| THE OSHAWA DAILY' TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1930 PACF SFVEN 'Stock Mar ets, Grain and Produce Exchanges TORONTO PROVIAION PRICES | Qt voor WHEE Moronto Wholepale denlers. are i Tg bas... y doting the following rices to} ian ap os panne innonobon Swoked monts--Homs, medium, ¢ A 02% 28 to §bc; cooked loins, 48 to b2e, 1 hbees anes i | smoked rolls, 28c; breakfast ba. PPL con, 80 to 40e; backs, pen-mealed, ; I d4¢; do, Ked, 46 to bbe, re 'ATIONS offering produce to retail a tonto Ig Rog ders, Leal, fettuce, ee ror y at the following prices: 200; ao 20%0; hams, 206e. Par bei h " sley. per bunch ups. ofonto wholesale dealers are buy-b poco meson extras, in cartons, > / Et ENO LE I I Ts pd Stock Market * Prices Markey Summary by Canadian Press Toronto and New York ¥eock Quotetions Supplied no Biggar and Orawford, Alger Bullding, Osha Que Ch, Res. 505 Toronto Stock Exchange || iii" ii Stock High Low Close Br, A, O11 IM% 41 Cured mentse~long clear bacon, | Gress. three AOF Lies : Jorone at the following prices: +| 80 to 70 Ibs, 24;.70 te 90lbs, 23c; y BE oder Od A Felumed ig Sead, 30 Bie Hate: | 50 to 110. Tha, 470, HanvYWOIEht | Goanaen war doses oe fre Wend Hes fresh firsts, 32; : i rolls, 40c; lightweight rolls, 26¢. | Bitter oranges, dozen .. | seconds, 27 Butter--No, 1 creamery, prints, Lord---Pure tlerces 14¢; 'tubs, Strawbertigs, Bh +i Fours ier. 3 eam , solids, 34%4 3s to to 890; No. 3 .reamery, prints. ile: podls, 160; prints, 16 t0| Gedoefeuit, each oo. 1.1, ci No, 9 Potatoes, Dag ...overses a RE i: oni iuiis Bh ob pe ade 1 | cleans, sl f eese~No, 1 large, colored, par- LE SCR RA "uh map on Rungnas, per dozen ...., | nflineg and lh lip graded, ofitc Duck Chresacaninianes 14s TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET{ A Apples, 6-qt. bas, ,1.100h | Poultry | AS Sel M.I7 | Turkeys everest osrnnss Sus | he following are quotations, teil] C reen peas, Og, pas. | Spring chickens over' Tbs 25. 20 32 G0eR0 i ranupgeriees:s in effect on the St. Lawrence Mar. Egg ang, each .u.vi sg | do, 4 to5 Ibs 25 281 Gieeso---New, iatge, 23 to | ket, Toronto; Green beknsy 6 fh. aire do, under 4 Thy, i 233° 2; twin, 85% 0 241 triplets, | Producei-- Gréen peppers, four for, ens, over 6 '1bs. 2 | 48%¢; stiltons, 97c. Old, larg, | Eas, extras, per dozen, Cranberries, qt. |, , 5 1bs, x dc; twins, 20%e; triplets and oa firsts, per dozen. Tum 9, bus, i. do; 4 A 0 tuts, 30¢; old stiltons, 21¢ Butter, daity, per pound 0 35 arsnips, 11 gt, 0, r 9 Do, creamery per pples, bus, ovis a und 4 Jo FH pe 1 Ib, 045 Apples, bi oung i, ve Fruits and ve tables; Green peas, 6 qt. Young turkeys, dressed, 35 to 40c. A'hickens, 8 1bs, up» Carrots, bug . My) A Tomatoes, 1 1b, Guinea fowl, pair, $1.75. Do, 4 td" lbs, Do, 6 Gt" os ssdionier Pineapples, each (Rolling) hide 4 Do, 8') to 4 Beets, bu seessecions Rhubarb, bunch | © Toronto wholesale deale Do, 30 34 Tbs, 0 Gliese vs o's sowed Cockshutt s A Dis, Sgrm, 134% 8 $ Ventures 185 Om. Stra, 31 Wr, Har. 186 Li i Wainwe)l b ir, Wal, 0 Int, Nk: / ot, y 1 Int, Pet, i 2, 4% New York Exchange mp, ' HAN (3 " Mo. Hor 3 | Brook High Low Close Mc, ¥Frt, 8 i IY Alleghany 38% 4 4in Mt, Pwr,*183 ' g | Allis Chak 60 Pg. Hr. 95% Amn. Ae .. 88 Shaw, 74 Amn, Inter, 48% Amu, Bmel, 78% Amn, Tel, 244% Anaconda 78 Baldwin .. 80% Borden ... 74 a distinctive name for the Borg War, 46% pT thinks Parson Pots (busy Beth. Steel 105 n / yeally, mo more bans' 109 100 Can, Dry ,, 74% 4 the flavour pactve Sin ' Yu i Can, Pre, 206% y Chocolate). ab s darling of '51 3! Chrysler ., 898% 38} Sores, Du! Non s York Milk i Gea. Elec, 8) every (J aby may 11} jou. Ele 8% iryho odv's hvouriss, Joby may grow up Gen: Mot, 48) to York M ey Gon. 3 choice today and every day. IS p B k Fox iv viu 80 Rowntree's York Milk 1s a name to Man's Poor Back [deep vin remember--always, It stands for the best . ; - 3 in milk: chotolate--so good that ft has sot Lame and Aching |i wei i Gi Scand Me, Ward 43% UX delicious, perfectly Rohn: an c ing Mot, Wheel 1% 41% it) mel away in your mouth, There Nt. Oh, Reg. 70 ! is no quit as good to eat ws York | Some backs "abe a all day long=-a| Pen. Rall 84% 539 Y Milk. Try a bar, steady aching sorenens--=it seems to| Radio .... 52% ! the man afflicted that at 'times his| Rem, Rand 40% back was breaking! Sim, Bed 50% | When you come home from work | Bin, Ol 27% 7h , 3 2 . ys ho ro Nw \ swith delicious - Albevie--for [ Parson (side): "What-~er--name, Ficus h Absentminded Father (who never as &rehing else) "Rowntree's York Milk Co COO OC oO=O=C oo oNS Oo CNSSOCoOoO--OS ©0080 | at night 'with a back 'so sore, fame | St. of N.J, 67 and weak that you feel mighty surg | Studebaker 433% ) A : o Dreter wet mil you won't be able to go to work in] Tm. RI lear 84 , the morning=DO THIJS: U.S, Steel 188% ' Get someone to give it a good ryb-| U.S. Rubber, 20% bing with Joint. Bates a soothing, Vick Chem, 46 4 penetrating, pain subduing, wonder ---------------- o of the East seem to be Topped fo a Ru 4 nian stic shroud and even Western working | emollient that ets fight| | TORONTO LIVESTOCK ent traditions. Yet, they are keen traders, they buy and sell, their women under: the skin = right where the] Toronto, Match 20~There were Melb tuitions. like their Western sisters are accustomed to do at Loblaw's. muscles are inflamed and sore. fo ally Sffered on the Dominion lolk is nét to be compared to the exacting demands Then forget your troubles and go Livestoel Fxch e this morning, re vin efficiency and facilities, repu all to sleep, ceipts ha be n cleaned up ' b thelr credit or 14 Unless 're different from other| Wednesday afternoon and A men you'll wake up in the morning| were from 25¢ to 55¢ liigher for the with a back free from aches, ibid, week: TI TIE daily customs and wisdom of the "Clvilization'} has not erased its folk "clioose themselves" in thelr The only es is, the br A po of the Fagiern womsf made u the hiasowives of( tario who shop at Loblaw's where modern and are assured them and where their wisdom will always reflect to the homes for for which ¥ Pager the "'gropery buyers," ON SALE FOR WEER OF MARCH 20th to 26th 39 Simcoe Street North stiffness and misery--and you'll go to work with a grateful heart a tell your friends about the mighty Calf receipts 6; Calves were too 'small to make a market, Hogs Were steady at $11.75 fob, switt acting power of Joint-Ease, for bacons or $1300 off-tar. There THE ROWNTREE CO. LIMITED, TORONTO owing to likeljhood of cold wegsher touching the greater part of domes. 1-2 cent higher wheat afterward ros all around. Corn, outs and provisiom Store Closed at 12. 30pm. Wednesdays Jor' : * Out Employees' Recreation" Sond FISH 2 Tins 3% 186 Simcoe Street South Joint Has h mide right hire In were no sheep offered, anada and. it's just §s A-- on i . CHICAGO GRAIN blanket, Bullish faports 'about Tilins |S" 448% ith, corn. stasting wn 8am. to 6 pm, Wed, Sam to [ lumbago too~s generous tube for 60 12.30 p.m. Sat. 8 am to 10 pm. ----_g Jury 4 Chicago, Ill, March 20.«Wheat| ois wheat crop condition tended iho o) Shingefl io 1:2 off, and subsequent a y Recoes ng druggists peti Be i Bey scored, in carly fresh advance today] to lift prices, Opening urchang EN : ig NUGGET TE | I =) ||| NATIONAL SAFETY WEEK Shoe Polish Means More Than Accident Prevention mn. 12°, It means having everything necessary for instant treatment when accidents do happen. Your Rexall Store is the logical place to purchase high grade emergency supplies. Stock up the First-Aid Kit now and when the need arises you will be prepared. Should you forget anything, remember you can have it dolivered quickly from -- THE REXALL DRUG STORE = OLAJEN FREE What Are Vitamine? They are those clements in Thame | Jou ny try this Palatable | 000 "whith are essential to Cotton onlo free by MOlling in | ite and health, Vitamine coupon. Buy one Jar at | are present in health-giving $1.00 -- We give you two= | quantities in Candy --- one | of the most healthful of al iy ns Hy Youseh ny of foods. Choo ate in benell- not satisfied we will refund | oy) to everyone, for it has the purchase price it one Jar he necessary elements --- is returned unopened. Buy hrotelus. enrbubyduates, rou -- i an me, na one Ye sive 734 two adults will improve in health and strength by a regulay ratiod of chocolate, hh . One of the best forms of INCENSE FREE '8 chocolate confection Ia With any: burner we wilt | Homemald Peppermint Pat- ties, a pure, rich chocolate &1%¢ any 360 pker of Incense | TRG & oe prob 00. = eronmy peppermint fondant, Venotlah Gingey ... $8.80 80 cost only con a pound oh Thursday, Ir ~Miephant saveniaey $1.08 aha Saturday, Way Curved Hall Frog «oversees $1.85 Sharper PAgO™8 LL iiuiiine « NA 80c¢ | Blade for your seteny Renew, 'Japanese Tgmplo ... $1.95 Lavenaee Mentbolated Cream 1 0° ! each icuuise Coes or asc & Soo | "0d A 300 tn Lavepder Tal» REE tie *winter wheat! minus any snow LIFEBUOY The Health SOAP 2 cas 15° Chocolate ga. 70 26] FIRST AID SPECIALS eum '= 88c Value oreo corre [Al for 80 Fyom Grower to consumer Hudnut Perfume Free this. brand fs. )andled with Win the purcLase of $1.00 infinite care and without the | box of Three Flowers Face middlenipn's profit, ; Hono the low 100 --- With wy Huduut um, or 500 We give "49 lb., reo 8 260 Yial of Pertume. "FOR YOUR HEALTH'S SAKE SHOP AT {LPaper "| polite ed i. Each 190 ll Fre 0 Nh tn... overs. Lis PEED 90