Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Apr 1930, p. 2

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ok I - THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES advertising | § REPRESENTATIVES. Discovery ¢ 'er Prevents Serious flagration » i g---- ! A fire which started under peculiar 'eiremmstances at Central Public ' School last Friday evening hds just come to light and The Times was § given 'to. understand that it ds like- + dy that it will be found that the fire sodid not start-from natural eauses, + One of the teachers, who had stay- «ed late at the school that cvening 1 was attracted by something amiss ih » one of the classrooms and. upon in- « vestigation found four of the desks Ls in this room on fire, The fire depart. "u 'ment was not called as the fire had wot gotten a firm: hold-and the jun itor. and others managed to subdue the flames. It is, thought that the fire was started by someone in the . school as in each desk the school books were found to have: been set _ alight, Jf it. had not been for this teacher staying. a little later, after ours the fire might have caused considerable damage for if it had pot been discovered when it was the rest of the room might have been a prey 'to the flames.in a very short time. The chairman of the school trustees "was called to the scene with the chiet bi pw who is conducting an, inves Cons » TORONTO FIRNS AWARDED CONTRACT IN BOWMANVILLE he 'Wm, Gayton Will Erect New pt Salvation Army Citadel William. Gayton, 81 Malvern' venue, Toronto, was awarded late yesterday the bulk contract for the erection of the New Salvation Army + Clitade! in Bowmanville, The plans \ .,which were prepared by Frank ., Palmer, staft architect, 20 Albert reet, Toronto call for a frame ny "uliding with shingle roof dimen- + +#lons about 50 by 25 feet, The cost "will be between §7,000 and $8,000, * Work will commence immediately. It will be a keen dissapointment fo many that the contract was not to a Joeal builder, When the lans were made tenders Ww 14d and two Bowmanville 'builders figires on the job, bat it '#ppears that this time they were L 4 hot asked to bid, It is to be hop- | * od that evel if the job hag been, # et to & Toronto firm they will em- ploy Bowmanville help, as men in this town employed in other near- *1by centres are losing their jobs be-' ; Cause. they do hot live whers they i work. -DURHAN COUNTY HOLSTEN HEN HOLD ANNUAL SAE YP. B, Seymour's "Idlewilde A oR YL "hd Duchasir County Holstein a» ers' Club held dts annual spring sale ato Beith's = Waverley = Stables, Howimmayille, last week, when-twen. head of fine cattle were dig ion Jud, offered from acéredit- 87 Balin et HAD J 3 The av ale price was od : was $238 for "idle era t '» Goods Snow Korndyke"' a son: of "Pioneer Ry Soo go iStanklin was auctiongen, and v s usual good fer, - doing { the. interests of all who d bt cattle to the sale, | Io Comp (WA) by School Teach! be received st the ) HERBERT MORTLOCK 'subscriptions wil) of The Times. 7 elephones---Ofice, 587 | OF WHITE SHIELD | CLUB TST. PALS {Club Will. Hold English 'Night on April 22 at Home 11 of Mrs, Getchel ¢ Shield Club was held in St. Paul's Sunday school room on Tuesday night with a4 large number of mem. bers present, The meeting which was presided over by Mrs, Thomas Gould, the 'president, opened with YO" Can. ada," followed by a lengthy business session ut which plans for a special meeting, for April 22 were discussed, his night. will be called | English night and 'the, program will be ens tively English in. spirit and all nym- bers will be given by the English members of the club, It will be held at the home of Mrs. Gatchell on Lo- vers' Lane, Following the business session two contests were held and the winner were awarded prizes, Then the most interesting event of the evening took place,' namely a. treasure bunt, Six- teen boxes containing seme gb ous thing to represent a well known song were hidden in the room and the 'members amused themselves by finding these boxes, On finding a box the finder had to open it, guess. the song it represented and then sing it, A special prize was also awarded to the best singer of the evening, The meeting elosed with the Good Night Song and the National Anthem, The president, Mrs, Gold would ike «ll members to bear in mind the date of 'the 'English night, It is 'the day previous to St, George's Day which day will be remembered ds the day. of eelebration by English people for their patron saint. -- SERVICE STATION CHANGES HANDS Kemp, Bros, of Oshawa, Have Leased Corbett Mo- "tor Sales Building Another important local change in business took place this week when Roger" Corbett + of Corbett Motor Sales, disposed of the Arage and sere vice departments of his business to Kemp, Bros, (Frank and Rube) of Oshawa, The new proprietors are well known in Bowmanville as Frank, better known as "Farmer" Kemp, played hockey on the Osh. awa teams for a number of years about the time when Frank Williams, manager of the Bell Telephone Co, was in his prime, Frank who wil 160k after gas and service has grown up if the auto business having been almost. continually with the = Gen- eral Motors Company since 1908, Rube is also well qualified and ex. perienced to supervise the garage and repair part of the business, hav- ing worked 15 years in several of the best garagts in Toronto. Mr, Corbett will continue' to use this page for sales of General Mo- tors" Products, Celebrate Fifty First Wedding Anniversary Today Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Gilbert who res 'side on Westmount are today cele brating the Afty-fret anniversary of their wedding. The celebration, hows ever, "will be of a very quiet' nas ture. as' Mr, Gilbert is not well'and is confined to his bed. The worthy couple' have lived in same house at Westmount for the past" twenty»four years and apart from a very, short time have lived in the town all their lives. Mrs. Gilbert is well and able to be abount and nearly every day is down town doing her own shop. ping. A year, ago today they celebra: ted. their golden wedding and rela. tives from many places in Ontario were present, On this occasion they were presented with & purse old and a beaut | tel clock by their relatives and friends. i -------- Between 20,000 to 35,000 farms drs of Alberta, representing & pos sible oil and gasoline purchasing hp of $2,000,000 to $3,000, 00 annually, may unite to form i her great co-operative pufohas * pool, it was announced by menibers' bt the Alberta Co-operas tive counetl, ¢ By Fh ebt man to till e, Sie, Alfre 5 hil ei Bie tor lie bi pane ES TR OADCASTS lat - | b ¢ ¢ game, and Kor" them 'th wis . he 4 s the dates ! English love. of wailing the loss of tie den mazer bowl, which has chased by an American, y thas only, these interests or he Mthadie, Ager nown 1 exist, 'Turned of b of bird's-eye maple thoy were kd 'ad ob ests. of vo a their own time coveted 3 The Great Paper compan, Fart ho Star is ase 10 ¢ Scutsmplating estab hing a wa boar! factory. with equipment. able af: producing Representatives of the cently va tour of Fi ! der to inspect wor s sectionp which . an k ts in thet souniry prior to pitti pi 1 P print a ar Willem "| Great Benefit To M regular meeting of the White | d for that reason ared, hey Were ; Dodd' ho Ong LO oie bi ne -- Mes, WH. Gordon Buffered With in Her Back Qobours, Dat. Avot ] pninl) he § ev 0 Wider Pills, 1 begou to | the Dajns in my back dimin. bd Mps, H, Gordon, who vouidey on University Ave, 'Ate ter continuing with the Plllg for some weeks, the pains ceased, They were eertainly a great bene fit to me," Mrs, Gordon's Statement is brief but to the point, Ninety per cent, of the {lls from which. women suf- fer come from weak or diseased Kidneys, . They are the organs that strain all the. Impurities out of the blood, If they Tail in thelr work, the impurities remain in the blood and are deposited all over the body. Dodd's Kidney Pills have ree stored sound. health to thousands of troubled women and men, Give thent & trial gf once, They ean be obtained from _Druggists every- where, or The Dodds Medicine Co, Ltd, Toronto 2, Ontario, CHASED AND CAUGHT THIEF Halifax Woman Takes Law Into Own Hands, Mak. ing Thief Disgorge Halitax, N.8.,, April 2-~The der predations of a modern Raffles whose ambitions ran to bottles of milk and ersam rather than geld cups and. diamond bracelets have been effectively curbed by a South End lady who did not hesitate to pursue the pliferer and agli odme into possession of milk for the oat and cream for the coffee, The lady was observing the mild dawn of the first day of spring frqm a second storey window when she saw a figure stooping on the front porch, Her first impression was that it was the mall carrier, but closer scrutiny. revealed the fact that the individual below had possessed himself of the dally de- livery of dairy products, Throwing on' a dressing , gown ond kicking her feet into slippers, the housewife made 'nll speed downstairs and Into the street ip pursuit of the miscreant. A short run and a merry one resulted In her overtaking him, "Give me back that milk," de- manded the Jady. "Yes, ma'pm," acquiesced the thief, and produced both milk and oream. from the pockets of his overcoat, Cautioned that he would ba. well advised to leave his merchandise theide the front porch ih future, the wmilkfhan on the following morning replied, "Don't worry, bothered again,' -------- Stray Pigeon Causes Fire That a pigeon had caused a fire In a house has b.en reported by the fire department of Paisley, Scotland, The stray bird flew into a kitchen Mvindow during the absence of the housewife and alighted on clothing spread on a rod before a fireplace to dry, One of the articles fell into the fire, setting the other garments ablaze and melting a gas pipe, The escaping gaa fired the house. Fire. men found the bird, with badly Ynged wings, fluttering about the oor You won't be APRIL SHOWERS Why not an April Shower for the bridestosbe?' Of course it is just the time. of year for showers and it is also the time when spring ls on its way with its ever numerous wed dings, and there are lots of girls who will be taking the big step, How about combining a luncheon a few tulips, a bit o'Bridge, twelve girls friends of the bride, and a parasol Il in one and call it a real soWer! e girls will all be willing to share the expense with the hostess afd if u chip Ir twelve can bul-e-really lovely parasol, and have, it mono. grammed. perhaps, Delegate one of the party.to get a sample. of the bride's travelling costume and then urchase ithe parasol that will match t as nearly as possible, . Now, forthe hostess' luncheorl table! The centre. of dainty pink tulips. placed in a glass basket, the handle «f which is tied with a 'erisp tulle bow of robin's egg blue, is une usual and decorative, The place cards are tiny parasols Sontaining a rh ing couplet underneath the fold, with a different, message for ch of the twelve girls present. ese verses do not require a great deal of thought and the more im» prompty they the funnier, After he luncheon the guests are asked to find their Bridge, tallies by search. ing the hobse. Finally "someone finds them all hanging in: groups of twos to ha Spokes of the open giits paryal guest is then asked ih cu, hs r UJ ¢ two gir Riding thelr talliey -- ¢ : ors, ng 'are partn LON § Alt A| iho at Oxford, Bngland, howe of in his { | Home of his famous sermons, ~ Walkie fever in virulent WTUDENTSE CROWD CHURCH Btudents are again attending o fomous university, folals of o famous Church of Bt, Mary's say that 'every Sunday more university people appesr than can be wecommodated, Bt. Mary's Is the perish church of the univers sity, and In It Cerdinal Newman, Anglican days, preached SCOTCH HAVE TALKIN CRAZE ofm has gripped the dwellers along the welt coast of Beotland, Tt Is common thing for people of Dune oon to cross the Firth to the Clogh by motor boat in the evening, tra- vel by bus to'Greenock, spend twe hours in one of the three talkie theatres, and veturn home in an open motor boat after 11 o'clock in. cold, frosty night, A special Inte boat has been added for talkie enthusiasts, It Js 'estimated that there are 60 billion tons of coal in Saskatchewan's lignite con! fields, A trial shipment of marble from deposits on the Hodgson branch line of thy' Canadian National Railways in Northern Manitoba, Is being made for a commercial test, These der posits are located within 100 miles of the city of Winnipeg, and con- sist of two variéties, ong highly de. corative~and the other almost jdent- ieal in wppearance' with int of the Italian buff which has a wide nar. ket In this country and in the United States, \ w------------------ The Onalta well' No, 1, in the Wainwright, Alberts, oil field "blew" into gas produciion early in Febry- ary with on estimated daily flow of 10000000 cuble feet, The gas was Ignited and an immense flanle forty feet in helght Muminated the cour'~ : for miles around, The mane ager expeets the drills to reach the sands shortly after the gas has been got under co...rol, - Bullding in Canada during 1930 made & new high record for all time, with an 'aggregate of $4ib, 668,000 In permits issued which exceeded the previous™yeay hy » per eont, and was lurger than the combined totals for 1020 and 1021, The year 1028, which was the pro: vious high record, showed Mermity to.the value of ¥210,106,000, The Fenale of Canada, which 1s the Upper Houde to the Canadian Parliament, has 0 new member in the person of Mrs, 'Norman Wilson of Ottawa, By her sppointment, Mrs, Wilson, officially registervd [19 Hon, Cairine Moelkay Wilson, becomes Canada's first woman sen- ator, prey THAT'S NO Little Emmeline had been tak en to call on uw grown-up cousin who had vecently hullt and decor ated a large and handsome new house with which she was. much Impressed, "Is cousin Madge very rich?! she asked, when she left "You, dear," Then I'm glad we're not righ," remarked Kmmeline, 'nn must be so very expensive!" bo pre 2 rd Damage by lee and flood slong. (1) Debris on washedsaway breaks the Lake Ontario shove line has water, (2) View showing segtion been considerable this year, Photos | of shore Hne gouged out hy fee and graphs here show some of the | flood following eollapge of hreakis dnmage done hy leo and flood | water and debris of along the shore lne this spring: | washed up, ald trees, ny Na -- . rd PP aaa id ' A 4 he bo », SN ho PA pW Hoio Science WN Battles the Enemies of the Air ROM the murky haze of the oil fields first came the call for a new paint . . . a paint that could resist the enemies of the air. Scorched by the sum. mer sun, battered by rain and sleet, corroded by impurities in the air, ordinary paints broke down and failed, ' Modern chemistry launched into the problem, Month alter month was spent in painstaking research. And step by step, a new paint was evolved... a pre-lested paint... new in principle and newin performance. It was a paint that retained its beauty and color long after other paints had worn away, C.1.L. New Process Paint is a différent paint , , , different not merely in name but in actual composition and process of manufacture. Special oils and special basic materials give New Process Paint its sturdy resistance to every sort of weather. Its surface actually repels dirt, That's why houses painted with New Process Paint retain their {resh- ness and color, Paint for beauty . . . but paint for protection, too, C.I.L. New Process Paint gives you both, Its first cost is no . higher than ordinary paint. Its final cost is less. CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED FLINT PAINT & VARNISH DIVISION Mureltone Wall Flashes Quick Drying Varnish Stains Other CLL, Paint Productst Cilux Quick Drying Colored Enamels Flawkote Gloss Enamel Interior Gloss for Walla and Woodwork Floor Porch and Dado Enamels Bara Paints | Shingle Staina Varaishes True Bills in Murder Case Hamilton, ="True bills were re- turned by u grand jury. in the ss~ pizes yesterday against Mike Smith, Joe Mikulsky and Martin Shawara on indictments of murder and rob hery, The trio are eharged with the slaying of John Iwants, Wis. ona, In We faym bouse, several weeks ago, Iwants was killed when ghot hy 8 man who entered the home to rob him of a sum of money, PRIVILEGED CUSTOMER Installment Collector---""Hee here ou're seven payments behind en our plano,' Mirchaser-='"Well the eompany advertises 'Pay As You Play'," "What's that got to do with ty" "I play very poorly," PROFENSIONALIZED lady (meeting two beggars) What! Are there two of you now? Negear--Only for a few days = I haye sold him my connections and must introduces him to the rustomers, Pages' Gales, Yver~ don, i NEW PROCESS PAINT 4 Made by the makers of DUCO ' i ban "Pre.Tested" ooutere ta hla In for pure seed grain. otf] ' ) » \ ' Ae) %(l- 88 SIMCOE STREET N.,, OSHAWA, ONT. V. H. A. PATTE 23 KING STREET W.,, HARRY D. WILSON | OSHAWA, ONT. i

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