Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Apr 1930, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDA Y, APRIL 8, 1930 £TWO --_ po ithy Branco 0 SU-=Alter Business H The Whitby gh Daily Times | news will be recclved at the fr br nest aon 1 Foren B50, : | REPRESENTATIVE--JAMES H, 'General Motors Order Re [Employment Is Cancelled Fal Pod With Cy ith City With Im. onl gang Bk Posi- Aepa meral Motors of Canada at ? wa, ro employees working in that city ond living in Whit by, wish to state that we have met with a conciliatory spirit, not to find fault, but to try and ovolve a better citizenship and yority the spirit, which now exe ists botwoen the city of Osh 'awa, the County Town of Whit by, and the Province of One tavlo, LP The above resolution was passed unanimously as interpreting the spirit of a joint meeting of the Town Council and over one hun dred business and professional men and private citizens held Monday 'night in the Council Chamber, call ed shecifically for the purpose of gonsidering the effect on the town of the order purported to have beeu fssued by the General Motors pros viding that within a speciled time all employees living oust of Harm. ony and west of Thornton's Corn. ors must move into Oshawa, The 'meeting which was undoubtedly one of the most important ever held #4 Whithy, was called by the Counell with the object of obtaln- ing the advices of tho citizens In dealing with a serious problem, ' rdor Suspended I "Outstanding in the meeting was the report made by His Worship Mayor C. B. Bowman that he had 'répeived by telephone the assurance 'of the vice-president and genera! 'manager of the General Motors that before any order was issued, If aver, he would consult with him on the town's behalf, His Worship re- ieaived the further assurance that : @ 'order as appearing in the press : Not. Apply to even tenants lve ing in Whithy who were Genera (Motors employeer. Town's Position Clear * Reeve Albert W. Jackson in a fon and well delivered state« ment which explained in detail to the citizens the .action taken /members of the Council in wit Mayorslilliott and members of How: manville Couneil, to have the gone org] manager at Oshawa withdraw Jor modity the amployment embargo 'order, stated that as a result of a private conference hetween Oshawa and Whitby oftielals held on Mon- day pfeavnaon In Oshawa, assurance p ivan that representations Would be made to the General Mo- tors to have the order which had caused so much consternation ip the two towns withdraws, . The Reeve felt cortain thet this would be done and that so far as employ. ing Whitby eitizens wag concerned things' would revert back to wherd they were before, In no uncertain tones, however, TNoeeve Jackson pointed out that If the order was allowed to stand, the Town of Whit- hy would bo forced to take such notion nx would muke known to the City of Oshawa and, fu fact to all and sundry, that the Town of Whit. by was still alive to its interests and would fight to protect them, Councll En Another outstanding feature of the meeting was the introduction of | ing a resolution by President R, A. Hutchison, of the Chamber of Come meres, commending the members os Council for the very prompt, careful and satisfactory manner in whiou they, hind dealt with a problem which was very vital to the town. The resolution which was oarried unanimously and in no uncertain manner, was seconded by a promin- ent merchant, Mr. W, A. Holliday, who felt that the Counell had act od woll and promptly in the best interests of the town when a very sorious situation Aross, The Counell was given the fur. ther, assurance that the oltizens would stand behind them in any further action which it might tind necessary to take, Mayor Rowman, acknowledging tha resolution, expressed pleasure at seeing so wuny citizens of the town present--an indication that they were futerosted in the town's affairs, Ho assured the meeting that avery member of the Counell was first, last and all the time for the Town of Whithy, Reove Jackson wudded that the Council would act should any fur- thor metion bo necessary and would again 'call in the citizens for thelr assistance and advice, How Situation Was Handlea Addressing the citizens at some longth, Reeve Jackson told of how the Mayor, himself, 'Deputy-reeve Deverell and President Hutchison, of the Chamber of Commerce, had Joined with Mayor Elliott and mem- bers of the Bowmanville Counell last Thursday afternoon in forme ing a deputation which waited upon Mr, Brown, the vice-president anu general manager of General Motors of Canada at Oshawa, The reeve stated that the deputation was well recolved and glvén every consideras tion, It was pointed out to Mr. Brown what it would mean in thé loss of eltizens, business and taxe- tioff, revenue if the order as pur- ported to have been fssued was car- ried out, In Wait, for instance, 6b ple were qmployed with Gen oral Motors, Of this number easily 25 were Lome owners while 40 others were suppo families and renting houses in the town, It youd creste 8 vory serious situn~ on. The roeve reported that Mr, Brown assured thie deputation that the order would not apply in any case to owners of homes, and fur. ther promised that at eleven o'clock the next day he would announce further the Compgny's intentions. The next day, Reeve Jackson gon. tinued, it was with surprise to the delegation that a notice appeared in the Oshawa Dally Times, quote Mr, Brown as saying that the employment order had been sus jena until May 1st. Mr, Brown not given the delegation that {nfermation, Interests in Commédn One point made clear to the Gen. eral Motors head, said Heeve Jacks national institution, not confined entirely to Oshawe, and on that nc. cout diserimmination in the ems ployment of labor, was not a right or & good thing, Whithy, it was admitted, had shared in Oshawa's prosperity, but on the other hand, many thousands of dollars went annually from Whitby to Oshawa, Whithy's only desire was to co-op. orate with Oshawa feeling that with such co-operation bth would mu- tually benefit, The serious offect on the town If the order In question was carried out was not minimiged by the reeve, who painted a pleture of empty Houses with no buyers. or tenants and financial Joss to the town in the matter of taxation, as well as the general demoralizing effect on business, Throughout the meeting nothing but harmony prevailed, Couneall wont into committees of the whole, with Reeve Jackson In the chair, white the matter was being disouss- od, A ---------------------- SECOND HIGHWAY DOES NOT INTEREST i| tween the town and owners [| also De {| ried out, The tender of M CITY OF TORONTO Whithy Council Advised by Board of Control--Will Act Further Unable to complete its business after sitting for nearly three hours Whitby Towa Council Monday || night adjourned to meet again in special session on Monday next, April 14, At this meeting several important matters are to bo taken up, including the passing of a by- law to give offect to the terms of the agreement reached recently " 0 farm lands in the town, A bylaw dealing with daylight saving will seed, and unfinished and new business transacted. Street Gravolling Council adopted a report of the Streets Committees recommending that new tenders bo {invited for trucking gravel for the streets, The Committee through its chair mean, W. J. Davidson, reported that several tenders had been re- they were opened or much consld« to recommend ptance of any of oem, Thur 'will be revised Sols di be a unit pris cuble y the Council will hold back & po tion of the contract price until the work has been satistactori an to do the town's teaming at i en r day was accepted on the 's recommendation, tte a Jotter. was received from the O.N.R, A a of its re- to the a Rail the with of one of in Highway of Toronto Is not inter lakeshore onst to res ; hig i on the present way, A letter to this was read from the secretary man opined that bes was not interested \ of ry Control, under date : fh the won w son, was that the industry was ag Ll The posed & ne sion to hear appeals against the 1080 assessment roll, A number of communications were referred to the vhrlous Conn. ¢il Committees for consideration, Counell at an early date will con. sider the replacement of the bridge on Grand. Trunk Street which wus washed out in the spring of 1980, A permanent outlet for pedestrian traffic was suggested, ------ WILL GLEAR PATH FOR YOUNG PLAN Ratification by France Like- ly to be Followed by Other Nations Paris, April 8.=Rutification of the Yourg Plan by the French Parlia- ment probably soun will be followed by similar action in the Belgian Pars lament and by ratification in Ualy and Japan by decree, leaving noth. mg nore standing in the way of ap- plication of the new system of rope arations payinent The consequences of this setiles ment of the vexing reparations prob. Ten already bhuve hgen discounted by France, the Cabinet deciding to make a futher cut of 1,500,000000 francs in taxation. After all ratifications are made, the next step in application of the plan will be the "opening for busi ness" of the bank for international settlements ut Basle, Switzerland, With that done, arrangements will begin for final evacuation of German territory by troops of the occupation, The Hague agreement provided timt evacuation of the last occupied gone should begin within six months after application of the Young plan, It may begin sooner' because the French say they desire to facilitute in every way the placing of the first slice of reparations bonds==amounts ing to $300,000,000«and consider evacuation as ong way to aid stab. ligation of European politics DUTCH' OSBORNE COMPLETES FIRST * SEASON AS PRO. Returne Home After Sue cessfully Making His Debut in Pro. Hockey Duteh Oshorne, Bowshanvill's contribution to professional hoe key, roturned to his home in Bow manville during the week-end, Dutch reports having a fina season across the line and intends going back ta Doston next fall unless a botter offer presents itself before then, He In intending to stay homo for the summer if possible but his lans are not fully made yet, utch was busy yesterday receive ing congratulations from citizens on the completion of his first year in big hockey, He certainly looks fine after his winter in professions! sport but is pleased to be home again, It is his Arst visit sluce he left for Boston and the Tigers last fall, . x Perfect dyeing so easily done! partly Sallie of true t, now colors to dresses, clot hk Sark drug stores, hen pers MOro-=is § costs no 50 Shih experiment with makes Diamond-Dyes Highest Quality for 50 Years Y es an W. A. Hare, 8 Bond St. East Consider This-- ' | Of ' ny ow ma 3 should at losat yt y ' Ld : Bowmanville Daily Times 3 News, Adsariuing | 71 bot will be received gt on | REPRESENTATIVE--B. HERBERT MORTLOCK A Ch hl persons who are NOT |'p h committed to check up the time - w ; 1 Bowmanville Town Council Had Busy Session Last Night Ratepayers Complain of Smell From Town Dump «Textile Plant Wants Water. Main--Town Hall in Need of Repair The council session held last evening In the council chamber lusted 2% hours and considerabe business was done iu that time, A general summary of the work pro- coodod with is as follows, \ munications Letter was read from William Hall requesting permission to cut down a tree on hls, property, A like request was made by Charles Wooler and both were turned over to the Roads and Streets Commits tee with power to act, A petition was read sigued by 12 people ro- questing that the counell de some- thing in eonnection with the towu dump which was in & disreputable condition, The petition stated that the stench from this dump could d a mile away, The pro~ mittee was ordered to in- vostigath,/ L. 8, Jollow wrote the council claiming the sum of $17.05 for damages done to his collar when a water main burst nearby and flooded it, This was referred to the waterworks committee to re- port back at the next meeting, The Capadian Machinery and ing for Yull particulars of advan. tages of the town of Dowmanville for manufacturers who intended lo. enting in Canada, The manufac- turers committees will attend to the matter, James H, Scobell wrote asking if the town Intended laying a water ling to the Cream of Barley Camp, If they did he wanted it laid to his house which was rearby, Clerk was ordered to write to the effect this work was not likely to be done this year, A communication was read from the Hydro Commission of Ontario stating that they would accept the terms of the town counell for 4% per cont on their Hydro debentures should they purchase the system. The previous agreement called for five per cent, The commision also wanted this matter of the purchase put to the ratepayers before the ond of thelr fiscal year, October 81, A long discussion was held over the purchase of a rotary ' street sweeper and this is reported in full in this issue, The Durham Textiles Limited sent a requisition for a two inch water line to be laid to thelr face tory on the north west corner of Churelh and Division streets and also the sewer, Counellivr Strike suggested that 50 per cent, be pald by the Textiles before work was commenced and with this in view it was hapded over to the water. works committee for disposal, Trustees of the public school ap. proached the council *or a sum be. tween $8,000 and $10,000 for the purpose of equipping the Central School with a new heating system, This is reported fully elsewhere, Rev, R, J. Shires, presented the roport of the Community Welfare Committee for the year onde March 31 and also the report of a spdeinl menting held on March 0, at which the committed™ was reors ganized. This is Rlso reported else- where, Finance committee presented ac- gounts amounting to $746.74 which were adopted as read, Water works committee asked for payment of accounts amounting to §423 for malntainence and $563 for local improvements, This was carried, Chairman of the Finance Come mittee, Allan Campbell, reported that there wae no way in whieh the council levy a tax on transient traders in the town who were sells ing thelr own manufactured goods. He alsg reported that a special by. law would have to be passed of a five your agreement was entered into between the town and the farmers within the corporation like the one in force now in the Town of Whitby. : Other business was comprised of fixing the insurance on the Durham Textiles Bullding owned by the town, the purchase of a. street sweeper was discussed and is res portow elsewhere, Willam Mutton was asthorind to construct a alde~ walk past his home on Ann Street under terms A which he 'agreed to do the work free and a neighbor pay 60 per cent, of the oont of $heyhasene used, and street committee asked for and were Siunied $1,200 tor road to be done in the immedi ate future and were given permis sion to proosed with the work, The roads and streets committee brought to the attention of the councll the condition of the old Kleotric Light bridge which was in a dangerous condition and which if not looked after immedi ately was liable to give way, Ree pairs will bo made to and poss sibly a now bridge will be built summer, The cemetery committee asked 'permission of the council. to open ul, more space in 'the cemetery aa' it 'was Suing crowded th Also they a for §134 to lag tile on the new part opened. N Councillor Campbell suggeated a timo card system for civic em- loyees 80 as to enable the finabce The roa h ttor consider oe Aft wap found that a Manufacturers Magazine wrote ask. d | dered assistance' to thirtesh tami Ang called by the Mayer on Thurs the property committees, wanted to kuow what the council was golug to do ut the condition of the Town Hall which be claimed if not soon attended to would fall down, He was instructed to bring in re commendations at the next meet~ ing of the council, The clerk was instructed' to write the Bell Telephone Company petitioning them to fustsll a com- mon battery' system in Bowman ville this year. Councilior Strike wanted a. check up of where the Telephone comm pany were putting thelr poles, He was of the opinion that the 'com- vuny should show thelr blue prints to the council before proéeeding with erecting new poles, A special meeting at which the purchase of the loeal hydro dis tribution system will he fully dis cussed was arranged for April 28, This comploetel the evening's bus- ingss and council adjourned at 10,80 p.m WELFARE WORK WAS WELL SUPPORTED IN BOWMANVILLE Report of Committee Pre- sented to Council Last Night The Rev, R. J. Shires, rector of St, John's Anglican Church and secretary of the Community Wels fare committee presented hig re- port to the town council at its ses. sion last eveying. 'rhe text of the annual report was us follows, "His Worship tne Mayor and Members of the Counell; Your Community Weltare Lom mittee beg to submit their report for the year from March 1929 to March 1980 as follows, This has been the most success ful year of the committee'y work, and a great deal more publig ine terest Las been taken In the work than ever before, As a result of the appeal made through the press under the au- thority of your honorable body, ond because Of the publicity given the work by means of the Public School concert the response both in money, goods and ¢'ithing was very good, Not only did most otf the organ.-ations in the towa make anclal Juions but & number of private citizens did also, A good supply of useable clothing camo in and there were several donations .n sind--provi- sions and vegetables, The total financiul receipts trom all sources were $170.19. In var fous kinds of reliet we expended the sum of $105.08. The halance on hand whien we hand over to the new committee is ¥1 11, / During the year * © haye ren: Jos and we have also given cloth: + % to about ... ., tran..ents, There is still a sme | ( "pply of clothing on band, Your committee has not felt able to undertake anything in the way of relief to transients---other than the clothing mentioned above, They felt that the money raised in town was for town relief first. Wo desire to express our ap | preciation of the support we have | received, aud view with satistac- tion the action taken to make the Community. Wellard Committee n more thoroughly representative body. All respectfully submitted. Signed Mrs, Al, Nicholls, W.P, Cor bett, T, Lockhart, Rev, Ki. J, Shires." This report and the one follow. lug the special reorganization meotihg held on the sixth of Mare report given by Mr. Shires was: His Worship ' the Mayor and members of the council, Gentle men, I beg to report that at a meet. day, March 6, 1930, to consider the re-organisation of the Community were adopted, The text of the other. | , AN INEXPENSIVE, WO. i 90 Sh PEDLAR port In we The PEDLAR PEOPLE Limited, 'PHONE 050, OSHAWA, ONT, 90 ootn ame covered with Nu: find hy) os, Fon pri] " t wd range} ling resolutions were duly passed: (1) It'was moved and seconded that the pew committee be BomIiy nated forthwith and that ope reps resentative from eficH organization constitute that committee, Carried. (2) Pursusnt to the above mo. tion it was further jesolved that the first named representative from each organisation. be the nominee, whereupoi the following were declared to be the members of the new Community Weltare Committee! W. J. Berry, Sons of England; Mrs. A. L, Nichols, Kt: Pauls Church; Mrs. A, L. Daughters and Maids; Wagar, Trinity Church; Mrs, EB, M. Bounsal, Women's Institute; Hev. R. J, Shires, 8t. Jobn's Church; Mrs, Wm, Halk, White Shield Club; KE. H, Brown, yerusslom Lodge A, KF. und AM; T, Antfison, Noldiers' Club; A, L, Nicholls, Palestine Lodge R.AM.; Mrs. A, Headsr, Confederation Lodge; D. R, Mor~ rison, Rotary Club; ¥. A, Haddy, LO.OF,; Mrs, Fletcher, MKastorn Star; Mrs, Thickson, Home any Bochool Club; J, Bwindells; Loys) Orange Lodge; Mrs, B. Prout, Sune shine Club; Mrs, K, 2litchell, Com- panions of the I'orest; 8, J, Henry. St. Andrew's Church; T. Lockhart, Town Poor Rellef Committee, In reply to question the Mayor stated his belief thut there would be no difficulty about the proper authorization of this Committes by the' council at thelr April meeting and In v'aw of this essurance the uiqction of oMicers was then pro- ceeded with and resulted as fo!l- lows: Chairman, D, KR, Morrison; Vice-Chairman, Mr, A, L. Nicholls; Secretary, Rev, R, J, Shires; Treas. urer, Mr, J. Swindells, Executive Committees to consint of the above mentioned orticers with Mrs, A, L, Nicholls and Mrs, K. R. Bounsal. % Signed, Robert J, Shires, Secre- ry. ------------------ MINERS' RESCUERS TAUGHT . How to save men from being bur. fed alive Is being taught to a new kind of lire guard in the coal mining district of Upper Silesia, on the German Polish frontier, A mine, dec- serted many years ago. is. being utile ized for the experiments. in. life-sav. ing: Young mountaineers, whose oc. cupations may take them into 'haze ardous underground papsageways, are being Instructed in theiworking of the oxygen pulmotor, in the use of gas masks, and the correct way to get a man out of the subterranean tomb in which he may be buried - ee ---- the best milk for the best cooking. Twice asrich in cream as fresh milk. RECIPE BOOK * . FREE Use Coupon! Tue Bonozx Co, Limiren, 140 8¢, Paul Street West, Montreal Dept. A73, Please send me free St. Chaeles Recipe Book, " Name Address " IRENA TRE NT ltl LD A --_--n a _-- alive or imprisoned by a landslide os other accident, i ---------------------------- A Cohen is always a Sidney, but 4 Kelly is séveral people This condition was revealed when "The Cohens and Kellys in Scot- land," rollicking Jrish-Jewish comedy coming to the New Martin Theatre Wednesday, went inte production ut Universal City. u Start Grains. 16 Colina St. Wolfare' Committee the following Your Chick's Right Use our Sunbeam or Ful'o'Pep Chick Starting Mash and Chick Scratch CHICK DRINKING FOUNTS, MASH HOPPERS, CHICK GRIT, ETC, ' Cooper - Smith Company OSHAWA Phone 8 | WEDNESDAY SPECIAL Fabric in 15 of 'Special price of 2500 Yards Fuji Silke toa duplication of order, we offering this popular fast col season's best Aedes or Rint Sispouuia the very 43c yd. A Deland, Limit

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