Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 2 Apr 1930, p. 5

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» » wh x J ' b v RC THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 1930 L PAGE FIVE Bi ome --- and the Community| > Bhs at i AEN L Ea x i Ruest Stace Tals of Cobourg wea Mr. and Mes: T. 71) Everson, Ki La i ha abd, o Ariends of Mrs, Vran- Hupter 'of Harmony Ian will regret to hear that she fs confined th Aliness In the Toronto General Hospital, po Pn re. Thomas Harvey, Sr, Mrs. |, willlams and My Thomas Harvey, Jr., of Rockford, 11, are the pin of Mr. and 'Mrs, William : oi Ay Oshawa Blvd, Mr. and Mrs, M, 8, Cross and #8 'K. Turner, of Toronto, were 'In town last evening, the guests of Miss. Pear] Fletcher y A 'number of 'Oshawa members of the O.E.8. attonaed the snus) nd ption in henor Oo Worthy Grand Matron, Mrs, Edith Stewart of Ottawa, and Worthy Grand Patron, My. Wickens, of Hamilton, that was held at the Palais Royal, Toronto, on Monday Jast. The recention was districts ten and eleven, At three o'clogk te matrons of the various chapters represented formed guard of honor, During the after~ noon there were fittme ceremonies when different floral and other gifts wera mresented, . The Worthy Grand Matron and Patron were each presented a 'chesterfield ohalr and spinnet desk, There were ov- er five hundred guests at the din-| ner and' dance that followed the reception. Worthy Matron Mrs, Chlon Brown of Oshawa and about twenty officers and memhers of the local branch of the O.E.B, were present. Thera was » verv god re- presentation from Bowmanville, HAS RIDING MISHAP \ When her saddle-horse ran away, stumbled in a hole and fell, Mar. garet Heenan, shown in the pho. tograph here, daughter of om Peter Heenan, Dominion minister of 1.abor, sustained painful injuries at Ottawa, e was badly bruised when struck by the. flying hoofs of 'the horse, Bolidaying er Ahoy Mag MRS, AMEE aed McPHER- : N Noted evangelini, who, heading her pilgrimage. to. the Holy. kand, , Ont, her "to the »to at y to mark a ballot showing how she would deter: mine six contentious probleins of the day, ' W.G.T.UU; ADDRESSED {BY DR. FLETCHER Plans Made for Esshys to be Written by S. S. Children The Women's Christian Temper- ance Union. of Oshawa held their regular monthly meeting in King street Church yesterday 'afternoon, The vice-president, Mrs, Booth oe cupled the chalr, he devotional exercises were followel by the business, One important itenv that was discussod was the appoint. ment of examiners to read papers lon scientific temperance which the children in the Sunday Behools are preparing to write, A committec was also appointed to select suit. able prizes for the winning pupils, Rev. Dr, Pletcher addressed the meeting and in his opening re- marks paid high tribute to the women who had worked so loyally for prohibition; Tho speaker. out~ Mned causes of the present situa: tion and pointed out the great the evils of alcohol from both a health and moral standpoint and teaching them to have a pride in themselves that they would become useful citizens for (iod, home and country. This addres¥ was much apprecidted. An instrumental selec Man he Mee Wiking and a voea) 8c 1 by Tittle Archio Hawking com ani we A TIMELY TIP A liquid soap contginer ut the kitchen sink and one in the bath- room containing a few drops of pure lycerine, also a few drops of car. olie acid and 'rosewater, is. a great convenience, By simply dropping a little on the hands every time they are hed the hands will be kept in fect condition. This does not ke them sticky as the moisture from 'recent washing prevents that, - Clip dome fasteners together or on heavy brown paper, ey will always be ready for use. The steering wheel of thé improved Tord cars is a half inch smaller. in diameter than in the earlier Model A vords, dt is of heavier construction and attractive design, « e Lx ' NY A 5 o | gratul necessity OY taaching the children | i played the careful tra | Nova Scotia, played | Guerre | Mis. G Webster, aan ak on ---- | . dhkind' to her, omen's Interests in the Courtice Couple Celebrate : . Ruby Wedding Anniversary A very pleasant evening was spent t the Rome of Mr. and' Mra, rooks, CourticaWon Tuesday, March 25, it being the fortieth anniversary | of their wedding, About forty pelas | [tives and a few triends gathered E Shere to join In celebrations, Mrs, (Fred Langmaid played the Wedding March, while Mr, and Mrs, Brooks, ride and groom of forly years, ene tered the Jrawing room, alse the oth- er friends, Rev, H. Stainton called the fonipany to order, after cons ing Mr, and Mrs. Brooks, asked Me, Joe Langmaid to read the followin, dddresy : Dear Friends i= ) We are here tonight to cclebrate the anniversary of a very important event in your lives, Forty years ago you set sail on the sea of matrimony, you have been tossed about by var. lous. experiences. Sometim 5 the pléa- sant breezes of success, other times the adverse winds of sickness and sorrow, But we snow! behind a frowning Providence, God hides » smiling face, And today, you sail quietly on being strengthened and made more béautifu! by all the chan- ges of life through which you have passed, So we come tonight to tend. er you our congratulations, and just to tell you how much you mean to all of us, You have always made us very welcome, It is with much plea~ sure we recall our very happy as- soclations with you, Both of you have always been rea- dy to lend a helping hand any tine in'any way. Your smiles and gheery . 8] Provid better for all of us, Muy an All Wise ence wateh over you and yours and may we anniversaries, ri in the years to com celebrate Jou time As a slight token of esteem to you, we ask you to accept this silver flat ware, It Is not for the value but it carries tons of good wishes with it, In the days to come may you find st useful and very many times remind you of your family and friends, At the proper time Messrs, Ray Brooks and"George Wearry on be half of the company resented Mr, and Mrs, Brooks with a set of silver flat ware, Mr, Brooks suitably ree plied ;Shrot speeches followed, re: calling ~old times and old associa~ tions, The tollowing program = was theA given: Miss Aura Brooks, reading; Mrs. Foster Snewden, solo; ~Mrs, Jack Brodks, reading; Mrs, H, Stainton, solo Mrs, Ross Pearce, reading; Mr, Geo, Wergy, plano solo; Mrs. 'Fred Langmaid, solo, Cablegrams were read from Me and Mrs, Mar- shall, Sonles, Florida; Mr, and Mrs, (Fred Brooks, England. Telephones from Detroit and other places, cons gratulating Mr, and oh Brooks, The house, was tasefully decorated with ruby roses and spring flowers, The table with three storey bride cake, roses, symlax and ribbon for decorations, While the sumptuous lunch was be ing prepared Rev, Stainton lead in community singing with Mrs, Fred Langmaid at the plano. The comps any broke up at an carly hour, all words help to make life easier and feeling Jt had been a happy reunion, WOMEN'S CORNER] FORGET IT! 1f you see a tall fellow ahead of a crowd, A leader of men, marching fearless and proud, And you know of a tale whose mere telling aloy Would cause anguish be bowed, fsa pretty good plan to forget it! is proud head to in If. you know of a skeleton hidden away Tn a closet; and from the day In the dark, and whose whose sudden display, Would cause grief, and sorrow, and lifelong dismay, It's a pretty good plan to forget it! guarded and kept showing, If yu knew of a 'hing that will darken the joy Of » man or a woman, a girl or a oy, That will wipe out a smile, or the least way annoy Anyone, or cause any gladness ta ¢ Isa 'pretty good plan to forget it! SUN AND WIND FOR BLANKET Wash blankets on clear, windy days in the spring, says the New York State College of Bone Fzono- mics; If the right methods are used the process is not difficult, done 'ei- ther by hand or with a washing ma» chine and there need be mo fear that blankets will shrink or lose their soft fluffiness, The soap should be mild and should be used in solution, Put soap flakes or jelly in the tub or washer and « Warn. dissolve with hot water. Then add cold water until the mixture is luke. Whip-the lukewarm solu tion 'to strong suds, immerse the blankets, one or two at a time, and start the washer going or squeeze the suds, If the blankets are badly soiled wring them either by hand or with a wringer, Squecze out the suds, If the blankets ure badly soiled give them a second washing similar to the firpe, Rinse the blan- kets in at least two lear waters of exactly the same temperature as the first, Squeeze the water through the blankets to rinse them, For drving, hang the blankets over a line with hall the weight on either side. 1f the. blankets have colored stripes with a tendency to run hang them with the stripes vertical so that the color will not go into the blan- ket, Select a clear windy day so that they will dey rapidly, Ai------------------ ENGLISH CARILLONNEUSE Nora. Johnston, of Croydon, Eng land, the first English carlllonneuse, in a letter to the Times states tht the first public carillon recital given by a 'woman In England was given by her on December 28, 1927, on the carillon in Bond street London, and on the 81st of the same month she gave' a recital that was broad. cast from the same carillon. The letter in question was written to correct a statement that the first carillon given by a woman in Eng land was given by her in June, 1929, Two other. women, a Belgian and a New Zealander, as well as herself, have been trained at the only offi oial carillon school, which 'is at Malines, Belgium, she states, PLAY PRESENTED AT CENTRE ST. CHURCH S.S. Room Is Crowded to Witness Play "Nancy Anna Brown's Folks" A cast of twelve players from Centre Street United « Church pre- sented a play in the Sunday School Room of that church last evening It was a three act play entitled "Nan $n Aba Brown's Folks." All' mem s of the cast portrayed their dif. Yerent parts, with an case that dis- and thoughtful ning of the ditector, Mrs. Roy F. Bennetts The first act with the setting a backstage of a theatre with the players all ready. for morming rehearsaly introduced all the charac. ence, and yet the story was intense- ly human, Between the first and second act, Miss Hainer gave two recitations of a very light nature, At the end of the second act a very pretty panto. ming was presented when, to the singing of "Fhe Bells of St. Mary's" by Mr. Reo Bennett, a wedding scene with bride and groom and a bridal procession formed on the stage, 'Attor the final ourtain George Fletoher, came to the fore of the slage and in a few words expressod the appreciation of the rest for the wonderful assistance offered them all, by the director Mra, Roy Bennett, he evening's entertainment was well worth while and judging by the crowd that availed themselves of the opportunity of attending, the church will realize very' satisfying profits: WOMENS MEETINGS ters, Nick Miles the stage m was played by Roy Lick, Rod Quins ton, a quiet and dependable lad, who finally made a hero of himself, was played by Ed, Manuel. Connie Stair, e comedian much . interested in "Val" apother member of the troup was admirably played by Mary Dear- born, + Val Vincent the golf enthus 'Bennept, Mattie Pe- . Koch, as Jewel Saul and Denny Saul did their part ex- ceedingly well and aflordsd magy ughs for the audience. Paand Ma rown, & farmer and ey Fo from and Mrs. J Johnston had the heaviest parts a seted i well, the simple fare ghter They represente thos ho city and who ah of (i et ress, The, : ! actres nd the leading lady, Resiland Tay- o r, Was" ey ker by Miss, Hd DeGuerre, Her the sweet and innocent Willa Dean, was who won the ie audience by he# kind- e¢ and especial Wa, Clifton, Was a liness towards ever to Rosiland ks "mil too! rt of Ines A Who hesitated not 1 ; her wind. George Fletcher FE the leading man the group, 'ver: role, © » y "From the, start {o.the finish the Fplby pi ed laughs for the" audis 'capably enacted TEEN BRANCH OV HOLY TRINITY W. A. The. Holy Trinity Teen Branch of the 'W, A, held a meeting on fday evening, March 36, In tha meement of Holy 'rinity Church, The singing of a hymn opened the meeting, then followed the election of officers and the following were elected: Honorary lresident;" Mra, Jarett] lea ers, 'Mra, Fioka ana Mrs. Turner; president, Annw Tyrrelly vice-president, Flovence, Pitohes; secretary, Mavis Titley: treasurer, Kthelda Amsbary; press reporters, Mable Milly and Karine Farrer, The social eommittee is to 'convened by Dolly Haley and her 'helpers are Lillas Ularke, Doris ty and, Karline ¥arrer, With a short prayer led by the president the meeting was orunght to a close. LEND-A-HAND OLUD The Lend a Hand Club held their monthly meeting at the home of Sis, 1. MeDonuald, Mobson street, on Tuesday evening, Sis, Kthel Holdsworth, President, was 1 the chair, Ticketa were sold on a beautiful pair . ot 'bath towels donated: hy « Sis, Annie Thrasher: His, Frankie Branton, Vige-Press dent of the Olub beld the incky ticket, The Club extended vongrats ulations to the ° tollowing Past Grands af Oshawa Hebekah No. '3, Sisters Frankie Branton Store and makes of Malncoats, On Bale this week at $4.65 aviation cap to match, fabric, Just. mingle back, moderate a price, Women's and Misses' mifeh superior comparison, Comey in all the slips, childre'ns colors Special for fhe same line $9¢ per package. SIMCOE ST. SOUTH same quality are priced Seo our Fleecesback Leatheretie Coats For Girly of 6 (0 14 he best quality procurable, full double breasted belted styles, with some raincoats we have seen at about this price are in a much lighter welghil There are others too, that are breasted, snd lapel 1¢ rolled back shows the fleece Why be satistied with anything but the best when you can get it at sn ( If t's Genuine Celanese, It's Guarans teed as to Color and Wear, You'll Like the Buperfineness of Celanese Double Habutai At 98¢ Yd. You'll like its beautiful sheen, in every regular habutal sk that there is no dresses goods, 30 Inches wide, vegular ¥1.23 . 98¢c Yd. Joo Curity Cheesecloth Wil Hardly Be Enough For the # Big Sale Days 486 inch quality that sells in all leading stores at Packed up neatly in 5 yard lengths, The Great Shopping Attraction of Every Month at This Commences on THURSDAY, There's such n ditference in qualities ENGLAND'S BEST HORROCKSES WHITE Flannelette 23¢c yd. Seldom will you meet with such a Jow genuine Made In when the price us this for Finnneletts, "or a8 good wear, Joals In the $5.95 tion from, small, splendid cholee for Lay It w WAY to the 10¢ A Manufacturer overstocked, gave us a suitable for and taney price to take a big of haby pants, only, PACKAGES In addition to that Great List of Specighl Bil which was Matled to you today, there is really no quality that will give Width #0 Inches, Right in the Ray of the Sale Bpothight Drapery, Chintz and Cretonne i7¢ yd. 24 New Hpring Patterns to make selecs Beautiful rich coloring in medinm and large designs, comtorter coverings, Double thy Price and You'll not Got Any Better, BABIES' RUBBER PANTS our associate stores were able to take over a. hundred gross, and that's a lot Mothers, they are well shaped and well made, in a good qual ity, pure para rubber, Ruled Exercise Books The kivd with the plain, shiny, black overs, is the only store to our knows ledge offered, quality, Horrockse's Manchester, ehildren's garmeniy on Kvery A either draperies, ov Heg, She value, TAILORED quantity, We with There's these Hlige medium more for, y Planned Bargains Contained In the Sale we will Print each day of the Sale at least 10 OUTSTANDING NEW SALE VALUES Which do not Appear on the Bale BHI, Yau Save Thirty Cents on, Kvery Palv of Pillow Cases You Buy at 39¢ pair Of course it's a leader, way we have to get 60c a pair for this They come direct to us from getting them for less than the setuni landed 'cont, Hives 40 x 43 and 42 x 84, Fax serge Gunranteed--This Label is Navy Reefer For Boys and Girls Sizes 8 to 8 Years Special $3.95 All .Fure Wool Navy splendid wearing quality, with brass buttons, emblem 'on sieeve, Fully double over on either side, GIS WILL LIKE NEW SPRING TWEED ' COATS Specially Priced at quality and workmanship girls coats would reasonably expect to pay much Belted or back heltad styles, All sisen up to 18 years, (Ses window) SPECIAL 29¢ Per Pkg. 144 pages, 'I'his whare such a value 18 Special '10¢ Each Inthe regular and at this price you are Nerge of a real Trimmed breasted, with button THESE SMARTLY in that any mother PHONE . 3 my. ah Marlo. Schwartz and Kligabeth Weir on thelr recent success in W written exam, given by tha He: pekah Assembly which qualifies the above mentioned ladies for the office District Deputy resident, At the close of the meeting all ve. tired to the dining room where delicious refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by her daughter. The tables were beauti fully decorated with spring flow. ors, The proceeds of the Club are used to a great extent for charits gble purposes, The next meeting L'will be held at the home of Sis, 'Boatrice Gillard, The rest of the evening was spent In community singing with Sis, Branton at the plano, Mra, A, J. Stalter, Mrs, Hooth and Mrs, G, Harrison and Mra, H, A. Wright are In Pert Ferry this ufternoon attending the meeting of the county executive of the W.U, Us NORTH SIMCOE HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB The April meeting of the North Simcoe Heme and School Association was held last evening: Mea, U. Jones presided and the report from the rink committee: showed, n splendid balance, Mrs, Norval Wilson was chosen as delegate to the convention at Toronto, Miss Garrow's class res ceived the prize for the largest ate tendance of mothers, An interesting address on vogational education was given by Mn Asheroft of the Vocas tional Institute, Pleasing solos were sung by Mrs, Leo Gray. FASHIONS Jhplum is being stressed for The t ernocon and evening gowns, ---- \ both a Some of the colors which Paris favors for evening are pink, waters green, haby blue, torquoise blue, | dark brown and bright ot dark reds No matter how large or small your wardrobe, no 'matter how tempting the new colors, he "ute that Jou in 'elude "umong' ormal costum ; one black on. for although ; is, the cho fhe reds and the greens are all goo this year, none of th approach black in importance for formal wear, The vogue for nets In evening ap: parel is extended to the sheerest of silk hosiery in a weave similar to fine met, and hose of this type in any colate shades, 1] cost of approxtmatei: $2,.500.000; work ! of the mysterious soft shades is very smart to waar with the met frock, Evening lippers of velvet are very smart, After two months in whieh solid colors werg supreme, prints are ape pearing to add zest to the winter mode, and prints in silk and prints in sheer woollén crepe are seen in conservative and unobtrusive pats terns of color on a dark background, WORK STARTS ON CNR. TERMINAL Large Program Being Car- ried Out at Montreal This Spring Montreal, April 2=Work has bes gun on the section of the mew Cas nadian Nationa! Railways Mentreal Terminal: prolcet which lies in the southwest ar the city between Tur cot and Pointe St. Charles, A foes of men are at work at Charlevoix street, south of the Lachine Canal, aparing for the construction of tie first of alk new subways in that pan of the eity, In addition to these new subways at St, Remi, De Cotreelles, Notres Dame, St. Ambroise flor pe- destelans nly), Charlevoix and His hernia and Atwates streots will res main and those at D'Avgenson and Wellington streets will be rebuilt, The type of subway to be ergcted is similar to that one now im use at Atwater a enue the tracks belng partly elevated and the stréet parts ly. depressed, This elevation will he of the embankment t pe, whieh af fords mreater facility for the cone struction and maintenance of side tracks to serve industrial plants, an important factor to be considered. in that hishly industrialized dist, Concurrently with the eangfruction of the subway hetween Turent and Point' St. Charles, at an estimated wilh Sa started orf the tain partion of the scheme, that is the entra! Shation ftaclf and the new line link Ing it with Victoria Nridag, The tracks fram the Censval Station to Victoria aprdae will gross aver streets and. where there: are: exists ing buildings on the sides of the trick, OF new ones cotgirueted, they will screen to that extent the tracks Ago except on streat crossings, The excavation work is te be start. ed on the site of the Central Station about May 1, This will' require the removal of about L100,000 euble vardy of earth and roek, which will be used for the hilling and levelling of new coach and other yards and for the grading of several miles of new lines to be constructed in cons ncetion with the new terminal, Other workw to be started as soon as possible, inclide the construction of a branch line in the eastern part of the city, running from Hochelagh street at Longue Pointe to Eastern Junction, a distance of approximates ly ten and a halt miles, which will reduce by more than 80 miles the existing distance hy CN.R, between Longue Pointg and Turcot, At the present thue a freight car going trom Longue Pointe tothe Turcot Yards via CNR, a distance of ahout Il wiles as the crow flies, has to he routed vin Joliette and Rinfret June. tion, a distance of 1084 miles, uns less routed over the Harbour Com: mission's: tracks, \ Another branch fine to be "cons t I will structed will extend fron : west of Pointe Claire 0 : Betas ; north of Vul Royal, Over this line will be routed the tralng ¢ from the western part of the Is nl which will enter the Central Station, All these works, states Mfr CG B. Brown, chief engineer of the Canas dian National Radways in charge of Perminals, will proceed steadily' and the whole scheme will be putsued with a view to causing the least ins tertferente and delays to teafiic. 4 Ws I -------- Hab caps 'of 'the new B : of flat desl n and about i as those Ji the original Model They are of rustlers steel -- : Qhen cans amon the ~~ A d ody types are equipped with i; type windshield and windshield wi . of Triplex shatter-proof glass, " the simmer the oi hield can he © folded forward with the stanchions i flat and' the wings folded 'over them, | -- Houdaille double-acting' hydvaulic shock absorbers are stan oq tent of all the improved Ford autos mobiles, Fords, ust a tasteless dose of Phillips! Melk of Magnesia in water, That ds an alkali; effective, yet harmless, It has been the standard antacid for SO yeurg among physiclans everys wheres "One spoonful will eutralize at once many times ita volume in acid, It is the right way, the quick, plea ant and efficient way to kill the exoess acid, The stamach becomes sweet, the pain departs, , You are A happy again fa five minutes © Pont depend 'on orto nd Employ the best v » vot : all the years of searching Phil Milk of Yodan i Be sure to get ho genuine Ph lip" Mille of Magnesia' prescribed b ohysiclans for ® veary in correcth excess achls, Hach bottle cont full directions «= any drugstore,' { Vo ba WoL

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