Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Mar 1930, p. 10

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1930 t know," replied Paddy, "1 I hil d i ' nk it 10 MARRY . ET biti Lf Simon a mary oop 4» ll rung i L] ¥ by ond Binsin A Vitor 4 et Th oy Uy mo st As y cups as a full x you E, dive lB oi (TE ! ht Ya | of tWo or thre yeurg procedes the | Medi an A hards 50¢ to 60¢, oe hover tell if things sh that fren' no," door Oshawa, vis ey il Mos, or ' ; soplled Prickly - Parky, "I pdt Tho divorce vate 1s increasin 4 Hi mn nar water und Legit' dive annustly, In 1808 there were 1 Mr, apd Maw, - r. Wilbur and ang 'M don't want to either," divorces per 100,000 population, | Gorden, spent #6 the: home en 1 cannot invite you Into my while in 1988 there were 66 per | of Mr, Reeson, Colmins house," replied Piddy, " because my 100,000, Mr, and Mys, Leslie Hoskin and door 1s unde W N ---- sons, Oshawa, were week end visite < nder water,' - dost I { wouldi's thank Jo i you Divorce Rte i Increases ---- ZION BREVITIES ors with her brother, Anson Balson, \ i" Aid j funduy services wers very well ats Padd the Beaver 8 Visitor oy A a he vide fot Separation Granted When tented, "On 'Sundny morning Rev, Mr, Bb 2 your house: The outside interashy "Parties Agree War Mar, pra 4 i evens A Are Ina Teessagts Bumday, me, because It glves mewn plucg to the unary ul folks of 2 on were t Home" to 1 lds aly folk, for| vies at Zion, J a : " (Co 030, T, Copenhagen, Mayeh 80---Dons i a pyright, 1930, T. W, Burges) ' a waglal hour, Games wers played| Anson Balson's sale was not very ve oonss eu has» ' The next sory; "Prickly Porky BN Ey and a program by ithe ia! i largely attended, the =Paddy the Ta, LT : 2 | Gets Acrom." r ; 4 4 was 'enjoyed, after whic ergld and Harvey Balson enters , vied, and u recent survey hows | oh ee people served ralvehis| tained thelr Sundiy | School clus RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE isextra good Water Goniep from un avteslan well divoron' than aay ober Kuropen ents mates and teachers, Miss MeMaster Dusty Beaver Ivy not used to : h oy in Bouth Dakota town at gheh high p, J | Miss Lewis, ) he is n ed 10 Such hig ; Miss Pein! Flint, Phenerery was| and § Lowls, at un party on Hare ' a! { Vicor, fos ys ne his nol hi A fs Sombre that 1t is used to warm OY cviadlitos of certificates | 0 week end guest of 'her sister, Mrs, | vey's 13th birthduy Saturday evening, HE ware, enjoyed, A od ehieh Mo Mrs, Arthur Stainton spent the ©" ged to having them visit his pond, gees gd Ai tnd ataion and water used by | aia deolagations of one's satel | Wes Cameron, Mirch 22, atirvey resolved some very | Jaruison 4, daugh vel ofrilh week end in Bowmanville with her 3 Shere are very many visitors there, i , me opatves, monial intent delay obtaining mar-1 Mv, and Mrs, Walter Vivian and nice gifts, Games, contests and mii=| paps, " wi EERE mother, Mes, John 'Prall Indes, 1 lotow of ne Place that has } ¥ ' s than does the pon fs ' RS | of Paddy the Beaver, But Paddy's 1 ELLA CINDE Heart of Stone "Mouse is out in the pond and it Isn't ~ " - . often that he has a. visitor there, + Onee in on great while a feathered Ataudintance may alight on the roof dove house, cy in a great thie 'Tr tle Joe Otter swims out ther, Bly fink has visited it, But : these visits have always been 0 far " apart that Paddy is always very| "Huh!" sald P addy. We have a yeh surprised when a visitor are visitor vives, It happened one morning that LBP ME. AS PENMLESS AS Paddy and Mes, Paddy were over at| ® Beaver," thought Paddy, as they A TENEMENT BAR'S | the dam, looking st over, They have | drew nears He ds the blackest look te i ect thelr dam every so often | ing Beaver that ever I have seen" y, 6 sure that there are nd| Nearer they drew to that house, Ex nite ra ey had been Jour § busy | and nearer, Presently" Paddy and somg time, ere been | Mey, Paddy stopped swimming snd jo work to do and Paddy the| stared up at the stranger on the Beayor and Mrs, Paddy wre two| roof of their house, t wan't " people who never shirk, When there | Beaver at all. No, slr, it wasn't a is work to do they do It. You see;| Beaver, Who do yout suppose it they know that to shirk neccessary | was? It was Prickly Porky the Por- ate a mean the loss of their! cupine, home, there should be a bad Ranson y } break In the dam, there would be no| "Well!" exclaimed Paddy, "What pond, Then their home would be ex- | wre you doing. on my house?" posed to all thelr enemies, "I'm resting," replied Prickly Now, the eyes of Paddy and Mrs, Parky, J resting, And if you ; Paddy are not as good ms the eyes] don't like it, you ean go away," of pi of the other litle people | Prickly Porky spoke crossly. TELLING TOMMY Their noses and their ears are bets ' Paddy didn't know just what to ter than their eyes, So it was that say. He looked ot the thousand dits when Paddy happened to glance over A ; ps at thelr house in the water, he falled tle spcars: in, Prickly Porky's coat WHEN THE SPANISH EXPLORERS WERE ® / \ / | 4 al d he k Ight 1! 1 fl g : : 5 DADDY TOLD ME ALL § OH} I$ ] at their house in the water he falled|'o0y"5le knew sight 'then and there ROAMING THROUGH SOUTH AND CENTRAL : 1 bl ( a iA that he didn't want to have any real hb y wh | 0 ) 3 " J y och un dha $o0l then trouble with Prickly Porky, *1 didn't AMERICA THEY FOUND A FLOWER 30 SYM A / \ ZIP FLOWER AMD WHERE df NAME? § THOUGHT know you could swim," said he, for o | \ ' well har me tail who. Lt aw | the sake of saying something, BOLIC OF THE CRUCLFIYION THAT THEY 0 WH ; ; N IT GROWS, BETTY, JIT WAS A MOVIE all " ough Paddy, "We have a Vise "Well, you know it now," replied 3 \ : \ a: 5 h ' ' New 1 wonder where ho amp] Prickly Porky. "Why shouldn't T be MAMED 11 "FLOWER OF PASSION "TOMMY. ; ; I didn't know that there able to swim! wit, any other Beavers near us" -- here is the visitor?" demanded Mrs, Paddy, "Over there on. the rool of our TIME TABLES y house; Just climbing up it," replied - g addy, Shdoby ' MN d Wes, Paddy wid woibing, but lid XP | [Lh re rove-manteD pueLt oR ¥ ) THE STAMENS THE HAMMERS HAT DROVE THEN into the water and headed straight CoP: Be TIME TABLE - " Pp fou' homer, IV was. evident. that she aE : Sos «= A" THE FLORAL LEAVES WERE THE TE APOSTLES, . JUDAS AMO PETER BEING ABSENT, ' g fidw. ni intend 10 have visitors prow! nal rons Bundsy). CE oh id Rat Siar THRS AD IIVEIAROS © J FN BME PAT OF THE 1ORTH AMERICA PASSION POWER "That fellow has a black coat for (Rage, Siar) 1 THE WOUNDS OF OUR LORD, THE {4 15 SHRUBBY AMD CLIMBING AND 1S TROUBLESOME IN lB" eh ath | | DIVISIONS OF THE PISTIL RLPRESEHY ~~ V THE COTTON FIELDS, 1 15 COMMONLY CALLED "MAYPOR! foe. ee | EDTHE NALS OF THECROSSAD = nC ALY MAIR / PHONE 22 A OTHE MALS OF 5. Bally. = + For Your Drug Needs : THOMPSON'S | cin 5 v oa LOB AT Trt HOPE | DONT WAVE To 88 | | [I ; y ki ' \ {AVE 1 ------ . vo 10 Siillice Bt. 8, ~-- We Deliver| , figs THROWIN' DOWGH: fry To INTROBUCED TO MM 1D | p-- 00 ME ENE ANN GOOD ian 8 am. neyo lll AMLOBE MIMEELF HATE HIM EVEN (F \ ) Ny Wt E2233 5 6. i 4 i 10, 2 » TTS TIES El =z = £7 238%: Eos - 4 -- ¢ ; WALT Tin + @ir Me * WEED Him | \ preci ow Fo pL ony | ves rest A ~ FC z i | abn st. W. A ( ft \ Poh Tat Pantie areiod Indy 1 King « Phone . i - Q hn . : Pam plghia teseived . am, BN ar 3 wg SOE i) 48 AL Ae 11 AS ¥ \ : : ao Th ADEN. TF COMRY KINGDOM . ps THE 2 OMRYS CALC | Fn > aR | ; {AND AND COM 1 oing. Went RL RAD 8 ANG ON oI NEN ERT Se TE BRE 19 A KINGDOM All. 1 kavie « "NDE p> Os! santaa, LNT. HBS SO @ooD \.COMNG TusT TOTELL WM (MNS F SONS To. buy ' We "oe Wish ata TRL LE}

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