Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Mar 1930, p. 20

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4 Fy i. | £5 FN SS and Distinction i an 88 per cent, dotion: 1" hLB Ee ol atisfactory Year Predicted - For Automobile Industry Ay In Canada During 1930 mn Wor this raseon for no other | of the industry is of to. the Dominion |, t im a whole, fo it is cheering to be y that even though uotion during 1080 18 Mikely to attain the record of 1080, the Industry is bly sure of operating on # : le basis, { Phe Bret half of 1990 witnessed # volume of buying. that exceeded soything in the past, Canadian for automobile production, sales mounted to new heights the middle of the summer it be came apparent to the manufectur. that a slackening was inevit. able, and schedules had already Peon readjusted when the stock market slump came to accentuate seasonal dullness. Had the slump ooourred earlier in the year its offest might have been more seri ous, as' i was, the selling season Was already on the wane, "Bo large had been sales up to May, however, that production and sales for the year reached, accord. to the Dominion Burean of Bil tion. 63,817 vehicles, n new pd, It is possible that this re will stand far a year or two, tle looking tofware to ' norma) { 0 YOAY, manufac Ll gs to 'create any high marks in #480, On the other hand it is extreme. unlikely that 1930 production 11 show any appreciable decrease, For basio 'eon in Canada are ; highway development is pro- g rapidly; 'building opera. t are golpg on apace; manus faet heing generally is in a healthy on, * Production and sales of cars in unary, 1980, showed a recovery ¥ the last quarter of 1029, The over December in produe- , after adjustment for seasonal ter in January than in Decem- As 10:48 uals were bullt In mon AC come Tod. With 6,405 units Tn om , Bales are proceeding satistac- ; i \ : Replacement business ip Werving Canada to stabilize the demand 1 cars, & great propostion of fae. output being devoted to this Srebgrow! nga outlet, nin vou lth and Sloe uo re the first year in ure i nes eral Motors factories in ten has been for the {es sel! oars in ening 888 | cont to. the R, 8, McLAUGHLIN resident, General Motors of Canadas, Limited potably the new General Motors plant at Regina, and two or three lants at the Border Citles, The eKinnon Industries Limitéd plant at Bt, Catharines, dating from 1878, and manufacturing car parts and focassories, was nequired by Gene eral Motors and an expension une dertaken of which the fruits will be reaped during the coming. year, HEALTH HINTS FOR AUTOMOBILE TIRES Proprietor of McDonnell's Service Station Gives Service "On ounce of alr pressure Is worth a pound of blowout patches" "In. spection will add to the life of your tire," These are some of the "Health Maxims" for tives compiled by Mr, McDonnell, local dealer in Seiberling Tires and originators here of the Free Monthly Inspection Service for Seiberling users, "The 'health' of opr tires," Mr, McDonnell declares, 'Is just as important to the perform. 1¥ [ance of your car as the condition of your motor, Even though it is a eom- paratively simple matter to keep the rubber-equipment in good shape, most motorists neglect the matter shame: fully, And that's why we started our Free MonthiTuspection iQ trelcs to help cir aWnérs to gide thelf tires the attention they deserve. "Under inflation, open tread cuts, faulty brake adjustment and wheel p ignment are the most Soulinen uses of tire ailments, These things may develop inte serious trouble bl not attended to, but a little care will do wonders, By spending ten minutes & month in our shop you can elimin- ate tire worry, We'll see that your tires are inflated to the proper pres. sure; we'll fix up the tread cuts, and we'll eheek the car for brake adjusts 'ment and wheel alignment, There is these 'treatments' ey are as tite M he dr. nea ur records show that regular tire inspection will add as much as 25 per life of a set of tires Local car owners who make a habit of paying us these ten minute visite every month tell us that thay drive away feeling as though we had made them a present of a brand new spare, "We. inyite. you to come in and take advantage of this service, It is yours for the asking." A Chicago manufacturer has {todyced a soptlight which coms ines the feature of 'a tall lght and signal light; Worked from the inside by a awiteh, it tHuminates the spotlight, .a stop light, park nd a left and right turn hh no charge Tor " a -- en + Aluminum covers have bee | vented for books used of where the SEN Now value is evident in the thousandsdollar price class this year with the Ponting Mig Mix, oar' a vance of the Pontiae Is apparent in the » possible by a sixty oF motor cush Tho "big MM coupe shown above, while untiminl performance d on rubber mapntings and other retont advances, WHIPPET FOUR WILL! BE BUILT TO FILL DEMAND OF PUBLIC DE I h"Y" Popular Model Included In Willys-Overland's 1930 Products v-- Rounding out its complete ling of moter cars with the Populus Whippet Fayre, the Willys-Ovérland's 'present tation for 1930 provides 'complete coverage in every price class, This line of lew priced models includes a wide variety of body types whieh in. clude Sedan, Coupe, Roadster, and Touring Car, Because of the highly satisfactory performance of the Whippet Four |n the past, its universal acceptance, its power and speed development, lines of beauty, roomy interiors, ease of handling and economical opera tion, no important ehange in design has been considered necessary, Willys«Overland executives declare that there Is a broad field for the Whippet Four since it is a produet of proven ability in the hands of thous ands of drivers over a period of more than three years, Present plans call for a steady production of this model to keep pace with the demand of the buying publie, The Whippet Four represents a distinct development in automobile designing, Narrow radiator, sweep: ing lines and artistic body construe. tion give it a beauty unexcelled by cars selling for mueh higher prices, Colors are rich and appear in pleas ing harmony whith intetlor decora- tions and upholstery, NEWSPAPERMEN SEE RUGBY TRUCKS AT PRE-SHOWING Many Advance Features In Chassis and Body Construction The display of Rugby Trucks at the he Stars of Durant-bullt pro- ducts to newapapermen recently re. called to visitors the fact that they have been notieng a growing num: ber of these atractive-looking trucks on the roads during the past year or so, The steadily thing popularity of Rugby Trucks can be seen in prace tically every form of transportation; on every kind of highway---{rom the largest metropolis to the back eoun- + 4 trails of the Western frontier, "The utility of this Durantsbuilt product has been enhanced by num- erous mechanical improvements, The powerful engine, four-wheel brakes, accessibility to all moving parts, sturdy frame which absorbs road and load shocks, heavy type transmission, Yhiversal Joins and axle, strong, ve- lent. springs, and 'other advance: ments in chassis and construcs tion ensure an Abundance of power, speed and flexibility at per mile, There Is brute Strength ta do the job and keep doing it econ: omically day after A The specifications in' the Rugby mede 1, ton truck imelude powerful d-cylinder motor, 50% over. a law cost W. M. ROBERTSON Advertising Manager, General Motors of Canada, Limited lund capacity. and twin speed roar axle of exclusive Durant deslyn whieh provides greater pulling power with no inerease dg fuel consump tion, There are body types to meet A large percentage of haul require ments, ' Because of thelr moderate initial cost and low maintenance, Rughy Trucks are proving to he ane of the most economical trucks liv the halfs ton and one-ten field, BRIGHTEN UP OLD CAR An Reoessory may work wonders in the "Yeautitiontion of the old ORF, A spotlight, for lustance, Wind wings If the car is an open model, Or perhaps a new radiator ornament, RR RR SR in A . .? * * i. 2 BN a I Es Fox # ' ESSEX INTERIOR ROOMY, LUXURIOUS Body Has Added Roominess With Modern Decora. Hon The Interlor trim of (hg New Essex | Chatlengerd®is unusually 'attractive and blends with the modemistie moti of 'decoration, Fhe gidening of the hody has added grater: Fooniness whilit thie increase in Tength insures ample leg roan x Seat coverings, both front and rear, are In wider butfoned: seams, resemb- ling the interlor finlsh In much goats ller cars, Thé new seats are exceps tionally soft and restful und a newly designed arm rest in' the rear seat is placed at just the right helght for comfort, Adjustable: front seats, an innovation of the 1999 Fasex the Challenger, have been retained. and further perfected A modernlstle dewlgn is at ones ap wrent In the new hardware and all mrdware fittings ge located Mm the most canvenient "iW accesible places Front windshield adjustment has been facilitated by replacing the old slide adjustments with a new togel handle located at the bottom. eenter of the wikdshield, Now the driver can open or close the windshield with A shiiple lever movement which will occupy bat a moment of his time A new feature which rvetalns un broken lines in the rear interiors is the. disappearing curtain roll whieh opens and closes through a slit In the XM T. WEST rear panel a -. " By The New "Ford" Automobiles Are On Display In Our Showrooms \ i ---- \ § WE Police of Canada and States Enlist Auto and Radio for Crime Detection 4 Upper Wielurqahows Provincial Police of New Brunswick taking delivery of district, d satlans for service with outposts of the Moncton Below are sin additional cars which increase the feet of the Qustoms Extige Pravantive Police te 70, In thé circle Is ong of the flest of radinsequippad Fords used by the Detroit police force, ANADIAN police are inpludod among those officials who believe that the mental effect of quick papture 1s a Joworful deterrent to rime, With the advent of the tele. phone, the mopale of law offenders wowan to weaken and the arm of the authorities was Strengthened, Now comes the automeblle as an accessory in erime-chasing and de- tection, And to if, In various eities of the Btates, is being added the advantage of radlo communication with central headquarters, The Provinelal Polige of New Brunswick are using a fleet of Ford sedans for nervice with oute jotta of the Moncton district With "olice Nergeant Nicholson supers vising thelr operation, The total fleet of the same type of car in use throughout the Doe minion Ny the GuatomasKxelse Pre- ventive Nervice has been Increased reesntly to 78, These cars are used for border patrol work along the Canadlan«United States boundary. + ----The Greatest Automobile Ever. Built by "Ford" ' BN pa, y \ They are operated over all kinds of roads and in all kinds of weather and temperatures, Records of pers formance have caused the service to standardise on this one type of Canadian<built car, It in the exper. fou of police officials in all parts of the North American continent that the sedan i of oar proves the most dependable and adaptable for police needs, "Shook" Service In Toronto "Shock troop" service id the use that Toronto police make of 25 Fords, A car Is allocated to each district atation and Is in readiness at all times for cases that demand quick action, Chief of Police C, J. Newton, of Winnipeg, i» among those who find added service in the availability of police ears, "The new fast, light ear in ad. irably adapted to Flite work," o writes, adding: "I belleve that before long they will supercede the motorcycles which are now being used for the purpose of regulating persons who drive reckloss! ge Clogs cont statistics were kept on two Ford sedans used by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police between June 2 and August 81, 1020. One was driven 8055 miles at a cost of 8.0228 a mile and the other 85104 miles at a cost of §.0224 a mile, The first did 20,80 miles per gallon of gasoline and the second 19.48 miles. Repairs cost $14.60 for the firat and 810.95 for the second, In the United States, Detroit and other cities have gone a step fur. ther and vied motor fleets with radio, so that information may be sent to them while they are in mo- tion, Secrecy is maintained by the short wave lengths used by the pollen broadeasting stations, Since ast April, more than 1000 import. ant arrests have been accompa. od in Detroit mlone within three mindtes from the time the wam- Ing Yau brondeast, ew York, Chicago, Philadelphia and other cities have large motor floots of "bandiv chasers,' hs . * I § "ASK FOR A RIDE IN ONE OF OUR NEW "FO x a. 4 Myla TEN

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