Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 2 Apr 1930, p. 1

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Ene argos mp Bes JO ME REARS Alon. Sti aor ot Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer I A 1 ia TAR A Sl ' OH A "All the News While It Is News" OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 1930 wy "38 Conte's Weeks 3 Canta » Copy TWELVE PAGES 0 tion And 'of Btoble, Vor proba oc A rr 94 { a BEE between former offich of tha or AT, Ie ' pn il lg 'bankruptey. ist oe - 18 n had been ecoB~ sidered but no deoision , It wes sald, actor Lar. Ihe woth iyo ta proven result in pi ' A formal supouncement a days. Mimtco. War Memorial Mimico~Flans are alresdy in hand for n proposed War Memorial to be ereeted in the Town of Mim~ ico estimated to cost in the neigh borhood of "; 500, . Bus Men Dety Council London, Ont,=~The, independent bus owners of London are detying the City Council and operating their vehicles as usual on the Ham. fiton yoad line, dolug large busi ness, The busmen ara operating with licenses, but assert there is as yét-no law which gives an exclusive franchise to the London Street Hallway, as 'the Liettensnt-Uoy- ernor has not signed the bill of hid Legislature, which agroemeint 'endorsed by fhe people and entersdl Ato ive the city and street maliwazs % 1 . Charge Dr, A, J tonville, ri ~-Dr, a Ba ot. Columbis, Mo, who iden titled the body of a man found slain near Gravette last Haturdey as William Foita, Las been arrests ed on a first degree murder ¢harge, Officers said they hud learned that @ was beneficiary in lite fn. surance policies of §200,000 car- ried by a wan pamed Folta, wivemition Ave Sate (HT tl Mussoifnd, dure ing debate on the educational bud- got, told the Chamber of Leputies that he intended to Leép all the present .tallan universities func 1 foning, pe & Shoots Kditor Miss ~Mayor J, U Strickland of Yasoo Clty shot and d probably y wounded F. HK ! 1, editor of the Yazoo Cnty rl and then killed himseit ¥aroo City, Com: Lute nee Hooluty, together posols and Habiiities, will 'over by the Confoderar t to the approval of the members and shareholders, re tively, of the two Organiza. tions, it was apnounced by C. ¥ 1d, ' vice-preaident and general manager of the Confedera~ vi Life, oi "uv Your Tople, Nayarit, Bandits Killed vous members of the bandit gang holds ing J. BE. Briston, oil operator of San Angelo, Tesas, prisoner, were killed in on clash, with federal trops south of Istian, Nayarit, Jhesouy. Qthers of the gang hows held Tor $0,000 Detos Yoo o ng or FAnSOm--about 318,800. Hootes sinh Wheat Pool + Berkley, Oalif,~ly attempting 1a speculate in wheat instead o 'meting solely as a canadian Vion ghunization k which, fob J, per the acreage led to of hy out its d Aaron re a y nations) authority on ity ot Biase at in up ft noon today was the latest addis dn to the list of instruments of and the chief clue in the he hy Hid ot oh Heine's buds | "by a when | home from work last lack sat m he before, f aaral Suk hells, land AL bra ond reading of the bill, city editor Nem, died Toronto Navi Sidpper G 4 pi OR rakis nai o ne head of pare St It 1a | made t Se rt from Mage { aah Nr = STIGATE SINCLAIR CHARGES HOUSE GIVES 13MAJORITY T0 MEASURE -- Commons Refuses to Sane. tion Six Months Hoist and Then Gives Bill Second Reading ONTARIO MEMBERS SUPPORT MEASURE Line Up 36 to 25 for Passing of Act--Dr, Kaiser, Mem- ber for This Riding, Sup- ports It ri (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, April 2-In two succes sive divisions last night, with mae Jorities of 13 In ench Instance, the House of Commons voted down a six months' holst amendment to the Wordsworth Ontario Divorce Court Bill, and then carried the bill through second reading. The six months' holst. smenits ment represénted the last stand of the Ontalo members oppoped to the setting up of Judicial" divoree machinery in Ontario, It went te the House with the added weight and appeal of a Conservative movs or and a Liberal seconder, George Bpotton (Conservative, North Hur on) moving it and Mitchell WF Hepburn (Libers], Elgin West) seconding it, But it was beaten 08 votes to 80, The main motion. for the secs { fond reading of the bill was then igarried, 100 votes to 87, the dis erepancy in vote being accounted for by four members ahsent for the first aote taking thelr seats dn the second: ving or the division The members a nay bry Te Liege BOL Amendment to he Submitted Phe forcing of the Ontarie DE vores Court DHL through second vending means that the Commens has given npproval to the principle of divesting Parliament of the re. sponsibility of handling. Ontario divorce cases and vesting that res sponsibility "with « new enurt te he established at Toronte, The ons I¥ remaining hope for Ontario ane tidlivorce sentiment is that a pro. visional amendment to he submits ted to the measure when it reach. 8 committee stage will carry, The amendment, which is certain to be submitted, If not by the snonsor of the bill, then by an Ontaria Di. voree Court opponent, or by the Prime Minister, will stipulate that the divorce court he established only when and It Ontario asks for Premier King, casting his see. ond and third votes In the half« dosen: divorce divisions which have featured this session of Parlier ment, voted against the six-mon« tha-holst amendment and for seo- Previous- ly he had announced that unless the bill carries a provisional clause involving the acquiescence of fhe Ontario authorities he will against the bill on third og Vote The Ontario members this time voted 36 to 25 for the bill and 35 to 25 against Duncan 'Wellington North) was absent for the first division ment, on it, 0 the Sinclair amendm (Conservati on the amend- urned to his seat to Con ued on Page: 3) 5 " Duttalo, , Ontario Divorce Court Bill Given Second Reading x i 8 Ont Apri sation of a iPr i t & Libers "rhe above photograph is a group of the representatives of veterans organizations from « .b over Cans ada, assembled at Ottawa for tho sonsions of the parliamentary coms mittee on pensions and returned soldiers' problems. Prominent fig. ures In the veterans' _rganizations, in the front vow are as follows: Lt~Col, C, H. Ackerman, provincial PRESSE) VETERANS' LEADERS ASSEMBLE IN [QT1AWA president for Ontario, Canadian Legion; J, J, Leightizer, Prince Fdward Command, Canadian fe gion; Captain C, NH, Gilman, Dos minion executive representatives TV, Nection, Canadian Legion; Charles Brown, Toronto, Amputas tion Associatio; 1 CC, H., MeDon- ough, Toronto, president, Cans dian Pensioners' Association; Col, SHARP WORDY PASSAGES AS LIBERAL LEADER CROSSES SWORDS WITH FINLAYSON SENATOR TRIES T0 | | | | ~~ Tn WTS RRR. TT W. OC. H, Wood, Quebec, president, Army and Navy Veteruns' Associne tion; General Siv Arthur Un grand president, Canadian Legion; It-Col, L, BR. La¥loche, Dominion president, Canadian Legions Hey, the Captain Nydvey Lambert, To« route, Amputations Associations Captain KK, A, Uaker, Toronto, Sie Arthur Pearson Club of Blinds Liberal Caucus Talks Election Members Said aid Warned to Make Preparation for Contest (By: Congdian Prose Lansed Wa) The noWEs WTedays enueus oie) CHA 1 party, While no 'official statoment was fssued at the 'conclusion of the meeting, it is understood Premier Mackenzie King stated that he way no more decided whether to hold an election this year or in 18381 than ho was three montis ago, but, At the same time, It fs sald the prime minister warned members they should hegin preparations and gontinue to make preparations, The views of a number of priy- Ale members were expressed, and, it Is understood, that in the course of this discussion a sugges tion was made that August 20 next might possibly be the date for an election, D \) d Washington, D, ComDevelopments in television Huring the lust: thirty days have heen so far-reaching as to make possible the , prediction that within a year baseball games and other spring events will be seen and heard over the aie, Joseph A, Burgh, transmission engineer of the Jenkins Laboratories of Washington and Jer- sey City, told the Federal Radio Commission rday, Nuttalo Kdjtor Dies Y= William O'Connell, for the past 19 years he Buttalo Evening t night, i dal Ld gation 0 ets A : orbits, A 0 suo. et n nt fig Hout caled th Un ig ca Fed ie pain oted the diands into jhe Blots harbor pt today, fi og ut a Wh iy fa oe RS na port ie oa | kel | | Dick wou it twa years fn sucosssion, depths While the Today's Prone aLIoh wa [" wl Marigold, ir 1 here, Ww himselt 'hat ra mmirn Suctention | ouse yt oy Bins then, Captatn | | ¥ Ef : oy iy nev. one of the Se 'eaton of the Sandsucker Charles 'Dole, or Civil War in States? Washington, April 2.-=Wil« liam Green, president of the American Federation of La- bur, ysoterday declared thut the Government must make provision for the un*mployed, or "have & revolution on Ma hands,' Heo made the remark in & matter-of+tact tone during the hearing of the Senate unsm- ayalent commitien, Is. Lessening Missionaries Held by Chin ese Brigands for Ransom of $20,000 Each (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Hhanghal, April The United States Y.M.C.A, secretary at Naune chang, Kdanget province, telegraph- od early today that the bandit and Communist mentee to that oity bt slightly lessened, @ sald that. foreigners, how: ever, wore prepared to leave on short notice should the Iawless bunds threaten again seriously, Y'wo families of missionaries were reported to have already departed fe: safer districts, A despateh from Kiuklang, in northern Kiangsl, said that several forelgnors 'weeking safety had ave rived from Nanehang: The dess patel, nlwo reported that seversi uermiin hilssionarion hed bean aps tured by brigands southeast Kiangsl, They were hie roleased when Clilnoda: friends paid their ransoms, 5 1. AR sg Ransom als Apri eM ing Ning 1. ; onary , worker Taoomp, Washn,, aud vo und the Rev 1: of wore Thursday. when bandits city of Yuanochow, dre ld for rm ot $20,000 ¥ | reading was given the bill amend. Ing was sive Firemen "sald "tootbrints Were found behind the stand which they sald werd made by womeone oarrye ing 'ketosene cans. A night watohs' man wilames b rst 'soon atlor two men drove al 0" We sland a phout midRight, Draft Made of Anglo-French | Magic Formula Four-Power Pact Including Japan and U.S. Now in View , { wiles N Iiy GEORGE NAMBINTON (Onnndian Press Stall Correspons dent ) Londan, April 2e-Officlal ane nouncement was made today that the plenary session of the nave! couterence called tor Jriday had beep postponed until next week, It wan stated that more time Wan needed for discussion of the Anglo-Froyeh security problem, | London, England, April 2m The. gelegrpph wires between London and Paris were humming today, The forelkn ministers: of Britain and France, Rt, Hon, Arthur Henderson and Avistide Briand, were understood to hmve reached un' deart of the magle for. mular which is to solve Anglo- French difficulties over the Inters pretation of article 10 of the Leas guebovenant, Dut it is only a draft and converantions are to continue, If this formula Is agreed to, then France will probably consider 'it nultlons additional security to bn able het to cut down her naval pros gram figures, And thus the second of three great obstacles to wuccess of the five power naval conference will have been vemoved, The first was the three-power understanding nl do Britain, the United Btates a a pan, which has been approv- by the three powers, The third, hardly tackled yet, in the question of Italtan naval parity with France which Franee does not want to cone code, "fhe French return for a sultable formula is reported to be willing~ nesd to reduce her naval program by a figure variously estimated at from 60,000 to 100,000 tons, Har present elaim in 734,470 tons and such a reduction would be sufMelent 10 save the parity figures agreed upon tentatively between Britain and the United States--that bring- ing a four-power pact between AY the United Btates, ¥'rance apan, within view, Italy would favited to join {if she wishes to do so, but France ia reported to he stint pressing for submission of de. finite Italtan figures, 'And the Ital fang so far decline to submit gure es, merely sticking to their claim for parity with; the strongest cons tinental powers, IN PARLIAMENT [the Export Act to prohibit clears @ ition to go into Srply Was. again Ottawa, April 2.=~Yestarday in parliament: In the senate the bill amending ances to liquor destined for the United States was under considera tion, In the house of commons third Ing the Indian Act, A bill to amend the Export Act respecting witnesses was glven tiret reading, A resolution respecting wages trae and hours of labor on pablie works contracts was approved and a bili based thereon given first veading, The amendment of A, A, Heaps (Lab. Winuipeg North) to the me debated, Bathing Seascn NT EX-SOLDIERN CLAIMS 70 PARLIAMENTARY COMMITTEE od Noldiers and Sailors; Hpig. Gen, Alex Ross, Saskatchewan provine vial president, Canadian. Logion; Avthur Wakelyn, Alberta provine cial command, Canadian legions A. EK. Moore, Winnipeg, Dominion chatrman, Canadian Legion; M, M, Hood, Oshawa, is nt the extrome right otf the second row, ------------ ---- ~ Opens at the Soo Sault ste, Marie, Ont, April 2. ~000rge Ayoub, Lloyd Shopherd, "Earl Kuolly and Salo Hotton opened the ' bathing soasén in th) Bault when they smashed the ice iu a pool near the Rapids, and entered the water, The boys, all under 15, gay they do not intend to pe~ peat thelr "experience, Form New Party Without Leader mm Saskatchewan Farmers Meet in Convention Today (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) * Regina, Sank, April 22«A load« orless political organisation is in prospect today for Saskatchewan, Members of the recently formed Farmers' Politieal Association, meeting in Regina, may 'decide against choosing a president, posts poning such a more until after far mor candidates have heen returned in contituencies of the province, The successful nominess them- selves would then decide who shall be their leader or governing body, That Is the attitude of Mow Inhrasher, former secretary of the Saskatchewan section of the Units od Farmers of Canada, and one of the leading organizers of the new political association, With delegates present trdn every district dn the province and representatives of the Independent Lahor Party attending, 'the frat provincial eonvention of the farm. pt' Asgoolation 'convened here to- ay, FAIR WAGE BILL '1S INTRODUCED, First Reading "Given ' Gove ernment Measure in Commons Ottawa, April '28-=An eight-hour day and wages at the'ourrent rate, "provided "such rate is fair and reasonable," will be ensured works men on Dominion Government cons tracts under the fair wage bill in. troduced yesterday in the House of Commons by Hon, Peter Heenan, Minister of Labor, Canada thus is brought coms iftely in line with the Versailles Toaty as far as the inion Government is concerned in works ing hours. That Jas approved the Sight-hour day. Yostorduy Mr, Heo~ nan announced! an orderdnscouneil promulgating the eight-hour day for direct Goverhment employos, With the passage of the present bill, the elgh<hour day will varsal 'in the Dominion: Govern. juan service, direct and by cons What it will add to the cost of Government haa not bean announce od, 1t is expected that the -- ih run into millions per ARI time and a halt will be' DNEAtORY ehoraver workers. do more than 'tha aight hours, i: ohild care that they may have o unis |' + How other pla BLOCK RUM BILL, | SINCLAIR PRODUCES Liquor Interests Flood Red | Chamber With Literature why Ottawa, April --- When ( md | reading of the bill fo. ban liquor ex ports to the United 8 ved In the Senate Tast night, Hon Raoul Dandurane, the Government Leader, absolutely refused fo uccept un amendment moved by Senator \V. B. Willoughby, the Conservative Leader, 10 refer the measure 10 a special committee of the Senate, The On position Leader wanted second reading of the bill postponed for the purpose of first obtaining by a spe. clal committee information s to the effect the passing of the Lill would have on the economic, nations) and international ¢onditions and relations of Canada, "I refuse to be dragged into a com mittee where we would have the li guor interests sitting around the tue ble and telling us how much trade they stand to loge," maid Senator Dandurand., "The special committes would be absolutely useless, and Am not interested In what they are losing or gainin~ by this smuggling business, We have already been flooded with their literature, and they cannot give us any information we do not already possess or that cannot be furnished "in the Senate Chamber," The debate adjourned until today, Still Refuse to Help Workless Government Ins Insists Unem: ployment Is Municipal Problem ---- (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Ottawa, April 2-=8L111 resisting the efforts of the Labor group, afded with more or less definite. ness by the Conservatives, up tle the Dominion Government, up to unemployment relief throughout Canada, the Mackensie King Gov- ernment, through its Minister of Labor, Hon, Peter Heenan last night talked out past the closing hour the supply amendment of Abe raham Heaps (Labor, Winnipeg). The amendment would have the House declare that the Government should, take immediate action to relieve unemployment, The position of the administra« tion in resisting the amendment ia precisely that taken with respect to soyeral other Opposition demands this session-~that to accept the re- solution would be an unwarranted invasion of Provincial and, in this instance, municipal responsbility, Tonght Mr, Heenan, amid a chorus of saroasms from Conservative bene ches, read to the House previous declarations of Conservative Gow ernmont polley, to the effect that unemployment primarily was mus nieipal and then Provincial respon sibility. ~James Y, Woodsworth (Labdre ite, Winnipeg) and Joseph Thorson (Libereral, Winnipeg), discussed unemployment insurance at length, Mr, Woodsworth was. vigorously for It, and demanded somo kind of Fedora! lead, Mr, Thorson believed that such & scheme would relieve the altuation to a great extent, but the Brhiah North America Act of in serious obstacles, urged that any une ALLL ingurance scheme for Canada should involve compulsory contributions fom employers and workers as well as the State. > | | | | Farm Worker jtates was mo-| Local Member ( Charges That Employees on . Governs ment Official's Farm Were Paid With Public Money SIGNED DOCUMENT Maiatains, However, That He Did Not Sign Document, Which Admittedly Bears His Signature (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Apr, 2-/Two witnesses affirmed + before the Public Ate counts. committee of the legisia~ ture today that they had signed blank sheets of paper only and net statements or affidevits chargin Frank C. Richardson, of Porquols Junction, near Cochrane, sg in- #pector of the Department of Nore thern Development, with paying men with public money for work done on his farm, They were Jamey McMahon and Albert A. Kydd, the workmen involved, The committees Is Investigating the charge which wos made on the floor of the legislature oy W. XE. N. Binclalr, K.C.,, Liberal leader during the budget wpeech Both men admitted that the statement at present bears their correct signatures but ssid the contents were untrue, 'The committees room was crowd od. to overflowing hy members and spectators, Three witnesses from Northern Ontario, ¥. C, Richardson, of Pore quis Junction, the department of« fielal, and A. A, Kydd and James McMahon, the two workmen, werd present to give Pormant ny or! CH : fahorer, was. the first por Ben 7 ih od, He admitted working Nf the Richardson farm in 1937 days; He received 43.60 & ar i, Swed Mr. Richardson; who {a a storekeeper, or Tocs Hos. n paid me by d CE Py: count,' Ms Xidd said, During the same year Mr: Xda # likewise worked on the highiay under the supervision of Inspect Richardson, He always was paid by cheque once a LA § ' igned Aftidavi "On March 26," the witness sald, "I think T met Mr, Decker in Porquis Junction at the Rishe ardaon store, Decker was thers to investigate these charges, Decker, a government auditor asked me if Richardson had paid me or had the department and I signed an affidavit to the effect that 1 did not take money from the governs (Continued on Page I April Fool? : ol Lawrenceburg, Ind--Nof all A tl Fool jokes can be laughed off, A Edward M. Fasnacht, wife of chief of police of this town oh fay presented her husband: wit pana lets, To Demand Ti Toronto, Sedtzey k Si' : men of West: York hay go A mass meeting to be [in fe 00, on Saturday, when jhe resigna, 4 tion of 'Hon. Forbes 'dodtray wil be demanded, In a manifesto fesued: Grace Hunter and Mrs. B, it in declared that {rit and oot of the TE nog ogislation is by the minister of administering' A : nouncing the mi 'call upon the : Sondtitueney to his nation, ' Soviet Would Free Women "From Care of Home, Child Moscow, April 8A plan sub-| mitted to the Soviet Government recommends the freeing of wives and mothers from domestic duties ual rtunity with men in rrylng out the Government's ins dustrialization plan, The proposal, worked out by a special 'commission for improve ® the conditions of labor . and fo," by encounaging colleotive forma of labor, rest and recreation among the city proletariat, Under this project it would be forbidden to bulld kitehens in news lysarected dwelling DouneR. while existing Kitthona th kind verted into nurseries, Radergur. rooms tong, showersbaths, for rou ue e. FATA woul aye oommu " kit non WORLD! Large Apartment groups of small houses their own I ton; with all eh to be taught and trained nurses and Asahi' ot or more. Ties, meeting ati ry ho on are Planasa, : ! Each family belonging to of thesa communes would' ot AE wi would prepare from 10,000 to 000 meals daily for the ol Ja distriot, All vashiny in to bo done by comm Inna at self coat, with t home forbidden, food hare 2 one | wou on wile * fone for 0 f froeery ators mow Seietings

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