Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Mar 1930, p. 7

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/ THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1930 ec seven ews. of Stock Markets, ain and Produce Exchanges N Bloc High Br, : Of 39% Braz, 40% Can, 1st 90 Can, Brd, 16 Cockshutt 20% Hr. ie Station 51% Standard Mines bh Bb [X] 44 ALx i 107 avd 107 Amulet 148 148 148 ig Mis. 64 5 oe . De. Mne. 806 805 895 Paleon, 4850 450 480 Holl, .. O88 bso bso He. O11 900 000 900 Hy, Gold 81 80 80 Hd, By. 1276 1260 1250 Lk, | tuby 2260 2800 Nrada, = 40060 4010 4080 Bh. Grd. 206' 200° 7 208 Be. 306 m He. 426 Ventures 185 fawell 7, NEW YORK yen M1 Low Alleghany oy 84% Ally: Chal, 6» 05% Amn, Intor, 0% 40% 'Amn, 'Smel. 17 Amn. Tut. sesh Anaconda [3 Bhldwin ,. 83% Borg War, 49% Beth, Steel 100% Can, Dry 4% Usn, Pao, 211 Chirgsler .. 40 Day, Chom, 432 POR ,.oen0 34% Gen, Elec. Gen, Mot, Uoodyear Ken, Copper Aq. So oe Mt, Ward Mot, Neel Nt, Ch. Rg. Pon. Rall ¥ Radio ,.,. Kem. Rand Sim, Bed Bin, ONL ... Bt, of NJ. Btudebaker 1% i WH Tm. RL Bear RONETAVINU ¥ U5. Bteel 0% 1:4 ns U.B. Rubberidd 191 ti] Money 4 per cent, CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES | Chicago, March 26.-=The # egg market held about unchanged but firm today as su evidence of the firmer underion orefereuce to ~ the notion of the March futures © will suffice, Trade on futures was lght and appeared .to attract but little interest. Thete was a furs ther lowering of quotations on the © spot butter call this mornthg bus Vat the decline the market presents od a more stable Lope, Un the futs ; ure call a changed position was Lo be Boted with valdes up rather sharply on the March contracts. ~The buying throughout the ses- 'lon wag consistent, Ope commitments --. Mareh shipplug eggs, 51; March storage opps, 7; April eggs, 47; Nov. oggs, 380; March butter, 270; " April butter, 28; Nov, butter, 44. ANOTHER COLD * 'Nostroline'=that's what 1 want" If you have caught cold you need * soothing, pleasant "Nostrolling" to "clear head, stop irritation and end fete nasal discharge, Sufferers get I. "Nostroline" at once! x cents from , «+ W. H, Karn, Drug Store (Your Nose Needs "Nostroline| spot market--Hutter, standards, 37%¢; ogEs, graded firsts (7 leas carlots, 24¢; tone, steady, Two market receiple~Butter today, 10,732; last year, 14,084; eggs today, 60,488; last year, 08,101, New York spot market--Butter, extras, 370; no tone; eggs, firsts, 46 to 28340; tone, Stes Btreot stooks---Nutter today, 08,742; last Jest, $8,088; Rr to day, 141,008; last year, 145,071. Four rot Hn on handel utter, 12,800,189; emgs, 638,844, Bix ditios--=Butter, 4,080,604; ogEs, 205,878. Militeed delivered Montreal | 26 freights, bage included---Bras, per son, $81.25; fat }r ton, or [4g 6; hbiddings, § Wheat, 1.05 to $1.10% ot 50 to bbe; barley, 0 ° B3¢; rye, 78 to 160; buckwheat, eo d | TORONTO GRAIN OTATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronto bBoard of Trade are making the following quotations for car lots: Manitoba wheat-=No 1 Northe orn, cof 11: No. % do, 81.00%: No. Hod T No. 4, 1), No, H bo; No.6, 78%0; ¢ ood, Chicago extras, 87 he tone, steady; carlots, 24 'The- 'Best. in America, Produced he (1) porte: pm No, 8 b2e: eadership of the A gorne=No, 2 yellow 476) No. 8, do., Dbe; No. 4, do,| J TICKER LAGS AS STOCKS EXCEED A MILLION AN HOUR) iss hiviinis or ing business JSonditions, a smo. of" which | dogs annouvacing the very ordinary sagged to new 1930 lows but the eneral list moved forward under the f ublic utilities, a- mihements and high grade indust- cece + vec | BEAR KNOCKS GUN 1 feed, BEA onte--=No, FROM MAN'S GRASP Hilf "Crazed Animal At Semis bo Force Way Into , Igloo smn Ottawa, Ont, March 28--(CF) od Police in the spring of 19290. in Several fasues Soa 10 Now the Can ean or tn Low Levels as Loans Are Decreased % New Jom York, Murch 2 The sock market mov Juromulacly) er tor day under the ected Re _ - Neon] Reserve brokers fosns and signs of improv. ungry polar bear which, while it ended happily, shows how alert und resourceful Canada's repre sentatives fh the north must be to prevent commonplace dally incig- onts résulting in tragedy, " Asleep in thelr igloo (snow-tut) fuspector Joy snd his two com- panfons-Constable Taggart sug cakness | tn Hskimo driver-~were arouse: Wenlkness by the barking of the tethered fn unex occurrence of the visit of the bear, There was no intention to intertere with the animal, out it soon He- cme apparent that something would have to be done because the brute could be heard tesriug be party's clothing and provisions for one of the komatiks (sleds), 'The inspector unwillingly gave . the order to shoot the bear, but when Constable Taggart attempted to got outside he found the doorway of the igloo buried in u drift of bard snow, The three, occupants thereupon raised a terrific noise to frighten the bear away, but instead the, bear turned swittly to the ig- 100, climbed all over it, aud, by tha time a hole was made in the ice. lined wall Jarge enough for a man Lo erawl through, was waiting outs side And immediately made uo save age plunge ta get iuside, The police wore at a disadvantage be. enuse it is the npcesgary custom of the polar bear regions to slack firearms outside the snow-huts tor ronson: that, it kept iuside, tho warm, "sweaty" ritie wold in stantly freeze on sudden exposure fo the open alr aud thereby'ine rendered useless, In this ese Lhe gun In 1is cover | wag standing close by the hols made fn the wall, and, just as the desparate ottack of the bear was beaten back for che moment, Cons stable Taggart seized the Title. In a flash, 'however, the bear struck the rifle from Taggart's grasp, and then, ns if to frustrate any further attempt to recover it, stood on it with both forepdws, snrpling eamgrily, with fis head Lhirust through the hole, A second later the ber made another den porate lunge tn get at the men but was met with such a vigorous counter attack with sticks and snow knife that he. was driven back a pace or two," At that moms ent Taggart recoverad the rifle and dropped the bear (n the midst of its third wild charge, It was » largo animal, and was, no doubt, purtieuldrly sauvage through hun ger, Contrary to popular opinion, | Conndian police and explorers do not regard the polar bear us the "grout white Lerror of the north" nor do they avold the localities where bears wiost abound. As 8 matter of fact they are gldd to dise cover befirs along a projected route bocause hears congregate where 744% {ean stove: alwi wn 0 7 nd i 4 PP 0 Potie: bs Tigris. - seals are plentiful and (heir pres ence assures travellers of a bounty rovinees of Ontario, Quehee, New ruswick, Nova Scotia, and British ful food supply both for thelr dogs | Columbia, and in the northern parts and themselves, other Government officials In the | tories and on Baffin island, 'The police and lof Canada in the Northwest Terei- Nearly north always conserve wildlife abd [all of Canada's graphite production kill bears only wion absolutely | comes fom tario and' Quebec, necessary for 100d, At times, how | where graphite "has been mined for over, as thé nbove story indicates, | more than sixty years, most of the drastic action has been taken, Occurrences of Graphite producing mines and seven existent graphite concentrating 'mills being situated within a radius of 150 miles "Graphite is found in Candda in' the |of Ottawa, ta -- A ee 4 SARS RA THETA, TAN SATB Sl .. EE ---------- I tL fn. ire trading exceeded a mil- es an hour rate with the in unable to keep up with tee day's transactions, & CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, March 27.The spot egg market exhibited a better undertone this morning, with about half the listed grades scoring moderate ad- vances, Local demand continues good in view of the traffic tie-up, which hes caused rather sharp reductions in daily arrivals, Trading on the fut. ures call was light and at prices a- bout in Ln Pig th the close aster. Quotations on the spot butter lr were slightly higher on top gra- des hie morning. The market appears ® be in much better shape gener- Aly. Strength was again noted in the March contracts, which touched 36 1+4e during the course of the ves. fou and sbitled at 35 7-8c steady, liveries were ten cars, but this is hacay hoary enough to depreds val- apprec ably. n commitments--Eggs, March, shin PR 40; do., storage, 6; April, ber, 336. Butter---Mareh, i: April, 26: June, 1; November, 'wo markets receipts=~Butter-To a "16.288 lust year, 21887, Eggo ody, 56,749; last year 79.596. +Chi Xe spot market ButterEx- tray, 37 Je; standards, 37 3-4¢; tone steady 'to firnt, Egge~Graded firsts, A 14 to 24 1+2¢; tone steady to firm New York pot market Butters Extras, 37 142; Efge~Finu, 26 to 26 1-4¢; tone steady. Street soskagl iter_=Today, 93, last 464, EggseT 'oday, AR at your, 1122. Bata. 22 mar Butter, 111,28; eh, S6008 4, 568,90. Six titles=Butter, 4656960; eggs, 310,805, Movement at ten markets--Butter: ot out, 207,603; last year, net out, 1,628. Eggo~Net In, 45486; last year, net in, 21,112, nn TORONTO GRAIN 'QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronto Board of Trade are making the fol. Wotations for car lots: wheat=No. 1 Northern, Ld Lo; No. Le 05 «33 No feed, 67 La (at bay ports). "American Somme, 2 3 Joon, 97; No. 3, do, Me; Ni Mille delivered Montreal freights, bags included--=Bran, per 25; shorts, per fon, $33.25, grain--Wheat, $105 to > to 85¢; barley, 52 to 3 to 75¢; bickwheat, 80¢, NE LOANS TO BROKE N ai March 28.--Logns Washington brofers toby the pid ow ity decreased on during wh week ending arch % and were $1,829,000,000 be- fow the corr eek last year, yoording to statement o gh Fede Reserve rd, The to- receding week, tk ' Taree ImrorTaAnT FACTORS EnTER INTO THE COST OF Your AUTOMOBILE How much it costs to make the car' 2. How much extra you pay the dealer 3. How much it costs for operation and up-keep Tae PURCHASE of an automobile involves a considerable amount of money and it should be carefully considered from all angles before a final decision is made, The value of the car to you depends on + the value built inte it ut the factory, how much extra you pay the dealer for dis- tribution, selling, financing and accessories and what it will cost to operate and main. tain the car after purchase. Each of these' factors, as it relates to the Ford car, is frankly explained below, Economy in production The FORD CAR is made economically be- cause of the efficiency of Ford production methods, The money saved through this efficiency is put back into the car in im: proved quality of material and in greater care and accuracy in manufacturing, The constant effort is to eliminate waste and find ways to make each part beter and atte thet Ines sing soniesfrotutgily at lowered cost. Be¢ause of Ford economies in large production and because the Ford organize: tion operates on a low:profit margin, the price you pay for the caris much less than : it would be under any other conditions. Yet 8 brings you many unusual features Tho surely larg mba of bal nd. 4 Thteesvindow Fordor Sedan vie Cabriolet . $790" Town Sedan $835 roller bearings and the extensive me of fine steel forgings instead of castings or stampings are other features that reflect the high quality built into every part of Throughout, it is a value far shove the price you pay. the car, Low dealer charges The same rravcirLEs of efficiency and economy' that characterize the manufac ture of the Ford car are applied also to distribution. Obviously it would do the' public, little good to save in production if these savings were sacrificed later in ex: cessive costs of selling, financing and accessories, The Ford dealer, therefore, operates on the same low-profit margin as the Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited, his discount or commission being the lowest of any gutomobile dealer, He does a good business because he makes a small profit on many sales instead of a large profit on * fewer sales. \ NoTE THESE LOW PRICES Roudster . $540 Phaston . $550 *TudorSedan $620 Coupe , '. 8620 Sport Coupe $655 795 (All prices §. o. bi Bane Windsor, Ontario, + Bumpers, spare tire and taxes extra.) | Eary time payments can be arranged through vour Ford deale: ¥ Soren The lower cost of selling, combined with the low charges for financing and acces sories, means a direct saving of, at least $50 to $75 to every purchaser of a Ford, in addition to the savings made possible : by economies in manufacturing. The money you pay for a Ford goes into value in the car. It is not wasted in high dealer charges. Low upkeep costs It 15 IMPORTANT to remember that the cost of your sujomobile is net the first roost only, but the total cost after months and yoars of service. Here again there is a decided saving when you buy a Ford, The cost of operation and up-keep is lower because of simplicity of desig, the high quality of material, and the reduction of friction and wear through unusual ac- in manufacturing and assembling. The reliability snd longer life of the car contribute to its low depreciation per year of use. . } The intelligent, painstaking service ren dored by Ford dealers 1s under close fac- tory supervision and is a considerable fac tor in the low upkeep cost of the Ford, All labor 1s billed at's fiat rate and re. | placemehit parts are always available at low prices through 700 Ford dealers in every sectiqn of Canada. ote sh fe su depending ; cam wuts 4 sing 18 ng & new Ford will re' the saving on rimming y i FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA, Limire "THE CANADIAN CAR®

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