Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Mar 1930, p. 1

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Osh ya t J Ih awa Baily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer A Growing Newspaper in a Growing City' - OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1930 18 Cents 8 Week; 3 Cents a Copy TWELVE PAGES / News in Brief (By Canadian Prose) Record Pavachute Jump i a Simany empl Pilot i of SrDURE yesterday claimed & record parachute descent of 5,200 metres (approximately ||. 17,889 feet). The previous record {| "was said to be 4,300 metres, ¥ ». Shi] Procoeding on Course Now YorkeThe Greek freighter Bugenis, which sent out sn H.0.8, | westerdsy morning while she was ¢ drifting helplessly near 20 hwest of the Dre last might notified the las or A freighter Syros that she 'was out of immediate danger a was proceeding on her own Course rmmuda [ " Ld LJ d Bacon's W NoLound Become et ehaes | Voynich, noted bibliographer and |" mediaeyalist and discoverer of the { r Bacon mavuscripts, died at | the Roosevelt Hospital yesterday, He was 65 years old, The Bacon manuscripts, all in cipher, - had | come into Voynich's hands after | having passed through several ro- yal collections and many decades of complete oblivion during the 7 centuries of their existence. } CI TL ! vofzgky Critically TH { Berlin "Tne Tageblatt yeported that the illness of Leon exile Soviet leader, had onstants | Br Jastetday | Trotsky 4 taken ® eritical turn at C inople, » . Ld One Kille In Explosion : Calgary.~--Csught without warn~ {ng when a separator exploded, { Tonly Delegar, 85, was instantly killed at the New McGouall-Seguy Oil Company lease at Turner Vals ley, The gas flow was ignited in 'the explosion, and the body was badly battered and burned, or Caused Barker's Death a coroner's jury ase sembled here last night to inquire into the circumstances surrounding the death of the late Lieut,-Col. \W, G, Barker, famous Canadian flying ace, who met death recent. Iv in atragic flying accident, found that 'The airplane in which he was flying crashed on the foe ow- to an error of judgment in stalling the plane.' GRIMES MURDER CASE : w ASRS FINISH v tharines, March 20,~"The ; Grimes. murder trial entered upon 'its final stage today when ' Peter White, K.C.. chief counsel for the risoner, charged with the murder sof Mrg. Pearl Stuart, ot eg r. aBQ, A " he i pected to is afternoon, | SENATE MEMBERS ARE INVITED T0 the jut a Th Lo the he Jury. late Leased Wire) Press Loner March 1a vik bo In: { { the Seuate . ve ait in with members of i the House of Commons pens gus mmittee, to consider the sublec 18 nsions to returned soldiers, In sclding. to extend this {nvitation today's IR nie a ernment on, | entered on Jand 8 or Querite Scott, FIRE GUTS FIVE STORES IN MONTREAL v 1130 Chinese Are Dead in Theatre Fire "JOHN OSBORNE, OF OSHAWA ACQUITTED WHEN ROBBERY CHARGE WAS NOT PROVEN Goods Seized in Boarding- House at Oshawa Alleged to Have Been Stolen, Ac- cording to Evidence ACCUSED CLAIMED HE BOUGHT RADIO SET Alibi Established = When Osborne Proved He Was in Oshawa on Night of Robbery at Allendale (Special to The Times) Barrie, March 19~John Osborne, Celina street, Oshawa, charged with breaking and entering the home of W, D, Scott, Essa stréet, Allandale, on or about January 16, and steals ing 4 radio was asequitted in Barrie police court on Wednesday, when the crown failed to prove its case, Osborne appeared In court a week ago and was remanded when a bro. ther-in-law, Albert Darch, of Bows manville, went on his bond for, $2,« 000, Osborne was inumediately ré-are rested by Provincial Police on ine structions from the crown attorney of Halton County, where the prison. er was wanted in connection with the theft of goods from a store in Acton, It eloped later that the police found the goods from the Acs ton store at the same time they iden d | Colt x and a apparel st " toll, These articles were alk in the house at Oshawa, where Osborne has roomed for the last: thirteen yeirs, When Osborne's case was called yes terday he answered his name, as he had been released on bail by author- ities at Milton, Me was accompanied by J. P, Mangan, of Qshawa, his lawyer, by his landlady, Mts, Gunn, and her daughter, Glenda Darch wits also in court and gavé evidence for her brother-in-law, Magistrate Objects Feeling that they had a weak case on the breaking and entering charge, the crown sought to change the ace cusation to receiving stolen goods, Magistrate Jeffs objected 10 1 ying the new chuige on the grounds that he did not have jurisdiction, He poin« ted out that Osborne, if charged with receiving stolen goods had coms mitted the offense in Oshawa, had been arrested in that eifly and was in ne way, so far as authorities knew connected with Harrie, under the eire cumatances his trial was a matter for Ontario county officials . Reference to legal authorities proe ved his worship correct in his cons tention, Osborne's lawyer was anxs ious (to. go to trial in Barrie, and was prepared to waive objection in the matter of jurisdiction, The crown attorney, feeling that the, receivi charge was his only hope was equals * 1 ly ready to! proceed, but the istrate's objection was so obvious sound that the crown finally agreed to go ahead on the original charge of breaking an entering the home of W. D. Scott, 'The Evidence : The radio, produced in court, was identifi: 1 by G. M, Smith, of Bar. rie, who sold it to. Scott early last year, It was Ieeognized by"Mar» ughter of the Allan: ale citizen, whose home been the night of Jan, 16, Ine spector Gurnett-of the criminal ine vestigation branch, provincial police, told of first seeing the radio in Joliee station at Oshawa, Me ha ound the brass label in Coulter's Sao 1 TOE serial number on the machine, ter was arrested and later broke jail at: Napapee, ill . Carev, incial . re, Gunn, w 0 Holy stolen from & Briehion (Continued on Page 3) i hn om r BELIEVES PLANE ON FIRE BEFORE CRASH First Man to Reach Scene of Fatal Crash Tells Story (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Kingston, March 20. What gees & very plausible theory of the air mail plane erash at Pare ham on Tugsday was advanced this morning by W, ¥, Goad, the first man _ te reach the sesne of the accident and doubtless his theory will be included in the evidence to be beard at the inquest at Share bot Lake today, Mr, Good says that the plane was flying due north at a helght of about a thousand feet, When it reached the edge of Long Lake it circled back and again approached the shore of the Inke from a different point and evidently with the intention of landing for the engine 'was out down and the plane was flying low. Mr, Good also points to the pos. sibility that the men wanted to land use there was a fire in the o. He says that when he examined the wreckage he found a hole five by fourteen inches Er el, "Obey Party Or Get Out" Form---- Rt. Hon. Arthur Henderson Issues Ultimatum to Laborites By THOMAS T. CHAMPION (Canadian Press Correspondent) London, March 20.--"Obey party decisions or got out." This waa the ultimatum given by the Rt, Hon, Arthur Henderson; secretary of state for foreign affairs, at yous torday's meeting of the Parliamens tary Labor party, detalls of which are just beginning to seep out, It was, according to all accounts the stormiest held for a long time, It was called to discuss the action of the 22 laborites who on Tues: day night divided the House of Commons on a motion of J, Beck~ ett, Labor, Peckham, for the abo« lition of the air force, The rebels were at the meeting and Mr, Wenderson did some plain speaking--not at all in the usual tenor of "Uncle Arthur" He sald the rebels would next want to have the army aholished, Thele whole attitude was opposed to the polioy of the government which fa vored disarmament through intere national agreement, CANADA'S CHIEF SCOUT I$ DEAD ------ Dr. J. W. Robertson, Chief Commissioner Dies at Ottawa (By Canadien Press Lossed Wire) Ottawa, March 30~Dr, J. W, Ro- bertson, ch ssioner the ar With his le Grove i Robertson in 1919); Dr, t 1919 at the re Sg Sh Or-gencra te. SU Chief "Commislonee. of the Scouts' Associa of Canada, ith his manifold, with the Red «f his time in rents he settled at "Maps )' in Middlesex couns PRINCE AWARDED 84,000 Prince Danilo of Montenegro, brother of Queen HMoelena of Italy, who wes awarded $4,000 by the Seine tribunal in Pariy nat. the Metro-Gold Mayer uocers . fored in thelr production "The Merry, Widow." HAVANA HELPLESS AS 200,000 GO ON STRIKE -------- Havapa, March 20,~~A 24-hour general strike in protest of unem- ployment was inaugurated in Cubs at. midnight, The island was peaceful and no arrests were made, Police charged the strike was in compliance with orders from the Third Internationale at Moscqw. It was estimated 200,000 work- men walked out, The clgar make ers' union was the first to call a balt to all labor until Friday mora~ ing, Street car and omnibus, op- orators left their vehbleles. at ene hl ir 30 aprons on the will hooks mids night, Four Dead in Southern Fire Knoxville, Teun,, Mar, 20.~Re- covery of J more bodies brought to 4 the number of pesrons known to have been burned to death here early today in a five "which de- stroyed four buildighs in the busi ness district, All of the injured and the miss. ing were residents in the Arcade building on Union street, a two storey structure in which the fire originated, Carl Merchel, 69, the man burds od to death, lived across the street trom the Arcade building, duit had gone over to investigate the fire. A fireman found him at the top of the stalvs in the building with his head badly burned and other burns about the body, The loss was estimated at $250,000 or more, ------------------------------------ WEATHER CONDITIONS HALT SPEED TRIALS (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Daytona Beach, Fla, March 80. ~=Heach' conditions today caused Kaye Don, Dritish contender for the world's automoblle speed rece ord, to delay his first official trial, but he hoped to take his giant. Silver Bullet machine onto the beach late in the afternoon for another test rum, Briand To Bring Tardieu Sack (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, March 20.~Aristide Briand, head of the French dele. gation to. the 'five 'power naval conference, left London this fore- poon for Paria, His trip was une derstood to be for the purpose of consulitng Premier Tardieu about the conference, He sald he ex- to return to England with ° i. Tardlou at the week-end. Three Go To Pen, With 16 Strokes Added | EK Press Leased Wine) 20, vioted | ill, ry while arms to yoars in "and 18 strokes of the stra Harry "or Coral. Bo. sentenced to four in strokes of thi re each and 18 y pH : 130LIVES ARE LOST IN KIRIN THEATRE FIRE 130 Dead, Twenty Others Injured When New Theatre Gutted (By Cenadian Press Leased Wire) Mukden, Manchuria, March 20 One hundred and thirty Chinese men and women and children were burn- ed to death at Kirin yesterday when fire destroyed a motion picture thea tre, Twenty others were injured, The thegtre wis of wood and was only two months old, having opened in January to show United States films, Defective wiring was believed the cause of the disaster, Rengo News Agency despatches to Tokyo yesterday sald 76 persons were Killed, 16 were missing' and scores injured in the blaze, ---------------- U5. ARMY OFFICER ADMITS BETROTHAL Former Belleville Man Held for Alleged Murder of Wife (By Canadian Press Lassed Wire) Denver, Colo, Mar, 20-~Cherful and admitting his engagement to Miss Grace Drapdon, Brooks Field, Tox; stenographer,~ Major ~ A, Shepard, United States army surgeon, and a native of Belleville, today hoped for immediate re fesse on $26,000 bond from the Denver county jail where he has been held since Monday, charged with the fatal pofsoning of his wife, Yesterday ho admitted his affec- tion for the young woman, for whose love federal officers assert he killed his wite last June at rort Riley, Xas, He continued to deny his gully however, and sald he would fight immediate retura to Kansas, Federal Judge J. Foster Sykes, late yesterday doclared the charge againat the medical officer, batlable and. set the amount at $250,000, Major Shepard, through his attore ney, immediately telegraphed his brother George Shepard, Toronto, Ontario, requesting him to furnish security oovering the bond and also sought to raise the amount through & 'surety company, . Ho will be released here it he furnished bond, and will not have to return to Kansas unless ho in indioted by the federal grand jury which meets the middle of April, The bond, if furnished, will assure the officer's appearance hefore the Kansas grand jury, it he is called, his attorney said, Penn Fire Loss I $2,000,000 (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Philadelphia, Pa, March 20~0f« ficial' estimates today placed the loss in the fire which swept through the Guilt Refining Company's reservation 4 Girard Point: last night in excess The tank steamer Hagan was bad ly damaged and a pier nearly half a mile longs} tank cars and' a warehouse filled with oil vats, tanks and drums were destroyed, Most of the Hagan's super strues ture was burnied, but the vessel liste ed and settled on the bottom of the river, partly submerged, before 'the fire reached its cargo of 70,000 gal- lons of oil, Its crew of 36 leaped in to the river and were picked up by tugs and police boats, All were res ported today to have been accounts 11) i 4 CHURCHILL TRAIN SERVICE : WILL START APRIL 8 The Pas, Man, Mar, 20~Train service sutpanded during the winter he, will be resumed to Churches '§ northern seaport, a» bout April 8 Passengers will be permitted to trave. to the bay port this year without permits, nn Man, te they become, under Ay, Gan {Oshawa Man Acquitted of Theft Charge at Barrie REPORTED CRITICALLY ILL Loon Trotsky; exiled Boviet leader, whose {liness at Constantinople is Jeporied to have taken a critical urn, NEW HIGHWAY SIGNS SHOWN LEGISLATURE (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) Toronto, March 20,~Hon, George 8. Henry, minister of high- ways in the Legislature yesterday exhibited one of the new signs which will, designate the provincial highway system, It was while a bill was being given second read. fog to change the systein to "The King's Highways." The signs measure about two and a half feet in helght, topped by a crown, In pthe mid-section, the number of the highway will be given with the lettering above it spelling out the pew slogan, They will be black | iottors on a white background, Many Pigeons Are Poisoned (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Albany, N.Y., Mar, 30.-The poisoning of a large number of pigeons which were won to nest in the spacious window ledges of the state capitol here has caused 4 storm of indignation which fs expected to find an echo in the legislature, Official business was brought to a practical standstill as bird lovers yesterday heard that work. men arg removing basket loads of doad birds from the inner court, Ktforts were being made to place responsibility for the polsoning thought to have been ordered fole lowing an offort to renovate the butiding. ---------- TWELVE ARRESTED FOR SMUGGLING MUNITIONS Tucson, Avis, March 20,~John Guagl, United States attorney for Arizona, announced today that 13 members of an alleged ring of cons Spirators to smuggle munitions in Moxioo from Arisona during the Mexican revolution of 1939 have been arrested. Among them are General Jose Gonzalo Eseaobar, commander in chief of the revolu- tionary foroes, -------- A free country, . apparently, is one in which anybody may olimb Jody aul Seth, Snore who were wn kind yesterday.~~Kingston Whig-Standard, . - ------------ Miss Ann Sout, 101 years old, res sides In Flemington, N.Y. Miss Ann says she oats a raw onion every morning, Of course the flavor is fairly well worn off by the time she Steps out for the evening, Strate ford Boacon-Herald, I aaae-------- INDIAN INJURED WHEN AEROPLANE TURNS OVER (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) The Pas, Man, Murch 20.~A Ro yal Canadian Air Force monoplane was damaged and Fred Young, In« dian interpreter, sightty, injured at the Red Earth Indian Reserve, 140 miles west of here, Pilot Martin Costello and two other passengers escaped injury. The plane overturne ed on a take-off when a wing caught in brush on the edge of the field, Aviators of lllFated | Mail Plane To Be Buried Montreal, March 20.~Bodies of the pilot and radio operator of the Canadian Airways machine which crashed near Kingston, y, while cartying mal ronto to Montreal, were b t to Montreal yesterday, Pilot Herve Simoneau will be taken to his home a Baie Su _Bebure Jor burial St ay morning. 0 son of H. 4 and Mrs. yw Thurs i Kobe 1 sci avenue, off tas of p a real, a ove ere onl Question of lite or deathy* 4 ihe 'lin halt the robber's To-| or supporting amendwent in the LITTLE HAMILTON DRUGGIST KNOCKS OUT GIANT BANDIT Six-Foot-Seven Robber Is Turned Over to Police After Struggle 7 (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Hamilton, March 20.--¥Veoarioss- Jy facing the giant bandit's gun, R. B, Irvin, druggist at Main and Bay ' streets, overpowered Fred Brooks 25 years old, and six foot seven inches tall, when he ac tempted to rob his store shortly before 11 o'clock lant night, The bandit's intended victim fs only five feet eight inches in height, Dazed by a blow which snapped londed 38 calibre revolver, Irving continued to fight until John Harding of 50 Magill Street, a passerby, came to his nagistance, Brooks offered no further re sistance and was held prisoner in the store until police removed him to the cells, Blood trickling from a nasty blow from the butt end of the re volver, Irving doscribed his struge gle to Detective Jos Duffy, Brooks towered over the store owner but Joneshanded he gamely fought him for fully five minutes before hdlp eame and both men were oxhausted when Harding opened the 'door, The bandit did not escape without scars, but they wore only facial wounds, Medical attention was given Irving, but he was able to close his store and 0 to his home, ; Brooks says he came hete Tues day afternoon from Saskdtchewan and spent the night at the C.P.R. station. $45,000 Loss Kingston Fire Dance Hall Is Gutted ' in Early Morning Blaze ' (By Canadian Press Loaved Wire) Kingston, March 20.~Venetiun Garens, located on the second and third floors of the Harrison builds ing, one of Kingston's well-known dance ' and recreation establish. ments was completely gutted by tire this morning. Fire originat- od in tHe back part of the builds fng, presumably on the third floor It is believed that a lighted olgar- otte butt thrown down oarclessly was responsible for the fire. Dam- ago is estimated at about $45,000. ERPS Toh (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) onis, N.Y, March 20.--~I'ive business blooks in the heart this village's business section were de od last night wr firé of une det nod origin which caused the injury of six firemen and & loss ostimated at $100,000, Ihe flames spread rapidly and - ance was secured from nearby towns. lontitul water supply alded the iromen in what otherwise might have been a total loss of the downs town section, LIBERALS DROP COAL BILL ACTIONS Lloyd George 'Announces Party Will Take No Further Part (By Cunadian Prose Leased Wire) London, March 20.~Rf Hon, David . Lloyd George formally an- nounced at committee meeting in the Hou. of Sommony Jat tod that the Liberal party had deo to take no hr pat in moving BLOCKS IN NJ, committee stage of the coal bill, The reason ho gave wan that action of a hostile character by the Liberals would affect 'or the state of the naval, aN that the iba HEE Absence of wind and' a | le FLAMES RAGING THROUGH ST. HENRY WARD CAUSE DAMAGE OF $350,000 Five Stores and Three Resiy dences Are Destroyed as Over 300 Firemen Fight Fire for Eight Hours FIVE FIRE FIGHTERS RECEIVE INJURIES Every Available Piece of Spare Apparatus in City Called Out--Started inf Clothing Store -- Origin Unknown (By Cenadian Press Leased Wire) Montreal, Que,, Mar, 20--Ovel 300 firemen, five of whom were in+ jured, fought a $850,000 threa alarm blaze for eight hours before it was under control shortly befora noon here today, Practically = whole block of five stores and three residences was burned and many more threatened, The first alarm. was shortly after three o'clock this morning and before dawn every available plece of spare apparatus in the city was ealled out. Thd blaze originated in a clothing store in Bt, Henry, an industrial district, in the southwent end of the eity, The cause of the fire was unknown, , sounded FLOODED RIVER NO BARRIER T0 GANDHI Indian Leader Uses Boal While Devotees Wade Through Water (By Canadian' Press Leased Wine) Jambusar, Bombay, March 20, The River Mahi was in flooded condition whon in the, dead off night Mahatma Gandbi crossed to a point méar here from Pass, Hd used a boat, from which he way lifted and carried ashore when I§ reached this bank, Other members of his party of 78 devotees who are inaugurating a campaign of civil disobedience of the British government. waded three miles through water an mud, before halting on the rive bank for the night, Today Jawaharlal Nehru, presis dont of the All-India National copw gross, met Gandhi and they walke 34 iogother at Je J on of ny n to Karell, where th will halt all day, . ore crossing the river th Mahatma addressed villagers - Kankapur: "This will be the religious pilgrimage of my life pre | I have undertaken it on foot ace sanding lo, tradition," 0 a that it was fashions able nowadays to have pilgrima; by aeroplane, but that by ma their way afoot he and his fois lowers would 'gain much more, exhorted the villagers to be read od ghanufieture salt as soon ched Jalalpur a ed them to do so, 3% De direet) ---------- H. H, FUDGER BURIED TODA Toronto, March 20.~While Wi doors of many of the houses remained ' closed to today of | to one who had layed it role in the city's bu Rie. In facty Toronto sonny Wied ed in reverence as the body of: Fudger, chairman of the .fofmer. president of the Simpson Company, was con its last rest at Forest Lawa BA London, of England (By Canadian Press Leased Daytona Beach, Fla, March =-Kayo Don, British racing announced today that he try to smash 'a speed | record hour late this ney speedway is. in good on, He underatood, he a, ing in hte balance, that it was

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