the Canadien lght heavywelght ehamplon, and Jamey J, Braddock of North Her gin, NJi, who has occupied a prom. inent place in the light heavy ae. tivities meross the line in the last couple of years, will be the head. Hners at the next local boxing show at the Coliseum, on Friday, April 18, Good Friday. The bout was arranged some weeks ago hut it was not announced until it was as Have 4 Teams, PORT SNAPSHOT By Ono, Oaurmnis, Sports Editor " Ladies' Softball Meeting There will be uo great deal of activity st the local YMCA, on Saturday afternoon, starting st 2.30 pm, es it is the occasion of the annual meeting of the Ontario Ladies' Softball Association, Oshawa has been honored by this meeting, a large numbe: of delegates on hand, as all cities and towns ladies' softball is played, will he represented, , ¥ * - ¥ 1) Red Aces Junior Meeting It is expected that there will be where The Red Ace Juniors are reminded of the meeting which Is being held in the YMCA, tonight, The meeting is called for 7.30, All members of last year's jr, team who are eligible this season and all ed to be on hand, * . Oshawa of last year's Juveniles who are now over 18 years of age, as well as others who would like to turn out with the Red Ace juniors, are ayks LJ LJ Represented Oshawa Is well represented in the Canadian Bowling Tournament, which has been in progress for the last few days, Therd arc five teams entered from Oshawa, there are three other teams entered on thelr owl, Fach of the alleys has a team entered and The bowlers of Oshawa are of & high calibre and we expect that ut least one of the local teams will be "in the mgney." J Ww LJ] . Seottish Team to Play in Oshawa The Kilmarnoek soccer team of the Scottigh League, are due to arrive in Montreal on May 17, They are golng to play a number of games throughout Ontario and they will play practically every two or three, days, They will play the first game of their tour In Ottawa on May 19, and the second game of thelr tour will be played In Oshawa, at the Motor City Stadium on Thursday, M ay 22 The local tewm will likely be a combination of the Nationals and the Oshawa City squads, v v " . General Motors Lacrosse Club The General Motors Lacrosse Club held a very enthusiastic nieet. ing last night and there were about thirty members of the club pre- sent, plans fof this meeting were made, The date of the unnual organization meeting was set and some The GMC, Lacrosse Club will hold thelr 1930 organization meeting at the Industrial Relations Duilding, tomorrow (Friday) night Details of last night's meeting will appear along with the ageount of Friday's meeting Ld " ® L] More Lacrosse Teams The work of the O.ALA, during the past couple of years Is bes ginning to show excellent results, Guelph has decided to enter an in termediate team while Sarnia is serlously considering the same thing, It is quite a few years since Sarnia and Guelph were entered in the OA LA. and thelr return will be welcomed, It looks as if the "National Game" Is In for an even bigger season, certained that Braddock came through his engagement in Phila delphin on Monday night without injury. Yosterday the Bhamrook Club received the information that he had sustained no damage In the bout and both he and: Belanger were notlled that the bout was on Belanger hus appeared twice In local rings, In one engagement he made Ted "Kid" Lewis hop through the ropes In gulck time while in the other he was outpointed by Larry Gains in a bout for the Canadian Jeavywelght, Gains was too heavy and had too long a remch for the Westerner, but the latter display: ed gameness and was ever willing to take a chance, BUSH GRANAM WINS ON K.0, Cipelonat!, April 10, ~~Bushy Graham, featherweight, Utica, N.Y, knocked ous Billy @haw, Detroit, in the first round of thelr 10-round bout here last night with a right to the ohin, \ balanced Sunbeam Chick Starter Mr, Gordon Chick Starter' y= swniert yy co. | tot seme ra From. t possesses the ne! ved vitamins in the Cod- ver which clears out destructive bacteria from the Nourishment Which amures 04 Vigorou ; L] an v ok karen ic and saiily digested, ' Faaves Girven relates his actual experience with Sunbeam Meal, the Lactic Acid and the | nt. a 7 Ramla dip Noro Ot A Girvan, Pra. STANDARD MILLING CO., OF CANADA, J Toronto, Montreal; Quebec, Saint John, Halifa LTD. Leafs Win From Tigers Evansville, Ind, April 10. Harry Davis' rousing home run with twu men on hase In the seventh inning proved a fitting climax to some tines ly Vhitting, mighty good pitching by Niek Harrison and Clarry Fisher, and sprightly felding when the Leafs des feated Detroit 6. 10 1 as the two teams resumed their Spring series here yess terday, Davis' smashing blow sent the ball on 4 line und it bounded past Funk to the brick wall in deep left centre, sending Kddie Phillips, whe had witlked, and Fisher, who had reached first through a force play at third, scrambling over the plate, Davis fol. lowed Phillips and Fisher in before to the infield, All down the line the Leafs hit, Harrison and Fisher, befng the only Imernationals blanked, and Bob Pet. rie and Nolen Richardson, each stung the ball for a pair, Petrie slapped a double and a single and beth hits developed into runs, Eleven smacks were combed off the combined pitching of Kippered Herr ing and Wyatt, Harrison yielded three to the Tigers in five innings and Fisher wan nicked for twe in four, The Tigers scored their lone run off Harrison in the fourth after two outs Hits by Alexander and Stong, former Leary, following a pass to Gehringer, another ex-Leaf, for the tally, | Guelph's Senior Entry in Baseball Is Very Doubtful Guelph, Apr 10,«With tive of Inst yaar's regular players gone from the oity and a strong pos sibility that Jim Q'Connor and Johnny Jones will algn to play for Guelph in Kotty Lee's new pro. fessional league, officials of the Maple Leat club are pussied over the advisability of entering a team in the Intercounty senior loop thin year, While meetings lave been held and the situation thoroughly discussed, so far no decision has been reached, but arrangements have been made for another "conference 'next Tuesday when it is expected a verdict will be reached one way or the other, The five men lost to the tedm are Bert Lesage and Fred Goyer Who will play for the Dundas in- termediates 'this year; Diok Green, Who has signed with Toronto Ht, Georges; George Nohonfeldt, 'wha will be with the Oakies in Hamil ton, and Frits Amato, who is now in Ruffalo, Bandy Little, veteran outtielder, Is a travelling sales man, and would only be available for a few, games during the Reason, VANCOUVER CAGERS WIN Vancouver, April 10--8t, Ane drew's Hxcelalors of Vancouver, won the men's senior "B' banket ball champlonghip of Hyltiah Col umbia here Tuesday night by des , featine Tradl 40 to 2%, "| practiced the old Spalding had been returned | Oxford and Cambridge Crews Practice Starts London, April 10,~With the university boat race, the 101st re newal, wet for Saturday, both Ox. ford and Cambridge crews wove out for more than two hours yes terday, Oxford had a long padding practics apd then practiced starts, potting away once with ten strokes in 16. seconds and showing great rowing form with ,lenty of power, They rowed two minutes at 46% and 84 strokes, Cambridge, after paddling, also wlarts, end with 8 sorateh erew opposing them rowed at 87 In the trst minute, 'I'hey gave the seratch crew a length and & half start and drew level with them In a minute In one of the hest hursts of speed they have showed In the trials, , Sommerville And Voigt Lead Field Pigehurst, N.C, April 10==0 Rows" Nomerville, of London, Ont, who tiled with Johuny Dawson, Chie cago, for medallist honor, ahd George Velgt, youthful New York. or, emerged winners to headline first. round championship mateh play yesterday in the thirtieth an nugl North and Houth amateur golf tournament, Bomerville registered 4 4 and 1 vietory over 'T, 8, Taller of New York, while Volgt defeated Ww. C, Fownes, Jr, Pittsburg star, ip afte 8 victory, Dawson was scheduled to meet James T, Hunter, of North Adams teur status He volunteered to withdraw, and na default was pw! the question J. Georgetown University star, el iminated Richard Wilson, of South ern Pines, a Princeton golfer, by a J. to 8 victory Homerville stood two down to Taller at the turn, though the New Yorker oarded an seven on No, 1 when he sent his gecond shot out of hounds, HKMmerville took a sev n on the third, when he was twice in the traps, Coming back, the Canadian registered three under four's, AWARD HOUKEY HONORS North Day, April 10-The exeou- tive of the Junior City League at thelr meeting this evening nward- od the championship and the Nug- gat Shield to Davies Perfection, who were on top when weather conditions made "it impossible to finish the remainder of the sehe- dules, Previous to the award Press dent W, 10, Buchan reported that the Protest Committee had cancell od a victory of Bt, Mary's over Dave fos and awarded the game to the losers, Bt, Mary's Included in thelr line-up a non-registered player CPR. with the second best mathe. mation! standing, ®ere awarddd Guelph Back In Lacrosse After Lengthy Absence Ei Guelph, April 10.-=Afler a apse of many years, lacrosse in to be revived in Guelph this year, deei~ sion having heen renched to field an Intermediate team in the O.A, LuA, series, Milt, 'Yanton, former Winnipeg lacrosse and rughy star, has Interested a number of local enthusiasts in the formation of n local olup ahd an effort will be made (0 secures grouping with Kitchener, Hespsler, stratford and Vergus, SC TT -- Vor the first time, California has a waterfow! refuge in the San Joaguin valleys this year, and other similar refuges are being planned, Brampton Excelsiors Elect Officers for 1930 Brampton, April 10s=-Allred Jenuings was elected propident a¢ the snnuasl meeting of the Mmoel slor Lacrosse Club yesterday, Other otuicars are: I, W, Duggan, Mayor ¥, W, Wegonast, J. H, C, Waite, G, Akenburst, A, G. Davis, B Charters, MV, 7, lv Kennedy, Me PV, W. 1, Lows, J. M, MeArter, W. J, Pentland, ¥, L. Yokes, pats rons; W, A, Beatty and Dr. W. VW McLean, vice-presidents; Jack Mile ler, HOOTOLATY-LYABSUTOY; Geo, fproule, manager; OG, Mprouls, To Henry, J, Worthy, G, Kendall, K. Ingram, B. Beatty, {finance come mittee; I, I, Hughy, R. Bennett, U, Young, R, Robson, (3, Varr, execus tive committees; Wo, Sproule, (0) Henry, Ted Nesve, delegates to the annual convention, li / 4 Mass, but during the day a ques | tion was raised regarding his ama: | up for him pending settlement of 1 Kugene Homas of Wnglewood, N, | y Lt f fe Mii An Easy, Quick Get-Away It's a hectic job getting daddy off to work and the children off to school with a nourishing breakfast. Every. thing is calm and placid when Shredded Wheat is served. It's ready. cooked, ready-to-eat. Heat the biscuits in the oven a few moments to restore their crispness, 'then pour milk over grain--and are so the City League Consolation Cup, eT "The PERFECT cup of TEA TEA 3& AZo) a \ J Lyons & Co, Lid, them, They contain all the energy. giving elements of the whole wheat palatable and easy to digest, Delicious with fruit, HRE DDED HEAT WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAY THE CANADIAN SHREDDER WHEAT COMPANY, LT A -------------- Toronto,

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