Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Apr 1930, p. 5

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A THE OSHAWA DAILY TEMES, TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 1930 PAGE FIVE s iQ » : * [ : Ly po nd iwi EN 7 b J i ; J aE Vinds 4 % § 8 ad Ly y by Hh ENT PE _---- = VL DTI Ob otal? ot omens Mow, Cowan of. bi md Major an , Ceell whe, in H uli. have their return and of { il remein until the end Mr, and Mrs, 'A, » Alloway and dau imecoe Street for Atlantic Sheer Chiffon Full'Fashioned HOBERY \ At ATKINS HOSIERY & - LINGERIE SHOP v1 Mr. ONttora MoCormick of Tor- |' aunt an , Mr, and Mrs, E, Varrow, Ritson Road, Bouth, On Friday gvening Mr, and Mrs, Boriber, 148 "Athol Street, enter- tained the members and friends of Victory LO. B.A, at & euchre party, There were guests playing st 10 tables, It was a most. enjoyable evening. The ladles who won prizes were Mrs, Cole, Mrs, Georgé Lee, Mrs, Bartley and Mrs, Hamilton onto, is in town, the guest of his y dvhiele 1 the consolation prize, J, DeMarse, Chas, Merriils,s George Lee and Robert Merrills won the gentler men's prizes, Yukon's Source of Silver which 1s derived mainly from the siivar-lead ores. of the Mayo dis trict, has been increasing during the last two years and will prob. ably continue to supply an increas. ing amount in the future, Establish Reference Monuments , {Durin-gthe summer of 1020, the Near Cor, King & Mimcoo St. Geodetig Survey of Canada, Depart: ment of the Interior, established The Yukon's production of silver |" MISS MARY McGEACHY vl educated at the Univer. Toronto, who holds an im. portant post in the Lea of Na tions' information section, Miss MeGenchy has just completed =» trans-Canada tour, and will return to Geneva for the May session, Saris sity fundamental reference monuments in fourteen towns and oitles of Saskatchewan and Manitoba, The ites, usually fn improved eity parks were granted by the municipalities, Each pler bears a bronze plate on whieh Is inseribed the elevation, Intityde, and longitude of the mon- ument as established by the Geo detle Burvey, EAST YORK DEANERY AY.P.A. HAS RALLY Ea -- First Annual A.Y.P.A. Rally " of East York Deanery at All Saints' Church, Whitby The first AY. BLA, rally of the deanery of East Yorkwas held last evening in All Bante' Church, Whitby, The Rev, Crissal, of Whit by, had charge of the service, The spoakor of Lhe evening was the Rev, W, C, Walton of Long Hranch who spoke on his thirty-two years' oexporfences with the Kskimos os a missionary at Unghva, east of the Hudson Bay, The rally Was well attended with 4) large percentage of the young people from the A.Y.V, Associs~ tions of Christ Church apd Ht Ueorge's Church of Oshawa, Other churches represented were Boar: bore, Unionville, Agincourt, and Lamaro, Combines Widely Used in West In the harvest season of 1028 a total of 4,841 combines were uwea in Western Canada, This reresents an outlet of about $0,084,800 There were 1,973 windrow her- yestors and pleckups used, which fdds $1,678,400 to the total cost of the equipment used in this meth od of harvesting, " BARRYMORE SPRING SHOW NOW. BEING HELD BY ALL LEADING STORES LIBRARIES STAIRWAYS THE ANNUAL Spring Showing of Barrymore and Boristan Rugs is now in full swing, The lovely new patterns are now ready for inspec. tion... . colorful... gay ... with all the freshness of a spring gerden. You will find Barrymore Beauty for every room,..in a variety of designs and colorings ... . Included are Wiltons, Asxminsters and Saxonies , .. in all sizes, . . and at moderate prices. THE ENCHANTING BARISTAN Peer among exquisite ore Rugs are the Baristans . , , uctions of [lecst innug design. The gl rare, old, oriental master. amour of the East Is in their sheen . . . the quiet splendour of rich oriental colorings , . . soft light weave. with fine Value. and y The Baristan combines iron wearing qualities Seamless in ! Designed, Woven and Guaranteed by TORONTO CARPET MFG. COMPANY LIMITED TORONTO Establish od 1891 CANADA thor DINING"ROOMS LIVING"ROOMS HALLWAYS ture reading by : fr Agar. Mise Qretutros gave 'In' Ma une 1 was badly Poe Bo ad had faint spells until fc was a drag to do my work, In July and August 1 didn't seem to pick up so | de- Sided nn nk Pink, am's Vegetable Compou because 1 saw it adveoed I took two bottles and now | am the picture of health, 1 feel fine, do all my work and milk } two cows. If any womah writes, J will certainly answer her Mrs ge R. Gillesple, Punnichy, Saskatche- wan, Lydia £. Pinkham's Veoetahle Compound | Young Peop .'s Meet ngs ST. GEORGE'S AY.P.A the first annual AY.PA, Rally ar ranged by the local council of the deanery of East York, and held in All Saints' Church, Whithy, There were about 30 members from St, George's AY.P.A, present at this service, KNOX CHURCH YOUNG PEOPLE {| The Knox Church Young People's "League met for their regular | duy evening meeting with Mr. Me Kenzie presiding, The meeting open [ed with a hymn followed by prayer | by Mr, Cormack, The minutes of the previous meeting were reads The I executive was reminded of a meet. ing to be held at the home of Mr, Cormagk on Friday evening, Mr, Gil christ then gave a very interesting | talk on Peter as it was the devotion. [al meeting: 'With all repeating the Lord's Prayer the meeting closed, KING ATREET YOUNG PEOPLE The weekly meeting of the King Strset Young People's League was held on Monday. April 8, with an attendance of 94, The program was in charge of Group "A," with Lily Phillips as chairman, The soripture lesson was read by Lloyd Whiting, followed by two poems by Lily Phillipa and Bernice Me- Quaid, Acdelightful duet was ren. dered by Evelyn Massey and Birdie Fallin, At this point in the meeting the husiness was brought up by the President, 'Kd, Kielaber, Hert Wood was appointed the repre. sontative from King Street Leagne on the committee for Inter-Chureh baseball, The meeting was tumed over to Maradith Moffatt, loader of Group "A™ and the mewbera of hiz group, who conducted. a' mock Counell Meoting, ' The Mayor, Idoyd Hennessey, took his place on the platform 'and requested the members to take their seats, at which the following Aldermen went up to the front, Hilda Milner, Ber. nice McQuaid, Kittle Warburton, Rvelyn Masady, Marion Blewett and Ray Ripley, A spesch of congratus lation wan given by the Mayor, after which he introduced a dis tinguished. guest from India, Mr, Hunde!, who was the speaker for the evening, The City Clerk, Mere. dith Moffatt, then presented a few bills, and correspondence, Other matters of business were brought before the Council, during which the Chief Constable, Lloyd Whiting, walked in and very emphatically demanded a raise, Upon belug ves fused this, he attempted to resign, upon which the Counell meeting adjourned, After the singing of a hymn, the League eting was closed with the Migpali benediction, os . y Lh | ALVARY PITT CHURCH YOUNG PEOPLE The Calvary Haptist Youny Foal 's Union held their regular weekly meeting last evening with he president, Mr, Frank Hoyce in chair, A very interesting programme wis rendered in which some of the following took, part. A dupt by ssen Margaret Lockwood and May Meyers, n plano solo by Miss Qladys Sly followed by the soripe the president, Gordon Bucknam gave a mouths organ: selection followed by a duet by Miss. Joyce Jdgar and Master by a duet by bi Meyers and Miss Anna Mey+ utes, an invitation from the High Park Baptist Church, Tr onto, wae Joune People to « attend special meetings at the High Park Baptist "FOhureh oh Good Fwday, Light refreshments wore served in the basement and a pleasant social avéuing enjoyed by all, Nive After 'the reading of the mine] read by the president inviting the | CAPT, JARRETT | DELIVERS ADDRESS ATH. AND SS, CLUB Winner of Oratorical Cone test Presented With Book MARY RTREET HOME AND / SOHOOL CIUB The regular monthly meeting of Mary treet Home and School Club was held in the school last evening, As 18 customary for the club, the meeting opened with the singing of "My Task" and the repeating of the Lord's Prayer, Mrs, MoLaugh~ Hin thanked the ladies for their splendid response to the homemade cooking sale the proceeds of which amounted to $31,00, Mrs, Andrews, Mrs, Johns, Mrs, Beamish and, Mes, Garfard were appointed a nominats ing committee for the next an. pus! election, The prize of #1 went this week, to Miss Wilson's class, The first Kem of the pleasing pro- gram was a solo by Miss Adele Bartlet aocompanied at the piano by Mrs, Bartlet and on the violin by Master Bartlet, A book was pres sented to Gerald Edmondson, wine ner of the Inter-Fublic School ora~ torical contest, by the president, Mrs, MeLaughlin, on behalt of the club, A voeal duet was rendered hy Misses McNab, and a solo hy Miss Peggy McNab, These nume bers were mueh enjoyed, The ade dress on Juvenile 'Court by Capt, Jarrett was very enlightening and much appreciated by the mothers present, Light refreshments and a social hour brought the meeting to a close, LOCAL BELL CO. VISITED BY Y.P.L. St. Andrew's League Cone ducted on Tour Through Local Bell Co. The regulary weekly meeting ot the #t, Andrew's Young Feople took the form of an inspection tour of the loeal Hell Telephone plant, made possible viirough the courtesy of the manager, Mr, Piabk and officials of the company, The group of young people num« bering about forty-five gathered iu (hé church for the usual devotional [and business period and then jour aeyed in a body to the 'I'elephone offices on Vietoria street, Under the direction of Mr, Black, Mr, Harrington, Mr, Grads well and Miss (reer, the party was divided into four groups and cons ducted through the various dee partments, The intriencies of a modern telephone exchange vere caretully and painstakingly revealed in & very interesting manner by the guides who proved to be only too onger to GNAWE? the many ques tions, which curioxiy naturally prompted, It was explained that a dally average of ' between 36,000 and 45,000 local ealls were hane dled and that 52,000 local calls constituted Oshawa's record for one fay, Mity-fiva opertors are attached to the staff and these girls work in eight hour shifts, This period 1% proken by an hour and a halt for lunch and 8 minutes ia allowed for a rest period during the four hour atreteh, From 800 to 1,000 long distance calls are also cared for dally, and the efficiency and speed of this service was one of the" wonders that proved sepecially interesting. Mp, Gradwell, plant wire ehier, was a veritable storehouse of ins formation to the group under his guidanee and through his kinds ners the group was able to hear a radio program of the N,B.U, net. work which was being oarried aver the Bell Telephone wires from the studio, of CKGW to the broads opsting station at | Bowmanville, The intercepted program was heard on its way ta the transmis slon station, This novel experience proved a fitting climax to a very enjoyable and intensely jntercsting and ine structive tour, LE City is always f'in season" No reason for school gi no rubber to deteriorate, green and rose, TRENCH COATS Showerproof Cravenette For Girls From 6 to 14 A BARGAIN ON - WEDNESDAY At $1.98 showers, when there's an opportunity to get them such good looking raincoats at this price, the fact that this does not begin to represent the maker's cost, + They are in a splendid quality Cravenetts cloth that has been made Shower-proof, Each coat has a cap to match, BELTED 4 rls to get soaked with April Let us emphasize There is absolutely The colors are navy, sand, n yi MONTHLY MEETING NURSES' ALUMNAE shortening, add sugar gradually and egg yolks that have been well beaten, Mix and sift dry ingredis ents and add alternately with the milk, Add egg whites beaten stiff, At the Ypgular monthly meeting of the Gradhate Nurses' Alumnae Associationfof the Oshawa General Hospital hg Inst evening at the nurses' refiiience, Miss Ruby Herry was appointed delegate to attend the Convention of the Hegistered Nurses' Association of Ontario to be held in Toronto the last week in April, z Following "the business' meeting & most Inferesting and instructive address on '"Diabeles, its cfuses, symptoms 'and treatment', was given by Dr, 4, 1, Bird, and was very much enjoyed by the large number of nurses present, | © RECIPES DEVIL'S FOOD CAKE One-half cup butter, 3 eups sugar, 1 cup milk, 4 eggs, 1 tea: spoon, vanilla, 4 teaspoons baking powder, i, teaspoon salt (more if other shortening than butter is used), 4 squares bitter chocolate, 2% oups ppotry flour, Cream ANYONE WHO WIT. NESSED ACCIDENT Between street car and truck on Simcoe Street, MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 7th About 10 p.m, In nested to get in touch with 'Hy Hyman, Bare ' vistery Phone OF, melted chocolate and vanilla, Bake from 45 minutes to an hour in §50« deg, oven using tube pan, i delicious just PLAIN Try a handful of Rice Krispies right out of the red. bubbles of flavor that melt in your mouth! Serve for breakfast withmilkoreoream, Rice Krispies are delis cious in a dozen different ways, Children are wild about them, At your gros cer's. Ovensfresh, Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario, er) | Hebloggs | and-green package, Golden RICE KRISPIES -- A new achievement in intimate Jeminine hygiene in An 8 30 soft and a Sabian all N nd dajroved Nuphin, is every possible a sanitary na must pratect At with tex deodorizes utterly, you have y Just ask + Supersize 75c. AN \ wally, thoroughly, by a patented process, of mind, bsdrbent; and fits fke a Fy ue Bechute of 183 seupulous put, \ Because itis easily disposed of, you aveld at J d 3 ) any drug ey Soodsot department store Without ; h el Directions package.) n ' K MADE IN CANADA | OTE X 5 Sunitary Naphins. 5 [Interests in the Home -- and the Community|

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