"THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, ' SATURDAY, APRIL 5, 1930 - REGIM Are Entered in C.BAA. adh Ath orento, April B= larting this evening, the fourth annus tournament of the Canadian Bowl ing 'Association will get under way at the Olympia Recreation glub, The tournament will cons tune until the evening of Mature day, April 12, The dvaw has been ayranged as follows: Thursday, April 10, at 0 p.m ~~ Bix alleys will be occupied by the Loyal Orange Order; Bell Tele hone v, Wellingtons; Runnymede wn Bowlers v, Runnymede Mes creation No, 1; Rosedale No, 1 Vv, inl, Business Machine "B" team { Kxcelsior Bowling Club v, Runny: mede Recreation No, 2; A, Dobson, Oshawa, v. A, KB, Anstey & Co, Saturday, April 12, at 3 pmo Nationls, London, v, Nationals, London; ONR, Montreal, v, CU, NR, Montreal; Barber-Kilis, ¢ A Secret Exposed "Mes, Sybilla Spahe's Tonsllitls," the great raat, cough, eroup, bronehitls, eatarrh, % bead colds and tonsil remady, Good results se, money back, You «an's Jose, try it, . Dahawa Drugaiste, y Lids Olona Alleys, Hamilton, v. Annual Tournament Wranttord, v, Business Bystems AAA, Monlresl, No, ¥j CPR, AAA, Montresl, No, 1, V CPR, AAA, Mentreal, No, 4) Central Bowling Alley, Oshaws, v, Hustlers, Oshawa; Annconds No, } v, Reserved, Saturday, April 12, at 6 D/O po Pirestone No, 1, Hainliton, v, Vire- stone No, 2, Hamilton; Oakville Leaty v. flotor City, Oshawa; Ar- cade, Brantford, v, Knigh of Pythins, Brantford; Torento-h', Catharines Transport v, Niagara Wire Weaving Co; CNMI, AA No, 1, Hemilton, v, Reserved; CO, NR, A.A, No.4, Hamilton, v. Oly Textile, Hamilton Olymple No, 1, Hawliton, v, Olymplo No, 2, Hames fiton Olymple No, 8, Hamilton, v: Bova's Vive, Niagara Valls, Doubles and singles will ime mediately follow the team play, Final Bouts At Ridley Are Good St, Catharines, April 5~Ridley Colleges gym was packed to capaeity last night, when the finals of the ninth annual boxing foustey took place and they amply repaid the guests of the evening for thelr ats tendance, Thirteen matches complete ed the card, which contained five from the lower school and eight from the upper, To accomodate them, the first started at 7.30, after a welcome to the city guests and members of the board of governors by Principal 8, Co Griffith, Ashburner Beats Hubbard In the S-pound class Ashburner, St Kitts earned an casy victory over Hubbargd, Niagara Falls, by a rapid 4 attack that piled up sufficient points in the first two .ounds to allow him him to. coast through the third, Sny« der, Waterloo, had too much sturdi- ness for Cassells, Toronto, in the 85+ pound class through his ability to pile up an advantage by heavy In. fighting 'against a straight boxer, whose powers of resistance were not sufficient, Wellington, Torento, had both height and reach against Hart, major, Hamilton in 85«pound final who worked his way through the pre vigus bout by severe boss, ol ability but found the Toronto boys longs range artillery too much to combat and, the latter chased him all over the wing to take the decision handily, HAMMAN] A Chicagoan Is In trouble for be« ng' engaged 'to four girls at the same time, So even Cupld uses a machine gun there,~Brandon Hun, #) HOND KT WK WEST END GARAGE UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Prepared to Handle all Kinds of Repair Work-=(Humping) We Respectfully Solleit Your Vatronage, (Jack) (Ha) WILSON Phone 3292 HOLLAND Let the Wise Old Hen lo Lh How to FEED BABY ¥ the {inst nigbt, Ottawa ate dotoated FAL Mars By Guo, Caxvama, Sports Bditor Murksmen Last night st the local Armouries, the prize-winners of the tour. nament which was held at the Camp, at Niagara Fully, last summer, were announced, Pte, Russel, of A Coy, was high man with a bigh score of 68 out of a possible' 70, Pte. Russell received a 1st class phut budge, Sgt, Jakes, of "D" Coy, Wso received a 1st class shot badge, He was second high man In the regiment, Thelollowing are the names of the winners of the different companys. Headquarters, Sig, Mukar- chul, "A" Coy, 1st, Pte, Russell; 20d, Corp, Borrowdale, "B" Company 1st, L. Corp, Lavender; 2nd, Sgt. Saxby, "C" Company, 1st, Sgt, Brown ; 2nd, Pto, Foster; 'D" Company, 1st, Sgt. Jakes; 2ud, Pre, Marsden. L] L * » 0.C.LAA, Meeting Monday All those Interested in playing softball this summer are reminded of the softball meeting which Is being held in the ¥. M.CA, on Mone day night at 8.00 pm. The Oshawa clation ure out to have a bigger and better softball league this sum- mer, It Is expected thut there will be a number of new entries » ' Oshawa to Defend Mann Cup At a social get-together held Tost night at Welsh's Parlours it was definitely decided that Oshawa would bg back in Senior O.A LA, with a stronger team than ever: All of last year's team® ure avallable and there are several other players of awa uniform for the first time, * Ld plonship of lacrosse to Oshawa last for lacrosse in this district, The other day we found out that down around Peterboro, dnd Millbrook, Thursday evening, March 27, a meeting wus held in Brooklin for'the purpose of formong a lacrosse league in that distriet, It Is hoped, that entries would be recelved from Port Perry, Pickering, Claremont, Brooklin and several other villages create some keen competition and they would all be learning the game at the sanie time, We wish the people who are behind this idea, every bUCCEHS, "Teddy" Reeve with Excelsiors The lacrosse fans of Oshawa will be Interested to learn that "Ted. dy" Reeve, captain of the 'Oshawa crosse with Brampton Excelsoirs this season, Oshawa lust year under the colours of the Toronto Club, ronto's loss Is the Excelsoir's gain, He knows the game from A to Z and his all-round set to any team, generalship makes him a valuable . J Hockey in Montreal certainly had a big year In hockey this season, The only title worth having that a Montreal team failed to get was the junior title, They won the intercollegiate senior title, the Allun Cup, which means the Dominion senior title, and the professional championship of the world, This is certainly a creditable showing for any city L] More Lacrosse When the General Motors Senlors brought the Dominfon cham / ve Awards City and Industrial Athletic Asso ability who will be seen In an Oshe LJ summer they did more than plenty lacrosse Is gaining ground, On of the neighborhood, This would LJ L] Seniors in 1928, will be playing la~ "Teddy" played nguinst The 'l'o- "Teddy" Is certainly o great as player. . LJ Montreal Miss Collett And Miss Quier Meet in Final Pinehurst, N, C, April 0-==The national champion, Miss Glenna Collett, and a youthful Neading, Pa, star, Miss Edith Quier, mest here today in the finals of the North and South golf tournament for women, They battled thelr way to vies tory yesterday over the hasardcus No. 8 course of the Pinehurst Coun. try Club, Miss Collett giving Mim Maureen Orcut, New York, a three and two drubbing and Miss Hew. lott, was not unexpected, but gens oral surplus was expressed at the way Miss Quier made a comeback after a had start to down her opr ponent, Who holds 'the Canadian title, The turn in thelr match came on the sixtesuth when Miss Hicks laid Miss Quier a dead stymle After studying her position care fully, Miss Quier coolly took her nibliok and 1fted her ball over Mis Hick's and sent it trickling in the cup. SWIMMER NEARLY DROWNS BEFORE LARGE CROWD » April John Rao; New av yy i star, id escaped drawing Thuriday Metis Kt oy bon swimmers and lined with 300 spectas Rie was the New York' Athlotio -) Club entry in the 220 yard breast sme Bee Me faa 9 eld at the ho Rtblotic Club. Before finish he was » § of cramps shouted help, but the cheers the spectators as the race neared ita end ed _his h The New York swimmer went down twice, but the second time he geen by a spectator, Lawrence 13 ¥ t the attention abi tw sunct the Meghion, 3 toied the n | champlon, Tom BR Ee ed, Sy bin Wes ater, Re be anable to but was révived, ~ 4 r------------ , GLEBE BASKNTEERS WIN A---- } Ottawa, | Gin the firel me of the Henlor Kastern Une Secondary Sohools Assooia- here be Lol Cornwall: 60-13, The i played "and tha Bastar hol Joss a coupes fu tn Cute be ; Wood {Vat t are you doing for a "| foal fall fm System of Playoffs May be Chungea Toronto, April S=The defeat oi the Boston Bruins in the final Stans ley Cup series may lead Lo some sug gestions whereby the pluyutt system be changed, Canadiens ld vit thy pace in the first halt of the season and at the end of the regular sear son were in 4 position where they could abmost sweet their opponents in the hrst round, Lhe Brums went from record te record und (hg stram of thelr brillant run during the year coupled with the hard series against the Montreal Murvony and a layot from Thursday to 'l'uesduy waiting for the Canadiens, with only one pric tice on Saturday, did mot do them any good, They were below form while the Canucks were never better, The proceeds of the playotls ure divided by a rather complicated ae rangement, In the Drulis- Maroons series the net, after the rinks and travelling expenses had been deducts ed, were divided 45 per cont, to the players' pool, 2 per cents to each of the two clubs and 15 per cent, td the league for the. first three games, In the fourth game the players did not participate, each club getting 40 per cent, and the lodgue 20 per cent, Komar WinsHard Bout fromMaloney Toronto, April G==Joo Bull Xo. mar's endurance and reserve pow or gradually wore out the Giant fm Maloney in the main match the wrestling show at the Arena Gardens last night, and fu the third round, after more than an hour's he scored a slam for the . Maloney's great reach and supersatrength had an advan. tage on Komar for most of the bout but he weakened and, when the crowd figured the bout would never ond, the Celt was crashed to the mat, hy Srand oe about hooe Irithasen wren I~ ona and was treated ( irae 00d bouts, Stormey . Stanley Stasiak Latarted the: show in a first-clase ner, clowning for a while with Nint:Druold!, and then fin the bout in 20 minutes and 57 soos iy f Aah forme: J 0, a. on of apeed to Jao en i he oe Ry adi bout 11] minutos ang _peconas,' i a He 2 . . 2 Ottawa, Ont. April B-=Nddle Beaijot Sasagian rugoy: nate So os it night, He succeeds Walter of the | wal oy Py apart io nt The question ota coach YEN ver Ab fp % Fost 5 OYCLONIC CONQUERORS OF WANTERN JUNIOR CHAMPIONS the Pats defeated the eastern jun lor champions, The great feature of the finaly was Regina's speed and courage. "Bricks" Peebles, (vice-president of Patriciy hockey RECEIVE AWARDS FOR ABILITY { The pleture above shows Al Ritchie's famous Regina Pats, who blazed # great trail to win the Canadian junior hockey championship, Aftor scoring four consecutive shu t-outs to capture the western title, Dominion final 'in straight gamon, taking the first 3-1 and the second 5-2, From LEVT to RIGHT they are: Eack row, Bert Acaster (member of the Patricia executive), Lorne Stephens, Joe Duke" Dutkowgki, Gordon "Gosh" Pettinger, Kddie Wiseman, "Yates" Acaster, Dave Ulihdoly, row==Al Ritchie (conch), Len Rae, Art Dowle, Ken Campbell, Ralph Medding, "Buz" Boll, Ken Moore West Toronto, in clu), Yront Badminton Tournament 'Finals Today oronto, April B.=The qualify. ing rounds for the semi-finals in all events of the annual invite tion badminton tournament at the Granite Club of Toronto yesterday produced thrilling contests, In the ladies' singles, Mys, John Porteous of Montreal, Csvadian lady champion defeated Miss K. McUolm of the Hurlingham Club, after having lost the first gamo at love: and pulling the second game ont of the fire stter points had pesn, sot, In the third and decid. ing sot Mrs, Porteous did not allow her opponent a point, thereby avenging the love detoat in the first game, Miss Muriel Purkis, Granite, nosed out Miss Helen Grant of St. Catharines after the most evenly contested match of the day. Miss Nora Crossley of Oakville defeated Ming M, Ogilvie, B, and 1, in straight games and will meet the ox-Canadian cham- plon, Mrs, Coke, in the semi-finals, the fatter having defeated Mins WK. Itobertson of Ottawa, with the fons of only three poiuts in the two gameons, Has Not Lost a Game Join Purcell, Canadian cham. ploy, continued his vietorious sweep in the men's singles, in gldentally he has not yet lost a. game, yoatorday's report being In vrror when Perrin, of Willinmgon Hehool, was credited wilh a game. Purcell's opponent in the semi. finals will be T, I, Hayle of Oak- ville who is playing an inspirea game since he lost the Oakville championship, which he had held for three years, Inst week, to his doubles partner, C, Armstrong, In the lower half, Jack Taylor, M. and RN. will play CU, W, Alkman, Montreal, 'Taylor defeated Larry Boatty, Granite, in straight games, but not without serious resistance; while Alkman had to keep on his toes to account for the veteran Col, NR. Grant, of Kingstcn, SomiFinals Today Today's semi-finals will com- mence at 2.80 p,m, with the ladies singles and will continue at hails hour Intervals with the mens pinglee, ladies' doubles, men's doubles and mixed doubles in that order, The same order will be ob served Ju the finals during the evening which will commence at 830 p.m, AL the conclusion of the matches the trophies will be pree sented to the winners by NM, NB. Stockdale, chairman of the Granite Club board of directors, 'S\A.C. Will Not Recognize Winner of the Fight on June 12th as World's Champion Philadelphia, April ' f==Frank Wiener, « chalrman of the State Athletic Commision, announced last night that the commission would net recognise the winner of the Sharkey-Schmeling fight in New York, June 18, as the world's heavyweight champion, Wiener sald he and the other commission. ors would Insist that George God- frey, negro boxer, be given a chance to win the Mtle before it ix conferred on anyone, The new York boxing commis. sloners announced some time ago that the winner of the Sharkey. Schmelling bout would he recoguis od in that state as champion, Providence Wins Game and Title Providence, RI, April 8=Taking the third straight game from the Boston Tigers here last night, this one by 5-1, the Rhode IMand Reds hed the Sotnadun Aerican ockey. Lea Sham ons an with it the, Meurt ontaine BR ronhy: This marked the first time' the series his been wonidfl three straight games nithe four years of the league's ex. AUSTRALIA HAS HER TEAM SELECTED Sydney, Australia, Aprif Ge--Aus tralia' is tho first dominion to select her toam for the Empire games tu be held at Hamilton, Ontario, next August, The Empire games com mittee yostérday announced a team of six had heen selected from 40 nominafons, The team includes two runners, two swimmers, a box. or and a seuller each ut the top of thely class in the commonwealth, H. R, Bobby Pearce, giant seul. ler who won the single sculls cham. plonship of the Olymple games, will mako the trip to Canandp A meet. ing between Pearce and (he two great Canadian neullers, Joa Wright, Jr, and Jack Guest, fs koonly awaited, GOOD ADVICE Mike wus going to London for the first time In hin life and his friond, Pat, wan giving him a fow hints on what to do and where to go in the great city, "What do 1 do when I the Zoo?" asked Mike, "You be enreful shout the Zoo," advised Pat, "You'll wee sow foine animals If you follow the words 'to the Hons,' or 'tothe ele phants,' but take nn notices of the one, 'to the exit for, hegorrah, Mike, it's a fraud, and 1's outnide I found myself when [| went to look at it." Ee . AT go to "Kid" Berg Wins Popular Verdict New York, April 5~juckie Kid Berg, us yume uo bundle of a fight. Ig wun us ever came out of Lng lund, turned uw crowd of, 1LOW of the fusthful mito a bubbling mob last ight with lus fierce courage and hghting ubility, He belted out 4 tens round decision over Jog Glick, the Williamsburg buttonhole maker, amid a storm of low blows that all but in. capacitated him and twice floored him for counts in the eighth round, Berg, one of Champion Sammy Man. dell's most persistent hightweight challengers, waghed 139 1-4, Glick 147 1-2 Seldom has a crowd in the big bat- tle pit been spurred into such spasm lof rage and almost hysterical yoy as this one last night by Glick's low sinashes to the budy and Berg's bite ter battling to offset the f6uls, As the erowd roared him on, the hawk- tuced Jew from Whitechapel rallied und battered Glick all over the ring, When Bellering Joe Humphries an. nounced that berg had won the une animous verdict of the judges und referee, he received one of the great est ovations the Garden ever has seen, Glick was almost blown from the arena by the cloudburst of boos. In the midst of the controversies that have raged over the foul end. ing of half a dozen major bouts, Berg was faced almost with the" wecessity of taking another that way wn the 8tb round, Glick smashed hi to the floor with a lett look that was palpably foul and Berg was forced to take a count of seven, Just as the English youngster reached his feet, Glick smashed hum low again und Berg sank in distress. Berg Punishes Glick But instead of rolling uver on his back and portraying agony, clawing the wir and moaning all the major chordy of the Miscrere, Berg gritted his tecth and flew at Glick, He pune ched like a perpetual motion mach ine in preliminary tests, ¢limbed all over the tailorman and socked him groggy. Glick was very weary and bled freely from cuts over both eyes at the close, There were no other knockdowns, On the subject of the Liquor Control Aet, Hon, E, C. Drury can hardly be accepted as an unpree judiced witness. --Peterborg Exe aminer, / You'll notice those who (didn't look so well in short skirts dre tne ones who don't look so well in the long ones.-- Brandon Sun, Doe CART W LumBiR (0 74 ATHOL STW ()5H/ Pan SE I SS i Fieger ARideinan OAKLAND will reveal the meaning' | of "Superior Ed 4. on traffic and over coun weight, field today. istence and' also the first time the 'Reds have won the. champlonship, Nearly §000 persons attended, The Reds again. clearly had the edge on the Tigers who never threatened, The Reds scored once in the first Jetiod, three times in the second and once in' the thirds The Tigers' sole goal xame fu the third period; Arthur Chapman; Providence cen: tre and the property of the Bruins climaxed a brilliant year with three > We He Teaves tonight to join the rainy in the Far West, FANKKES SIGN SOUTHPAW $ thot ¥, Ky, ADMD Bead, J. Kertls of South Dond, Ind, star southpaw at Kentucky Wesleyan Collage, has signed a touryear tying ? EN Webel Aueits "he government Jos Miller was left the Sketutive to decider i th Pod : POE fry roads | THE Custom 'Ontario Motor Sales, Ltd. 99 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa Performance' OWHERE does Oakland's superb performance so strikingly distinguish it from all other medium priced card as in an actual road demonstration--in city Here Oakland's powerful mofor . . rubber-cushioned 'engine mountings . . and Delco-Lovejoy shock absorbers, front and rear, prove themselves in terms of thrilling speed + » exceplional smoothness . . and unusual riding comfort. This is trué not only of the Successful Oakland Six, but also of the new Oakland Custom Eight , . in which the economy and efficiency of complete down-draft carbure- tion are combined with engine power greater than that offered by any other stock car of Oakland's size and A demonstration, we are sure, will prove fo your complete sotisfaction that the Successful Oakland Six and its come panion car, the new Qakland Custom Eight, with bodies by Fisher, are the finest values in the mediums priced Ask about the GM. A.C. General Motors' own Deferred Payment Plan "OAKLAND Phone 900 contract with the New York Yams niet Ne a it BL BETTER BECAUSE ~ 8] *'s -------- CANADIAN -