Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 1 Apr 1930, p. 1

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aw a d a Dail Succeeding' The. Osh va Daily Reformer y Tines 1 All the News While It Is News" AY, APRIL 1, 1930 16 Cents 8 Week; 3 Cents a Copy TWELVE PAGES ; the members of ducation here. jms pow hie investigators included in the gu o total is brought 'up ve 431.87. p sbe ato the The probe Into ¢ he 0 al80 tos, the School Board pt of) the rd. the Congo an steamer Omd up the Nile, ¥ w Boer Parlors in Halifax. --sFPublic operated by t scrus Heve sceounts Oh ordered fol and convietion ormer secretary an Noya Scotia beer parlors he Nova Scots Lia- wow, Commission were forecast at a meeting of the ommittee of gar, when further made In for ite return sideration in w ole, . "Daylight Saving as Orillia oni Introduction reparing the : to the House for con» committee of the law amendments the Legislature to- progress was measute w of day- yight saving is to be considered In Orillia Midland, Penetang, and 'Collingwood at nce between ag councils of the towns, Tt from the Barrie, a round table committees is also suggested that the towns of Muskoka district, bridge, Gravenhurst and ville, join in the conference, fucluding Brace- Hunts- The conference is likely to take place in Orillia, centrally located, Op YE Tost Case Ottawa, -- Proceedings are to be instituted to ascertain whether cer- tain clients of the now defunet Ot- tawa brokerage Ltd, have the right t, of balance due, in thelr mame by the time of tne Jaflup been given that an for Sach outright requested from the u firm of Wiggins, to obtain, upon stock held firm at the e, Notice has order providing purchase will be trustee in bank- yuptey, It will be in the nature of a test case, » LJ Continue ettle Island, ite 'workers, night 4 u fallure whie| oa Jothal. ' 4 Torn others wore nive, . Rescue Work Ky. April 1 endangered last & powar line from the Pi- | toda Comair Be fot} | EEE Cl s of six yesterday, only a for- sm Ak held that any of the hd pe wt , == Rear-Adm . " Od of the famous ericketer, has been. promoted V mi and placed on the retired list. He of age, 1 gommanded the Birke! During the war then a cap~ Grafton, Yar- rhean and the new He was @ sub-committee of control at . naval resident nter-allis Berlin, and later 102% to 1984 commodore at , The admiralty today need the fon of P miral Sir Ernie Chatfield, TA eEnin-ohiet of the Atlantic fleet, to admiral, His appointment command "the Mediterranean foot was announced recently. "Transfer Tariff Board Secretary "Ottawa.~The transfer. of B. MeKinnan, who 80 and Sorin ance, or has been ree Board on Tariff its inception to Department of Finance, was yt last ni ht The y Mills, Feb. 19, $50. {ing satistactorily, it is stated HE oldizg | been distinct a |isty French d The party's. ite program fah will' be "to end impdigie. pro % Toronto Man Is © onda. 0 OSHAWA, ONTARIO, ON APPEAL BOARD =: New Native Party to ( MANIFESTO ASSERTS THAT BRITISH RULE NECESSARY Founders of "Indian Nation- al Anti - Revolutionary Party" Threaten Counter Passive Resistance Cam- paign Against Famous Leader FIVE KILLED IN CALCUTTA RIOTS Police Assaulted in Demon: sirations by Carters Against Enforcement of New Ruling -- Natives Shot in Fighting (By Canadien Press Lensed Wire) Poona, Bombay, India, April 1, =A definite threat to start a passive res sistance campaign against 'the move« ment led by Mahatma Gandhi, Nas tionalist leader, was contained in a manifesto issued today by the found. ers of a new party called the "In. dign National Anti-Revolutionary" rty, This is headed by three wide known members of the ses Mowint, classes of Poona. The manifesto says that "In view of the fact that Gandhi, dictator of the Indian National Congress, de clared for civil disobedience before doing his utmost to secure for the depressed classes the right of entry into the temples and the removal of Antouchability it has been decided to organize the Tndian National Antis Revolutionary Party in order to pers suade Gandhi to postpone his civil disobedience movement, Uiteers to try to persuade Gandhi b His att to infringe the salt resort to passive re sistance against them, The. manifesto adds that the Anti. (Continued on Page 2) DOL RALSTON'S TO RETURN FROM NAVAL PARLEY ' Are Proceeding Sat- isfactorily Champion, Cana dian Press Staff Correspondent) , April 1-Col, the Hon, 3.7L, Ralston, head of the Cana- dian delegation to the naval con- ference, will return to, Canda on board the A Scythia, which sails next Saturday. leadership of the Canadian delegation will be taken over by Hon, Phillippe Roy, Canadian mins {ster at , and the remainder of the delegation will remain Iu Heavy pressure of parliament- aby and departmental duties to his as minister of National De. e make it necessary for Col. Ralston to return to the Dominion, Turn for the ON erin Cortomtndent) 2) London, April 1--The flve-pow- er naval conference has taken a turn for the better, The Anglo. French conversations are Rrasoeu' There has bre in the search for formula whieh will sate emands for additions al security in return for a cut in her naval tonnage figures, At the same time the Japanese British' official circles, received from thelr t general acceptance .of Posed ment between oa which is de atisfy the Japanese onnols, in. donot vo April 1---Premier Mac- lonald told the house of Commons ay that Great Briain does not p any ool ery beyond i ded in the Leagre of ¢ovenant and the 'abiiga- of th ano ! ond them, UNTIL CASTES ABOLISHED DON TRIES AGAIN TODAY TO BREAK WORLD'S RECORD Mechanics Work All Night to Eliminate Engine Trouble (By Canadian Prose Lossed Wire) ' Daytobs Beach, iia, April I= Another attempt to set a new world's automobile speed record wis planned here today by Kaye Don, Dritish driver, after an uns satisfactory series of trial runs yesterday, Mechanics worked most of last night trying to eliminate carbure- tor trouble on the glant Silver Bul- let, Don's 24 cylinder automobile, How well they succeeded will not be known definitely until Don has had an opportunity to take the car on the beach course at low tide this afternoon after 3 o'clock, Don got a maximum speed cf 189 'miles por hour yesterday, Tho record is 2341, An exhibit showing contrast in size of racing cars was anticipated today, A two-cylinder creation was brought here last uight by Carl Hohenhaur of St, Paul, for an up- official run, The machine weighs only 540 pounds, a nildget beside the five ton Hilver Bullet, 'Low tide today Isat 3.15 p.m, Taken For Ride Serbian Cafe Owner Robbed of $1,000 by Bandits, He Claims (By Canadian Press: Leased Wire) Toronto, April L--A story of being forced by two armed men to open his safe and hand over $1,000 in curs 'rency and then being taken for a "pide" in his. own car. from which he was later gjected at a downtown intersection, was related to police tos day by Naum Phillips, Serbian Cafe owner, Phillips is at present under medical care," after being closely questioned by police, The men, he says, are known to him and secured his confidence by seeking advice re« garding passage to their homeland, The incident was first reported to olice carly today by two milk de~ fiv ry drivers who were in Phillips' restaurant, when he came staggering in, He told them he had been robs bed and beatensby the twe bandits who, he said, had entered the pres mises last night' under the: pretence of seeking further advice regarding the passages. Two™hours after the police had been notified, the car wap Uiacoversd by a constable, undamags ed, DISASTROUS FIRB NEAR BROCKVILLE ERAN Brockville, April 1.~Fire of une known origin which early today, rag- ed for more than three hours, des stroyed the Cliff Chateau, an unused frame hotel, five cottages, eight boats houses and a number of boats stored in.them at Butternut Bay a summer resort. seven miles west of here on the St. Lawrence river, No estimate of re damage could be made +) e cottages were owned hv Mrs, H. H. Cossitt, "Ottawa t William Stone, Iroquois; Harold Birks, Corns wall Joseph Lane, and T. E, Scott of Brockville, The hotel was by C. B, Giffin Brockville, owned A. R. ALLOWAY Managing Director of The Oshawa Dally Times, who was elected president of the Ontario Provine cial Dailies' Association at the annpal meeting of the organisa tion in Toronto tuday. ATTEMPT NON STOP FLIGHT, BERMUDA New York Avistors En. counter Difficulty in Start of Eight-Hour Flight (By Canadian Press Lossed Wie) North Beaey, N.Y, Aprfl 1o= Captain Lowis A, Yancey and two companions took off at 9.09 a.m, today on an attempt to make a non-stop flight to Bermuda, The plane rose frum the water of Long Island sound on the sixth attempt of the flyers to get the heavily loaded ship into the air, In attempting to IML the ship Yau~ coy and his companions used mote than one hour's supply of gasaline. Observers estimated shat. at. tue time of the takeoff there remained in the ship's tanks about nine and one-half hour's supply of fuel, The flyers will attompt to make the 769 mile over-water flight in eight hours, Harmless Tobacco Yields Salad Ol1 Berlin, April 1,5A nicotineless tobacco loaf which produces both salad oll and cigars will be ex- hibited in the Traveling Falr which will begin at Cologne May 27, Although attempts have been made to extract the nicotine from tobacco, it was belivved here that this would be tho first exhibit of tobacco grown without nicotine, The salad ofl is sald to be of fine flavor and He nicotinelesy cigars to have a pleasant aroma, ------------------ BRITISH DEFICIT 15 $75,000,000 Budget for 1930 is Nearly $150,000,000 More Than in 1929 London, April 1.~The Govern ment's financial year has - just closed with a deficit of $75,000,» 000 in relation to last year's Bud got, compiled by toe Right Hon. Winaton Churchill, who was the Chancellor of the Exchequer, New commitments amount to about: $96,000,000, composed ' of $60,000,000 for wnemployment indurance, $25,000,000 for widows' pensions and the rest in miscellans oous expenditures. This total ot $06,000,000, however, is offset by a waving of $30,000,000 in the cost of the fighting services, : In view of these tigures, the Right Hon, Philip Snewden, Chan. eellor of the Lxchequer, has bude goted "for mearly: $180,000,000 more than Mr. Churchil} did last year, ! Labor Gout. Announces Plan. | To Abolish. English Slums London, April l.-Announci London's sly small houses for \ ald Go it. revealed its bigs slation, The new in the | means about' $11.23 'each in } eh ut in Ld 18, In 'rural atbag it will be' $12.50: 45 © most. ndon it may reaéh The bill i§ drafted 'on' the absunip- tion that, if an ordered astuck is to be fade on slum conditions, logal administrative bodies + must direct theiv attention to "broad - clearance areay, overcrowded 'areas and indive unsanitary houses. The County presentation ' tol idual many niTlion Minister of Health will 'be smpowers forty years to ed to compel | Jf ty out Hier authorities to cars schemes where necessary, Landlords, ; ba of £ompensation, are to receive tho full J site value' of their. prop and ET mp i dhi Formed in India Terror Reigns In China From Bandit Raids trate Tortured, Wealthy Held for Ransom (By Canadian Press Losssd Wire) Shanghal, April 1 ~=urther des patches today confirmed scattered reports that bandit armies were conducting a virtus) reign of ter ror in several provinces of China south of the Yangtse river, From Hankow came information that the banaits who last Thurs day raided and looted the city of Yunnchow, western Kiangsl prove ince, besides capturing three mis- sionaries, had boiled Lhe district magistrate in oll, killed a Chinese Christian pastor and forged the rei 'dents to pay $02,000 fn "good will money' before they departed. Fears wv Captives Grave fears were expressed foi the safety of toe kidnupped trio, which Included Miss Nina Klanor Gemmel, 86, formerly of GUlrard, Kas, and Tacoma, Washn, the other captured missionaries were the Rev, and Mrs, I: W, Forteus of England, An expected general gvacuatiou of foreigners from Kiangsl prove ines long ravaged by attacks of the lawless bands, was reported from llanchang, capital of tho province, because of increasing danger, from Lhe bandits who were moving northward, Bight thousand organized brigands under the leadership. of Chu Teh, bandit longer educated in Europe, were said to be menacing Nanchang, Chu Tell was belleved to have ¥0,- 000 well armed henchmen under his control, throughout Iinngs! provines, ure 57 Wealthy Men Bandits were reported in des patches as having coptured Quin. san, south of Neochow, fifty miles from Shanghai, killing many who opposed them and carrying away 57 wealthy Chinese residents alter announcing they would be killed unless Fansom monpy was paid, Other despatches told of police and soldiers firing on boats carry ing 6500 bandits and littering the craft with dead and wounded, The boats aud many bandits were cap- tured, although others . escaped ushore, Hankow despatches sald that 1,000 bandits had raided and loot- ed Tunchen in $Houthern Huper province, They killed 50 Chinese officials and residents before de- parting «with loot, A Chinese press despatch from - Amoy sald that Reds were looting mdisoriminately south of Fukien province and that officials were helpless. REFUSE SEED T0 NON-POOL FARMER IN SASKATCHEWAN Effort Being Made to Force "Dried-Out" Growers to Support Pool Regina, April 1-=An attempt to force "driedsout" tvarmers of Souths ern Saskatchewan to support Aaron Saplro's compulsory paol movement was disclosed in ir affidavit by a Wareriey district farmer yesterday S. E. Wilson declared that a seed {iain advance had been refused hy averley ilsicipality because he was a non-pool farmer und refused to support the move for the 100 per gent, pool, Th claim of Wilson was admitted | by the secretary of the Waverley rural municipality, 'The Municipal Council, under an arrangement wih the' Provinelal' Government, is disthl. buting seed grain to farmers who guffered in 'lust year's crop failure. It was 'intimated that the matter would be investigated by the Attor- neysGeneral's- Department. IN PARLIAMENT Ottawa, April 1.-Yesterday' in parliament: y The senate did not sit, 1a the House of Commons an interim supply bill for $438,680, 14 'was approved. fiend Hadi was glyen a dil to amend the Indian Act, _ An amendment moved by A. A, H (Labor Winnipeg North), to the motion to go futo supply wus, debated, It calls on the government to take, immediate action to deal With 'the question _ Ot unemploys ment, Today in, pariiament, IRAE is vi G ! 0 eg on, the amendment, of Mg a aa] wal J, J. TRAIL Who has been nnanimously elects od chairman of the Toronto branch of the Engineering Instie tute of Canada, COACH LINES NOT MAKING A PROFIT Report of 3 Judge Denton Fails to Find Graft in T.T.C, Operation (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, April L=In a report sub- mitted today to the board of control, following an investigation into the administration of the Toronto Trans. portation Comunission, Judge Dent- on said there was ne. evidence of any "dishonesty: in the form of cor- ruption of graft in the management of the road" The report points out, however, there has heen Yan absence of close bargaiping, and a liberality in the expenditure of maney that » closer 'supervision or seruting would have a tendency' to curh." The operation of the Cosh Limes Bas, up to date, not proved a profits able venture, the report suys. There were however, indigations of Im. provement, "Whether these coaches are to he allowed in future as in the past, to run out fram. the city in many directions without any limit as to distance, 1s obviously a matter that the authorities should 'deal with," the report says. Television Radio Broadcast Success (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, April 1-=A mew chap ter in wireless development in Great Britain was inaugurated Yostorday with a simultaneous broadcast of sight and sound on British Droadeasting Company transmitters at Brookman's Park. The dual broadcast lasted halt an Rour, The broadcast came through ex. gellently according to reports from observers and auditors, AUSTRALIANS ASK ABOUT THEIR NEXT GOVERNOR-GENERAL {By Canadian Press Loased Wire) Canberra, Australia, Anti Prime Minister Henry: Scullin in the House of Representatives today po- litely refused to divulge any inform ation about the next governorgens eral of Australia, who is to succeed Lord Stonehaven, He indicated, hows ever, the next governorsgeneral would not be an Australian and oxy pressed displeasure that questions of the nationality of the new governors geueral should be asked, l= The question of appointing a govs ornor-genoral who was born in the country of his appointment, was al raised in the Union of South Afs dea some months ago, when the prime minister of the nationalist gov ernment, Prime Minister J, B, Herts wog, indicated it would be difficult to secure in South Africas man so free from party or race: blag as would be a disinterested 'governors eral selected trom other parts of oa empire. - NEW PENSION COURT FOR CANADA IS PROPOSED BY CHAIRMAN OF COMMITTEE CONSTRUCTION BY CAR, INWESTTO TOTAL $5,000,000 Entire Cost of Improvement and Maintenance in West ' $25,000,000 Winnipeg, Man, April 1---Con~ struction, maintenance and gener- #l improvement on the western lines of the Canadian National Nallways this year will involve an expenditure of $25,000,000 acord Ing to an announcement today uy A BE, Warren, vice-president iu charge of western lines This fig- ure does not include expenditures on the Hudson Bay Rallway or the Northern Alberta Railways, Of the $26,000,000, a sum of $0,000,000 as already announced, will be used in the branch line building program distributed mostly in Saskatchewan and Al- berta The balance of the money is to be spent on western lines now in operation and on two hotels un der construction in Vancouver, B, C,, and Saskatoon, Sask, Relaying of steel, track main~ tenance and improvement, ballast- ing, track extensions, bridging, fencing, erection of new buildings, water supplies and railroad facile fties gonerally comprise the bulk of the work for which provision had been made Particularigation on each {tem of the budget ia mot possible at the present time, ac- cording to Mr, Warren, because epch {tem » requiring capital outs lay must, frst be sanctioned by parliament b Govt. Faces No Confidence Vote Labor Member | Declares Un employment Situation - Worst in Years Ottawa, April 1==Declaring that Canada had 100,000 unemployed and was faced with 'the worst un- employment situation in the past 20 years, A. A, Heaps, Winnipeg Labor member last night moved in the House of Commons that the Government take immediate acs tion to deal with the unemploy= mont question, After' successfully extricating himself from want-of-confidence attacks initiated on the Australian and New Zealand treaties, the Government, thus found itself fac. od 'with w thivd attack of this nas ture, though Mr, Heaps did not os» pecially 'name his move as such, It was put forward, however, as an amendment to the Govern ment's motion to go into supply and thus in its effort became & want-of-confidence amendment, Referring to Premier King's ex. pressed partiality to an unemploys ment insurance scheme, Mr, Heaps declared that the Government, by falling to take the initiative in this question, had not gone far en» ough. | The Dominion, he said, showld. call together the provinces for a conference on this matter. Hon, Peter Heenan, Minister of Labor, sat throughout tha evening, ready to make he Government's rebuttal to the attack, but he did not get a change to speak, after Mr. Heaps, H, B. Adshead, Cale gary' Laborjte, launched a coms plaint against, the "serious unem- joven" in the Weat ue was allowo: Y Ry moem- ber, J, ¥. Poulet, of ig00u+ ata, Quebec, who laid a "of, the trouble at the doors of inter national labor unions, All . dian unions, he Wa, ore need v New Code of Movie Cor | Will Clean Up Screen Shows| i: 4 duct (By Canadian Press Leased Wie) New: York, Aptil L=A new code of movie conduct was ratified yess torduy by the directors of the Mo. A Picture Producers and Distris Butors of America, Inc, of which Il Hy, Hays is: the head, «The cede, an amhouncement said, determine the character of most Gtures exhibited in 23,000 theatres this sountrp © © It contains the following tenets: "Pointed profenity is forbidden, YObscenity in word, gesture, r rence, song, joke or on, the 'plot; sex perversion or any fn ference of it is forbidden on the screen, y \ "That the sanctity of the institu tion of marriage and the home shall be upheld: ; "That 'crinies against law shall ngs ver be presented ii such a way ay to thiow hahah th the erie as] nst law or justices ki Dances which omphalreindeceit 4 movements are to be regarded as obs scene: thi Proposal Would Continue Board of Pensions Come missioners, But Abolish Federal Appeal Board and System of Soldiers' Ade visers EMBODIES SCHEME OF SIR A. CURRIE Special Parliamentary Come mittee on Soldiers' Prob. lems Hears Outline by Chairman -- Consider in Detail Thursday (By Canadigh Press, Lonsed Wire) * Ottawa, April 1 == A memorans dum, far-reaching in its possibile ities, and aimed at a complete re« volutionizing of the Empire mas ohinery dealing wilh soldiers' pen« slons was presented ta the special parliamentary committees on res turned soldiers problems today by Major C, G, Power (Lib,-Quebeg South) chairman of the commits Lee, The document contemplates & thorough revision of the pensions administration, embodying as it does the proposals of Sir Arthur Currie with respect to the estab lishment of new machinery, faghls ities to the soldier for the prepars atlon of cases, the benefit of rear sonable doubt being given to the claimant and other features , Continue Commission The Hoard of Pensions Commis sioners should continue to exercise its present functions and jurisdiction, the. memorandum urges, while both the Federal Appeal Board and 'the Sten of soldiers' advisers; as sueh, should be abolished. In thelr place a cw couth is. proposed, to be called. he "pensions court," This would con sist of nine Judges not necessarily drawn from, the legal profession, Cas nada would be divided into three diss tricts~Eastern, from the Atlantle to Ottawa; Central, from . Ottaws. "to Winnipeg, and Western, from: Wine nipeg to the Pacifiz Coast, Three judges would be allotted to: each dis vision, but would be interchangeables To eagh court would be ap d a registrar, with principal: oo yin Montreal, Toronto and 'Calgary, Jurisdiction of Court The jurisdiction of the Pensions Court, as outlined by Major would be to hear and adjudicate all claims for pension after the Hoard of Pension Commissioners, Hearings and discussions would' be on all grounds and on assessment The word of the Pensions Soutt would bind the board who woul be required to carry out whatever decision wag reached, ; It is contemplated that this Pens sions Court be a travelling body, hols ding its sittings in ties most convenient for the pensions claims ants to attend, x Legion Provide Counsel With regard to the representation of the soldiers Lefore such a it is recommended that one of t alternatives be adopted, Firat, I % SERESOFFRES + ALARMS FARMERS NEAR PORT Six Outbreaks Believed Have Bown Chored bY. Same' Firebug. «Bow i An half hei vestigation is bein mine the w ! 0. outh - evidence of 'shinlh not 'be treated on he details of the ne by ta ; idd ! Hays said, were develop TE mah ST subjects of white slavery]? claims had been disposed of by the' no

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