Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Apr 1930, p. 7

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' LJ ain and Produce Exchanges' Stock "Market | Prices Tay Cl ut _ Toronto and New York wock Biggar and Oravond, Ages, Duikding ey Ohm a Broek High , Br, A, OI 88 Bras, rH » 00 18% Low Ulose us us 4 y CH Abana 00 Alax ,., 104 Amulet 142 Big Mis, 60 Ch, Res, HOD Faleon, 450 Holl, vy B75 He, Ol p00' Hy, Gola #0 a, by, 1986 Lk, Bh, 9850 Nrada, 0000 #h, Grd, 260 Bd, Bs, B10 108 148 [1] ao 400 . Bb boo my 1446 LT Boho #1 Hh iy 1886 yin Bi i" soy Th, Mg 030 #16 Ventures 176 wr, Hr, 178 Wainwell 5 Now York Exchange | Ulose Low da % High BE % 66% " Hi Block Alleghany Alls Chal, Amu, Too Amn, Inter, Amn, Bmel, Amn, Tel, Anaconda Baldwin Borden ,.. TH% Borg War, 48% th, Bieel 107% Cn, Dry ,, TiW Onn, Pas, #11 Chrysler ,, BBW FoR soso iiidbl Gen, Blee, B75 Gen, Mot, , 4 oodyear ne % Gre, North, 100% Ken, Copper 60 Lig, Carb, 78% Mt, Ward 404 Mot, Wheel 838% Nt. Ch, Rg, 87 Pen, Rall 84% Radio ov v BOY Rem, (1 ih, 1 vo BO BL oof NJ, 15% Fiudebaker UB, Bteel © 190 HH UN, Rubber 38 Money 4 per cent, 7 200% iL ih LIA" TH % LA] 1% iw 4% ah 104% LEY PRICFS HEADING UP AT NEW YORK Heavy Selling Early in the Day Wiped Out After Noon New York Ny, Aprl) §="The took markel wiv. today under the WER of Nenvy selling LVN wh the increase of Heatly h Bilton dollars: In r loans last month reding "he dull on e, and by early afternoon Prices were handed Vowand Again under the Jeadership of the amuses ment shares, Heores of issues, ine ehiding ny of the veeent leaders, id down 8 to 10 points In ihe Morning reaction, but many of these losses had been retrieved, at ieant in part, id oatly afternoon when mains of oints were soattered through Hy Hat, Barly selllng received considers able impetas rom the bearish ad» viges of some of the la Bos 600. mission houses, one lntde more: ing the sale of all stobks _-- for trading purposes in the Tnat lx weeks, Others expressed 11 fon that the (echoes thon: whieh started late yesterday, might ww #0 much further, Meanwhile, pools struggled hard to maintain thelr advantage, being aided fn thelr operations by several favorable business developments, Despite the upturn in steel mill activity yeported this week, weask- * ness cropped out in several of the seel Issues, Hloss Whefield broke pod 4: 19 to 40 and Vanadium drop: §. Btedl common wold off to 198%, and above 194, Heavy buying of th hares was based on then rebounded Amusment sports of itandily expanding earnings of the 10aging producers and exhibitors ot sosoatled talking plotures, Radios Kelth-Orpheum, radio. and Keith. preferred all moved into pow " Digh round on gains of § to 8 lao ran up 4 points, at spring weather is report~ ed to have stimulated automobile silos, Plerce Arrow issues sold at new high levels tor the year, J, 1 Case sold § points higher and Worthington Pump soared 74 to a new high at 100%, Detroit Hdison, Alr Reduction and General Wieotrio sold 8 to § points Above jerinrye Final quotations. all money wan In fair supply at the renewal rate of 4 per gent, with indications that the rate wold be maintained. The Bank of England made no change 1n Its 8) rates were announced by the Cen oy Banks of Nwitserland and In. RR Tr T-- ---- A * STRENGTH . 1 for a few cents So easy to get Health and Strength for a few cents if you know what food to buy, It is what you digest that builds . muscle and bone and furnishes energy to the body. Shredded Wheat is the whole wheat ba a digestible form -- * liforbulding food bones snd tooth 8 + wand it costs but a few cents: Delis + elous with milk and stewed fruits 1 DDED- ver cent, discount rate but, lower mM 1 [MINING ST00KS SUP ATT Sherritt Gordon and Sudbury Re orn Avil i BA stat ler ten mpanie ight ThaTonst Vf y , ied oo i , MM La notion on PA mining in, Sho enrly period tor are greatly in the WAjoriy Whon the 1st Wes Lekon U Moon, though movements, excep! & few Instances, wera more or Aig unimportant, hervitt Gordon was the most native and softest lswue, opening at hui ok bat Hom to $8.41 and stand- rom' lastnight at $8.40 a yi Basin, which hold substantial bloek of Wherritt t Gog don stock, was off § to #5,08 » ' Valoonbridge and Ventures, 'the other important members of the Jindeioy fou, were holding uns chang Howey, up » point te #0, showed the only advange in the golds, the majority vemaining stu tionary while Dome and "Teck Hughey A at five each and Vi. pond 4 HEE CANADIAN TRADE FAIR COMPARED T0 WORLD CONDITIONS Unemployment Problem Here Not Nearly as Bed as in Other Countries (By Canadian. Prove Lotsed Wire) Toronto, April 3~While the state of Canadian business Is uneven and may bg regarded as disappointing cdmpared with that of u year or wu ao, It is fale dn relation to world vondislons, deslares the mefithly con kmercial Jetter of the Canudian bank of Commerc, Canada's unemploys ment prapleny by. no means negiigi bie, 18 Nok nearly so seuty As In some older countries, the letter points out, During the menth of March busi ness conditions showed a gradual re. _oession in Industrial an operations, whigh tended to offset un settlement in other branghes of coms merce, anys the bank's letter, "Ih improvement, however, Is seasonal" the report Hous oil "and while it 1 i Wilk ig change, vartioularly as al» actin HA THAS it Is not of the same stimulating degree 25 in former dh although there ia now areaten diversification of Canadian with a number of compare atively sthon Hi We have mentioned belore that the reduction nm agricultural purehasin power would leave its mark on tha "nono. mig structure and this has proved to be the case, Until the farming coms munity experiences favorable wea~ ther and arketing conditions, busis ness as a whole will ntinue on a smaller' scale than in the four pres Qeding years, However, Conada fs iortunate Jat sepitel expenditures on development JProjects continue In 0 volume," 0 the matter of European trade the bank's letter remarks that with i Pros! ot of further substantial ress, Europe seems to offer opportunities as an expert mar- ket tor these Canadian commodities which require an expanding nwarket awing to Canada's introns produc; tive power, CHAIN STORES ARE STILL CLIMBING Trading Mostly Slow, How. over, on Toronto Stock Exchange Toranto 1 lh 1] ' The market on Toronto Htook Exchange today Waa more inclined to idle along on the momentum of ita recent ads vanoes, The volume of wtovks, tured 'over the firet couple of | hours was phe lowest of the week and altho there were a numbu of Srdlnay y dormpnt stocks being aned rather extensively the ak mu mush narrower, haln a stookn i thely bard a Ntores an going teh iohally Ly Jono aetdars oat to Jot new tol dato . Wr whi hd n slgnae of lite ih oon's tradi + Yantnd 0 M" i Ta i nt Sheotheutar os atl a when it came out at 65 and at midday WAS a oh a pots | BF open t night iE thoudh 5 A couple at hotter, po Fi Aon Jo AL Ten of 20 J) laws a lok And some on AE Hen WA Ul 1 ot hr lewh bh hy - AA no pra in the ment 1 (ho Tlguor RE continued Dominion' \ RRIG EXCHANGE i ERE Alig gonstruction N ti ig Woes ps dh hel 1 & her ut 1H: 112, PAs | 14d to 1 bi h her Af 114 19 34; {etubety 3 4 7-8 higher wt 116. to 116 1.2, Oty Mu 2 igh or ut ja3:2y uy Bebe 1] Lig at 1s A J TORONTO LIVESTOCK (rom, April S=Cattle reacipfs Cattle trade dosed firm on the Dominion Livistoek Exthunge today with supplies well clogned wp, firadus of butcher guttle were beady { pL w hm for choles, gulven dnesday close was 50¢ lower $3.50 for Holt Hog receipts GB Hogs were steady at $12.50 fob for bacon or $1328 of ear, | No | nbs, Th higher this merning with all dey of oums presenting i full stondy to firm undertone, There has been wi apparent effort to lower yuotations bgt the total fullure of these taeties Sinphasices sll the more the real firm ness of today's market, Current and deferred deliveries on the future eall were & bit lower but the general mas ket was attraeting more support if the reduced level: Extras und other top grades of the whole milks were generally Lod lowe, this morning on the spot butter esll, At the decline the entire lst exhibited a soady une dertone, There was no activity on the futures but prices yesterday were maintained. on the few seatiered trang nations of the day, ' # Qpan commitment Apeli vee 4) Nov, eggs 43, April baer Ab} June butter ' Nov, butter 7 Two market receipts Rte today, 198121 last your 21.889, Lgus to day, 76,000 | Inst year 50,400, TORONTO GRAIN quot ATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronto Board of Trade are making tie following quotations for car lots Munitabe wheatt Ne, 1 nother, 115; No 2 00, 112 48; No, 3 1.09 34; No, 1.07 14; No, § 102 1-3) No, 6, % Vedas feed 71 ods (elf, Goderieh and Bay ports), Manitoba oaty=No: 1 feed 53 1:2¢ 0 4 Ne American corn=No, 3 yellow, WW Ide; No, J do, Wei Nu 4, de, 98¢ Millfeed delivered, Montreéul frelghts, bags Included=Rran per don $1,251 shorts per ton SM.25 1 midds pn $38.25, Ontarlp grdin-<Wheat. $1.08 $110 sats, 50. to. 08a Barlent 82 to " tu my be wheat, He 3501 rye, EANT wn vr ALO LAVENTOUK Bast Buffalo, April Hous 1,100; holdovers 1.800; weights above 160 lbs, fairly active to all interests, steady, luhter wolghts weak to slightly lower: bulk 160+ 210 bs, 10,75 to 10,88; #90870 Ibe, 10,85 10 10.707 papking sown AA 8 to 9, 20) pli dentering around fo Ourtle 1001 eows unchanged; cutter grades 5.80 to 6,90, Calves 380 voalers haroly nloady, good to choles 1450 to 10,00, Bheep 800; lambs Ay stoady at, Wednesday's depline; quality Iain good to choles woolsking, 06 be. down §,00 to 8,78: eholoe quot: od 10:90; eliphors 8.50 4 to 8.70, UNICAGO GRAIN Chicago, Il, April Ge Bouths western reports of topsoil dry uw ashen sent woats prices soaring Lo- day, The reports sald that to pre vont serious' damage. 8,000,000 acres of wheat in Western Kansas and farions of " DINE aptaton must he Ave soakin 8 before hot weather arrived, Rania to 14 up, wheat later scored qulok addis tional gains, Corn and oats were higher and. afterward continying upgrade, bravisions Hons tended lower, | MOTOR PRODUCTION ' | IS S SPEEDING uP Detroit, Art an Je=Graham«Palye Motors Corporation preduged = 4947 oars in March, an increase af 1,184 «aver February, Total first guarie: " Juetion wan 11,078 cars, upp glor Corporation in Mar soon 3213 care, of which 213 wero for export; This compares with 203 "oi and 3 in a i tor Motors find Y ok Mg Cary in a ruary and Arbrominateh TM March, on April ad 0 galls for 10) o ody mat ely oneshall © the' Ab po any shipped lid "Hi can track ky fhe od Yuh ¥ 20 in February an Bulk Motor Car. Company sigs od 8, gk Par) Re ork mary iin on ompred ih FURGIAR of powEn OF POWER BY ONTARIO HEPC HEPC. (By Canadian Toronto, Ap Mr Te Dominion Power and Ttine thw Galati Migs move, from yesterday's. elows, for the week, exsept fed calves vhiek | quoted at $18 %, July ot Bl 140 closed $2.00 lower for the wilel "rand October ut #116 odd CHICAGO PR PRODUCE FUTURES a , Chicago, April 2==Quotationg on | have heen used to ill insects, took the cush market werk frail | nitule in serious dieu wun tnkowrmuddenly 111m committees mesting today and had firmer, with corn starting 4 to § | in Tk April ache | against iP mn Teta Prices in the. ommercial Markets G 241. "Winnie ee JUOYIVEA 6x port pit pag) Y whet prices sours ying upward on the Winnipeg drain Exchange today and at mids dewvion euch of the three futures ind gooved gatns of two cent oF Unexpected strength at Ldverpool allied with estimates of at Teast n million hushaly of wheat having heen exported overnight to | onthe the oiimb, yuite active, PiU ide wap "At 10.80 o'glosk all three fu] ied khawed Jlimpy of 8% wenin Miy 'was a, it FUMIGATING GAS i TAKES ™WO LIVES| By Canadion Press Logasd Wire) Hyraoush, N.Y. April eA tum paid by firemen to A he Myon of two men, Including: n fireman, sent three others to how condition, and alfected' noveral loss weviounly others during a five bore today, -- PREMIER TARDINU LY Paris, April fessPremior Tare i Wie automobiie he to Lie assisted to and mken to the hotel where veuides O#' awa Ladies Lose in Toronto (By Canadian Pros Lossed Wits) Toronte, Aprjl 30us of town badminton stars arvived in forse today to take part In the sesord annual invitation ment held on the of Toronto In Yhith there Is the huge entry of The Womans i» fob aim in | ih ontrie rom Gutvile, Cathrinet, | Port Hops, Woedstosk and Kings Jon {| / Results inslude hadley singles; Miss J, Toreaneg B, and dofonted Mise Mileham, ooh. awn, 11:4, 114 "Min Vv. Crossley, York, defeat. A Miss G. Morris, Oshawa, 11:2, oN EF, Coke, B: and 4, doe fonted Mra, Erie Phitlips, Osh: awa na, 10. The greatest Industrial expan lon In the history of Alberta wax shown hy the annual report of el provines's labor department re gaptly, dn whieh 16 wan sisted Lhat fhiore had heen an inerease of 44 per cent in the number of males omployed und 4% per cent In the number of femules amploysd 11) industria) concerns, Now industries natablivhed during the yesr under | review hrought 7,000 into employ ment, "The report showed a tolal OF 3,804 Industral firme, with 64 B01 employes and a payroll of 500,904,000, At 'Badminton The best from oid Spain, Stuffed and packed In a quality manner, - McLAREN'S {| INVINCIBLE JOLIVES a Gr Munitobu, culms tha dive | stongdod where He now farms, He | tinatlon of having one of the ny y | ume from north. of Montreal | ost fumilibg fn Manitoba, all Hving, | where his father, eoming from ry in the Hammond family, My, and | ind was reared, Of lis #1ve sons Men, Ham Hammond and their five | one Is married, having un farm ol | wong and seven daughters Mi, | big own, while the other four Are Hammond came as 4 ad tp Mane | helping thelr father to oporute hi itoha In Apri), 1680, and homes ) large holdings, -- a-- g | BOVRIL | 18 A | SPLENDID . PICK-ME-UP i.e ee. _ Sh RI re WHERE SCONOMY RULES | FRESH FISH FOR LENT GREAT ATLANTIC and PA crFic Avold the uanecessary handling of fish at home! Our fish men, upon request, will clean Ad Sy vantage of this service when shopping at A Fish is Velivered to our stores frosh dally, - i kept in its bari state while In the store by means of our most modern refrigerating »y . i] Frosh, From the re Ash ready for your table at no extra charge, Take ade FILLETS FRESH ATLANTIC COD steansiv, HALIBUT SEA HERRING... v With quality anvured, You oan HAM 4 Shoulder Roast, Ib, Fillets wvme CHOICE WINTER-CAUGHT WHITEFISH MACKEREL~Fresh Chilled ...... lb. 8c HADDOCK-~Headless and Dressed, 1b. SALMON----Silverbright RIONER FINNAN HADDIE~Smoked \ MEATS VEAL FINEST QUALITY FANOY MILK-FED STOCK. Loih Roast WH 1b, 200 MALY OR Whole "Rack Roast , .. Ib: 26c "Loin Chops La Ib: 3%¢ i so Cutlets. 38 |. YOUNG CANADIAN LAMM LEGS... ...\ Ibi 38 LOINS od Ih, 28 SHORE AONE Ea am AE 22 King St. West--Phone 2632 9 Simcoe St. South--~Phone 3170. FISH This week and every week the choloost and freshest that the wir. kot provides are found st A & PF, He w 21 . 13 166 atte 1b. | Fo ' fhe + Ib. 1 "Wa 1b, 28¢ ARTI | von Th 13¢ wat serve A & FP, meats 'to your most fastidious friends oo and know (hat they will be pleased, . SMOKED FANCY AVGAR-CURED ' AF kdl, Wh 31. PEAMEALED=-RY THE PIECE Cottage Roll BACON ne tae 1h Qe ". 42e { LEG w.27 Fronts 21s Ib, 26c \ Our own fancy pasteurived creamery, ant. Printed and wrapped in our own pl SUNNWIELD BUTTER 2 the. 75: SILVERBROOK CREAMERY 2 Ibs. 73¢ OHOICE RED BRITISH COLUMBIA COMOE No, 1 7INS SALMON 2t0r33c 2100 $10 THE NEW CORY-=DELICIOUN IN FLAVOR CORN DeiMaix 2 No.2 7ine J Ge ENDORSED BY BEAUTY EXPERTS EVERYWHERE Palmolive ur 3 «= 1 Qe VICTORY RRAND PICKLES AND OLIVES, PICKLES un: "x 41s OLIVES "ine 2.000 45. DELMONTE \ RAISINS «x 2 rue. 2850" WALNUTS--In Shell + (viol. 2 Ibs 83¢c / SHRIMP--Extra Fancy Selected... Tin 18¢ "TODDY ..... 4b, Tin 81c 1b. Tin 8lc MUSTARD ARGOS PREPARED 4.00 Cup O¢ CIGARETTES--Buckingham . ... Pkg, 28¢ CHRISTIE BROWN BIRCUITH Pinwheel FRA. 2 8s Assorted Packages 5 for 23 FRUITS and VEGETABLES. DELIVERED 0 OUR STORES FRESE DAILY 3 Calif, Grown Carrots .........2 b 17c Mexican Tomatoes, fresh ripe ......2 * le Rex Team oxas Boots ..... visi 8 nih ate | w Cooking Onions «.......... 8 Iba Iba. 28¢ || New Brunswick or Ontario Potatoes . Peck 37¢ || Calif, Seedless Oranges CATA ANY «+ + Dozen ge | Bathnay lage rive fruit conve el Toad Iceberg Lettuce . ,...: 3 2 heads' he Iceberg Lettuce «..... ved Texas Spinach, fresh SURLY. «vv ihe 2 Ibs. Ue EE -- a * MORE. NONE Y-SAVING vabuss RED \ASEBERRIES=A mer BORE SG -- 2 Tn CATS hE ARASRAT ARAL AARNE 1 the 4 va i ONE ARTEL AER a sans B BE \ } iets § EE AEE Ey TWH HN adv BE 3h AAR} a 3 NN be ia 8 WANX=Castle he CEEETTRT TT PETC § iE in "paid a ony the price to. be 02,200,000, WA AVRO. BTR Cte ana LETS CURTIN RE 3 LAL) ted Bow SARAH AAAARARARRAARALRARARRAR IAS RU ioriy ATR TITLE Teed RATER

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