Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Apr 1930, p. 11

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/ . - P/ GE ELEVEN [ED SECTT ON ROICPIIO | Money, 10 loan isi Gontersagh DA anh. a genera) 4) Alger ore Perry. ore, Dawa and ort , Perry | 1) Shaws, 'IMar, 4-1 mo) 11 TART ai! TYE el oney to loan, Alger Bidz, op: posite, Post: Office, Phone 1614, A Cla "Medical DRS, HAZLEWOOD & WARVER, Disney Block, Phooe "080, Office hours 0 am, to 8.00 pm, Dr, 8 J. Hazlewood, special atteniion to Surgery And X-Ray, br; B, H, Har or, special attention to children's iseases and ' Obstetrics, Bundey and nightjcalls "416.0 122, DR. MeKAY PHYACIAN. SUR son, g coucher, ce, and resi. on R nx St, Ee at cornel Vietorla DR, HAROLD. a TRI XK. Lf 181+ clan, Surgeon Obstet clan, Spesial references to Maternity 3 pork aod dh won y parr h nner wv, Office and resi« dre Simgoe St, No 'eof, Brock) DR, G R urgeon, Obwretrician, N inburah. atetricien | 30 one rig and Shildron.ss 2 P, and 8 0 St. N g 8 CAllR, PHY % Obstetrician, Office an , ih Simcoe street north, BUN F ou and Obstetrician, office res dense, 143 Simcoe Street, NON ol ah 2 ons af nd ? ell's Drug i Hours venings Office phone « 4 - in he he | . lr A MER '1 K, Clarke, 147 AR street. enons | 8704 Ah ! muscle Anomalies Yate Strain, The ilo and Its 'Pevalop ont, Line B opposite Post Office. bie © (Mar, 131 wo) | Engineering and Surveying Rn on "dl ne pF 2 Es ie REE PR 1 Kin 4 est F nyt hie Btw way The | aig wa, 30 Re porth, "Your Insurance wants Ab Jonde to and your nteresis prov T A man's, 85 in furniture wovia 8, storage Phowe and moving en equipment CARTAGE, SOVINE, ONAVEL | a a ie Saline. Latah i "& don, Phous D484, 10 Bond Bt, West, lished furn'turg movers, 'Par! ear ane: 3 and long anes wok Fe Cowle, fo, pro 65 Ri (Mar, 10+1 mo) = Beauty Parlors. | THRTTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Bhop, Spécialists In permanent, finger and waree!; waving, Ver. manent wave prices 36, 37.60, ¥1v and $15, All other Mines of Beauty Culture, Ehoue 2008, Apply KU Bimeoe strest norgi R Betty Ward at Betty ou Permian: ent Wave Shop arcel and shame ON! RBER AND VATSONS & fie St, we sper uty Sh mn 9 fit i ize " . A ing, # Ambooluk, oy cla oy Tt" mo A {iad 2640), Mar, 2U<} mo) Richmond Bt, Hast, Men, women and children's bair cut, Buccessor to Mr, Voshay, Mele Brady, prop: rietor, t§0e) UR LYND vr Seal Bi Co ory, 2 Af axaIns, Dibama Trusdny © ky Wik lism street vast, Upra ". Hr a i, od master o I] Strom U sled Chur" will accept pul dn 0, OF apd Mar For. particu id app. Willem his east, Phone 0, Mar 4:1 mo) | ey Gibb 8 (Mar LD A ononsult BR. N, Joboe, 80 Simcoe, + trucking, TO TIO | cook stove and one furnatetia All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE has been | dw] ts om handing of this no ' essary because of ex 180 pumbes of il For thy alhvmaltise of custeinets who find it ineonvenient ond porthiy do ams, "Times" Classified Telepho ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT o personally to The Times' office, o telephone call "il bing om eponger who will receive the sirenimon 1 ' Ads Bring Results one 35 Work Wanted [21 LJ! b, CHENTES felds made . order, We save voi . , Estimates free UG A, Td 74 Mechanic street, A x for ae ver LY fie of i Pry FY) fIX UP YOUR gravel, sand, cinders Chiey Graham, Phone (Mar, 27-1ma.) Dry "Cleaning / DRY CLEANING, PREEBING, DY. 124 KI Sire) ven Phone aa iY Rid Mar. de) Mo, LA) no os prin I and repairing, all goods called for und delivered, Phone 824 66. Bagot Street, (Mar, ll mo.) LOOL! LOOK = FOR EASTER Have your old hat cleaved and blocked to lock like new at "The Hub, 13 Kin Etreet West, Shoe Shine and Frat Cleaning, Work uaranteed, Phone 2449, Victor Cols ly (Apr. 4 == 1 mo) FOR fo 4; BAUS romp 2 selivery, place HA ny advance of delivery date, np wda = oo 1618, ul WOOD labs BE Ler Also bone dry v Waterous Meek Lime \ nis rene myers repaired, HR . Phang iar is. 1 mo) ROADWAY, 2621 mn, Ly planos, new and used plans, t_wadels hus a, ly Frail, Pho A ¥ ol er seed, for mule Fin 1 48 r 1-8, (May, 88-1 mo) _ Kellogs' + Xarly Bivd, Proms or and Pocomoke, White Leghorn batching ogee, Maron siraln, Phene 3004W, (Mar 20-1 wo) T=CRUSHED STONE driveways, Waterous. Phone 1 Mar AN) FGUATE "PIANG IN G0OD CON dition, Cheap Tor quick sale, Ape ply 48 Québec Bt, Phone G41M, (The) FIANG WILLIAMS, MODERN apartment slike and bench, Ike new, Monthly payment, an Roa! Street, Phone 81 e THON HARD: fit, West, have jhe slov for [ annex, 1 Chips for Meek Limited, ware, 33 Rin following u 1 gas stove, 1 Phone hs TWO A §.Lhoue BAW. 1 yo um size, Cheat, 6 Ced ' Apply # Stréet, Phone 07, NGL {Li "new. Apply 148 Chg RE Sm baby by Good condition, it new tron, onp. Phong EL \/ ama A RA Rh) and general jor 1] wired forsgleatrie stove, ] For Rent ke suites, Solwe Aurnished, lau. dry, conveniences, «lee dryer, elo, flog stoves, eleg relriveration, hot Mri, yoar round, Phoge 1880 or orp suites] Including eleetrie refyiy oration, stove, Iasndry, conven) oubes, ote. continuous mot water supplied, Apply Supt. 'phone 3617), be Trusts avd Guarsntes Oo, (44, manegey tor owner, Toronto. (9741) Abby Be phly 4 (on) ; WON, lavely "figtures, Apply Mrs 255 Bree Street, Jone (AA) (4) house on Pringe street, Bigin west, ™ INT = hardwood floors, Nariowe, 471M, = TENT=T NIURNISHED fiat for vent, Three rooms, Wired for elegtrig stove, Hardwood floors, APply B81 Dearborn Ave, Lien FOR RUNT=HOUR RIX WOUNE, eleatrie, 'gan and al) conveniences, Corner Hond and :Untario streets, Ge A, Balter, U8 lond K, Plone 1314, ; (78d) § NODA WOURR "ON" "FUCKING: ham Ave flours, . Chesthy} Mim, Fireplate, Wired for olf. trie stove, Possession 1st. May, pois] B81 Bimooe Ht, North (70¢) { 230 Kulall Ave hd rent, Winlle Avenue, ( ) 4-0 NFORNTEWED WOOM ALL conveniences, Reasonable vent, Phone 104824, (The) i OOM N houses, garages, fAlxtures- and der oorations, rom #85 up, B® doch, 27 Warren Ave, (10e) IY don Stacey; 471 Bimeos South, (700) TON NENT TWO 00a farms, lot 15, 5.1%, and ¢'irst Cone cession, Township of Mast \Whithy, fronting on Kingston 'Road, part o Johiy Liaruielt Mstate, Immed)s ate Ann Outarvie, Holleitars for the Admin: intrator, (T4072 0sNUNU, NY) TOUR SE TIGH' water. and a Apply 126 Park Road South, (78¢ Newly decorated, china and bed linen, electrie stove, heat, wales and Ulght, 825 monthly, 107 Weak moreland Ave, el ed, bedroom, & an conveniences. Tele: asone, Very mil, n Bony wat fished with every convenience Sor | ee Phone: 3 a ih ma 240, on Alles ht, KATage. App t or phon are bought And sold, Alsa | it TT (Ma Be «on sinking anc Decoratin tt GU OLE, VF! Murs | A} flovgmsien, Apply to Conant & 8, Bapvisters, &o, OUshawe, | 4 om 80¢) THT | Tv HOWTO X9 CRT NOM, Eér Rent (THREK OOM apartment, on ground tleor, All opnveniences with garage, in quiet ame, 261 Arthur street, Vhone Vorw, 2 git) ) vile Reksonabe, Apriy io Aad odd immediate possession, vent reason- Able, Apply 2406 John street west, Phone 1516W, (ive) BY STAY Tot ~-- TROOMYD COT tage with all conveniences, Apply 4 (80h) ) on rah Khe ¥ home 71 Be apartment, for vent April ly Apt, 2 ass Loma, 161 ' A TH y " N decorated, Apply 210 Park Rd, 8 Ji L FOR or bed Phone 0h G oom dgwnitir, and "bedroom ayer, Laolt two ladles or business eouple, as a Midren, Central, Garage, Ficus £) a "ROOMS, feat, newly decorated, electric re« rigarator, stove, hot water, Janitor service, diate possession, v0, Phone 1768M, (He) bedrooms, Night housekeeping, slttingroom. Board If desired, Tinme )|'W. J, Bulley, auctioneer, (Kus) | | smn = n i Building Materials prices, Glazed Sash, Doors, Viames, flooring, Roofing, Bullders' Hurde wire Wallboard nsw! intjng Board, Pumps, Plumbing Goods® Save.by dealing bg A Send for big Vree Catalog, day | Company Limited, # uid fl, fais Bale" be offered for wile at 304 Church street, Oshawa on Saturday, April §, 1080, n quantity of furniture, consisting of tables, chairs, beds, stove, cupboards, & quantity of tools, Other things too Dumerous Any person wanting to put. articles iu this sale may do #0, Bale at 1.80 p.m, Terms cash, to mention, y My Ms 0 AN, formerly of 5064 Arthur Mt, Osh. Awa, Ont, or anyone knowing of her Diseh whereabout, commun- feate With the Estate Nervice Du- ronu, 65 Nichmond Nt, West, To- ronto, Ontario! (796 Forni ture Repairing FURR URE REF UVHOLRTE NED and repaired, Also 1otrimming and decking autos, Vhone 14U4N, Vrices modera o (Mar, #1 _mo) J 0 BEDROOM, two, close to Motors, All gonvenis hoes, Apply 73 MeMillan Drive, ; (B0¢ FON RENT=THRTE NOUMTL bouse, $10 per month, Apply 4 Val. encia road, (¥0n) Fo tooms on bath fiat, ences, Phone and gas, Apply $04 Haotg Mreet, (80g) FOR NENT==FIVE™HOUNED bouse on Vroek Mt, 836. 6 roomed nlo on Watren Ave, 885, Also lovely 7 roomed private heme, north end, Phone Molden 371W, (§0b) TO NENT=--= WALL WTUCCO house: Close to Motors, Uonvenis ances, #8 per month, Apply Hei Haig street, (BVe) = Two TURNTRHED or unfurnished rooms, or suitable for bed sitting rooms, All gonven« lendes, Phone 2407/, (800) FOR FOUN NOUN: od apariments, up and downstairs, Conveniences, 104 Church Nt, Ape ply 108 Chureh Wt, (0b) Wanted to Rent FURNIFHED "Housk ™ waNTHD Al omce by business couple, No ohildren, east or north or would Loko part of aed hogse; Htate terms, Apply 878 Times, (40h) "For Sale or Rent. og All convents for sale or*rent, 84 Cadillac Ave, Fnone 164, day= Lime, 2804) nights, (§Ve) Reasonable rent, C16 NEW IX NOON BNIOR House | Motor Cars A NUAT DANUAIN ON A Wr0DE: baker five passenger sedan car, of will trade It for a smaller ear, Apply after five o'clock, Phone 080) (100) Lost and Found MOTE ou IAT WHITE "nd tan, Anyone found with this dog in their possession after this date will be prosecuted, Meward for information leading to recovery of game, Phone | 1 Haun, (ve) To Room and Board XANAT=VERY COMFORTANLE room and excellent table board Central, Terms moderate, 188 Xing Bt, West, (700) ROOM ANT BUXRU TONONE OR two young men, Nice aceommoda« tion, 48 Gibbs street, (ve) ROOM AND BOARD VOR GEN- tlemen, private hone, prices reasons able, 143 Agnes Street, Phone 1775) (80¢) NOOWW ON JOA RUA Apply 206 Katie Ave, (¥0a) PLRARANT FRONT DEDRO0UW, livery convenience, Uood locality. Meals optional, 818 Alte) street oast, Phone 8170W, (MOD) ROU AND BURT IN" QUTR1 comforthble home; private family, Very central, Phone 1088J, (§0e) = | OI friends 'of the' ebmmiunity gathered and presented (Hem with a' hesutiful mantle clock (Westminster ghines) ond to Mr, Blanchard n gold wate! chain and knife, The following ad dress was read by Miss Allle' Avery, Messrs, Charles Brawn and Wm Avery making the presentations, To Mr, and Mrs, Win, Hodgson Mr, Arthur Ormiston visited in Toronto recently, Mr, Lloyd Hughson spent a few davs In Potente tecdntly. Addew from "here! 'atfended the flanice at Columbus oh Pelday aven- Ay Mr. Wil Blanchard, "1 "Dear Priends = We, your nelgh hours, friends and aequalytances have gathered hora this evefing to spend a few sociable hours with you before vou depart to your future homes Having known you for many years, we have aways found you wood Yelends ail nelgiours mmd we the people of Whglan, are Kprry to lose vou from" eur community, hut we hope our Joss ney ben yi else where, in order (to express. our esteem for vou and our sipeere good wishes and success In your futures home we ask vou to nesept theses gifts An as these chimes rin glorth, may it HARDWOOD FIONN LAID BY EXPERT MECHANICS floovs finished like new, Storm windows, combination dnors. General contractors, "HW, WAYNES, esidonce 180 » § 101 King Nt, V/s Phone 481 _- . - Order Your Spring Sult Now from the POMINION CLOTHING 00, Nn KING 87. W, A, 141 We Deliver lll tlt GOOD USED CARS Are Fold by THE ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 90 Simcoe Bt. §, Phono 000 EE --_-- F HARDWOOD FLOORS - i LAID i i | Blectriy Banded and Finishes | ed Complete | Ww, 3, TRICK CO, LTD, I 95 Albert Nireet I 'hone 880, 481 | nn a --_ Agents. Wanted FORAY TAI CHRTWTTAN MEN or women, College students, teach. ors, ministers, and others for dis brivk house, Bardweol floors, weds ern equipment, located on Mary St, #0 th of Greta, Apply Bradley Dros, ah C OR Bale close to Diane, ol 140 Agnes ut, (100) Sh Sale or or Exchange Seven roomed house, 2 acres of land, miles north of Oshawa: Apply Fred Conlin, Phone 1684 r 144, All conveniences, Nearly Lo) Must bb sold, Apply A, H, Brown. lee, 84 Monarch Fark Ave, To ronta, Grov, 8849, (80h) FOR™WALE= WE" WAVI™ 1WU splendid modern rug Lrieck houses #ix rooms, Above houses have been returned to owner and will be void at bullder's ah Central, Moderute ] 00 0ARy Lerma, Tyg be a Shner ona and. Simeoe, (800) "Vo and Ue iol fi La Je D CHICKS hn white {oi an th Li bard roe ] 1] a. aichery 00d | ton recently, ' | . Hn wo) A) An, b a mer of prohed an an Ga hs TE NUD , | hon, eo Sel! to ; Ha w days nd, ne "i WER ne 420, Wd tributing religious lterature, Hpes olal eppotunity during Kanter seas For particulars write stats inp aye and church eonnection Mr Conrad Tower Nidg, Toronto, WARTED=TWO™ OR THRYE men of neat Appearance to join the shlen force of large organisation, Salary and commission, Experience not necessary, We are willing to train you, Must be hustlers, Apply 78 Himeoe At, N, Friday evening on Monday and Tuesaday, (80a) SRS] RAGLAN PERSONALS Raglan, April 1, == The Ladies Aid pancake soglal last Wednesda evening was a decided success Af ter all the pancakep were consumed, 4 joined in games: for a short sine; he crowd wire then called to order, and Mr, and Mra. John Maye an family were. presented with a beau. tiful fernery and cake plate, accome« panied by an address read by Mrs, rvin Ormiston, Mre and Mra, Maye and family left on Thursday morning for their new heme in Claremont, thelr friends wish them success on their arm which Mr, Maye has purchased, Miss Hagel and Mr, Frank Grose, Toronto spent the week end with their parents Mr and Meso AK = G. Kemp, T inited as GG. Kemp, Toronto, visit with her triond, Mer, Arthur Ormiss The Sun ay School are holdin box social on Friday vening, Apr, 18th, A goed hi being provided, foand Mes, Irvin Qrmiston and sony, Arthur and George entertained about' thirty Ag AE heorle . sant party oo. tin playing ie he X) concert an lunch Re LR) HO i Ba and V With her pars {ued Mi ~~ 08. Cook, pn pk hone ad hostess | "CQEY COTTAGE" 8 rooms and kitchen, garage, and RB acres good garden land, 10 fralt tvoes, 3 wile from Lake, 034 wiles from Oshawa, mall delivery, phone, close to school and church, Dargdin $1,000, half cash, balance easy, DISNKY Phone 1580 LUMBER F. L. BEECROFT I+ Whithy Fumber and Wood Yard Phone Oshawa 8984 Whithy 18 ! Oshawa Burial Co. successor to: Disney-Cott AMBULANCE 87 Colina St. hohe 1088 bring back memories of your old friends us Raglan, "Blgned on behalf of friends," Mr, ond Mrs, Hodgsen and family yor Waglan and Mr, Blanchard are lenving here In a few duys w reside un Orange villé, Mr, Wm, Kellington, Oshawa, is visiting with his daughter, Mrs, Geo, Luke: Mr, W, Davidson, who had the misfortune to break his arm somes time ugo is slowly improving, Mesos, Ceell clubbard and Pred Rogers, had thele tonsils removed in Bowmanville hospliul recently, WHECK RACE THACK a ,.6e An enraged erowd wrecked the race track at Vincennes, France, vegently when five horses were Jefl, at the post in the first race on the program, 'The angry patrons cons tinued rioting until assured that entyance-money and all hots would he "refunded, There were 10 horses in the race, Thousands Now SEAM Alen A Ct Broakinst Food EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Bpesinllaing ssclutively 0 muscle eyesight and glasses, 1516 Phons=118 Disney Block Opposite Bard Off Drink Delicious | Kara Coffee Always Fresh at Superior Chain Stores MONEY LOANED Cars Refinanced All Dealings Confidentia) G. R. Holder MOTOR bois Ao? nh Felt Block Room @ Phone "00 used Joists of of anpther nishes, uson, 1 Si te y gh Reta a RE with a . frie olin Kellingt: d TR glen Jd a ae orspy mother, a he u Blakely Su A ere. ty with birthday | Ri in many. many wore I | pis nt, evening Ww Be Ton Me N vat No Ae ri al ad, HY hen heir 11 "Mn 3 sible, from "Balanced Units Uniformity. of apscies 'of lumber structurally Building has perhaps more to do with ita permanence through-out your 4 tha nos generally, one species, and addin species permits and" contraction, sometimes dis astrous results to plaster na her, It's. one thing on which we always | advisssand guard against in buying eur stocks, that they be, as much aa pos | the same section of Country for each species, all the time,

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