Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Mar 1930, p. 8

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s THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 1930 AWA _LAUNDR UVENILE INDUSTRIAL | TITL Oshawa Laundry Wins ~....From Red A 4 1 # ¥ a "Team | 'Scores tu iu @ severe out' on 4 j 0 ' | pairs, | LE 4 : iy ig dg oe i Ww ag ¥ Areng when tl hed fwo ptr g the die period (defeat the Red Aces who' finishes on top ot the end of the regu- lay schedule, : The defeat conte as a surprise to a great funy of the dustrial fans, who expected that the Red Aces would win theplay offs ds they had finished at the head of the Jea gue, The i ihe Was a good exhibition of hockey, althougly the close check jug of both feums rendered tear play privetientiyo impossible, Joth teanis. Jost many chances to whi the game In the first two periods but the shots were either weuk or the goals fos were dpe good, In the {hird per fodgpthe MWe Wash team increas ed thielg efforts aud were goon awar- ded; [Chey scored two goals in the final period to win the game and the round, Both are' rea salt teams but there in little doubt that on the night's play, tha batdgr team won, kA Anglicans Win he A: Y. M,C Intermegdinte carned the right ta meet the league w rs, The. Dally Times, by de: feating the Textiles last night in & twenty~-minutes overtime game that produced ' some of the best hockey that has been seen in the league, Both teams bhgttled hard for the resular period, the forward lines of both teams working par ticularly hard. Each team scored one. The first ten uinutes of over time was sgoreless but in the Au- glicans heored once in each half of the second 'overtime session, Rowden scored the second goal and Dpinkle. got the third to win the game for the AY MGC 8 to 1, "Hor Tdttle, the Anglican left A Wonderful Opportun- ity to Secure Your Own Home. New six-roomed house in new residential section, Handy to Motors, For Particulars Phone 2384 Ye CAREW LUMBIR (© hoe A thie nenson of 19295 was decided last alehe Oshnwa Laundyy: Aces 2.0 in ' Final«A.Y.M.C. Wins i the and had to retive fo 15' thought that he' he #bIe to, play in the fin | ------ oe rp-------------- EV & Ey ' Mareh 37, i. Boston . are rtiin of o8 1h the p1ay-otts of the Cada dau-Ameriean Hockey League through Thursday night's game with the league ravidonce Reds here, Thelone- point gained them nndiputeipit #cnnion of second piace. The 1s wdelphia Arrows, one point hehind, can still overtake them hut the Now Haven Engles, «In fourth place, mre ont of tha race, The flyer game of-the play-offs will ba played at the Garden here on March 20, provided the fee 's not needed or a auins Maroon game nthe Notionkl Hockey League } {3 + 99 ' Kid" Chocolate Wins Bout From q ' ¥ Al. Ridgeway New York March Kid Chocolate, the Lalting hemb-bomb of. Cubn, blasted BAT RidKo why. & promising New Jephey youth, from Phils path dw spectacle fashion lusy night, seoring n twe-round techni onl knockout after flooring his man four times, Ridgeway hardly mado a menaelng westury, and was on the carpet three times In the wee ond round before Referee Jack Dorman stopped the one-sided struggle after 2.20 of the round, The ehony master, fresh from a lengthy vacation in Cuba by way of a tune-up fight ln Tampa, Ma, stepped right back Int, his favor ite plage In the hedrts . of New Yorks fight faithfal with a con vinelng display of all-round skiil and punching power, He wasted not 4 motion with the clever, wtiifs punching New Jersey lad, St, Simons Not Yet Sure Toronto, Mar, 32.No definite decision was reached at last night's meeting as to whether Bt, Simon's would enter a senior team In the O.A L.A, this season. A large num- ber of the members and players of the olub gathered in Ht, Simon's uu | Parish Hall, and the goneral feel ing was in favor cof a return to senior Mcrossn, although, after some discursion, it was deemed ad- visible to form a couple of com- mittees to go into the situstion fully, report as to means of fin ancing and the secuving of players before making a definite an- nouncement, | St, Simon's withdrew from the | senidr series last spring, after the { olub found itself unable to field a team of senior strength and sup port It financially, President All, Hayes ocoupled the chair last nigat and it was id {when HOCKEY RESULTS Allan Cup Nembling's Montreal AAA, 7, Hamilton ,.2 Port Arthur oid Tradl 4000. d "Ten minutes overtime, Port As: thur wins round, 6 to 4, Ontario Intovscholamtie Beylos funnymede M.H, 2 Ottaws Gs | Wind Walk, Tech 6 Hamilton | Hamilton and Ottawa Teams Lose ; Games Toromte," Mur, 22-Four of the hut High School hockey teams in tario were seen in uetioh at' the Ravina eink yesterday afternoon, Windsor-Walkerville Lech, met and. defented lamilton Central Collegiate and Runnymedg High Sehool defeated Glebe Collegiate of Ottawa, The two winners will now weet fu the semi-final for the all Ontario High School = ehumpionship, Lhe other two teamy leit in the runs ning are Belleville Colleginte and Bridgeburg Both games will take place at the Arena Gardens this af | ternoon, A great del of Interest wus tuken in the 'Windsor team, as they had previously gone as fur as the third round in the Q.H.A, playdowns, and were only eliminated is the strong Niagara Falls team 6 to § on the round, they having won their home game, 5 to 2, Yesterday they lived up to the high things expected of thew, und defeated Hamilton Central Collegiate gito In spite of the score it was i very Interesting game and had the fans in an uproar most of the time, The second game of the afternob wits between Ottawa and Rennynede und proved to be the gl ser of the two, Runsymede finally winning out, 2-1, Butterworth, the small = centre man for Ottawa, was atiweked with player for Ottawa, was I with Ottawa Rideaus, ho have nn one interest, as he | 1 the , A Iso tl a wl lead ove wile Wert Toront Pastern finals for the junior ¢hamp. fonship, Apsinst West Tarom ' Ottawa Butterworth scored abl four of his team's gouls, and wis the star of the game. Yesterday, however, he failed to live up to advance notices Perhaps It was begause he was €los ly watched hy two Runnymede men at all times, on then again he might have heen saving himself for the nal game tonight against West Tor. onto, He was kept off the scoring sheet complete! The series is being played with the winner taking the Smith and Wright Trophy, emblematie of the Ontario championship and gold medals, The rimners-up will receive silver medals TIE IN COAST LEAGUE Portland, March 22, Defeating Vietoria, 8 to 0 here 'Thursday night, Portland elimbed back inte a tie with Vancouver for the lead ership of the Pacitie Coant Hockey feague, The deadlocked teams have 45 points each planned to hold a further general meeting In about two weeks to xo into the question more fully, It is expected by that time the commits |* Lees appointed will be able to make a complete report And the eluy will then be In a position to state its plang for the coming season, The meeting was an enthusiastic one, and Judging from the players pros ont, there will be no difficulty in gotting a team of senior calibre, ON DIFFERENT. TEAMS "EDDY" DRINKLE and "VIC" BURR Two members of the Oshawa June lovs, These two in action In the Oshawa City and Industrial Finals, hile "Vie ls the goalie for the rival team, The rt game will be played at the Arenas on Mon. AYMLO, li starting at: B00 om. n starting » pm, along. with boys will be seen "Eady" plays ome and see these boys In action, th 8 dosen or wo other real hockey players, PORT SNAPSHOT By Guo Camromis, Sports Bditor Another Title for Oshawa Laundry The Oshawa Laundry, tions of the eity, were rewarded one of the enterprising business organizi- { for their efforts of this season, last night, when the Laundry juveniles won the City and. Industrial ju venile title from the Red Aces by a score of 2 10.0. 0n the game and J 10 1 on the round, I'he Laundry supported a team In each section of the league and in the Junior and juvenile sections they won the ¢hampionshiy Anglicans Win Fhe AdM( Second Place « Wtermegdiate team won segond place and the right to moet the Dally Tins in the finals when they defeated the Texe tiles last night by a score of 3 to |, played before a winner was decided, Anglicans pr ted 'q super def the [} * Twenty minutes of evertiing was The Textiles tried hard but the nee which was a deciding factor in First Game on Monday Night Fhe first 1 ' of the Intermedintc finals: will be played at the Avena on Monday night, the faceoff at 800 pm, Goals are to count am the round. The Dally Times and the Anglicans will put up a great battle, Both teas possess players of real ability, The Daily Times has sueh well known players as "Vie" Burr, the junior goalie; "Tun ney" Mogrisen, another Junior; Drinkle and the "Little attend these games, » LJ . y * player and his speedy brother, Ralph The Anglicans have a real de fence, in Smith and ei" Boneham, the speedy defence Fhere are other good players, Gibble, "Eddy" Brothers" make up a smart forward line that will give the Newsies plenty of trouble, A good crowd Is expected to J . pi Looks Bad for Hamilton The Winged Wheelers treated the Hamilton Tigers slightly rough in Montreal last night. A five-goal series, No doubt, the Tigers are a prow! tor some time now a rude jolt when they defeated them and to win the round AAA, will meet in Toronto in the lead should be enough to win any tired team, they have been on the Port Arthur gave the Trail Smoke Eaters 4 to 1 to overcome a two-goal lead It looks now as If Port Arthur and Montreal Allan Cup finals, TRURO CURLERS DEFEND g TROPHY Be Truro, NB, Mareh Truro curlers Thursday night retained the MeLallin: Cup, emblemaiie of | the curling ghampionship of th Maritinie I'fovinces, when they de. fonted a 'tohm from Westville, 81 to 24, an we a RL - Y dia did ional - Frofilable a Name, he Simin be ow vrCANADA 10.000 00 Vv Puig Address, 4 ST a FECPIICS AWARD: -ébntertaining J) Fisi BAN Rate ati Ya sdishania ner, Should both tea hat, 8h . Sisted them in oon Radio fans of Csechoslovakias are complaining that the government is giving them too many lectures and agrioultural reports and not enough Jags and other light entertainment, Lost since 1853, the original sketch proposed for the first London-print ed stamps of Tasmania was found { fecently In a waste-paper basket dur | ing a clearance of old correspondence ut the Hritish Inland Revenue Office. A -- Among the newest American in. ventions is a "gas-mask" that fits on exhaust pipes of gasoline engines. | According to the inventor, the de. vice transforms the carbon monoxs ide fumes into harmless carbon diox. ide ga», Frank "King" Clancy Is First Holder of Willingdon Cup Ottawa, Ont,, March 28,~Prank Clancy, dashing captain of Ottawa fenators, is the first bolder of the ¥'""""ngdor Cup, presented by Hiv lxoslloncy the Governor-General, tor Sontriuiing, the most scoring assists of any Ottawa player, The King" figures in 23 assists, no- cording to statintios issued yester day, He has had une more assist than Heo Kilrae, his colleague on left, wing, Port Arthur Wins Round F rom Trail Port Arthur, March 22,-The hog- key revolt sprung up from the little Mountain stronghold of Trail, B.C, was rudely crushed last night, Port Arthrr seniors, proud rulers of nma~ ter hockey In Canada, humbled by 4101 the Trail Smoke-eaters, who had served them a defiant 3 to 1 vies tory Wednesday, By a lone goal on the two-game round the Western Canada title went to the thrice-erowncd Dominion me- narchs, Only In overtime was defeat Im- posed on the vallant Smelter men, who have four times frained the Bris tish Columbia championship to be ousted each time belore the western title could be gamed, Salonen Scores Two Twa of the Ports' quartet of tal lies came from the short stick of Johnny Salonen speedy right winger, One; as the second period was mere- ly started, developed from a perfect passsout from the cormer by Captain ilson ; the other won the game in overtime when he bundled the puck and Goalle Tuffy Garland info the hemp aiter a pasr-out from Frank {Haequoll had lodged in the netman's skates. By counting the goal that tied up the round in the opening period, "Phat" Wilson delivered the game's prettiest individual tally, In the powerful lone rush style that has placed him--at 35 years of age--~am- ong the most feared defencemen in amateur hockey, he sifted through the Trail team and backhanded the puck over Garland's shoulder, CLEVELAND BEATS ROCHESTER Cleveland, O,, March 28 Cleve. land won the setond game for the world's series championship of the American Pro Basketball . League here last night defeating Roches: ter 18 to 17, The two teams now are tied, Rochester having won the first game last night, MACK NEEDS MORE PITCHERS Manager Connie Mack is a bit worried about the world champion Athlotion' pitohing staff, "I'm satistied that I've got good pitch ing," he sald yesterday, "but what worries me is not 'enough good pitehing, I've got no worries about Grove, Earnshaw and Walberg, Dut they need help, A few of our recruits look as If they might be all right, but they haven't shown me enough yet to form any real opinion of them." PROMOTE JUNIOR BADMINTON Kingston, March 23.~A new oup has been presented to the bad minton club of Kingston for junior competition, It will remain in the olub with the winner's names on the yearly shield for the following: Singles, boys; singles, girls: doubles, boys; doubles, girls' mixed doubles, Competition for the trophy will' be held during the Easter holidays, The hockey finals are over and htat's that, Sticks and skates are put away for another year, all of which reminds us that Cente Street won the outit tor welll the most tickets for the recent mateh, And now we're away for the Basketball Floals between Mary street and Cedardale for the KE, 4, Nichol championship banner, Ced ardale defeated Ritson road lam week 17-18 to quality for the fin. als, The first of the home and home games will bo played at the HyR.W AY, h 26th at 30 p.m, Adm _oants, Un I maok atthe nolegtate Bt Te wi a ] RLY total baskets to deter ha wie % a of the round overtime wil Wmor gurrent aroun Bg soil vil ater t there will be an well as b + KX i the ooting in the near next few The officials of the Oshawa Pubs' | lle Hohools ~ Athletlo Association wish to take this parity 'to 'thank: all those who wo ably as iting the play: Offs at the Arena (lls week, Ritsch Rd. vs, Codardale The championship of the South: orn Group was decided Wedness day afternoon at the YMCA, gym when Cedardale emerged the win ner by one point over Ritson RA. girle, The woore waa 17-16 and the lay was just as olose «a the score ndiontes, At ..o end of the first half the a are was +7, At the end of the third quarter the mepre was 18:11 in Cedardale's favor. Rit: son showed greatly improved com bination since thelr @ last week w Codardale defeated thew 40-10, Verna Cooper again wis Ritson's star while Katie Siblock dropped fn moat of Cedardale s counters, Miss 'Mann the referee alt the gime well in hand, Ced ardale now proceeds to 10et Mary and a real close game will Hkely result for both teams are fast, use Shiendid combination play, and 6 forwards are sure shots when the basket ia within reach, Cedar dale supporters will ne doubt be out in full foree Lo cheer thelr 'team to victory. ' The teams: Ritson=-V, Cooper, B, Gut D, Crook, V, Thompson, Ni The son, I, Bowler, 8, dteban, I) Hew: Litt, D, Ball, G, Fluka, Codarde MacDonald, WN diblock, F. Clark, 1, Holmes, R Smith, O, Frasdy, 0. Marae, V, A drews, M. Amold, GUELPH SUPPORTERS ARE DISAPPOINTED Guelph, 'Aarch %4.~~Bupporters of the Guelph hockey team were anxious to wee Lhe third play-oft game in the Canadian League championship series played hers tonight, Officials of the club, however, found the switch impos sible in view of the large advance slo of meats at Kuchener Arenas Owing to the fact that Guelph Is without artificial fee, the Leafs, who are playing off with Galt for the title, decide" to play their home games in Kitchener, but when the sudden change In weather made ice available there was & strong agitetion locally to have the Guelph team play at home, League President Dawson ane unced tomy that Mike Rodden and Jerry Goodman would he the officials tor the important game, R. Weiland Leads N.H.L. F or Points Montreal, March 88.-~Ralph "Cooney" Welland, diminutive but claver centre of the Boston Bruins, won the points champlonship of the National Hockey League fn the scheduled wseawon which ended Tuesday, according to final figures announced last night from the of: Yices of President Frank Calder, Points are awarded for goals and ansints, each heing held of equal value, Welland, playing his second season in the major lesgue, led all scorers with a total of 44 goals, which, with 50 assists, gave him a total of 78 points, Frankie Boucher of Rangers, despite the fact that he was out of the final games with a dislocated shoulder retained second place In the seer tion and the league for points with a total of 62, The race for actual goalscoring honors was extremely close, While Welland notohed 48, he was closer ly followed by his robust team- mate, "Dit" Clapper, who crashed home 41 on the senson, just ona more than Howie Morens, whirl Wind centre-loe start of the Capa dlens, Morens, finishing with a burst of scoring power, rapped in five goals in avadien's fina #oheduled game, which gave him the scoring leadership in the Cans: dian section by a margin of one aver Nels Stewart ,t the Maroons and placed him third in the entire Tue, Heo Kilrea, flashy left wing of Ottawa Senators, led the Canadian Whotion In points, with 36 goals ane 33 assists, with Stewart second, 39 4nd 16, Norman Himes, clever dentre of New York Americans, Wan deadlocked with Morens for third position, each of them with 80 points, Joe Lamb, - tiery centre of Ot tawa Senators, led the "bad men" for the season, Though fifth in the points race, Lamb accumulated 119 minutes in penalties; Sylvie Man: tha was second with 108, and Ed. dle Shore third with. 108, These were the only players to pass through t) 100-minute mark. GLEENFUL MOON Last night in the wood I met a witen, She was up to no good She had gotten a fitch, And a fattened brood Of the New Yeap chicks, Nuts, apples red And a loaf eof bread, She mounted the wind, Her hair streamed, And the moon grinned And hungrily beamed, hy She Tnon Slohted, sliver drops ' Ang slostully floated Thro' the pine-tree taps, =H. M, in the London Spectator, been de gh a out da s milly ehrome Sa ta hai Ll CORts are wu t workmen against Bits of FRY hot steel, Scotland has a "Bright Sunday" 1927 CHE #t, for the champlonship pennani Winged Wheelers Win First Game of Playoffs From Hamilton Tigers "Montreal AAA. * Senfors Earn FiveGonl Lead in First Game With Ontarie Champs--Score 7-2 Montreal, March 28,~The Winged Wheelers, Montreal Ams tour 'Athietie Association's senior squad, Quebec senior hockey chams pions, advanced anuther noteh in the ladder towards the Allan cup here last night when they defeated the Hamilton Tigers, Ontario champions, by 17-4, The game was the first of po home and heme series for the eastern final and the rightto meet either the Teall Smoke Eaters of Port Arthur fp the final of the Allan cup, emblem of the amateur hockey champion: ship 'of Canada, The Wheelers had the edge from the start, out-scoring thelr oppon- onts in each period, The Tigers showed little Lut an ability to skate fast, The Wheelers outolass- e' them from every angle, out skating and out-scoring them with ease, Des Roche and Glennie Brydson were the stars of the game, Each scored two geals and generally made themselves useful throughs out, Desse's b Jther Ear' got ane other counter while Ahearn was responalble for the seventh, Hamilton Plays Poorly None of the Hamilton squad chowed anything like the class of Lockey the 'ocal squad played tor night, The defensive work was poor, the forwards slow and the goalle, although he let seven tale lise get by, was probably the best of the Hamilton team, He was practically . without a defence all evening and his forward line of fered no protection by back checks ng. The Wheelers return to Toronto with the Hamilton outfit where tae aeoond game of thn series will be played, The winner will play olther Trall Smoke-Eaters or Port Arthur best two out of three &amse for the Allan cup, R gulars Win rractice. Game Tarpon Springs, Fla, March 22-= Anni other things yesterday Steve O'Neill put his Leafs through a long workout that included a seven-inns ing game between the regular: and Irregulars, Then he named a new bag ting order for the game with Brooks lyn day and still another one fog the clash with Detroit on Sunday, Yesterday afternoon, the hard works ing pilot went golfing with Eddig Phillips and Josh Bulings, The so-called vegulars won ' thé ractice affair 4 to 2, but did na ragging over their victory after i wis over, which was as it should he 'they made only seven hits and twa of them were tainted, Freshman pits chers were used on both sides and the hitting was anything but encours aging, But tor two sparkling throws from desp centre to the late by Bob Pets vie, chasing a runner Sock to third base each time, and a smashing good catch in rifht field by Art McHenry the irregulars might have won the contest, The regulars did not win it until the seventh when they hopped on the inexperienced Paul Lestrock for three runs, WHOSE FAULT? Butcher = Excuse me, madam, but you haven't yet paid me for the turkey you had at Christmas, . C" stomer No, my husband sprained his wrist so badly carving it that he hasn't been able to write out your cheque yet, or interior fixtures for the home. Mhde in Oshaws. For Estimates Phone 2384 Millard's Planing | VROLET SEDAN «= New ig In avéry way an exceptional | Ber gains USED CARS Tires, New Bate $375 00 amd 1928 CHEVROLET COUPE in New car condition LO ) \ $450 00 1929 ESSEX COACH--Firet clase order $625 00 PHONE 1100 i 1 KING Tw

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