Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 2 Apr 1930, p. 9

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/ 5 THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 1930 a of the iy itil § i To i oH Ey % i 8d i i 1 2 anybody with pi: will appoint some 6s Breen back Home!" she tried, "I thought I wanted hy Son if spi soi could!" ol ean' see how it rig ron was getting A Thrilling Romance of Adventure in the Clouds PPLE SHIPMENTS [HAY RENOVATE screamed at the other girls, "The kid 4 ran away' with a man! I've always told Jou Jhout these innocent-looks ing ones ean's heart se€med to stop beat. R So ifas come at fait They 'were r. Terry into this Pn her, it seemed to be ink | her fault, and yet what could she do? {fro on hb ng to have for er an there is to be'a concert and a Christe ; Jean as ed eshtatingly "Has came here with me. that to gee me?" iss Breen's answer wa it was the bit. the girl first She would be : Ay A Her. "I thought she'd be Toya! to mel" lan said 'over and over again, Dr. s enlanation of Grace's ab- sence sec: just mere excuses to he spoke of Grace she hat (eal ~and tty to night told : geem in on he. If I to If lie awake, I she When he had gone she walked to a wide window at the end of the hall, from which one could see the city in a blaze of lights e sky. "Beautiful as ever," she said in a fow voice. . But across the picture, were the bars. of the prison window, and Jean turned away, too tired and weary to cry any more that day. She knew now that she was never to have the things for which she had struggled 0 : : as her 'life Jean was to Semenber nest tmas Day--wit horror, was to dream of it after- of the night. ward, sweat, sleep estion for the rest he woke Swit Sirol Hating in er ears. was scarcely light put some Ehikiren, drassed in ved hoods and capes, were standing in the outside corridor si for the béne- fit of the women The their efforts woman who directed seemed pleased with herself and the hildren, and oh tidines 4 ol, comfort and joy, fines the | so y guilty," Just because she'd lost her . | cause doesn' the jmates. ga i the early sh voices were sweet and morning still ean hid her face in her 8 How and covered h Not to keep out the sound stream of pio out by. 0 more than 17 Where was next to "Take 'brats away," Gladys oes ere. Sot I oon, Tine e Somebody further own. the line of cells ladys to "shut up!" Well Merry Christmas, Angel Face," Gladys: called to Jean as the gl ERR dubbed Jeap Log appear in the jail, and the mame had . She'was "Angel Face" to all In fret, Jean's whole was the t of end. ofr "No. kid acts like that If she's one woman, who had been arrested. times than she. could remember, it Sits and says mothing. That's The kind that scream and make a fuss, they're ys "and she across at , Then fol- lowed a quarrel which Miss Breen herself had to settle. - ! she Jooks as though friend, and be- cuse: Her statements were halted by jeers from the rest of the If 'Jean heard the discussion of hersell she gave no f she bitter trial, that wis more I say the worse it will bel" she moaned as she rocked to and er hard cot.' Finally. she gained control el h to demand the morning paper. There was another picture of her taken in court--a pic. d | ture that made her look more be- draggled and worn, if possible, than she really . Under the picture were these ds: Girl Bond Thief Also Steals Man The story recounted the efforts of a detective to trace Jean's move. ments; a detective -hired by an angry Jean read on and on. The name were refereed to as one of the leading families in Hillsdale, "Everybody there will w who they mean!" Jean cried. She realize that the gossip was: an old story for the village. Even Vivian Brooks has not made her realize just how big a scandal the chance meet ing and panting of herself and Mr, Terry had deemed, back in the home mn, What must Bob Terry think! And Mrs, Kelsey and Jimmie!" Jean ki thinking and wogdering. They would all believe she had stolen this money, she supposed, They must believe the worst 'about her in every way, Jim. mie had laughed at her, and sq had Bob, for that matter, but she did not want them to think hse was a thief, and worse, "Let them do what they want with me now," she murmured as she threw herself face down on her cot and lay very straight and quiet.' "Nothing matters now. Even Mr, Terry thinks I am a thief" She lay so stifl that when Miss Breen came in to se her she was frightened and spoke to her sharply. When Jean raised her tearsstained face the old woman seemed almost relieved, ; "Jean, I've brought you a_magazine to read," she said. . "And 'there is something I want to ask you. I'm not going to let anybody bother you with Questions today. Just answer me this one and we won't trouble you any more, Did you ever have a green bracelet, maybe a jade bracelet?" Jean shook her head. T've never owned 'a bracelet! in ny life," she said positively, "Why?" "I don't know. But there is a woman outside who wants to know and she scems so excited that she made me come in here and ask you. phe also wanted to know where Grace ves." (To Be Continued Tomorrow (Copyright Public Ledger Co.) Canadian Vessel ~ And $225,000 Liquor Cargo Captured New York, N. Y. April 2. = The capture of the Ada M., a Canadian schooner, with liquor cargo off the Jersey coast was announced here yesterday at coast guard headquar- ters. The liquor seized was valued at $225000 and the vessel at $75,000. @ patrol No. 148, in command of Bos'n Carl Sahmit, was Iruising several miles of shore near Barne- gat, NJ, when the schooner was sighted The-ship was stopped and the search revealed 3,000 cases of liquor, Belleville Native Dies Montreal G. W. Thompson, general manager of the city of the city of Westmount, Que., for the past. 17 years, died suddenly Sosaday. aged 53. He was born in Belleville, Ont. He Is survived by Mrs. Thompson, nee Miss William Loggle of Napanee, Ont., 4 son. and a daughter, . + 8 Forming Turkish W.C.T.U. Istanbul, Turkey.--"God sent me to Turkey at a eriteal moment when the nation was turning from Islam to drink," Agnes Slack, sev- retary of the World's Women's Christian Temperance Ufifon, who is here to organize the first Turk. ish branch of the W.C.T.U., mid yesterday. Take care of the pennies all \| your life and the pounds you leave 1d | will take eare of somebody else, Glasgow Herald, e Terrys was not used, but they he 18 the | Jers, the Jin the future x then Shoo n'a while. Cnclangh 18... = Y 16S Ve J Ld ra Brown LEAVENEWCASTLE Hundreds of Barrels Re- Packed for A. A. Colwill Newcastle, March 31, 5 There has been considerable movement in ap- Ries from the fruit: house at the C. ._R. station recently, Mr. A. Colwill has been' re-packing with the Ip of a gang under the direction of r. Irwin Colwill. Several hundred barrels of apples, Ben Davis and Starks, have shipped to the United States: He has now shipped out his fourth car. Mr. M. H. Sta. ples of Orono consigned a car to Ottawa and Mr.' Hathaway Is res Jacking and trucking apples in bas- ets and boxes; Mr, and Mrs. Percy O'Neil tained the Wolf Cubs and Leader, Jack Elston, at their home Lon Friday evening, in honor of their grandson, Nelson James Keech, on his ninth birthday. Mrs. J. R, Figh- er and Lliss Trehwith and neice, Miss Dorothy Trenwith, assisted Mrs. O'Neil. in serving the sumptious sup- per which concluded with the ap. portioning of the delicious' birthday cake, which with its nine lighted candles had formed the chief table t' during the ea part of thé meal, Mr. George Crawther, Toronto, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Walter Crawther, Mrs. Annie Highee returned from Montreal, where she and Mr, Highee spefit the winter with their son Jack. The ladies of the W. A. group' of which Mrs, George Honey is leader, together with husbands, held a full course dinner, beginning with roast beef and mashed potatoes, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. ones, last Thursday evening. Pastor W. P. Rogers, Mrs. Rogers, Mr. Hare and Mrs. Hare, president of the W. A. sharing the festivities as special guests. The assemblage sat down to the tables at 6 o'clock and after din- ner spent a pleasant social evening. The proceeds po to swell the trea- sury of the Woman's Association, Dr, Herbert Carneth and family of Toronto spént a day at the Car. nieth cottage, Newcastle-on-the-lake. . George and Mrs. Carneth were also down on Friday, while on Sun. day, Miss Martha Campbell and party of young friends from Toronto and Mr. Rennie Foster of the Camp- bell Farm, Orono, spefit a few hours at the Carneth Cottage. Miss Marion Rickard, Shaws, spent the week end with the Misses Muriel and Helen Baker, Solina, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Matchett and family, who have y A occupying the Mrs. Hunter house, are. ing to Toronto next week, Mr. chett is resuming his former posi ta with the Walkover Shoe Co. r. Ed. Powell, who had charge of Mrs. T. M. Gison's farm stock the past wintér, has been visiting friends around Elizabethville, his old home community. i Principal Thos, A. moving next Monday into the ve house, lately vacated by Mr, on Hollick, former, Highway Traffic Of- ficor, promoted to a position in Tos ronto, Miss Ewin Rickard spent the week end with Miss Greta Munday, at Maple Grove, ' ; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jose, Mrs. S. Jose and Masters Donald and Fran. cis visited friends at Belleville and Rossmore on M and brought back with them a supply of spring's sweetest - delicacy, home e maple syrup. Mr. and Mrs: Percy Hare ind son, Jack spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. A. C Darlington, whose daughter, Miss Elsie Crago, recently spent & few days with Mrs. Hare. The Young People's Society met Monday Avthing with the program in charge of citizenship vice-presie dent, Loreen _ Lorriman. Devotional Topic was taken by Mrs. Clarence Aline meeting was number of b, ment of Bernice Gilbank ter t resi ve & reading, "T Next meets passed. present teacher, man Clark, | Ui irls" class of the United teacher, VEE who denounce fo b be FOR THE STATES] A 1854, -a6.a. ance. . improving: + Misp Reesor "The i 5 Shdily, pr vig ov 4 i A will be. in tharge of Mrs. A. Bi |'ace: | D. Munro,' ; -} "Mr. Mitchell has gold, his farm to rd | Mr, Scott, 'With Mr. and Mrs, Tru-| the Tst7of alto, "the chur 8 HALL AT MYRTLE Temperance Hall May Be Tumed Into Community Centre ; Mitte; March 28, = Two / com- muoity meetings: held in the old Temperance Ha: at South Myrtle 'during the week, to decide on: wheth- er it was advisable to renovate this old land mark, 'which was built in ' tty Hall, or have "it wrecked and sold for building 'ma- terial were lield, After considerable 'ifvestigation- a Lard of _ trustees, consisting of Messrs. A, J.. Carmi. chael, Robert E. Heron and Oscar H. Downey, was Sppoigied to have an interview with government, to find out about grants; ets, A con- siderable sum was spent on it to make it into 8 Community Hall. E, E. Mole, W. J, Cook and R, I. Rodd were nted' a committee to in. spect ing. . If the necessary funds ean be rais- ed a new Zoundation be put un- der it, while inside there will have to be a new floor and all be redecor- ated and re-roofed. It if some forty years ago'since this building was painted by the Tate James Smalli- combe of Columbus, 'and at that time three oll residents who 'have since died were the trustees -- the were Messrs. Charlie Haitle, Mal- colmt McTaggart and Tames Kent. Originally this was a Community Hall, then Sons of Temperance tool it over, then a few years ago, regu- lar church services were held in it. For the past few years 'it has been hard to find any society that was responsible for its p and there are tax arrears on it. The commun- ity generally is in favor of it being re-modelled and remaining on its present site, as one of the oldest Duitdings in the village. 3 James Moffatt of Oshawa visited ames Dicksons on Sunday. Mrs. offatt, who has been staying with her sister, is not well lately. The Community Club was held at the home of John Dirkett on Fri- day. 'night, with a farge attendance. All the members are looking for Men prefer it--because the flavour of Li consistent an: by skilful blending of the finest Indish and Ceylon Teas, in which the sti ons' Tea is well defined, of "body." [tis obtained of the leaf are at full strength, LYONS' BLUE LABEL 38.. HALF-POUND J. Lyons & Co., Ltd., Toronto. Jd ward to an oyster supper in the near future," Mr. and Mrs. Albert Timms and son, of Scarboro visited Mrs, Frank Shell on Sunday. Under the auspices of the local Ladies' Ald, the Greenwood dramatic club presented the play "Marrying Anne," in the church basement on Wednesday night. Those who took part opt their audience well enter- tained for about two hours, The s amounted to $16. Miss Laurine Bradley entertained a few of her athooluatey at a birth- ay party on turday. The W. M. S. held » quilting bes at the parsonage on ursday after- noon, when about ten ladies with nimble fingers quickly had a quilt emoved £4 3 from the frames and ready for binding. Miss Pearl Vance spent the week end with Havelock friends. Mrs. Levi Todiff returned to her tiome here on Tuesday. night, after being in Toronto for a week, ---- S J Manchester, March 28. =~ The meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society was held at the home of Miss Alice Thompson on Friday, March 21, with a real good attend. The meeting opened with a hymn and prayer and other coms mencement exercises in the society. Mrs. Ernest Holtby gave a spéndid talk on the Study Book after which various leaflets on 'the sfonary work were read, Arrangements were made at this meeting to have a oe cial service held on April 13, at 7.30 pan, in the church, and to have Miss Maxwell of India, a returned mis. sionacy, to be the speaker. A pro am jttee consisting of Mrs. 'Ww. Dobson, Mrs, W. F. Walker, Mrs. Murphy, and 'Mrs. 'Frank Cro- sier, will be in charge. he meeting was closed with prayer, atter which the hostess served lunch. 1+ We are very pleased to know that 'our school teacher, Miss Reesor, al though still confined ta the hospital, S b eh sent to the hou ital. ho 4 t er = res Pine school after Faster 8 James. Moffatt, of Manitoba, urned to his hotie, after vise a De liome of Mr. and Mrs. : ; Walls, of "Toronto, vis: er, Miss J M, Vernon, Mrs. Joseph itchell th M wi r, and Mrs. Wi spe Shady who takes possession on| April. All Jhe.f stock ond le Lamb and B gle spent z sli¢ the week end with friends Ia Torom FAR Ng's } ju , Me Wesl , CM, ad AEs Clinton Cole daughter Dolly, "of Oshawa, v at the home. of Mrs, Meer who beer spend. ome. tie in erry, has re- i pe STE He 0 kere' DYOPAERRdn RROD or Record, ©, meeting at the Newcastle, on the evenin 15, where the Durham Prodeters, condened, A. L. Hampton was elected manville a! 'and s both interesting and. i; tive, a number inv dairying | enjoved a ot Mrs, Bessie bins an \ Labor Saving Devices-have Done More to Lighten the Work of the Farmer, than of the Farmer's Wife," After the discussion the judges -- Mrs. Roach, Mrs. Crosier, and Mr. Moore, of the affirmative. this meeting instructed the execu- tive to arrange for having come to Manchester in the ture. ve their' decision in favor The members at a play to near fu- We are'pleased to report that Miss Irene James is improving in health. HAMPTON MAN 15 PRESIDENT OF MILK PRODUCTS: A. L. Pascoe Elected to Office at Annual Meeting in Newcastle Hampton, March 28, « At Communit 0 ount the Hall, March Milk ascoe, president for There were about forty pre- sent from Welcome, Canton, Orono, Newcastle; Hampton, Solina Bow- nd Mapte Grove. Other officers elected were vice: president Mark Munday, Jr, Bow. manyille ; ter: R Secretary-tréasurer, Wale olds, Welcome; Prof. C. B, Sissons $otiary d Toronto Milk Producers, and V pears, Unionville, a director, delive ered addresses and assisted in the discussion, Questions of importance regarding problems of milk shirpers were take en u w have h 4 an unusual supply 'ter and was thoroughly dis was deemed advisable to keep home all surplus milk, as when shipped out it oid ws passed by the Legislature and the Totking 'of it out satisfactory and fairly to' 0 w Surplus or hold-up milk some of the dairies scemed to this win. cussed, created more hold-ups; the of milk by the buttémat test both shippers and retailers; pe of cans by the ships * wtead of the distributor; taint. Ah od milk and: why; and various other questions were bly snd Well -dis- cussed. ¥ The 'meeting proved very Suécusshil Co of everyda; ems being bb ly" dis? Ted "hant, who has been employed at. the creamery for some time, rented it for five PORE. } Mrs. Lorne MoGilL visited her mo- i Mrs. Voyser. P atypool, who fdlh fey Mrs. C. H., Wallace was a visitor in Toronto last week, . C, W. Souch is und.r the doctor's} "The of his wedding annivérsary of w : F. G. Kerslak : . ie Salter, Toronto, visit: rothier, Theodgre, and sister the occasion of Bre \ ralake, ; A num ool 'nelghiboring friends igri ing at the home n Thurs: on 'her return from | day evening mending the ~winte onthe at the Nome of her sister, Mrs. . DD. Shor A scnvil ' A attend- o, umber"from h ' A siokillen on the Byers' sale at Ennis! Directors, | Fred Fallis, 1 srcy Sevmour, Howard Glenney R. H. Brown and Mr. Chest nut. ei Tuesday afternoon. The monthly meeting of the Wo- men's Missionary Society' was held at the home of Mrs. H. Wilcox on Tuesday afternoon, March 18. The presi lent, Mrs. J. R. Bick, was in the chair for the opening exercises. M. J. Katerson took charge of the devotional period. Mrs. Wallace conducted the program. Mrs. John Colvill 'ably presented a chapter of the study book and fitting hymns were sung. Arrangements . cre made to hold a banquet in the near future. Particulars will be announced later. Mrs, Arthur Allen extended an invi- tation for the ladies to meet at her home for the next meeting. Edna Reynolds visited Solina friends last week. Tom Sykes, Toronto University, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L D. Sykes, last week end. PORT PERRY Potr Perry, March 24 --Mr. Roger- son and Miss Stork, who have been spending the winter in Port Perry *have returned to his farm on Scu- gog Island, . Miss Edith Adams, who" has been in New York for several months, has returned home, Mr. and Mrs, E, Dutton, Jim Dut ton and Miss Francis Dutton of To- ronto were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Cockburn. An interesting event took place on Seturday, March 15, at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Olmstead, Cavell Ave, Hamilton, when M Mr, and Mrs? Jawes Boe of Seas acGregor, son of Mr. and Wn MacGregor, of Poft Peery. Th ceremony was perfo E. Hugheon, of First] The bride was att 'Charlotte McKenna 6f ton, the groom by Mr, Donald' Boe troit and other places. Mrs. Geo: tes is in Toronto, Auneral of her dunt, Mrs. John Shaw, Miss Stella' McKee of Toronto was the guest of Miss Notma Ward res + Miss Annie Farmer, of Toronto, spent the week cud with her parents; Me, Mrs, Samuel Farner, . Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Prentice vis ited friends in Epsom recently, i Miss May rn of 'Toronto spent the week end with her My, and Mrs, J bu Ti marri too turda,, March 15th, at the ' United urch. parsonage of Mildred M daughter of Mrs, J. Hl, P Jawsence C. Klein, a erry. ¢ ceremony § ed by Rev. T. Ri ™ Mr and Mie fish Robinson hac the guests of Joronts . $80! pS hy linn acs. is @ spring time sale fh : . nde cooking in rooms on Fr h 28 at 3 o'clock. § Mr. Nesb 2% Setigog Chapter, 1» d afternoon. spent Sunday with friends in to, - fi \ $ i Ta. W. "and J." Beditie and Master John Beatie of Toronto vis: ited friends in Port Perry on Sun- day. : atjoric daughter | 0 gare became the bride of Leighton ? rs. OEE ed ! Dri '¥ vies fife fi Port Perry. After the wedding the! happy couple ft for PI eg Des where she has been attending the] Mt. Coates of Toronto spent Sumy day with his grandfather, John Int vince. PULVERIZED COAL TO REVIVE INDUSTRY, Vancouver, B.C.-~Uuse of pul verized coal will give the 1 : ing coal Industry of British Colum. bia a new lease of life, in the opine fon of Jack Peck, former clal fuspector of boilers and ma- chinery, who has completed an exe haustive study of the situation, According to Mr, Peck, British Columbia is the best source in the world for pulverized coal, a product which is arousing interest 8s a heating agent In steam plants, Stéam has not yet been subbes "| dinated to waterpower or Snternal combustion engines except in a power agent, if the same information were applied to ite use as to other agents, : Plants using pulverized coal are more flexible in their variations demand and in. other sald quired in stoking." SAYS OLD TIME Quesnal, B\C, -- The aren't so cold as they used . up in the Cariboo of cco road to he 'the road way in Toronto, | ary, | hae he el itt and Mr. and ~Mirs.] in Mr, Freser of the Cariboo to winters are becom are {er ha k place on Sa. | the old own Dlamniak oom | lar, LOW entin "5 per dent. 'Population of the sions' in the six and the u ice, ccording 'to a recent Al 930 highw bridge fen r. Peck, "No labor is ves

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