Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Mar 1930, p. 5

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' Tem DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 1930 PACE FIVE Interests in the Home + . and the C ommun ity Notes for the Social oli and bess the name and to ; and Mrs, J, ¥, Owens ot To: Wy were Suskia of oo ny Fit Prank Cha Pheatre Bol i. Mrs, John ©, Wailer, Srelivtora, 18 the guest of her sister, Mys, Wil» Ham Watloe; Agnes pireet, Mr, and Mrs, It, 8, Melaughiin will entertain at dinner tomorrow evening and will afterwards go 00 to the Little Theatre play, Mr, and Mrs, Nelson Baird, and family, Drew ' street, were the | guests of Mr, Baird's sister, Mrs, fan "Heal and Mr, Resi, of Blackwater, on Sunday,' Mrs, R, Osldwell of Voterbor- nah, spent Jhondnf with Mr, and Mrs, J, W, Caldwel Bond street, The guests of Mrs, L, H, Pearce, ot} Ingnra Folly, © Ontario Inst weike ond were Mrs, W, Fonkin and datghter Violet, of ay, and Mri a [ Mrs, William Fasery and Edythe Kenneth of Courtlge, Ontario, One this eceasion there were four generations of the family = present, These were the great grandmother Mes: Pearee, the grandmother Mrs, issery and her daughter and grands | tania NEW SPRING COATS AND DRESSES Many styles to Shots. Jon. Our prices are righ THE FASHION SHOPPE #4 Bimeoe Bt, §, EE saad Chiffon Full Fashioned HOMERY Ar ATKINS HOSIERY & SHOP LINGERIE | Noar Cor, Hing & Kimeoe St, TaEe, O other. Moms. of main Hon the ial or tants No "the paper, daughter Mrs, W, 0, Tonkin and Violet, n The ¥ onl Women's Mission Cle~ ele of the Firsg Baptist Church held thelr re H monthly meeting. in the form of a supper and work heckling ab six Afton, last evening, Miss Rice the president, presided, After the supper Al prosant aosinted with he work plgnnag for the evening which wis making hospital bandages, Mes, 1, Sutherland, psn, enisritined A nun lends of her mother, Mrs: Sarah Germond, on the occasion of Ther ninetieth birthday, yesterday afters noon, The combined C.GLT, groups of St. Andrew's church entertained at # ten In the church pardours yesters day afternoon from four. thirty untit | ¥ six=thirty, The annusl social evening of the Local Home and School Counell was held last evening in the Centre Bireet Mohool puditorium, All mem- bers of the gounell were 'present and thelr guests were friends and the members of the executives of the different Home and Sohool Clubs of the sity, Mrs, R, §, Mc- Laughlin, president of the councll was chairman for the programme which consisted of musical num bers, Those taking part ware: Mrs, Holden, Mrs, Geo, Fleming, Mr, R, Holden, Miss V, Vert y, Mrs, ing street r of thy Hallitt and My, Paul Verland, Fol- lowing the programme the guests played cards and there were a num- ber of contests, Mrs, O, D, Friend was convener of the entertainment committee, Towards the end of the evening delicious = refreshments were served, The guests at the gooinl numbered shout 70, rom-- Finds Platinum Bracelet Lost in Flower Beds Brampton, Ont, March 26~=(C.P) «A garnation grower At loeal con- servatories, while at work, discovere/| a valuable platinum bracelet set with diamonds and' sapphires, as he was watering a carnation bod. The brage- let wan embeded in the dirt, und was turned over by the foree of the || water, Ma wilh Kee ib ussell vators a wd she MR ht the eon BE or folk + oe found ule and Ttatlan Shinbone are inpnt In Europe th ring, has a anton photography a roperty of Mrs: woul oronto, lost It - rar i li, Ll ' m sour . mn eon aall it indigontion, It Bene hn he RL 1% iro in exces Re PRY 10 correet it 1g with an alkall which neutrals {aes many times its volume In acid, ght way Is Phillips' Milk pla---just a tasteless dose t Mol out and harmless, It od t standard with phytidints in the 50 years since its invention, It Is the quick method, Results come almost instantly, §t is the approved method, You Will never use another when you know, Be sure to get the genuine Phil- oy Milk of Magnesia prescribed hysiolans for 60 years in core 4 ng excess acide, Each bottle Sota full directions=any drug. store, BSTRAWS At 148 ©8380 & $400 y sd ra nd apne Bangs (Top), in strikingly new lines and silhouettes, in of sli ond hyo nw comb, From These | 'Young Peop 's Meet gs " R YOUNG PEOVLE'S The regulur weekly m the Young Veople last bo: made historionlly interestin Addrees given by Mr, A, chairman of the Oshawa Board of Kducation, Mr, Bell's story centred around the romantio figure of KI Comans tho, whose associations with. the Ijfe of the early west was revealed on address delivered to a group of men in the Royal York Hotel Inst December, Me, Boll who was privileged to be one of that group destribed him OF & men whose appearance In every respect betokened the lite exporionge of the frontiersman, As & young man of 21 in the yon 1869 he had crossetl the Misslssipps river and had entered the great young West In search of kdventure, With 'a small group of compan Ions he had contracted to furnish the surveying and construction parties of 'the now Buftington Route Rallroad with fresh ment supplies, The thrilling experiences and as sociations which were the natural sequence of such a contract in a land where lawlessness was ramp: {nt proved (0 be a story remenis 'cont of the world of Zane Urey, made doubly foreeful by the as surance from Mr, Bell of the Aue thentieity and stralghtforwardness with which thd words of the tale Stine from the lips of Bl Coman- ano, Mr. Bell pointed out in closing the appreciation he felt for an en- vironment that lifted young people from the possibility of i in thos | which although rampant in those days are unfortunately part of our present day eivilisation, A vote of thanks was extended by My, Marks for tne informative and helpful address, CHRIST CHURCH A, Y. PF. A. On Monday evening the regular weekly meeting of the Christ Church JY. PA, was held at the Parish Hall, The business of the evening took wp about an hour and a halls It was decided that the association would enter the dramatic contest und pre- sent a half hour play. This contest will be held In the near future, It was also deelded to put on another concert hefore the sensou closes, Gemies and contests were plaved after the business meets ng. ---- ER WOMEN ARE LESS AFRAID THAN MEN OF BEING SILLY Toronto, Ont, Mar, 20,(C.P)== Are women loss afraid than men of being thought silly! Miss Kathleen Courtney, outstand. Ing pensd worker of Great Britain, gave it as her opinion possibly that is the reason why women have been among the leaders In the fine move ment, beginning with the Hague cons ference, when they drew up resolu thong promoting peace in the midst f the Great War, Sha was, speaking at the luncheon "ven In her honor by the Women's nternational League for peace and ata, and the League of Nations So The Similarity between the resolu tions drawn up at the Women's in- .ornational conference at the Hague and President WiHsan's 14 points wore noted by the speaker, She did not, Stan that the) tier, Wore ao 0 WAY, recalled that a ' tamer where, Proaldent Wilson wih heated n a to Jane Addams, head of the Women's Interpational League, he showed a very solled pa- per and asked her if he might have another copy of the resolutions, as his was very nearly worn out, In thanking Miss Courtney, Miss Agnes MacPhail, M.P,, paid tribute to the efforts of British women, a- recing with the speaker that, al ough the government reflected the bo on of the publig, it was neces: sary that they first have heropinion Radio Beautiful Thing, But It Io's Nulsance ky) March eC WP) "Who wrote in 1809 of h ; reason, The 4 ¢ ovo and leav re all you mil hows it the same eve re seems to be no he "im will hen 1 y jougers 1 think a ~ bea itu) tue tin stop it nit te AN an STILL HOPE FOR !' CANADIAN NURSES IN CIVIC HOSPITALS Positions in Detroit Hospit- als Hard to Fill If Can. adians Leave Windsor, Onty Mee 2 Ci Ps Ye Representations made to the Der troit Common Council raised the hope that provision may yet be made to suve the positions of the Canadian nurses in the employ of the honrd of heufth of that shy, In a letter to the council, Dr, Carl ¥, Buck, epi demioligist of the board, again point ed out the serious situation that would: result If the Council's policy of discharging all alien employes were carried into effect In connee- tion with the board, Dr. Buek stated that he had found It vietuully impossible to replace the 108 nurses who would he dismissed in conformity with the council's pol , He stated that there are 300 ap- of entions on file for hurting positions yut there are only 27 of these who have not indicated that they would refuse to undertake institutional work, Of these 14 American nurses have falled to Indicate what would be their attitude toward such sery- Iga' in connection with tubereulosis and other contagious diseases; The board, Dr. Buck's letter sald, has advertised over all parts of the United States tor nurses to do such Bishop J, A, O'Shea of Deep River, ghubans) 2 of band ri Shove American Catholis missionaries, wi are. surrounded by Chi "ro? troops at Kanchow in Klangsl ines, too remote, it Io re » Yor relief by American forees, work and has recelved no applica tions, In the department, lve of the two hospitals, there are '41 nonseiti- ren nurses. Of thee), 24 gvere train. ed outside of the United States, und 2) of these are Canadians, In Her. man Kiefer Hosplial, there are 52 allan nurses, of whom 50 were train ed wbroad, 48 of them In Canada, Allen nurses in the William Mayber. ry Sauntorium number 12, of whom nine are Cianadinpfrained wd "only 3 recelved thelr education In the Uni. ted States, 'WOMEN'S /CORNER| A CHINESE TEA PARTY A novel form of refreshment for afternoon, and a welcome break in toa-time monotony st any time, is the Chinpse ten, says a London paper, The scheme may extend itself to the decorations, lanterns, incense bowls aud Chines, flowers, It the correct atmosphere Is to be maintained, the farniture shouid consist of wide couches, window: sents and stools, Tables and chairs should be temporarily banished, The repast must be served on Ohiness "teapoys,!' those Amall trays thet are like miniature tables with thelr legs ont short, When properly made and served nothing is more delicious or re freshing than Chinese ten, likewise nothing is less agreeable than this ten badly made, The tea bowl or pot should be rinsed In hot water, and the tea sheuld be made ime modiately. the water reaches the exact bolling point, To each tea. spoonful of tea allow a eup of bolls ing 'water, The tea should steep for three minutes and then be poured right off the leaves---this is most important, Many people prefer sweetened tea, and in this case little Chinese mgared flowers should be used iu- stead of ordinary sugar, Lemon, CUrAWAY seeds, Or CTOAM may be added it preferred, hut the genuine ted oonnolaweur will prefer to drink the decoction "neat" The famous almond oakes usu. ally served with tea in China are made as follows: Take two cups of rice flour, quarter cup of als mond oll; halt oup of chopped al mounds, and one and halt oups of powdered sugar, Mix two oups of roe tlour, ane and a half of powd: ered sugar, and halt a cup of blanched almonds ohopped very fine, When 'thoroughly mixed, work in the almond oll, Molsten with two well beaten eggs, Use no water, If too stiff, use another ofr. Roll about a guarter of an inch thick And cut in fancy shapes, Place half an almond in the centre of each cake, and bake for one hour In a moderate oven, The cakes will keep for several days it pinced in an airtight tin, The Gum Lu, or gold cakes, are also inseparable from tea served In the Chinese mode, ake one and a balt cups of rice tlour, two teas spoontfpls of gooss fat, one cup of honey, one-fifth of a cup of chop- ped mixed nuts, two yolks of ogg, pinch of salt, Add salt to rice flour and work In two teaspoons tuls of clarified goose fat, Add finely-chopped nuts and beaten-up yolks of eggs, Mix all together and add lastly oup of honey, If the mixture is too moist, add more flour, Htir thoroughly for ten or fifteen minutes, pour inte lttie onke pans which have been olled. Bake Jb hours in a slow oven, | MARCH The sun falls warm; the southern winds awake, The alr seethes unward steamy shiver; Bach dip of the road Is erystal lake, And every rut a river, Through great Woft clouds sunder overhead The deep sky hreaks blue as summer; Out of a cleft beside the river's bed Flaps the black erow, the first demure noweomer, The Inst seared drifts are eating fant away, With glassy tinkle into glittering laces; Dogs Us Miisep and little children play With tops and marbles in the suns bare places, And I stroll with many a thought pause, Almost forget Was, «~Arohibald Lampman, with a now a Iittle daneing that a8 pearly that winter ever HOME RENOVATION The ooxy home begins to real stutfy with the advent of bright sunshine and warmer days, To give It a cool, clean, restful ap~ pearance, put away all unneces- sary things, such au heavy drapers fos, ruge and tapestries, Clean them before you store them, that they may be ready for use next fall, bor because solled spots are ikely 'to be attheked by moths, Wash such fabrids with a Jukes era | 0 pura || An Elizabeth Arden Treatment is based on threo fundamental steps = Cr vghin oi] Whi I dun With Arden Ardea Nin Houle aad and 1 Astringent ola: warm suds made trom mild soap; avold rubbing and hang on the line dripping, Remove all the furniture from rooms and thoroughly clean walls, floors, baseboards, window and door frames, door knobs and light fixtures, Then furnish the room With dainty ruffled curtains, furs niture covers of gay cretonnes and ohints, grass and braided rugs These will give a cool atmosphere to the room and will be easy to) care for during the summer, NEW EYEGLASS TOUCHES KYW Consisting of a thin lens, which is worn In direct contact with the srehatl and kept in place by the upper and lower eyelids, a new kind of oyéglass hans notred in Kiel, Germany. It was perfected by a Kiel professor, and ls praoH, onlly tmperchptible. AIR TAXIS 10 ALL RUROPH Alr-taxl service to all parts of Europe har just heen inaugurated, and already bookings are being made even to remote places, The Tare in an low an 10 cents a mile and the promoters elalm that this is even cheaper than traveling by rail or boat, issn se -- WOMEN MEN WARE our PROPAGANDA Armed With buckets att mops, hurried lndign fro Propagduda on Hehal of T. J. Murphy, the eam" candidate. L} 20 YAluanl. fea ition atole! Aong 20 ile of Major Hartley HL at Busaox, nuh, him, SH aie hy "Seo by Go Goldeniith, and "snoch ani and "Maud," by Tennyson, HE THOUGHT "I'll, never come sp close , 10 you agalo," Yet, to be polite, HE SAID "I can enjoy your music better across the room," Another admirer lost for Janet . . all because of "B.0O" HAT .a bitter disappointment the evening had been! Allen had been politeness itself, But somehow, Janet knew she hadn't made # good impression on this new admirer, Whose fault? Junet didn't know then, But there's no "B, 0." == no body odor robbing her of popularity now. Let her tell you what she learned about this treacherous fault and the easy way to end it by keeping perspiration odorless. No "B.0." at any time now "Like everybody else, I perspire more freely in summer. But I never dreamed I was guilty of 'B. 0. at any time. Lifebuoy (Body Odor) "Now I realize why. We become ine sensitive to ever-present odors, /But the pores constantly give off odor<ausing waste--as much as a quart daily, "So Lifebuoy's my only toilet soap now, And Ilove it! No other toilet soap has ever made me feel so completely, thrillingly cleans=and safo--as Lifobuoy. Its refreshing, antisoptio lather purifies pores so deeply, 'B. 0." is impossible. "How clear Lifebuoy keeps my skin, too. And it's a real safeguard against germs, Lilobuoy's pleasant, extra-clean scent, that vaniehes as you rinse, thils you it purifies." Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto, ey HEALTH SOAP stops body odor a, AS Ensemble Leads Daytime Mode for Town and Resort In Righawelghit Woolens; Crepe Silk and Jorse plain By ANNETTE to line This swagger tweed cont in| sleeves, stralghtling with belted , waistline in fashionable green coloring, does double duty, dor it may ako be worn A 0 Separate SPOrts coal, The sports dress of fat slik crepe b fn harmoniging green shade may al #0 be worn without the coat, Style No. 231 includes the pattern for dress and coat, It Is deauned in sleos 16, 18 20 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches, bust, The dress In a slip-on typo with new short kimono sleeves finished and trim, carefully, a -- a --™h collar into revers, 'They employ the silk crepe which is the cout und for The dress may also he wool erepe which is uded tor lining Pattern price 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin is preferred), We suggest that when you send for pattern, you enclose 10 cents ud ditional for a copy of eur néw Spring Fashion: Magasine, just off the Press PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON Fo. Top Cehawa OSL Times Potten fsiosed nd Lg Hg aa LIT] ) also used cuffs of wees sire Ld made' of Namy Address Tows Wrap coin Provinces EN halls Roveraing the.aeder in style,,6 roso satin hat boa big brim faced with natural loghora, straw, ofl with tuensback cuffs, The collarless neckline has tn inset band of white pique, The front, of the bodies in decidedly modern in its pointed outs line: Kilted plaite at either side of skirt below hipling are insets, for this favorite dress is a one-piece affair A narrow belt Is worn at normal waistline, The fronts of the coat ure under: faced and rolled with the attached A ARS .

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