Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Mar 1930, p. 10

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 1930 ii pdreming was only vem aa hy pha Rand action of bys " Wi of Al men i od ! [} wink pout in of fis ote 8 | ne corr a 30 hed | ert ig gr ne oh Bystanders pushed a plank to him he managed to scrample to a shar was held unt the arrival of the 8 mas hed police, QUOR SITUATION INPROVES BUT U.S. ALCOHOL GETS IN Increase in Crime Note In Annual Police Report to Legislature (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) "Toronto, Mar, B6=~Inevesses in several of the more serious evime gntegorien were noted in the an- nual yo vt of the Ontario Froevine vial Police which was tabled Mon day In the Legislature, (LL cntions during 1080 totalled 18, 148, an increase of 1,688 over the figures for the preceding year, Increnses wera noted in the num. 'hor of murders, manslaughter har; offences Against wome automobile fatalities an drownings, Last year theve were 20 murders in the province compared 1a 14.0 1088; 28 manslaughter charges against 18; 83 suicides sgninst BA; sutomoblle fatalities totalled fuk while there were only Eg C0 TUME REGULATED gkok, March 26 Betore nding . hig. 4 port fosentl world Rats 4 - oh i A genland | recely ough Royal Ho eho fins Sos ud! 2 u he les oF 10 Y ] ghles of t Sakt 0 Fisghanty 0 # Royal Palace rounds, Their re-going sostaimes were regulated fe y tha 1 Wear ftted to se sou heared hit only time w horse set ho rin i when 3 Td Ere na Sos NOW s0AD 'Colgate SIE Sar in nae 1] pr RA acho ---- Launches Nowe Soap Sensation alg tome 4 a al ave son a8 we offer you this week, Here oxrrying with it all the prestige of the Colgate Palmolive Co Pure in Quality - w= Dainty'in Perfume Buy 3 Cakes Fairsex Soap : at 30¢ And Recelve 3 Cakes Fairsex Soap PREMIER HAMAGUCHI Smiling at the "lHon's" shave, after vecent elections in Japan, when his party won a majority of over 100 in howse of vepresentatives of Japanese Diet, 168 In 1088 aud drownings ine aroased from 144 to 101, Deaths from other causes numbered 188, compared to 2408 in 1028, In dealing with the Hguor situns tion, the report said that an im- rovement has heen noted hut that here still 1s a quantity of Ameris oan aleohol Anding Its way into the province, There were 6,400 proses outions hy memhers of the fares for breaches of the Liquor Control Act, These Informations resulted tn 6,080 convietions, 676 discharges and in B07 canes, the charges ware withdrawn, Pines totalling #860, 076 were collected during the year through the activity of the force, Confiseations of bear totalled, 10, 688 gallons, spirits, 2,785 gallons, and wine, 700 gallons, In Addition, 26 automobiles and six motor trucks were confisonted, Dealing whh the general situps tion In Ontario, General V.A HB, WII Hams sald the total number of efnen provecuted under sll aot dur ing the year was 10,158, an Ine orephe of 1,880, Prosecutions wis der the eviminal code numbered 6,» 608, an inevensne of 1,488, The tn: orease in prosecutions Is necounted for by the inurease in the strength of the forea and not by any Incense " aWleganess throughout the pres vines, FA ------------ "ARd what do you vegard as the AAA triumph of modern alm electing the hills," promptly Mupandad the great pr wotitinntn alles and have placed Jues w= bul to the vib el Wh ore wade such & Fairsex BR Hold to you a A it 1s Introductory only | authorities at the proper time | | geographies and 'ether books is to EXPANSION AND GROWTH MARKS HYBRO REPORT Central Ontario Total Powey Load Increases Six Per Cont, Toronto, Marvel § 8 6-Marked on pansion and growth was the key: note of the S8ud annual report " the Ontario Hydvo Wlecivie Pawey Commissioner which was tabled Monday, in the Legislature by Hon, , H,. Cooke, ministerial represen tative on the commission, During 1080, ten new genera ting wintlons wers added to the system, the report revealed of these, the importance of the de- velopment of plants at Trethaway Falls and Biott Chute and the purchase of the Bala Electrie Light Company apd the Hanover Bless trie Light Company was stressed, Total power generated hy all stations during the year was 4,840, B16,106 Wilowatt-hours or 1,016, 0d peak load hoveepawey with & normal operating capacity of 1, 008,868 horsepower, Tha Queen. ston plant at Nisgars Falls pros duced tha largest single quantity, BEN, 46D horsepower, An outstanding featurs of the your's operation was the large ind' orease in load In most of the sys tenms, Peak loads of all systems showed an dnerease over 10UHN, amounting to 16 per cont of the total, The total load for the cantral Ontario and Trent system increas: od nix per sent, Joan Bennett the Heroine in Vivid River-Boat Romance All the world loves romantic rascal, especially if he turns gut 10 ha more romantic and not se mueh of & rascal as Nest nppears, Nueh is the ease with Jaseph Sehildkraut as the star of "The Lhe sianioni Camb ler, his latest Universal all-talking feature now being sercened at the New Martin, Theatre, "Phe Mississippi Gambler, kraut's first app mortal "Show Hoa," written for the star every possible opportunity for the romantie allure whigh he displayed sa markedly in the previous super productions The story virtually re volves around the glamorous char acterization, andl is packed with dramatig petlon beeduise of the colons ful period in whieh it Is set, eawtivgl Joan Bennett plays ops foalte Mehlldieaut inthe Teading eminine ral, aud the wgye, crash Ing climax of the story gives her the best coneeivable Joppartunity n display the remarkatie abitty whieh orities have been astounded to diss cover dn u alr of eighteen, Hahili- kraut's dark, classic handsemeness and Miss Bere t's hlon lovelin oss, together with marvelous photographs to effeats by Gilbert "Warrenton, wake their love scenes together poss sibly more appealing 'than anything hitherto Mb to the screen An outstanding Carmelita Geraghty, Alex B, Francis, Otls Harlan, Billy Welsh und others support Sehildkraut and Miss Hen nett under the direstion of Reginald Barker, Will Make Canadian Books for Canadians Montreal, Que, Mar, H.~(C.P) The Joint eammittee representing the Canadian Manufacturers' Association and the Montreal Board of Trade, named to study text hooks vwsed in Queheo schools, met and decided that ita investigation shall he thorough and that mere eriticing of the hooks shall not suffice, but Ha construe ive suggestions shall be made ta the far Sehild nee singe the im to afford him cast, including needed remedies, Search for pro-Amerieanisin in Wis tries and for injustices to Canada in dpe plage at wnee, Each member af ¢ sammities i is Studying one book HANG FOR MURDER wits espegially | Hering Ny " Mateh h 26-A young iting death in prison at Sys an Ne fo htder, yesterday wat hy pol lee as one of the 4 the Keaton ATA fy Mh has ever known ¥ s I wld 4 hetter ho 4 as "Hing SH eraon,) whos 100s oot un of \) er in 10a has never heen equal fled in the Fast, Anderson's Widowed mother attribus ted her son's downfall to illness suf. fod in childhood, nderson ho eonvieted on a ne of murder growing out of the ji a hotel elevk, He was gon: ned th die under the name of "Emmett Sloane," naw identified hoyhood here as the nawe of a friend, hin Is a new poy ay Katherine Howard, | debutante daughter of the Duchess of Nove folk, and youngev sister of the present duke, who recently attain. od his majority avd who Is Kage Inn's proney peer and herve avy eavl mavihind, New Degree Available for Veterinary Doctors Taronta, March Ahem new de gree, that of Master of Veterinary Relence was established at the last meeting of the University of Toron to Penate, according ta J, PP, Me Murrigh, dean of the Behoo!l of Gra duate Btudents Students of the Ontario Veterinar College will now be able ta pursue advanced study in anatomy, blaghem istry, pathology, histology, and oth er subjents hearing on veterinary sel ence, at the Uplversit yof Toronto he sald GROWING CHICKS NEED SUNLIGHT Lamps and Cod Liver Oil Used as Modern Sub. stitute The present practice of hatehing ghieks In the winter and early spring forces a new ductor ine the eansids erdtion of bvaoding priactiee, Former ly no hatching was done until the lute sprin wis avallable to the ehieks, Confine- ment to broader houses during cold weather robbed the ehieks of the sin's healthegiving rays and vanses quently a new teehnlyue in ehick wa: nagement grew up, In the abseno of sunlight, faulty bone fapmation and the mors extreme rickets were the results, It has been foundithat two substls tuted fo sunlight wre svallably and shitable 10 sume extent for use with chicks, namely, wird violet vaya from special lamps and end liver ell Of these god Hyer olf Is economienlly the most impertant at the present thine and will protect chicks against ri kets and allow excellent growth even in gonfinement, Binee god liver oils vary greatly in quality with refers ened to the antlrachitie factor winds er gonslderation, the poultryman should demand the best quality and a blologleally tested ofl if available Neveral years of experiment have Jhaun oud liver meal, a product sold ar the same purpose, to he inferior ta geod liver ail, The Na, | wil press ed a | steamerendered livers is wost effelent) the sun-rotted ofl 15 not fit to be fed a8 a rule whil the refined is toa expensive, Hy feed Ing i good grade of oll at the vate of 2 per cent, of the mash, good frrawth and freedom from riekets can e obtained, The mercury vapour lamp has con sistently given the best results of any treatinents The east of the lamp, ever, detracts from a practicability except under special conditigns and with Jarge numbers of chicks Cortain glass substitutes ave quits efficient in permitting the benetieidl ultra vielet ravs of We SUN to pend trate to the ehieks, OF these vita ulass and cel-osglass have heen ex perimented with at the Poultry Di vision, Central Experimental Farm, to a considerable extent, The first mentioned hax shown itsell to he more effielent. but it In alsa more expensive, Its duMbility © In much greater, hawever, | he Wie of such substitutes in only indicated where chigks are hatehed go early that ne sunlight ean be allowed ne the broader by opening windows or ey ton sereens, sinoe direct sunlight is wueh more efficient than sumbight through these substittes, Tt is sug: geated that the feeding of cod liver oll pi sunlight in avallable to the birdy a more economical than the Purchasing of auch materials tn view | their cost Lah the lagk, of dura bllity of the cheaper grades, haw Witness (in a ail Laie al North London) =z wite fieked him in the face with her Elove; And, a8 A gentleman of geurde Ao struek her back and Mat her down the Mal, 1 a\ Vien dai to iy 1x ia oho Eh dinners Iron, Cincinnati O., and Athens Ont. "Wives" Both Claim Big Estate of U.S. Publisher |. Cineinnall, Ohlo, March £6 w= Two {ashionably attired women oaoh claiming to be the widow of the late wealthy former Cansdion, Jo Chavies Knton, publisher of the internationally clreulated Amerls oan Racing Mesord, who dled Veh vunry 11 at his home uf Mount Was figlon hot herve, ars seeking Lis R000 antate Mrs, Vieginis Baton 1s 1ivin Hotel Havin, Mrs, Etlle 1dy Ad stone Baton, 6, of Athens, Ontars to, Cansda, same 10 thig city and took wp residence "at the Baten home In Mount Washington Wm, €. Busch, who was ator: ney tov Naloy, infovmed_ Probate Judge Taeders yesterday that Mrs, Kittle Kntan had Jearned of Kats on's death In the Canadian news. papers, and had written to him ahout herself, He also had Vase: od letters from VV, ¥W, and L, Eatony ¥Frankville, Ontario, ing {hoy were brothers of the deceas: ea, He presented papers and photo: graphs from Mrs, Bitle Baton' to prove her claims, The papers ine elude a marriage vertifcute, shows ing that Jasper (, Katon and Witle Livingstone - were married on April 18, 160K, hy the Rev, Ln. A Betts, He also submitted a copy of a newspaper, the Brockville Times, of Hrookville, Ont, of the sme date, giving an sgeount ef the marriage, She submitted a pleture of hevaelf and Eaton taken on the wedding day in Canada, Back to Canada sidd that nftey the Cannas wedding they went to New City and llved theve six Then she desired to ye turn te Ontario te he nesr her mother, hut he refused, wo she want alone, she says, Mes, Hitle Eaton sald that she TEN BOOKS FOR Whe Mian Yerk YORrse, when benelieinl sunshine | COMPANY ON A LONELY ISLAND find never obtained a divorce, Ate torney Busch sald (hat Mrs, Vive inte Paton has Jved with Katon over: twenty ~~ yekrs, "but had + 8 weparAtion agreement in October, 1018, by which he gave her property. in Canada, notes and oash to the amount of $90,000, plieation was made for | adel Gruber to ast as adminis: trator of the Bapon estate, Mrs, Virginia Eaton 1s repree sented by Attorney John Matthews fhe said thet she was married to Yaton move than 80 years ago, and has her mawriage certificate, fhe sald that she had never ve- celved any money from Eaton, though there was provision for the payment af shout #100,000 at thelr separation in 1988, but that he did deed some valuable proper ty over to her, Veooting Conciliation Fhe said that last October she ing a reconciliation and had ars yanged to deed these hulldings over to her on pn Tuesday, but that he died suddenly on Monday, fhe said she had lived with Wim as man and wife for more thay 40 years and had never heard any word about another Canadian wo man, Nhe sald thet Eaton had enlled for hér Just hefore he died and that she had charge of the funeral arrangements and pent notiea of his deuth to Canadisp PANETTA, Eaton had told her that his pen: mle lived in Canada, she sald thet he had twa henthers in Frankville, Ontario, but had never seen them Nhe sald that last October she had established the Baten Pub Hehing Company, and that when Eaton learned her business wae thriving, he called on her and told that he was going to retire and let her manage the property, a ---- GRAIN PRICES ARE WEAKER AT WINNIPEG (By Canadian Prose "Léssed Wire) Winnipeg, Man, March 80 == Wheat prices opened slightly lows Fon the Winnipeg grain exe change ydoterday bit nevertheless NOL NOAr #0 Weak as on any of last three days since the steady ups English Author Names Books He Would Choose If Put In Exile hiecafantiaand Toronto, Maroh !Ne={OP,) » A tall, Junky man in ample dress stilt, with bushy reddish hair and an alert and eager faoe, whe spoke with the fullness of a torrent and then all nt gneve deapped the part of lecturer fo do _sameihing brilliant out of "King Lear" = sugh. was the ples ure he A large audience brought AW Y lecture of Jolm Cowper Powys PAO Chureh ros gently, With the pleture wept also & list of what the Jamon Lnglishiian and author of "Well Solent" considers the 10 hooks that he wenld take with Wim if he had to spend the rest of his life on a desert daland, The Hast as It was jotted down inte many notebooks reads; The Psalms of David, Homer's Thad, Aeschylus's "Prometheus," the Odes of Horace, Dante's "Divina ( amedia, * Dan Quis Xole, Shakespeare' 5 "Kin Lear" Goethe's "Faust, Destelevaky's "I'he fdiot and Mareel Proust's "Le Temps Retrouve," Me. Powys brought to the making of his gholve the feryency and beau- ty andl passionate pantheism that fills "Walk Solent His lecture was given in the earnest Manner of his books, with that mystical outlook en life and that feeling for the beauty and poetry of the ear easily rogogs nizable to anyane who has read even only a dinle of his best, When his ohoiee fell on "King Lear," he moved from the pulplt to the steps of the sanetiary and became the old. mad king fn the plays great soliloquy == a passage In the lecture which the audience did not expect and enjoyed mensely, The novelist ruled out in hia eholee treatises on science an philosophy, polities and egonemy, and pious hooks == and looked for those books which put the reader before the "naked Wiyktery of life" His ligt, sought to give "inward ins Hhfocln deithelle and spiritual sas tiafaction" The books that he chose had "style, the author's feeling for the written werd, hs vision and thought of Nfo = the books that once fead would be ve! #Rain" "Hooks are aur best friedds == we turn to them when we have been betrayed, deserted and felendless," he declared, TET in Wants Covered Bridge Concord, NM, Man, 20==Heons ry Ford is In the market for a cove ered bridge, Representatives of the jt Detroit motor a have ses gured the assistance of the Ww fil Sor Publicity Department oir search for a suitable anton ennai desired to add an of th ke. Analy strictures to Yearhorn "Rt" where many res of of ald New England have ab ready gohe, SE EE "wh ward sawing was halted last Hat urday, he early mart was featureless and the drop aseribed to wonkness at srl and meas grenten of overnlEht export busi ners, May wheat was 8 to 4 eent lower at 81,00% 10 §1,00%, July edged off 3 to '{ deni, reaching i". bt to $1,114, October wan down 8 to 3 cent at L110 to LEN, AML we. Noalloped "Sausage 12 Targe pork sausages, § tubs bread ovimbe soaked 41 a ping ¢ d water, 1 good sided anion d, 1. 0up Fas chopped, 1 well beaten eg, salt and pepper Lo tnte, 8 'cooking apples, When the bread has become flutly squeese the water ent and add the onion, celery, egg and seasonings, Lay the sausage in A deep dish and cover with the dress ing. Place the sliced, cored apples on top, sprinkle with two tables Apoons browh sugar and bake in a moderate oven until the apples are done (about twenty minutes), Use A cover for the first fifteen mins Utes, Herves elght people. Chinese Rive Buttered One cup ples, two gups cold wats or, one teaspoon Bilt, two tables spoons butter, Vooking time, sbout twenty minutes. Put the washed rice, salt and water in A saucepan, Cover closes x and set pver a hot fire. When the water holla ever (about teu minutes) reduce the heatyaud cook slowly ten minutes, Metin AY warm lace ten minutes mare, Do. oh 1fL the cover onoe Ju the 000k ing ov steaming, nthe buts ter helore serving KMBROY DRRED BATINTR, It ydu have a spring sult this year, don't' overlook the good bel an embroide batiste short sleeved blouse 18 ¥hite or cole ored, if In dressy and a very fem: nine shot from a tallored silk, N SKIRT Loulieho Ipnger makes an ap skirt to aI tle print frock t haat nies ita, patemmed yb 1 a ite The apron is almost as long an the skirt and is pleated, tying in the back With a pert bow, cht ue 8 hr ho JANA on 1} And with al thy palue and toll Make Niles hile Thou canst oh) '0, holblets man, Have faith in Ood) He oanl Comat hou paint the clouds at au a nr gunEet colors weave, 0 the ak Thou canat Tot 0 powerless man, Have faith in Qod; Ne can, Canat thou stil} thy troubled heart And make all caves aud doubt des Part From out thy soul? Thou canst A 0 Jathiate man. Have faith in God, He oan! "Had & puncture, wy fiend, Mid the aber inquisitive Pani om The weary molovie) looked up. "No, old man," he sald as calmly an he could, drm ns giving the tes a change of alm \ Tourlat in ming town we "iy H(A good healthy place to settle 1 \ telkoeper=="1t ia stranger Facl 1s, yo can't get away bom here alive unless oth You do settle" RYN fw nae LE hie AE Ree tome RSET LORD BUNTACE PERCY Minister of education in the Bald. win eabinet, who is on as short visit to the Dominion, Ei -------- I "One of the objeots, of the visit of the Buglish publie school head« masters party, dus to arrive at Saint John whoard BN, Duchess of Bedford, April 6, is to improve the teaching of Canadian history In (reat Britain," says Kenneth Lind say, who 1# travelling ahead of the party, It will consist of 15 heads masters and they will visit nine (Ninadian universities from fhe Maritimes to British Columbia, Accepting regular radio pro- grammes made outside the United Miates for the first time, National Proadeasting Company of New York has come to an Agreement with the Canadian Pacifie Nallway under which the latter will supply W14, and associated stations in the richest and most thickly populated sections of the United Blates, with programmes of Canadian Paelfie "Cheerful and good" musie, These will be broadeast Munday evenings from 0.16 to 0.46, Bastern standard time, commencing April 6, A sees ond series will be broadeast by the American company from Hs slas tions consisting of Royal York Hotel orchestra dance musio every Wednenday midnight, Bastern standard, time, commencing April § 'Hi! Have you Cirens Manager seen an elephant yound hers? Yokel=="¢u, I buin't; hut there's 8 great big beast over yonder eal in' my eabbages willis tail," sr lonjures, says a contemporary have to fight hard to make a living nowadays, The publla appears to Imagine that these artists can live entirely upon rabbits and goldfish, Plotures of these Latin-American beauty queens indicate that the freedom of the knee In Universal HER CROSS LITTLE BOY WOULDN'T EAT OR SLEEP "My little son had poor appetite, couldn't sleep and was cross: 1 gave him Vinol and it ended these troubles like magic =Mrs, L. DuCrest, Vinel supplies the body lnportant mineral elements of fron, eulehum with 'ead tver peptone, This 1s Just what thin, nervous children or adults need, and the QUICK results are surprising, 'The very VIRST Jette brings sound sleep and a BIG ap petite, Vino! tastes deliclotis] = Jury and Lovell Lid, Drugs, ma ad "Bay, Jim, what was the do- nomination of that pill you loaned me?" "Episcopalian, I guess; snyway It keeps lent," History of the eommen peoples Blixteenth century, held down; wen tieth century, held up, == Kingston Whig-standard, CHILDRENS ANTIBEPTIH CHILDRENS OINTMENT Hone 's Lunch 70 NIMCOE NT. N, Now Open for Dusiness GOOD MEALS Clean & Banitary Pull Course "oal == O8¢ i Chieago Rvening Post, I Most Heat for the Money. CONGER'S high grade REGISTERED Anthracite Coke Pocahontas fuels are each selected for low ash, long burns ing nd high heating Conger Lehigh Coal Co. Lid Phonon BP Baa dal ror CALMONT OILS, LIMITED From a EY of 68 feet Calmont Nov | Well recommenced drilling through the cement plug which sete the whipatock in place and side-track= ding the obstructions that have been Have your stock registered in FOUR OWR name and walt for ANROURCSIMONt, holding wp this well, being drilled from thie level to the limestone, where No. | secured 3,000, 000 cuble feet of gan at a depth of New holo is About 100 feet in the lime. At a depth of approx produgtion. ia cen Okalta le producing 'steadily in' ately 5650 feat full | dently | expected, the same neighborhood, We advise the puiehons of Calmont Oils outright Quaker 0 LA NR &

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