Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Mar 1930, p. 11

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a - - -- : Ta i, AUN Tr ' 8 Ft Gi rami Bb | rien ilute a [ad & hn SRE inl fv one ir if ted Ee LILA ALEX U, HALL, re Hoh ' or, ol aing an Rens ah, a YL |] Wr oto ol fil hoe wn INT (Mar, 4-1 mo) ILL, ele, Nuns 10 loan, Alger Bldg, op: posite Post Offige, Phone 1614, DRE HARCRW oon" WAKVEN Disney Rioek, Phone "050, Office hours § a.m, to, 8.10 pm, Dr, 8, v Manlawood, 4 goin! attention to urgery and X ¥ br, B, H, Hap per, spholal attention to ehildren's Dissasen and Obstetrics, Buuday | 418 and night calls 418 or 188, CIAN, ae TEN A or wri yoare wd vl 4 3 Th He Ry Sod 8 AY bn "0 ot Briers, cli and Baturdays, a. street, Phone eet. nt, Slore Sor for eon) ral ment 0) i to of ear, Nose And throes) ents | nav be mate afl = Tole an li $1 Le OVER 5 a Taetion, ofion e - FB dhs, $0 (nBUraLee U foo on Our hiprests prov Lar 10:1 mo) finger and maveel mabent wave prices §5, §7,60, Wo and $10, All other ines of Meauly Bimoeoe streel norti nin Dab hig Wuite, alE0 1 rum, A yds, square, Ap 1] ure wil pupils in Rai oi ER i SSIRIED SECTION. All Classified Advertising -- Coming Events, Ete. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found nesessary bal TO ey awary intcsuss el sspense sd "ool this nature, «For thy convenience of customers who find It incony w some personally to The Times' office, a telephone ea will bring » messenger whe will recive the advertisement snd collest for sams, "Times" Classified 'Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT Worl Wanted EY (] Ral sires ne ATTERIFS ( ) and ivy th vil on i FET AE ATier, (The) Tix Ur YOUR ROADWAY, At ne, cinders and, general ing: Chis, Gehan, Phone H ied : (Mir 7, no.) Dry Cleaning FL -- Ty 134 King Street Went, his) NORFRY dry leaning, and repairing all pos called for and delivered, hone & FIN Mar, Hs) mo T BLOCKS FOR BA Lol '|e an rompt delivery, Bike orders in advanes of delivery Rote, W. Borrowdale, phone 1018, Ads Bring Results For Rant lke oulten, Bowe fu ruished, dry, conveniences, «leo dryer, or wae stoves, 0leo Fag' ity ly ar your round, Phone 10iw, it FOUR AND FIVE HOOMBL oro suites (aoluding eleetrie relrig oration, -wiove, lasadry, conven) INH | ences, oto.) continuous het water ny ed, mabple Som 'phone 061, "3 Trusty Overssies Oo Ad, Phos tor owner, rors. nf) Vi ROOMED house on Prince street, Apply U4 Elgin west, (8711) hy central winx suite * bublding, furnished if desired, newly decors Aled, eleotrio stove, refrigerator, Janitor service, Immediate possess sion, Phone 1400, (18d) A -- Yon RENT== AN ATTHACTIY Apartment, comprising living, bed rooms, dinette and kitehenstio, eleciria stove, refrigerator, launs ary, slo, Neasonadiv, Fhone User, Uh or 1600, (The) TWO OR THREW UNFURNIBM BY Fooma (0 dent, All conveniences, Hardwood © floors B06 Jdarvie " sleet, Phone 311184, (Tie) 7| on Bimeos. Bireal, canteal ht and attractive, heated, Forty dol ars, pardwood won: Appl Je we | PUlidings, close to sehool aud TY WHITE DLOS. or pale Rone 1 a8 io id 1 Mo) wine » barrel undelivered mie 4 per 0 Jobin Aldwort: | a, wove = VTAWIERRY Janis, Kelloga's Karly Bird, Proms A he Povomoke, White Leghera a Haren strain Fron Xa (Mar bs \ mo) 1H) TANT; (Tie) | FRY CRINGE NEARLY ew, not even soiled, Will saerifiee pr quick sale, Apply 618 Mary St | Gi FACED TORENT C } | dey Radin, C8 console oe batters fos, tv He Stakes, ompete $38 A ply after 6 pany 29 Buekingh "RUSTED driveways, ook Si ie ro bi 148 Ritson Hd, or phous W a rp aii PAROS, TR. oud ho, Hohe 148 » 0, HERRDN ON 408124, 40d UN LJ id 10 bo 183R00 lhe, Ape oy 0» x do Agent, Oshawa Ralls Athol Ht, Oshawa. wo Conpany, (780) + (Nar t=1 me) R RO TY asin en res oe oR Share h RR or oan al convents || in von \ w | payment, lie ANd prioe, Ap OAS, Noth ¢ nd} or treet vii wl ve an roony, four . Rud hating. Abply ox, 0! . owl on highway, immediate poss son. Apply te C, Ry Lovekin, Noweastle, Unt, (740) rg) board or break tast if desired, ? Westmoreland Avenue, (740) R house, good locality, new, well decorated. § story, good bases ment, Rent reasonable, Vhone Honyt, (740) TWO ROOM RENIT 70 nished with every bonvenience tor {| Mahe housekeeping, Phone ai (T4e) TOT NERT=NOUN gontlomen, Phone JONNY, (Y4h) Soa lor ont Lp ag All 008: Also garage. Phont TUM, 133 Huron rire FURR room for one OF (Wo gentlemen, venient to Motors, 81 Jarvis HH corner of Allee, "hone y (08) VOR Mont, verys eontral, . private one trance, All conveniences, ry Ale possession, Apply 26 Uhurel street, (The tide) for bed Mithy 100 or light housekeaping, Hivate. entrance and JN hai furnished, a Nreet. Phone roar | 40 pi . For Rent tat tor vont, Three rooms, Wired for elestrio stove, Mardwood floors, Apply to 881 Desrbors ave ot Apartment on ground floor, All vonveniences with garage, in quiet home, E61 Arthur street, Vhone yirw, (748) brik house at 146 Burk Bt, Wil lease for term, Measonsble rent, Vossession at once, Apply Yo Lloyd gnowdon, M.M. 'No, §, Bowman- ville or phone $04-b, (786) Cass Loma, 161 King BT AOU WRIER OURE. 5 WOOM Sunroom, Klectrie Mantle, Hardwood floors, Vreneh doors. All gonven lence, garage, 4 d eollar, paved fires, res dons! dul, Poy 1 14 y TT riment for rent April first, App) Apt, 3 Lo " 7 ry My rooms, on Pasbroom Liat, Myery convenience for light housekeep- ing, Apply 164 Allee street, (140) a Ing roomus, north end, Kverything furnished except Vunens and dishes, #90, Phone 3084, (740) od room, suitable for two gentle men friends, right in bentre of oity, 3044 Bimooe Nt, Routh, (740) Pathroom fist, All conveniences, 174W or 14) Eylor Crescent, HOUSE 10 NENT, ATV! (10s) ington Avenue, Phone 2858m (75¢) SE ------ Wanted to "to Rent one hundred acre farm to rent with option of buying, responsible party, near highway, Apply Dox 588 Times, (78) ol 00 0, M, Poster, Ki, 5, Bowman * L consumer, liberal 'commission, Brit ee For Exchange 1st olass In eXohADEo for oar, radio, truck, phonograph, furnie ture, bioyels, ohiokens or anything, What have you?! Phone S550W, (740) 1] Bore chicken farm near Oshaws tor Holden A71W, (74h) or or t FOR SALT, OR RENT= FIVE room house, large garden Srl 1] Nd Wade, Hu ¥e ried LTE) FOR SALE eight roem "viel Tiouse, po wood floors, French doors, 8) conven. ionees, five minutes north of Motors, Apply. 84 Allge Street, Phone A (758) Weal Estate For Sale 4110] lots, Cheap, ¢ lose to Oshawa, Hmall OARh Payment, lasy terms, Apply 140 Agnes Bi, (74d) BT UCUO™UUNUA" low, All modern conveniences, Well situated, Brook Bt, South, op+ posite Town Park, Whitby. Apply to P.O, Dox 314, Whitby or Blithe 101W, Whitby, (14) off Simeos St, North on Atlingten Vi Phone 149) de » A brick house, hardwood floors, nad: ern equipment, located on io Bron sor th of Rhein. Apply Dradley ro § At sO weling, 6 hh hardwood floors all "conveniences, modern, Small gash payment and easy terms for balance, Apply Dradley Bros, over Ward's stores (74 modern house, Mardwod floors, on Drew Bt, Wil aceapt lot as first payment, hone Holden hdr RT TR | APR AND. TORK WANTED Blimp oh 40g roman v My fife { ' two days af tation, ork doath of Byevehenko that the fhm tion NIG SANA ARL RRND ' | ENULTEH WOME WAUW VOR oentral Oshawa house, Phone Farms for Exchange 160 neres, b miles north est of Oshawn, good buildings and land, randy for Bpring evep, very ousy terms, 126 aefo RL WVCehvenk, You should see this farm, 100 sores OF kood wid and hulld Inge, usar school, good ronds, north of Green hunk: 185 mores," DUNAINER ire #004, near Linduay, 60 aoros, Taly DUTIATHES, 1% miles north west, of Ushaws, Jones Ileal Ketate, Vhone 2667 I r] tment, married mao, Frank Vilut, ville, (7%6) STUNCCRAPHER, "REGUIRTS gpm, 0 yeury experiance, General Meo work, can operate Dictaphone, Phone 149} 73¢ STARTED "STAN WARTS Yor Itlen on farm, experienced, Poel 1'5 1-2 Conant Street, \ (73) "Agents Wanted SATEEN "OR WOM IN=YOU will prob by eniulring for details of selling fine quality knitwear, dress ses, ingerle, bathing sults, kiddie's clothes, hose, ste, Direet-to--ths- Ish Knitwear Limited, . Simeos Ont, (74h) aaa Pots and Live Stock. TAVMESWAY HATCHED CHICKS from {ron nested Lresders, 8, C, Wilts Leghorns, barred rocks, white Wyandottes, Wiite or phone for eninlogue, Oshawn Hatchery and Poultry Farm, 144 Parke Road North, Phonas 13371, 13370, (Mar, 21.1 Me.) THORORN PULCUTE TON BALE: Laying, nine months old, Apply 118 Gibbons street, ale, Rear, 600 King street oust, (760) a A Home. Cooked Meats plos, stesk and kidney ples. hot or oold brawn, 'akes and pastries, oto, ote, Frank Drakes, 31 Maple s' eel, Phone 8870), (nh Money to Loan LOAN = FUNDS available for first mortgages, on well located residences, dley Dros Nii Bimecs South tupatales), b, 28:1 Ld COARE™ON™ GO erly and faring, Soph AJ .| hii hid Kl 4 -- {li iis i TET YOUR CAN "WANHED™ AT Dominion Garage, 88 bond strpet west, Plions S108, All oars at gne } price §1,00, (Mareh 1-1 mo) | F100 CASH WILL BUY CHEVRO: lot Cath, good condition, four new ) | deoking Autos, Vhone tires 1930 lloense, Apply Bos 380 "71 T OCR, F) loor St. Li 2 Ww (THe ore freedom Lo the sorts, Vossibly ihe dying vost Knew it was coming and died the bappler on thst secounts "But in stil another way does this man's figure stand out, In the country ¢alled Ukraine isu fistion of forty millions people, having a lunguaze Cf thelr Owe the lungusge in which these poems wore composed, his has been, as it. were, a nation dost, huried silve one might say, beneath the power of sure rounding empires, History of Oppression They have su terrible history of oppression, allermaiing with dew. porate rovolls against Volish snd Muscovite tyranny, In these posms speaks the sirig- sling woul of a downtrodden people, To our western folk, toured in happier surroundings. there 18 a bitter tang about some of them, somewhat like the taste of olives, to which ono must grow aeetstotiad) The Mlavonig temp- erament, too, Is given to meian~ 4 choly and seems to dwell congens tally dv atmosphere misty wilh dong, But he gravely migréads their Mierasire, who falls to per~ colve the grime resolve boussth the sorrow; "In the sirugkle of the Ukraine fans for freedom the spirit of this poet, who was born 4 serf, remaing over thelr guiding star, Ovdor Your Spring Suit Now from the DOMINION CLOTHING CO, ST. W, on RING fhone 2141 We Deliver JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS J W. Worrall, Oph, D. Eresight , pi tin Tris $2500 Scotland Woollen Mills | 8. ROTISN, Manager GooD USED CARS Are Mold by THE ONTARIO ~ MOTOR SALES LIMITED 90 Blmooe Bt, 8, Phone 900 HARPWOLD FLOORS Al) 0 Klodtrie anid and Finish | J Complete | Ww. J. THICK co, LID. | 85 Albert Street [ Vbone 880, 981 | a "CORY COTTAGE" 0 rooms and kitchen, garage, and 8 acres good garden land, 10 frat tevos, NM milo. from Lake, 034 miles trom Oshawa, mall delivery, phone, close to school and chureh, Bargain $1,000, half cash, balance easy, DISNRY Phone 1580 Mrs, Dery ux for particus Hall the new fh line tn Spire olla, District North at abier » (Mar Me. resentative, north west and south nast distriots, 100 Frederick street, Phone 2189M, {Mar 16-1 mo) 80. BOND. 87, WsT EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Bpecinllsing exclusively in mussle anomalies oyesiaht ight _and glasses, 1510 Disney Plesk " le Red Ove Drink Delicious Kara Coffee Always Fresh at Superior Chain Stores MONEY LOANED Cars Refinanced All Dealings Confidential G. R. Hold MOTOR LOANS AND DIS * COUNTS LID. LUMBER F, L, BEECROFT hitby 19 urniture pair and repaired, Also Lairinming and [1'H Prices modera'e, (Mar, 28:1 mo) Oshawa Burial Co. successor to Disnoy«Cott AMBULANCE 87 Colina St. Phone 1088 You will enjoy reading the fotion at minimum cost Pious 1478, 87 Clwmeos BL North, (TWINS th) HONOR NENORY OF NATIONAL POET ERAS tor gives a i ang very ehams | a y of Behevehens |} negroes of Jt Ho vd of America the bos Rim, Thee dig tor the | sang 1] Carpenters® know Know it from every angle. Know it from the standpoint of dura« bility, workability, Stwogth, and protection. Tis significant that, aver ninety 0 percent of the carpenters in Osh- awa and district, now order. thele | lumber from us, The Carew Lumber Co. 74 Athol St. W., Oshawa Phones 18==1111 NO ONE KNOWS LUMBER BETTER 3 "THAN A CARPENTER | Lumber. \ *

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