Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Mar 1930, p. 9

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/ 1 a i i § | it fs 32 {i 4 if § i hi i i Fe i ; f / : Gag, 'orchnrd Growers seid stern | i gy i ci APko inc ere) a of 1€' 1 es 'B slow muy result in hivos ister, r 1 \ hi do st gt, wo Hg Bt oe [§ ARRESTEW ON y esl, She was » / fs prom G1 dp 1 Jo [interrupted her ~ during the lunch | "Live is nice, nice!" Ene whispered Lan wh ohnson came 10 her ud my not think he's "Jean Brandes!" called a voice, , Then ther hl K ist these bonds; there's INSANE CHARGE a! fello he in I want oy raised her head with w start, Snr Broan Sn hear some hore whrth there," Johnson A a J o fs into th advertisin Reon cross the room outside the long whan inunie, perhaps, "Tl ere Is daa) on and Decker Trust Claim A Mills ' Jou ate fungi an, ¢ | smiling face seemed vaguely faniliat, baitdin with shaking knees, "Bhe| the folks to yes, Tie them wp rustess m Anten 5 18 T4 AVENUE ier 3 ous, ve "Come here and talk to me this | hasn't Th remotest Bien what lin 8 Packet _~ put the Jie on top Deposed Teacher is ITE PENNA RR STATION i It A " you, ou Instant" continued the gay woice, | say about her, not the faintest ideal" | when "you're through" Johison Dangerous ' ' f Vou son 10 siness | time she had seen this woman was | Once in ¢ she went Into n| the safe here, but I suppose ft Is A Preeminent Hotel of 1200 Rooms r raed rosy she morning she had called after her | (orvoom and sat down, Her knees jJaseteary, LIwish Reminglon would| Barrie, Ont, .; March 80-=On a alked, It was a #0 her old teacher hurried, pale and | fois weak, and besides she wanted to e it" warrant 'iswied here Monday at ting 1ce Water and many other inno employe, Kenny on thet first morning In | pe \ the oir 2 iy busy, but she put{tees, J, 'N, Terguson, former vations, ..featuring a sincere spirit of out, 8 iy suid. by Lah a Ie An aay, ty, oman Back fn Joan's offen, Loretis ar. away (anchor wasarrasted Monday wight hospitality, B. G, KILL, General Menager' t waiting for her 'hanks, Vivian Brooks took both of Jean's | I°'¢ og Iv," she suid, "You |dangerous to be at levee," Mouth report Mond morning, I ve [hands in her own, and kissed her Loree seamed doped 0d 1 pl ar oe. ony HO The niromt 'was a sequel to" de 'girl yet with sense. Hope cheek Loretta nodded her prety head, | velopments at the Anten Mills ghia walked downstairs in a daze, [I've seen since' I left)" Jean said " 0 olnimed Verguson was eccentric She went into, the Hor And braath less ten. both of ik righ RB have to unk her, | ov When she Tet herself 'nto her] and to prevent him from teaching taken Jrong , Maatures » npr LT " on Drinerror at at Hee fain 58, oy talked in rus ig) eho | bothered about Jean In agemmniot| apartment u colored maid was there they padlocked the school | the Kiagel Communists, It befleves » acer nt once, Jean told her former schoo Decker | tig dinner in the kitchenette, fhe | doors Monday morning new | the American missionaries are safe Here and There (THE OSHAWA DALY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 1990 PAGE NINE > A [Thrilling Romance of Adventure in the Clouds NE ou upstairs to I Ervin to 'herself, "Fm really to Mr, with a bundle of seeurities, a out &, plan © mite } hate, counter stood a pretty voima, whose or the eacher, ofie feft the| w them Were 1 case we can gel on don't don # that, Then Jean recognized her, The last | she kept {repeating ¢ to herself, paused, "I hate having so much in each having Bath, Servidor, Circuls, bese i him to make to a humble wan, among the passengers at Grand | ning inst what Ber next move would i Loretta came for Jean at 6| request of Anten Mills school truss unch and she and John] "I'm red Tonight and 1 want to| charged with "boing insane and / plod You prove the exception! ou reghe ty person from home oy hope she won't come to Jean's but there was & frown between her|#ghool last week, The trustees plneo sho discovered that At they. do not attempt to move a SLE "" yl she en alod pi then she | teacher how she was to go into the didn't know, her personally, Imagine] table was laid for two by the fire- | pedugogue took over the duties, tog goo d to be true. gi place, Th and, n stording JS ihe! Cougs» bole small number of Government (408) : date with a man for ws girls!" eo Party in, chairman of the board, An looked About her for Gree: The fof | one of the city schools, "8 "|i not so sure" Grace respond: | "I've got u black drew you can| KNADD. one of the trustees when | treo ls ab Keichow, und b Bish | spetking on Canadus stake 4h The ( Coat was nowhere to be seen, hut on the | "I'm so proud of you, Jean" Miss | ed "She may think she'd better be slip on," Loretta said as they went [hey Appeared before Magistrate | Bae FON SHE Legation at Peiping, | Cauadinn C1 yn Oy, Hon, New- It never occurred to Jean to pows| other side of the room Johnson wes | Brooks ld I heard 2h Dinah nice to the girl who's to be Decker's [Into the bedroom, While the one|Jf% for issuance of a Warrant, and the Government Is lt eg: Cabadion C oy OO uniran of der her nose or smooth her hair bee [talking earnestly to Loretta, Jean |that you were working in New York, | new secretary." irl made an elaborate toflet Jeu | PorEuson threatened to interfere | OCCU iOre ements, Threats have | the anadinn Institute of IntermRs fore she. went upstairs to the "big | wanted to tell him about her promo- | Don't you hear from anybody back "Jean Is so unsophistiented in lots] slipped into the sill dress, the finest | W/L! Nw #iccesor, been made by Kiangsl stithorities to Hor PAL ha took oceasion 10 boss' " office, as it would have to any | tion and she hoped he'd be glad, She [ home!" of ays and Loretta can wind herjone she had ever worn, It was a When Mr. Careon went to the withdraw the garrison from Kan boa Mo ) mn Canadian Pacific other 'woman in the whole organza hesitated to interrupt, however, Lor» Jean's embarrassment was APPAT> around her little finger if she tries," | last year's model, hut it fitted wel) little ved sohool house to assume chow, however sald missionary ads rbd do on their work on that tion, etta's blood head, framed in the [ent. Then she answered quickly, "I | the other girl remarked, enough, und Jean felt quite dressed |N/% Now duties he was advised by vices which expressed the fear that | ocean, He said; "There are many Her whole mind was centered light from the window bbhind her, | haven't heard from anybody, and "Yes, just let Loretta wiggle her| up. Loretta put on a brilliant red Jo LL Sarin, iistrice inapestor, h. if this were done the bandit troops| lines of steamers plying from nson's curt manner, She ja ve her an etherial look, Jean woul haven't written. Miss oi looked | eyelashes and Jean thinks she's wons | taffeta frock which had a Parts la have the {trustees JMeompany : on [would sack the city, North America to the Orient and the worst and wanted to ave been dumfounded could she |away from Jean's open, unsuspecting | dertil 1" bel and the girls' sat down to the|10 the school for Wi own protec: | Wir, while, the = missionaries at | ome of the best {5 stil the Camas with quickly, She hoped vial te tht (have heard Johnsop say. face, Lovetta's Invitation table. They chatted until 8 o'clock, | 17": This Carson aud, . Kanchow probably will be forced to| dian Pacific 'Steamships; there is Mr, Remington would be in "Get busy tomorrow: Saturday's the I "You know, T've always wondered | Grace watched Loretta with a pux-| and then cleared the table and piled "i remain there for some time, unable | no, other freight and passenger sumptuous 'office nd give her a day, X Ded or Jn her "a his " you were hors in town," Jean con~| zled Spreslon. Her Dong iy the. Nanas in the kitchen, for the | Game Preserve Is Yona ure Ji an i Gme; nablp( do other elt gid, paesnger he was vate office, LY) eo rotten luck," | tinued; "We left town=on the same' | was withou e Usual p iid had gone, § andi o for several | Is equal t t oe Canadian "oui have 1) wajt a few mine Remington Just told me!" train, I saw you at the station here | wave, It was straight about her| "I suppose I am fortunate," Lors Created in County funidla dud bandits who ior severe) ual 0 Sea Plus 4 hy her own voice, It seemed | famous Mr, Decker's office and learn to be his secretary, Miss "Brooks said | Loretta giving up o Smurdey, ight | months: have been raiding, looting | Pacific Company, We ewe a great | ne of the assistants jd. J As for the rest of the office, Jean's [and called to you, but you didn't | face and she had on scarcely any| otta said, "but sometimes I think I s Chis | deal to that institution in develop- es? , it semed hours fo 2 but §00d luck was: like a bomb shell and [hear me and then I lost you in the | make-up, have just enough money to ite of Northumberland Bi Sin Jarge pumbers Pach ie rade cgi ! a r a few moments. men [everybody stopped work to discrss | crowd |" "It's the first time T've ever seen Life difficult for me, My uncle doe Bo Canna Corte SISTE RINSIDIE Rw left the inner Sanetm, d hen he It Miss Brooks turned pale, but Jean | her when she didn't look us though! not send me enough 86 that I can {8 Conviian Pa a oy New York, March 26, ~8everely Visiting sportsmen coming to ashistant motioned to "Joan. or | "Just imagine being taken AWAY by ves too 'intent on thelr catter to [she had just stepped out of a beauty | stop work, and I have too much to Toronto, March SG==Cveatlon of | Loire "Mus Helene Schaper, Bups | New Brunswick for hunting and hands were lice jce and she won- | the old man, remarked fiewy + notice, shop," Helen, Porter remarked, make me eontented in an office, Ros Lwo 'crown game preserves Wald... Lourt Justice Dike, in Brook: | fishing have almost doubled in the dered If she would be able to utter a sides, I hate work, I'm not like you," | Contained In this week's edition fro "0 lovqes denied her application | past flve years, according to fig werd if she was asked a question, mn From the furnishings of the apart. |9f the Ontario Gasette, By orders | oo Jomo no ion to restrain her pls- | Ures given out by Hon, 0, H, another instant she was standing in- | ! ment Jean judged that her uncle |IP:00unell a preserve hag been es-| oo ye Friodn Hempel, opera and | Prince, Deputy Minister of Lands side. Mr, Decker's private ohce. 3 ' must indeed send her plenty uf abiihed hn te ToWHgNp hy coneert star, from disposing of jew~| #nd Mines of the province, Hamliton i' OFLhUmMBOFIANG | ores pending the determination of | se---- was h beduttil & room with hi h fst money, ' paneled and ,walnut. e furmiture . he two hoys arrived shortly after | 00UNtY to ba known a8 the Uo-fo.co0eqineetor its recovery, Additions) air mail service wis inaugurated between Winnipeg, was massive and elegant, There were bourg Crown Game Pwbserve, The bits of fine bronzes and glass all other, known ag the Convey Marsh | Besides denying the application, Calgary and Edmonton early In 4 yy, lee Dike imposed $10 costs on \ about the room, on tables, bookcases . a pant Crown Preserve is in the Towns | Just Mareh by the Canadian Post Office and the wide desk, {oll ow Jury wie Jon's Kill ti uk ship of Raglan In Renfrew Couns | Mrs Schmper, despite her claim that Department, leaving only the Rocky The automobile magnate hin hinteel! . ashe Loo Richardeon ns he room she was In straitened clroumstances. | Mountains and the Pacitie Coast with & movie camera. Say, Loretta, when you want to Iwas at'an erroneous wa rep After reviewing the fact, Justice | ang trom western, Ontario to Wine hind a battery of telephones: At his [left ig three stock tickers report- market fluctuations, He was t nike With 3 dictaphone when . looked up and saw Jean standing befor J "Becker Aspecied the il from head to foot as she stood there awkward. ty She was conscious of her shiny skirt and she realized that Willi Dether was an extremely There was a white ia in i buttonhele, his hand+ Somely cut clothes and iron-gray hair made him a striking figure, His voice wes ba: and pleasant when he fin. Wa oll, ppd ae Jou ho nocked you down with my sar" demanded with a twinkle Hl Where DI You Jean "was so taken Taam Th the jasual greeting that she could make reply, Oddly enough she t! hought the iT aba looked tired, that pechaps his head ache, There nes a his johny good_to yout" he. he asked " Very g wood, Mr. Tueker,' she re- ed with sincerit PP Decker chewed on his cigar for a nut desk be- : : his _enmiera on the wide davenpe hy "I hal to scont around like the devil to geten good long film for you w=" Loretta licked at h ankle and glared at him so that he stopped, But Jean was helping the other young man put up 'a' sheet over the fireplace for a sareen and did not hear the conversation, Jean tried «to break away at 11 o'clock but otta was determined to have the boys take them out for chop suey, By that time she was too tired t« care much what happened, so she went along docilely, When the three drove her home It was after 1, and oan went wearily upstairs, She put retta's ilk dress on a hanger and turned fowsed the golden oak ward robe, Al Je an opened the door, out came a soft blur of gray and a flash of brilliant blue, Jean gasped, Then she took fron her shabby closet a ROrgeous gray squirrel coat, the sort of coat every girl dreams about, and a deep blue velvet evening dress, Tay were garments just made for blonde, Jean spread them and thelr gorgeousness out before her on her iron bed, Then she sat down and looked long at them. Weary as she was, she could not resist slipping into the squirrel coat, and she tried |} Dike added: 1h MISSIONARIES "The plaintiff makes some rash statements against her sister, and HELD BY BANDITS American Catholic Teachers Surrounded by Outlaws at Kanchow Shanghal, March 25. ~RKixteen Am. erican' Catholic missionaries, 10 of whom are men and six women, are isolated in Kanchow, Kiangsi Prove inee, by bandits and Communist are mies, and their situation is reports ed serious, The Red forces are sal to. surround Kanchow, refusing to permit anyone to depart or enter In a telegram to the Associated Press from Nanking, Foreign Min» ister C, T, Wang sald; "The Nationalist Government has one is tempted to believe the charge of Mme. Hempel that she is being find any authority submitted hy the moving party herein to entitle her to the relief demanded" Mrs, Schaper alleged that four years ago she gave Mme, Hempe! pawn tickets for the jewelry, She was without funds, and the under standing was that her sister was to protect the jewelry, worth $10,000, until her financial prospects hright ened, She sald Mme, Hempel had redeemed the jewelry and offered it for sale at auction to satisfy her on, ver In England, a Sensible Dress soglety has been formed, Just _to be Sensible Dress Price soolety ?---Hame fiton Spectator, hinekmailed; In any event, I fall to] different, why not start over re a pipes unserved by air mall, It is expected that at least a portion of this territory will be linked during the coming summer, Preparations are being made for taking another decennial consus in Canada which is due in 1081, The census will give employment to 16,000 persons, "It was first taken in 1871 and has been taken every ten years since then, M. M, Robinson, chairman of the committee of management of the British Empire Games, to be held a Hamilton next August, Is als ready assured of the success of the meeting, Interviewed aboard 8.8, Montealm recently, he stated that not only was he sure that there would be 200 British athletes at the games, but that the meet would be the bigmest of its kind Canads bad over kamown, few seconds, "I'm not going to make use of the to see herself in the Stacked mirror survey' he said Sako Jean's heart be . : 4 A of all Amasing things! "Doil't be discouraged," he udded" be It wan too late to do anything about all. this finery, Mrs, Case lekly as he naties x expres had long since gone to hed, "She y locked her door and hung the hand. a nd me, It is an excellent plant, mome clothes carefully away in ni ik right new it Py! not feasible, It is ' u 1 wardrobe, She climbed il ) he end of the faa cal year, Ty es deat / 5 bed; She would well. Ligh Bay wise iainty th. . have : : a : about the clothes in the morning, beginning of next seas fry Yd i To B Conti ved gt, That will give us un til ext Aus J (Copyright, Publie Cosa A ul to wor hott 3 plan a if Mtack for : Se ---------------- RagrE me 5 STORM CRIPPLES imag) oo 0 NIAGARA DISTRICT just how much werk Diuinose 1" he asked quinsis Jean il Sie had Just i ord ing dress, Thay were g..in just N Grimsby Wallows in Dark- EE The 4 a gorgeous cont and a velvet made for a he wore pretty I'd suspect him, | "How did you know I was here?" | "Si ldn't b d looking Sheaven, knows. thet ne the a hy it she "didnt have such perisct| Mose a8 Power Wires Brok- Time savers The great American instinct is to save time = a lot of time~~and then some more time. In the big affairs and Sie ile things of We, Yime ls Yio WHil-Velusile Wiig PM a heaven knows that Jean deman " "I saw a litle" dtem in the home | clothes!" Grace had made a sure} en--Cars Marooned oe | "48hme oft You!" remarked another | paper Jastiweek, I take it, for it gives | prising discovery, "You know, Lore fold 1 or i oH girl, fo w whon don 1 had | w kind me more news than my friends do in | etta and Jean Te examples of OE qunany Marlh 80.-=Volunteer CE IFLR I PT I ET YT HEE His fae Lis at our command, Limited trains, automatic uhihonms special editions of their letters," and" Miss Brooks | how b newspapers, sixty-miles-anhour automobiles, airplanes % i bo of yo) hel o bet She cer cor: | imhod, watching Jeans face closely blonde cag be ov Pit 4 [pollosmen pairolled inkbick still faster--we have these things in answer to our de- n to she suddenly hg looked at youd baie "he al fo har; "You Wk: rondsr who knew I ws here!" Joan pur he Maked Lovota uw town's chil firemen were sunding mand for speed. And an equally important time saver an an len Jean shed a 6 As she read: + \ io working for he? bite uo | Cembered "that Mr. Terry did ce blinked in' Bet surprise and FOL, the worst: iors ever. to wit (Fi) in the lives of people today is advertising, Just as sure ce given 10 a mere girl | Vivian Brooks saw the blush, made wort back to fer desk thinking I A¢ Grimaby Beach only 8 vetaine 1 ly as any other modern service, the advertisements the, chan bY | harder and harder about the prob TE a | i ore a eroistant. ae au ReklRy chairing a cabout the | 18 of Loretta. Punphoune hr SH bed Yonte and dave for people who have wants to be hut he de if gh ave liked the fr thing Whicly Same into her prots wre, itr hen ah tw RL due ve Nani he shore by waves | - ng king with Quickly she . hi AR 0 i : 3 he Bal fo play the { CK dear, r. Jimmie i Roflord hes | eons line oh ar rE blor and uw deamon tioket ottioe ould make. he. i "Bidu's you now? He | rom the two' girs and she delivers (nes, SWS. ston. for detndes Readers of advertisements are the who des 's got all ings of dough, they | got a plane at New Haven this year hg / listened, Along ¢ Trees the lakefront were uprooted are same people , od" that's the way he got it." * Jand ¢ athlete association is wi oatl, I want you to come to my gng "Swept away ahd © many old mand the utmost efficiency in communication, i While: th fear hi lave ean nt { aratiment tonight for a little a the rest o office wis or feat hl bl a ""otee i i lr fle au dmarks have heen levelled, Loe INE Ape a Hef fo ning gr ice, "One ofthe bash 1 kiow 1s owapospie hor are shine ness, in their daily life. They know that a few t st rom Holl eventh Heron' 8 Nh. Me weit un imagine sone iT) t ns fl ot Rig in +8 bis meni cams atu with the greatest ditfiow veading of the advertisements will tell them more about ora, t oan at her wpariment for, Suu {ing ineroing Ji ha ae. ie No I Fp Ne AT u pove view snaageq products, values and the intelligent sending of their F Aken some tests o A Hey than could discover other . a to ae an by hy t on Pr a i i to we what they are Ii > Shi | | money, they in diye by wny ang Sake 1 sha asked Mr to hie injured ott, Nous' : iad A il me! \ of Lo A She Widdle o of fhe morns Juan Wy "o a P She pi oubthully p t THE ! Joan's sar ono | {ished} ye i ho i wr ul on fl aaa nd of hen ave standing [Hi And like the other reat pti savers, aver. 0 PYAR Bn i ing to dr ! come HI alter he (hike d change | \ oWnswide' use of lamps and onus save money and energy, as well, The reading of them ie had 10 go to the Hid | just d AY for a oment, wy d Jes d finally @lea by a generation which haw [Hil : yo ol, [highd all night with 1 had a ult lider and hat i -- nual pai hat would i ER bag used to al lo Highs sna it a genuine human economy, e re 18, X 3 Se ther: 'Grace nadded. What' & Butinasy wag | hy for was to ask you vei wore os Sin wea same ane § transport {ha ue it nd Loretta har hathe Wad wad or Tp Fu. "We " rirking wl A anyway | hobll Rod Jn a i: he so her ~ adders on a Fag end i t a ih, bh over oe 0 fi 3a | meet vou here div been pom rf Josecret to tell youl" od ha ute "The whole)' Aroon tn the pentnsiia Nave Sup a segre Ara ferent things sot rey 3 \ ercaped pervious damage yostevs

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