Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Mar 1930, p. 2

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: by THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1930 i bow ple ov on The perth shore of Lake vom nen vy 4 4 nfo oy for § | are the plery # Yin to watortfout Vy atlevnoon wid Was greets [8 xohring broakery udve fay up Iato the harbour, snd 8 general scone of olation, Where the brepnkwater tha AA ¥ Tor OAS WEO Were ihn as Tr 0 0 ha rk Iu lott 0 the ihe anvil harbor, once (he | Bro wits thio hing gf th the re RL will | i fn : hi on 18 to weather a storm and a ur Lg: whieh many steamships § the Jakes made a port od for so long that it now neems improbable that it will ever £oaged as a harbour of any imports ' Ae again, The Times represonta~ | True dyes are easiest | to use! ER Jook rd hover, AF bento hE i ty y dyes You o a4 makes Bh ¢ " ¥ . " an i aE ita? i be | ot Pa ! hy duestion has been disregards | nthe tri and Sh prastieny re of the surrounding distiots hin their eonl from the hodts to thelr homes, » In 1080 the scene presented is totally . different, Gone is the ele< vator and the wharts, Never more do pleasure steamers make this a port. of call or the barges unioed thelr oarioss of goody st the busy docks. No, Bowmanville harbour is 6 thing of the past and In its place risen A summer resort with cottages all along the lakeshore for halt a mile each way, In the sums mer the only marine trafie to be seen Is the small motor boats whigh 'bob up and down on the waters of the lake serrsing & § fol holiday makers pleasure bent, few fishing boats are left but hae is all apd Bowmanville harbour, onde the busiest place in Durbam County, Is now & quiet sountry resort by the lake where oity peo pn : I | | BS 'NN | hwa 'Trdvel The King's Highway { Daily Coach Service OSHAWA . Rose LEAVE apa 8.30 9.30 10.30 «11.18 | dba except Sunday, - fe Un, 3,30 4.30 8.30 41:30 8,30' . 9,30 10.30 11.30 PM, 12.30 1.30 a a Brann Hamiler Bering Slagare Tolle, Bullslo and Iismedinte Seint "Tickets and information at \ | | GRAY COACH LINES i oan Land ros 8 fow Jake ol m the # of the met tan eon The timers the mourn the gd but the youn, ny up witly. little age of ry oxistanco of a ha in fn she vie tuys 08, a honk into oblivien, OF NORA WAKE UP Lead Capacity ¥ House Howmanyile Opera Mouse Was packed to the doors last evening when, the young peooia of Ht, Mieh- aol's «Cathedral, Cobourg, pre- sented the three-aet comedy "Nora Wake Up under the susplees of Wt, Joseph's Church; Bowmanville, . "The cast was small but could hardly have been better suited to the parts, Gerald Butler, who took the leading male role was oxcep~ tionally good and he interpreted hin role As & Gollége boy, who wore shipped lis mother, to pertection, "Whe part of the old-fashioned mother was ylayed by Miss Bessie Kewin, and her acting as an Irish lady, whose mein object in life Wu to give her children . the best of everything, was rupérbly dane, Miss Kowin hes the to perfection and her reterences Lo her late lamented lusband, Pat, vho 'up and died on ma" tive yours' ago brought' round after rognd 8 applause, «odor ris ware all well ih | received and Miss pithrite Mebovnely B. L. Burns, i oJ, McDonnel, MMs Margarei Hon John K, oy and Mise Unthleen MoDonnell all eontributed greatly to th success of"the pers formance, Metweenu the acts the orchestra rendered several soles tions, mostly Irish, and Miss Kewin and Mra. Bpratt of Whitby ve vogal solos which were encore each osenston. The soene- opened .in the home of Mrs, Callabap, an old fashions od Irish widow who was preparing tor the home coming of her son trom wollege, Mer. dau r, Bride got Honors, a moders young lady who preferred to be called Nora, upbraided her mothor on ber Vie torian ways and wished her to be o little more of the tiapper type of mother with short dresses and bobbed hair, The college boy, Johnuy, arrived honie and brought with bim a chum, winant, who was quite Impressed with Nora, An- other college boy, kdmond Kdmon- ton, a fourflusher, arrived during the holidary apd induced Mra, CUsllaban to part. with almost her entire k account for some oil share, which bad taken a drop ov the market, Nora was muck tekken by. this boy, ory she believed tw be an aristoorat. 'However, Mrs, uallahan parted with two thousand doliars whica her husbapd had left 10 send hor ohildren Lo college ane alter the departure of Kdmonu wondered it she aad. done the right of wrong thing In parting wilh her savings. 'The second act depioted a dream ot. Nora Ju - Which she wees hor wother's money lost on this oll atook and in whieh her hopes of seeing her mother modern vamy tug, Mer mother not only gets «OF horaoit knee length dresses hut «Obs hor hair and dies it a dark srown, Lastly she sees her mother wiarrylog & tramp who had eaten ut the. house a few days previous. iy, Then she woke up. The Ulimax The third aot showed that in part. her dream waa true, The stock did prove te bs worthless and' Mora has lost all juterest in Nd wend, but now took an interest in Sunny, ber brother's chum, who wanted to go to work to see her through college, In the meantime Mddie returned and offers to take the ptook back, claiming in a very plausible manner that he would pot for the world have them lose this and bad endeavoured to regain for two thousand dollarg but bes tore he Gould procure and lak the tram turn up with a copy ot r which gave the R the stogk. was die had soen this an ha voor to regain the stock hotore Mra, Callahan McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets Fine For Thin Frail Kids/(} to see that i LE GHEE of the 9, 40 worry over the nd '8 EE Rone in the town and soon wii) | eadache | faye Mos. Kidoey Fagard of | Ontario oud Them To Be Just the he Wanted Htiston, Ont, Mare Sh 27 (Special) Jive used Dodd's Kidney Pills for Lf # your ind find then to be ust what | wanted," writes Mrs, A itzgerald, Dox 14, Castleton, Ont" LA helped me wonderfully) Stops fhe Dain in my buck; also helped ed heudache, T iy ure certainly a wonderful medicine," Mrs, Fittgeraids Trouble | was caused by sek Kidneys, Strengthen and cleanse the Kidneys and sll wile ments such us backache, rheumatism, headache, onibags and urinary trogs ble b sneedlty, vanis idney «Pills have hecome [ Dodds remedy Bll over the world, because people have tried them und been' more than satisfied with the results, Thowsands ef Jove are buying and using Dodd's idney Pills solely through the re. commendation. of thelr {friends who Best Jiscovered thelr relleViog and oaling properties, bod ew Pills of be obtains ed from rugaists, or the Dodds Medios "Cou To Foronto' 2 Ou, i | tiodrd the good 'news but the ene france of the tramp and the fing- ing of the morning ude die's pocket after he lad denied having seen it LJrovg him to bess out his nick Veourtiusher", The climax Yama when the once. rejected Danny obtined the hand of Nora 'and lived happily over "Nora 'Wake Up" will be repeats tonight, i rish brogue | geter od Paris, Mar, S0-Vronch wporis women should remain feminine gol wear trousers, & Parl court contluded to-day, creating & Prssaden recedent by ruling against Mme, folette Moriss, who brought sult for damages against the French Veminine Sports Federation for stribing her name off its member. ship list, In taking this action the federas tion complained that Mme, Mbriss wore masculine garb and used bad language. The court ruled that both practices were reprehensible in women or young girly and Jubt- {fled the federation's course, A new polishing preparation for {inoleum fills the pores so that they do not absorb Ink sports and fruit and other stains. ------ The London-Karachl alr mall sorvice Las been extended to Dalh! and extensions to Calouttn and Rangoon are comtemplated.: ANADIAN PACIFI CAMNADAS ' GREATEST STEAMSHIPS ' : SAILINGS FROM ST, JOHN, N.B, To Glasgow: Belfast:Liverpool xApril 4 ..v¢ Duchess 'of Richmond eApril B sanssivininiines Minnedoss "April 3 cesses Duchess of Bedford sAPHL 17 ibiniinnin iin Melita xApril 18 wus aes Duchess of York *April 25 iii iii Duchess of Atholl x Calls at Liverpool only » Does not call at Belfast * Does not cull at Liverpool Te | mptoncAntwerp + Montrose Londen « Metagama Ham wanda favs oni Montelare satin Montéalny W YORK Arh ® AOM' "ree of Yo H nag va China:P 7 13 chiara or ik Bune ries of Canslly wav iy Empress of Rumsls 1 aan at Hotolld \ April 2 APH fo w i She Be Roe Remedy For dy for TORONTO AS WORST DRIVERS INTHE WORLD Toronto, March 27 .-=The a ol "having the worst driving habe its of any city in the world" rests on the motorists of Toronto, It wan put there last night by Attorney-General W, H, Price in ajkAddrons before the joint spnual eting of the Ontario ¥afety League and the Canadian National Satety League In the King Edward Hotel, "Walk along the streets at any time, and you will see for your~ well," the Attorhey-Ueneral told an nudience of safety oxperts from all parts of thy Domnion, "The disposition to cut corners is worse than in any city that 4 know," he declared, "It is the prastest Jnennce to safety, If an improv t wos made, it woulo lesson Tatalitios, Wo are sntitied (0 ask for an improvement.' REGULARS WIN Tarpon Spr! rings, Wi ik Mare 27. felare Q'Netll always 18 ready & pew wrinkle on his ofl nan otfort to break the sonttan at training, The pilot of the made yosierday's practice a between the regulary and irregular déeidedly. interest. 6 vein. sont the bat first and made Jugiaer 27 put-outn belfors they k their turn in the offensive ot It meant stendy tejlin Lhe pitchers, but gave Nick son an Shportunt ty to show his boss tha 15 all ready. Harrison, ehucking for the regu. lars, went what would have boon tive innings in ¢ regular gaine, He allowed but one hit and issued only one pass. Not at any time did the irrogulars appear dangerous, Harrison's speed snd curves com- pletely baffling Rabbitt, Sheedy, Harris, O'Neill and Phillips, After Fisher rolleved Herrison the devogulars put on a batting splurge, in which they scored three runs. Bedore hit a double and King smacked the ball fer three bases during the rally, irreguiers to the tegulars mo SUSPICIOUS "Decidedly a suspicious. hoki follow," muttered Mr. Smith. the Smith family gathered In he drawing-room focused their attention on & shabby man who wis eyeing the house furtively, "I guess he's a burglar. raconnolts erin, Thus 16-year-old Charlie, hampton ustralia UVE - C, Hodg! Veco Bmpress of Asie nip or Ji NAeraY, General Be andi Puli Bg . Toronto "More likely one of Madge's ad: nirers," drawled 20-year-old Albert, Mother, nlways chariable, did not Wink the young man looked like a riminal, "Father," whispered Charlie, "he's wmking for the side door" Father looked 'uneasy, "Come on, Albert," he said, with foreed apright. liness, "Let's spe what his game i" They found the young man leaning over the side gatesssnifing "You the boss here!" ho asked Mr. Smith, OFFICERS' BANQUET 5 FEATURED BY ANNOUNCEMENT Continu bd trom Page 8) Col, ry meron and Uol Frank Chou, w were also present, The outstanding feature of tho evening war the SRiAL any uno ment of the prometion of ne 'to the rank of el and to the command ol 10 regituent. a Amnon ment, made by Ashton, was received with A me oheers, and the new colonel hao on nim By Sok. Chappell, Brida el. up » majoe of Yue infantry b 6 AH the lator speakers exp aor on athe T he Best i Preminm in America At Usual Coal Prices Produced PECULIAR GAME for aryl The Toying was. found slain in her bed, March 45, and hor husband, an employee mmr Tove show Mrs, W. James of Otawn, who of the. Ottawa Street Rallway, Win, Nielson, 02 house painter, is alleg. ed by police to have confessed to the erime, nw congratulation to Col, who, bearing his honors modestly, oxprossed his high sppdecintion ot the hongr, and said that, in recelv- ing it, he looked upon it as a furthes or opportunity to serv' the Ontario Legiment, Hoaginy, Congratulates Regiment, Thos 4) quarters, M.D, No, 2, was ably pro- posed by Major I. B. ¥mith, and rosponded to by (General Ashton, who congratulated iment on to Juifhary Hepnd- wb taro Pradi- the its «pylon tions' and history, and expressed the desire of the permanent pte: Lo at all times give Its very est apristance to, the non-permanent militia, E) / Col, Merizberg, (1.8.0, of the dis- triot, in #™witty speech, prpoosed the tonst to the 2hth Infantry brig. nde, and the respmise was made by Col. R. B, Conover, the officer somimanding the brigade, Col, Ri Rpoades 'proposed the Loast to the Untario Regiment, and Col, McLaughlin responded in very happy "speech, Hesponses were ulso Aa la by Col. Hodgins, and by Col, Harry Cameron, who stressed the vajue of miftin train. ing, not only uh 6 meuns ot buila- ing up citizenship, but also as » preveututive of war, Urges Alrport The toast to the City of Oshava and the County, of Ontario was proposed by Major-Gefieral Mac Brien, who took advantage of the opportunity to urge upon Oshawa the necessity of having an airport In the dear future, Mayor Mitchel) for the city, and Owen Davies tor the county, responded, Col, Chappell proposed a toast to the Canadian Legion, and the response to this toant wid, made by M. Mcintyre Hood. The final toast, that to the guests, was proposed by Cuptain Pearson of the Ontario Regiment, snd responded to in happy terms by It-Genersl Sir George Cory and by Major General, Usrnet Hughes, { The roasumaster of the evening was Lieutenant | Angus Mitehell president of the officers' mess. The dinner was In every way « brilliant and outstanding success, and visiting officers from many paris wf Ontario exprossed their high appreciation of the splendid hospitality tendered to them by their hosts, BISCUITS and at Ors 24 WESTON'S When a Circus Comes to Town About the only thing they leave bohind is what it cost to feed them, Net so with Superior [chain Stores. They are here to stay; to spend thelr money In the Home Town and to take their port in every enterprise that goes to better the community.' No wonder Superior Stores have grown in a very short time to the largest Group of Bervice Stores in Ontario. The consum- ing Public appreciates this fact more and more every day and realises that by trading with thelr neighbors and fellow cities rons they are helping themselves and thelr community. MILLIONAIRE SARDINES + "Fish, She Is Very Small" } for 29¢ FLOOR WAX One Pound 8ize 430 . pp---- F- - % "SOAKS DIRT OUT" 2 Pkgs. 19¢ LIFEBUOY HEALTH SOAP 3 'Cakes 19¢ PORK & BEANS CLARK'S No. 2 Sise Squat Tine Chateau CHEESE 2 for 17¢ BABBITT'S Cleanser "Wholesome and Nutritious It Spreads or Slices 3b. 19 | Package PALMOLIVE SOAP 2 Cakes: 18¢ SWIFT'S JEWEL SHORTENING 1 1b, Carton 17¢ rt STARCH Eg v q ! tink BENSON'S Red Cobos Corn Delmals, "OF the-Cob" »% SOUPE w Aylmer except. Obloken, 8 for CHEESE Finest Loat per Ib, 880 MUS! Frouch's, por jar dc' ha == Vanilla or Lemon 2 or LEE ER EEE EERE NEE) BRAN FLAKES=~Post's, Q pigs, for BARC ERA NAN ee POTATONS. Qniatie No. 1 BALI SALES ee Sk Lt for sabi hom OLIVES == Muon Jars .. 91¢ SALMON «= Rod. Gohos Ll LE ERY 830 Cr frre ROYAL YORK BROKEN ORANGE PEKOE TEA IN ALUMINUM PACKAGE wade i 1b. 38¢ 7 Bars of (P.&G. SOAP |. VEhe Whie - Naptba. and 3 Cakes of CASTILE SOAR FOR 35¢ . od w hy 3 10 12 on 186 TT wanssnnnannuannannsennanl ES --------

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