Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Mar 1930, p. 19

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1930 PAGE SEVEN ps Refinements in Power Plants Are Outstanding H d ' Gr Mo : y Jnder compression 4 the fastening | . ' mn { ; _Lbolte This natgrally 'impairs "its ' 4 -- ttn A u son 8 eat Eo] otor tushioning qualities, / , y rr " FORD LUBRICATION H ™ . In the new Durant 6-14 it is alto / a 7 cH | | ether different, A larger layer of y J 7, os 4 | - as : an e inemen 8 fe rubber is firmly secured by vul- . i sii, if 7 . r) b | canization between two parallel steel " ? " } " pom --- -------- wor > plates, This sures a permanent iB _ Ph { The outstanding feature'of the new | delivered to both ends of. thé motor | Cushioning effect over the oii 7 .| - | : FORD DEVELOPMENT | Hudson is the compression L- | 1¢ier which the streanis, flow toward | peed range, "and under all driving head sfsaight-cig) motor with 24 after whic} where: shy. combine and conditions, " . : ving a gs , mp is a by i ' ; 7 \ Bond of 200 ee spits |Leturn, tothe pump. The pimp bo ho iother Lfogture Which interetts . i y . : , Is Ideally Suited To The crank case is cast integral with the | efficiency, Eoiver short i ha Tole Be ted lo new " a : iy cylinder, Two cylinder heats are em- | vaiveless, dual-discharge large ose | ic pro Sion ¥ ry a po] ; bu th 2 : Medium Compression ployed for accessibility in servicing cillating plunger, y delivers. sheee to rel ony "ihe Wg ro ? samo 3 : : " ." Ford Mo the yalves and pistons. The five: | times the amount of oil of the former | pel RIRor. 10¢ pi he : i -- ; : 4 or tor bearing crankshaft is exceptionally | plunger pump. This type of pump Tg 4 angle, 1 ve raigh sturdy and is fully balanced on the Vi & hp AnoBaLS he ofl "delly- | ares hi und A normal ) ading, from 4 3 J 14 ok Hudson patented principle with -- ered 'to either endi of the! motor at] STONES to Fear axle, + v Me i englie Ibrlentionaystom o ¥ Thi H oe Pai 4 bl 4 segrally tnged counters pn o [all engine bpeeds, 'Lhis distri- wii VBE bination of pump, splash and gravity connecting rods are light "1" section | bution of the oil combined with the bch gh i iT a AR for th relathy ath of the oil strean Thobouby of line df of the New Essex Chllnger line are nediatelys tin'the od which is an exclusive Ford de Challenger ve oF bearings. ADU san in place. This ey. Shast p earings bal 'spun in 'place, travel gives uniform sehgine lubrica- 8 : X contruction, combined with i A m= | tion with relatively eool oil and con- 's rh ith Plenty oh soous 4 to apie, A ney cag Indesign and in operation it is roved splash system of \lubri Alon, sequent] cooler operating tempera L " . . incrensed beauty, ' a H ! an pos ve an re 7 k Jhayres oKapid heat dissipation an fuses of the crank: pins and main . - suited rat or Avsigtant ON lo e y hk ' NC ¢ i : # » niger . Piston RAD, ikator is the 1-94" Marvel i : { LF bid 7 3 ary type of fourcylinder, medium || Chevrolet Motor Com ny py ' 'Ie piston is of light weight heat |, a» fled Varyi : t LN employed in the original 'Whippet, | speed, medium-compression motor, Canada, Limited treated aluminum, unique in design. edt controlled type, Varying amounts : # ' . and which have proved so success-| The oll pump is Jocated in the bots It is ground with a taper toward the of heat may be obtained hs desired / 4 2 m4 ful in the = hands of + hundreds of | tom of the crankcase and is diiven|VMVe chamber. to the erankshaft crown, the split skirt being 001" 14 adjusting the Jittkage for hot, mes 3 ; { drivers, are stilh used, This is ex- {by un gear on the camshaft, «Jt fs | Mein bearings and ofl flowing down larger in diameter at the bottom. |For OF cold selting, thus providing | plained by the fact that when the [enclosed in u fine mesh wire wereen | LWeHe by gravity provides an sbunds for wide range of atmpsph re tem- . d 3 ' | fist Whippet was presented, it was through whieh the ofl filteys before | eo of lubrication, Whe reservoly is | i kirt is always the coolest ; Sines Tus Sun piston, ts expansion peratunss low Manifoldis so for in advapee of other cars init is pumped up into the valve Sfvided into, thiteo sections which is always, therefore, less than that| op oF 1d 1s a f Iding di i its price clans that no major 'changes | ehamber, The screen is surrounded | Provides an individual supply of ofl of 'the crown, This gives a snug ¢ manifold is a foursport, direct / : 1 {were deemed necessary. by a shield so that the of] 1s pulled | £9 each bearing This feature pro- ION all Ti eee flow, short passage type alofig 'the : ir 2 i | ; : through it, rather than flowing in| Yides ample lubrication for: each i {] 4 a insutin > long. Jife patented lines exclusive with Hud- 1 | 1t was the Whippet. which first | py gravity, The ofl flows {nto the | PPADS When operating a car on éx« Bnet pistons. The ro is equipped son-Essex with a portion cast integ- : A { Wrought into the low priced field such | valve chamber in a continuous | ¢#¥ive grades, ain Dr Hiras, The ING oper ral with the Sylindty block, one pro- d mechanical features as four-wheel | ytream whenever the engine is rui.| 'As the engine rests in the chassis rings are (ion grooved compres. oh oak: baffling. in. the mani- } brakes, full force feed lubrication, I ning, but it is in no sense a "forc.| on Wu threedogrée angle, sloping to sion rings, and the two lower rings old combified with the exhaust heate ' Fi S | oversize tires, silent timing chain, fed" feed, It is rather the output of | the redr, the ofl arriving in = the gion on oil control rings, The ol dome of the riser insurks uniform / > p s {low center of gravity consgruction | the pump being delivered in a |valve chamber flows back, filing the feature. of this constriiction is that | distribution to all cylinders during the / / r " : {and other structural advantages. smooth, flowing stream. At 25 miles [fret veservoir; then over the wall, Th ner Tings onan cone Waining-ap period. High' volumetric my, / Bi { ' | Practically all these features were per hour, one gallon of ofl per sin. | filing the second. reservoly, and eo at all engine an ge 4. sot efficiency i obtainéd Uy the use_of 4 y. 2h 7 | later adopted in products of other ute fs circulated through the nigtoy| then over again to the third and last I in good. engine power and high this jree ow manifold, large valves A / ; i t manufacturers, To these advantages and the quantity Increases or de,|veservoir, From his * point . the efficiency while the lower oil con- and fdarge carbureto 2 i y ) / 3 A . / . | have been added "Finger-Tip Con- creases in exact ratio to the speéd.|overfiow ofl is enrried by sn exter- trolled rings assist lubrication, insur. |y A non-detouating hith compression, vy ; i ' | trol," which permits the driver to The principal purpose of delivering |nal pipe down to the front end of Ving economical oil consumption, ~type of cylinder head (patent ap- . [start the engine, operate the lights (the oll to the valve chamber which | the oil pan in the crankcase where it Ph sturdy © crankshaft combined plied for) is employed, - "The incom- 8 . {ang sound the horn from a single | serves as a reservoir is to provide | flows over the pan, Sling the troughs with on. Lancaster vibration dampe ing mixture js directed to flow across { buftof} located in the center of the | direct gravity feed lubrication to{through which the connecting rods the hot exhaust valve which evapor- ' steering wheel, the bearings of the crankshaft and | are lubricated and' from which all ener gives a smooth flow of power|aies she Tiauid porth A 1 A portions and cools the 7 " "o 9 . . n eds. qu d ' ' . . 3 4 Plans of the Willys-Overland Com+ | camshaft. However, it also supplies | other moving parts' are sprayed by av aif pwn ode, i: delivers From gahaust valve, thus preventing warp- The new Hudgon Great Eight PowerPlant provides high standards of smooth performance, Inherent smooth. oy tor 1030 call for a steady pro- | exceptional lubrication for the val-|the splash system, From the - pan the 'crankshaft. by a three point age, 1a WV Higa pesniiterhith ness and quietness are enhanced through the application of the famous Hudson patented motor balanei rine { duction of the Whippet models on a | ves, glying longer life and quieter [the ofl flows to the bottom of the Morse chain drive, which is provided | Solos 50 With grdinaty fud wie ciple toan eight. Centrifugal and inertia Torces are cancelled by an improved ter impulse neutralize {scale to meet the demand of the buy- | action, {case to he pumped. again through with an eceentric for chain adjust- ] 8 "ney mounted oh the front end of the crankshaft, ' fing public, Small channels lead down from the | the lubricating system, Foe: eliminating preignition; detonation ment, The genseator is driven by the 15,4" roughness. Further, it reduces accessory aft through a tubular ie, on deposits at the combustion -- wp member with rubber hose connec. chamber, spark plugé and valves wl », tions at both gnds, This tubular shisft The new combined features all add Siaimed Ly Sundteds of theusande; is piloted oh, bal hat both Sonnac ng to make possible the exceptional en- J was on the verge oF pont bes od por members hich Motes the light pH &F performance of 80 b.h.p. at 3,000 it was not lon tl other car t hes . nections to fake up any slg oi P.M. and a brake mean effective incturers nor the wide A ue alignment ane, Siminates GENerator | pressure of 100 by, per square inch ntance of he Whines gual ac | shaft whip, Engine cooling is aug: |gnd over, between 1,000 to. 1,600 nce os: ppet, ado 5 | mented by a water pump which is | mounted on the left front motor sup- RPM wl Not alone did the body design | port a non-chatter jout-blade fan and chassis evoke widespread interest and the water pump are driven from y which resulted in an excellent gales | the grankshatt Qu ley by a Jubber Latest Idea hs Edging ------ Yolume, but 'the motor particularly | "VY" belt. The fan is mounted on a Mounting Is Used In departed from the then accepted | swinging bracket permitting belt ad. 8 Willys - Overland Product engineering practice. The high speed, justment. The ignition unit is full New Model Durants Retains Basic Principles ish jompression Whippet ator orse- automatic and is driven by a vertical ------ : shaft located at the right Se hotor | \ of Design~ power development for the bore and | support. A graduated spark timing | In the showings of the mew Durant stroke employed, permitted unusoa! | indicator is employed for accessibility | 6-14 one of the mechanical features oil and fuel economy, and at the same | of "spark adjustment. The starting|of particular interest (0 visitors isthe | 'Phe soundness. and thoroughness | time was capable of outstanding high motor with Bendix drive is Wounted | latest idea in rubber Engine mounting, [of the work of Willys-Overland gn- | sustained speed performance under | on the left reas. motor sipportandi, It is exfilained to visitors that the | gineerdiis well illustrated in the his. [all road conditions. | engages with the steel fing gear new method "is 4 distinct advantage | tory of the Whippet since itggintro-| . While various changes" have beén | which 10 Sle Sto the hi over. ber shim or compression | duction' nearly four, years ago. made. in the Whippet since it first . ood typeof rubber pads which have been | Early in the surimier of 1926, the | came before the public, it stands as a An ifiproved duals 3fhaals lub | in general use for yome time, Whippet' made its debut to the mo- | tribute to the fundamentals of its ricating system is used, The oil is | Ordinarily the 'rubber is | placed toring public and 'ab once Was ac- | design. The same basic principles a cm be eo eS SE Bae i! ' CA 1 40 [fy wer. | | - g) | "The Oshawa Home 0 : stead to | JIE. | HUDSON = ESS EIGHTS omy . Automobiles sa trend to [mm------ DOVER TRUCKS and GUARANTEED U eal Come see, and side in the most modern and advanced of Rights. From whatever viewpoint you regard car ownership -- whether rich appearance, distinguished performance or pride of possession -- if guestions the Wisdom of pour paying mori for any car. 's ' od ¥ PRICES § Length Chassis ~ Coach, $1265; Coupe, $1325; | : ANRS Standard Sedan, §1 3 » $1663; = fe 3 h Am. Seda $1383; Roaster, $1443; Phaeton, $1565; 3. U: GARTSHORE R.A, ROSS Gin BAUR. a Wr mnemssemae- || Dependability-Quality Products put pape 1 0 0 a mel Expert Service | Ea ort bY | WIDN CHOICE OF COLORS AT NO EXTRA COST | Bir | v | hn 4 | a al gh Ames & Gartshore. Co., bid. a yr COMPANY. LIMITED 13S King Sent West + eX Phone 1160 | + 135 KING STREET WES a f X w 4 8 i

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