THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, J SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 1930 PATE Nive [LILA of the Skies ¥ id Thrilling Rom nee. of Adventure in the Clouds w ERA BROWN : pgsaed 1 he For 1 Too ur fof re | but ied led | "tm vouNG UNG INTERNE Jean screamed ont in terror (iy You nd the money was not { hea i money dd safely in bes dress, of iA mon i LN | A tog § ut hin b) must ll i» I The nurse tried to soothe the girl, i whether or not it was der ohn od. "It was 0 h ifs Jun by Un nurse looked "at Jean, Did the child ever {have 960, she wondered? Just then Dr, Bowling chime ito the ward and enrd commotio "What iB going on hore 1 he dee {manded, The nurse tried to tell him Alle Son babbled and begged for er mon br Dow looked at Jun' 2 [re ralsingly, Never, Le thought, ] a" #'more bedraggled bit eof Ls nit hen do you live? asked the oetor kindly "1 haven't any heme=only this $60, nd 1 was coming here to work Pleave! Fhatse fii, it for met® 8 chin oy the iF Deseachin in the tems y oved to ly doctor she was telling the truth, that sh hd ave the money when he cam dust 's minute," the doctor sald, i find & ou something shout Shine fo go. hurried dow leeman who bl tl brought the | il it n., He was a rishman, nd [with 8 §ance el ng knew he 1 % ho Fito on Broddway | near be 1) VIE Ford an right out Gu el he vet Tonle shed Qut, A. I oul 10 me, the big feishe ned, ¥ Look whose ol hit her!" he Md, d with a grin h dud showed a bit of n paved 4 patie board ta the physician, | ' old boy sent va don us down here In ook a taxi ' pnd trowied: oy 'went Into J | he operating room, nurse | (and doctors were there -~ he La Shh ted, No da Fi Jd ¢ maney, oy lo he io to ll alt hi Si on the do at Lyd at batik 8 Ah" 1 Lo Jhon you te th oF aia du hod went tof fi nr oher for hety* 1] AE chauffeur go with mi ed the he ink; i in Puy ne (] doator, i to help me' ) was i) hte Hp hes of A dt jrrete wie» dan wd pr $ looked up ke. en you pd have it, 4 Eo guia in toe HE Re e lived,, Een EA Ga rh Ml gd ina Ht ey wah doing wis to see an Mowers i 0 s 5 to sleep and a ward, II hart wil bring. Yo pone es PB ge i hg Fe Wer, Ir or fe blo Wa torr ing walk ed own ths to so hy fi a " to a: stor 0 tainly be ariel ih the Shing 0 in i Ti without [) ahi nee, paint' where > wr Big the tient ups he And Uh Gt oe he " 0 | membered; ho did't even know the eit nme | f gl Wits no wander that Dr, Dow ng lav t Wingelf several times We +3 Wo and busy summer af» in A as he worked: thought himself so ) pone hay "hard Solin shot the troubles of others! And tha 4 i] a who orled could got $60 ont of He loolbud In on Jon Several times during the alterneon, hut. she had been isleep vach time, Of course, he had inquired about hr name, "Jean B 8 == that ls a preity name," he sald fo the nurse who was taking & pulse at the next bed, "Too she isn't as pretty, alt retorted the girl with a laugh, "My goodness, dgstop don't tell me ou are falling for her, He looks ihe. 4 a, kitten, just pulled out of the river, Dr, Dowling degided he would take one last look at Jean betore he leit the building, This thne awake, F "Wall, how are ou! Did.y 10 oat?" he asked, in" she was ou set somet! i smiled faintly, Her head was, ac 4 sure my money Is safe, ou wren? | Just tolling me Son's worry, are your va id 1. Jision, gil 8 I, {yo think ay lend on ih hh 9 2d | in & mocking ton I didn't, mean hat" an dB pint io came Into the girl's White LJ re dostor ? hat to | "ay ut thought you oy for hat a Ton n me: an wa Rint 1 for a a, "You pee, 1 Jt fome to town when this haps pened," She Wived her hand toe ward ror he for work, hy Just finished aio} nnd fhe to the GCA 17 1 had Toot © Junner 1 don't Imow Just what lo I've 1 10 Jot a Job A ma 1 tethers vay any peo nobody aE h [for me t e had "0 Alors Ty ped oe J : Fats 'snd fio i roam Bu bo oa ray on ae LH being an unde EEE pot nd BOAT N fan nto Dr, Drefus, You droves | vy LY te and car ny way te the HAE ped in, as SE Madi {] m, [4 i ow I u ing tha hd ro oA \he ih hn i = i E. ne for him by a i ht Jove Rb shot hy) called back from the GE Hla [nen o were Dpciecily de ep bre i" native' ou yr dos fa Si hw "Unfortu: ' J her fault ye i ir ont, of the ear, Hot Bch - tw avold her, The baffour wis completely exonerate ot y the delicenn' & on the Smart sw Yholy thing: Ne nes there, It was the bd PB 0 In town & she simply did hot "Wil A (1 4 al bil itp a traffl Tien Do ought | or'y Gy Mtoe 0 i ional rg 0 naubine and it A pod a head light for img ini the wa iy 'was when they hit her, 0 at sent his ehauffeur and the polige=|s 1 he to fe obéieat in the limousine, taxh HL "ey A laughed the "He never misses & trick, "ink I see n way out for vonr ols, What Is her mame? Oh, you; Jean Brandes, You say she "Well, poplied the great hd "1 sertainl ry or TI to Ko wih Makdent. you what Ho ho H hor a h you'll phy the ) hasn't any place to stay here an no fob and' no money pio ot this " you've underwritten. All right, We'll see what can be done, 1 nie my report to. you. tomorrow morning, I'm operating at 11. Ses me ih the clinic eitiier before or after. Netter o It alter"! Then as» par ing w 5 oar waited, oo bad she isn't pretty, h might make a nice litle romance!" Pr, Drefus Apred inte hin ime ported automobile und was driven Away to the theatre, Once there, he went packitate 0 ave a chat with his friend ook, The matter of the you ociof and the $00 hecame more and more remote under the lights of the dressing reom nd the BOY repartes, Nomely girls rather annoy. me anyway!" he thought hnpatientl Wi HE or the comedian to alk nh Drefus always kept | As \ ised, no matter how di Le they might be, At midnight bound his expensive ADAFtmein n Pafk [avenue he whe driven past the Yo da Club the fifties, and suds doy ub hy red his promise to wing, He tapped on the {| windy and ordered his chauileur to urn 8 ut, Mr Decker The Yolanda Club is one of Mans |; Of: | hattan's smartest Srgansations, Only men of fay millions helo ol 1] Nid by old b builds ng routed » a pies A Jae x hole by od Ina 0 @ er the ob he When the t of the city ut I yd buper Eb fi uniforine sews odo Som! -- Ag | pay els knew hat % William A YEA in he ol eit Fy such 8 fo; be at this, h Phy 1} p13 ir [, Why an ls rden, air" veplied |b oihrd there, ol ors yh a "A wor 0 Brg bg 0 fra Fries never hear the last ey ve wal yas 17 hi t), fe r th Sati fora | a ob ot he Siri i, hi un Mt om (he. ¢0U ei 8 Job, Tost $60, all the money she as bi Bod the wav, and has a fractured oe y nr ind a, servers) and about la" hoods 4 thi at Docks or had regommende ome other men joined " shoup, ] intl drifted) to 'ethics In 'business, "¥ don't bellave In charity, In helps aga MH, Dun) some of h with br ar the "Colum -- 'the thi of My, The Photographs hove show John by veteran florist, and roses that have become famots, (1) John MH, Dunlop, be: Hae 8 basket of voses which won fist prise at Cleveland, Ohlo, In 1017, where he won the fold medal bis "Frank Dunlop oO' pristiwiniing American rome, ) asd of "Rod Beauties," one Dunlop's most - popula roses, which are grown In profu. ing poeplet? Degker declared, "No body helped me good, 1 had 10 work my own way up in the ord, Pampering 'help' in all wrong, n value received and. people will refpect you mare than if you after them when they are In ble" It was Decker's favourite p osophy, There, was much argument agains such a business policy by the other men, but Decker held up his own huge enterprises a. proof and the question seoined unanswerable, Decker boasted of his fine stiri if theroughbrods == he was fond o them, But he made the stable pay for itself with the purses it won, When. a horse began 10 lose races, even if it were a favorite, It owas wold for another which could win, "I only want winners about me," | Docker sald with a short laugh i haven't any time for the ones that ure Just fair, I've got the money and can demand the best, 1 never had it when I was a boy, Now 1 ean have everything 1 want" Drefus smiled at this williul, spells od man who had tore money than he knew what to do with, He sat back and waited ab'the argument vaged about him, aaa A Job for Finally the cirele broke up an when the men were walking out the club to wait for their cars, Dres 8 and Decker were standing side by side on the et. The millionaire turned to the doet "Was the rl badly hurt ?™ he saked in a tgpe which he strove to make casual, ' "Not nearly 50 badly in her head 8 In her pocketbook," returned "Weil replied the great rich ma Ly fen y nothing to do with a a boa ¥ ry TH what FW a hack te 10 thm tH da dhl in a shrew: er the Amount was $60 barga ol bon tel ng ot pith Ry | dhe Avant man Avene 4 fas protested dittaed ) Thi vs rt of the game. He point out that sugh an Serngalnen would leave him out 0 *Degker hewid i. a capable ae to work » ropositl . or A WK % doh ) --- a = 3 EEE iE ua "Cire -- her = EY EET (To Be Continued) {Conyfight, Public Ledger Co) Trumped Wife's Ace, Wife Threw Clock, Hubby Gets Divorce Seattle, Wash, Mar, 22 = Decause he trumped his wife's Ace in a bridge of two of our frien ds who were play: Ing against us," Ellis told the court, "my wife sompletely lost her temp er when I spoiled her play, She threw an alarm clock at me and knocked out one of my teeth Then she pack EE... A sion at the Richmond HL num wovy, (8) The "Mes, Henry Wine nett," named after an sunt of Mr, This flower has created uroat popularity for ltselt tn Viuvopean countries, where, aes cording to Mr, Dunlop, it grows to the greatest perfection, id John Hickman Dunlop, who carried on the pioneer business of rose specialist for move than BO yours and (5) Frank Montgom« ory Dunlop, son of John HN. Dunlop. Dunlop: game, William Kills has been granted | ed my cjothes and ordered me out a divores, "In spite of the presence | of the house" The 10-¢ent Mores wre Just about the only ones that have held out apalngt adopting the installment plan, Specinl bombs to he dropped from ulrplanes to reveal where fish may be found are being tested In the herring fisheries on the north coast of Nogs WARY, The chief objection te the school of experience Is that It thinks up & new course every time you graduate, wCalgary Herald, EL -- PERFQRMANCE Wien first presented, the new Durant 6-14 was conceded to possess the modern qualification . « « + APPEARANCE, A demonstration immediately disclosed a second equally important qualification, namely, COMFORT, By actual road test, the Canadian public is discovering that PER« FORMANCE ranks with Appearance and Comfort and-that these three modern qualifications are combined to create a: new ers dn motoring and a new standard of automobile VALUE, Your opportunity to prove the merits of the 6x14 to your | personal satisfaction, awaits you at your nearest Durant eo + + NOW, SE v | he Dent Four tomas db at Verio ub APPEARANCE PERFORMANCE COMFORT among Duron products ---- '(LRASIDE) DUNT MOTOR of CANADA TED