THE OSHAWA DALY TIMES SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 1950 RPO GOAL Le ¥ y IA 5 IRN pos OY awa Chamber of {Commerce Membars pat -------- a In King St. Smoke Spvonds Thooush Causing Con stomnetion Among inhabi | . tants~~Actual Fire Dam- : age Was of Small Amount STARTED FROM RETTE : BUTT| 5 | Originated on | Landing tween Second and Burning "to Bedroom » Stubborn Fire ama Fire which was discovered nt © 7.45 p'olock last evening onupeds . about, thirty tenants of the King Streal: Chambers (0 hurriedly vas onto thelr apartments, end caused . considerable damage to a stairway snd on bedveom on the thivd floor of the bullding, The Dase started fram Bn olgar [ett Bott dropped hehind a radiator on the stair landing between the | Mecond mid third storeys, ¥Vire ! Ohief W. 1 , Bllott stated last night," Binge the huilding is an . old one, the blase spread aiifte © vapidly and 'smoke soon filled the "whole bullding, ousing the tens Bots to make a general exit, f The fire burned through a parti yen, any Up it and shrepding Yi a Ly room on the Ami betvon Inarvaimg "most of the possessions of the footer whe inhabited it, was ly burned before the fire waa extinguished, "it looked like & Rasty fire, and it was fortunate t it was discovered as oo a it , Or We might have 000s ¥ siderable diftieulty in preventing it from attaining serious propor: tions," the five ehlel stated, One Jue of hose wis laid by the firemen, and the blase wag extins bed with damage estimated by fire chief at about $160, The huliding is owned by an Oshawa syndioate, and the Joss was goveyed by insurance, Cy Balt two gentlemen or bus ness girls, Phone S344W, (0he) . Abb gale, All conveniences, Immediate fon, Apply 984 Leslie Bt, hone 28007, (090) { ty Tenants Forced to ¢ From Fire Last Evening . Chambers Here CITY NEWS| " Mewar Ww na K.01, of Mantra will speak on Our West op a Cha " the regular hoon funcheon of 0 ary Club he ba ht on Monday, leo will 08 hi ® short five Md yout nal talk on the bakery business, REPAIR SEWER A deep ditch has been dug on King street west, near Giadetons Avenue, in order to repair a ver 'connection, A barricade has heen erected to protect motor trafoe, GIVEN REMAND George Lawrence, of (his oly, who was arrested In Toronto yes \orday, was vemanded appeared before Magistrate Willis in police court this morning ohars. ed with theft, VIRE IN REFURK The fire department were oall- od Inst oyening about 10 o'clock to A small five on a property ewned 00 Teoh by A. Bakageorge, at 147 Athel street, The binge oviginated in « refuse dump and there was a dan: gor of It spreading in the high wind to aurioundin bulldings, OAR TAKES FIRE + The fire depiviment reepived onll about eleven o'clock thik morns ing to 608 Albert street, whare an automobile owned by Tony Mache yneki Dad caught fire, When the truoks petived, BUYS. ihe _firt And no damage was don LY he garage or the ear, COOPERATION REQUESTED The Times is endeavoring to compile & register of wll fraternal graanisations, societies and clubs in the ojty for the purpose of keeps in tough with these regularly, Offers of such organisations will assist tly by sending to the Bditer, 8 Times, the name of thely ofganisation, : st of thelr ohief aMesrs, and the date of re ia mestings, Co-operation in his respect will he greatly appre olated, In. these rveapecte--4 memorial service In. London and burial eles: where==today's " obetquies wee veminiscent of the ceremonies top owing the desth of that other Po of Heotland a year ago, " alg of Bemerayde, Hal's remaing were interred at Drybergh oy, The Duke of York attended at Westminster Abbey this afternoon on behalf of His Majesty, CIVIC AFFAIRS Will Be Discussed at the pT Annual Dioner Meeting EU . ] JoAKEs OF FARSEX SOA" A AT ae | - CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Welsh's Parlors TUESDAY NEXT--6.30 P.M. Public Are Cordially Invited GEO, W. Sh : a aaa a AA ---------------- a uqun Tour, i when he | G. , CONANT ¥, Ls MABON A U HTORIN W. M, GILBERY oh W, NEZELEWOOD WORK OF MOOSE ORDER 1 TOI BY PAST REGENT Lester W. Bloch of Albany Addresses Smoker of Local Lodge gm CARE FOR AGED No Other Fraternal Society Has Such a Fine Old People's Home A story of the weeat work of charity being eafried on by the Loyal Order of Moose, ita method of providing fer the phildren of de consed members and the protection It affords these members whe find themselves In pehiniless old wee was told by Lester W. Bloch, of Albany, N.Y, Past Grand Regent a Direstor of Mooseheart and & Councillor of Old Age Hervice, at a well attended smoker of Oabawn Lodwe No, 820 held in Welsh's Parviors last night, The message of the Past Grand Regent wan much Appreciated and it wan felt that he nad presented the alma and prin diples of the Moope Lodge in very elear light, Other prominent Moose officials were also present at Inst night's smoker, "The principles of the Loyal On der of Moose touch every class af soclety," Hon Mr, Bloch stated, He pointed ont that it was an inten national and interdenominationdl organisation, ( we Make Criminals Thea 800, 000 orphan childs vei in Canada' and United Riates the speaker claimed, Nome are iy: on & decent ohance in life while others are allowed to fall by the wayside, he stated, It is w sighls fleant fact, the speaker vontended, that 00 per gent of all oriminals 'are drawn from (his class, "it ohildren are allowed to grow up uneared for and become bad, " shld, "they may influence your ohildren In a harmful way." o then described the commun: Ma ot Mooseheart which the sutablivhed in the state Nery ns of hi, a ot he the} are cared for and AE 4 (Qontinued on Page 11) SE 'Works, Toronto, John Clenients, dr weband of Lena ls Pind to Watt's Cometer t of au ae ' Qas Co ay 2 pW, i of lw a Are, Milla, age.4 Wontha aud a fn trom whe family raid =e h tn, "1 dens Servic a 0h tinenk ho oka vate, 40 ol (OT oleh a nly . automaton rh ete in a ern ram Legion Corner The secretary of "the Oshawa Branch of the Oanndian Legion has received a letter from: Alex Whiolds, provinolal secretary, jcon gratulating the efticers and mem bers of ihe looal bLraneh on itv splendid inorease in membership in resent weeks, Kighty-twp hew Ap plloations for membership were sont to headquarters during the Int week, making a total of About 180 new membres singe the be ginning of the year, and there I» A list of between thirty and, torty more applieations to coms Before the branch meting next Thursday, The membership "drive teama are ail continuing thely work, and the three hundred mark in nem bernhip will noon be left be hind, By "REAR RANKER" The parliamentary committee on returned soldiers' problems I fikely 10 hold its tirst publie ses sion oh Tuesday of nest week, M Mointyre Hood, chairman of the exeentive of the Oshawa Branch of the Legion, who has been attend ing weekly conferences on (ha Legion's legislative program in Ot awa since the session in parla ment opened, has bean notified that 'he will be required Lo Appear a8 4 material withess before the committe, which will deal with amendments to the pension net and Mle with the War Veterany' Al lowanes Nill, The new membership and aoe counting system In te be put inte effect on April 1, and by that time (Continued on Page 8) ------ In Memoriam TROTT »=In Joving memory of my © dea? husband and father, Rapper John Trott, who died 80nd Mamh, 1017, overseas, Gone Hy ua, but leaving memors on Death can never take /away, Memories that will always linger While upon this earth we stay, Wite and Family, 240 Alles Btreet, (Aha) RE hl NOTTINGHAN ==In loving memory of our dear hrother, a who died: March 29, 1089.14 Hadly missed by Ethel and Wanley NOTTINGHAM==In loyhig' memory of our dear brother, Wergus Not tingham, who was drowned 1» the "hus Canal, Marehy 22, 1080, Wa think of you dear brother, Hut no one ever knows, We mourn for you in silence Mourn silently and low, Madly missed Brie and, Hark [4 NOTTINGHAN=-In loving memory of Fergus Nottingham, «whe passed away Marth 99, 1020, I's Just one year ago today, Sine Jesus took you howe. to stay Your dear sweet smile still hoved in death, In Jowus' arma, you are at vest, Sadly missed by JN ng ham and Me jie me Kno. Dp NOTTINGRANC In } loving mem of Forkum Nottngha Nohn KB, Netti er od away Mareh ry Reet Io pores Four worl In dons, 4 where those Who win _-- ~~ meet You 'ou by "ym son of Mr, an ah pH re aleup on dear big You "e ont: w ly m Wow, ge 0 R= Toving. Novhe, yh | oll | EN Womws-1\ Ha i Hn, 100, OBITUARY CHARLEY BORLAND The funeral was held. on Thurs day, In Orono, of the late Oharles Borland, aged 78, of the Clty of Toronto, who died on Tuesday, Mareh 18% The deceased was an "old Orono boy and had been operating a drug store In the olty of Toronto, Death came quietly, after a fairly lengthy illness, The late Mr, Bor land, Is remembered in Orono as a prominent sportaman, He wan a member of Orono's first ball team, the Hhoe Fleas, Me was the son of the late Bam Norland, who was a foamident horseman Wn his day, ov. JW, Rae had oharge of ttle service, Interment was made in the Orono Cemetery, JORN CLEMENTS Death came suddenly yesterday to John Clements, aged 78, Mv, Cloments wan killed yesterday af tegnoon when crushed by an ele vator, at the Consumers' Las Works, where he had worked for forty-four years, He 1s survived by four wens, Gordon, John, Stephen, and Nore Hany uit - Tovanto, The wife of Soa formerly Misa 1, ley of Houth Dahan, The funeral service will be held In Toronto on Monday and the bedy will be brought to Oshawa, Inter: ment will take place at St, George's Cemetery, Park Road Nevth, Sadly missed by and Family, (00a) EET CORW-=Iy loving wemory of my dear mother, Mra, Mary Core, who 'Daseed away Mareh 23, + 1980, Mareh brings shd memories OF & loved one gone (0 reat, iy will always be remembered AE EH iit oi ater or uw Er \ Bi » oy Toronto, March 28==The slat telephone awitohbhoard 4 |S fon haa been disman in hotel oy he Hand 1000 Prince George 240:line board which was in the "Royal Ow Aid a NA, NENCASTE BRN DESTROYED WITH CATTLE AND HOGS Disastrous F te Occurs on Farm of Bernando Perrin CAUSE UNCERTAIN, Horses Were Only Stock ' Saved from Blaze--11 Cattle, 5 Hogs Lost { Ra a LOVELL A disastrous fire breaking out In the barn on the farm owned and ocoupled hy Bernande Ferri, two miles ens Newoastie, about four o'clock yostardly afternoon. coms pletely yased the har 4 yt! ground with the losk of 11 cattle, fiva hows and hundred bushels of gral and several of . "five wan fat notiend pome farmers pussiug along the road about four o'vieek hut 1t was thought ta be of little consequence And the owner was not informed but later when the smoke Wis seen losuing nn preat clouds Mr, Perein wan told and It was too late then Lo save the cattle, The horses which were In a wing of the barn were however brought to sifety hut ht Wan all that could be saved, Nelghs hors rushed to the séens but with the high wind and wo apparatus to work with. nothing Whatever could he done to save either the barn or the contents, The vause of the five In 0 myntory as no one had been near the barn tor nhout four hours when My, Perein had 'done the noonday Noreen, Thera in. a. possi: bility «that the fire originated through spontaneous combustion In the hay In the bax, The barn was a three wing strues ture with homes In one wing, cows iv another and hows tn another, The fire In helloved to have started In the hog wing of the bar as it was stil possible to pel to the horses when the barn was fn flams of, "The loss 1s estimated at seven al thousand dollave, part of which in covered by anrante, The hotlise being ome distarioe Hon the han Was untouched by the flam |) with the high wind DIOWINE It wad considered tn danger for some time, It wan Tong after dark belore the blare died down leaving the bara nothing but smouldering ashes and smoke was still rising from these vemalng as lute as midnight, ee PART BUFFALO LIVEMOOK East Buffalo, N.Y, Maroh 28, Hogs AR; holdovers 700; vather ., W, steady to Rrunk, 170-010 anda 11.88; i a0 i 11, 00} to 10, Oatlle' § wenk'n supp! al demand fain, PAP {ad a quay pain, ak Medium wd ™ AR oariin an " yg N ty 1000} hat 3) 1.80 vy 8.78) outer grades " Oufvon A or oloaln % hu a 00 under last week, 00 Rep 200; lambs ahout steady with one weak apn, Tid wi des a ne » med, good to choles Wools skit ! 50 to i, WW med! - and his § 0 to IN pve LET) thinly over . 9 down, Havana, rw now has 28 motion picture Wont Rams, " i unde 20- AT 4 Ma x 00 {Ins a A What's New in -» Advertising -- The Times will be glad to mershants know on what days sny advertising ls to appear, so that they may link.up thelr store and window displays, Phone 35 und ask for Miss Ku. Gough. -- Tip Top Tallors Limited, the big wiloring firm, will ;advertise in The Times to Increase the sale through thelr local agents, ---- MeLareny, Limited, Hamilton, will feature, thelr fine line of [ane and Jellies und other products ju an ¢ tensive advertising eampaign, No doubt the housewives of Oshawa will be much Tuterested In thelr an nouncements, The Quaker Oats Company, Ltd, Peterboro, has just renewed ie col tract with The Times for another Yen I'he Ontarlo Depa pariment of High- ways believes In bean the public Informed regardin pi lone of the Highway Act iru A promoting silos ty by educating drivers along the lines of care, courtesy and gommon sense. The Oshawa Dalle Times In one of the newspapers be used again this year n this eanfbalg, Btowar Waner. Alemite Corporas thon of Canada, Limited,, Belleville, Ont, will continue to advertise thelr sroduets In The "Times this year They are fring out a new line of ( arbosolve, WELSH MALE CHOIR Now Has 22 2 Members and ls Anxious to Increase Number Oshawa boasts 8 Welsh male voles oholy of #9 voloel, and on two oooasions this recently formed choral soolety has made an appear: ance before a loon! audience, David Jonking, Conant street, is leader of the ehelr while Wm, Jenkins In secretary, Those who are interested in the choral soclety are anxious to inorenan its membership and ells ible singers are asked to commune nts i the leader or seorstary, Oshawn Welsh Male Voles onbir was formed as the result of radio Droddeasts which were heard hare by local Welsh singers and were supposed to have heen made by Welsh choral sacleties In _, fnte and* dther olties, Th conuiderad that by forming oe (4 a miler eh aion they aoul 0 a8 Well or better as some of thowe heard aver the radio. SMITHERS SANE, MUST FACE CHARGE pear in Toponto Court on Arson reon Counts i James Sm knows Sais 8 ng oo none of the ustial symptens oh {ne tnt" fa ne to a report ptad oo wT, ry, Jail surgeon, when Rhithern nd helo! wren, wit lam Ileith in rounty police court arson, Fa ny --y until. Mar, Pn wi and children are in duth tute ¢ ¥ hon te and we woul to know when the crown wil be pres pared to go Wh ~ wih th 0 Shne==we want to know at where > Ll sald Wy A. Stilwell, appearing for Snilthers, + next wd suggested Ith, k » added longer tha Mobre, for arown, yesterday cha Possibly Mgnt Koh C. Fran Vandals Enter Home of Orillia Official arch abl thet hay in ol the hay od inkwater, De reeve ° villa Drink ea and hb 0) themselves tor Ly her. hw, oh the intruders was ot Npeoted until, upon piyiag . hance visit yes the = owner OUR ome, whi no bee eet ol ATH he out, pt A pb oe x Sty far bout iol a ~ Sy are Jhat the Re tor ons ~ Phyo it known WANA He A Iot]' 15 FORMED HERE, Former Oshawa Man 16 Aps| nis ae fs EES ahaa lected Director's Three New Directors Are Chosen, Five Re-elected For Period of TwoYears = Directors Reslocted Are Mesors, G. D. Conant, F., L. 'Mason, George Hart, A. G, Storie and E, A Lovell TWO ARE RETIRING "FROM DIRECTORATE New Directors Are G. W. Hezzelwood, R. 8, Morphy and W. M, Gilbert, While H. A. Brown and R. D, Preston Retire from Board Five of the menwho have served ws directors of the Oshawa Chamber of Commerce for the last two years, were re-elected to the board when members chose elght men Ae repre« sent then on the exceutive for 1930 und 1931, The elections closed last night at seven o'clock, by which time all ballots mailed by menthers had to be in the hands of the ses retary, The elght men dlected to the die rectorate for the 1930-31 termi wre GD, Conant, who was first viges president lust your EK. Av Lovell, hi wits third *wicespresident Inst your) and W. M, Gilbert, George Hart, GW, Hesslewood, 1%, Li Mis son, 1, 8, Morphy and A G, Stories Of these mes, {1 M, Gilbert, G, 'W, Heselowood and R, 8 Morphy are new members of the directorate, The other directors who still have one year of thelr terms loft, are Ww, Beil E C, Hodgins, D, Ir ohne ston, C, Me Tavish, E, Marks, J, I, Reddin. 'and H, P, Schell, G Ww, Mi Laughlin, president last year, and Mayor "I's B, Mitchell, exe officio bes come members of the directorate, MH, mand B77 sston are res | wom the J rate 'The serutineers in chime of counts Ing the ballots were As I, C K 8 Panes Fwart Al " AA kt rimer GW, Pinley and 1, J, Red- n OMoers of the Chamber elected at a meetin of Directors pot a A gest. The anour! meeting of the members of the Chamber will be held on Thursday, March 2; March 27, DEMONSTRATION OF DURANT CARS HERE Motion Pictures of Factory to be Shays at Thickeon Show Rooms A demonstration of considerable Interest Is being given by the Thiokwon Motor Hales, local Dupe aot dealers, at thelr showrooms, 0 Bond street west, next Wedness day evening at eight o'clock, One of the features of this showing will be( motion plotures taken in the Durant factory, ils lustrating the thtual processes of Maputaciyring the Durant chassis other parte of th Beture was taken for the ahdking the wo ib put put i Sg at IE will be of 'the Board d for Tuesday invitee n pd ng yy today through | the oo i oF The Times, to ats tend the showing, A network of wo Jaw is to be ese tablished over ung A London ny will 0 on 0) at yA oan 5 dade Arn of rush septa at MADAME hone 263 yO Wh R ND "8