Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Mar 1930, p. 10

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+ Flip, rie OSHAWA DALY. TIMES, TUESDAY, MARCH Py 1990 | Flip Forgets the Warning ---- By Thornton w. Burgess masters that You, do not know, ( 'slow, (ature, ™ haste by moving ver, pe he 3 bi io er Oye er, in the ree aren Forest, Flip the ad slipped away from How- As dust an his swift d take him het ere PrHckly : y had been up Tn a tree, Vip axpected to find him up Mia ten now. He had gone haek because he | wanted to Jook Prickly Porky over jore thoroughly, You see, Bowser told him about the thousand Httle ions that Prickly Porky carries on tall and hidden in the long hale of his cout. Flip wanted to dee those little sepnrs again, He was curious Rliout them and he wanted to satisfy ils curiosity, "Ap he approached the tree where they had left Prickly Porky, Flip heard a rostling sound, It came ffom off to one side, Flip paused and fooked that way, He caught a glimpse of some one moving J back of a small hemlock tree, Cautionsly Flip moved around to where he coulds soe #4 better, Once he would aye rushed 8 around heedlessly, hut he had learned that this was not a wise thing to do in the Green Forest, When he reachs ed a point where he could see clearly, + there way Prickly Porky shuffling nlong, Flip stood still and watched him for a few minutes, "He's the slowest ol ne, fellow 1 ever saw," thought "He doesn't Jol the least hit ro 1 can see what L suppose are those little spears that Bowser told me about, but I don't see many, "Most of those I do sde are on his tail # and those are ghort, His cont seems , 10 me to be Mostly long hair, He ha) doesn't look "dangerous to I helleve 1 could ki him with« a le trying, Yes, sir, I believe I could kill him in a Jiffy. Just then Prickly boy turned his head and Flip for the first time saw 2 long, big, front teeth which Phickly Porky possesses, Those tecth looked us 'if they might hurt, Yes, sir, they sure looked as if they might | + hurt, Flip wis suddenly filled 'with respect for those teeth, Dut when he noticed how very slow in | Porky was as he shuffled along, he thought less about those teeth, Ex- citement began to take possession of There was no. log handy for de Porky to poke his head un- h ¢ was right out in the o My hair began to rise Sy A ---- y--_-- hi J . PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Milicon. Wt. Mo. = We. Deliver J LJ Repairi NOTHING paling Hany "You'd better leave me alone, sald Prickly Poreupine shoulders, He growled, Prickly Porky heard that grow! and turned, "You better leave me alone," Prickly Porky. sald 17" retorted Flip, "No, replied Prickly Porky, "so 1 am warning you thai you better not," "Perhaps yo think I don't dare to," said Flip, "1 don't care whether you dare to or not" 'retorted Prickly Porky, "Come ahead and try it N.you want to, but 1 warn you you better not," By this time Mip had forgotten all about the warning that Bowser the Hound had given fim Thig slow moys ing, clumsy fellow dido't-look dan. gerous, Moreover, Flip felt that Prickly Porky wis daring Bim to fight, Flip began to walk around Prickly Porky in the stiff-legged manner n dog sometimes uses when he Is getting ready to fight, All the time Filip was growling, He didn't hark, For one thing he didn't want Bowser to interfere raain, He did« TIME TABLES AEA A aa TAS: LB ME Ce Pr A, ls i fy wes Sunday), ily (Except Sunday), ; Dol ed Expt | Sunday), 548 1, 6,38 iy i » 2 : Daly: (Except Sunday). , Dally (Except GAY Je i fal (Except Sunday), ------ L} 4, 7 0,04 be Bd 1, La AL RAILWAYS Sh dhe a 1 ! iy 1 h -- V et Sunday, ie io Sew Ed - Ss aneept' Sunday, fly, except Sunday, , exept Sunday, TRIES ; wet Suturdny, Pods na EL eo me re oT TRE | except Sunday, y. oncept Sanday. hs egept Sunde, : Da oi fume A Soh X one Hn : Duly, oe pant ia on ) Bowmanville Wh TE yy ny fa TOO RMALL | Manac achineShop "101 King St, W. Phono 19 'ATCRES OUI WEUIALTY our witeh is not ha. otion we sae it tell tv - BROWN ay JEWELER DAY SCHEDULE LT rrive 3 Ive thy » zh = am = => == rr? 10.50 a.m. 1048 pm = 233: 43 am == =F Sse nk: DINE Sasi SOW SEz38s8s FTTPT EE S3ewlelo-T 4 1H ries, ib 114g am. "3 pm 4 Ig 6.50 pm, i IN a A A Whitby Hoste "ye 130 by correct | N The next "or 4 il Vinds Our "You! 0 alone," y tir oi me sine! ud | strunveninl | "I haven't touched you yet, have San when barking i When be os cited, angry he lo yd "Chpvry 1 ar | MANCHESTER BRIEFS Mbndhonter; Mar, 21==The Lia dies' Ald met on Wednesday, Mar, 19, at 8 o'clock at the homo of Mrs, Wilmot Walker, with a good attendance, ~The meeting opened with a hymn and prayer, Minutes of last meeting were rend and ap. voved followed 'by the voll call, HH Norn Bpencer od un ine solo and Misw Allo Thompson gave n roading, Hoth of whith were much appreciated, he | keep [£5 Moo "fo hat i 0 Mra Jad, tohait and ter the chureh 'dishes and to the 'broken ones "re dn our / neha rt Nam, Bpender, The meeting w opel. with un hymn and prayer Pon hostess hen served vofveshs ments, Mr, land Mrs, Norman Phat and family of Oshawe, were yeoent vise tors at the home of My, and Mrs, Ww. VV, Walker, Mr, and Mrs, visited at the home of the latter's parents, Mp. sand Mrs, Wright Crosler, ' Mrs, Samuels wae Aucconsful in her music examination, receiving first-class honours, Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Dobeon of this community, were recent vis ftors with friends in Myrtle, committee was appointed to Yoo , Mrs, Astgol and derugliter Who George Bamuely | 4h triends in Ashburn, Miss Blanche Reesor Is vecov. ng from her regent terious op. "sation for appendicitis, Mes William 'Munro 1s visiting » 7) ol pe oy To 7 have been visiting at the home of Mri, G, Christie, her sister, have returned to thelr home, Mrs, Prank Crozier wag In Tor~ onto on Monday, Miss Hattie M, Lamb, 'of Osh awn, was liome over the, week-end, Miss O, Vurrow, of Toronto, was a Visitor for the week-end at the home of her cousin, Mrs, O, Chris 0, Reginald Cooper spent Sunday a fow days with friends in Torous y : Miss Irene James underwent ap operation on Tuesday, In the Port Perry Hospital, Ben Kay was a visitor ast Bun. day in Prince Albert, at the Lome of My, Martin, with whom his bro- ther is employed, Mra, Thos, McKes spent a few Anys Inst week at the home of Mr. and Mry, Evans, of Roarxlan, Miss TW, McKeo Is recovering Slendily after her recont fliness, Miss Nore Spencer is visiting In Toronto, i 5 Mrs, Rossor has been visiting 'rionds here, Harry Smith, of Tornnto; visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Bpen rar recently, Miss Laure, Thompson was. in Oshawa on Monday, Mensrs, Jus. Strong snd D, Christie had a number of teams omployed on Tuesday drawing hay, My, snd Mrs, Roy Buteliffe, of Button, were guests of Mr, and Myr. Leplle James, on Sunday, Mrs, Arthur Crozier has been visiting her sister, Mrs, R, Thomp- son, who Is very lL Die Bart thoroumh bowe) se HT 2 INR boys io tg ond far ortor, A vwatin, ordi ary lana Keeps lovling vient, gia" @ ELLA CINDERS--AN Unintentional Comparion Meg MND, AA YOUR, FOR, YON fis ip po, SER Yo) ON BACK, TO CALIFORNIA TELLING TOMMY JULES VERNE WHO WAS BORM FEBS, 11028, 11 NANTES, FRANCE, WROTE YOUR BOOK, "THENTY THOUSAND LEAGUES I UNDER THE SEA, TOMMY, HE WROTE IT {| BEFORE THE INVENTION OF SUBMARINES, TURE IN DAYS WHEN PEOPLE BURNED OIL LAMPS, DROVE HORSES, AND WONDERED WHETHER RAIL ROAD TRAINS WERE SAFE TO RIDE OM, 0 PEOPLE * OF HIS DAY VERNE WROTE OF A STRANGE WORLD BUT MANY OF HIS FORECASTS OF FUTURE INVENTIONS JULES VERNE VT BEEN REALIZED IN TODAYS MECHANICAL AHO ELECTRICAL MARVELS, PEOPLE DO FLY THROUGH THE AIR, AMD RIDE IH HORSELESS CARRIAGES, HOW EMINENT SCIENTISTS ARE SERIOUSLY PLAN: ING TO SHOOT A ROCKET YO THE MOON. © WN Kil Peatores Sywdiests, BETTY 7 PILOT BOATS UMDER THE SEA Tne, Grest Britain sights reserved, DID YOU EVER READ" TWENTY THOUSAHD LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA, NO, 175 700 DEEP FOR Me | ip RUN? ME \ i lll 1% A FINE HOMEY, Hl] OWMPTY SUIT MAGGIE \D ® "0, ny Feature Berviee, Ine, Groat Britain mghia goserved THOLGH WEAR ON hb, TO'BRING ON A YACHT YOU ARE GOING TO MERT A LOT OF SOCIETY PEOPLE: [TRNOW LISTER WOO A VOL WERE LORD SO ------------ AH LORD CHARLES Il SRE You aT By Geo. McMaows GR REANALD AND LORD CHARLES VL | RUIAT THAT IS fogs) V 00 SLY! | ~ POLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE LAT MR IT 8 TRU WAVE h Buse FLYING PAR AND WIDE» BOTH HUNGRY AND BL SAID THR DWARF «I, BAT AND DRINK, ROR TAM Rey! do A i HOW BY, MISS $8 Baars MER \N A NALS HA arden | \ VaR A : A PROSPERITY BIGHT] LLB git TO &\

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