Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 2 Apr 1930, p. 12

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or icle, and became a daily in 1870, 4 "THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1930 'THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, . NEWSPAPERS MERGE Bajleville.~Commencing with the "isiue of April 1, the Daily Ontario und, the Intelligencer, local daily newspapers, merged under the name of the Ontario Intelligencer, The One i wis founded about 1830 as the in neer was - founded v and first appeared as z daily FACTORY COMPLE (ED Peterboro~Constrrction = on the factory for the firm of Martin-Few- itt. Containers, Limited, has been completed by the contractor, 1. C, Ephgrave, ind the plant is ready to be turned over to the owners, Ma- chinery is alscady being installed in preparation tor the ment of manufacturing operations. Question of Return Cargoes early ersten. | y SALE OF WHEAT AT 51.47 PER BUSHEL yo London, April 2.--Hon. J. H. Three New C. P. R. ships » TOURIST INVASION RINGS $300,000,000 Final estimates 'of the tourlst in~ flux during 1929 'indicate that the record invasion of 1928 was bettered during the past year, No less than 12,000,000 motorists are reputed to have come into Canada riding in 3,700,000 automobiles. How important is this vast army to the Dominion may be judged from the immense sums left in this country Those who travelled the trail of '29 are said to have spent $300,000,000 in Canada, as compared with about $275,000,000 the previous year, COST OF OPERATING CAR last year, |W Relief from 3 rt ] worth or your money back, 500 and §1 bow, 100 4% 5 EXPERT ATTENTION Kven in the days when care buretors were comparatively simi ple and crued mechunisms, the car owner 'was warned agaifist trying to adjust them unless he knew precisely what he was about, 'For day's carburetor is just that Wueh more beyond the range of the aver Thomas told the House of Com- mons yesterday in answer.to ques- tions, that when he was negotiat- Ang' with officials of the Canadian wheat pool some weeks ago, the pride of wheat was $1.47 a bushel. "1 advised them to sell so that § could get coal (for return car- goes)," the minister said, "and they did mot take my advice, Wheat is' now at $1.08 a bushel." The whole qliestion of, Canadian . in 1867, ae . ACCIDENTAL DEA "HS NAVIGATION OPENS 4 Trenton, ~The Ateond ascidentat ; ! avigation season | death to occur in Trenton within se- I. og ah ri imi gr opened{ ven days took place. on Thursday : 1 aptain Kenny, inf night when Mr, Ami Durand, aged piloted | 70, fell backward down a flight of stairs and broke his neck, ' " A ------ PECONSTRUCT BUILDING Kingston.=Thos, Andre,' 324 John- ston street, is awarded contract and will start work shortly on reconstruc |. tion of the Harrison Building, own. |'Srain cargoes in return. for ship- ed by Mrs, Florence Taylor, King| ments of British coal * came up street, Kingston, which was damaged | after Mr. Thomas had said the con: by fire recently, struction of five 7,000 ton steam- : aE ors for the trade had been aban- BIG ELEVATOR PLANNED doned for the time being Bir Kings- Kingston.~Plans' for the erection | ley Wood (Cops, Woolwioh West) of a new 2000000-bushel' elevator | asked whether My, Thomas had were submitted to the township coun- | had any communication from the cil .of Kingston Township yesterday, | president of the Canadian wheat and hylaw is to be submitted 'to the |'pool about the proposal that ves- electors, The proposition, was * set | gels carrying grain from Canada hefore the council by HM, I. Pride of | might secure return cargoes ot oronto, He did not disclose who 3 ni British -coal, he is representing. The plans call for No Further Statement the erection of the elevator just east : "No, sir," Mr, Thoma a, "1 | of where the Canada Steamship Lines i M s sal Annual Report for' 1929 | ol yhere he Cada Steamship Lines | nave Soihing to add to my wate Shows Growth in Interests| is in the course of construction. He asked for a fixed assessment and the lia ald ha Had ve SIVA do ' . . council decided to submit such a by- [ony of 'wort coal to be shipped Great Improvement in Sentiment Noted Throughout Auto- aoe ratepayers © ce hasten mobile Industry--Present Condition One of Strangest iad from Britain as soon as the Ht, Township in the near future, Lawrence was open for naviga- . . : a at » J 5 in History of Business--May Be Spring Shortage lation of Ameriea while. McKinnon RECORD FOR ICE . { Industries, Limited, , and North tion). Kingston, ~ Monday marked 100| "18 the minister aware the inst "Electric C 'were Om days that the ice has been in the | President of the wleat pool has Wa Nog Re A paRY WOE iar harbor this season and the steamer | Publicly stated that so far as his Plalsly Purgiseq «an a ad Wolfe Islander has been laid up for | interest is concerned the whole $4.48 oborating divisions, . J no: that length of time. Last year the | Matter has been dropped?" Sir tion! tn lia above, the' Geners a : Iu wiser do Kings! ked Motors Radio Corporatign was or- ferry was laid up for sisty. days. pd Ale ' t tt th ganized, in which General Motors -- el on' now that matter the ed, jeneral 1 PREPARING FOR SEED TIME | member. refers to, but if he will has a 51 per eant. nrermat. ye Kingston.--Farmers in this district | look at the facts he will see that {total cost of acquiring 1 u love are, busy preparing for seeding, 'a | When I was negotiating with the interests Jmous oh to appro Be great many orders being sent for | Wheat pool wheat was $1.47, 1 ately $63, 180,019. a iw yh ba ol ward through the office of the Agri- | advised them to sell so I could get wih wore wok a es Bega i lee cultural Representative for registered | coal, They did not take my advice, ' ' al ve Rpm 30 Supe. grain seed as the dircct result of the | Wheat is now at $1.08 a bushel,' men ay The most important etter seed campaign which has been Earl Winterton (Cons. Horsham oh » Ne oh win of aneription 10 carried on throughout the province | and Worthigg) asked whether in §7 ba ne ™ im {nthe Aon stock of by the Department of Agriculture, | view of-the Breat iaterest both in jan _fmereade in ' : ------ 3 | General Motors Acceptance Cor- STORES CLOSE A Biitain ang Capqan iu the Bagotss $45,425,207 | poration, reauiring an investment T 10 O'CLOCK 18,22500 | OF" 86 250.000. : Port Hope.~In conjunction with "az | OF 98,200,000. most other lines of SoRunctia in Port SHOW RAPID DECREASE Cost of operating an average automobile has declined 3% ceuts a mile, or 85.7 per cent. since 1924, Greater fuel and lublication ocomnomy, as well as longer life of present 'cars und improved highways, accounts for the reduced cost, The items involved in the cost are gasoline, oll, tires ana tubes, maintenance, depreciation, license, garage. insurance and 1io- terest, age motorists' ability to adjust it. The thought 1s & good one to besr in mind, especially since so many of the ills laid to the carburetor are caused by something else. One hundred and elghteen boys and girls entered this year for the dairy cattle judging competiton held In connection with the Base kutchewan Dalry Convention at Moose Jaw, {H 84TH YEAR OF CHURCH Kingston.~Chalmers Church. has passed another mile stone. Sunday marked the cighty-fourth anniver- sary, this congregation having been established in 1846 us a Scottish Free Chureh, joining with the Presbyter- ian Church and later with the United + Church which was formed a. few years ago. TRACTORS REPLACE HORSES Kingston.~With the mechanization af the Royal Canadian Horse Artil Jer brigade, the unit of the perma« nent force which carries out the trai= ning of all field and medium artil- lery units of the non-permanent mili- tia in Eastern Canada at Petawawa Camp, the Canadian Field Artillery and medium batteries which go to Petawawa Camp this, year for annaul training and competitive firing will carry out this traiinng with tractors and motor vehicles. w-- MEMBERSHIP DRIVE Port. Hope ~Under the leadership of James Sinnott, the Membership Committee of the Board of Trade iy conducting a campaign this week and it is expected that the strength of the organization will be recruited to record numbers, PREACHES AT 83 Troquois~A former pastor of the Methodist Church of this place, now United, the Rev. John Webster, has just passed his eighty-third birthday, and celebrated it by preaching in the Centenary . Methodist Episcopal Church of Syracuse, N.Y., where he now lives with his daughter and son. in-law, Mr, and Mrs. William Keefe, "Pwo small girls, gowned in - white, stepped. up the aisle of the church 4s he ended his sermon and present- ed him with 83 roses. TEMPERANCE WEEK Picton,~This is Temperance Week in Prince Edward County and Bisets i rt bein held ag folios: ons Spooner, 362 Miller St. in, her 98th Tuesday, Bloomfield and Milford; |¥4" . Wednesday, Wau and Demorest- ville; Thursday, Wellington and Red REGENT NEWS The biggest production ot its ersville, Friday 'evening a banquet will be held in Picton United church, kind ever offered to the publis such is 'Warner Brothers "Show g Bane Hew steel spans of the Bay 7 ------ 0 Lp rée of the latest ships built for the Canadian (Empress of Japan and loft lie the Princess Joan and Badfe Steamships are now being fitted out at [the Princess Elizabeth, destined for the British the dock of the Fairfield Company, Govan, Scotland, | Columbia Coastalservice. They will all be ia service Right is the Queen of the 3 ¢, the 26,000-ton from British Columbia ports this season. { mw {1929 edrnings of General Motors General Motors Corporation' [torsion New Activities The mest important acquisition or additions to the corporation's operating properties effected dur- ing the year consisted of an 80 per cent, interest in Adam Opel A, G., Russelshelm, Germany; a 256 per cent. interest in Bendix Aviation Corporation,and @& 40 per cent, in- terest in Fokker Alrcratf Corpor. comparable amount of $295,788, 304 at tho close of the previous year, The following briefly the comparison working capital items at 1929, and Dec, 81, 1028: Current assets Cash, US, and other wectrities Sight drafts [ Notes and ascets, celvable Inventories . Prepaid expenses ... 'General Motors Corporation re. ports net earnings of §5.00 per share on the $10 par common stock outstanding for the year 1929, as' compared with . net of $6.14 per share in 1928. Total earnings for the year are report od at $248,282,268 against $276,- 468,108 in the preceding year. Included in the 1929 earnings Is a sum of $2,311,875, which is the corporation's proportion of the earnings and losses of subsidiary and affiliated companies not con- solidated but accruing to General Motors Corporation in excess of di- vidends received. For the first tithe the total net earnings of General Motors Accep- tance Corporation and General Ex- change Insurance Corporation, which are 100 per cent. owned, have been consolidated In the in- come account of General Motors Corporation. 'The undistributed earnings of these two subsidiaries therefore have not heen included, as was the case in previous years, in the figure which représents the corporation's proportion of undi- vided profits of subsidiaries not consolidated, After paying regu- far dividends on preferred and de- benture stock requiring $9,478. 681 for the year, there -remains $288,803,687. being the amount earned on the common shares out- standing. Five Yehrs' Record summary shows of, the Dee, 31, i $127.35) ,5%0¢ $218 13,579,613 re 43,354,133 196,602,568 3,560,282 «358028 + 188,472,799 3,712,575 CANDIES And Novelties BEERS +... 0s0ssesssnnsssse 30 to $1.50 Rabbits s.ovesvassvrvseies Be to $1,00 Chickens ,,.. vos Be to $1.00 Fancy Eggs fllled with Chocolates, 3 75¢, $1.25, $1.50 Easter Candy Packages, 75¢, $1.50, $2.00 Each Purchaser is entitled to have any single Name put on Easter Novelties Free of Charge ' All Easter Novelties, Packed for safe arrival, No Charge for packing, , Little Easter Gift with each 25¢ Purchase. \ Jury & Lovell 10 King St., E. CONFECTIONERY Phone 222 Total . $368,960,915 §408,800,2. Current Habilities Ac'ts and accrued liabilities ... aes 8 65,296,091 U.S. and foreign taxes. 28,701,456 Employes' savings funds 9,010,571, Accrued divid'ds, ....0 1,615,015 Extra dividend on common in ations with the wheat pool, the minister would consider publishing 9.302.404 | a government white paper explain. sada ing exactly what he had advised the Canadian interests to do, *If the Earl of Winterton. In speaking with authority from those in. Canada, I am quite prepared to consider it," Mr, Thomas said. "But seeing at their request | have published an agreed state ment, I have no evidence to ware rant me believing they desire any- thing else said." Hope, practically all local grocers and 13,050,000 43,500,000 butchers having signed an agreement to lock their doors at ten o'clock sharp every Saturday night. PEMBROKE'S OLDEST CITIZEN Pembroke~Said to have been Pembroke's oldest resident, Mrs. Geo, Laplante, sr., died Wednesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Regis Spare tires, spare; fuses and spare lights have been carried by motorists for some time, Another good spare is an extra grease nips ple for the one through which grease cannot be forced even by the. most vigorous methods, Towal ,. TIL $117,673,163 173,020,943 Net working capital $21,287,782 $295,788,304 Total plant' "and equipment "uccounts show an ine crease of $46,803,221 over the previous year, representing an eas pansion in the corporation's facile ities. The net balance in real estate plant and equipment accounts, af- ter deducting the increase of $31,414,860 in depreciation re- serves, shows an Increase of $56, 478,371 over the previoug year. Investments inesubsidiary and at- filiated companies not consolidat- ed Increased, $89,451,820, The In- real estate, I -------- A----------- i followed by organization of town and Here and There i county. Addresses will be given by p------ street Uni- crease of he H, Bell, Bridge vg church, Belleville, and in Ww. Ackerman. NARROW ESCAPE - Peterboro.~Startled from their sleep by the edour of smoke and the sound of crackling woodwork the five Ns) n of Mp and Mrs, Raymond Albert street, sounded Collet, hf : the A which gave their parents the warning that enabled the. family of Shows," the Vitaphone musical extravaganza in technicolor, whien opens at the Regent Theatre to- morrow, Scores upon scorer of outstand- ing stars of stage and screem con. tribute to this = elaborate revue, Several distinct choruses mumber- ing over five hundred persons ap pear in various numbers, A few of those in the imposing list of stars are John Barrymore, Canadian Pasitic Railway Fri day night broadcasts are now be- ing sent out across the Dominion from ¢bast to coast. Letters are being received from all parts of Can ia appreciation of the pro- grammes and of the radio recep- tions in all centres, Arrgnge- Ramis dure been Bade | with the a Broadoasting Company o the United States to place special C. P. R, programmes on the air, Year 1925 1924 1927 1028 1029 *Decrease, of dividends, The record of the past five years follows; Increase over previous year $64,002,787 0,214,005 48,878,644 41,363,282 28,185,840 Net earnings $116,016,277 188,231,182 285,104,826 276,468,108 248,282,268 After. providing for the payment there was available 006,950 in good-will and patent@account resulted from the acquisi®on of certain addition~ al properties and represents the excess of the consideration given for these' properties over the net tangible assets acquired. ' | Expenditures Heavy The total increases on account, of plant additions and the acquis | ition of additional propeggies ine volved expenditures of § ,701,- ETE "FOR BETTER SERVICE" y Rp tor reach safety in the face of fire which had it been allowed to run its se fof a few minutes. probably A > e reduc . the home to a oud hue re The origin of the|Ted Lewis, Irene Bordoni, Marian blaze remains a mystery, Damage cs- | Nixon, Myrna Loy, Sally O'Netl ng at $700 was caused, Alice White, Noah Beery, Grant --Tses------ JVitners, Lila des Pal} Ruth Mii. eh. ce Day, Ben 'Turpin, Lloyd MAN CANT SLEEP, GETS : NERVOUS, HATES PEOPLE Hamilton, Lupino Lane, Bert : hg or could hot sleep and got so ners Roach, Lee Moran, Heinfe Conklin, H. B, Warner and Bull 'Montana, vous I hated everybody. Since tak- ine 1 can sleep 10 hours and Direction was shared by John Adolti," Larry. Ceballos and Jack Haskell under the supervision ot fee! ull of - pep all day."=Julius er. Keeping in the middle of the road "Wor 30 wears doctors have pre-fis too big a job for lots of drivers, because it contains ims Fuse gg it is with politicians, = Darryl ¥,. Zanuck, Sefibod: Vinod ortant } minernl elements of iron, § A cod lives peptone, The Guelph Mercury, early in April, over WIZ to thick. 1y populated sections of the Haste ern United States, Veteran of 65 years raiiway ser vico and one of Canada's earliest telegraph operators, William Phillip Martin, formerly assistant superintendent of the Canadian Pacific Railway, died in Vanmcou. ver recently, He learned tele graphy from his father 'when a boy and became a chief despatcher at the age of 18. r-- * Diggovery of a mew 3 ot whitefish in Clear Lake, toba, is announced by A. Pajkov of Man- ow a rr AR as onus . ghuel, in honor of Dr, C. H. O'Don~ ogliue, formerly of the faculty of University. The newly. 398, This was financed out of ac; cumulated profits without increase in the corporation's' capital stock accounts, except for the issuance of 40,000 shares of 7 per cent, pre- ferred stock at a value of $4,865, 444, in connection with the acquis ition of the assets and business of North East Electric Company. in addition to. the above, investmenty in subsidiary and affiliated com- panies not consolidated increased $20,650,008, due to the adjusts ment of the hook value of the ine vestment in General Motors Ac- ceptance Corporation to the total of the capital sugplna and undivide ed profits of that subsidiary at De- camber 31, 1020. Of this Increase | Ing one of the pusters used recently $6,340,710 represented undistri-| bn connection with the observance buted . 'earnings, during 1920, (0f Canada week in that English which have been reflected in the eity, out of earnings for investment in the busihess, including the corpor- ations proportion of the earnings and losses of subsidiary and afril- inated companies not consolidated but accruing to General Motors Corporation in excess of dividends received a total of $82,202,580, This compares with $101,783,350 available for reinvestment during year 1928, Capital stock increas. ed $95,101,679, during 1920, Additional Properties A large part of the corporation's surplus funds were used during 1020 for the acquisition of nual tional properties, which should re- sult in a greater return on these funds. 'As. a result, net working capital at the close of 19290 am- ounted to $2561,287,782, or a de crease of $44,600,622 from the Frank Fay, Dolores Costello, Monte Blue, Beatrice Lillie, Win- nie Lightner, Georges Carpentier, We will publish in TOMORROW'S TIMES the particularsregarding GREAT his Bristol newshoy is dlsplay- . --------------1 "fist bottle brings sound sleep BIG appetite. Nervous, worn- e are surprised how QUICK new life and pep! Tastes ury & Lovell, td., Drugs. Let's be fair, The girl who has been Jiteed belors knows dow to ut a delightful kick in it. t {Vhig-Standard, nggon Jeddo Premium Coal | Semet - Solvay Coke nswiek, Mo {81 fea (4) Dr. Win. MW. Ross fon hg 2 six years troasurer of the club, of | vative of Nova Scotia, is diccctor ) ony 'of selentific dopattient hea fii 6 ment. of a ure, 0) ! i Dee Crs 'Whitney Culver | 63 ~ McGilt | originally came from Quebec, ang : 'was for Lis organizer and general good «and angel of the clubs "0 § that 's owh 'wet, next "be an amohl- ||

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