Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Mar 1930, p. 1

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; mua Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer A Growing Newspaper in s Growing City OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 21,.1930 18 Cents » Week; 3 Cents » Copy TWELVE PAGES VISIT BOWMANVILLE SCHOOL Iv Vreod y ~eWilllam Stewart. en- i Of guilty to the charge hl ng fiveryoar-q A ho Millar, as she wus ihe way to the home of her fos patents hom. Sohcol on Tues any, arraigned in pelice coury |ventordny, Magistrate Burbridge declared there was techniesl guilt fouly and allowed Stewart to go on suspended sentence, ' Youth Shot in Back Catharines, ~Russel Burtch, is unconscious in a hospital a8 the vesult of u revolver let lodging in his back, Aer ing to evidence secured by po- fee, the Burteh boy and his triend ve Jonty, were practicing avolver shooting esterday afters Ynoon, 1t is said during a playful tussle for the weapon it discharge , the bullet striking Burteh in back, { on» | AKES GOOD TIME ly ROPA MA - n Press Loased Wire) Board, £5, Europa, March 21.~At noon today after completing 19 hours and: 12 minutes. of her first day's on her maiden. voyage from (Cherbourg breakwater to Ambrose 'Light, the Europa, new ship of the {North German Lloyd and sister-ship of the finer "remen, had travelled 530 miles, Her average speed for the 19 hourd was 27.6 knots, She was travelling a+ gainst 8 head wind and a swell, FIRE GUTS BOX PLANT Toronto, March 21.--More than 40 men were thrown out of ems loyment by a fire which gutted 'the plant of the Beck Box Com, . pausing damage esti- oa at Woo 00, v WRR-PROVINCIAL GOLV anal AT TORONTO ""woronte, March 21.-Tho Royal Canadian Golf Association at meeting last night decided to hold thelr fater-provineia! matoh over the course of the Royal York Golf Olub, Toronto, on Aug. 2 Twenty Roscued From Fire Dverett, Masy.,, March. Sls nty persons were taken down adders at a five early today which did $10,000 damage to the Nore Apartments, a t orey on structure, The blage cen- it the elevator shaft and 50 people from the bullding, hk CA \wouye March MN dt Was Sle {vely ~lenrned today that may u another full ot avers rat eo reach a declafon on the formula ads bs, BH, at the London conference to tix the stren of the Japanese and United tes Navies, Cone sultations are progressing slowly, ro, RL (By 1] ON PACT don, #1. ~The Brits h U8, add Japanese naval dele ons were understood today 40 definite ATRL ST BOTTLE THROWN FROM BUS CAUSES Joman Has Roof of Mouth ------ 4 Port Hope, March 21.--Hutfer a serious wound on her nose str by a bottle believed t ve thibwa froth LL» ut Rs ve or husband's 0 Nr. Aired Austin, 25, had to hi hy Towptts et Mouth ve 4 Tn R tod: In a serious te Chang's suggestion, that since the various Shans! and Kuominchyn commanders had le- sued a circular telegram to the people urging him to lead their northern battles, he himself could not decide the attitude of the nor therners on Chang's proposal, News agency from Mukden saying Yen had in. tormed the authorities there this reportw as untrue, porting he with loss © ish Colonisation ony, Isaac Buchalter, asked protection f the court be- fore he would give evidence in the conspiracy cane against Simon Bel kin of Montreal, and Harry Barish of Wapella, greliminar rate J, C, charge of former Hoffer farmer, mentary intrigu sentation, to vacate his land\in the colony they were administering, day after havin since last Saturday, Civil War Seems Inevitable in 'Northern China GOVERNOR OF MANCHURIA ASKS OPPOSING LEADERS 10 AVERT OUTBREAKS Concansis of Mukden Chin ese Circles Appears That Another Civil War Inside the Great Wall Is Inevit- able CHANG HSUEH-LIANG STEPS IN AS MEDIATOR Chiang Kai-Shek Desires Peace and Is Willing to Accept Manchuria. Gov. ernor's Plea (By Canadian. Press Lanied Wire) Pelping, Chios," March 21,-= Threats of civil war in China have reached such a stage that Chang Hsueh-Liang, churia, has stepped in as mediator sending a pence appeal a President Yen-Hal-8han, governor of Shans, governor of Man both to Chiang Kal-Bhek and Mukden despatches report that Chiang Kal-Sbek replied first say. ing that he always desired peacy and that he was willing to scoept Yen stated Although the vernacular news papers continue to assert that Yen plans to establish a # rate gov~ rament at Peiping, the Kuowen today had = despatoh he despatch says: "Thy con sensus 'of Mukden Chinese circles ra that another elvil war ine ide the Great Wall is inevitable and that it is a mere matter of time until it breaks out," JEW THREATENED WITH FARM 1058 Seeks Court's Protection Be- fore Giving Evidence in p---- (By Canadian Press Lesssd Wire) Estevan, Sask, March 21--As ad been threatened his farm in the Jews Association cole yesterday Belkin and Barish are under hearing before Magist in 0! Wertum on a forcing Wolt Hom, by doeus eo and miprepre~ The hearing was resumnd Thurs. been adjourned of Graf Set for May 18 n un Ja oi gouth Lo ould take place between sud May To with return oie erat 18 0 nora rom i to Seville, J buco, the West Ine Havana, Lakehurst, 8 HYDRO RESERVE 15 $10,000,000 Oshaws Hydro-Electric Sye- tem Has Saving of $1,887,308 Tokonto, Mareh 21~The reserves of the Hydro-Electric System increa~ sead by over $10,000,000 during 199 and the total reserves for both mun. icipal and provincial hydro is now over $87,000,000, y 3 made up of $43, 199925 for municipal reserves and $43,857,000 for provincial reserves, These figures were disclosed Ly Hon, J. R, Cooke, while speakin on the Central Ontario power bill before committees of the whole in the Legislature yesterday, Referring to the reserves of the gentral sys- tem which the bill proposes to turn over to the municipalities affected, (Continued on Fage 2) om Veteran's Act Is Due Sept. 1 Dominion Gov't Gives Sec ond Reading to War Veterans' Act ---- - Sanadieh ines ha Wire) tawa, March 81--Withous di» vision, the House of (RY your terday mave second reading to the government measure termed "an Act Respecting War Veterans' Al. lowances," This 1s the first legislative step for the assistance of the war vets eran which the government has taken during the present session, It goes to the pensions committee of the House of Commons for fur ther consideation, Three bers of returned soldiers organisations and others will have an opportun- ity to express their views with re- spect to It, as well as In regard to other proposals for relief of the returned men, Hon, J. H, Xing, minister of pen- sions and national health, made it clear in the course of yesterday's debate, that legislation designed to ald the returned man will be introduced later in the session if the committee so recommends, He stated this In answer to the objee- tion of one speaker that today's bill was the single legislature pros posal for relief of war veterans which the government intended to bring down, It is provided that the act shall come into,effect on the first day of next September, Killed Mother For Munrance (By Canadian Press Leased Win) Lewes, Eng, March 81,~The crime. of matricide today was prov. od against Harry Fox, a well-born and debonair youth, and he was sentenced to be hanged. Young Fox strangled his moth. er, a charming, gray-haired wos man of 63, as she lay In bed in their hotel at the fashionable seas side resort Margate last autumn, Then, (to cover his traces, he set the room afire, Not long before Fox had insur od his mother's life for consider able sums, Evidence tended to show that he desired the money so that he could go to Australia and join a wealthy woman with whom he had had a love affair. This woman had met Fox in Eng d and her husband later hegan voroe p ings, meming Iox LURE) nt... The trial A sensation for all Bhgland and some of the Sean try's greatest pathologists testi || Bill to Fix Coal Priges "| Passed in British House t to pass a highly Important on of be Coal Mines the committee stage. \ vole you wn : The three baby daughters of Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Cameron of 604 Inson Ave, Oakridge, Secarboro, shown In photograph here, are one TRIPLETS DOING WELL ON FIRST BIRTHDAY year old today. There is another Rob | daughter, Nancy, 83 years, who is delighted to have so many little sisters all at once. Mr, and Mrs, Cameron formerly lived in Oshawa, her husband wp to last May buing an' employes of General Motors of Canada, SSRs Bove ig oo rand Opera In Overall tet iB Berlin, March 91~=Grand Opera in overalls made its des but at' the Clvig C Houne last night when Max Brand's "Machinist Hopkins" yaw shown to the press, The theme of the opera is the machine's conquest of man, It dns and ends in a factory amid whirring wheels, ng _plstons, clanking » and a final soprano aria sung by an eleetrie switchs board which personifies the power behind the machinery, ------------------------ PERTH WOMAN IS GRAND MISTRESS Mrs: Ellen Gillespie Heads Orange Ladies--Next Meet at Kingston (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) Brockville, Ont, March 84, The Grand Orange Lodge of On- tario East, Ladies' Orange Bene. volent Association, today elected the following officers for the en- suing year: Immediate Past Grand Mistress, Mrs, Tang, Ottawa; Grand Mise treas,, Mrs, Ellen Gilleaple, Perth; Grand Deputy Mistress, Mrs, Hen. ley, Lindsay; Junior Deputy Grand Mistress, Mrs, Wright, Peterbore; Grand Chaplain, Mrs, Caton, Plo. ton: Grand Secretary, Miss B, Reid, Moscow; Grand Treasurer, Mins Anna Greer, Burritt's Rapids; Grand Director of Ceremonies, Mrs, Campbell, Kingston; Grand Leo- turer, Mrs, Sword, Merriokville: {rand fasduty Lecturer, Mrs, oore, Lindsay; Grand . Deput Secretary, Miss L. Piake, Ottawa, Grand Deputy = Treasurer, - Mps. Maintosh, Cornwall; Grand On fanlaee, ae Tan Ottawa; Grand ora, re. Cooke an x Reaiok, Ottawa, i hk ngston was chosen at the n place of meeting, " STRIKERS RETURN TO WO! (By Canadian Press Leased wo Havapa, Mareh 21,~With their 24-hour strike in protest againht unemployment over, Cuba's work. men went back to their labors to- day, Street cars aud omnibus lines again oporated,, relieving the par tial tie-up of yesterday. Both in Havana and over the island the Sitio Jased quietly, with so far own; not a sl being made, ogy TARDIEU WILL GO TO pan March 21,--Ank iw a ye AN tod whether andy when he Ly rd to dou, Premier Tardieu res Pond t eo plann to pvt Pe dei nite quire his presence, ernment towards the confere remains unchanged, it wie Ta Ly LA remier o not golng back to London, ih INRIA NATION N . PRI y Ch (By Canadian Wire) ¢ Ahmadabad, India, rch iw Informal dcuseions whi g have tas ce between m All-India Natoma] catbn ot | tee wnpear to indicate a desire to start a mass civil disobedience of the It tax laws in the provinces on ! Rit 4 his is the on. which ahatma Gandhi expests to pen his in ur, A proposal to a effect p y will placed fore the 1 ; tee late the conference seemed to Te |! The attitude of the French govs| CONVICT IS KILLED AFTER TWO SHOOT GUARDS AND FLEE Prisoners Seriously Wound Two Guards at Speigner State Prison © (By Canadian Press Lessed Wire) Montgomery, Alta, March 31, Thomas Barnes, one of two prison ors who made a break from Spelg- ner prison early today was killed in a gun battle with county officers near here shortly before 10 a.m, today, reports at the county jail gave no information concerning Lee HMudgens who scoompanied Poguta in the dash for Mberty, arnes' body wan brought toa mortusry herve, Coroner Jowu™ Diftly, accompanied by deputy sher- is proceeded to the weene of the killing for an inquenat, The sheriff's posse, which, it was understood, encountered the con viots when they abandoned a truck they had commandeered in the western section of the oity, was headed by Sheriff John L, Berogin. Barnes and Hudgens fled from the prison after shooting and seri ously wounding two guards, Barnes' body was brought to a house after oMoers were notified by residents thers that a wounded Jaen had stumbled into the build. ne. The nonviet hkd been shot once, the bullet piercing his heart, Two Are Killed in Colorado Plane Crash Sugar City, Colo,, March 21,» H. Ray Sindisen, 35, pllot, and Harry Abel, 456; passenger, were burned to death near here -today whe nthel raeroplane was: wrecked in landing and caught fire, Don May Try For New Record This Afternoon (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Daytona Beach, Fla, March 21 A commitee of experts including rae cing officials arranged to « examine the beach here today to determine the time when Kaye Don, British dri ver, shall' make an attempt to set a new world's record for automobile speed, It was indicated last night, hows over, that the attempt would not be made before tomorrow, although there was a possibility that Don might race his car against time late this afternoon, The M-cylinder car is ready for the test Lon said, He had planned to try for the record early today but later changed his mind, -------------------------- Altomersgeneral of ORIaMo, Who headed a party of members of Malia Bowmantille Boys! Ta, ool, Medel Law hh Arrest Since War Freeport, Ohlo, March 91, w=This village which had of. ton beon cited as a model, law observing sommunity; has had its first arrest since the Great War, Two men, accused 00 gallons of of running the vil liguor through " wore apprehended and 4 wore held in the jall whic village council had been ate tempting to dispose of in re. cont months, GANDHI IS GIVEN LITTLE INDIAN HELP Few Sections of Country = Take Up Disobedience Against British Rule (By Canadian Prise Lossed Wire) New Delhi, India, March 31. A weok has passed since Mahatma Gandhi and his followers marched put of Ahmedabad to tread the roads of thelr first stage of the veivil disobedience" campaign, Yet reports from various parts of the country show no widespread meve. ment for resistance to the power of the government, In Northern India the situation is peaceful for Gandhi's crusade has had no repercussion there, Responsible citizens in the north, apparently, resent the manufacture of alarmist stories by the press, The United Provinces have so far made no response to the Nehru ap- peal for an early start of the came Palgh, ith the exception of Bombay presidency, practically every dis. triot of India Is quiet, In Bom- bay, however, unrest among the mill apd rallway rkers ia rite with consequent aigorbing of the pence and generatiol' of a spirit of defiance toward constituted aus thority, Thanks to these favorable conditions, . Nariman, Gandhi's lleutenant in the presidemey, ho to organize a successful civil dis obedience campaign, The main force of Ggndbi's movement is in Gujarat where the Mahatma's influence counts for much, Gandhi, himself, has been loft unhampered by the authorities As the government seema to feel a policy of 'patience and firmness will tire out the civil disobedience volunteers and rob them of a great deal of capital which Gandhi's ar rest would undoubtedly provide, FIRE OA 1 Sault Bhar Marie Ont or wlire okused damage Roun oF he Lyons Fuel and. mar. ns 1] ly Company, of which Hon, Ames a 18 president, LORD PRIVY SEAL (By Conndian Prose Losssd Wire) Loudon, March 81,= Hon, J, MH, Tho vious Moonshine ob the the mornin that ET --_ of Australia or later accept the vice-regal office fn Sem---------------- ARAB DE! TI ] Yo BREE "(By Canadien ud Lossed Wie) J srusalem, March 2ls=An Arab de fogation was given an enthusiastic farewell today when started for don to present thelr case to Publication of the report mission of inquiry into of last' A b The N cluded the Grand Mufti "and the 00 with Chief of Detectives wan | iio Shortly before § o'clock, reat Britain in sofnection do the) & Ld FOUR BREAK JAIL AT TORONTO, ONE MAN IS CAPTURED Outside 'Aid | Helps Quartet in Break for dis hevelled, clothes and hoots cover- od with mud, Basil O'Donnell, 19, was brought foto police Weadquar- ters early this morning recaptures od after a sensational! escape from the Don Jail, With three eompanions he haa slipped through sawn bars in the darkness last evening and had made a death-defylng climb down ® 40-foot drain pipe to friends who awaited on the ground below, With O'Donnell was a pretty 10- year-old girl, Jennie Graham, at whose home on Angus Place the escaped prisoner was found by the police flying squad. O'Donnell"s companion, hiding in a lang by the Angus Place house, was observed by Sergeant of Dee tectives Mulholland, Detective Sergeants Peter Strohm and Frank Hazlewood, who composed the fly- ing squad, Mulholland fired one shot at the man, who dropped, But when the officers van up to the (Continued on Page 1) S------ Cold Winds to Lessen Tonight Hope for Spring More Optimistic With Dying North Winds (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, March 21,~The first day of Spring was ushered into Central Ontario' on the wings of a biting northwest gale which carried with it a serious threat of snowflurries, Hopes, which rose yesterday when the temperature climbed up to 52, that this part of the province at least would enjoy an appropriate spring opening, were shattered last night and early today when the wind be. came stronger snd colder, and the temperature sank to 18, later recov. ering one degree, The weather forecast promised "fair and cold with northerly winds decreasing tonight," and pessimistic citizens gazed cynically at a cloud. laden sky, which promised anything but spring temperatures and sun. shine, Speaking of the sudden cold snap, W. Bert Roadhouse, deputy minister of agriculture, said today it was a little early to determine what effect the, weather would have on fall wheat crops, Trenton Man | Killed 1 in Mill (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Belleville, Ont, March 21. Harve Carlson, aged §1, employed 5 th Timber Products Company, of Tren ton, was instantly killed today in the mill. He was coming down a ladder, when his foot sipped and he was wound about a shaft and mangled beyond recognition. Dr, M,"B, Crowe, Satunes of Trenton, was called and Alter MEMBERS OF LEGISLATURE INSPECT TRAINING SCHOOL AND MARVEL AT ITS WORK Hon. W. H. Price Pays Tribs ute to Manly Battle Being Waged by Boys Who Did Not Have Chence in Life MEMBERS INSPECT SCHOOL EQUIPMENT Dr. C. E. Reaman, Superins tendent of Boys Training School, Explained Meth- ods Used in Rebuilding Boys' Lives ---- (By stat Reporter) Bowmanville, March Sl.-="0n« tario is proud of you boys of the Bowmanville Training School, God Bless You" In these words, received with resounding applause, Hon, W, HW, Price, attorney-general of Ontario, expressed the sentiments of the members of the Ontario legisintury who, in a body, psid an ofeisl visit to the Boys' Training School here this forenoon, made an ine spection of the school and equip~ ment, and saw the boys at thein work, To say that the members of the legislature were amased is phras« ing it mildly; Tor the majority of them, it was the first visit to this school which is making useful and creditable eitizens out of boys who, without its splendid influences for manliness, would have had hardly a chanes in lite, They saw the process of citizen-bullding in actual operation, spoke to the boys at thelr tasks, revelled with them in"thelr play, and then, as a fit« ting climax, heard thelr lusty volges raised in tuneful melody, The members of the Tegislaturd arrived from Toronto About eleven o'clock In specially chartered buse ses and spent a busy hour and & halt {pspecting the school, Un+ fortunately, Premier Terguson, who takes a fatherly Interest in the school and everything connsets od with it, was unable to he pres. ent, but his place was taken bv the Hon, W, HN. Price, attorneys goneral, who, after the tour of ine spection was over, in a brief speech expressed the admiration which all the members of the legislature felt for the work being done In the school, and congratulated W, €, foholtield, of Toronto, chairman of the board of trustees of the sohool, and Dr, €, E, Reaman, itd superintendent,' on. the success which, judging from the ADPeAY+ ance, the demeanour and the ins dustry of the boys, was attending their efforts, School Seen In Action The PAY mi ven, 8 splendid opportunity of seeing the work © " (Bontinued on Page 3) S---------- MAN INJURED NEAR PETERBORD DIES T. R. Smith, Toronto, Nevea -- Peterbore, Onts, March 31=T, R, Sihith, of Toronto, who was serious ly Injured in an uo accident on the Poterbora-Port ope Mhwey, yeus terday died in Nicholls hospital tos day, Smith, who was suffering from a Tractured skull and injuries to tha back never réained con rank Brownson, the other - fhe an hy 0 0 . "held Coroner Dn, \ Ww. ia r announced, 3 mpanelling a jury and tak primary een iourned ~ ques, for one week: Carlson came {rom hexbogan, Mich, and leaves | a wife and one son, 17 years of age. "Scarface Al" Capone Surrenders in Chicago Oh , II, March 81,--"Soar« face" Al Capone asurrenderad to Chicago pollae today and waa in Parliament To Have 12.Day Rest at Easter (Ry Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, March '21, =Parliament is taking a 13-diy rest this Easter, ac- Sording to An announcement made i remit, Micke o Lo in the LL] 1} 1 thn had | mayor of Jerusalem, oh on] a wil season

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