© THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDA . Y, MARCH 20, 1930 os po tyre of hospitals, More economical hospitalizason was to com plished, he believed, through, th velopment of idea! buildings, and hel' found the needs of Canady in this|M respect to be unique becavse of ity climate, The problem, he kl, is one which must he solved by the Institute of Capada, + Victor, Moris, discussed. the pre« servation of ancient buildings, Com- mentiug on the observation that Ca- nada requires an architecture of ber own, he saidi-"We: haye such archi-| g tectdre in the habitiart Hotyse They i Jack color a little, bit "ss await ¢ wonily an artistic touch that will make) 2: perfect, And we should not lack color iv , for have we not the most colord myst arn from nature, FB. Lagace suid it was wot en to know and understand Gothi¢' and Roman forms; architects must. build what-is proper to the) 1g 20th century, and to Canada; mony. 8 iiat a last int Sota 1 of the past and somethin, of the Aare ad they ure toh Teft "smiling in the sun" when years have passed, COLUMBUS BRIEFS Columbus, March 18. Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Pascoe and daughter and Mrs. Thos. Scott, Kedron, visited H, Pascoe on Sunday, Mr, and- Mrs, Jas, Lgmbert and | childyen, Brooklin, spent Sunday atl the home of John Lambert, * ! Miss Lillian Dearborn, Eldad, spent the week end at her home, Mrs, T, Perreman. and son Gordon visited relativés in Toronto recently, Archie. James spent a few days with friends in Toronto, Riss Muirson, St. Thomas, spent the | week end at home, Hi A large number of farmers , and their wives attended a bangwet in Oshawa on Tuesday evening, Mr. and Mrs, Gregory celebrated the 48th anniversary of their marri- age at the 'home of Mr, and Mrs, Paul Purris on Saturday "evening, March 8, Mr, Wilits returned home on Mon- OUTLINES NEED "OF CANADIAN ARCHITECTURE vises Studentsto Study _ Architecture of Cities of Europe' : le, March 19<The an architecture were akers were: eGill- Univer- sity, Dr, Alfred' T, Bazin, Jresidem of the Canadian Medical: Institute, Vidor Morin, authority. on Quebec history, and Dr, Lagace, professor at history, University of Montreal, Professor Nobbs spoke of the uged lor travelling Scholarships among dian students of architecture, There is always the need for those who would 'understand architectural foriid to visit she old cities on the shores of the Mediterranean, he said, and in addition they must have an opportuni'v to consider the work now heing done in northern Europe. Canadjan arsitects must be inter- ested in this work, being in sympa thy with it through its adaptability 10 the Canadian climate; He spoke of this architecture ds a work of rey alism in which the engineering pro- sles is first, the architectural second, Dr, Bazin dealt with the architec. Dre CAREW LUMBER (0 ments some of ter, Mrs, Hi L, Pascoe, opened with a hymn and scripfure agtusin® We [led by Mrs. ueo France, and a hall years ngo, now boasts day rom the Oshawa Hospital whe He dhderwent an operation fri de- | dicitls, for appens ts. ' My. and Mrs, Alex, Monroy of wrkbam spent a day with her sis- Mrs. A. Murison last week, Miss Florence Grills from Toronto spent Sunday At home "with Mr, and Mrs, Chap, 6 A, Grills, The Forward Bible class meet at the home of Mrs, Arthur Ross last week wo! ek, ; Mr, and Mrs, Vickery of Oshawa visited Mr. and Mrs; L. Ellens on unday. rt of the W.M, at the home of The meeting The month) was held meeti arch 1 Hayes, The president, Mrs, Clugston, then gave a reading on the scripture les- son followed by prayer by Mrs, Minutes of last meeting "were . read and approved, Rolf call answered by Dyer, members, Readings off topic were given hy Mrd, Goodman, Misg Ormistodd an Mrs, Lambert, » and was A much enjoyed solo as sung by Miss Mary Carr, The chapter in the study book was given by Miss' Emily Lawrance, BROKE FEW YEARS AGO, FRANCE NOW BOASTS BILLIONS U. S. Alone Has More Gold Reserve -- France Has Bigger Per Capita EE ee a Paris, Margh 202<Bull markets bave nothing on the French trea- sury, Billions have heen pulled out "what looked like thin alr snd really dead broke thres billionaire's balance sheet, Uncle Sam alone has more gold _ i _--_., TE AU SL A ry Sr Ry \ per capita hoard jo the vaults than eny, country in: the world sud mighty proud of ft, 4 Hencl Cheron, Minister of Pigs ance In the short-lived Tardieu cabinet, told parliament and the conntry the glad news recently, but the mau who fs given credit for pulling. rabbits out of the empty | hat is Raymond Poincare, took the helm, 6 'of the waliowing ship of state in the summer of 1926, doubled the value of French currency, stabilised the franc on a gold basis and turned deficits into surpluges, y Where there was less than no thing in the governmental pocket: book In 1926, Cheron said, thers how is 18,000,000,000, francs, or $720,000,000, Better than that, the public debt is being whiitled down a third of a billion dollars a year and the-Young plan is due to retive nearly $2,000,000,000 ot debt in the near future through pitalization of rbpsrations = and ayment of about $100,000,000 n year for 37 years, above the ani ount needed for France to pay the United States'and Great Britain for wir advances, The big gold resefve and the healthily fat treasury are the two things of- which the French are voud, In fact, the pride in the ull treasury became so outspoken that Cheron, like » good watch dog, became alarmed lest parila. ment take wome of it away from him and he argued that all of it Was earmarked for some necessary Use and could not ve voted away. He admitted it was a lot of money for even a govemmment to bave around, but he~showed that he accumulated ft to pay oblign- Lions that most Leople bad forgot. ten, overtheless, $200,000,00) of It was unmortgaged cash, fn- tended to be a working fund, tho frst time since the war that France has had such 5 thing, But oppon ents of the Tardieu government ar. gued that { x reduction was more desirable for France than. ingrens- Ing treasury surplus and eventual reserve, but France has a bigger !y they brought down the cabinet EE -------- 0"% OWN the price is uniformly low, Due to A & P's efficient methods of purchasing and distributing, butter is bro churned. The uniform quality of the product sold in A &°F stores bas made it 150,000,000 POUNDS 'of AeP BUTTER Sunnyfield Brand * 2 1». ris JQ, SILVERBROOK CREAMERY 2 ibs. 77¢ A&PIis the largest desler in butter in the world, selling 150,000,900 pounds in the last twhlve months, The A &\P has established a most rigid system of inspection, fuvolving checking both at the shipping and receiving ends, to maintain its high stahdard of quality . . ht to the consumer in an amasingly short time after it is e moat popular butter in Canada, PM . yot / 42 King Street West--Phone 26229 Simcoe Straet South--<Phorie 3170 A&P CHOICE QUALITY MEATS » FINEST YOUNG CANADIAN LEGS, LAMB 32. FRONTS 1b. 18 LOIN RIBCHOPS ..........v00. LOIN ROAST--Flank off ..."..... Ib, 28¢ FIRST FOUR RIBS CUT SHORT cil diag ID 27¢ SWEET PICKLED Pork Shoulders »- 19. Cottage Rolls". in. 25¢ PURE PORK SAUSAGE IME: Ib. 27c BOILED HAM--Sliced ......... Ib. 53¢ - DAVIES FAMOUS OLD ENGLISH OURED WILTSHIRE BACON BACK --Sliced 1b, 48c SIDE--Sliced Ib. 38¢ SHOULDER OR COLLAR--Sli a . liced, Ib. 38¢ or Half ........ Ib. 38¢ Jay AYLMER ASSORTED SOUPS, EXCEPT CHICKEN WITH rite SOUPS -is.3 tn 28 SHIRRIFF"S LUSHUS »3%iths 3 Pkgs. 18¢ REAL VALUES ON QUALITY SALMON Salmon como 3 Mgt 310%' J le we NN TH OVALTINE A REAL LENTEN VALUE CHEESE CROSSE, & BLACKWELL JAM LIFEBOY LARGE sizes Oranges - 59:-61+-63¢ BAB-QO--Brightens Bathrooms... Tin 14c AYLMER GREEN LABEL ' 08. Marmalade »~- "> 28. MAGIC BAKING POWDER FANCY BLUE ROSE * RICE - - THOMPSON'S SEEDLESS RAISINS - SWIrT's BROO! SELECTOR BISCUITS. weifons STRAWBERRY ™e aA 3 cakes 18¢c J FRESH SHIPMENT JUICY CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS 9.0z, tin 75¢c 2: 35 iG. 7c ELD 2b. Jar Je 16-07, TIN 3 be. 21: + Bibs. JF 34c FRUIT AND VEGETABLE THURSDAY -~FRIDAY--SATURDAY ICEBERG : wl Lettuce ~ ANT ranch ICEBERG Lettuce | argh | NEW TEXAS BEETS ./:..... 2 beh. 17¢ | BANANAS . . "ier panes 3 Ibs 23¢ HOT HOUSE RADISH Ju 3 beh, 10c YELLOW i Ps pol " . COOKING ONIONS .......... 7 lbs 28¢ oy y : PRh a S ehs 26¢ 2 tor 19 2 for 1c hourly v5... 2 lbs 23¢ his vv » Rn ARIO gd Lieut 1 18:0, Peck '38¢ > ih RY 3 i & Pa OANADS AS = .| tary, published J |e | politic it, 1a ; up 50 ton and who | BIR' GEOFFREY DE MONTMOR+ ENCY Governor of the Punjab, for a sus. pected attempt upon whose life u native youth is being detained at Lahore, India, He Found The Conse, "The Rest Was Easy Dodd's Kidney Pills Quickly Relieved Ontario Man Mr. W. J, Spencer Suffered With His Kidneys--Dedd's Kidney Pills Did the Rest : ------ Eartlon, Ont, Mar. 20=(Special) "I had Kidney trouble so bad, could hardly stand up," states Mr, W. J. Spencer, a well known resident of this place, "I ako had Rheuma. tis. [ got sume Dodd's Kidney Pills and after ['had taken ten boxes the Rheumatism had leit me and my kidneys were all right, Dodd's Kid. ney Pills are a fine medicine," Dodd's Kidney. Pills not only re | ligve the pain or ache that is caus. {ing the most distress, 'they put the { kidneys in good working order and dl the impuyrities and "poisons are | strained out of the blood. The re. | sult is' that new strength Is carried to every part of the body. That's why so many sufferers, relieved by | Dodd's Kidney Pills sum up their | condition, "I feel like a new man | New energy is new life. You can't "have it with sick Kidneys, | on this issue, Since Poincare became Premier, July 2 1826, and until he re- signed Jast Nove. »r, tHe budget ins boen balanced, iV'sually around $2,000,000,000, nearly halt of which has gone to pay bond ip terest, Nevertheless, profitable solrees tke the march und tobacco monoyolies and pare of reparation payments have been set aside by a law that cannot be repealed except by. a specially ealled session of the National Assembly, to amortize the public debt... Economists, describe ¥race as prosperous, although heavily tax od, about $50 per capita a year. The budget, on a gold basis, 12 twice what it was before the war and so are taxes. The Bank of France has twice the metal veserve and thre is two and nu third timey 48 much money in circulation, CLEMENCEAU SAW NO PROBABILITY OF WORLD PEACE Day May Come When Peo- ples Will Answer Flute's Call However New York, March 10-=(C,P,)w- Georges Clemenceau, "Tiger of France," never saw any likelihood of world peace becoming ap ace complished fact, according te his own statement quoted in a bio. graphy entitled 'Clemenceau, by Jean Martet," oa wartime secre- ere recently, In reply to a question to whether he thought thera would al- ways hoe war, lomenceau sald; "Perhaps therq wil lcome a day when the people will coma together in a fraternal embrace to the sound of the fluté, when, alone athong all things that are born, live and die, men will lve out his allotted time in peace. It dsn't probable; it is possible." . . Martet joined Clomenceau's al ff in 018, became in 1917, and served until all's, retirement, In 1027 gah the of conversations by which this: volume is the re- sult, During these conversations, the publishers say, Clemenceau ut at Martet's' disposal the full gtumentary records of his dife, and expressed his opinion = about Jeverything from Aeschylus to Afs ghantstan, Clemenceau believed that 'the sugodnsful politician must be pre. timex to break with MI you want to take up olltios ofa career," he advises, "and want i| to get any whorey don't Worry yours melt with questions of king, Keep oursell always in readiness to | break with your friends. Others wise you will he lost, lost, You [will never be able to carry through what you have decided to do, in your friends who held back." » oy Vi disappeared towasd the lite; it appears from all others is William " | bookt but he bore some hate until | bis death, 'The man I nape a 'has end complacent. thought there mi Ito New York on the "1 But #11 the Bocke Kings snd Bm-~ A vevors have found it rather eksy 'to turn bourgeois." whether he t some day be hostilities between Great Britain and the United States, Clemenceau replied: "I shouldn't like it, fov the sake of the United States, They have good ships and well man~ ned, but the English have the sea in thelr blood, Pershing thought they could improvise Generals and that it was enough just to raise millions of troops. He saw at Thinsours it was not as easy 'as all tha Asked one The tense relations between Cle- mencean and Foch are indicated by a brief reference to Foch, who 1s quoted as having remarked to the French premier on October 1, "You know, I suppose, that con- stitutionally, I am not under your orders." Clemenceau auswered, 1 feel very friendly toward you, hut if there is one bit of advice I can give you it is not to"try that game on me," Ee Sh HE BAIT TRAPS NY. NARGOTIG SELLERS Trunk Crammed With He- roin and Morphine Causes Arrest ------ New York, March 18~A trunk eraummed with 'heroin and morphing worth $100,000 was left on a New York pler as bait, 'and two men are now in the federal trap=-one In En gland and another here-charged with leadership in one of the boldest drug smuggling plots revealed by the narcotic division In years" On March 4, 8 mon whose pagsport réand "John Boll" brought two trunks le de France, on which he travelled as a first class passenger, "Bell" disappeared with out claiming the trunks, Charles Wimmer, address un known, went to the pier and claimed possession of ong trunks which off clals had left, apparently unguarded at the dock. He was arrested and held in $15,000 ball, "Bell" was traced, this time as "John Bloom," us eastbound Berengaria rested by wireless orders at South ampton. Unable to extradite him. on the wsuggling charge, United States attorney Tuttle procured his imme diate indictment for falsifying pass ports, an international crime, and "Bell" or "Bloom" was held by the British authorities, Tuttle indiéated that the arrests may clear up an international plot with wide ramifications, involving milifons of dollars worth of the con traband, re -------- STEAMER BRINGS 1.000 EMIGRES TO CANADA / ---- St. John, Mateh 18. ~Bringing over u thousand passengers to Canada, the Cantdian Pacific liner, Melita, dook- ed at West St. John at 4 pm. yes terday. Three special trains oon. veyed the passengers to Montréal and western points, leaving West St. John during the afternoon and even ing. Together with the thousand odd passengers which 'arrived here on board the Canadian Pacific liner Du. chess of York over the week-end, West St. John experienced the busi est three days during the entire sea son since Saturday. In all 2,024 pas sengers were handled oft thesk two liners, Would Deepen St. Lawrence From Lake to Ogdensburg -------- Washington, March 20.---After 0 contorence with President Hoover esterday, Chairman Snell of the ouse Rules Committee, said he urged consideration of a proposal for ,extending the St, Lawrence watérway from Lake Ontario to Ogdensburg, New York, to a depth of 27 foot, " He added the Canadian Govern: ment was "willing to go to any ex- pensed necessary' to deepen the channel to 27 feet on ita part of the river, Council Meets At Veteran Clerk's Home Windsor, March 20,-A record of not having missed a council meeting iu Mersea Township for 48 years, establishell by Clerk Al- fred Halrsine, remains unbroken oven though that official, for tho first time in nearly a half century, wee unable to go to the township Hall, To keep the record perfect, the council adjourned to his home, where he was able ito carry out his duties, For 86 years he hap been township clerk, and he was reeve for 12 years prior to that. He | is now 78 years of age. Kiddies' first 'courses go like magic where the desserf is-- - _McLAREN'S INVINCIBLE JELLY POWDERS arm REPORTED CONVICT SOCIETY 1S PROBED Secret Organizatoin to "Re- move" Certain Prison Keepers Auburn, N.Y,, March 20--Au- burn prison officials, in co-operg~ tion with Dr, Raymond 8. Kieh, state commissioner. of correction, are investigating reports that 100 long term convicts have banded together in a secret society to Vre- move' such prison keepers as have incurred thelr enmity, 80 far, Dr, Kieb says nothing has been learned that would sub- stantiate the reports, Dr, Kleh added that on the basls of present findings he did not believe the re ports to be correct, The Investign- tion, he said, is continuing. Reports circulated here, Appar« ently on "Inside" information from the prison grapevine system of communication, was that such a secret band, including approxime ately 100 long term prisoners, mec- tunlly had been formed, ; It was sald, too, that the fata) stabbing of Principal Keeper Bde ward B, Beckwith on March § by v convict Anthopy Mortelito removed the first name from the black list of the secret society, Mortelito, according to the re. ports, was selected to do the stab. bing by a drawing of lotd among the soclety's members, Ex-Maharajah Stirs Indore by Stopping Daughter's Marriage Indore, India, March 20.~kKx- Maharajs Holkar, who frequently stirred this city in the past, especi- ally when he married Nancy Ann' WMiller of Beattle, gave it another sensation yesterday by abnuptiy forbidding. the marriage of 'May- orama Raje, a daughter by hu first wife, to a Dborrister named Matker, Arrangements had been made to celebrate the maryinge on Mardh 16," but ithe bride's father sald lhe had resolved to give his daughter to some one outside his caste fu accordance with the dectrines ol the ancient Mohammedan Saini Kadir, who tried to break down the caste barriers, The Zeppelin Is soon to make an pther annual trip, Our iden of a soft job is that of the man who gots out the Zeppelin timetable, James J, Montague, in 'ew York Herald-Tribune, ' GATES 'CHOICE MEATS PHONE 396 Plate Boiling Beef, per Ib. .. .. Sweet Pickled Shoulders, per Ib. ......... Gates Home Rendered Lard, per Ib ...... Fine Old Cheese, per bb. . .. White Fishy por th. ++ ives vis vids vas ive Peameal Cottage Roll .......... Peameal Back, ....... GATES 20c 20c 15¢ CERN IEE RN) ye AEm, vee 16¢c 45¢ CR RCI RR RN NL REN ¥ 22 SIMCOE NORTH