Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Mar 1930, p. 2

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i { Lad ville pehool b pr wh "munity A | fiuired to be * whol ¥ wing THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1930 (Bowmanville ho. Bowmanville 'Daily T ime and subseriptions will be resvived at the Mics of The Times, | slephones--Oftice, 587) REPRESENTATIVE---B, HERBERT MORTLOCK ing of Lhe high r rooantly for he of deciding whether or not auditorium 6t the high ould weed AN RCO on eeviain conditions the use of the hall weuld be granted to re "sponsible persons, Consequently & gode of yules was drawn up, and "Sa venting the Wall for any pure thine pales will be adhered 0, Following are the rules; "Phat in the ease of eaeh Applls oation for the use of the bullding or part of It two responsible per sony must undertake to he vesent during the whole time the ullding 8 to be used, and to be 'vesponsible for the seemly Gon~ dust of those present, and to be yosponsible for any loss, breakages or other damage occurring durin or in connection. with such use © the building, "Phat on the discovery of any such loss or damage it shall be presumed to have ocourred durink suoh use, and tha onus of proof that it was nat chused by them shall vest on the parties to whom the use was granted, "hat preparations for any suen use of the building shall net be carried on during seheol hours, nor in such a Way as to interfere with the resular work of the heol, YERat any Articles, of equips ment, ete, brought to the sehool for sueh use shall he removed promptly when the event Is ove', And Any seats or other furniture of the sehool moved for the esoasion shall be restored to the place from which they eamey "That a fee of B40 inclusive of special fee of 40 to the janitor, shall be oharged for use of Assam w Hall Or a single ocoasion when both Weating and are required, and a fee of #10, inelusive of janitor's tee of #9), "when only lighting Is needed. "That all rent or fees must be id to the Heevelary of Bowman: High Hehool in advance, raat the Janitor shall he Tee resent during the of the time the building I #0 vaed, "That no smoking he permitted in any part of the building, I. "Phat where tho use of the Aymuasium alone is required the se shall be 87, inclusive of the nior's special fee of #3, During sueh use spectators will net be "allowed except in the cases of ex: ' hibition games, \ "gymnasium equipment will "Hot be allowed to be used under foenuipped with Sunt the this bulla . any condition except basketball Lnakets, volleyball net, or badmin. ton net, | "Ne person shall be allowed on Nastum floor for the pure pote of playing any games or res POSING ARMA Unless properly m shoes, - MOym must be closed promptly at 10.80 pom, " t "When refreshments are te he served at ny Hathering, an entra fon of 315 will he charged, Ragh Abbliohtion for the use of IE 18 subject to the aps proval of the Property Committee and Secretary." ' ain 8 uted) \nopaaed & cod ~ coat of yd and those made the usual ps J 3] : ,, SS dD Ds io §: LC) . % Lo vy it Was agreed that | a d daring {LOCAL COUPLE HAS GOLDEN WEDDING Mr. sind Mrs: W: D; Short Were Married on March 23, 1880 Yitty the weddin i, viding Ho wn ar 0 hort and unis Cowling, and Mr. and Mw, Hort in the presence of relatives nd friends fittingly eelebrated the anniversary on Hunday last, The reception for the friends and neighbors was hold recently when & large number called to ox~ tend congratulations, The bride and groom wera nasisted In re- colving A thelr daughter, Mrs, J, it, Korsiske, and the bride's sister Mm, ©. Wiokeit, the bridesmaid of fifty years ago, "The groompman of hall a century ago, §, MH, Nhort, Vineland, North Uaroling, Was Bie able Lo be present, The minister who performed the ceremony was the Iate Rev, J. V, Rowe, Others as sisting Mn receiving were Hite Mive Lorng Banders, i Henry Avery, Woodstook, and Mrs, H. MM, Todg~ ham, Walkerville, The reception and fea rooms were lovely with beautiful flowers and yellow decorations whieh wore mush admired, The (ea table was centred with the three story bride-oake, decorated with yellow veses and candles and other embellishments suited to the golds on ooomsion, and laden with dainty refreshments, Mrs, Nessie Robbing Hampton, sister of the bride, an Mra, Eva Hoskin, Nimeos, niees, poured tea, while the guests were well 100ked after by Misses Greta Wiekett, the! Morris, Heity Mare ont, Laura Virtue and Mm, W. + Found, i; Many letters, telegrams, and messages of good wishes were re eelved In addition to the beautirul flowers==red and yellew roses, tulips, daffodils, ete, Among them being an old-fashioned nosegay whieh the bride proudly held snd whieh ellvited the ad lahting | all COMMISSIONER HAY GREETED BY ONLY A SHALL CROWD a Salvation Army Territorial Conant lox Spoke Not as large an attendance ay x expected was at the Parish Hall on Wednesday night to graet Commander Hay of the Salvation Army for Canada Hast od Nowe toundiand, on his first visit, te TR tr | 0 de hi for It wo a. bad night A out 'and not many ventured from thelr Soars during (he evening, The\ Commissioner in hin aldress tol of the work of the Ap in many lands through which he had! Save and of the untold good being a tv Gay of the year Among the heathen nations and u neivillaed people of the world, Following his ress he gave some good Svitogt service at home and helping With the great work the mission felde, The amaRtionsr alee romived the evening that the new oltadel planned for Bowmanville would he aretied veo that he would ny one [+ ¥ Py o ic " | ase, i Seniors Lad miration of [The RN Big voturn nie, Serl aonsetory rovMded. ve and' were ol nelglie Ds i Cl S------ JAMUS 15, JARVIS Wy dobtes ig wt hig Aid ronaridy morning of t James id doll 'Jurvie, son of 6 'of por ail Nighard Jurvis of Bawmans io a a very sudden ¥ the i" ih don his wife in Tow . or Bnd another The funeral Ik be held on 8 dey trom the residence of we ur sister, 67 Lee avenue, where a sor vise will at two o'vloek, in i will be made in Wt Jonw's Gematery, Norway, (| INTHE CHURCH OF BOWMANVILLE Services Will Be Held in Logal Churches' Tomorrow r---- The minister, the Rev, D, W. Post will preach at both services at Bt, Paul's United Chureh tomor« row, His subject in the morning will be "The Method of Knperk ence' and in the evening "The Frosen River", #t, John's Anglican Ubureh, Fourth Sunday in Lent, Hely Com munion at eight o'clock, morning or 11 am, Hunday Wehoo! at 40, evening prayer WM, 000s firmation olass each odnesdn) fu the Parish Hall at eight, Len. ton devotional service each Friday in the ehureh at eight, The rector will preach tomorrow, Trinity United Ohireh, The pas tor the Rey, J. U. Robbluy Will conduct ail serviees on Bundas. Horvioes at 11 am, and 7 pw Bunday Bohool at 5.850 pm, A oholr from the Uoodyear factory will provide the » musie at the evening service, There will bo Moly Communion " Bt, Andrew's Presbyterian Chureh on Sunday morning at 1} o'clock, The evening service will Do A youns peoples service and members of the Young People's bo eloty will take purt in the service, ov, J. Uoforth Hornsby, ine torim moderator, will be the preacher, The regular services wili be held in the Halvation Army Citadel tos morrow and will in obarge ot The Whitby Advertising, sub ript ions Whithy Heancu Offlon, at WHITBY WATCHING FARMERS' ACTION AT PORT PERRY Farm Land Owners in the Village Appeal to Ralls way Board Ratepayers of Whithy are wateh- ing with Interest the notion of oertain farmers In the village of Port Perry who, elniming like farm land owners in Whitby that their Assessments and taxes are Loo high, are making application to the Uns tarle Nallway and Munioipl Hoard tor permission to Join the Towne ship of Reach, or news SibeeAltor Wusiness Hours = | hone BAD. REPRESENTATIVE~=JAMES H, ORMISTON TR -- » Daily Times ih HA i RR : Ltlopts have besn made by the Gounell to offaot a settioment but Without success, and ou Vriouy MEht after a mesting It was ane nounced that only one farmer had agreed to the settlement terme, the others going to the Nallway Bond for a hearing, In Whitby practically sil of the farm land owners, numbering about thirty, have signed the Agreement reached between then) Ald the town council a few weeks WHO, And st & meeting of the vouns A La WalA shartly p hviaw nit ting the agreement NE pee, It 16 stated thet the Toewanrhip Counell of Neaeh Is nok say too favorable 10 the pro 4 _Inoreaps in ite farmer population, This was Alvo the gase with the Township of Whitby, The village has oftered a fixea Assanamant, but It In not setisfees tory to the appelients, inte efteet MINSTREL SHOW 'WELL RECEIVED St, Giongt's AYMC Troupe Performed for Baptist Men's Club Whithy Town Hall hy fairly well fi) on a pir ng for the sonsert given by the AY MU, Minstrels of St, Uesorge's Anglioan Ubureh, Oshawg, under the aur | iploes of the Baptist Men's Club of Whithy, "This uggregation ot Lary Weory wade & decided hit ore, their show ducked nothing » the way of variety, and the en re program was « ton, The chorusey, Puappy songs, Jokés by the sud men, nonologues, the hy "Dark Pogret' and the uthaey \ttevoit fentures of the program were well received, 'I'hory wis not a dull moment and the was one of Lhe pocrets of Lhe show's wucosss, There Was somes thing going on cil the time; The wine orsoks, some of thew at the expense of loos! panple, took well, The ond men, Lloyd Newhall, Clan ones Meith and Al Cooks, were good and kept the audience In good bumor during the entire show, Woell's orchestra ninde o decided Wit, FF, W, Boel, planist and musi: wal director; Carl utter, sexe phone; NB, Houghton, drummer and C, Cox, banjo, are musicians of no mean ability and thelr work greatly supporied the entire oust of the show, The play, "A Dark Heerst", brought down the house, The my. story of the sontents of two trunky proved to be a thriller, and the work of the detectives and others engaged in the solving of a deep, dark mystery was olever, Another ags'esation making » hit was the mouth organ, and banjo orchestra, comprisin Ww, Smith, Den Bmith, Res, Oliifie, mouthorgan, and W, Gihble and M, Macdonald, banjo, Members of the echorus were! GO. Crowthers, A, Holdsworth, D, Wmith, Charlie Noell, Norm, Mer riek Bruce Dalton, A. Copeland, H, Macdonald, MW, wrockwell, M. Fitagorald, M, Thompron, ©. Naleh, W. Smith, O, Cisry, WK. Ollifte, 0, King, ©. Heath, ., Jacobi, WU, Crouse, W, Bursett, ¥. Marshall, NH. Wesson, W. Glbble, 100 presents | Koo RALPH CONNRTO OPEN 4 MISSION HERE ON SUNDAY Distinguished Author And Preacher to Address the Chamber of Commerce A very interesting Whithy next week will Pr, W, C, Gordon, better known perhaps, as alph Connor to many renders of his books, Dr; Gordon bas for years been an outstanding Author, such books as "I'he Black Ky, "The Buy Vilot", "tens garry Rohool Days", "Pho Major', Visor to be Lhe Hey, and several others ure to be found in every library, and have been widely read, Dr. Gordon has also heen an outstanding churchmen, He was moderator of the Presbyterian General Assembly Just before the Union, aud since that time hus boon: wotive 1a the United Chureu ministry, His mission the at United Chureh next week will undouhteds ly aitvact a large number trom Whithy sud the countryside, und plans pre under way to ake cars of them, Tho Mission opens' on, Bunday morning und porvices will be held every uvenlug except Saturday, On Wednesday ut noon Dr, Gor don will be Lhe guest spesker at i Chamber of Commerce Juneheon in the Counefl Chamber, TAUNTON TOPICS Tuunton, Mar, 3dr, apd: Mry, Bort Glaspell and, Mes: Wesley Glas pell were In Toronto on Friday, My, and Mrs, Vimer Waller, of Toronto, spent the week end with Murton Walter, Miss L. Argall, of Oshawa, Is vise iting her eonsin, Mrs, Gordon Short, Misses Beryl Glaspell, Bernles Ar~ nott und Vierence Love and Master Leland Love were among those who motored to Toronto on Saturday with other students of Form 1 of the Oshawa Collegiate, They visited the art galleries and the museum and find un very Interesting diy, John Sharpe celebrated his seven ty-fourth birthday on Wednesday, Mareh 26, ut the home of his daugh+ ter, Mrs, Miller, of Oshawa, Sever. al of his neighbours were present and all had an enjoyable evening 2 Room 409, SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, OF CANADA r------ 1029 A BOOKLET embodying the DIRECTORS' REPORT, the ADDRESS OF THE PRESI- DENT AT THE ANNUAL MEETING, and a FULL LIST OF THE SECURITIES HELD BY THE COMPANY, is now avail. able and may be had on Application to Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Montreal Head Office - Adjutant Chittenden, Hundey dobool and evening service will be held as usual in the Community Hall at Courties, WINS FIRST PRIZE IN ESSAY CONTEST A Toon! easey contest conduits od by the Mulax l'oothpaste Come Jaan abd which was open te all PUY slore clerks, was won redenis iy Alex MoUragor, whe Is a member of the firm, of Jury and Lovell of Bevmaavith, ML. Moe Greaer's sashy won first place, 10 thousands that were entered dnd he received the prise this week of 8100, The contest was conducted under the ausploes of the Uanas dian Dental Association, What 10 be the first are weld | over oon: sryoted in Bu recently BH erected by the oh government Over a river moar Lowles, Muuba-- AR auxiliary pump has been ads ded to an outboard motor for small 8 tu direot a stream oF water on the 'eylinders to cool them when a boat fs running slowly, Germans have devel the world's lar pr TRL plant, whish last year attained a NOLIOD Of 'pbroximately $80,000 Se Cy SSRrexien tery 440,00 1) od A Preacher Everybody should hear A name Everybody Knows -- RALPH CONNOR % A NE hundred and ten million men bave used o Gillet Raver' for years and malomioed that it was the most effiglent You these men are lossrament ever made, They were sight. thelr old Gillette Ranors by the scores of thousands today, And again they are right, 1a designing this new blade aad raver, Gillette viewed 27,000 amen, examined tens of thousands They found the cause of "taser : i Hi EF. i iti 11 > § J r ! i : 2 4 £ from the 0 throw Nas ow i i] i - i i f 7 i £ | : 1 i i 5 de can be mod in your onli now bods Sade pre f i i pr ple " we found it in aleked fi: 38d 1 7 i i : 3 £ § 3 | 7.750 MEN .. a day are scrapping their old razors Fre New Gillette

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