Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Apr 1930, p. 2

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. Bowmanville a " nd will be Bowmanville Office of The Times, 1 Daily: Times ane ol the 87, ERBERT MORTLOCK Finals of T rining School + Boxing Drew arge Crowd At Gymnasium Last Night --Boys Make Fine Show. ing at Annual Tourna- ment (Ly, Vihe annual boxing tournsmont at the Boy's Training Behool last ng was an unqualified ws ocass and dlose on to 600 People from be surrounding country witnessed me of the finest boxing tourna. te that hava been put on in this hii. The tournament was held the Notary Gymnasium and it was impossible to sent the number that attended. The boxing was of BARGAINS 'USED CARS 1929 Esse: TOWN. SEDAN Low Mileage $925 1928 | Chevrolet Coupe in New Car Condition $450 ROSS, AMES and d CART HORE CO. LTD. 488 King W. Phone 1160 n clans seldom seen Jrom Juveniles and reflects great credit om. the training received by the boys at the hands of, Earl Cunningham the physical instructor, Shortly after olght o'clock Dr, Reaman the sup- oriutendent of the school called the gathering to order and wel comed the guests, Including the members of the Ontario Athletie Commission and the Amsteur Ath- lotie Union of Canada who had oome down for the evening to take charge and whose interest in the school had done much for the pro- motion of sport as a major feature of the boys attending, Dr, Reaman then introduced Charlie Higgin. wtiom, president of the AAU, of of the many manly qualities to be gained dn the boxing ring. The ofelals for the finals wege RNoteres, Alex Bing¢lalr well known referees of the big professional bouts, judges, Charlie Higginbot~ tom, and Fred Nobart supervisor of boxing and wrestling for the AAU, of C., and the timer Wil flam Duncan of the Q.A.C, Tari Cunnipgham was mastér of cere- monies and it was he who intro. duced the large audience esoh boy who took part, Motion pletures were taken and will he exhibited in Dowmanville Theatye, First Bout The fir bout of three two min. ute rounds was the final of the 08 pound class and Jim Stringer and Leonard Hadley were the stars, Stringer war the better man throughout and in the middle of the second round Hadley was foros ed to give up he not heing able t9 stand up to the hard body punches of his opponent, Btringer was nwarded the verdict on a technical knockout, Becond Bout This fight was between two lads of lghtor woight with a difference of nearly six pounds between them, This bout was very even but to. wards the end of the third round Murray Insley began to tire and Albert Smith the heavier of the two landed some roul' effective blows to the face. Smith was award. ad the verdict on points, Third Bout This hout was the finals for the 110 pound class and resulted in one of the most Interesting fights of the evening. Doth lads Joe Note- man aud Albert Stringer one pound lighter wore vory fast on their feet and the result was a Yea! game battle with Noteman doing most of the work but Stringer playing a nice defence, Noteman was given the verdict on points, Fourth Dout The next provided lots of fun and was botweon two wee lads in the 60 pound class, The referee Order Your fpring Suit Now from the DOMINION CLOTHING ©O, 68 KI \ W, hone S141 We Deliver A 10 MORE DAYS EASTER - Ce Canade, who in a-briet speech told | left the ging and Jet the boys fight a they were-game for the whole of the three rounds, Lloyd Bastine proved the better of Jack Watts and won the fight on points, Fifth Bown The 72 joune class was next and the best display of scientific boxing of the evening was ween when Harold Reid and Wilfred Jess todk the ring, Reid was the better of the two but tn the first round Jess gave him all he could handle; Reid won out on points and was also award od the Harry Price Gold Medal for the best selentific boxer, / Mixth Bout Perhaps the best bout of tye evening was meen when George Spans dnd Mel Tomlison entered the ring. Tomlinson was fighting In place of MaGlone who had reached the finals but who had sustained au injury and was unable to box, Spanis had the edge of the fignt throughout but his opponent did the hitting, Bpanis however had a wonderful guard and very few of Tomlinson's punches hit the mark, Spanis was the lighter too but he won the three round contest on points, seventh Bout The uplinfited fuals wore the heaviest fighters Harry Lee welgh- ing 156 pounds and Towshy Roars don 148 pounds, Tommy has gradu- ated from the school and was not in form but he put up a groat Aght and was bleeding badly when the referee asked him if he wanted to uit in the middle of the second, ommy could not go on and Lee won the fight, Exhibition Pights There were three other bouts be- side the regulars in the finals and each wore Interesting to wateh, The first was between Albert Stout loy and Alf, Middlemiss and these two lade showed some nice style ale though She did not. reach the finals, The blindfold bout kept the audience laughing without a step for the duration of the two rounds, Two 'boys blindfolded and their heads covered with pillow oases gropell about, the ring In an en. deavor to find each other. Thelr anties were really fuuny especially when they did meet and more than once a blind punch landed full on the ohin of the other, The last ox- hibition fight was stheduled to take placé between two of the ex-oham- pious of the school but one. did not turn up and Oscar Jamieson from Bowmanville took his place, Oscar not having any training did not wlow up well against T. Smith Ist year's champion but in the first round got in some terribla blows to the face of the Training Bohool ad, In the second and third rounds however Oscar was not able to stand the onslaught of the other Ind and he was badly cut and was bleeding profusely when the res fore stopped the fight, The pre- limingries were held on March £6 and March 28 and the results wera are follows, --- EN LOVERS TO MEET MONDAY NIGHT ------ A delightful evening for flower lovers is to be held in St, Paul's Schoo! ropm on Monday night, April 7, at 8 p.m, sharp, The ad. dress by Mr, M, L. Hancock will be fllustrated with lovely lantern slides. If you have any garden pro- blema send in your questions to J, MH. H. Jury, seorvetary of the Horticultural Soclety or bring them with you, Mow to set your wins dow boxes out now with begutiful annual flowers and how to have flowers in your garden from now titt the frost comes againt will be fully explained, Those, attending this meeting will have the privilege of purchas- ing a small packege of Killway's world famous delpbinfums at 10 cents n package, or small plant in pot ot. 15 cents mn pet, or three clioles gladiolus bulbs for 10 eants regularly worth 10 to 10 _econts ench, The profits from this sale will be used for beautifying the Memor. ial Park. Everybody is welcomes, Collegiate Chatter The sport laurels have been re- stricted {0 Upper Bchool this year and have been so distributed that onch of the Upper Vorms have had un equal share in the honory, BA won the School Hockey Cham plonship, 4A was superior in rug by and '48 by virtue of a 16-11 victory over all have proven thems wolves mustors in basketball, The official three-day opening ot hie school will net take piace in April as previously announced, but very oarly in May. The open. lug ceremonjes will be terminated by the adnual frolic which is very lute this year owing to the delay enused by the building of the new addition to the school, Three weeks of hard work and anxiety wero torntiusted last night when the Ules Club Orchestra, and Student Players' Club, com. bined put on thelr first performs mneo, It was a distinct sthumph and the directors and players are to be congratulated on thelr offorts, I'he dramatic entertainment was in the form of two plays, "The Ugld- en Doom' and "lel on parle fran- cals," The plays were directed by Mr, McLeod and My, McUerr with the able assistance of Glenn Mune dy, the student director, The musical part of the program was supplied by the Glee Club and Orchestra, These two bodies under the directorship of Mr. Hichay and Mr, Murphy upheld their end otf the program uobly and did credit to the Tong hours of practise spent fu preparation tor the performance. Guo feature of the program dg serves special mention, 'Chat teats ure is the dancing of the puplis of Ukrainian descent in the school, Their dancing supplied colour and "punch" to the performance and WAS i groat factor in ita unparals leled success, The students were wholly res sponsible for the production of these plays, the staff acting only In an advisory gapueity, It is the first year that suth ¢ project hos been attempted at the school but Judging from the wuccess of the performance it won't be the last. Dorothy Crothers, the recently elected president of the school ad. dressed the audionce at the end of the performance, tlanked them for supporting the students, ex» prossed the hope tha' these plays would become an annual event, and complimented the directors on thelr work, The schocl is already congratulating fteell on its choice of a school president, Miss Croth- ors is proving herself to be "up and going" and a worthy presis dont of a worthy school, - ---------------- HONUOR RAIRY TALE WRITING \ Montreal, ~-One hundred and twenty-five years ago, on April 3, Hans Anderson, the fairy take king, was born, In Mayse Hall of MeOil) University on April 9 this annie versary will be delebrated when Paul Loyspac, the Danish actor who is coming from New York, will give an entertalbment, The Whitby Council Asks Business - Men To Be Present at a Meeting Monday Night \ and aows will be veceived ab the at Gas iv) und Chronicle ~Yelephono SewAftor Business Hours =~ V'hone 8H, . REPRESENTATIVE--JAMES H, ORMISTON Daily Times Civic Legislators, in Discussing Order From General Motors at Oshawa, ance of the Citizens--Modification of Order Is Subject of Much Discuseion in Whitby, and Various Views Are Expressed Advice and Assist. Under the sigusture of His Wor ship Mayor C. E, Bowman, invests J tions Wave been sent out to the busi- ness men of the town asking them to be present at the Council meet ing' in the Council Chamber at eight Jdelock on Monday evening next, to discuss the very Important crisis for the Town of Whitby which has u- yvisen in regofd to the residence of employees of General Motors ut Oshawa, I'he Council feels that in ebling wit an important masten of this 'dnd, it needs the advice and assistance of the people who are vi- tally interested in the town's welfare, The Council Is looking for a large representation on Monday night, he #gnnouncement made on Pris day by M..A. Brown, vice-president and gencral manager of the General Motors of Canada, Limited; to the effect that a modification had been made in the order which required all local employees of the company to move to Oshawa within a specie fied time, wus received with some satisfaction, particularly by those who own homes in Whitby. To them the order meant a greater hardship than one can imagine, while its "i fect on the town genbrally would have been more or less =disastrous, According to Mr. Brown's latest une nouncement, enforcement of the ore der has been postponed until the 18 of May, and when it does become effective, it will effect only those )« ving in rented hoyses und not prope erty owners. Thefe are quite a nume ber of these in Whitby, Mr. Brown stated that it had never been ne tended that the order barring opts side employees would apply to those owning property in the neighboring towns Action of Mayer Bowman, Recve Jackion, Deputy-Reeve Deverell ang resident R, A. Hutchison, of =the Chamber of Commerce, in joining u delegation from the town of Bows manville which waited on Mr, Brown Thursday afternoon and received the assurance that the order would be mogified, Is approved of by the cis tizens generally and much favorable comment has been heard, The comments one hears on the streety regarding the 'employment embargo are varied, By not a few Jt is recalled that when two or three years ugo several citizens, at their own expense, joined the large delegation which went to Ottawa in an cffort to induce the Government to grant favorable tariff conditions for the Generdl Motors, Others have been heard to recall that much money from Whitby goes to Oshawa business houses, und that' to no small extent the Motor City benefits from its close proximity to the county town, The story appearing in a Toronto evening paper to the effect that rep risaly are contemplated is perhaps a little premature, but it may mater. lalize, owing to the strong feeling that the town has been more or less uninirly deat with, The meeting on Monday night should shed much new light on one of the most important problems the town has had to face for many years. The council chamber will undoubted: ly be filled, pd 7% YOUR ALY [oe] THIS SUMMER, Nd ig Choice of date ena SUNDAY NIGHT Ralph. Connor Hes Had » Very Active Week in Whitby Rev, Dr. C. W. Gordon (Ralph Connor) noted author and preacher, will close » week's mission in Whit. h on Sunday in the United church, He will preach st both morning and evening services and ut Brooklin in the afternoon, In Whitby church in the morning he will officiate at the ordination of two new elders, Dr. G, H, Stevenson and Dr. Re W, McQuay, The meetipgs throughout the week have been very largely attended, peo ple coming from all 'parts of the dis. trict to hear the distinguished Cans adian citizen, Friday night the church was well" filled when «an Inspiring message was delivered, There were also large congregations on Wednes day and Thursday evenings, The general feeling Is that the mis sion has achieved most successful re sults, Dr, Gordon has. spent' a very busy week in Whitby, speaking ev- ery night in the church as well a at the Chamber of Commerce, the High School und the Ontario Hospital. POLICE WORKING - T0 CLEAR UP SOME THEFTS IN WHITBY Man Taken Into Custody Friday Night -- Probe -- Thefts of Last Fall Ona charge of theft, William Fields, « Whitby laborer, was taken into custody by Chief Gunson Friday evening after an . investigation . in which he had the assistance of Pro- vigelal Constable Mitchell, The accus ed who is a married man, is alleged to have taken some motor parts fron # local garage, Me was placed in t focal lockup and will appelie before Magistrate Willis shortly, ? Chief Gunson stated on Friday ight that beyond the information ob tained from a woman now inxustody in Cobourg which might result in clearing up The mystery surrounding petty thefts committed jn ithe town on November 23rd last, there afe no new developmens, The woman in question is seid to have implicated a man who was with her, and who is also in under ar~ USE OF WORDS HAS GREATLY CHANGED ------ London, == In his use of the word énce recently Rt, Hon; den created an ipternational "sitba- on" A hyndrrd years ago the Times, in recording the death of George JV, described him as "a gro hair, This fact was commented upon by Kingsley Martin in of four lectures at Mance! versity on "The British Monarchy and the British Public" "Even if we had a king today sithilar 19 George 1V," asked Mr. Martin, "could we imagine similar language being used, Have we become of less stern stuff or. is it that the news. papers have changed?" with this matter, Mr, Martin said be was inclined to make one gen- eralization. That the popularity of the, king was in proportion to the smallness of his power. If he ats tempted to take part in politics his Lpopularity' very quickly disappeared, Ll Uncle and niece stood watching the young people dancing about them,, "I bet you never saw any dancing like this back in the nineties, eh, Unkle?" YOneé = but the place was raided." rest in Winnipeg, whose 1 i two guns were Found which are al leged to have been used in robberies in this district, The man is said Lo have two bullet wounds in his. shoul~ der which he received when shot at by a Port Perry resident whose place was broken into and goods stolen, Information now in police hands may lead to the recovery of a quail» tity of loot taken from Whitby and district homes, Chief Gunson states that an ine vestigation in these cases are pro« ceeding, some new developments may be expected shortly, "Is there honor among thieves?" "No, Thieves are just as bad as other people," Love at first sight usually ends with divorce at first sight, WANTING . RANCE fotale or money allow we ® , H. R. LUKE Tailor-made Suits ..... $25.00 Scotland Woollen Mills | 8; BOTISH, Manager NEW SEVEN ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE All conveniences, Double gave age. Handy to Motors, A bar. gain if bought mow, Easy Terms - Why pay rent? For particulars "oe Tal " " . i grotesque" at the Hague Confer- rity Snow- 7 esque; monarch," and nobody turned 73 ming oh Course : ster Uni- In dealing » « Phone 2384 | acting Lovejoy General Motors Dow cover a price range reach of bundreds of th features that lead Canadians to Baicks than any other fine car, McLaughlin-Buick has won and held its remarkable popular solely because it is a batter car ar po aah 10 Rope arly price, And Marquette is marked Laughlin-Buick qualities of performance . . , sturdy endurance + + + and high valde. You ows it to yourself to see and drive the McLaughlin-Buick or Marquette that best meets your requiem. At the wheel of McLaughlin-Buick you will discover all that has been accomplished by such ad the Steering Gear with Road Shock Eliminator. the goo Mechanical Foe Wheel Brakes. And uette you the Bas never hitharto Dos approuchn bein The demonstrators them, And, should Moffatt M 88 Simeon Bt. Noysh LT*S BRTTER BE Shock Eliminator, 1245413100 ..the wider price range of MLaughlin-Buick products MARQUETTE and the three series of McLaughlin-Buicks 80 wide as to bring within the ousands of motorists those extra-value buy far mare McLaughlin. by the same recognized Me. Fiction] the new double. Shock Absorbers and the improved Weathers you so desire, performance pproached in the moderate price field. in our showrooms are at your service. Use use also the G.M.A.C, at the wheel of a that ' own deferred payment plan, to facilitate your MLAUGHLIN-BUICK # Oshawa, Ont. : » ' CAUSE 1T's otor Sales, al wh EEaN08 v CANADIAN 3 a a SES EE elle © ee Tar dew : p= Zin aon Hing ' - pi ae airs ain 2

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