Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 1 Apr 1930, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 1930 'Whitby us and AA Ot She Alter Business Daily Times, vows will be. received no Us (Ly wud ff br. reesived of uh Hours = 4 hone BM), REPRESENTATIVE~-JAMES H, ORMISTON Alatrong soredt to thie youth 'of to follow Christ and allow Him | dr to choose thelr course in life was & by Rev, Dr. CW, Gordon ph Connor) (Addressing mm eo made up largely of youn bron from' Wil" or district, in Church on Monday eveii- Ve ud was the third address of the ks' mission, 'Dr, Gordon stressed that to follow Christ meant eross bearing, and no easy road, All the great Christian men and women of the ages had been cross bearers but they had found satisfaction in life and. in the end = attained life aN a Reason wewhy T0/per cont, of the men who Lave purchased the New Gillette Razor and Blade proclaim it to be the big gost advancement in' the "eause of BETTER SHAV- ING, 17 No corners, no Pull 2. Blade clpser (0 [age smoother shave, LB Fhustion blade, f 0, longer We have been fortunate im procuring another ships ment, Make your Hunday Shave a REAL PLEASURW, Get nm new Gililette at 91,00 from " . Rexall Stores JURY & LOVELL 1 King'St, BE, Simcoo Bt, MN. Phone 28 Phone 08 eternal, Dr, Gordon stated that the Es need of the church todpy wis gung people might sceept batening all to, derviee and wo endersht hip, For the mesting, fhe chureh audis t I a oungepeople's Tory 2 hy i! abit Plekering. nied hcl nd Th cher nite ureh sents NE he vy: of the ehurch A L Ricks outh« [rs ing oi t ee 's ad- ahi was "The oh k teh Youth," wis based on the y of the eh pio] Narrative of the r whe man, i wl of fad "toma pot! uth up, but who 0 Wow the teercts ol po iter le Yon sth t a ie his riches and ony in Gordon emphasized In & very in- evestin interpretation of the story that religion Is not a matter of ob- seryl ws, rules, and regu ons, hut re Wher un heart relations! Jah with God, He urged Joung people. to chouse the leadership of Christ and go forth with new ideas of religion und what it meant==forth to the highest service they could rendef-- that of workl og in co-operation with Christ, The Chelstian Jife, duipite its hardships, was worth while, Life eternal wus net un reward for veing good but an achievement In Chris- tian service, On Tuesday night Dr, Gordon will address himself particularly to the officials of all organisations of the chureh, On Tuesday afternoon he speaks at the High Sehool, Wednes- day at the Chamber of Commerce and Thursday at the Ontario Hospital, He speaks at the church every even. lng this week except Saturday and twice next t Bunday, CELEBRATE THEIR SILVER WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Bedding, Whitby, Honored by Friends A signal event wis celebrated at the home of Mr, and Mrs, George Redding, Walnut Street, Whitby, on Saturday evening, March 29th," last, it heing the twenty-Alth anniversary 11 of their wedding day, A large nume ber, of relatives and friends joined with the family, Mr, Jesse Bedding, the #tandiather, Georgd, Jason, Als bert and Doris (Mrs. B, Bond of Oshawa), A sumptuous repast was served and the . following address read hy thelr clergyman, Rev, J. MN Crisull, Mr, and Mrs, George Bedding: On this happy occasion, the silver anniversary of your wedding day, we want to extend to you our congratus lations and good wishes, 1. [which a tablet ha pause for u moment oh he yond of memory ive [1 Ngaid frie ngs, old times, Bppy 8 sone bak to i [] Jays d 'yoir sincere of friends ines on through he yours nie ready smile an Aeeriyl ways have been an inspiration to us sll, We, your family, want to tell you of our Aopracistion, Jerhuns best expressed A the following verse; /ith you=the vexing problems wayer And. Jense descends life's evening To still The {ret, to ease the puin 'The grey Is turned to sid bgain--~ With you=-the blue sky bluer seems, ™e Jaen note sounds gladder I hh hi "Hr Bea hy a kino 0 A hind thought A dik AH Ry wit os ih thy 3 And on a walvriar we hope to all meet again. and ecele- | frase with you=your golden Wedding a =Your family, relatives and friends, Among those who enjoyed the i evening vith the, family were Georgle, Roy B ne lian Bond, Sins Freig Davi les and Mr, Crocker, all shawa i Mr, and Mrs, Webster. o hornton's Corners; Miss Winnie Sherman ® esworthy isn Bobartn Mrs, Ment do, Ans and 1s ot (TH ton, Mr Wed d Thee, ohn Bolton and Mr, Jn Baring all of hithy. Mr, and Bedding were the reclplents of Ms sliver gu ts, and are fortunate If paving such a host. of good friends. FINED $10 FOR INSULTING GIRL ON WHITBY ST. It cost George Evans, 31 Ritson Road South, Oshawa, $10 and costs or one month, for us h insulting language to a Whitby girl of tender years on the street M AH morming, Accused, who way arrested by Chief Gunson appeared before Magistrate J, EK, Willis in Police Court Monday afterncon and in addition to being fined was given a severe lecture for his conduct, His Worship told him that such conduct would not be tol erated, also that girls were entitled protection, The young girl In question stated that she was goiyg down the street with, her little brother when accused approached her and made an insults ing. and Indecent remark, ---------- ---------- UNIVERSITY OF BU, RUGBY INTN DEPART FOR EAST ON APRIL 88 Vancouver, B.0,, April 1.=It hag been definitely decided that the University of British Columbia sutdent Mugiish rugby team will leave Vancouver for thelr proposed Eastern playing tour on April 24, At least six games will be played, two in Winnipeg, two in Toronto, and two in Montreal, Other cons tests alse may be arranged, I A certain author was walking with a friend when B hey phased a house on been recently xed to commemorate the fact that a "poet once lived there, . "I. wonder what they'll put over m door when 1 die," the author mused, "House to let," replied his friend, wTit« Bits, ' |RED CLOVER | BANNER OATS | 54 Church Street Fr ------------ at at Ler aad] DEES Rd eF aris G. . S3King SLE. Clover Seeds TIMOTHY Seed Grain | COLORADO WHEAT {2-ROWED BARLEY, MARQUIS WHEAT, 6.-ROWED BARLEY ALL SEEDS AND SEED GRAIN GOVERNMENT TESTED HOGG & LYTLE, Limited ALSIKE SPRING RYE Watch Tomorrow' Ss = Phone 78-79 ALFALFA Phone 203 {awa Pres | Son 'Bowmanville ' REPRESENTATIVE--B, UE BLUES 'HOME SALE Under the suspiees of dhe, Yoval True Blues 4 very succe {fot Hf eh held yo high) LOYAL and the proceeds. were. yay, satly now pal SON OF FORER CHIEF OF POLICE LAID 0. REST Funeral of James R. Jarvis Held in Toronto Saturday With six ol! comrades from ro 1 division as patfhearers, and all off- duty officers und men attending, the funeral of Constable James R, Gurvi in took plage on Saturday {rom the residence of his sister, Mrs, M. E, Jeffrey, 67 Lee Avenue, to St, John's Cemetery, Norwaw, Rev. 8, M, Beach of Bellefalr United Church conducted jhe service at' the house and the raveside, Chief mourners were the widow, a daughter, Helen; his father, Richard arvis, former chief of police at Bow- manville, and two sisters, Mrs, Jefirey and Mrs, George Freeland, His son Fred of the R.C.M.P, was unable to attend, Floral tributes Included wreaths sent 4 his_old comrades at No, 1 sa tion, the . Police Benefit Fund, the Police Athletic Association and de. partments. 2034 of the Robert Simp. son ompany ORIGIN OF APRIL FOOLS DAY DATES BACK TO YEAR 1564 Custom of Playing Practical Jokes on This Day Said Derived From French Toddy Is April at, sometimes bet- ter known as April Fools Day or All Fools Day and 18 in allusion to, the custom of playg practical Jokes on friends and neighbors or sending them on fools errands, ¢ wav i ny In serene | AB, lle Daily, Times % New adverts and saiuariationg wil be Hiosivad st thé Bowmanville Office of The Times. Telophones=Office, 687 HERBERT MORTLOCK Pliny origin of this custom has been much disputed but what seems certain Is that it Is in somes 'way or othes relic of those once universal Ef eh 1d at the vernol equinox, fi fon old. New Years Ds Day, of" aren ended onthe first © t from ih I terpart of 0, have bas been Ra hig io fare i Fin pact ter ent i the bg the a by sendi i 1 ey 1t has been. plaus- d that Eu derived it A loan fron dh French, he oy wete the first nation the { Horied ndar in 1564 de- cree ihe ofa the Joa Should bests in 8 af, us Phar wih Ta Hickaslons which had Hy he feature of the first of pil became Adtacited withthe first January and those who disliked the change were fair butts for those wits' who amused themselves by sending mock presents and-payin calls of pretended ceremony on April the first. Though April 1st seam, fo have been anclently. obse In Great. Britain as " eners foetival it was apparent! until the be- ginning of the 1 " eontury that the making of Ay Fools was 8 comnion custom, otland the custom was known as huni the gowk" or the cuckoo and A fools were April Gowks, the coe 4 being there as it Is In most' lands a term of contempt, In France the person befooled js known as Joleen d'svril" This has been explained from the association of Ideas arlsing from the fact that ia April the Sun quits the zodiacal sign the fish, A far more natural ex- planation would seem to be that the April fish would be a young fish and fharefor i ho Pen eaught, customs arising _ these arly feasts the young people in practically every civiliseg country in the world are éndeavour- ing to fool thelr friends by the old methods of telling them their shoe lace Is undone of their handkerchief has dropped to the found or they are wanted by some fieticious person on the telephone, Vital Statistics For the Month of March Vital statistics for the town of Bowmanville for the month of March Just passed as, compiled by Town Clerk John 'Lyle, show there to be sive wo ve births and one mars here were therefore more iver "than births and marriages to gether, « Last years figures for the corresponding month were six deaths, four births and two marriages, CONGREGATIONS OF TWO PICKERING CHURCHES UNITE RR, SY Consummation of Union Was Celebrated Last Sunday Pickering, March J0-=An event of great importance and interest ost to the village and surrounding community, took place in the oon- summation of the union of the cpngregations of St, Paul's and St Andrew's United Churches, whieh |! was oelebrated by special services on Friday evening, March 38, and on Sunday, Mareh 30, The declaration of the consume mation was made ou Friday even. ing in 8t. Paul's Church, when of. fielals of the 'Oshawa Presbytery, ook part in the service, and Rev, . Robin, President of the Bay a Conference, made the declaration and: offered the dedis ory prayer BNL. Chapman, of Paul's and W. H, Westney, of Hh Andrew's, vead tho Listorical narratives of the congregations, Rev. I". Li. Jull, narrated the steps Jeading up to the consummation, that . were taken if Presbytery, and received the rolls of the two churches from the hands of Pola Stephenson, and M, 8 Chapman, Rev, C. W, Gordon, DD. (Ralph Conner) distinguished authors preacher gave tho messd aratulation and Rey. Saupe BA, of 8 Columba une 1 Chureh, Toronto, preached: 3 Jubiting sermon, Rev, J, B, ok, B.A. chairman of the Osh bytery, presided at the Hivice, and other membors of the Jabrtary taking part were Rev, Richard and Rev, Mr, White. 'On Sunday morning the service na held in Bt drew's Church "ith -- local ne isters, Ren. 3 gudon ani oka RANE: The fron was Nuithed by Rev. T, Albert M: "1, secretary of the J | "ounell of the United Church of "anada, otlewing the Tosutar 'arvice, the Sacrament the ford's was dispensed for - first | Binder I i) I bation, D., secretary of the Depa Ragen © Xdunien of ECHR Canada; Was '© prosent flraten the Ee ad A ag. a rg, "of the talagd, the wae he, to the new union congregds Lparents, Mr, an BE Commu pupils formed a continuous line around the church and with olesp- od hands sang A consecration hymn, The flual service was held in St. Paul's Church, with the loca) mine {sters presiding, when Rev, J. W, Podley, B.A, former president of Toronto Conference Was preacher. In a whimsical way he stressed the absurdity of the existence of de nominations, and pointed his au~ dience to Christ, the Head of the Ohureh, who was 'he foundation for ail Christian Churches, Rev. W. A. Bunner, a former minister of Bt. Paul's church, also agsisted In the service, The union ehoir 'ed in the worship of praise, at all the services, The mere detailing of the items an the orders of service, at these meetings, cannot suftios to display the magnitude of this ocoasion, which have heen labouring togethe ar for nearly. & century joined toroes te carry on the work of Ohrlat in the sommunity,. Nor oan the sacrifices, ' the Prati and thoughtful planning = whioh went nto the making of sueh a think wossible, he fully realised, at this early date, The children and the children's children of the present uniting congregations will in fue ture years, loog back on this mom- antous occasion as a precious hers tage. ASHBURN {ACTIVITIES er ns Ashburn, March 20. « Mra Her« ie Ashton is' teaching at Manches- tor for 4 time owing to the: illness of the teacher, Mist Reetor, who underwent an operation' for appen- [een the Port Perry hoapital recent Dan Parrott has been busy ning} hydro wires in' Mrs, Jas our it hg Iarevement Pir been done at the Manse, Rev. 8 venson la getting nicely pettled her and Mrs, Stevenson are ani" welcomed to thin community, ° Mr, James Duff has nroven quite a help to the farmers this spring hy helping them eut up their in Want Hime: with hia tractor outfit. West attended the fun. oral Mrs. Redman of Glen Ma- jor en Friday and assisted with the prsice H. Doubt wd baby of Pater. Bas BR the "oe oo end Rg hee d Mra, nity Club Re a i attendance met at the Mr, Toe Johnson on Friday night an D. | the. usual good ti on 4 Prateate euchre ar ave i neh. was served after which ane ine was enfoved until a late hou Mr. Mark Duff is on a Sats trin n Renin thin week, An from here here aftended Mv Mr Marshall Tallyrd's sale hersan 2¢ Jie adil, ELE that the spring is HMANIFESTO OF NEW INDIAN PARTY OPPOSES GANDHI (Continued from Page 1) Revelutionary y Jury saree, British cl he A rl [" # 30 the tion of caste distinction: have been "acer. wSalegtis. eh, til fiBive men killed in y whieh towed a passive re Frm domon- stration oi net enforecement of « new rule restraining carters from ¢ | taking wut bu lags uring the hot- tt pt HH the Hinds whe. he when police fred on 4 large erowd of carters who ie theres 4 he & Chleutts © r threw brickbats A the gm and in- Jured three sergeants, Four more were kifled: in rioting this afternoon in Harrison road which is the usual storm quarter in this region, The district between Howrey bridge und Harrison road presented the aspect of a hattle scene and the streets were jammed with abandoned carts, many over- turned and minus wheels, PROSPECT Pros gets March arch 26, w= The Boys and Girls' Club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs, H. Stephens on Fri- day evening, March 21st Quite a number were prevent sithough the weather was inclement, A number of games were played and sll snjoyed the evening, It was decided that a debate would be held at the next Hosting, Those who shall take part olfowst Loretta Conlin, Kath. erine Regves, Glen Martin and Les- lle Smith, The committee for get- ting 'and looking after the mes Are: Verm dery and Charlie Webster, The next Terang will be held at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Geo: MeClintoek on Friday, April the fourth. Quite a number attended the par: ty which was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sommerville on Thursday evening. Although the evening was real stormy; those that were present report 8 good time, Miss Edith Lakey of Toronto pent the week end with her sister, re, Geo. Smith, Miss Evelyn Gilroy of Toronto, spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. A: Gilroy. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Varvon were in Oshawa on Friday Miss Jean Miller and Miss Anders son of Newtonville visited at the former's home, over the week end, Miss Nora Spencer spent last week |. in Vad Mr, Hi "8. MéKercher was home over the week on Masters Robert and Thomas Su- therland are sporting a pony and cart thee days, Mra. Philp is in Prince Albert visiting her Rather, who is qeite in. Miss Elsie Gibson and Mr. Bruce Simpson. visited at the home of Mr, snd Mrs: G. Bentley on Sunday. Mr. and Mra, A. E. Spencer and Mr, and Mrs, C. W. Lakey and Miss Hosle spent an evening with Me and Mea, Frank Hortlop last week, Mr. B. Holtby and Mr. Hutehin- son both of Port Perry were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Smith on Sunday, Sorry to report Mr. Wm. Christie is seriously ill with hardening of the arteries around the heart, Mr. and Mrs, Maurice Winters at her home here a vend ay even] Mr. and Mrs, C. Wi Lakey were oh Gre re on Sunday evening, J Peking Is under the doce tor's care again Miss Mildred Dunn has to yer home in Oshawa. Mrs. James Ashton visited one day last week with Mra, Jos. Ashe fon, Mes, Starla P visited: on Sunday with Mrs, ue Ashton. Mr. and Mes, Charlie Wilson vise ited at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wilson on Wy ednesday afternoon. G. Webster and Mr. Wm, Martin were in Toronto on Thurs. returned av, Mrs. fae Ackney visited the past wah with friends in Toronto, Mra, Barkey of Stouffville Is the Rueat o LM aunt, Mrs, Ferguson, vs. Wm Asling visited on Sinday with Mr, and Mrs, Wal. ter Roge Miss A nie Ackney visited with Mrs. Wm, Armgtrong recently, Mer, and Mrs, Prizeman and daugh+ ter. Geraldine of Toronto visited Sunday at the heme of Mr, Fred Ashton, Mr, Herb Brooke was in Guelph on Fri last, r. and' Mra. Frank Martin vie. ited with Mr and Mrs, Alton Tripp of Shirley on Sunday. n Honey Davis of Utiea was ith Mr. Geo: Smith on Saturday ast, ' I HAVE FORGOTTEN YOU! I have qouotten you=the tides shall ons er, o aweet silver " on But not Sut sea, where we were sweetly 'p Beneath the stapsatrewn glory of the sky, And ' wing orhonert singing, you moon that I have forgotten you «= in some far country, « Where love is lost and hearts ne longer ache, . T shall go down its barren ways' fore aver, | And pay the forfeit gladly 'that they take, And count the world 'well lost for dear love's ke, have fo er---and ver, ut of i that id 'o RAT hear voices singing in' - ix Lg old when a the world was And see bi footprints in the dew. I en a Jacques, This Easter, Wear Hosiery In ... Kayser Colours Classique...The change in the hosiery mode with these shades has been so swift , + +» 850 complete... , that last season's colours look 'off', Now, with yourbeige outfit there's this new suntone, Aphrodite . . . for the 'blues' Diana was especially created... the season's beloved neutrals "find Juho "harmonious + ++ the baby shades of evening turn to the soft pastel Aurora,.. the other colours of fashlon's spectrum turn to Phoebe. Choose your shades and then the styles from either Slipper Heel® or Slendo* Heel. 102x for "Slipper Heol" 119x for "Slendo Heel" Heavy- Service , Silk to narrow hem $195 Rayaar Criguty Clanious APHRODITE AVRORS « DIANA PHO 's JUNO

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