Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Apr 1930, p. 13

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PAGE THIRTEEN UYEr v ED D SECTION... eit Notary Ar Opposite ofl Kutrance rierson, K.C., Aw . {yy diotary. over Deland' rally Vhoue 67. Residence BER A , BAR TT 2014 Biricor eney fo loan A, BARRIS 'HALL, aonert) ALEX | B.A Conve, Ro 8 son 14 King Al X tors, ota, 41 Algy 1d. 'Othaws and Porry 59 Cshawa, Port Lid Phones Port Perry 94 ang Nr $l 41 mo) [! to loan, Alger Bida, op go Post Office, Phone 1614, ---------- Medical BiB. HAZLEWOOD & WARPEN, Disney 'Block, Phave "080, Oftlos hours § am, to 85.40 pm, Dr, I, J. Hasewood, a Surgery w Dee 3 Hi Hare B spetls attoution to children's iseanes pnd Obstetrics, Bunday and night.calls "416 or 122, DR. rn PH HCIAN, SU su ng at, comer Viera rleln : ions ard pis Two years not li and re Foc! ) attention to roon, Obsfotrie g to fuaternty rience, meoe St i " 4 A For 5, Obstetrician, Otfies snd , muoe street h 415, ARCHER OW A oe pon and Obstetricla oe one J Simeoe goles i Wait Sh FT I 0 a gn hit 4 5 nose i : and treatment Af wolniments 5 Juv be made al hone 97. ' vs throat Ay TL, OT DAS: a : Nure 4 gr A | o. g fe» Mast, haa sl oie 0 in, Slapgent, v, 44-1 y Engineering and Suryeying Do wi Vhs Fp oh nn sub uniel a Undertaking / A aris, fo force I Fis Sash mn vorth, wa, ance. rest hon Insurance x MA St we Bin wil, 7 ih est Fir Ag wih 30 Re autable Firs . eonsuls BN im 1) Aimtoe porth, Your (psurasce wa tended tp snd your .nterests pro y | tested, : ' Aob, OLE man's, § SND Vn Bpecialisty fo: furniture moviag, storage ware house 48d moving 1 stuipment Phone § oh ' sand ard ¢inders Loa) and long distance baullog,/ Smith & Cox, Phone #84, 10 Bond Bt, West, fish turviture motes. Park Roa ear one, distance frank conte' oe wo Park: Rd (Mar, 10-1 mo) Tr Ba Pa BETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE (Shop, Specialists In 'permansut, finger and marcel waving, Ver manent wave prices $5 $7.80, $20 and $105, All othor {ines of Hesuty Culture, Vhong 2008, Apply sb Simcoe stroet nprti, Be LI Sette Ward at at Bott Lou Permun. y Wave Shop and shame Ww . oty Shoo. boa wi ay mar BE yh Marcel appol Fase 15341 phone OT UORE 500, M | MAR ] K Clarke, 147 Agnes street, id 204 0d. (Mar, 80-1 mo) ' or (Hambourg Conpervatory, To. T0010) puplle 3 profired + for | Al axon, Oshawa Tuesday, 64 a, Ham Street 3st, upriales Phone 27541, 180t1) n, "OR nist and oir master of Kiog treet Uni Church will sooept pupils in plano, organ and vocal musi, For partioniare abolp b William stress oaths. Thang Eat a, Ms 20 hu LEE G ED iD pi (May 41 Moy REPAIR. ble ne | i Cho. | mo) i or a' river | / ie "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 /ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT where All Classified Advertising ¥ of this nature, p snd collect for same. | y Coming Events, Etc, STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This guls hes been found necessary because of expense and, loss arising from handling » large number of small accounts For thy convenience of customers who find it ingonvenient tw comve personally to The Times' office, a telephone call will bring a messenger who will receive the advertisement ------------ Work Wanted KEV PHOLSTEIRI. CHESTER: (A fields made to arden Wa save you money. 'Estimates free. G, A. Con' sable, 74 Mechanke sirect Fhe FATTER FAROE: TALE r and delivered, 75 cents. II ren. upplied 8), Batteries repaired fia of , lideon, 2 Mi st Phone Mar 105-1 mo) FIX Up YOUR ORDWAY, gravel, sand, 'einders und general teweking. Chis, Grabmn, Phone 2621, (Mar, 27-1m0,) DRY 'CLEANING, PIISBING, DX- RN Dry Cleaning bogs 13446 Kisg Street Wests Phone (Mar, Mo.) NORMAN LAMBERT, ¥ d NORMAN and sepalring, all Bods called for and delivered, Phone 523 06 Bagot Street, (Mar, 11+] _ Supplies { FOR To usure prompt S delivers; LA orders 1b advance of delivery date. wv, 5 Borrowdale, phove 1018, Articles ey . Sus ad. Also a Waterous FEAR y wood, Ltd, pianos, ueW And used pianos, Me fadion, Istest models; tere d. Apply C. rll, Jhon tose: A 148) JANTIT Ww a iv 3 som sweet oa Waphivy for sale. Phone 1048 1 1 i, (Mar, 83-1 no) TOR WATE = WIRAWNEIRRY plants, Kellogg's Karly Bird, Vram- jor and Pocomoke, White Leghoro hatching oR, Parow stein, Phone 200% (Mar 86-1 | mo) FOR SALE<CHUSHED STONE Chips for | drivewnys, - _ \Vaterous Meck: Limited, Phone 1288, (Mar A ma) [B= N ad condition, being driven daily. 2 real buy, Vhone LTU4W, ie versable, like new, 16047. Phiug (708) heap for quick Ap 5 fauenes st, Ph . OAL LE sso and 'bench, lke 28 Royal 10¢) sons thi nant, new, onthly pay ' Phone Lihat N , 23 King Bt, Nout have. the ving, eed Moves for sale ~~ 1 gan stove, 1 annex, Quebeo i stove and, one gne 44, pipes, reasonable, 75 Ritson ted ) _- Phone §118W, (1 hought an NO 8 | to), gue Ag {stance hauling. oor hy B. Phone aT. Ma ar wi +1 Mo) and repaired. Also retrimmi po autod, hous iy orn ©, (Mud NURSE, V position in oF: ov Veo of GE As A 831 Simooe farRROOLt. d (100) mi ------ For Rent [ SY) A ike suites, dome furnished, Iaun dry, conveniences, ¢lee dryer, elo, o'su stoves, 'elec retrireration, hot water your round, Phone 16060 or ITV, (BL) A ] ) MO oro suites Includiby electric relris erstion, stove, laundry, cemven): outes, ele. continuous bot water, supplied, Apply Supt. 'phone 3671, ur The Trusts and Guverastes Oo. Ltd, monnger for owner; Toronto. (8741) TO WNT =="TIVi ROOMED house on Prince street, Ant Hi} Kigin west, (041) T™ Simcoe diy central, FOUR ROOMED HOUSE, LIGHT "Road South. i Burk street, Immediate possession, For Rent 6 ROOMED HOUSE ALL CON venlgoees, Oshawa, West King St, Rea®nable, Why more, to careful tenant, Box $3" Aimes, (780) SIX KOOMED' HOUSK ON paved street, eevry convenlence, Ime ove, three thousand doliars the your, Progen River Killg ¥Vish Help--Wanted Male "OR energetic 1 8n with car, Man pre terred having direct selling experl Your earniugs should be rat ---- Pembroke, «= Hundreds of doendi fish are reported fo be floating in the Muskrat River, sputh of the town, This is sald to be due io w lack of oxygen, us the water fn} the river, and wlso in Mud Lake, Apply box 667 Times, is very low, and during the win: (77¢) mediate possession. 874 Jarvis St, Mr J (78) ter was frozen down Mo the bote tom, Most of the fgh/seem to he Agents Wanted water and garage. Apply 126 Park (78¢) FUR RENT~$1X HOOM HHKICK contral, furnace, all conveniences, immediate possession, Four room brick, water and slectric,. south Hale, Vor pbove' apply" F. EK. Ww, (11¢i 101 linen, elestric Stove, heat, water $7 DAY PAID CHRISTIAN MBN or women, College students, tench. ors, ministers, and others for dis tributing religious Hterature, Hpe- cial oppotunity during Easter sen- son, fop aye and church connection Mr. Conrad Tower Bldg, Ls I hadith aa Newly decorated, chine and bed (MEBWAYS, pike, and they vary from #ix to #0 inches in length, ---- r------------y Veteran Girocer thgtiren For particulars write stat lion 4a Woke' nor: people of Belleville, WwW, H, Panter, whe hap conductetl Belleville vie to the JURY & VELL'S OPTICAL P J, WW. Worrall, ang) h Eyesight Specialist Phone P2ID uw grocery store hers, retired tor day, ' My, Panter served as Alder: man and Mayor of the elty for many years, while "he has helo positions in practically eYery. mun: THE Phone 2, Whitby, (700) and light, $20 monthly, 107 West on morelagd Ave, (8 = (ol one ve m, rit conveniences," Tele Vors central; 78 Bond west, (78¢) nished with every e¢omvenience for lgbl housekeeping, Phone 834¥, (780) 10 RERT= IX NOUN TT HOUVE on Alleé St, Very modern, also garage. Apply \ 1064 William Bt, Kast or phone 260, (The) TORENT=TWO OR THREE UN: furnistied rooms, Phone 25640W, (The) A phone (700) ply 110 Charen #t., 2041W, or bert street, Apply #1 Alige street, Phone 13888W. (7a) FURRIEHAEL THREE ROOM ppartment, on ground floor. All conveniences with garage, in quiel home, 251 Arthur street, Fhone pow, (791) ENT home privileges, Honsonable, Apply 71 Bond Bt. West, (7ve) Wanted to Rent - facing on bright and attractive, heated, Forty dollars, hardwood Hoors, Apply to Bradley' Bros, over Ward's store(74f furnished room for light house kenping. All conveniences, also garage, Phone 711M, 128 Muron street, (11e) TO" RENTECTORT MOUS AR ke ing room: unfurnished, Kleotrio stove If desired; heat, light and water, Very reasonuble. 104 Divie slon street, Rhone 583J, (110) § " ' . fortably furnished, ' private ens trance and convemiviices, Heated, hob water, very ceniral, 6 Centre Bt, (110) TO RENT = THREE ROOMS, hardwood floors, lovely fixtures, wiredh for electric stove, Apply Mrs CLL 255 Bruce Street, {Toy b) 4 ROOM HOUSE TO RENT, AP: (7 bi 242 Conant Street, fiat for rent, Tures "rooms, Wired for electri stove, Mardwbod tioors, Apply 231 Dearborfl Ave, { (15) THREE BRIGHT ROOMS AND bath, yard, cellar, telephone, private entrance, In return for light anise Phone Code' gn, ofr SRTGAGE FOR | S311 " Saitey, yr Lond k. Fhebe, Pomemion df 8 rth Job) ALL rent, (The) 8 gonven tonoos, Reasonable Phone 1033), higuses, garages, Alttin and des sorativne, From Wi up. Mure , 37 Warren WER BL: don Stacey, 471 Fimooe South, (The) TEN ROOM HORE. MILE weer { Oshawa hway, Apply to Ww, a, Hill, YH Vw |W H on rooms, all conveniences, Phere ( t .R for. | | uk Ads. rim me ante | Minion ohargg 80 mn omg, o tirst tasertions RH cents a word), three Box dumber 100 addittobal { or Business 88.60 3084 sor month th BS a Sent y| monthly, Ready fof May, new at 780) | poultry far WANTED farm on highway, hetween Whitby alld, Bowmanville, 'd, R, 1056 Court TO RENT-VFOUMI'KY Would 862 T Imes (780 J R} 'D j able for ight "house keeping, like private entrance, Box (ERT=ROUSE OR bungalow of five or six rooms by responsible couple, no childrens Reply ut once to box 568 Oshawa Times, (78D) ET RH I A Real Estate For Sale AN ATTRACTIVE, 6 ROOMED, britk house, hardwood floors, tiwd- ern equipment, located on Mary St. 80. th of Greta, Apply Bradley Seon, 74) SEMI DUNGALOW, UY RICK dwelling, © -- hardwood floors, all onveniences, modern, = Small cash payment and easy terms for bularice. Apply Bradley Bros, oi Ward's store. i) FE EN ACRE LOTA Jon Sale close' tg Oshawa, Apply 140 Agnes St, (700) BUNGALO™ FOR™ THE™ BRIDW, $4,500, 3400 cashy balance Jib tractive substantially 'built rg brick home, just cost of General Motors offices) on lovely wooded lot, tive rooms, 16 ft, living room with artistio coal mantel, Mrenoh doors to large dintug room, select oak floors throughout, chestnut Lj trim, oak stairease, conveniently artanged kitchen, spacfous built in cabinet, 3 plece bathroom, medi. eine cabinet and linoleum, large olothes closet in cach bedroom, linen press, good hall. closet, Ruaranteed furnace, wired for Atove, laundry tubs, will finish 'and degorate to suit purchaser or will Isase for one year with option of bt t+ 4 at §40 . monthly, Fhone (Tha) E RiEsway HATCHED CHICKS hit % uiuested be ary 8 C ns, Wonaisinn ite oF phone Aig calaloky ache nd ari hy 144 par (Mar, 21.1 Meo. | will go_ double or sin fe, Also wood, phew saddle. Apply Whitby Toutes | 'Whitby. goRst Tl JER B=PLEASE PHON E 0, SA + oe Blt oe oy in 5 i] ella Ditriet Nort TEN south street. (Mar 18-1 mo) " NIDOLE AND RX BRIENGED 'wayts position as farmer or on farm at once, 1 am oap« hit taking canrge it neces L Apply to au Klena, i «| dred, ! | Cash, (home of Miss Ida Sterpitt vor a 78¢) | Toronto, and Miss, Gladys Bryant Werry : Pontus i wi reapnted o ) hearty in her ninetieth year, 5 LN 0 fal HOR Ling Rays would cele: h he may ore App birthdays |) lcipsl body, TR --_------ __-- Lost and Found und tan, Anyond found with this Order Your Spring Suit Now I7 WANTING wINSURANCE H, R. LUKE Re ons Thuatrs ol dog in their possession #ftey this from the date will be prosecuted, Meward for Inf J over or information lshding. tg recovery {§ LoMINION CLOTHING CO; 08 KING 87, W. of same, Phone 138261, (79¢) Motor Cars We Deliver A TWAY, BARGAIN ON A #TUDE. baker five passengerisedan car, or will trade it for a ynialler car, Apply after five o'clock: Phone 80567. (79¢) 0 CHEVROLET COAGH, BAC rifieh for quick sale, ' Good condls tion, 180 Clarke Street. Phone TASW, (70a) Room and Be h ers CO! ILE room and excellent table board, Central, Terms moderate, 188 King Ht, West, (The) Personal WILL MIA, W, D, MoGRATTAN, formerly of 854 Arthur St, Osh : Sentling Woollen Mills: | awa, Ont, or &nyone knowing of 8, ROTINH, Manager | her present whereabout, commun. SER EC feats with the Estate Services Bu- po é reau, 88 Richmond Sti, West, To i - GOOD ronto, Ontario? USED CARS Are Sold by THE ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 90 Simeos St. 8. Phone #00 Tr ------. thone £141 Tailor-made [ Suits vr $25. 00 (70c) RV Iii id Wanted To | Buy TITUS Must have one large bed- I'rice about forty-five hun All cash, Apply Horton % ¥reuch, Times Bldg. (160) WANTED = GOOD USED PIANO, Nell Yellowlees, Bor 434, Bowmanville, (Tn) Presentation Made To Pickering Young Men | ---- Enlow, room, "HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID Klectrie Sanded and Cinlshe od Complete WwW. J. TRICK CO, LID, 25 Albert Street I'hone 260, val son---------- Plokering, April 1, Oif Satur day ovening, the members of the "Onwego,"' Young People's Class of Bt. Paul's 5, 5 met 'at' the "CozY COTTAGE" 8 vooms and kitchen, garage, and 2 acres good garden land, 10 Trult teees, 3 milo =feom Lake, 635 miles from Oshawa, mall delivery, phone, close to school and church, Bargain $1,000, halt cash, balance casy. DISNEY Phone 1530 I - a | | LUMBER | | F, L, BEECROFT Whithy tmmber and Wood Yard hone Oshawa 884 Whithy 18 sooial time, in honour of two of its number, Walter and Kenneth Richardson, who are leaving the village in Bn short time, The gues of honor were 'presented with fountain pens, as a token of re. membrance from: their fellow class mates, The evening was spent in games, and was brought to @a close with refreshments, On Sunday eveniug the pulpit in St. George's. Anglican Church was oocupled by Captain 8. C, Jarrett of the Holy Trinity Church, Oshe awn, As a mark of esteem; the looal corps of the $4th Ontario Regiment, attended the wervice in a body under the command. of Lt, Allfn Moore, Captain Jarrett, wha is chaplain of the regiment | was completely taken by surprise, but 'was much pleased with the ats tendance of the men, who num: pered about thirty, / Miss Della Burns of Toronto, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs, O9ril Morley, Mrs. G. Robertson-of . Toronto, and her daughter, Mig Marjorie, were ~ guests of W, and "Mrs, . Oshawa Burial Co. successor to Disney«Cott AMBULANCE #7 Colina St. Phone 1083 RIE Now of A Ce Breakfast Food EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Specializing exclusively ia mustle » ovenht Lr 1516 Disney Block . posite Bars Offe Drink Delicious Kara Coffee Always Fresh at Superior Chain Stores MONEY LOANED ' Cars Refinanced All Dealings Confidential G. R. Holde MOTOWN 10 LaaARe | Felt Block foom §' a, Lumber "Co. L 74 Athol Sty 'Wey Oshawa Monney on Sunday, Miss Bdythe law of Toronto, hones 18-1111 spent a fow. days lust week with pelatives in the village, Miss Mildred Douglas and bros ther, Jack, of Toronto, spent the woek end * with thelr srnd mother, Mm. A. Burrell, Rov, W, A, and Mrs, Bunner of Bowmanville wera visitors in the vill on Sunday, and while here attended the union serviges of Bt, Paul's and St. Andrew's churches: 'Ross and Mra, Burns and family wore ii Toronto on Saturday, ute =| tending the funeral of thelr ne- CHA Nr, and Mrs, Reginald Get of spent Sunday 'with of Oshawa, E. and Mv, Bry. thelr 'parents J. ant, Mra, J. Clatke of Belleville, vis: Ra ds auf sgh oe Township Councillor Honored on Birthday La} make a per of. We will Jnmplee of Soling, April' 8, «= Mrs, A, Pascoe,' Solina, entertained thirty members of the family, at & dimmer party on Ha turday night in honour of Couus olllor A, Pa and his nlece, Miss: Ruth MoKessook, who cele: | brated thelr birthdays. The tas bles were om with 'a beauths ful birthan made by Mim Nora d also by lovely flowers which n. this ocoaston, § those resent who add: mont. to the slon, was 0oe's mother, Mus, Thou 'Hampton, who fs hale feature, were. preapnt , Al , of sutng by spent bly In ga and oards, and daparin tr for their homes er pO YOUR FLOORS SPOIL gue OUR HOMEY ls yours breif those: homes, ative tive in other respects, but lacking the | perfection of charm | @ it'd finished with" oy i q Perhaps you don't realize how little 4 it now costs to oR | w=you can have you would ordinarily carpets, and then ha ut in Jad : om laid for lnay. pay" for fogs tb tha fect setting for ¥ ture==floars that you can f¢ DNR hy CORE aH 'or ing manufdctured with the \

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