THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 1930 PACE FIVE and the Community ALR, fomen's Interests in the Home --- GIRL GUIDE FAR DECIDED SUCCES ¥ J -- W The. Girl Guide "Handieraft ' on Saturday was an unquale m he cooks to make, Great crowds in the section of sald Bepinh Department." Here the tittle folk of the Girl Guide sis terhood in thelr trig bropm uni- forms, created a real interest all afternoon, but their pond was fish- od dry long before six o'clock came, oy ml nine dollars for oir own 'wor hohe exquisite bridge luncheon sot was made and given by the the company Mrs, Mak th ron Ave, [rhe camp funds are augmented by 865,00 as a result of the girls effort. . which amount has been turned over to Mrs Harry Wilson, the eamp convenor of the company counell, " ---------- Qirl ¥Yolls Robber ' Carp, Ont~Kicked about the head and back by a masked rob bep who attempted to rob the Monk Rural Telephone Office hers 18st might, Kate Wilson, the oper ator, was still able to shout mo lustily that she put the marander to fight, empty handed, As the masked one reached for the cash drawer, Miss Wilson grabbed his hands and the drawer wos pulled out so far that it toppled to the floor and its contents of $15 was saattered about the office, The wiri's condition Is not serious, one housewife, NEW BPRING COATS AND _ Many styles to Choose from, Our ked the store| MISS MARX COYNE ROWELL Daughter of the Hon, Newton W, Rowell and Mrs, Rowell, whose engagement to Mr, Henry R, Jackman, son of Mr, and Mrs, A H, B, Javkman, of Toronto, has Just been announced, the mare alge to take place on April 86 wel®hotograph by Ashley and Crippen, WOMEN'S CORNER] POSKESSIONN What we possess is not in terms of pelt, Wealth is not measured by n hoard ot gold, But by ie Attributes of one's own Ly The things our soul and body have and hold, Honlth bears 1 value Croesus could not pay The learned see, where ignorance Is blind, Love Is a rave possession too, Yet they Are richest who have found cons tent of mind, v W. Bpencer Leeming, BAKED APPLES WITH HONEY Acting on the suggestion of Ww, RB, Reek, director of the Maperis mental Farm st Ridgetown; that Unnadians shold eat apples baked in honey Instead of foreign fruits, brought this delicious dish trom "Poel and core six good sired apples, divide each apple Inte olght weotions. Put In. casserole, pour one cup of strained honey over them, put cover on casserole and bake, Do not let apples become mushy as they will keep thelr form and still be thoroughly cooks ed," They are delicious chilled and served with whipped cream for desert, A I ---------- THE SMARTNESS OF RUFFLEN Ruffles seem to be the thing for '| collars and outfs and for finish- ing underthings, this season, For || those who sew at home, the mod- | ern rut! log will be easy to make on the machine with the. ruttin attachment, becapse the tiny little b re fashionable, (Py ab the 8 ph organdio or lawn rut: | Are out on the bind, however, hen WAY they are ltably j 0 ards, It Ix a muoh | r the strips across 'the ! Wi in t , not lengthwise, Ana for underthings the \ on the straight are more serviceable heeause of the simplicity when laundering, A UURIOUS PASKERBY KEES That new curiaine have just heey hung through 145 Plecadilly, in the Duchess of York's eream drawing-room, there are now ross groom hog Kress Wad the boas dolr mauve, Frincess Khsabeth's nursery hos gay orclonnes printed with maniking "and quaint Mttle fairy-tale figures, All the from windows overlooking Vieeadilly have to be velled with thick net to protect the eecupants from enters prising sightseers, Not only do they oilmh the ratlings in their efforts to see Ipside, but rhey frequently bring opera~glasses with them, FAMOUS ACTRESS DIBCUNSES TALKINS Kihel Barrymore, famous aote FORS Bays that the talkies, not only have not hurt the stage, but have proved to be an sotual bene« fit to Ib, By taking away the por tion of the audiences that the theatre does not want, the talkies have helped the theatre, Une of the noticeable things ot her pres ont tour, she says, has been the improved quality of the sallery audiences, Compared with those of a few years ago, they are far superior, The worst part has heen drained off into the movie houses, "It Is ridiculous even to he. llove that people can be satisfied With canned entertainment, whieh hurts the ears and insults the mind," the actress told a reporter in Cincinnati, Miss = Marrymore said that there was nothing wrong with the stage itself, "People have become disconrs aged with bad plays and poor players, They stay away from the theatre on that nocount, but that does not mean that the wikis have Wal them away from the stage, Those who complain most about the decline of the road are those who are not doing business, but the few actors and actresses who OArry on the great tradition of the stage, the players who are trusts od and whose playa are always Worth seeing, do not find that aus diences have deserted them," {POLICEWOMEN AID - IN SOCIAL WORK Social Worker as Head of New York Policewomen's Division witsutraal, dues Aor S=nPalien partien 0 verse in social welfare work, shoul { Integral part of any police , And the value of po. \ Falk Financial Fed the Montreal Counell dec! when assertion hy the Mont» fon of his Jou, Who wae und gi weeks ago on a oharge of 0 eonnection with of heen sentenced to tw by N against $f Ls MR al AY.P.A; DEBATE - AT UNIONVILLE ---- Christ Church debating toam, composed of John Forrowdale and Hurold Copeland, went to Lammer moor, Ontarto, last evening to compete in un debata with the rep resentatives of Unionvilla AY 1A, The subject of discussion was "Re- solved that a motion pleture theatre show 14 more injurious than beneficial to the community', Lhe attivmative was upheld by the Oshawa team and the negative by Unionville, After an excellent are gument when both sides presented ations points in thelr favor, the debate closed, At first the judges oonld 'not' come to any definite deglilon but finally after an ex- tended time for thet counsel, the decision wan announced in faver ol'the Unionville team, The debate wan followed by an address on the AYINA, extension work by Mr, 'Hale of Unionville, This week is belug devoted to the extension ot AN BA, work, in various branches, Beniden: Mr, Horrowdale and Mr Copelands My, and 'Mrs, Colborne KE, provident of the eoting In Lammermoor, - ee sending Instantly Kitlea Quebgo==Auralien Dien, 14, a student at the Lake Sergeant Cole " ontsation Hohool, was killed iu: atantly HMaturday when he was danght aceldently Under a atone orushor, brocade hangings, while the din- | Youre People's Mest ngs | BM, GEORGE'S A, X, PV: A, On. Monday evening, Mareh 61, the Bt, George's AY, P.M visited the All Saints' AX. PA, at Whithy, where n debate hetween the two branches was held, "Phe subject of discupsion was "Hesolved that electricity is beneficial to mans kind," Whithy upheld the aftirm- ative and Oshawa the negative, All points brought into diseussjon by both sides wero well argued and it proved very interesting, The iscusslon of the judges went fine ly to the negative side, Befors the close of the evening & vote of thanks was extended to the White by branch of the association by MH, smith, president of Bt, George's, KNOX CHURCH YOUNG VHOVLE'S SOCINTY Knox Church Young People met last evening, After the regular business and scripture reading the president introduced, for discuss slon, the reconstructing of the eons to leave the changes that are fo be made to a committee of four and Mr, Cormack, When they have formed a naw constitution It will be presented to the society, The study period which last year dealt with a trip around the world, is to he continued again, With a few minor matters of business the meeting was brought to a close, CALVARY BAPTINE YOUNG PROPLY Mr, Glichrist was the special speaker At the Calvary Baptist Young People's Union last even ing when he spoke on the subject "Wor Me to live, Is Christ," His ad- dress wos most Inspiring, A EuRr tet of young Indies, Misses Annay Meyers, Gladys Bly, Bessie Maun ders and Myrtle Varrvell, vendered delightful musle, Mr, A, Beck sang a solo and was accompanied at the plano hy Mrs, Williamson, The meeting closed with prayer, CHRIST CHUNCH AY PA, Owing to the fact that a number of the AY.P.A, were in Lammer- moor where a debate was held be- tween the AY.P.As of Unionville and Christ Church, no very exten sive programme had been planned for the evening here; Mr, B, Hta- cay gave a half hour talk on the Art of Lettering and explained the various types of letters used by sign writers and those doing let. tering, All who listened were de- lighted, The remainder of the evs ening was spent in preparing mus sie that Is to he rendered by the association at one of the services during Passion Week, . Next week all members are going, hy bus, to All Saints' Chureh Whitby, where a rally of this deanery is being held, KING STRERT YOUNG PEOPLE The vogular weekly meeting of the King Nitrest Young People's League was held on Monday, Mar, Aint; with an attendance 'of 108, The programme was in charge of the executive, The meeting was opened with a short song service, following which the worship ser. vice was conducted by the Fresi- dent, The Hripture lesson was read. by Evelyn Massey, followed hy a story by Marion Blewett "Lite tle Things." A few items of hus iness were dlsoussed, after which A quartette was sung hy Wes, Norseworthy, Al Herton, Bert Wood and Bill Eddie, The moat interesting feature of the evening was a debate, '"Resol~ ved that a Bix Montha' Adjourn. ment of the Naval Armaments Conference wonld he heneficial to the world" The affirmative was upheld hy Al Horton, Ed Klefabe? and Lloyd Hennessey, while the negative was taken hy Meredith Moffat, Bert Wood and Art Wood, Many Interesting points - were brought in by both sides, but the can be quickly and economically dyed haa asagolution attended the. is always tin season' stitution, 1t was decided, howster, | wid § hur oY oy oT ft bo » now vs . neade bu L, Busmman, 11 4, judges awarded the decision to the affirmative, While the judges were making thelr decision, n vending was given by Marjorie Blewett, "My Finan oinl Career," hy Htephen Leacock The meeting was closed with p hymn and the Mizpah benediction, M, MoIntyre Hood Is In Torvons to to-day attending the annus! meeting of the Ontario Provinelal Dally Newspaper Association, DOMESTICS' FATE 15 DISCUSSED Domestic Service Should Be Regulated by Law (By Canadian Press Lossed Wie) London, Mareh §1=~"Two old al 16" =this alleged hardship was debated at a conference of the nas tional nssoeiation of Girls' Clubs Just concluded at Oxford, TL was asserted employers were in the ha bit of dismissing girls as soon aw they reached the age under which they were brought inte the Nation al Health Insurance programme which involves payments by ems ployer, Suggestions that sueh girls could find alternative work In domestic service were derided be onune the conference was entirely opposed to taking unskilled labor futo such service, The conference maintained that domestio service should he regulated by law, like any other Industry, "When servants are allowed eye ory evening free, one half-day weekly like other girls, and every Sunday off, then T will take a flooy moping Job," delared one delegate, "Young women did a great deal toward putting in the present gov: ernment,". asserted another dele. gate, "and Prime Minister Mage donald has acknowledged it more than ones," BEANS TO COMBAT CHINESE FAMINE Situation Worst in 70 Years, Say Relief Workers New York, April 1 Three hund- ved tons of beans, now heing deliv ered' for shipment from Shansi pros vines to the neighboring province of Shenst 'In the famine stricken ares of north gentral Ching, will save the lives of two milion people, officers of the China Vamine Relief, Us.A, Ine, said yesterday, ver uy area of shout 4 squaye miles, embraging five provine aos and au population of about 30 mi - lion, velief workers are struggling u- wuninst what is described as the worst famine China hus known In years, Eight million dead 1s the toll whieh hunger has taken In the past two, years during which famine has been gontinyous and growing, GOLD NIRIKY REPORTED Melbourne, Australla==A rich wivike of gold is vepovted to have heen made four t, Arnold pro- spectors on Wilson's Hill, This is about halt a mile from the new defunct Lord Nelson mine, once Victoria's leading gold producer, FI -------------- SAVES CHILDREN FROM FIERY HOME Kingsville Mother Seriously Burned in Rescuing Her Sons Kingsville, April 1, ==Uarrying har two children through a wall of flame, Mrs, Tossle Wigle ran from her burning home on Mill street yestevday, The children, Jack and Lloyd, were unhurt, hut Mrs, Wigle was seriously burned, phe wakened to find the house full of smoke, he went downstairs and found the kitchen ablage and, veturning upstairs, aroused the two small boys, When they attempted to pass through the dining reem to the front door the flames bays red the way, and she picked the two children up and rushed through the blasing kitehen to gel out the rear door to satety, The interior of the house was badly damaged, although the build ing Itself was saved by the Kingse ville fire department, SINCLAIR MAY NOT LET LEGISLATURE PROROGUF THURS, Date Depends on Importance of Evidence in Pay Cheque Probe Torontn, April 1==Prorogation eof the Ontario Legislature may not take place on Thursday afternoon as scheduled, i Information of Impors tance is obtained from Liberal Leads er W N, Sinclair's probe inte the Department of Northern Devel opment before the public accounts committee on Wednesday, Mr, Sinclair charged in the Leg Isluture several weeks ufo that we men had received pay cheques from the Department of Northern Des velopment while working on the farm of a department Inspector at Porquis Falls, The charges were investigat: od and affidavits denying the charges rend in the House, The three men will appear before the committee on Wednesday morning Mr, Sinclair last night was uhable to say how long the investigation would take, "It all depends on the three wits nesses," he sald "We will have all day in which to go inte the matter, but there is no saying what will he revealed, 1f evidence of un startling character is revealed the prorogation of the Legislature would of course, be delayed until the committee pre- sents its report" Fitted Tucked Hipline Suggestive of Princess Silhowette In Smart Junior Frock Hy ANNETYR What could be more attractive for the growing mise of §, 10, 13 and 14 years than this new Prine cess modification, It's navy blue wool orepe that ts 80 entirely giviish and serviceable for school, and later may he worn All through the Spring, The collar 1s of orisp white om gandle and Is best made detachable #0 It is easily removed to launder, it may be pleated professionally or pleated ruffling may he bought by the yard already bound with bias adge which is tacked to neekline, tyle No, 270 will Interest mother for It is so entirely atmple ta make, h It 1s very effective in Paquin red self=ohecked woolen in new laht welght with the collar of matehing crepe de ohine, Wool Jersey in Royal blue with white plguet collar 1s sportive, Printed Raon drepe, rrepe silk, linen, pique, cotton bhroadeloth prints, knitted ool jersey. weave, wool ohallls prints and covert oloth suitable, Pattern price 20 genta hy stamps or coin (ooin ia preferred) Wrap coin earfully, We suggest that when you send for pattern, you enclose 10 cents additional for a copy of aur new Spring Fashion Magasine, just oft the Press, PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON gh oo RR Ha adhoc Sik" {] People who prize the finer things of life usual demand Red Rose Orange guarantee with every, package, REDROSE TEA sgood ted RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE § Pekop Tea: A money. os s extra good 600-POIND NUGGET MAY LEAD TO NEW MINE OF COPPER Large Lump of Solid Copper Points to Long-Sought Deposits Ottawa, April 1==1trom Coronatio Cull on the Aretie, sa 600-pound ng pet of sold copper Is on Ite way to Ottawa to repose In the Nation al Museum, It was stated by offi ciuls of the Department of the In terior yesterday, The huge nugget found last by Major J, '¥, Burwash, Is the most tangible discovery vet made In th centuries of search for the almost mythical copper mine of the north, It was smaller nuggets of native copper. found hy the Indians that drew Samuel Hearne from the shels ter of Fort Churchill to discover an name the Coppermine River in 1771, It wis the Coronation Gulf near the station where the nugget Is now a waiting shipment to Ottawa, that Hearne, first of all Britons, looked on the Arctic ocean, Major Burwash found the nt Husky Creek In ground that Hearne may have traversed, Hearne ealled the river the Coppermine, but the nugget soon to be in Ottawa, is the greatest find in the two centur es singe It Is 16 the same reglon that rush of aerial prospectors is now underway, What they have Yound fs not yet known, The fabulously rich copper deposits which for aver 200 years have excited explorers and fur traders, may vet be located, eid nugget [" ANIMALS RAGE WHERE THE ZOO BEGINS Fifteen miles from Singapore, lonely patoh of treeless swamp hemmed In by Jungle and an arm of the sea, Is one of the strangest prisoners' camps in the world w= and the most pathetie, It Is the plree where the soo beging, Here the wild beasts, birds and veptiles caught in Malaya and adjacent islands begin. their life. long captivity, From this primis tive clearing-house they are eons slgned to hard labor n a olveus or painful Inactivity in a private mens agerie or a publie moologloal gure den, ' It 1s an fll-assorted community of the jungle, bound together by ferocity and despair, I have never ween such manifestations of anguish and hate as are witnessed here whenever a human' being comes within sight, All the prise onegs are newly caught, and they refuie to believe that the rough timberagen are real, Their eries of rage resound hideously in the wilderness and thelr desperation is pititul to wee, They sleep but lite tle and the night is broken by thelr eres, Here, In the vast silence of the Jungle, the strangely assorted cap. tives are allowed to exhaust their fury and gradually to acdept thelr fate, - Nuyers come to look them over and haggle over the price, All are for sale, Consignments leave every little while for Wurope or the Amerioas, A few days previous to my visit four tigers, a panther and CANADIAN VERNMENT ---- elephant had been shipped to o publi park in the United States, "Where the Zoos Begin" iw peroival Phillips, ud. 4 ALLOW ALIENS T0 WORK IN DETROIT City Council Reverses Policy of Discharging City Employees Detroit, April 1 Members of the Detroit commen Council yess Ltardny reversed the recently adopted policy of discharging all ullens in the city employ and ov derad the, reinstatement of many of those already le, out, Iu a letter to department heads, Council President John CO, Nagel instructed them to use thelr diss oretion in restoring aliens to their. ¢ity payroll but favored the Yes turn of allens who have firsg papers, heads of families or thke payers, Persons who ean be said to have come here from another country expressly to get eity fobs or who have no first papers should net he favored, the count) said, In lssuing the orders to the des partment heads, Nagel ealled oft a meeting of protest seheduled for Tuesday at which petitions for re= instatement were to be heard, Tiles, Okla, Apr, 1=--Faul fwids erski, Bufalol heavyweight, won decision over Ueorge Hoffman, New York City, in a ten-round beut here last night, Swiderski weighed 150 pounds, Hoffman 108%. rr pm-- | Make dresses DIAMOND DYES are easy to user go on smoothly and evenly) NEW, Never a trace of that res dyed look when Diamond Dyes are used, Just true, even, new colors that hold their own through the hardest wear and washing, Diamond Dyes owe thelr super. ority to the abundance of pure anil hoa they fontain. Cost tore 0 make, Surely, u U pay no more for them, All Pri [| 4 ' Branch, Department of Labour, Ottawa Hon, PETER HEENAN, Minister Annuities Fill out the Deanohy Pop, OF} tment of Labour, Otiava ik hon ERLE To SNRLETE, INFORMA TiRA Addon. Nive tows Provinen | ; SR haa oral? tee I BACKED BY THE bright as new] i WHOLE DOMINION | A