Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Apr 1930, p. 6

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71 " oa 4 RS atin att tu SRR fo EAE on 2.30 6.45 p.m, -- Song Service y / 3 7 p.m.--Rev, Dr. R. B. Cockrane, of Toronto, b pm, = Sunday School & Bible Classes i ~~ Wed. Social Welfare Conference==Two Sesion, 3 pm. and 8 pm, St.Andrew's United Church Rev. 'F. J. Maswell, Minister, Miss I, P, Fletcher, Aost,, SUNDAY SERVICES, APRIL 6 11 am, / SUB RCT "THE INCOMPLETE CHURCH" 3 pm.-- SUNDAY SCHOOL BIBLE CLASS--Mrs, F, E, Hare 7 pm, "Safely Sheltered and Protected" A Timely Message for Trying Days || Canada, at their banquet held in | success must have a worthy objet 1] experience stated Mr, Conant, KNOX Presbyterian Church Simooe: direst North aud Broek Gireet fev, Ones Munroe 94 Brook hous S004 Oshawa Pentecostal Holiness Church 811 Celina Street Pastor G, Legge in Charge 10 sm,~Sanday Helool, 11 ame Morping ore ship, 7' pm, «= Evening Wore ship, % Pastor George Legge will + ~ ppeak at both services, Tuesday==5§ pw, Prayer: I eeataief, 4 nesda, My to Pechle's Mestivg, Friday, 8 pm, -- Difile Study, We Fray for the Bich Sunday, April 8 11 am ~"Communion Service' 3 pon, == Sunday School. 7 b , w= "What Think o of Christ" Communion at the Close of this Service, Peoples'. J Wed., 8 pom, = Prayer | Meeting. : Northminster' United Ch Rev, A. MANSELL IRWIN, WA, BD, Pastor | #9 Greta St, hone BUUUW The Paster Will preach at +31 wm, and 7 pom, il Sunday Sehcpl == 8 pm and ¥ om, Mon, 8 pom "The Rowance ol Dentistry' with ples | tures, by Dre Langmaid, Very 'Cordini Welgome tg : Trorsvody, RE ---- COREV MCN BA, BD, MI ua Albert Bh uu, Ban 0; tions 1100 . W t 1A, | Preacher, Rev. TW, A, Whattam representing git Union, | "Yount Worshippor's Longues= Junior Congregation R00 pac inday v Bites, Royal Oaks wid Golden T.00 pou, == Stirring Nong Service == The pastor will preach, 'KVERYONE WARMLY WELCOMED GRACE Lutheran Church ! MASONIC BUILDING fey, A, O, Rahn 199 Allo Street © Sunday, April 6 9,00 nm: Sunday Shoo! 10,80 am, Morning Wore ship, Thar, Tao jo we "UBPISE, Crucified y Romans, : All ANBLSONR ALLY x | WOrk, and its annual plenio for hune ST. UNITED CHURCH {fz . | WAORUL work, and above all we are Th |B HINSHEN HOLD OPENING BANQUET OF CONVENTION (Continued from Page 6) Gorden D, Conant, oraul don of are tu oe sddvossin ond, yond Conference of the Wast- orn District of Xinsmens Clubs of the Coenosha Motel last evening, spoke on the subject of Civie Re spons Yr ' Pile led that he believed that the service clubs of Canade were filling a public need in/the coms munity, Mr, Conant stated that he felt that the Kinsman Move: ment as one of the service clubs was doing its share in the life of the communities in which they were situnted, although It was the oungest elub in point of years: The service club Js & modern olub in every way; the first being established in 1000 and since that time has had a ufiverssl appes! under modern conditions to modern youth, The service club to be 0 in view stated My, Conant, As an example of thig he cited the work done by the Rotary club in Oshawa of which he was a member. The service club can only be a real unit n the life of the community by oing something big continued the speaker, Every man's first responsibility is first to his family and secondly to the community in which he lives, It he knocks the town, we oan truely say he (5 not & good citizen, Civie responsibility on the other hand pisces a responsibility on every man in the gommunity, We have in Cantda the best form of government of any yet establish. od--a responsible and democratio government, 'The greatest train. ing for a parliamentary position fs that given .in the wunieipsl souncils of towns and villages, The speaker made mention of the part taken by W, 8, N, Sinelalr in muni. olpal affairs, 'The men Who repre sont us in parliament are In the main these whe have had municipal We hear a great deal of condi tions in Russia, Italy and Spain, In these countries a dictatorship 1¥ the form of government, The people have never had munieiphl councils in our sense of the words. The people have never had any say in the political machine, India is an example of this condition, Nvery- one who is aware of the true facts of the oase will agree that India fs {noapable of selfsgovernment, It would be Inhuman to accede to thelr demands for it, Wa do not show enough interest in our own local governments state od Mr, Conant, For example in the City of Oshawa, only 85 per cent, of the voters availed then selves of the privilege of voting at the last munielpal election, This was a shooking lack of community spirit, It in the duty of every voter to exercise his franchise and shoulder his share of the elvie re sponsibility, There has betn a tendency for the provinelal governments In late yours to dictate to the munieipall- ties so that we have net as nueh "home rule" as formerly. This I partioularly so with resard to edu eational matters, Mr, Conant thought that this was the wrong attitude for them to take, In conclusion Mr, Conan stated that there should be a reward for white service. 'That reward ought 0 be found in the satisfaction one feels In later years in knowing that you have heen of some real value to the community, The Rroatest among men should not be he who has amassed riches and a fine repu- tation but he who has been a good oltinen, Major # WM. Bantlok, National president of the Kinsmen, axpressed the thanks of the convention to Mr, Conant for his address, Ini doing #0, he expressed his pride in the achievements af the Kinsmen's Club of Oshawa sinoe it was erganisea two years ago. Ever since lin in option, It had done wonderful dreds of Oshawa children had been Mure of the oMib's \ Mik a great deal of © Oshawa Olub,"' sald Major Bantiek, . Mpeaking of the National Associa in had of 00 the first olub was formed milton, 87 Kinsmen's Clubs organized, with the desire tering a apint of live Canadian ship throughout the Domine ton, © are seeking." he sald, "tp v¥ on a specific elvie work," sala [ajor Bantlek, "and In various munities are carrying on mue! fltlon of Kinsmer's Clubs, Major 3 ntlok sufd that in the ten years ying to promote true Canadl Ring ons ote true Canadian message from Chalrman Osler, expressing pleasure with the of the evening hrought a successful and entertaining 10 a olose, er the banquet, the delegates pn Winient of an exe y Ld ow, he Sadtieo whieh ---- » vod a few h ana tion for the conven. wan oaont- night in the Re- re, With the Kinamen, fueata and. friends, thorough moment of } It dt Twith | resoun altovs and oe. applause vi inat y %-, whe | Chureh lemortow, while Rev. #, ©. after ocoupying the position for pT Sunday Services In The Oshawa Churches Albert United Rov, I, A, Whattem, & forme pastor, will preash st the morning service of Albert Sireet United Moore will co Wot the evening soyvide, Musonis Tomplo "Holl" will be the subject at the special service to be held in th Masonic Temple auditorium nex Ainley night by Nyangelists Mot- ¢ and ty, Next Wednesday evening the evangelists will spes on "Bible Sanotitication," Holy Trinity. A choral Egobarist will be ob porved at the Sunday morning ser. vies of Holy, Trinity Anglicen Church tomorray. In the evening an address will be given by Archie dencon Davidson, M.A., of Toronto, Knox Proshytevian Communion service will be obs served at Knox Prosbytepian Chureh on Munday morning. "The pastor, Rev, Dunean Munroe whl be In charge and In the evenibg will reach on "What Th "0 Jhrist," The seorament Will also be administered at tho close of this service, 4 : Free Methodist Borvices of the Free Mothodist Chureh tomorrow will be conducted by Rev, R, L. Casement, the pastor, Christian Sclonce "Unreality" is the subject which will be discussed at the service of Pest Chureh of Christ Solentist to- morrow, Centre 8t, United "What Is Your Field" In the sub- Jeet of the sermon whieh will be preached at the morning service of Contre Atreet United Chureh to- morrow by the pastor, Rev, W, A. Fletoher, In the evening the pastor will disouss a very timely subject "Marriage and Divorce," a great problem which has been brought te the forefront by legislation whieh In at present before The Dominion Government at Ottawa, Nimecons Ntreot United "The Blave's Task" will be the subject of the sermon by the pastor Rev, B, Marston at the morning service of Nimooe Htreet United Chureh, Sunday, In the evening the pastor will preach on "Pllate On Trial" An adult men's Bible class in being organised and will hold ite first passion Sunday afters avon (a the Munday Bohool, St. Andrew's United "The Incomplete Chureh' will be the subject by the pastor, Rev, I. J. Maxwell, at the morning service of Bt. Andrew's United Church to. morrow In the evening Rev, Mr Maxwell will speak én "Safely Sheltered and Protected" a timely message for trying days, Christ Church Anglican Holy Communion.will be observe od at the morning service of Christ Anglioan Church tomorrow, the rector, Rev, KR, B, ¥atterson to be in charge. In the morning Rev, Patterson will preach on "The Mes sage from the Mount of Beatitudes" while In the evening he will con~ tinue his specisl sermon series on the soven deadly sins, First Baptist "Of What Spirit Are Yeo! will be the subject of the pastor Nev, Aubrey W. Small at the morning service of Virst Baptist Church to- morrow, In the evening the pastor will speak on "The Holy Quest." Ht. George's Anglican Canon C, R, dePencior, the row tor, will be in charge of the ser. vices" of Bt, George's Anglican Church tomorrow, The cholr will render the anthem 'The Agony" ut the evening wervice with Mr, T. H, McDowell as baritone solofst, King Street United Communion and the reception of mombers will be held at the morn« ing worvige of King Mtreet Uniteo Church tomorrew. The pastor Nev, C, KE, Cragg will be In charge whilg in the evening Rev, Dr, John Cockrane, of Toronto, will preaeh at the evening service, Oshawa Pentecostal Holiness Pastor G1, Legge will conduct the regular worvices of Oshawa Pontes oostal Holiness Church tomorrow, Novthminister United Services at Northminister United Chureh, Sunday, will be conducted by the pastor, Rev. A,' Mansell Irwin, Salvation Army Ensign and Mrs, A, Dixon will oondnet the regular services of the Palvition Army on Sunday, 'In the morning Ensign Dixon will preach on "Mountains to Soale" while in the evening his subject' will be "The Right Message." Graco Tmtheran Rev. A, C, Hahn, the pastor, will be in oharge of the services of (race Lutheran Chureh tomorrow At the Thursday evening Lenten service Rev, Malin will preath on "Christ Crugitied By Romans," Pentecostal Assembly Rev, J. TT. Ball, the pastor, wil be in oharge of the services of Pentecostal Assembly tomorrow, Unity Truth Contre The regular worship of Unity Truth Centre will be held In Welch's Parlours tomorrow, Calvary Baptist Rev. K. A, Brownlee, of the China Ipland Mission, is to be the apeak- or at the services of Calvary Bap tist Church Sunday, The Church World Wide The National Free Church Couns oll of England met recently in Al- bert Mall, Nottingham, Dr, Phil lips, principal of the Baptist Cols loge, Cardiff, was the retiring pres- ident, Me is a flory speaker and in a thrilimg address concluded Ly saying "Turn every sorap of your theology into religion and every gorap of your religion into afrvice." The new president ia Rev, Dr, I. Alfred Sharp, a prominent Wesley. ah, Ne is head of the Epworth Press, a great publishing enter. rise, and has been outspoken in avor of the rejection of the Re. vised Prayer Hook by the House of Commons, In his Inaugural address he spoke strongly in defence of a spiritual religion as contrasted with whcerdotaliom, The first mission of the Hoottish Chureh to the Jows and the largest is at Budapest, Nari nety years 0 it was started, Rov, R, Murray oCheyne being, one of the depu- tation to visit Palestine and East« orn Murope, It has now one of the finest Mission properties in the world, Dr. Pressley Smith, Dean of Bt. John's Bpeona Cathedral, ban, Argyllahire, has resigned thirty-séven years. Ile was present. od with a cheque for £280, Dr, Boyd Seott, minister of Lansdowne Presbyterian roh, Glasgow, and A leading wri of devotional lit ofature has od ha" charge. where for six months he will oes oupy the pulpit of the Chureh, Sydney, Ho vhited Canada Boots [ , "THE HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP" PHONE 148 d 3 p.m, Sunday School BIRTH OF LUTHERAN CHURCH WILL BE OBSERVED IN JUNE Read 400 Years Ago Lutherans all over the world are looking forward to June 26th as tha four hundredth anniversary of the "birth of the Lutheran Church." It refers to the occasion when Dr Brueck, chancellor for the Eleetor of Baxony, read the Augsburg Con fession 'to Emperor Charles In Latin, and Dr. Beyer, one of his advisers, read it In German lang. uage. Luther was not present, be. onuse he wad under the ban, but was within reach for advice, being In safety within the stout walls of Cobourg Castle, Melanchthon had a prominent part in. preparing the Confession, but had a tendancy to compromise with the apparent friendliness of the Emperor, The firmness of Dr, Wreck is consid. ered to have been providential, The Lutherans in the Southern ftaten have three colleges belongs ing to the United Church, In the Bynod of Virginia, where there are olghty-elght pastors, Reanoke Col. loge was founded nt Sal™m in 1857, In the Synod of North Carolina with 105 pastors, the college at Hickory has heen open* since 1891, Tho largest one jy Newberry, site uated at Nowbarry, South Carolina, and covers a fleld reaching to the Misslnnlppl, AL present a stron drive for funds i¢ going on, "Two eitisenn™=of Newherry have proms usd 310.009 ouch aud the faculty 18,170, WE -------- a -------- Why does n red-haired woman always marry a meek man? Whe doomn't, He just gets that way. "I have worked for my present employer for twenty years!" "I can 'heat that, I celebrate my sliver wedding to-mprrow!" last year with the "British Pil |= grims." 'Madderty Parish Churoh, near Crieff, Perthshire, has hud only two ministers In the past 100 years, Rev, Mr. Stoddart, witnessed the disruption, was Its minister for nearly sixty-one yeas, and his successor, Rev, James Brown, who shared in the re-union haw served for forty yearh, Mr. Fred N. Charrington, the well-known London evangelist and temperance worker, has | t reach. od his elghtieth birth " Ada young man he cut himself from his father's business as a brewer, for saking wealth and friends, and he- came a "fisher of men," The Ase setpbly Mall, Mile End Road, Hast London, is the largest Mission Hall in the world, For sixty' years he has been leader and without a break meetl have been continued tor 30,000 nights, Twenty years ago King George; then Prince of Wales, furnished the money to entertain 700 poor people at tea in the Miss. ton, Bver, {lar goolal hour is spent, Nv, Char ington lived to see his father friend. Iy to his mission, and an incident is remembered by memberd of the House of Commons, namely, an ads dress to the House when he took up the mace In protest against the drink traffic. Birthday honors were greatly abbreviated by the illness which confined him to a hospital, Intact Fa i x oh A Life, Cure for Social Buils Cardinal States | Catone, Apri § == At the confers olla Charities held ut | lh t month, Ca Laas 8 i ER ie FE hg, The Cardinal said that at the bishs oh gonference at Fulda it was des cided to address petitions to the res sl authorities and leaders 1 10 do ev PoRaix losin. lay a ~ 4 x : cd a horn ¢h a Bolshevism teles to destroy mise' hatween Bolshevist {dens compro i ald Christian ideal" . "Cardinal Berttam warned his hears ors agyinst the "Bund der Kinder. freunde," the "League of the Friends |} 0 of Children," aa not conformin the Catholic standpoint, He elosed address with a state nt ing" the: Church's protection of the Monts of oapit a. A Shean capital ® that better relations between the various and | classes of the people be. promoted and pointed out that "vigilance, work and sacrifice are the way fo that goal" i y whol} First Baptist hurch KING ST. EAST Rev. Aubrey W. Small 18 Aberdeen St, unday evening a aim- {§ 0 Whion of parents and children. |} Thera bn be nether peace nor (|) ards |S 3 11 am, | "OF WHAT SPIRIT YE ARE" 3.00 pm, == Sunday School 7.00 pm, "THE HOLY _ QUEST" Monday, 8 p.m, == 8.Y.0.U, Wednesday, 8.00 pm, == Prayer Meeting, | WE INVITE YOU TO Free Methodist | CHURCH (Over Arcade) s 10 SIMCOR 87, N, Itevs KR. Li Casement, Pastor Sunday, April 6 2 p.m, =Sunday School. || 3 pm. == Preaching Ser vice. Wed: 7.30 p.m, ==Prayer Meeting, Al ; Cordial Welcome Unity Truth Cibiras Ween banoRs "10 am Sunday School / 11 am. 7 pm, Minister~=Rev, E, Harston, LL.B, "THE SLAVE'S TASK" Adult Men's Bible Clags--You are Invited "PILATE ON TRIAL" The Minister will Preach at Both Services Good -Singing--Fine Fellowship--~Helpful Services | i A HEARTY WELCOME AWAITS YOU HERE | EVANGELISTS | MOFFETT & HARTIN Will Preach on « 'HELL? When? Where? What is it? 7.18 P.M., SUNDAY, APRIL 6 OFFICE 3128 6.48 pm~Song Service | BIBLE SANTIFICATION Is Once in Grace Always in Grace? 7.30 P.M., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9 MASONIC TEMPLE CENTRE AND METCALFE STS, | Hand your questions to the whers for answers before |, | the sermon, | i St. George's | ANGLICAN CANON ©, RB. dePENUIER, M.A, Cor, Bagot and Centro Sts. Organist and Cholrmastere- Mateiew Couiduura, 8 am, == Holy Communion 11 am, = Morning Prayer 7 pm, == Kvenipg Prayer Anthem © and Baritone Solo "The Agony". Bolo: ist, T. H. McDowell, Wed, 8 == Lonten Bervico Fri. 8 pom: == Confirmation Class, Baptisms second Sunday each month, Pentecostal Assembly ROTARY CLUB BLDG., Céntre St, Rev. J. T. Ball Sunday, April 6 10 asm==Sunday School vice 7 pom, se Evening 'Wor. ship, Special Singing All Welcome 11 am~=Morning Ser: - HOLY TRINITY aC HURCH REV. 8. C, JARRETT Tnoumbent d 30 Fairbanks St. 8 am, «= Holy Communion 11 am, == Choral Bueharist 8 pm. «= Sunday Sehool, Cf pm, we KYODO and Sermon, Address Yeu Arch . Deacon. Davidion, ALA, of Toronto. "Ral Thuts, 7.830 Pp.m.=Comtirs mation Class, 11 am, «= Morning Service Centre St, United Church REV, W. P, FLETCHER, Sunday, April 6 11 am, ~ "What is Your Field" 2.30 «= Bunday School, 7.00: p.m "Merrriago and Divorce" Mon, 8 pm. == Young Peoe ple's, Wed, 3 and 8 p.u.--Union Social Woltare Services in King Street United Chureh, Christian Science First Church of Ohrist, Scientist 64 Colborne Street East Sunday, April 6 SUBEUR 'Unreality' Morning Service at 11 a.m, Wednesday Meeting, 8 p.m. Including testimonies of Heall through Cliristtan Solence, Yu You are cordially favited to aiteal te services afd to make ° , use Nr Free Public Reading Room where the Bible a Christian Solence erat in toad, borrowed or purchased and rlodioals subscribed for, Open on uendays, Thursda Lory a. Fey ye and Saturday Gospel Jontre, ol, St. Wost--=North Sido Rev. E. A. Brownlee t China al A ¢ pron Prag ey Sunday School § pum, Friday, 7 pan==Uhlidron's Moeting, . Hp M ? Sarit Sanat, § aan The Slincoo & Oak Nts, Ensign & Mis, A, DiNgn, in charge 11 am, «= "Mountains to Seale" - 3,18 pany == "Service of Song and Muse" . Tm, =~ "The Right Nex 10 an & 8 pom, «= Sunday School, 4 ture may be: - " SFE ESSERE FEST ITIREIVSL AACR IRs sees rani er na ATIWMYIT Fo 39pensy AY Bid on

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