Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Mar 1930, p. 12

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5 £ AY, MARCH 21, 1930 bers' of the t "t EA Ohure : evening, were greatly 'Charles D. Home pted an to 'become minister of United Church at Brighton, mence his new duties : rd recovery hg nh institution shortly for "home at Campbeliford. ih id S------r------- of # Dut No Suckers ton.~~With 'the advent ' of ning falls, and open creeks, of the young lads are to spearing suckers end his week sovéral boys were searching along the banks 'of the stream near J, Dulmage's the Cherry Valley road, tor bers of the finny tribe, How- , they were not successful in r quest as It is rather early in he season, ; 720 Wayftarers in One Night L Belleville, -- A total of 27 wayfarers sought shelter at the station Tuesday night, tfrom the March wintery blasts, "This is the largest number that have been scgommodated for some time, Most of those seeking shelter were young men the majority mak- thelr way to the.lake poris to on, some vessel for the sume y hey ware rospootably clad and well nourished, None applied yr food and left early Wednesday points east and west, Will Give Radio Broadoasts | Ploton--THvery Tuesday after for the next four weeks AJ ; m of music sponsored by & mumber of Picton merchants will broadeast from CKCL, Toronto, on's hour of music will be from 4'to Bb o'clock in the afternoon and names of the merchants who #e the financial backers of this m will be given, along with ®'two minute advertising talk about their businesses, Jaller Retires (a8 provided Toronto he Ai with, re r fon daze: on "board of Princess | night in cells, and' the mest day at Princo 1a mos 0 Bo curio here, | of ths | thelr " ; A £ : Aster, when the Chg Yates bs upder consid. : 7s, OB ode of two days cy mon WAVY: went. (he a AT iy ee Sieh + short time since ] i y 8 tor 1920. The mats 4 eration, Two Seriously Injured Peterborough, »~ Frank Brownson and 1. R, Smith, both of Toronto, were seriously injured on the Port Hove-Feterboro highway, Eh ee L thelr car : the. ch, Both were rushed to Nie- hospitsl in an unconscious cons wd Hodgins of St, Cathar. ines, the driver. of the car escaped with a few scratches. Hm------ . i Bupengituray Insrense Kingston~The estimated budget of receipts and expenditures for the car wap presented 'to the Board of ducation on Tuesday and adopted without alteration after considerab discussion, The actual estimated ex- penditures on. all schools, including ihe Hi h School of Commieres a $245,315.61, as compared with . taal 'expenditure during 1929 of $231 7.61, a increase of nearly' $14,000, Dies During Church Service Cornwall--Stricken by a heart at tatk during service at Knox United chivrch on Sunday evening, Donald Cook. 09-year-old resident of this city died before a doctor could: reach himoDr. H, J. Mack, & physician who wah In the congregation was un able to render any assistance, Believe Robbery Attempted Port Hope. ~Thieves are believed to have aftempted sn entrance to Geo, T. Hancock and Sons Hard- wate store on Ontario street some- time Tuesday night, Although the glass in the store door was shattered a check-up on the stock Wednesday morming revealed that nothing was migaing. The attempt was discovered by & pedestrian, who notified 'Night Constable Wm. Harvey, Streets Were Flushed 3%) KINSMEN JOIN the urge of of" | around a banquet (ai od on binds tance north of Be me of vi Was slightly Yofured no the rig badly damaged when the team ran AWAY: iy IN CELEBRATION + (Continued from Page 3). service gat! vio, ¥ x fiton, Ontario. Fri t meeting and Its enthusiasm came the Kins- men Club | and "the inspiration which made possible this moment of history. "These men, the nucleus of this groat Kinsmen organisation of to- day, plotured the = elub then ore ganized as a growing strength in porvice in that city, Several more enthuninitic, "cherished dreams of. an organisation-in some far dis- tant age--of a chain of clubs mak. ing more widespread the applica tion' of those ideals of service they so optimistically endorsed and pledged, "Kinsmanship from that meet~ ing became a very real factor in the life of those men, Their en- t oundetions on. Which eh ji $97 § ven to ig bein x as the her | now fon, tant chal |. SEED) FOR THE GARDEN AND FARM CATALOGUE TO INTENDING PURCHASERS YM WY RENNIE CO vars 80 AT MONTF " ertakon anniversary to pa. men who have fed us in the build~ ing of this Kinsmanship, "To those fifteen in whose name 1 earry this honor, the name of Vounder, "To Dad who gave us the lie spiration and advice in' those early formative days, "Po Harold Long who odrried Kin first into other and wider fields with the founding of the second Club-in Montreal, "To Herman Mawhinney who gave up the great Western oppors tunity and later guided the As~ sociation through its erly days, fo Jack Gifford the bullder and to whose credil can be traced the greatest expansion, "rd Hugh MatNell by executive who established the Agsociation's effectiveness and paved the way for the progressive policies and WA DAILY TIMES, FRID their honored today, as then, emphasise ate "To Al Rosevear, giving to Canada Kingston ~The Works Department flusher wad used for the first' time this year on Tuesday afternoon, when it. was. put to work on Ontario, King and Rideau streets, The machine uted was the combination flusher and snow plow: s Play With Dymamite | PA v4 about twelve e were found one day last. ing themselves by Taying petting bur ¥ | Roa . Mr, Sparling will aw duties on May 1. 1 who have petitioned the Jity Council, The merohants claim 'that the left turn restriction Favents motorists from driving rth on Pitt street and 2 conse jently detrimental to the business a large number of merchants, Fummer Schon u olr.3 hgh Raggi. inception: Wi open the an ring this course in. of the Arts subs and studens from all are to he found in ats + te---- ate the sticks as an occurred, i Injured: When Car \ ville w= Miss Hilda Marjer- nd | rion, Is in the General hospimal sul. fering from lacera hatises ih the head and. body sustained Tuesday when a light coupe in whieh she was driving alone, en route to Monklands, Ont. turned over In a ditch and was badly wrecked, Tug Breaks lee Kingston~Captain yA ke In command of ' tug Salvage Prince broke through: the ice in: the har bor Wednesday morning, working rom @he shipyard to the | LaSalle Causeway. In some places the lee was quite easy to break through, al though in front: of the Sity Hall the tug had to make several attempts before u passage could be made, Lod J y Reton; the annual mee of t Kingston Flying" Club held Monday evening the chief topie of «discussion was the making of definite Slant in arranging the program for the big Eastern Ontarla Ale Meet to he held 'at the Kinaston Municie pal on June 8 ¥ --_-- Jeddo Premium in America , - Sa oT r= Lan thusiasm, thelr friendships and the Bfoguctive ction of 'our present opportunity presented club in the fields of service, tracted others of similarly altruis- tie mind and within the year the permanence and future of their club was assured, "A fitting tribute to those first fifteen men who established the | the future first Kinsmen Club is found in the ideals and objects of the Kinsmen organization, Ideals treasured and Alege Grigg, Mad McDonald, Clarence Richards, Farle Popham, Maley Edwards-- in fact, to all these builders of Kin who have given and with us are and Canada's peoples the hope and security of "Kin, T extend my greetings, my good wishes and the Kinsmanship 1 have found in you and our Kin. fh ay RE i p BOYS NOT WICKED BY NATURE SAYS SCHOOL PRINCIPAL (Continued from Page 3) better things iu a boy they a The Bowmanville Boys' Trail ing Behool has caught the imagine. ation of the people Dy, Reaman commented and there is a general NIES interest manifested in it through- out the province, Not Naturally Wicked Boys who transgross the law are not wicked by nature in Dr, Rea man's belief, Many times they got Into scrapes through & wish to be daring, The i peaker recited in- stances where boys had been brought to the school with bad re- cords but in thelr new edvironment they dropped their "hird-bolled" attitude and presently appeared and acted like healthy, decent lads, The speaker described the meth ods which are used by the school to encourage the rtudents to do vid thet righ, An apes) 19 made to thelr | Ireakiugihe 1aws of the se be | the point where he made an honest [| ware 'of course boys of a nervous, to # i conduct they reasoned that it was ros and the response is encouraging, 'It a. boy persists ju # is disciplined and Dy, Reaman pointed' out thet corporal punish. mont often brought wu student to effort to overcome his faults, There bigh strupg type to whom whip- ping - could do' more harm than good, These were disciplined in unother way and fn many instances when ads of this types were forced tow days iv bed tor mis worth while trying to live up to the standard expected of them, Patience Necessary Above all patience Is required in this work, Dr, Reaman stressed, "Christ had patience with those who did wrong," the sspeaker cons cluded, "He it way who suggested forgiveness for an erring brother, seven times seven." Appreciation for Dr, Resman's | splendid address was voiced by Mr, Edward Bradley, president of the Brotherhood, Last night's meeting 1 as one of the most encouraging since the inception of the organization and was largely attended, Honor was paid to Bt, Patrick as the decors tion of the banquet tables was in green and white with large four- leafed shamroocks at each table, A very entertaining program wis also provided including vocal and instrumental musle, Mr, Hayes Rev, E, Harsson the pastor, nk his first appearence before Ho Brotherh last night since Bis return from Atlantic City, and Wis greeted with rousing eheers, ke: expressed his joy in being. able resume his duties as pastorand Rr renewed good health, The Brothel- hood could do much to aid in the work of the church, he omphastesy, find might prove an {irresistible foree for good, ¥ In order that sll the membs: might get better acquainted vip each other, they were requested the vice-president, Mr, C. MN. Mundy, to stand and apnounse their names, A feature of the evening wis the rousing community singing lead by Mr, George Henley, : A delelous repast was provided under the convenorship of Mrs, H. A, McDonald, re.- H, Bradley, Mrs, Leon Gray and Mrs, Johnston, while the boys of the Chamelot Club kindly assisted as walters, contributed a pleasing plano selec tion with variations while which" delighted the audience, An instrumental trio with piano, 'vio- lin and Miss Ward and Miss Lattimer was much enjoyed, Mr, Murray Halper rendered a cornet selection very effectively, The Sunday School or~ chestra provided several numbers during the banquet which were ap- preciated, r, Geo, wang two comic Irish songs 'cello by Miss Minaker, Mature nsbure olesr : nove | 004, sede, verely vouvtable-- ot drowglots, snly 206 FEEL LIKE A MILLION, TAKE NR TO-NIGHT HHOW AILRIC AT THIRD ANNIVERSARY Every Oshawa Home Lover is Cordially Invited to our Third Birthday Party. Your Visit will be both Pleasureable and Profitable ESET EET Wp FOL l Coal Prices » Souvenir Specials OHESTERVIELD SUITE -- A comfortable suite of 3 plecos, with. shaped front, reversible spring seat cushions, roll Arms and spring back, covered In cholce blue and gold damask = chesterfield, arm and wing chair to matoh -- Spring $99.00 Opening Price .. SOLID WALNUT DINING ROOM SUITE-A splendid solid walnut suite of ®-pleces, with handsome figured overlays, Ivomy buffet, panelled end china cabinet, dou. ble pedestal base table and lea- ther seated diners, compiete the suite -- Spring $189.00 Opening Price .. NOMAR WALNUT I'IDROOM SUITE An artistically designed nulne walnut auite in No-Mar nish, the massive vanity and dresser have fanoy shaped mire rors with « moulded frames, graceful panelled bed and chit fonior to match, with neat cary. ings and metal trimmings = Spring Opening Prioe siiivene $176,00 THREE LAMPS FOR THR PRICE OF ONE -- These lamps have attractive metal stands in Polychrowe finish, the shades are hand painted in parchment and they include junior lamp and shade, hridge lamp ana shade and table lamp and shade Spring Opening $12.95 Price for the three YBED BEAUTIFUL OUTFIT w- This includes a solid walnut oce- dar chest, 43-inches long with arms, one pair of homstitohed cotton sheots, one pair Lemstitchs cotton plllow-oases, an all: wool blanket ~- satin bound and one Rayow Urinkle silk bedapread Spring Opening « Price (RR RN Ll FRLT MA = AR G1 folt mattress, full weight and thick. noAs, | 0 in durable art tioking, can be had in all widths. fvting 'Opening ~ EERE EE ls i \ He | REGENT A Fashion Parade of Home. Furnishings A wonderful showing of all that's new and beau titul in this season's designs in Furniture, Hugs, Draperies, and other Home Utilities, gathered toe gother by Adams great Nix-Store buying organi sation, and now presented for your inspection in your own community, ™N BAND CONCERT BY THE 34th Ontqrio Rg. Band By kind permission of Major B, O, Hodgins and tho officors of tho #4th Regiment, this| popular mus feal organisation will play splendid programs for you at Adams store SATURDAY AFTERNOON. AND EVENING Flowers for the Ladies The store is handsomely decorated=--musie, sweet singing Marte Mountain flowers for our lady guosts,~=demonstrations of our new home laborssaving devices. Don't miss te bog gala event,' Come nas, - or. roels, Boys ant Giels will ha welvome at = | SATURDAY MORNING : & Canaries, «= souvenir ly and bring your THEATRE Souvenir Specials "KITCHEN REAUTY' ALUMI. NUM SET -- Made of pure alum- inum, hard rolled, highly polish- od, handles and knobs are se ocurely fastened, including - dish an, water pitcher, coffee perco ator, egg slicer, fruit funnel, pancake turner, 1 ladle, strainer ladle, steamer, pudding dish, oake centre, preserving kettle, cover, cocktail mixer, lemon eeser, three saucepans, deep frying pan and French fryer Spring Opening == $7.15 Prioe soveesvseess BNGLISH PRAMS--These prams are' built lke cars of pressed steel, they are finished with a smooth lustre finish that wears and wears, neither sun nor froat oan Warp or orack their ates! . bodies, all equipped with storm shield and apron, rustiess fron Yhagh with rubber tires ~~ pring Opening ~- £0 $29.95 DINNER SETS ~- Oé-ploce seis Myott and Company's fine quale L- 4 Boglish dinnerware, ivory white body with wide gold bore der and gold hairline, ootagon shapes, a complete dinner and 10a sarvice fo twelve persons pring Opening w= Te S495 FANDY. CUSHIONS -- These at tractive cushions are in taffetas, in assorted colors and shapes, ins 'oluding round, diamond and bol» ster styles, filled with Kapok == Spring: Openings CARD TABLES ~- Folding card tables with - green baise top ---- Spring Opening «~- $1 89 Price sseessvevane prt Bo In wala nish, with heavy round continus 2 posts 'and fillars 'and soli ntre panel wit sooration, x plete with iron frame sagless nk Hptos hing & folt matt Price sae svniay' 19.95

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