were saying, but he could tell that . Gack "We were going on, but Mr. 3 "I'am ghd you are going to stay" oN ' 4 . So Peter Rabbit hopped along bi ked ih led Peter, . 'IBrown's Boy would bring some corn as eter Rabbit would like to have tked all night with Mes, Quack nt ¢ Smiling. Pool, but Mrs, Quack as tired and presently she rejoined other Ducks and" Peter wus left o. Now, Peter is a good<hearted oe feilow, He remembered what Quack bad said about wishing she might have a dinner of corny, Me remembered it and he wished I all his might that he could tell mer Lrown's Boy that Mr, and s. Quack 'and their friends had " Wftived and wanted some corn, But C06 couldn't. Of course not, There wasn't any way for him to tell Farm. er Brown's Boy. © Peter was so excited by the return "of the Quacks that he decided not to © should have been homie by daylight, ld have been oyer in the dear riar-patch, But he wasn't, He still over there in the 'alder 'swamp on the edge of the Smiling Pool where the Laughing Brook comes in, Mr. and Mrs, Quack and their six friends were awake very early in the. morning, Peter could hear them talking together in low gongs, He couldn't hear what they they were deciding on something very important, , fter a while Mrs, Quack swam gver near Peter, "Good morning, Pe- "fer, said: she. "1 baye some news "Hor you." "What is it?" cried Peter cager- ly. "We have decided to stay here to «rest for another 'day," replied Mrs, gack and I are very fond of the Smiling Pooi, so we have decided: to stay another day, You see, it is very uiet and aice here, and then, too, e can casily get to the Big River swhere the wild rice grows" v "I do, wish = Farmer Quack lifted Ther Head hig and sat very still listen. ing. "1'hear a dog" said she, "I hear dog barking. 1 have never heard that dog bark before when 1 have n here, Peter cocked his ears and listened. Then he grinned; "That's a new dog" said he, "That's 'a new dog livigg at Farmer Brown's, He iw't a bit Jike Bowser the Hound, He's little and i quigks: Iuve to watch out when he's arovird, 1f you'll excuse me, 1 guews I'll go and t.e where he is" er here for you, ! Sudd.nly Mrs, {through the alders and finally po 'his head out where he could lgok across the Green Meadows, Flip the ITerrier was racing about just for the "fun of running and all the time bark For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S Ee) | 'go home that night, Of course, hey "I hear a dog," said she. "I hear a dog barking ng, Back of hm was Farmer Brown's Boy and at the' heels of Farmer Brown's Boy trotted Bowser the Hound, "I wish," thought Peter, "that I could get Farmer Brown's Boy over here to the Smiling. Pool, If he could once see those Ducks, 1 know he would get some corn for them, I know what I'll do. I'll go back and tell. Mrs. Quack to fly over to the Big River, If she and her {friends will do that, Farmer Brown's Boy will be sure to see them." So Peter hurried back to the Smi- ling Pool, "Farmer Brown's Boy and that dog I' told you about and Bows ser the Hound are coming!" cried Peter. He hadn't infended to fright en Mrs, Quack, but this is just what he did do, Mrs Quack at once gave the alarm signal and took to the air. All the other Ducks followed, They headed straight for the Big River, Peter stared after them for a mo- ment, Then he scampored back to a hiding place in the alder swamp, For & long time nothing happened, Then Farmer Brown's Bey suddenly ap- % #4 f TIME TABLES hibin ERE ( ie tm Pally (Except Sunday). ' y £40 am. it (Bxowpt Sunday). 30 pore Wy {Buent Sunday). 10.08 Dally. 04 Bi {nent y pam, Daily (Except 1 3 nm, Dally (Except 12.05 a.m, Dally. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAlLwAYS { 8.31 am, Daily, aneent oo an. 4 ndiy iy. am, Dally, ' 1,17 pon Daily, except Sunday. 2.32 pam. Dally, nday, 647 pn, Hes acm 2 9.42 p.m, 4 19 > Da in except Saturday 2,07 a.m, Daily, 12.23 pom, Dall h 8 om ub: 45 8.0, y 150 am i cept Sunday. ly, except Sunday. ty v. except Sundey. % onder: day) 3 noNmma 288A see ES y only, ily, except Lode Dally, except EE dar. a - a [oeared: cui tlio: bank of 'the Shilling | Boy had seen Mrs: Quack and : turned at dusk that night they had A thelr dinner of corm Poul, began. throwing corn out into the® water, Peter grinned, He knew they th Farmer Brown's her Big 'was that when they re- friends when they flew to the River, So (Copyright; 1930, I, W, Burgess) The next story: "Mr, and Mrs, Quack Remain," ----e CLAREMONT NEWS 'Claremont, March S1st-~Luther Bowes of Peterboro, called on Claremont friehds on Saturday, / Mr. and Mrs, O, Brown of To- ronto, spent the weok-end with the latter's parents, Mr, nnd Mrs, Wm, Thompson, The C.G.LT, held thelr regular meeting on Friday evening at the Mansé, Miss Mabel McLellan of Rich. No "SHLD _ PP Bi | v A mond Hill, week-end, was home over the Mrs, ¥rank Cooper spent several Tast wook with friends in To- Toute, Mr, Lyman McCollough bay re- turhed to Toronto after heing off duty for a week with tonsilits, Mrs, ¥eank Cunliffe of Wind. sor and Mrs, Herry Geddes of Lon. | THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY; APRIL 5, 1950 dow, Ont, spent several days' last week with Rey, A, apd Mrg, Mes Lelluy, The 'Anchor Boelety of the Uniten Churet will visit «the Greenwood Y.P.8, on ¥riday evening next and present them with the Oshawa Pros. byteries Bauner, Mr, and Mrg, Albert Mantle de- companied by' Mrs, Borland were in Toronto on Monday visitig Mrs. Esther. Bosse, who is quite 11), Communion Service will be held in 'the United Chur h on Sunday, April fth, Preparatory Service and rdception of members on Thursday oveping at 8 o'clock, A mon went Into Cohen's book store and ssked for wo. copy of "Who's Who" and "What's What," by Jerome K. Jeromeq, "Haven't got dot book," sald Cohen, "but we hat 'Who's He and Vot's He Got," by Dradgireet," 18258 NOTORISTS TAKE NORTH TRAIL Increase of Nearly B,000 Cars in Year on Fer: guson Highway Taronto, Apl, b="That the Fergu- son Highway Is steadily becoming 4 popular thoroughfare for the motor nts bound for the lakes and forests of Northern Ontario, is shown by the forestry' department officers who issue permits at the gate of the Ten sami Reserve, During 1927, 6,000 automobiles pass ed over the road, The expectation is that 1930 will show a further increase in the number of motor vehicles v use thiv highway, hi The nthe of May, opening. th summer season, and October, being the hunting season, were the heaviey | traffic periods, "The major portion the traffic using the Ferguson High way Is stated to come from withi Ontario, Ton new continous-wave radic stations will he established 1s Northern Ontario this spring 64 part of the Ontario Government Forestry, Branch's program of in- cronsod forest-fire detection and suppression, The. Holstéin breeders = associa" tion of Canada has now a members whip of 4,000, During recent years thousands of purebred holsteiny have heen shipped to Western Cane nde and to the United States from the eastern provinces of the Dome inion, . 4 A 2 / a 4 -- BIA ELLA CINDERS--Asleep At The Wheel SEE HRN WN ~ ame ne \ \ \ al J LIM THE MUSEUM AY NANTES THERE 15 A PAINTING, SAID | 10 BE BY VAN EYCK, REPRESENTING PHILIPPE LE BON, ARCHDUKE OF AUSTRIA, AMD SUBSEQUENTLY KING OF SPAIN, CONSULTING A FORTUNE ~TELLER BY CARDS, THES PICTURE CANNOT BE OF A LATER DAVE THAN THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY, RAHE EARLIEST WORK ON FORTUNE TELLING BY CARDS WAS WRITTEN 771 OR COMPILED BY FRANCESCO MARCOLINI, AND PRINTED AT {| VENICE 1340. TERE RC KAY DIFFERENT SYSTEMS in USE TODAY, © 1900, Xing Poutures Syndicate, Tne, Groat Britain rights reserved, BETTY © hall SI ---- LL. : 7, Tl ip. 727 y Zl o > DID THAT GYPSY ff YES, SHE TOOK ALLMY OMAR, TELL § MONEY AND THEN TOLD FORTUNE , BI ME THAT 1 WASHY T0 THE MOVIES ! - Ir / LETS HEAR WHA ' YOU'VE GOT T SAY: MR-IGGS: A By Geo, McManus VO: BLT THIS ID A PRIVATE LITTLE. OF THE LUNCHEON WE FS LADIES | 4] ARE QWING To 3 71 THE CAPTAIN WE DON'T INVITE ANY WES MAGGIE THIS 1S A STAG - BY MISTAKE BOBBY BOUNCE Pl THE. GUILT { whoomse | AND DANCED ALL OVER 'COMR ON)' SAD nga SAS 2 Suh OFRER, POOR MB ANY OUR iL : It your wateh fs not giving mk BE TILLIE THE I DME JHAPRENED ING TERR "4 a TOILER--A New Traffic MIM, MAY v: You B CAR © Peril Bee as] MR. \WHIPP\ § A hl TRLL HER Yo LIKE TO HAVE W