Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Mar 1930, p. 13

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n » THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 1930 \ PAGE THIRTEEY ED D SECT All ins 87 RE nd An =i Ty a 1 ' Lia LEE felt one ay (ge Soa 10 lon, REER sere, EL, Ah Sak rhotion, 8% King Sk Y bo hv a Bi (HH Cana wh, Pory i ' : an) Hed (Mar, 4=1 mo) A T PARKHILE, BARRISTER eta, Money [J] loan, Alger Nida, opr Leslie Foi ast Offiee, Phone 161 Medical i Disney Blocks Phone "060, Office hours » 8m, to 40 pm, Dr, B, J. Harlawood, special attention to Surgery and X-Ray! Dr, B, MH, Hare fF, spedial attention te ehildven's Diseases "and Obstetrien, Hunday and night ealls 2414 or 109, BT ome) on Sree JJurk so oh " (eon | rock) PHYAT tat rician. Oftice and Blmeos street north, OWN, PRYST ii ian offle Simcoe Street, eciallat HH Br i Yar Sore oath 'h WAAAY, pn, for sol tation at dln gen of gar, Nn and threat nly, a nia may be made wt & V8) = oil ah & ) A ie venlng ¢ phone REG QVRR hore w i 800 0 Lan fe hi 3 41 het Phone 084, 10 lish? fur ORY Ae, Fev va ¥ R cheaper, moving or conts up. Try ua distance, Eagle EXP KT a tv Pain and ronto, moderate Prioeh bl MARC Ings and Haturda 147 Agoes { follto) pite 3 Als: 8 lam street wast, W (} anist oh treet Un musie, For pe William street east m bin oe HE ae GF ofl, evs reasonal \ tar tharyed, Tie oa "orn ql " alo Par Ed a { wah ig Tov 4 0 fin No: 1, ubove Dr, wi 0, Mar ef 10 Rava Nr L) Sole mast ted Chureh wi pupils in plano, Organ: abd voou wo BR: tory ore and Keb iH hes a tie m i (Te LJ Lo 2 ger Bork. Pb Midene Ny a.) MIor Vo LATE OF r, Ki Tor 2 HA at ding in) ony ? +1 Wo) JIL, B00, ye, Mrs WK, street, Phone Mag 20-1 mo) Lh wit of. Kin, 2000! wrisles, 44 hy i i ik | 06 Bagot Breet, 1) CINE ENT BLOCKS FOR BALE A x ali All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc. | sTRicTy CASH IN ADVANCE nie rule hes bers found necessary because of €x loss arising from handling a large number of small assounts of this nature, For thy danvatisnes 0 ole w come pe and 1} ho find is inconvenient mes' 'office, a telephone call will bring » i Ad fhe will 'receive the advertisement and collect for same, -------- ---- "Times" Classified Ads Bring "Results Telephone 35 AK FOR CLAMPED AD DEPARTMENT Work Wanted «UPHOLSTERING, HESTER! (Br RAS Kb pA KS Cl on A ih pt [(h 0) ARMING D a HOM MW 3] by relinbler ih watintaotion |v Priess moderate, Ind ranteod, bs i" (140) formaiion phone yang, y cleaning, and repair all got ' sailed for and delivered, Phone § (Mar, 1+) Mo) Building Supplies rompt delivery, ke A of delivery d YANoe s rl He phone 1018, Articles For Sale reel i Xp 1 OAD EE ay i eek Limite Waierous fry Meagher's ra io} condi ¢ on 5 yo at store, 03 Blmeos perth, ie 'gear, In goo horne #1, ANE og: hui Li o bed gonpitte. few curtailing Wo one Wy and oA 0a AA HAND ih Jang 1 ™ {Mar 1 wo) 3 a a eS. For Rent APANTRENT,: "suk WK, HONEY hile suites, Syme furnished, aun: M Dry Cleaning "IK ®| DRYTOLEANING, PINARING, DYy ing 1304 Kivg Biren West, Phone a" y (Mar, b 0, «| dollars up | 10" PM Phone Wolden 0 FON" TENTS i dry, convenienves, ¢lag dryer, wh ole0' stoves, 8leo retriveration water your round, Phone thi or aw (WL FOUR AND FIVE HOUMEDL MUD orn Suligs, thel aise rie Rais (4 orition, ion el wr ol wy } Qo owner, Wl) a be' Triets APARTMENT TO WN ¥ 'busivess 1] Hlootrie 9 Kitohen onbiust, combination oink aud laundry tub, refrigera: tor, Newly decorated, Nteam heat Possession May, 40 per month, Hox ns Times, (are) 0 | RENT WELL | URNS Li D bedroom for busiipess Jady or. young girl, With sy or without Lord 418 Albert St, Oshawa, (710) 10 RENT=FOUR ROOM APART: ment, wll conveniences, new building, reasoniabble price, Slingo St, Nouth Plone 117 lg) TOUR" ROONTD™ HOUR "Eh kent, furnished or. unfuenished, ml @nveniences, 19 Burke Si. (71) FOR RENT = VAC ANT Drow, Division, Colborne, Nommerville, Burke, Warren, waotion, NOW = nes, ahi Nee Murdogh for these Warren: Ave, (le) TO" RENTS FIVETROUNT YONG A low, All AON VOD ION00S, Apply 84 Buckingham Ave, (fie) RENTETWO™ TORRISED bedrooms, suitable for tho youn 137 | Indies or gentlemen, Closd to Mots 0) ors, Phone "RED0J, ARR HT Li 4 EY 10 Tab EVEN rent, $05, Near Usnera iotote aTIwW, ment and privirte bath, Usturnighs od lange rooms Good | distriet, Reasonable, 18 Gladatons Ave, (The) | TO RENT TAND path, hardwood for, oe tlastrie fixturen Apply arlowe, § A pst Mit He iy ren Avenue, RN 4 Park Road { oom G or Sntuthished rooms siltable d Altting rooms or light houges on Stnbinignees, also ihe Lor mn in central wx suite build furhished it Seaicod, newly ¢ ated; eleotitie stove, Janitor aorvioe dT elinte posm sion, Phone, 1400, (19) Rates | Claacitied yy Firat toertion=1 4 conn POF WON, ] Miplmum charge 800, 1 ! | | 1 Mh Ns | vw Lo tive Ll Et os RRs ) Ly i To AFI HOGWED Potort igs sre re Mi FARTS | 149 | lL | (708) Apply 111 Golborne , ) fiat for rent, Three rooms, Wired tor sleoirig stove, Hardwood floor, Apply to 251 Desrhorn Ave, (701) TO TONEE=TWE™ FORNNTRAED housekeeping rooms, Jverything inelude nahh linens and dishes, Phone 8044 (70 bathroom fiat, Modern oonvenis "oneos, Tent FossonALle, North nd, ' r BOAIW. 4) wv AEM), rant ransonable, Also hres Foland rooms, Apply Mrs pH so (817 Oslina rw 1 ol ions wary five. roomed Apa ments in the W, C, Hulchesen Juliding, oppostie: GMC, Bmploy Ul {ll Avaliable at buon, 104 William [1] (1 (700) p A lomo; bedroom and Wing room, will furnished and all modern co venlences, or Pp wpariment conveniences with garage, In quiet home: 261 Arthur street, VYhone (748) TO" RUNT=SWALL VORNTSARD or unfurnished apartment, in wood ot | home and Incultty, reasonable rent, Hox 849 Times, ( NOUN TOR wn, gloss In, Phone 1506) 72) TR SH A I i For E FOUR Tou SAND J two. sbven roomed brick Oshawa uses, Agnes Bt, for exchange, would eonbider Peterboro property, Apply partignlary Weber Drug Store, wrhero, uITY IN first; five 40 eight roomed house, Good Joaslity, Gonvouienoes, Ape ply Box Edd Times, (T¥e) w ENTS UN olght Eobm house, vioke to Motors, Nanthd May 14, good tennant, Apply Box 045 Times, oh ih) WANTEN TO RENT=UNPUR: ished rdBm downstairs, ly ox AE Times, 1110) or or nge DUFTER OUST TOR SALE ON exchange, separate entrances, all golf venlences, paved sirbet;, double gary ae Hardwood floors, Apply Box S48 Times (73¢) For Sale or Rent room Jiouse, large Wd Wade, Phola | te For | Sale FON RAL = TIMI AUR lots, Cheap: Close to Vshawa, mall Oash payment, Kany Lorms, Apply 140 Agnes Bt, (18a) oom and HET. Dt) {0 ontortabls home, Private rain. onteel, Phone 1050" FURNTEARD ROC TIT 14 {gnees. adoard if desired, (Amey TCE KOO Torneo Gibb rooms with "private bath and oe tranes, With or without beard, A180 Centre Hi, Phone 3114), (Tie) "Holp--Wanted Mais A UN OFFICE J boy toe messenger work, Apply (Y1d) | Ovent al Textiles, LH) AAS J) gar 10F, Week ond Give phone num ber to Hox 345 Times 73h) omale start aa Junior in Bookkeeping Dept; of looal firm, Apply In writs aiating educations ap WIRTH mald tor, Jat tations) work, Musk have Yelerenoces, io the, Bm. Cunt ) = iN DRSE m A Lara is or or alow Liv bu RL a we Fn THEE " 1 \ A % 3% Bond trent \ one J th 3 0 blog from business WD i on 'grou toor, All ui o) terfield sulie, diyohette, d | anid Bdmund Riohard Holmes ,who FOR SALE OR WENT JIVE! trap-nesied breadors, §, C, White pany Be a forks white satus," Oh 0 oi Phone: 4 for logue, Oshawa tehery "i Poultry rm, 4p oad Nort Single pr double, 404 Ritsop Rony N oh, (700) oon Home Cooked Mets | wy ou ¥ ples, sioak and or sold a od oto, oto, Frank hah 9, 9 Preet. Phone bl " wall 300 Hoa id to yield eight Times, . Lost oud FOR = YC rion Jon y=é Lovell, King street, , Anyone hav. Ing same after. this date' will be Prosecouted, Reward 'for intormas thon Leading to itn recovery, Phone h » (710) "Austion ale oe tions" from. Mr, Lyle to sell at 143 Colbourne Bt, Hest, Oshawy, gn Sate urdsy Mareh win | 1930, 3 ple ( he [ ning room waite; 6 beds, 4 4 dressers, kitchen cab net, 4 tables, ehalrs, cough, cloak, eookstove, ' conloll stove, cooking utensils, large sereen, congolium rugs, hallrack, other things too numerous to mention, Sale at one thirty pm, Torms cath, W, J, Bulley, suction @ (72¢ ) RVING RCE IVE TNE TR OC, tions from Mike Btasie to sell ut 67 Third . Avenue, Dshawn, on Friday, Marel 28th, 1930, one plane, radie, bhookease, 8 plece hand, oak dining room suite, kitehe cabinet, eombin ution conl and gas seokstove, Quebe heater, library table, floor lamp, new Simmons bed complete, | ron bed, cof, dresser, kitchen chairs, cooking utensils, other things foo numerous to, mention, Sale #t one thirty pm, Terms cash, WW, J, Bulley, auctions oer, (72h) sured, on ene ounty, ~~ Discounted per cont, Hox Bi (71¢) PIRIN DUCK" WOON ot ¥ og ) #1 per setting Aree Mole, Coyrtles, Ontar)s GVEW | [as ¥ Y ED HARDWOOD VIOVRK LAID BY 0 | Storm doars, Ge Ho contenctors, DMAPALS AT AT ron or ighting impending Youth and up Roldi ding the ing of the thes: tra, that Why or must go on," Edmund Abbey, long a beloved favorite of Tovento thasire au dienses, collapsed at the close of the Saturday night "performanes, Beill in. sostume and makeup, he was removed to his heme; where he died Sunday, He was a grad: uste of Upper Canada college and the University of Toronto, and » former Kingston hoy, Resently ill health prevented his acespting the vole of "Risheliew" In a Now ork redabtion Ee --_-- AAEs BXPEIE ME HANI " Id floors finished © like new windows, vombination « Wi HAYNES, he --" n INO r § 101 King Se Vs Phone 481 _---- HARDWOOD | LOORK LAID Blootrlo Banded and Finish fH od Complete WwW, 4. TRICK CO, 1ID, wo Albert Btroot hone #30, 431 atl AY et p. i NOTICE TO CREDITORS wank IN THE MATTER of the Estate of Rdmund Richard Holmes, Inte of the City of Oshawa, In the sount of Ontario, Accountant, des NOTICN I HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having olaims or demands against the Hstate of the died on or about the Sind day of January, A.D, 19840, at the Qlity of Oshawa In the County of Ontario, are required on or before the 10th (Tie) | 'Hob the wi ne a oR hn 1 8 0). day of April, 1000, to wend by post prepaie, or deliver to William Mervin 'Holmes, R, R, No, 1 Glen Cros, Ont, or Wilson Menry, RR, No, § Orangeville, Ont, Adminise yey a of the Estates of the maid sed, og to Mobert David vans Rt Qringeriti Ont,, Bolloitor for he aiid Estate, theie Christian NAMEN and surnames, addresses "Cory COTTAGR" 0 rooms and kitehen, garage, and 8 acres good garden land, 10 fralt teoen, WM mile from Lake, 034 miles from Oshawa, mall. delivery,' phone, ¢loss to school and ohureh, Bargain $1,000, halt oash, balance onsy, DISNRY Phone 1050 LUMBER ¥. L, BEECROFT Whithy Lumber and Wood Yard Phone Oshawa DO Whitby 18 Ww. DD, BAYLEY Diveetov of temperance , edusation in Manitoba, who is loaned to Outarta for nn fow days ap the vouysest of Ny Henry Drayton, Hauoy control hoard chairman, hn order that ha may demonstrate how Manitoba teaches tempers neo to its school children, Young Author (casuslly); I was written in my odd moments, ditor; Could I nes something you've written in your lucid inter ville? Be - dat BYESIGHT BPECIALINY Specinlising enslusively in muscle anomalies oretiah) and {ra Ww b= Fhongib Disney Block Owponis Bart Oey Drink , Delicious Kara Coffee Always Fresh at Superior Chain - | Stores MONEY. LOANED All Dealings Confidential MOTOR LOANS AND Dif COUNTS 1D, Felt Ulook Hoom 8 [hone $790 and desgriptions, the full partious ate, In Writing, of thelr claims, a Atatement of thelr aecount and 'he nature of security, if any, held by them AND TAKE NOTION that after such last mentioned date the said Administrators will proceed to dis tribute the assets of the sald des osnaed among the parties sntitls od thereto, having régard only to W.A. HA OITOMNPIRINY 8 Bond Street East Hundreds of people wear with utmost comfore Hare's Panltions Lenses Rl the olaima of whioh they shall then have noties and that the sald Ads ministrators will not be Jdiable for the spid assets of any part thereof 10 Any person or persond of whose alalm or olaima notios shall not Have been received by them at the time of such distribution, DATED at Orangeville, ht this 18th "m of Mareh, AD, Wiliam Me fervin Holmes, 0, 1, Glen Cross, Ont, and Wilson Henry, Bag, hon i) W 0 hy rangeY) Ly n by Robert David W (thelw' Bolloitor "herein, (00:10:18) EL W Ee AA Notice to Creditors N ARMAN TTR OF SION VirAG OF BRoGRL NIN Thi HG or oo in oR given that all pete sond having any glaims against the Mie of rors Carman Rodd, lan lage od Fy we Po on or -- the 8 WY on thes Guiry i) AD, 1930 at by . Provi Wy of " ( by poe or to Araighed Ivan Rodd a. 10 pon | doe to Ho Crt: in oH d, ads min Mater ol estate of the sa te GO n Rodd, the yg an are an and full parti alars in aver g of their elabivn and statement Mh Qly ficou and the Rature 'or ih Ie ag if Ty held Bs rhe Hs 0) WW 0 - ha ny fer Ww Ady a he anety of th Jeoeased | ie ONS Ons a heme LE OW wi (his 35th day of . Oshawa Burial Co: Sugeossor to Disney-Colt AMBULANCE 87 Colina St. Phone 1088 byl Kog : ym er The Carew: | Lumber 74 Athol! Whibii Since covering, whieh they VHidgwood" areister a ng 8 VE Kit! the wi ) a Bi Years ago it' inde little differance about the reel .of a. he there was only oh 'mate a, : and that inateial was Codux. Shines, § then, produced | many substances but experimentation « has have heen tested, the have proyen: to ba whl, hey on ally were = experiments, Bo Jing The. beht roof today fs built ot Te Red Codur-Shingles , 1 a fixe vosisting, it Is Vin frst and last cost, and' is auRtantend : for forty years or more,

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