Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Mar 1930, p. 13

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PAGE THIRTEEN (Mar, 4-1 mo) Emme e, Money to loan. Alger Dida, et ey pi | | y M m 1 - oda | PRE WAZLRWOOD &WARPER, Disney Block, Phone 2060, Office am, to 8,40 pam, Dr, B, | { Haslowgod, special attention to | and X-Ray. Dr; B, H; Har- fal attention to children's and Obstetrics, Fr n we ealls 416 or 193, Ob eh go lateriy hock wed die | 890 ™ Offs and re}; meee St. N. (cor, Brock) TUCK, OPTOMLTRIST, in muscle Sudaiies, fh cs, i, Jo {Chita snd Its Development, Diy The Wie The opposite Post Office, (Mar, 18-1 mo) A ] # nd " PR AL "| "Undertaking aon street Borth, Pioves Celine. i . G oars fH iber ------ | kine 8 St. wes north, Your (nsurence wants ab iiss to and your .nterests pro- 0 ee AND §TONRAUR, TOT s, 86 Bond West, Hpeciaiists in Muraitare moving, storage wary house and moving van equipment Phone #3. ANTAGR, bo dof ke Sauing. Lgsa) and don Phone #24, 10 Bond Bt, West, : : EVAR. lished furn'iure movers. Park Rosd Ar aN, 1 and om" distance ran ie. fe Park eh | & bi one BF (ren, 194 mor CARTAGE, MOVING GRAVEL, sand and cinders, Local and long h- tance Maullig. thous PW, 1, § og Feb, 22-1 an WHY PAY NTSB [I'] cheaper, moving or: baullpg 0 cents up, Try us, Joon and long distance, Kagle Cartage, Pbone y Yoh, 28-1 mu) -- bale cutt me XPERT .MARCELLING BY d we P 4 Wan Shop Mire and 4 nam 4 oo (1 ion I ana. we. The gi all 1 Sl aL NGUICRCS mim consuls MR, N. Jove, #0 All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc. nature, od sonally do. Tht: Tier ond collect for fame. "Times" Classified Ads Bring: Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of ex {os aseing from handling » large number of stall wooo For thy convenience of customers who find it Inconvenient office, & telephone call | ad ' will receive the advertisement PHO ie [] for and tl sup, Work Wanted T oto ~ Hie w 2A free, ochaale street une )| water year round, Phone 1850 or D| 8347W 78 ee a Paster " iar 4 fr b. ! und re ring ead ng _, {PTE ditiversd. Ph ar, | haw, re or ron: repaired. one B11 mo) ravel, sand, cinders apd gonotni |o ding. Chris feat hone 841 mo) SA AST DRY CLBANI ING, PABSBING, DY» ings 1204 King Street West, t Phone | mal i Mik 1 mo.) m aol A Fit {] ol delivery orders 10 & Hr itd me EC he hg Articles For Sale | RI fm '| trie stove, hardwood floors, Apply WN Eor Rent APARTMENT, SIU ERY, HONE like suites. Bowe furulshed, laun dry, convenienees, «lec dryer, ete, o'o0 stoves, elec Potrivetation hot ' (8th) FOUR AND FIVE ROOMED MOD orn suites fncluding electrio refrig ergtion, aleve, Iswndry, conven) phe ote. continuous mot water led. Apply Supt. 'phone 367), or Trusts and Goerastes Oo. tdi, monager 4 owner, Toronto. (2740) TUMENT="FWE™ FMUMNIRIKD onal Phone 8 ole fargo and one ps 23-1 mo) (feb, 22-1 mo) = FIVE. ROOMED house on Prince street, Apply 44 Elgin west, (b7t0) 10, RENT - VLEVEN ROOM Fiieht; over the New Martin 1 gate . possession Apdl 18t, reasons BIE rent. Apply Erole Marks, New Martin Theatre, (68¢ T™WO SMALL APARTMENTS TO rent, all conveniences, Apply 437 Sime cog Street South, 08c TO RENT-FURNTIHED APART. ment for light housekeeping, conven: fences, near Motors, Phone 2207. 108 Colborne Fast, i (08) UNPURNISHED PLAT ron rent, Three rooms. Wired for elec: For Rent FOR RENT a TWO FURNISHED or unfurmished rooms, central, all conveniences, Rent modetate, phone 291W, (68c) TO RENT--SEVEN ROOMS, TY er, electric Hunts garage, furnace, Phone (68¢ | RINT - POULTRY, FRUIT and garden fart, good soll; and building, nor' of Bewmanville, Albin Ci , Lit. Neo 6, Rew; manville, (670 bedroom, suitable for Nght house- keeping It desired, Phone 1778W or ohlb 216 Alice Brent, (87¢) bedroom, Bros kinst or bonrd it do. sired; Phone 8174W, (87) wi range, re rator, steam hest, nowly decorated, Janitor seryice, Phone Mu (88¢) to 4] Toasonabie routs), Central, Phone 1860, (68¢) meng and private bath, Unfurnish- od Inrge rooms, Good district, fongonable, 32 Gladstone Ave, (8he) ifor 3 business sirls, Convenient to Goneral Motors, Apply Box 02% Times, (08D) §| Forfa or Rest FOR SALE 0 - room new brick house, all eonven~ fences, hard wood floors, uarage. Phone 1918) oc) Wanted To Rent unfurniy od all and bath, Close to Motors. Apply Box 688, Csh- awa Times, (679) te For FOR SALE--HOUSE WITH ALL conveniences. For particulars apply 166 Agnes Bt. Phone 8107, (670) THREE HUNDRED FIFTY DOL- lars buys lot 40x}17 with new three roomed dwelling. fad ge hill iiotriet, Sasy terms pr omwell, (6 FOR SALT TW NEW SIX ROOMED id on Lauder Rd, oak floors, french doors, electric mantel, deive, - Soap for quick sale, side Phone ) | 3380W, one) BUTCDTNG TON BALE--SETON hand lumber, serap for firewood, by pile or load. Rogers farm, Park 'road ' south, Apply Pete Wysotaki, "(60b) room house and "EITAR0 with aul convenlences, © Will take car or small house, Apply 280 Clarke St. 5 4 rooms, electric | g | POMERANIANS TORENTRHAW'S "CINCULATING Horaty, You will enjoy reading the intest Fiction at minimum cost. Phone 1472, 87 Clmcos Bla Moni fl U8 SCHOOL of dancing and physical culture, 32 Bond Street East, Lessons fen cach evening from 6 pm. und Saturdays from 10 am. For terms call or phone 337W, at above hours. (Mar. 19:1 Mo.) Corsetiere CORSETIERY.~PLGASE PHONE 2343), Mry, Deruma for particu lars of the new fitting line in Spire ella, District North Lagt, after 5 p, m, (Mar, 15-1 Mo, he ~ ' resentative, north west and south nnst etricts, 100 Frederick street, Phone 41803, (Mar 156-1. mo) Hemstitching AEMSTITCHING NINE CENTS per yird, Pleated Skirts. from one dollar up, beautiral embroidery work, Including children's wear all on sale, | I'he Dell Shop, 26/4. Simcoe South, Phone 1656. (Mar, 19-1 mo.) Motor Cars OUT YOUR CAR WABHED™ AT Dominlog Garago, 88 Bond stree: west, Plone 5108. All cars at one price $1.00, (March 1-1 mo) (Mar. 12 ti) Pets and Live Stock. , FoR BALE, males, 3 months old. pedigreed and registered. Irish Terrier at stud. Star Kennels, Port Whitby, (8701 [AM ESWAY HATCHED CHI CRS rom trap-nested breeders, S. White Leghorns, barred rocks, hive Wyandottes, Write of phone for catalogue, Oshawa Hatchery and Poultry Farm, 144 Park Road North Phones 1337), 1337F, (Mar. 21-1 Mos) "Business Opportunities TAX] DUSINESS FOR SALE-IN good locality, Phone 202IM (69¢) Home Cooked Meats ENULTEH HOME 'WAYE PORK ples, steak and kidney ples hot or gold brawn, kes and pastries, oto, oto. Frank Drakes, 21 Maple steel, Phone 23735. Ant Nursing TK NURSE, MATERN: ity, Invalid, or general | nursing, For TORONTO MAN 18 KILLED IN ELEVATOR ----_" Torgnto, March 22. ~John «Clem. ents, aged 73, was instantly, killed when his head was crushed by a freight elevator at the Consumers" Gas Works yesterday, Clements, po- lice of Pipe avenue division learned, wap going up In an open hoist in station "B" of the compiy on East was caught between the top of the holst door and the ceiling, PROFESSION ATAZED Lady (meeting two beggars) -- What! Aré there two of you now? Boggur~~Only for aifew days t have sold: him my connections and must Introduce customers, --~- Pages Galen, Yverdon, ACCOMMODATRING Lady~=The pint of milk brought yesterday. was sour, you What col EMANg AHTALY QUAL AND #5 BOND ST. WENT el JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS J. W, Wornll, D. Eyes, Spain ot one i" ern avenue wien he feaned owt and . him to the |. Disney Block . "UOZY COTTAGE" 8 rooms and kitchen, garage, and 2 acres good garden land, 10 frult trees; 3. mile from Lake, 615 miles from Oshawa, mall delivery, phone, close to school and church, * Bargain $1,000, half cash, balance casy. DISNEY Phone 1350 are you going to do about, 1 Mitkman---Welly | could bring you mlong 'un recipe for' muking chee ~Vuusing Slow, BRILLIANT "egcher--Cun you give me 4 de- finition of nothing? Boy «= You; aw gir balloon with. out its cover. ~~Tid-Bits. USED CARS Are %old by THE ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 90 Simcoe St. 8. hone POO Suits | Scotland Woollen Mills | 8. ROTISH, Mavoger LI AH EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Specialising aclusively. | ip muscle ovesight be Phones ible Opposite Marg Off e Drink Delicious Kara Coffee Always Fresh at Order Your Spring Suit Now from the DOMINION CLOTHING CO, 08 KING BT. W, thone S141 We Deliver LOANED WATSON'S B LA | RB [ to 281 Dearbourn Ave. [111 on, ois. Juni and | Beauty Shop. 9 Celina Wel yer | 2 Sum : nes mooe street Sortd. FURNISHED THREE © ROOM apartment on grobud floor, All con. venientes with garage, in quiet home. | Will accept lat r 251 Arthur Street, phone 969\V, ply Dox 703 ag ir (O80) | etic A i SARs % | FOUR ROOM" TIOUSE TO LET, For 0 $18 garage extra, phone 3068 rel Al. bert Street (68¢) TO RENTTWO = VURNISHIL light housockeeping rooms, light, heat, 'water and telephone. "hone 80844, (470) Li 25.1 ma, PRO: Parke hil hi y' aw Ein $100 to 5 $1000, 7 | APARTMENT TO WENT IN OSH. . 2 Ro! 30 Ta P he 185. (1) awa's business section, Kleotrie stove, kitohen oabitst, combination | ROOM 10 RENT FOR TW: = ange fo ie sink and 'Inubdry tub, . refrigera- | gentlemen, board . Jf desired, aa | TI tor, Nawly decorated, Steam beat. | garage to rent, Apply 152 Elgin East gags on Oo ara located, bh Possession May. $45 per month, | phone 1046W 5) | house, First class security, Liberal Box 718 Times, (471) B No agents, Dox bid FURNISHED HOUSERRBPING yy (0a) uction ivomy t% rent, Private outrance, Jontral, $18, A ly 28 KI v y x Plinne 18008, © rT ho AUCTION SALE--.AVING ~RE- WXOTTVR | sxe. 112 Gladstone Ave, ceived instructions from Anson. Bal- ADAFtmOnt, and gage. Ront reas ot son to sell at Mitchell's' © Corners, 3 Township of Darlington, Lot 30, cons § a1 lo. | ©nable, Phone 58, (880) | bupiness gir), who Is willing to 4 Wednesday, March 26¢ aioe ned, id os FOI WENT TOON: ALL, CU sllbre Foon with another girl, fosmion L ay ri {3 sheep, 7 : Yenlonces. turna Thee blovks | momen: L880) Lambs (Lincoln), 2 tons hay, aH geese, rubber id buggy, 2 single from centre of cltyy, Qo od, od condi Sake AG, vba Nator Mods tion. Phone 101W, (480) scty harness, sale at 2 o'clock, Terms Sa E Tin Auctioneer. (69 10 , Phono 15630J, (00a) T NU STOCK ly growing mushrooms for us, Il oH Implement Thursday, March | saormation phone 1298). (Feb, 24:1 | M0.) Money to Loan MONEY 10 LOAN - FUNDS available for first merigages, on well Kearg tesidenigesy Drudley Bros &Vs. Sunces South Reputaice), hone 1614, Cars Refianced * All Dealings Confidential MOTOR LOAN ay Lis Felt Block Room li "oc Phone 1818W, (87¢) oo) rome clallze In Indies) hair is pe arcel roomed house, contrat location, colling, shampool ng, fac! ood EEN ents. For ti A Phe 0} WADA A ATH Paris, France and T, faton, To ronto, bigh class beauty oultES at moderaty prices, Disney I at No.4, ubove Dr, Ses. bh (Mar b+1 mo) [ T and Saturdays, Mme, tubes Gitte MT Asvos utreat. Fone fhm, ar tivo years and other lousebold +1 Hast, Men, women tolos, 448 Simoos North, Fidty halt aut, Huccessor P.M Br body, in good condition. reible oan , Phone, office SOW, or A barge 244BW, . LUMBER 4 | i F. L. BEECROFT | | and grams office ete Slmeoe Street, ' { | | BET BRYARY OF TLOOR & » A A fd You, Fe Lie at his 1s Ly art's by ad "amen Siare pt jor h, fa pe hose lind I ho A and Pinger drop head nearly now, Abs (070) Whitby Lumber ang Wood Yard "hone Oshawe 024 . Whitby 19 right plano, o | Bowing machine, ply 78 Oshawa Blvd, NOTIC CARPENTER WORK 18T OLASS in exchange for ear, radio, truck, phonograph, furniture, bleyele, chiokens or anything, What have you, Phone 25680W, (60a) yA J: [] sise 30 x BUO with 20 'in. one L084M, (870) W.A. HARE OPTOMETRIST 8 Bond Street East Hundreds of people wear with ntmosg comfort Narg's Foultioss Lonsce King STORE Prince Sts, LOCOMO athe a foal betgai for discount, Times, with single room, ADDIY 188 Ages Bt. Phone 810J, (870) ROOM AND BOARD IN. PRIV. ate home, suit two gentlegen, FH to a ie Office phene 260} AR THON YNDI, VOOAL TRAON: or hay rg ol = tot wl, wed oi he Ku aut, upral be condition. 1898 Oladstons r phone RW. (LL 0) 2 "The Carew | Lumber Co. . Oshawa Burial Co. successor to Disney-Cott AMBULANCE . 87 Colina St. hove 1083 nent 74 Athol St. Phones 18--1111 ha, 8 pur nies, OVER Xm oy Gas ray i atisntion Nive Ale Male or Female gold Aorcen, shop, Aso Ings adjustable arm chalr and a clock, 217 Dearbourn Ave, floors, $40 per month, 217 Dearborng (0ha) PERN DUCK EGGS GOOD Avenue, tock, $1 per setting: Archie Muir, 1 8 T0 oy downstairs and one upstairs, front ne rT te fture bought and wold, bing: loca! TT 0 G O'R with private family, AL conveniences ro Motors Ss W, (69) ) R -- 4 «| 27 at 1 o'clock, "IbF 20, in the 4th Risto Rookie for stamp, Cana concession, Bariington. ' Geo, iy 1c bungalow, all oil ob, hardwood { dian Mushrobms Co, 141 Lauder Ave, Taronto, (60h) Great days; these, for carpenters! New * wotk and old 'work. Newiiy methods and new materials © Folks o thinking, talking and doing things a more to keep their i, But in these days of activity, no man can' Si the wrong or behind the "meterials he uses | To! be er . building or; remodeling he ' intl be "dead: right about. his od 'We are answering the call of the | o a! J | ceived instructions To sell for W, S, Scott, lot 1, con, 1, East Whitby, his farm stock, implements and other Bh consisting of 1 brown mare, A ay gelding, 1 black percheron g Fy percheron colt Hv il Jars olstein Saw due Sept 14 {olstein cow due Aug, 1 Holstein v1 sey cow fresh 1 Hon cow due PLUMBER™ WENT but experienced men need apply, by letter stating age, und experience, A, Moffatt, Dox 143, Barrie, Ons tarlo, ' (879) 11 Fairbank (6he) sud. back entrance, ing, 1 and 'long distance 80 Atrest, Phone 87587, Bloor 8 Br Phone § 71 mo) Wolo, Must be experienced on Chovs folet cars, Apply Ontario. Motor os Ltd, 90 Simcoe St. Bouth | Nov, 1, part Ohne cow due April mn nr LL 2 helfer caves, 1 Jos due May 14, 9 : - goeue nder, 1 mower, ituations anted ple, rakes, 1 The 1 dell, 1 cultivas tor, 1 double plow, ull MN. Ha 1 steel voller, 1 single plow, 1 n, , hey tons wy h | fon bred Ma. * 1 Holstein cow, | Classified Ads, | Pst OE ons 'Mintmum charge 80. Bach gubsequent fopnie. tive 10 per ned | good goudition. Phone 2074W, | 480 iA location 2B all cash, must be rig on ones ay TRL RU (800) and oars, a on, "abd ators, Phone ¥1 YOUNG WOMAN WANTS ANY kind of work, by day, Apply 47 Cel. 1] ina Street, O8¢ yA G ! gives housekeeping, or houstcleania best of references, Apply wing Er | pa ti one {a cents a word), rid set sleighs, new; {1.200 bus, seed grain; other articles, too numerous to mention, See 1 {0 nine months efedit, all implements in good shape: Sale Thursday, Mar, 27, at 1.30 pam, Wm, Maw, Alstitns cer, i ---- greatest home modernizing'. campaign in the history of the country, *by ne most d build: & Sk allel ' for Aud'de dy "Tagle Be erect: keeping, ready for your use; up-tordate nationally adve ing products. . by the half-day, or would mind ehils dren by by the hour, Reference it a Mexican Is Arrested Afer Can Canadian Visit J he | Returning to U.S. | | Windsor, arch 22. -Kighteen years ago Luis Gerela, native of Mexico, 1 ally shtered United Stas a 5% his home in Chicagod] CLA ¢' has made his ome in cago] sald since then, Law. 'week he visited roit on business and crossed to stenographer, youth, desires position. §, mes, (800) Lx) I' Lakh Wk i" Wind rior w few hours. TUaoN Lo) \ 5 Cm officers stopped him on the hd ue and sent him Sea ih Pack to Canada, He is now trying to 1 prove that he has right to entry hy into the States, nIneE ter and '

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