Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Apr 1930, p. 8

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2 "With Engraved Pins and Die / / 3 | THE OSHAWA DAILY. TIMES, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9; 1930; L | 8 A ra So By bags : ory. HR oronie, A il 9~~Although defeat' i) in: the Canadian hockey finals at « fuithf . Gas House Gang," a group of W "Toronto business men who congre- {mer that hey followsd the all through t | the playoffs, Fs comp had Sk i. cam relied or - tle band of ars i 3 3 : est Toronto, Juniors Honored at Big Banquet Af pig Photographs nn Wiest Toronto juniors ed like champions by their ul jollowens, ithe fas Hote Gang," at a 'banguet bel : Parkdale Canoe Club last night. "The 'Winni; 'were station at Dundas and unm, e, banqueted the 'Junction team in the same loyal man edmen schedule and go into © West Toronto, although well sup- that = helped «them when only a few attended their early games and picked them as pro- spective champions and last night the same gang again displayed their loyalty, There were few formalities fo the spread: tendered «the players and officers, with short speeches and musical entertainment, making up the pronram, but through it all was a feeling of real good fellowship and 'appreciation, Andy Buchan, unofficial head of the gang, with his. members were scattered around the banquet hall and took the smallest part in the proceed- ines, just as they have done all sea- son, doing their good work of sup- porting the team from the back- ground; lending aid in times when it {was most needed. Cegil Filey, bank | manager, was electédr to the task of, chairman of the dinnery but; like "his fellow members of the pang. allow- ed others to oseitpy, the limelight gi- RENT - . Furnished se | by the gang, while the club took the Les. Blackwell to Coach Varsity Srs. [of the 1929 rugby season there have 'the coaching last year, ht a ert ah. Syntie College ving all credit to players and offic ers. Receive Engriged Fins y S hexamers all bi ho ly con ting team al £xecy- tive, 'sonsiderable credit was no oh he wy he J wl on the in same -- that th helped thi team all season with r oh support, After the dinner players were all presented with engraved pins, riunity. to give each iplayer a flamed panoramic picture Pe the team, bBo abn flog hii speaker, giving the toast to which was TN ponded 10 by Greig Clark.' D. §, Guffin spoke on behalf of the guests with James Lynch, pre- sident of the West Toronto club, re- plying: Ald. Wm, J. Wadsworth' and Alderman Ryding both congratulated the team on bepalt of the city and promised the players a civic banquet, which will be held kent week. Don Kent, vice-president of the club, ex- cused himself from speaking and left his job.to Bill. Thoms, captain and star cehtre player, and the bobbed haired midsice man, gave an inter- esiing talk in which he expressed the thanks of the team to "the Gas House Gang." Thoms called' on Shirt Ewens to support his thanks and the blonde centre player did so in a capable masner., Clare Jackson, second vice- president, gave the toast to'the press extending the thanks of the club for the help of Toronto newspapers. Hancock Lauds Team : Bill Hancock, coach of the team, gavel an interesting. resume of the season and claimed. that the West Toronto players were the, best he had ever had the pleasure of dealing with. He also spoke of the games out West, and while crediting Regina, he claimed that only the strenous sea son that the Redmen were 'forced to play, prevented them from travelling through to the title in the last test, Toronto, April 9Since the close been 'a number of rumors going a~ bolt regarding the coach of the se- nior Intercollegiate squad at Varsity ior this Fall and several nanies have been frequently mentioned but the matter was definitely decided yester- day at a meeting of the 'Athletic Di- rectorate when Les Blackwell, coach of the squad in 1928, was appointed and Gorden Dupcan, flying wing and captain in 1921, was named as assist- ant coach. 'The appointments were made from the rugby club 4nd the | rugby 'advisory committee, Thewothdr | assistant coaches will be mamed Aa ter, . Blackwell is recognized as one of the best 'posted men in rugby in Canada and he had consideraole sug. cess in coaching both rugby and wa- ter polo teams at Vamsity-and he has been a member of the rugby ydvis- ory committee for several years, ie is handicapped inthis coaching owing to the loss 'of a leg sustained over- scas but he knows the game' thor oughly and is also able to impart his ideas to his players, He was in charge in 1928 but did not have the malerial to round out a champion- ship team 'and was succeeded last year by the late Jimmy Douglas, At the time it was ht in some quar ters *that a 'coach should be given of one year because Ai hy short a ing 0 ct his players an vidual parts into a ne. Although he did not have any tion with lackwell kept in touch with the team and has a good idea of the capabilities of those players who will return' this Fall al- hough graduation will ce the frumber of seasoned performers on the squad. = GRIFFITH'S X0!1 MONTGOM- Sioux City, Ta, April 9~Tufly Gri fib iving the ADE] Boa at- fer his recent knockout by : \Jack Giger fied SH fen y : n tl st round of their scheduled tontornd The Sioux City football star with a left hook aft 2 min. 47 sec. of fighting Wei 8 were: Griffith, 188; Mon- Ah JOINS oe Sa del] C0 Sud squad y the signing of 10 fo Germain, but the pro- spects of the Red Wingers in rugby and hockey in the next' season of these two oe od, ® Beint will gradu- ate { MeGill, where he has been & student in commerce for the last four years, next month, The Mon- treal A.A.A. has great hopes for the 1930-31 hockey season, as they expect to have~this year's Allan Cup team Intact, and with St. Ger- main in addition they hope to re- peat the quality for a trip to Lake Placid, where the Olympic hockey championship will be decided, ---------------- Dawson and Summerville Tie with 147 Pinehurst, N.C., April §.«-Total- ling 147 strokes each for the 36- hole ' qualitying round, C. Ross Somerville, London, Ont,, and John Dawson, Chicago contender, tiea tor madallist honors yesterday in the 30th anhual North and South amateur golf tournament, Dawson added a 70 to his 72 of yesterday, when he led the field by three strokes at the end of the first 18 holes, Bomeryille turned the tables ahd added o brilliant 72 to his 75 of yesterday, § : Forbes K, Wilson of York Har- bor, Haine, former Maine State Voigt of New York, the defending f ghamplon, tied for third place, each with 152, Both Wilson and Voigt 'hud rounds of 76 yesterday and Monday, 'Wilson, however, af- ter his 'excellént showing for both ment. T. Suffern Taller of New York, was next with. 158, improving on his 79 'of yesterday by shooting a 76 (yesterday. J. TI. Hunter' of North Adams, Mas., and J. B. Btev- ens of Chicago, former Princeton flash, were one stroke behind Tail er with their 1566's. After them came Kugene: Homans of Fngle- wood, N.J,, a member ofthe Prince- ton golf tean, with a 157. Scores of 150 Quality The score of 159 was needed to maké the championship division, and Kenan Smith, Raleigh, N.C, boy, who on Monday. was in socond place, ties "with Somerville, just managed to scrape Into the group. He amaesed an 84 yesterday to ndd were considerably | amateur champion, and George J. | days, withdrew from the tourna- to his 'billfant 75. on Mondey. Tony Canzoneri K.O.'s Frankie'LaRoy in 1st a Round of 10 Round Fight| * New York, April 9.-Touy Cane gzonerl, former world's feather. weight champion, continued his campaign for a return to big time fights. lest night by knocking out Frankie La Fay, Troy, N.Y, dight- weight, In the firet round of thelr ten-round bout at the Broadway Arena, , Canzomer! scored ome knock- down after another from the ¢hell until the quick end of the fight. La Fay went down six times, and got up five. The sixth time he was on his knee through the eount, but was slow rising and failed to reach his feet before the count of ten. Canzoneri weighted 131 pounds, La Fav 187, In a four-round preliminary, Paria Apiel of Providence, R.I., out pointed 'Al Peters of New York. Apiel weighed 120% pounds, Pet- ors 120. THEY'RE 'PEACHES' ALLRIGHT Belleville, April 9The "Peaches", # ladies' bowling team, playing in the intermediate team, top ed the map- les for a cotmt of 3073, a new city record, made up" of scores of 1030, 1038 and 1004, "Dot" Belnap collees- ed a three-string of 758 and "Peg" Holway followed with 700¢ The mem« bers of the team were Violet Whee- ler, "Dot" Belnap, "Peg" Holway, Stella: Ford and iy Whalen, CLUB P, Duco Boys Meeting po Last night at the Y.M.C.A, the Duco' Boys Softball Club held'sn enthusiastic meeting and there were about! thirty-five players. on hand; The {Duco Boys are going to rin an intermediate. team and a" junior team this year, The managerp of the different teams for the coming season were elected last night, Jack Hele was 'the popular" cholce for 'manager of the intermediates, and H, Marks was chosen to man« age the juniors, Ways and means to raise funds to finance.the teams were discussed and plans dre flow under way to hold a sogial evening, likely on April 23. : y IT a i Red Ace Juniors "The Red Aces (juniofs), runnerbup for city junior tifle last year; "are going to organize for the coming season,' A meeting will'be held in the Y.M.C.A, tomorrow pight at 7.30 pm. All of last year's play- ers. who 'are gill eligible to play this year-are asked to be on hand, All members of last year's: Red Ace juveniles who are/now too old to play juvenile will be made welcome at this meeting, as well as"any other, players of the city who are interested in turning out with the Red Ace juniors, ve . Ontario Ladies' Softball Association «On Saturday afternopn at the local Y.M.C.A. at the annual meet ing od the Ontgrio Ladies' Softball Association is being held, at 230 pan Oshawa is very fortunate in having this opportunity, It is ex pected. that delegates from all over Ontario, ik, from all cities and towns where ladies' softball is played, will be here for this occagion, The meeting is au open ope and all interested in softball may ats tend, { . * ed ' Baseball in Oshawa With'all this acvity in local softball circles, we are reminded that practically 'nothing has heen said as to whether or not Oshawa is go- ing to be entered in hardball, It is practically assured that the Aarabs will be in action agin, It looks as if the General Motors Baseball Club will not operate this season, How about an. Oshawa junior base- ball team or maybe a jinior league, There is a large number. of real smart ball players in this city who would welcome the chince'to play baseball, hd er Cup team, Roger Wethered, cap: Br. Walker Cup Rex, Hartley, J. A. Stout, c1 | John N, Smith, T, A. Torrance, Bit Team Cons idered | Ernest Holderness and Tolley, were : Qt ¢ chosen and anounced, ' to be Very wit ong | Discussing the choices yesterday, dy fh {Tolley confirmed the prevailing op- New. York, April 0--Somethihg 'nfon that the British side is one of the Fritish wersion of the cont: of the most formidable ever to face ing Walker Cup watches eam be the United States. gleaned from Cyril Tolley's reac | «Yes, sald. Tolley, *I think it's tion to the dee ' selec | un. especially guod' team, An ess tion edmmittee, T present | neclully strong one, and it has been British amateur titleholder, 18 now | "ploctod In .8 very business-like far back In New after a thres- "Yon." 1 think, too, go long In ad. week visit to Jekyll Island; Goorglt. | vance of the matches, Usually, our Dufing his ti (ha Bbuth, " 'de hdg Deen chosen at. the. last seven members of the British Walk: minute" *' 'Where World's Championship. +» Was'Won"" tain; woot th V el York THE centre of gravity in the hodke world shifted to Montreal with the brilliant record of Les Canadiens" who, by their epie perform. ARes at the closing games of this season etaptuied the Stanley Cup for a \ he large picture shows the crowded Forum at Montreal, now the hockey centre of the world, and incidentally the most modern. of the Cl axing cluster of Homisin the sansrecof the soohlaith 1] ooking cluster of horns in the cent: { Worthern Electric oun Address System, a faavure of the hig 4h acted organization necessary to deal with immense ¢rowds. , | The inset shows Howie Morepz, the star player of the Canadiens team, A Connell, _ | Longwell, Toronto; Dr. R, x Cromm } FOR COMING SEASON VIADUCT LEAGUE REINSTATED ' Moronte, Aprili9,--The Toronto Amateur Basehnll Apociation at their snnus!' meeting last night restored to good standing the Via duct League, which was sus last: year for infringe. ment' of 8, T.A.B.A, rule, The Tor- onto delegates to the annual meet. ing of the Ontario Baseball Ama- tour. Association held at St. Catha- rines last Saturday took up the question' of the Viaduct League, and convinced the Provincial exe- utive, that the Viaduct had carried ont; the condition' wet out by the 4 LALA, at theih ezecutive meet. Cae nen. hay ars 15 3 under: whic wer stated. All pisyers' who pisyed in the Viaduct last year mist make appleation for reinstatement be- fore they can play this year, Light and Dark Blue Crews Last Serious. Workout Putney, England, April § ~ In what probably. will be their last serious' work before Bsturday's an+ nual race, the eight-oared crews of Ozford and Cambridge engaged in speedy practice spins on the Thames yesterday. With the Thames Row- ing Club scratch eight as pacemak- er, the: Cambridge crew, steering by R. B, Swartwout, rowed from Chiswick steps to 'Hammersmith Bridge urider goo codnditions in 3 minutes 66 weconds which com- pares with 3.54 done by Oxford last week, " The Oxford University shell near- iy capsized while the crew was out for a short spin this afternoon when Low at No. 2 eaught a crab, The Dark Blues had a trisl of » mile and three-quarters earlier in the diy, in seven' minutes and 18 sec onds, / The consensus of expert opinion goers to be that the trials have not provided any definity guide to the to' the result of the contest. This 82nd situa] meeting of the rival universities promises to be what they ecsll "a sporting race' such as the big crowd that annual 1y lines the river banks will enjoy. Jackie Fields Wins By Technical K.O. Cleveland, O., April 9---Jackle Pields, welterweight ' champion, scored a 'technical knockout ove. yommy Freeman of Erie, Pa, in the fifth round of their scheduled 12-round ~ non-championship bout her Inst night. Vields weighed 148; Freeman 1560. The bout was a slugging matoh. Staggered by a right to the jaw iu the first round, Freeman appeared groggy but fought his way clear 18 the second, Felds battered Free- man around the ring with hard lefts to.the jaw. This continued in the thrd and Freeman went o the floor. He srose And landed an upper cut flush on the champon's jaw, Free man was too far gone to take ad- vantage: In the fourth Felds smash. 'led Freeman with rights and lefts . | An sftery in Freeman's lip broke and Patsy Haley, of New York, re- teres, refused to allow Freeman to come out for the fifth round due to the flow of blood. Paul Pirrone, Cleveland welter- weight, won the decisioh from Jim- my rich of Buffalo, former Mght champion, in the ten-round semi-final. ---------------------- o'DO OUTPOINTS COX Indianapolis, Ind, April 9.--Midget Mike 'O'Dowd, Columbus, O, -feath- etweight,-outpointéd "Tracy Cox of Indigna; in a tensround bout i t. r er; Columbus, O, lightweight "was disqualified for low itting in the second round of a sche- duled .cight-round 'sémi-wind-up with sek ison of Jeffersonville, Ind, 'was warned' several time "510 HONOR QUEBEC PREMIER Other Notables to Receive " Degrees at Kingston, April 8--Rt. Hon, 'L, A Taschiofiau, Premier of: Quebec, will. on. May. 7 receive Ihe. onorary sity a wag Amt at the oily this morning. {The honorary: degree of LL.D: will also be conferred on Dr, J. C. 'of Kingston, 'and Samuel Insull,. of Chicago. 1 degre or Divine wi be sontarred on. Rov, Neil M. Lockie of St Mary's. '| ih {% 4 ounced that the It was also ai a wing graduates of t following, wr embers of i ve elected . hv iversity council to hold of- "| fice until 1986: '| Miss Marion Redden, Kingston; ! , Pats Gordon. Smith, = Kingston; fr chert 2 Ly V,° Greer (@ollins, Copper Cliff: Rev. Wher berry, Man, A 0 A . a instead of belnw hinges keep a. new [outed on, Torento; BH. A. Rk covers that | Leafs Cut Down Squad Evansville, Ind, April 9 ~Despite the fact 'that he just arrived here yesterday morning after a 1,002-mile automobile ride from: Daytona Beach Florida, Hugh Wise, thifd catcher, was one of the first players in uni- form for the Leafs' practice at Bosse Field yesterday afternoon. And no player hustled more throughout. the two-hour workout than did the Uni- versity of Purdue professor. It was quite a motor jaunt that Wise successtully undertook. He cov- ered the 1,002 miles in "22 hours of actual driving, Leaving Daytona Beach almost immediately after, Sun- day's game thee between the Leafs and Montreal, Wise did little night travelling, Sunday night he retired before 11 o'clock and Monday, night he quit the wheel at 7 o'clock, stop- ping over at Nashville and finishing is journey yesterday morning, And on his arrival here Wise said he felt fine--not the least bit played out--and the pep he displayed at the practice rather bore out his claim On his long run from . Daytona Bepch Wise did not experience any gnkine or tire trouble, Everything roke nicely for him, Wise, who is a most interesting chap 10 talk to and decidedly popu- lar with his team-mates has made gopd mn the eyes of Steve O'Neill, He is a good catcher and the Toronto | fans assuredly are going to like the way he goes about his work. He makes an ideal man to hook up with O'Neill and Eddie Phillips and, as noted before this the professor com~ plates a receiving staff, that will lose ittle time after the regular 'schedule gets under way, proving that it is second to none in the International league, - Received Trial With Cubs It probably will surprise the To- ronto fans to learn that as far back as 1927 Wise received a trial with the Chicago Nationals, though he did } fot catch in a major league game. 'Wise graduated from Purdue in June, 1927, and was immediately picked up by the Cubs. Three Released The Leafs' squad was redyced from 31 players, including manager and coach, to 28 yesterday, when, Pitcher Jack Niggeling was turned over to the Evansville Club and Pitcher Bill Gwathney and Infielder Harold King were ordered to report to the Raleigh Club of the Piedmont League, All three will be back again, Where to drop OQutfielder. Tommy Bonk, the Londop hoy, and Pitchers Regis Leheny and Sig Vick'is Steve O'Neill's next problem, Bonk ap- pears to be headed for the Canadian League. This boy has a baseball fu- ture before him. Favored by consid- erable natural ability and anxious to learn Bonk has become a favorite with O'Neill but he is without pro. fessional experience, Leo "gid Roy, Veteran Featherweight Champ, Meets Sammy Hackett Montreal, April 9.~Facing an opponent who recently took a non- title decision from him, Leo Kid" Roy, veteran holder of the Cana- dian featherweight title, will de- fend his crown here tonight against Sammy Hackett, aggressive little Toronto fighter. Thé match will be the feature of a three-bout, 10 rounds each, card sponsored by the Canadien Hockey Club and Aleck Moore, local promoter, and will in- augurate the Spring boxing sea son. The F wum, scene of champion- ship hockey last. week, has lost its sheet of ite and will be used for the bouts. ¢ LINCOLN CITY WINS London, April 9~Lincoln City de- feated Rochdale on . the tter's wrounds by 4 to 3 in an English lea~ gue, third division, Northern section soccer. match yesterday. 4 In' a rugby league game Dews« bury, playing at home, defeated Hull Kingston Rovers by 7 to 4, Frank Hyde Is Again Chosen as President of Woodstock Cricket Club "Woodstogk, April 9--The Woods' stock Cricket Club has organized for the season and will again be ropresented by a strong team in the Southwestern Ontario League, Fropk Hyde hay again been select ed as president of the club, with Herb Reynolds as vice-president, Dr. A, H. Wilson as gecond vices president, Fred Brown ag secretary, W. B, Tilford, E, Newell and W, Low as members of the executive committee, Dick Clowes was selects ed team captain and Tol Tilford, vice-captain. W, ©. Tiiford will re. present the club at the 8,W.0.C Ls convention, In addition to the batting; bowl. ing and fielding prizes offered by the local club, Dr.' A. H, Wilson has donated a handsome silver trophy to be awarded to the most valuable member of the local team, » NEW CURLING RINK PLANNED Galt, April 9~Artificial ice in a much improved curling rink 4r€ prac tically assured for next winter, Both the curlers and the rink owners have endorsed the proposal and plans are now being mada for the financial gampaign to be undertaken at an early 'date. The improvements will cost $25,000 and will include. commo- dious club quarters in an 'addition to be built, BERG TO MEET TOWNSEND Vancouver, April 9.--Jack (Kid) Berg, British lightweight, has been offered to meet Billy Townsend in Vancouver over the ten-round: route, Jack Allen, local fight promoter, ane nounced yesterday, Allen wired Berg's manager in To- ronto and stipulated a weight of 138 nds, the bout to take place pro- ably en May 30. Wonderful For Indigestion When your stomach feels dad; when stomach acids, gas, sourness, nausea or after-eating pains make you miserable, just a little Bisur- ated Magnesia--tablets or powder ~--will bring safe and instant' re- lef. It neutralizes the' acids that have upset your stomach and per- mits hormal painless digestion, or its cost is nothing, Druggists every where 'sell it with the guarantee. Its daily use means real stomach comfort. PHONE 378. NEXT THE POST OFFIC) Ye CARTW LumBiR (0 Travel The King's Highway Daily Coach Service OSHAWA : TORONTO "(Standard Time) PM. 3.30 4.30 8.30 6.30, 7.30 8.30 9.30 10.30 cll.18 2.30 ! d---Daily except Sunday. : 0 ETE Coach connections at AM, , d7.30 8.30 9.30 10.30 11.30 PM... 12.30 1.30 B i » points, Birt © ofr 1 US, Jo. | GRAY COACH LINES "Hotel Oshawa OSHAWA EEN ee Ei ao

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