Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Apr 1930, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, APRIL 5, / 1930 PACE ELEVEN ED SECTION. Seller Novo a0 e0 'meets 4 of HAA Eye train, The xe ay Fi wt oti i 0, 08 0 Phone 1610, 2 (Mar, 13 mo) " Onponis. J BUNEVAN AND SMITE, ONTAR. " wis hy) in. LL 6 Ke, Wi Ree CE, Hi Ri Ko; All Classified a +Coming Events, Etc, STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE i rule has been Yond necessary because of expense and {oss arising from handling » large number of small accounts of this nature, For thy convenience of ¢ to come personally to The and collect for same, Rl will bring a messenger who will receive the adyertisement ~ ere who find it*inconvenient mes' office, a telephone call Fe or Rent SMALL KITCHEN, LIVING rooni downstairs, and bedroom over, suit two s or business couple, No children, Central, Garage, Phone 52M. 80c APARTMENT = FOUR ROOMS, conten], mewly decorated, electric ree {tigerator; stove, hot water, Janitor rice, Immediate possession, $40, Prone 1768M , (80¢c) J RENT=TWO FURNISHED rooms on bath, fiat, All convenis | ____ Real Estate for Sale manville, New. brick venedr, % storey, § rooms and bath, 1 acre land, All kinds of fruit, Garage. $4600, BWasy t~»ms, B, MH, M, Osh awa Dally Times, Bowmanville (8lc) ™ Bowmanylle, 7 roows and bath, % fare garden, Garage, $3000, Kany ermg, B, H, M,, Oilawa Uaily Fime, | Bowmanyille. (¥leg) ences, Phone @nd gas, Apply 204 Halg street, (800) house on Brock Bt. $256, b roomed bungalo on Warren Ave, $20, Also lovely 7 roomed private home, porih end, Phong Helden S71W, gr. (80h) amd 4 house, Close to Motors, Convent: | onces, #8 per "Wanted To Re Rent - FURNIBH ED "HOUSD V WANTED At once by business couple, No ghildren, east or north or would take part of good house, MHiate terms, 'Apply B76 Limes, (BUD) Situations Wanted YOUNG WOMAN EXPERIENCED To The One Who: Seeks Health, PLEASE Ni The President of Our VEE alain M. H, THUNA WILL BE AT OUR HERBAL STORE 79 Simcoe St. North Phone 2568 ALL DAY MONDAY, APRIL 7th He pH be Flea to interview anyons FREY OF CHARGE who desires Information about our FAMOUS HERBAL REMEDIES for various Human Allments, He speaks, In addition to Loglish, Geran, Ruse sian, Polish, Ukrainian, ete, Your health Is pssured if you get back to Natures for help, Our Herbal Kemedies have been before the pul die ainee 1868, and our organisation has sdvanded to the stage where we now maintain 7 OF OUR OWN AERIAL STORES IN ON TARIQ, as well as distributing agencies through- out Canada, I you are niling, see him while he is at this stare and get started on the path back to health, DEPENDADLE HERBAT, REMEDIES Vor Overweight Btomach Kidneys Bad Skin Piles Tonsils-Adnolds Nerves Catarrh Hay Vever Tapeworm Rheumatism Vraser, % Notaries Standard oy K. Cro 1 7 monty, Apply 44% {80e) | ED or infurnished vooms, or suitable for bed sitting rooms: All conven Simm -- wi imes" Classified Ads Bring Results shawa, uy lance. Nn Phone desires housework mornings only from 8 to 12 o'clock. Apply Times Box 670, (790) Ww TTR WANTS | = Haig wtreet,, Yue, [ee re Pre Dr. Thuna Balsam Remedies, Ltd, T--., Roticltor, Fit Two over geil breil north. vo vr] Residence GREER A AR laters, Solicitors, ete, 24% ble coe St. N Ph iPhone 3160, Meney fb loan, ALEX VU, HA fin BARRIS: | 05 tor, elo, Convey net ns ne genera) praction, A oll Pons ¥3 so torn, i un 4 Re thaws and Port Perry. 769: Cshaw P Pho Lh ort 2400170 8 ! y (Mar, 4-1 ma) A) P [} ete, Money to loan, Alger Bid noite" Post Office, Phone 1014, ; Medical DIS. HAZLEWOOD G HARPER, Disney Block, Phoue "0560, Office hours 9 am. to 8.50 p.m, Dr. B, J, Hazlewood, special attention to Surgery and X-Ray, Dr, B, H, Hare por, special Kitention to children's Diseases and Obstetrics, Sunday and night calls %410 or 122, "DR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR: geon, Accoucher. ce and resis dence, King St, Eoat, ome Victor St. Oshawa, Phone TRIG a 4 4-10 DR. HAROLD Wis cian, Surgeon, Obst references to maternity work and i Al seases hi wan. = vears' post gradun Office and resi. Hence or St N.. (cor, Brock) phen 8 DK. GR ANTIRRY, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician, Scares of Infant ee Drees 1) DA Dy AK MR DR DAY] vi CHE 8 oh Ph Ly Offee We Surgeon, residence, b Qbataircian. Oftice and street north, Phone YN stetr clan, offic R. kL clan, Surgeon and i and residence, | North. phone 3107, ! t W YANS OF ito, wi a Sia West ury Lele fe ros Store each from 1 Te NOSE throat of disenses fo av ph ge only. Appoint drug store, over Milchelfy' 2 ue ue Store | H ol 10 to 12 am EE docs ohene DR, S¢ & prc) sano o OVER fo set's, work, : a Wales. pm. for sonultation wid treatment 27545 ray | GRA [4] jn. The ai ln R shawa, $ 'R.NooJobep, 80 Simeoe a Your Tours R00 wants At tended to end your interests pro- tected, % rT ransportation Perry AND STORAUB, COLE ay § Bong West, Specisliste urDiture moving, storage ware bouse and moving ven equipment. Phone $2, CARTAGE, ' nd and Cinders. Local and long Hstance hauling, Smith & Cop, Phone 024, 10 Bond Bt, West, Park Road [4] > lished fury ture movers. si afiot. car ane. Loral and long Yark owle, fis 63 south. Frome + 19-1 mo) ET Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Shop, Specialists in permanent, finger and marcel waving, er manent wave prices $5, $7.60, S10 -- all 80d $15, All other Vines of Beauty Culture, Phone 2008, 4vply 8b Bfmeoe street north GT BY Lou Permin+ R tty Ward at Bett arcel and sham. WATSON'S BARBER AND 9 Celina St. We spe ae fy, 8 hair £ sulting, mar. arcel 1A fein or sagen | phone a MEW K, Clarke, 147 Agno» street Paone 26404, (Mar, 20:1 mo) v, Richmond St, Kast, Men, you and ohildren"s hair cut, Successor to Mr. Foshay. Vete Brady, gro ' (80 NOE, " 4, rg Conservatory, To prepare or Aa Tonle) . Tssday. Bi Wik linm street vist, upriaivs, Phone (180L1H & EER, OR. and master of Ring rob will sccept in x aon sod vooal rs 8 noms' S800, Mar 4-1 mo) Sine eH Shae Mar Ft 3 mo Radio Service A RAClo SER cessories lor trio a and baviary Th phone on eleo tubes ad tories plied. $1, Phone. "146 Elgin 9-1 mo) Be. 201 Oshawa shawa 14:1 Mo OF SETS JRA able Peters yoge un Star o up. West, Pl i 09. ' 5 ¢) also radios, Ink Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT "Work Wanted RE-UPHOLS BERING, CHESTER. fields made to order, We save you money. Estimates free, G. A. Con Lotable, 74 Mechagle airect. Phuiie AUTERIES CHARGED, CALL for and Selivered, 75 cents, If ren. ul supplied $l (Batteries repaired, ww wi deon, 20/ Mil St. Phone 1580W (Mar 10-1 mo) FIX UP YOUR ROADWAY, gravel, sand' cinders and general trucking, Chis, Graham, Phone 20211, (Mar, 27-1mo,) WOMAN WANT ARH INN home, Phone 4231J, (81a) Dry "Cleaning . DRY CLEANING, PRESSING, DY» ing, 12}4 King Street West, Phone S09, (Mar, 8:1 Mo, ORMAN LAMBER dry cleaning, and repairing, all goods called for 'and deliuarat Fhone 524 66 Bagot Street, (Mar, 11:1 mo.) LOOLT LOOK # FOR EASTER Have your old hat cleaned and blocked to' look like new at The WHub, 15 King Street West, Shoe Shine and Hat Cleaning, Work uwaranteed, Phone 2249, Victor Col- op, (Avr, 4 = 1m) = Articies For Sale MIXED HARD Anp S0F2 WO! slabs, $3.50 load. Also bone § | body woed, Veterous Mee Lined Hn Ltd, pianos, Dw and -- pianos, Blo Tail, Fhe tore Aten 177 A Apply Ty oF WHITE Bios som sweet ¢ er seed, for sale hone He v 1-8, (Mar, 43- 1 mo) TOR C--O plants, Koll' s Early Bird, Prems for and Pocomoke, White Leghora batching eggs, Maron strain, Phone 2603W. (Mar 20 me) FOR SALE=CRUSHE STO Chips for driveways, Wate ious > 12 Meek Limited, Fhove 188, 2. to) i PIANO IN G0GD CON- dition, Cheap for quick sale, Apes ply 48 Quebes St, Phone: yl. PIANG, [8 aphrtment sige and bench, new. Monthly payment, Street. Phone La Hike 2% "Royal (70¢) [§] ARD- ware, 23 King Bt, West, have the following used stoves for sie w= gas stove, 1 annex, 1 Quebec re [cook wtovo 'and one YuTRasgLEe, Phond 46. CIAL Chal ly 716 Cular "ia 400) -- RAC cally new. Apply 1 Chur¢h 0) lum Lag Street, ertield suite, congoialan rugs and ny other articles: Top. floor over Henk of Commerce, : WEND YUE hi and aol, Also: toma} igh A Jha ings, 4 fr 71 wot rh a A Bagh, aan LE ! | Nl i uone tw | , Boz aumber 106 add! n Professionat or ha 30 & fanaa Lk For Rent APARTMENT 7, =I IN, HOWE like suites, Some furnished, (Bun dry, conveniences, «lob dryer, elo, 0'e0 stoves, eleq refriveration, hot water year round, Phone 1500 or 2134TW (8th) Hd AND VIVE ROOMED MOD erp suites, Including electric refrig eration, stove, lampdry, poi 4 ences, oto.; continuous bot weler Supplied, Apply Supt, 'phone 267), and Guarantees Co. Ltd, menager for owner, Toronto. jan FOR RENT -- UNTU "HE flat tor vent, Three rooms, Wireo for electrig stove, Hardwood floors, Apply 231 Dearbory Ave, 4 (760) FOR RENT-=HOUBK SIX ROOMS, electric, gas and all conveniences, Corner Bond and Ontario streets, U. A, Salter, 35 Uond K. Phone 1418, (78d) § ROOM HOUSE "ON BUCKING. ham Ave. Oak floors, Chestnut trimi. Pireplace, Wired for ele¢- trie stove. Possession 1st May, Apply 621 Bimooe St. North (70) § UNFURNISHED NOONE, ALL conveniences, Reasonable rent, Phone 1083). (The Five AND BIX ROOM MODERN houses, garages, filxtures and de corations, From $26 up. Mure doch, 27 Warren Ave, (79¢) TOURER FOR RINT --3 eg} Df p|don Stacey, 471 Bimooe South, (The) J INT=FUR nighed with every convenience tor Hght housekeeping, Phone 3Ju8, (780) TO NENT==SIX"NOONED HOUVE on 'Alice St, Very modern, also garage, Apply 1564 William it, Kast or phone 264, TO NENT==TWU OIC THRE FUN furnished rooms, Phone 2530W, (790) lenges, Phone 2007), (§0e) I » (1° od apartments, up 'and downstairs, Convenlenges, 104 Churoh St, Ap- ply 102 Church Bt, (8Ub) aN i' "J _ All degorated, livery convenience, for gont or sale; or would peut two or three furnisied rooms, For par tienlars write Box A790 Times, (8c) MIOUSE YF OR RENT, IMM EDIATT: possession, J28 Ritson Road South Apply_a29 Ritson. | Road South, 0 | a SEVEN, ROOMED", [TOUST AND garage, 82 Gibb Street, Oshawa, pos. session given immediately, lease for a year to reliable party, Afply to T. Culham 2901 Dundas Street West, Toronto, (Bla) SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE, OR- chard, one acre, garage and hen house, 104 Park 'Road North, $20.00, Apply 13 John St,_Phone_112, (81a) 3 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, Newly decorated, heat, light and water, Private entrance, 1° block from Motors, Apply 97 Colborne St, East, (8l¢) TO RENT=AWO -- FURNISHED rooms, All conveniences, MKlectric stove, hot. water Leating, Phone 1018), (810) TO RENT FUNNTENED DED: room, 331 Contre street, (81b) FO NENT -- SEVEN ROOMS; brick house. All conyeniences, Very best condition inside and out, Garage. Ment very 'moderate, Phone 638J, (Sle) RENT -ZFIVE brick house, All conveniences, Ap+ ply 8°25 Leslie Ave, (810) For Sale or Rent NEW SIX ROOM BRICK o rout | for sale or rent, Reasonable réut, 84 Cadillac Ave, Vuone 102, days time, 2804J nights, (§Ve) "ROONED | ™ work, Good cook and housekeeper Yhone 3804J, (79-81) "Pols ad Live Stock. EE = Spirells Corsetiere CORSETIKREw=PLEAST. PHONE £4), Mrs, Derumaux for particu. lars of the new. fisting line In Spire ella, District North Last, after 5 p. ny (Mar, 18-1 Mo.) STE, |!) ~ il - resentative, north west and south nant distriats, 104 I rederick street, Phone 180M, (Mar 106-1 mo) Contracting CONTRACTING = CONCKETE Phone 139 for estirinies (130) electric alterations, or ersonal plaster lug, Fert Now Eat 8h A Delightful Breakfast Feed nN JAMESWAY HATCHE D CHICKS : from trap-nested breeders, S. Cc. White Leghorns, barred rocks, white Wyar wdottes, Wr te or phone for cualogue, Oshawa Hatchery and Poultry Farm, 144 Pdrk Road North, Phones 1.44 EAA E R E7A . (Mar. 21-1 Ma.) A ., "Auction mn Sale WEDNERUAY, APRIL TITH--MI. WwW. H. Argue, one mile east of Bowmanville on the Highway, who Is giving up farming will sell all ol his farm stock, implements, etc, 12.40 AUC (¥1a) a Sale Wm, nt Maw, erve, bil without res sharp, Seo tioneer, EYESIGHT BPECIALIST Specialising exclusively in muscle ; S-- eyesight and' glasses, WILL MRS, X. D. McGRATTAN, formerly of 854 Arthur St, Osh- awa, Ont, or anyones knowing of her present whereabout, commun- fcate with the Estate Service Bu. reau, 85 Richmond #t.,, West, To- ronto, Ontario? z (70¢) UNDECIDED! SEND BIRTH date and 10¢ for wonderful horoscope of vour life Prof. Raphael, Box 04, Grand Central Station, New York. (S-May 10) Furniture Repairing FURNT UNE KE-UFRVLSTEREL and repaired, Also retrimming and decking autos, Vhone 14¥6M, Prices modera eo, (Mar, 28-1 _mo) Motor Cars AREAL BARGAIN ON A BTUDE. baker five passenger sedan oar, or will trade it for a smaller oar, Apply after five o'clock. Phone 1006), (790) 1028 CHEVROLET 1 COACH IN beautiful condition, $170 cash, bal: ance monthly payments, Phone JR BALE OR RENT, Josew. Or -- (Ble) Lost and Found Plowing all done, Apply Thos, Uke or phone 20B68M, (W-8) ' 1 ({ 0 well avenue, vag brick, five rooms, oak floors, good cellar, furnace and lights, Would take good car or radio as first payment, Kasy terms. Phone 332 244, (800) PURNISHED THREE apartment, on ground floor, conveniences with garage, in qut home. 2881 Arthur street, iio iow, (791) FRITHTUEDRO0] home privileges, Noasotable, Apply 71 bond Bt. West, tive) I==¥" ROONEY, immediate possoasion, rent reasons ROOM " gc) | Able. Apply 240 John street west. Y'hone 1516W, (The) BY MAY T3t = 4 ROOMED COT- tage with all conveniences, 429 Division St, MODERN J ROOM AND AhTtinent for rent April first, i Apt. 2, "aan Loma, 161 Rng r Sir at E Me TOUS TW LY 00) decorated, ply 216 Park Rd, (800) TWO ROOMS SUITABLE "1 bedrooms, light housekeeping, or bn sittingreom Board if desired, Phone A two, close to Motors, "All conveni ences, Apply" 29 MeMitta an Brive N a -------- (¥1gne |, Rates for | | Classified Ads. | Pies qusoion ition] % oents Minlgde charg soe. h sub 1 cousecus Ba niu of 10 Se TH cubopative: abate for thy rive. of 9 firet (three venta a' wo! 'Minimum © ~ by (nsertions, I i $3.50 per h or | per : alineS | for § bl Agnes H4 mi 1! aplendid FOR SALE OR RENT = A NUM- ber of new modern houses, 4,% and 8 rooms, hardwood floors, french doors, close to Motors, Apply 84 Alice Street, Phone 2091, (8le) For Sale or Exchange JOINT lot on Lasalle Avenue or would exchange for good horse and wag. on or light truck, Phcae S338 r ded (80¢) RE 'URNISHED hotel, Rag Pavilon, launch ang oats, 180 acres, bank, barn, lake with beach, near Toronto, snap, Will RS Box 411, Whitby, Sb y FOR EXCHAN (pe 5 ROO 45 brick. house in ond datrich, LY] North Oshawa, furnace, 3 plece bath, electric stove, Telephone for house, 6 rooms in \Vhitby town. Apply owner, nou agents, Box 583 1 ¢) S/ R rent, Six acres house, Arage, barn, henhouses: Small bush, running spring, two concessions noth Thorn ton's Corners, - Some fruit, Garris 1] . FH e bd CTIVE,' 6 R ai doh Gad hi hoo oth poy Crea Tocated bu Apply B Sale floss 10 Oshawa. Apply 140 (790) red house, 2 acres of land, north of Qshawa Apply onlin, Phone 1654 © 14, Seven Fred All conveniences, " Neatly now. poly A. NH, Brown. re! leo, 84. Pars Ave, Tos ronto. Grov, 8 a (800) FOR™SA ri rg Lriok houses x rooms, Above houses have Oeen urned to owner and Whi be sold at bullder's cost, Centyal. Moderate on Real 9, corner Bond and i. Pione hae, (80g) he) \ hb er = Ee » Apoly mi aliily aud 1 will loan oN the m to bulla, ¥ ROA oe ner ) bricklaying, 'barberin Toronto, (81:87:93:99.108.111-117.1 cash payment, balance easy terms, | A and tan, Anyone found with this dog in their possession after this date will be prosecuted, Neward for information leading to recovery of same, Phone 1884), NRL "Room and Board CINAT=VERY CONVONTAULE room and excellent table board. Central, Terms moderate, 183 King Bt, West,' (790) 1) £) § two young men, Nice accommodas tion, 68 Gibbs stroet, (ive) ROOM AND BOARD FOR GEN. tlemen, private home; prices reasons able, 143 Agnes Street. Phone 1775) (80¢) Evory convenience, Good locality, Meals optional, - 818 Ahtol street oast, Phone J170W, (800) AT comfortable home, private family, Very contral, Phone 1988). (d0¢) Help Wanied--Formal WAN ) E assist with "ho wl No washing, Apply E Picke v One Lo childs Jones, 11 or women, Collage students, toachs orf, ministers, and others for diss tributing religious literature. Spee dial Ra Easter sous toulars write stats np a ohureh connection Me, st.|Co ig, Toronto, AMBIT NEXPERIENC men LE {7% cents hour, learns Ing best paying trades. Engineering, clectrleity, garage worl, chauffeuring hairdressing, Literature free. Write or call' Dos minion Trade Schools, King = West, Male ur Faqunle FWARDS mushrooins = us, Ih klot for stamp. Candas ms Coy MI Lauder EA Ww ha ted ry us ve, 2 1510=Phopsm-316 "I understand your firm failed 10 | Disney Block Opposite Bart Offa pay its bills" "On the contrary, it failed so that it wouldn't have to pay them as Drink Deliciow Kara Coffee Always Fresh at Superior Chain Stores GOOD USED CARS Are Nold by THE ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 90 Simcoe St. 8. Phone 000 HARDWOOD FLOORS Electric Sanded and Finlshiv od Complete W. J, TRICK CO, LTD. 25 Albert Street LEY I'hone R80, B31 Good Weather Ll "Cory COTTAGEY 8 rooms and kitchen, garage, and 9 acres good garden land, 10 fruit teees, 3 mille from Lake, 634 miles from Ostmwa, mall delivery, phone, close to school and church, Bargain $1,000, half cash, balance casy. DISNEY Phone 1380 Ahead ! wo not lore your cares Lot mo finance you--Addis tional Casn Givon, £ C. R. Holden MOTOW LOANS | Room 0, 1414 King St. East | | LUMBER | F. L. BEECROFT Whitby Lumber and Wood | I Yard "hone Oshawa 834 \ Whitby 18 ip Signe King & STORE Sta. The Carew | Lumber Co. 74 Athol Sr. Wi, Oabawa Phones: 18-1111 Oshawa Burial Co. successor to UES AMBULANCE 87 Cello 8. Phono 1082 gaged, ma AL PRILY of reneral nutes ing, For wation' jens ww. ie Home Beautiful Homes are the foundation of al prosperity. A home iis the beat investment one can make, and properly built and well maintained, . | will increase in value, regardless of stock markets. It cannot be swept away at the call of the Micker 3 tape." The dividends paid every year to home owners, in happiness and solid comfort, cannot be calculated | on a basis of dollars and cents, | %

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