Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Mar 1930, p. 11

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PAGE ELEVEN ON. 4 CARPENTARIA 18 ISOLATED DIOCESE #5 fir ae the great, moving world und Ita mews Is cone cerned, He gets his Y dally bulleting from the neler radio station which ho at Brisbane and & thousand miles mansisoluted F 100 novbs, § miles north east of Ushawa, good buildings snd land, ready for Bpring orop, very easy terms, 186 mores & bank, You phiould see this farm, 100 ores or yon Rd Wid Dujide Ings, neal school, good rosds, north of Greenbank, 180 mores," BUNATHER #Xira good, near Lindsey, B50 nares, Thly bu north west of Osliaws, Jonas Teal Ketate, hone 4467 fist for vent, Three rooms, Wired for elecirio stove. Hardwood floors, Apply to 2351 Dearborn Ave, dh "All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Ete. STRICTLY. CASH IN. ADVANCE and i prey, Australis, March 28»(C, Po=Carpentarin = It sounds us though It might be the name of 6 comlie-opern kingdom, pestlin In high meuntains, with' a beautiful and haughty queen, But it actually reps resents a stretch of teritery almost 100 times the size of England, It Is, an churchmen will know, the name of an Australien dioghromp di ogee pf iy srinrg miles, dts bishop a Dr, Stephen: Herris Dave fon, mn man A7 years. of age, Compare atively young as he Is, the bishop has been head of the vast diocese for the fast elght yeurs, Carpentaria needs an young nian, A diocese which stretches from Allce Springs, in the gentre of the Com» monwealth; to the const of wild New Guineas, i» hardly a ¢harge for a grey beard, The bishop's flock Includes many aborigines and 14,000. whites, Most of the whites are ranchers and prospectors and It teed hardly be added that kid gloves=if anyone were rash enough to Import. themes would be a drug on the market In the fullest sense of the term, Dr, Davies is usually an Whe bishop was once & curate wh Leeds, 1 ni and. Eckener Receives Medal \' ME From Washington Savant | To Commemorate Flight Sree" Washington, March 28~Dr, Hus go Lckener, veteran skipper of the Graf Zeppelin, Tast night was presens ted with special gold medal of the National Get vaphie Boclety In rece 0 nition of his work In fu hering 16 progress of lightersthin-alr diris piolen and to comniemorate the round-the-world flight of the Graf, Zeppelin { The presentation was made by Dw | Gilbert Grosvenor, president of tha) National Geographic Society, ig the presence of diplomatic yf SDrenen Alive es, of 22 nations, Cabluet members, and officials, at the Washington pus ditorlum, Only 10 other sglentists and plo ears Nave received the society's spd clgl medals, apartment frousd floor All vonvenienoes 1" garage, in quiet home, 861 Arthur street, iow, Yhone (Jet or ' unfurnished apartment, In good 2) 1 heme: and Joclty, rauvonAbla ord v Bij mtiy App! Times, (72¢) "RENT, viok' house st 148 Burk Will wil p SRN t by on ulrink "DU WOFY detally b lease for term, Moasonavle rent. | of ye fim fine quality knitwear, dress Vousgtion ut cack, ADply 10 Lior | bu Aa i lads Wnowden, LK, No, Bowmaus | clothes, hose, ate. Ritagtetor thes ville or phone $045, 80) | eompumer, liberal Brite ish Knitwear Limited, mlnion. I She Ap net for vent April first, im Apty 3 Cass Loma, 101 King St, (4 ots " RUT VRCK TOUTES ROOMY | es Sunroom, blectrls Mantle, Nard rom trapsnested . breeders, 5, C, lite Leghorns, 1.4 Wisndaties,, rife or Jhot for floors, Vrench doors, I conven rocks, white catalogue, Q a maa bikin of apne i arling an o large numbe a of th om F OF am The yh fa vip ih wnaven 'oll ie o i who will receive the advertisement " Ra AA A "Times Classified Ads Bring Results . Telephone 35 AO aDOOrs Tati Set 1 A Colin 'street, orner BURTAL™ C0 A sreet Ambulance, Onn K. pn" Sutil nen el fii Stee toy ' Bid. rd Be i asidonce| ¢ Ww lence, garage, divided cellar, paved street, residential 'distrigt, Posses- ril, | inolated ! al a" AND HUMPH 8. BAR ihe go flelt ton " iy he Stoney, 12 lone ALEX uv, iy "DA NARRIN or, old, Conveyaneing.and 'general Kiss san. tor ragtion. 33% None S381 © HE Holtors, eto, Thaw and Nos | 4.00) " y 4-1 mo) haa, A I PAR wr (LL BARRISTER ete, Money to loan, Alger os, opr Mar, posite Post Office, Phone 16 Medical EERWOOD "6 ITART EN Disney lock: Phone "050, Office hours § a.m, to 8.00 pm. Dr, Db. J. Haslewgod, spacial attention to Surgery and X-Ray, Dr, B, H, Har or, special attention to children's lsgason and Obstetrics, Bunday and night culls "410 or 122, PR. KAY, PHYSICIAN, SU ober 6 v llc fice and, resi oh St, Brat comme) ' vtorla oh 0 0 ry, Pory Perey olan, Surmeon Obsterricla references 10 Ina lgraty we and senses of woe pos co and en Yiiteoe Sb « Coon Brock) Of I" Bi co 142 Simeoe St, ing, TOWN; PHYS: clan, and Obetrca office nd {19% {umtue mavens | ronto, | moderate Relves, Disnoy 1818 B30 07. 18) Simees als, OVER fraser 4! io | WY, : be BOF \ \ \tehell Br pa Slore St "81, Bh uw in go \rchitec House Eo THE By Strast, nh ously R, N. Johps, 80 Bimooe nortly" Your Insurance wants Ab lendsd to and your .nterests pro- J io fofakire moving, hy 1 house and WoYiag ven equipment. Phone #9, A and ard ALAN0e gnders aul ne. Win ut " fil Phone ond 4 10 HE, West,' i tang HE aia GAY Av al and lo dis LJ a ran ron, 03 wo i (Mag, 10-1 mo) 'WHY TAY RERT--HOVIG " cheaper, moving o" havin cents up, Try us Jo al ag ong distance, Kagle Cartage, Phone wo. (Vob, 88-1 mu) Rh. hone EY IEC iE a a Be ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT Ma Wanted NO. CHESTER. Bl ob lV ky (Mar T5-1 Woy Holl TF (80) H ( sand, Chis, cinders ond agneral Graham, _ Phons (Mar, 27+1mo)) gravel, 91 trucking: 221m, "iD DRY CLEANING, FRUSBING, DY Pormin« "ad thane | a ut i gio, Fo [2 { Dion J Su ia re u hah ir Bullding ubove Dr, rg Phone Mar 0-1 mo) Paris, No. 3 ngs street, Phone Clarke, 147 Ants {Mar 80-1 ufo) 20404, Shop, HBpecialiats in permanent, finger and wmareel waving, Ver manent wave prices 35, § 0, #10 and $156, All giher lines of Beauty uiture, Yhone 2008, Apply ¥b moos Breet mort, Tor Tor ws a ES Chureh wl ing, 1344 Kivg Street Bi Phone all Jools n mo, -, dry Slepning. and and Ho cilled for and delivered 66 Bagot Street, (Mar, 1 Building FETT, SH? abr ils Three pone | wie Articles For Sale MIXED D JIARD AND 30 BOT we [V) Jak, Ua wood, D Whine let Thihg BALRD---~RRI Tid, pies planes, pew sod ro soe Also oo ©. ny Aly Prix Y or WHITE BLOS» or seed, for WL " # (ls, 3d mt 1) * por barrel undeliversd, PHbhe 198 ¢ 0. Juba Algwerh, ts. Kelloga's x Karly Pird, Prom or a rg Hom hits horn ! on Haro " HF 03 (Mar 20-1 mo) \minator, Will sell or trade 80 tor ain car, 248 Park road _ suite, also 1 rug, § yde, square; Ape Wie en Ritson Re, or phone rio ad vored, Radio service, §f _.| Creied. Ruta ter ty : mY "Wii Mary 81 A ATO Joss Rios, Phone 13 if 1 al Tok TENTS TWO TARGET TORN: shed or unfurnished rooms suitable an Ad UA ike suites, Home YOUL dry, conyeMences, o'sa stoves, sled waler por round. Phone 1660 or rd (tr) FOUR AND FIVE NROOMED MOD on Xi toelyding eleatrio rely! oration, Story sen, PRD Srp w maDAger for owner, i" ; 0 ' For "IVE Ouse on Prine tree Kigin west, in .¢ AR. i ronr"w; or _-- and private sath, Untienishs Fie rooms, 00 riet, 'Reasonable. 18 Gladstone Ar (140) for hed sisting' rooms or Nght house. keeping all convontences, also murs 'hone 140d), (73) AHN ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT, 4 Park Read Houth, Vhous 1MT8M, L740) -- AN AVARTMENT In" central Blk sults, building, furnished 1 'desired, no'wly decors hlag. eleotric. stove... refrigerators, Janitor service, Immediate possess sion. Phone 1400, (784) FOR RENT-= AN ATTRACTIVE apartment, comprining living, bed: rooms, dinptie and kitchenetie, Slodtria stove, vefrigerator, laune dry, ete, Reasonable, Phone Carr, 45 or 1380, (Tide) TWO OR THREE UNFUKNMH BL rooms to rent, All conveniences, Hardwood floors, 415 Jarvis street. Phooe a (The) Q [4] Bouse and ye eo, 82 Gibb. Street, Oshawa, possession given April 1st, lease for a. year to reliable party, Apply to J. Culham, 2001 Dundag St, oat, ona 4 fac ® on bright and aie dolla har Br FOS, Steck i K ted! Hg Apply ta Ove 3 rd's store 40) arma, lot 10, BE, and First Cons cession, Township of Mast Whithy, tronting-on Kingston Road, part of John bariett - Ustate, tamed Ata possession, Apply to Conant & Annis, Harristers, '&o., Oshaws, Uniario, Solleltare for the Admins or, y cr bul Colon and Lown on ikea 8 nant pout Re Lovekiy, (140, rent, hoard oF broaktast if desired. 40 Westmareland Avenue, new, well Roo . Vhond (14) wood locality, stony, reasonable, . Misimum charge 80%, ath 4 i Ae ri o posite Town Park, Whithy, +140) | | Very central, Phone 1098) rooms; on bathroom fiat, very convenience for light housekesps ing, Apply 184 Allee street, lug rooms, north end, Nv 18ing furnished except linens and dishes, #305, Phone 8044), (740) od room, suitable fer two gentle men friends, right in centre of ity, 2014 Bimoos Bt, South, (T4e) RE ET TT TA SAN For THOUSAND EQUITY IN two seven roomed. brick Oshawa Houses, Agnes 8, for exchange, would consider Peterboro property, Apply particulars Wober Drug Store, tarhor FOUR 1st class In exchange for car, radio, truck, phonograph, furnis ture, bloyols, chickens or anything, What have you? Phone Nw, ; (78 were chioken farm noAr Oshawa tor central OUshawa house, Phons Holden 871W, (74h) Ww anted To Rent WANTED TO NENT HY NAY First, five to eight roomed. house, Good leeality, Conveniences, Ape ply Box G44 Times, (780) or or DUPLEX TOUS OR exchange, separate entrances, all cons venlenees, paved street, double gars ane hardwood floors, Apply Box S48 Times, (73) or o or Rent ! FOR BALE OR RENT="TIVE room house, large den, Apply to Wade, Phone 19: v1.8 (711) te lots, Cheap. Close to Ushawa, Small oash payment, Kasy terms, Apply 140 Agnes Bt, . (78d) low, Al (modern conveniences. Well pltuated, Broek St, South, ope Apply to PO, Boxidle, Whithy or phous 101W, Whithy, (18) h KR off Simcoe St,' North en Atl on Ave, Phone 149) 3) AN "ATT PHATE [) TROONED, brick houpe, hardwood floors, aod ern. equipment, located on Mary 81, woul of Grets, Apply Bradley Hiro. GO dwelling, 6. rooms, liardwood floors, all conveniences, modern, Small payment and easy terms for fgg ance, Anply Bradley Bros over Ward's stores / (M0) ks house, ed floors, on Draw Rt, WIL apeapt lot an fivat payment. Phone Hollen BTW. (74h) (UTRT camtortable home, piv N family, (40) two people, Wood home, Nice locals | ity, Phone S1T0W, diab) work, Apply boy for mesg ore (71d) tial Text! Appl Om paAny 2 » aytets giving with second class Vapors, Sehofield Ws {lon og! Mi or for rn an Chu Pply t qualifioat bh AD he , oratio Ronis to thol a ag Hug, |W i 5, Bowman: 0 \ § Bloor St KE. Dhol 0 2730w (74¢) | Spirella Corsetiere 'Hate hery and pa oad North, Hs ning. months olds ADDY fbbons street _ 0 Cooked Meats Bw A 06. gay po, ba oh oie kidney ples, bol veld brawn, sakes and pastries, Hh ole, Frank Drakes, 81 Maple #'*set, Phone 20780, (MMe poultry Farm, Lovell, King streel, Anyons have ing same after this date will be prosecuted, Reward for informas rey leading to Its recovery, ¥hone iJ, (Tia) to Loan UAN = FUNDS avaliable for first mort a os, on well located residences, ley Bros ®K Simcoe South (upotar, 3:1 mo. fi | eh J, 4 arms, apply 'ark } ast, ph ne | I ike otor OUT YOUR UAL WARHED™ AT Dominion Garage, 53 Mond stres: west, Phone 8108, All cars at one price $1.00, ___(Maroh 1-1 mo) §100 CASH WILL BOY CHEVRO- let Couth, good eondition, four new tirgs. 1950 Jags, Apply Hox 340 Time CATE 4 FTRUCK, pits an CORSETTERT= PLEASE PHONE 2343), "Mra. Deruntyux for particus lars of the new fitting lige in Spire ells, District North Fast, after § p m (Mar, 15:1 Mao) ARTCC YN ECLA TET resentative, north west and south oust districts, 104 Frederick street, Phone 3150M, tMar 16-1 mo) INSTR flons {rom Nr, Lyle to sol at 143 Colbourne St. East, Oshawa, on Sit. urday March 20th, 1930, J piece Ches+ terfield suite, divonette, dining room suite, 6 beds, 4 dressers, kitchen eabs { inet, 4 tables, chairs, couch, eloek;! copkatove, + coaloll stove, cooking utensils, large screen, congolium TUES, hallrack, other things too numerous to mention, Ne » one thirty pm, Tarma' cash, + Sulley, auctions edr i (Te) ng Paper "Reports from users of "Mulching Raptr in Ontario sayt "We had a : crop in spite of tha dry seas oN "w"Wa had cugumbers long bes fore wur neighbors, nielons und tomas oes were Sarlier and vielded far A TV Weke Wailida, Halliday, Bax 212 Hamiien, A 10:08 05-08-71 <2 urniture and Yopaired, Also Latrimming dna decking autns, hone LEY I'rloes modera'e. \ (Mar, 28:1 mo brig tea, sult) re 4TH | the EE Simcoe 4 an to] N N { rh young man, near GMC. Apply Box S83 Times, (240). Notice of Registration of | Bylaw "Notley ix hetehy fey given Wh law, No: 1 was passed Couneil of the Corporation of the ty of Oshawa, on the Ind day of nn JON, providing for the fs of thentures to the Sugunt of of or the purpose © & a combined firepum an a hy Fnostctruck or fire. prot ¢ 'hae 3 ch ha was . a wy office at Whitby, County of Gia on the 16th day of Des gomben, 1 ew aotion to ash x ha FT "win hes fest publication of 1 be wade theras woop VILOOKS LAID BY ARPT MECHANION Ola floors finished like Storm windows, dnors, General coutractors, 8, W. HAYNES, Residence 160 r 2 101 King St. W, Phone 481 © ombination NO FOOLIN' "My doctor told me I should Hay to dat fess meat" "Did you laugh Him te scorn ?¥ "I did at first, but when he vor in hig bill § found he wap ight, GOOD USED CARS Are Mold by THE ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 90 Simcoe Bt. 8, Phone 000 Tn and glasses, y Ee --- or 3y ESIONT oFRSCIALIST Bpoainlis Olney Block HARRWOOh FLOORS LAID Bloctelo sanded and Finishs od Complete WwW, J: TRICK €O, LTD, 25 Albert Street hone |) Drink Deliciows [il 8 Always Fresh at Superior Chain "OORY COTTAGE" 8 rooms and kitchen, garage, and 2 acres good garden land, 10 fruit trees, 3 mile from Take, 03 miles from. Oshawa, mall delivery, phone, closg to school and. church, Dargain $1,000, half cash, balance easy, DISNEY Phone 1500 Stores MONEY LOANED Care Refinanced F. L. BEECROFT i Whitby Lumber and Wood | Yard Phone Oshawa 894 f Whitby 19 | LUMBER | "All Dealings Confidential G. R. Holdez MOTO LOANS AND DIS. COUNTS LTO Volt Block Room © Phone $700 W.A. HARE OPTOMETRINY 8 Bond Street East Hundreds of people wear with utmost comfore Hage's Fanltiess Lenses a A ------ Oshawa Burial Co. successor to Disney-Cotg AMBULANGR 87 Colina St, ' Phone 1088 The Carew Lumber 'Co. 74 Athol St. W,, Oshawa Phones 18--1111 iy the - LUXURY more hain hing more than a combination three, it lies not only in ARE Interior of your home biti te Luswy © omfort, something somet ing all at) dt inel but abeve all sound tion, is something something 'more more than beauty, udes com file Tueitute, o furniture, | construgs Wl A Did you ever think lie \ your dining room in Sy one of he * tominon woods i! with toda) i 'd A for go ---- piorsivn -, 5 "This 'ean bo don "ta very ni inoremse over We will he "study this. cont of good he very glad to ap Kara Coffee J |

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