Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Mar 1930, p. 11

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PAGE ELEVEN D SECTION. meets Seller No0aanieo =4' RBIE ; (ANT Lig HR MRaetd es GD ae P. Apple, B ; To Notary Pie my noes Money Ve doun, d flom ne. paid on Co BANK parities: | ; Conveyancers, He, oyer rd +o fy $imeoe J, ¥, Griersan, Ke. [¥ jen, BA, N ! B.A, TVMAN, A Solicitor, over Dewland' MN to 8 Store. A | Hit ot orth Yoho 6 67. Residence | [OM PHREVS BAR Se aig 244 Sieseoe 10. \an ! ALEX 0. HALL, B.A, BARRIS. Conve aging and general i Xe 2% King 9% East hot 287, Vraser if term, Solicitors, ' ete, # wldg, Orhawa and Port Perry. Phones 78% Cshawa, Port Perry 24 andi? r 8, (Mar, 4-1, mo) "PARKHILL, BARRISTER oney tg loan. Alger Bidz, op: fice, Phone 1614, Medical PHYSICIAN, SUR oh Office - and resi: Kise: St, Regt, corner Victoria ans posite Post DR. Mc geon, dency, sha H( cian, Surgeon. Obuctgician, Spee! references to inaternity work ard di- seases of women, Two vears' vost raduate exper jenrw, Office and resi gl dene 1672 Smet meoe St. N., (cor, Brock) 5 GRANT WZRRY. PUUSICTAN Surgeon, Obstetric an, Gissases of an infants HL Phone 1138. | special "attention § clan and Surgeon, Ry o wor d 5 van dol Strive, 1 Disney Block. 0, Oftice npen § a.m. 10 esidence 101 King East Phone #418, | Edinb: FREE ICH, TL and 3 ohuriiitt I] Phone 1A on bg bree Sd son, Obstetrician. Dttice gd] ce, 513 Simgoe street north, / 3 Phone e415. o. Su foon and rv office an] vesidence, [85 Sinicoe Street, North. phone 3107. " vont. wil al, hia ury & ovell's EE Ry consultation and treatment of ear, nose and throat mav be mad: ar ag Store ea 's { disenses i Appointments 5. Kor [Yi s | of 2660. | Studio 86 peclal. attention to ns. ction, Nurse in At 3 TE os 4 C0 Store : ST. in =r traction rs hy "adendance. Pia : mp ---- a ped PAVE Tels VIER] Ried. | CM, TUCK, QPTO Apscia lis in muscle nnomalies, bt and lasses, Author of ve and ' Eye Strain, The Chile and Its Development, Dis ney Bloek opposite Post Office, Phat" 15%, (Mar, 18-1 mo) Engineering and nd Surveying. DONEVAM AND SM AR Land Juerors SHIT | Hi oo sub wo. plan | EB 5 br 411 Reaidonce. B i TAL lig t north, Phone 2 Anbwlance Celina are G0 shawa. gmk as: Yh Ar i Hi Ean---- DAVIS Sh 19 King St. w est Fire By 0 nytabl 0 Fa Joho, | north, Your (nsurasce Cv at tangs to and your, nterests pro- voted, Transportation CARTAGE AND STORAQB, COLE- man's, 86 Bond West, Hpecialiste Io furniture moviag, storage ware house and moving van equipment. Phone 83%, CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL sand ard cinders Loeeal and Jona distance . hauling, Smith & Cox, Phone 924, 10 Bond Bt, West, OSHAWA OCH PYTAE lished furniture movers, Park Ros ear ane. Local and long Frank Cowle, 163 Sout; Phone Ri "(Feh, 18:1 mo) oid distance. | 26 Park el Be | All Classified Advertising i loss arising from handling of this naturg, and collect for same. "Times" Classified Work Wanted | 0 Coming Events, Etc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been | necessary because of ex » large number of pe ned fof thy ionvenonce 'of gustomers whe find it inconvenient «@ come personally to The Times' office, a telephone call will bring a messenger who will receive the advertisement Telephone 35 ASK 'FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT iy "and ] Ads Bring Results For Rent RE-UPHULSTERING, CHESTRI. fields made to order, We oe you ri , Estimates free, G. sable, 74 4 Mechanic street, BATTERIES CUA GRD, | LED for and delivered, 73% cent fon Siar lon §. ay o repaired r 10-1 mo) FIX UP YOU ROADWA {, | Shoes, gravel, send, cinders and geners) trucking, Chris Guana, phone vi 1M, Fob, 84+} mo) CARTAGE, MOVING GRAVEL, sand and cinders, Local and long dis. tance hailing, Phone 2739W, a Sib: lock, 215 Bloor St. J. (Fel. WHY PAY A nN cheaper, moving or. haulin 11 oents up, Try us, local and long stance, Eagle Cartage, Phone 290, (Feb, 28-1 mu) Beauty Parlors FETTY wave, Special ® and $7.5 i 7 wave and shampoo $1, Jas Hair cutth g 25¢, Fhon Simeone Nort Simcoe Notth, EXPERT EE BY Betty ate Po " Wave ANE S BARBY] ND Beauty Shep, ~ Galina St, Wel spe. clalize in lad ttinw mare eelling, hd facials, "Maree cents, For aopoltments MADA E, LATE oF Paris, Uyance and T, Eaton, To routo, bigh class beauty euiture at moderate prices, Disney Building Flat No, 1, ubove Dr, Tuck's, Phone 1876. (Mar 1.09) Music ARTHUR LYNDB, VOOAL TEAON- er (Hambourg 'Conservatory, Tor ronto)r {ls prepared tor ah aXAmE, ehova prt hy wil Hate strep: veal appa ~~ HERBERT 0. THEN choir master of King Ry Uatted Chureh will accept plano, organ and voeal ols 10 #0 jugle, For particulars appl William street. east. hone | D Oshawa i le, of music, op va bulk 0. # 1 mos | » Me | "Second Hand Dealer JPEN AR ox. ture bow sold, ook! | $034). DRY SEAN hy PRE3SING DY» evi A t , Phone u 12%4 Riwy ort Ave o he cleaning, and repair yall goods for and delivered, Phone 52% 06 Bagot Street, (Mar, 11.1 mo) Building Supplies FOR SALE- Ta Er Sroupt. dol very, vy orders in advance Vor delivery W. Borrowdale, phone 1018, Articles For Sale a | MIXED, HARD AND +44 Ww Saba. ed Sa Meek ] woot body o 1288, ---- 20 excellent condition, fully equipped, For particulars call at 336 pa South, FON | 9, Good condition $6, 45 Brock Hy West, Phone 2037W between 6 and v (48e) range with 'annex, and one xR electric wagher, in good condition, Phone 7811, 40) sultable for colony housvs, Phone 2519 4b Tyra ner wih Bloor Bt. Er Pho nk ls Be one . (Mar 71 we) MR Jacon ators. Pheu 1 os | TO } 5 5 om fete, waranteed, phone a Complete ¥ (05) | 1g Wane To Bay TT | by ARR APARTMENT MODERN, BOMK like suites, Bome furnished, laun: dry, conveniences, sles dryer, -". 0'e0 stoves, elec relrireraiion, fir water und, Ph Thre round, Phone 18 FOUR AND FIVE ROOMED By oloes, ola.) GOALIRUOUS hot water saving, ADPly Supt. 'phone 347), or The Trusts and Guarantees Oo 4d, meontger for owner, Torama. 5 FURNTRHED apartments, one large and oup small, Phone 8671, (Feb, 22:1 me) © RENT m= FIVE ROOWED ouse on Prince street, App) Higin west, nt) TH) FIVE ROOMED HOU rou rent, with all conveniehees ana garage. Apply B54 Ustord street, (611) APANTRHENT™ X suite building, 4 rooms, electric range, vefrigerator, steam best, newly decorated, Jauitor service Phone 1400, (Bide) furnished or unfurnished to suit tenant, Phone 854675, (840) " " GC conveniences, Splendid condition, Twenty-five, Apply 50 Colborne east or phone 101W, (Gbe) FOR I santenienien Rooly. HC Bigin par ial conveniences, Ap Lgl Street West ps anh keeping room, central, private en- trance. $18. Apply 22 Elm St, phone 1296F, (63a) T0 L EAR- ly new brick house u orn, 19 Drew Street or phone ok 4 T0 LIT --TWo U rooms for light housekeeping suit able for oun couple, rent reasons able, Apply 100 Brock Street Last, (68¢) MOD ERY APART ENT TAREL rooms, bath, eclectrie stove and ree frigeration. Apply Apt, 13 Caso Loma, ONY OR 3 ear od or unfurnished rooms, suitable for bed aitting » all convenis ences, Phone 3607J, (8d¢) 0 | TO WES T= THREE NOONE IN new home, Hardwood floors, All Santelensen, Phone mw, Bot 1} thur. Bt, Phone 30814. ght (840) plug rooms, Might, |¥ aiahnesh heat, water and telaphone, Thong chen, unfurnly conveniences, hog, brick he nous, a heated, nice lusality, EH Met (04e) rom, 80 Maple stret south, Phone "ww, Cee) ol Rates for Classified Ads. | Pit on Mibtmum charge 80¢, hy Ag \ yg kn rtd rs, | Proven For Rent Help Wanted--Fomale TWO OR THREE FURNISHED rooms tor light housekeeping, all conveniences, Phoug 711M, Call 1488 Huron street, (G80)! FEAT TOR rent, Three vooms, Wired for eles: trio stove, hardwood floors, ani to 281 Dearbourn Ave, =HOURER IN TALL paris of the city, Also ustutni od rooms and flats, Murdoek, 2 Warren, 8027J, (hae) All conveniences, Nassau street, rent $80 per month, Puone 1084 0) 108 Colborne street cust, EL Sa : | Id ast, Eating places on either side Phone 754w, 4 # 30 Wanted To Rent WANTED-~ON 1 LARGE UNFUR- nlshed " room, west, couple out all day, Phone 2000J, (04e) sled tent, also muskrat 47aps, Ape ply to Box 407 Times, 64h) '(0be) th Boros of "good garden th reply box 86 Times, (63¢) - MIL first, four or 'five roomed house, No children, Phone 1840M, (40) WANTED To" RENT = ABOUT April 15th, bungalow, with convenes johces. Couple, state rent, Apply 007 | === (65¢) 7 ENTIY A PRIL Ist, 6 or 7 roomed house, cony ent to Fittings Co, Phong 509, (6! Pets and Live Stee Stock, FOR BALE] NEW COMPLETE set of 30 lessons on poultry rales Ing for profit and an Al collie dog at reasonable prices, Apply 20} College avenue, (64h) Real Estate For Sale ANI BTRERT, four rooms and bath, All conveni ences, 'Small down payment, Ap ply 100 Burke street, (08¢) mile from Oshawa, fruit trees, pase ture, barn, garage and wood shed, large five room house, hardwood floors and furnace, hard and soft water in house, lights throughout, sidewalk, close to msohool, Apply 517 Times, (04h) FOR SATE == STVEN ROOWID rug brick house, new, nice location, Just one house off Simcoe North,oak floors french doors, finished attle electric mantel, sun room, divided collar, convent sidesdrive, garage, all conveniences, Price $7500, Yerms ar- ranged, Box S19 Times, (68h) NAP FOR QUICK RATE=MOD- ern five roomed bungalow on ved #treet, «Mardwood 'rench deors, § plece bath, fur nace, newly decorated, Wil take oar as down payment, Phone 24004, (be) ---- Sa. For Sale of Rent FOR SATE OR RENT=NIW SIN roomed rug brick house on Arlings ton. Ave, nice oak floors, french doors, electric mantel, J piece bath, side drive, Price $5000, Terms av tanged or will rent to good tenants for $0 a month, Hox 51 Times, SMALL HOUSES TOR SALLE TOR Rent, $30 down and $15 monthly, Phone 10%0w (63g ~ Loan Wanted NANT dollars, first mortgage on eleven room brick house, Whithy, Excel: lent security, Apply Box 411, Whit by, (Ge) CA nurse, with reference, open for ens magements March first, Maternity or goneral nursing, Phone 742 (Feb, 18:1 Ao) Times ns ty, invalid, or genet unin Foe (nformation phone 1208), (Keb, Ml i TOIT URN: flonan, vivate home! all convenis ences, 443 Agnes St Phone I [1 Q { sontlemen, Wo y sdesired, alia garage to rent, Apply 152 Elgin Ea \ comfortable home, suitable for one a Wht business people, Noard it red, 318 Athol atreet east, Boone $170W, (60g) wnfvdane ome, Private family, 10884, ~ (880) WANTED AN 22.38, WITH AY pies dy we he yeary tence on a Tate. work, y accuracy aud persons are m lik ceguireu ty ang gens oppor to the tan a fa ted 0H roves ami an og ueatio in, past a \ i and | ICCTA BTRTET | Fone tioors, ! | 000} y| Hater, including House: of= Re GH0D GENERAL CTO FMALL family, phane Whith (63¢ CORBETIURE~PLEASYE. PHONE 23 Mrs, Derumaux for Pasticus urs of the new fitting fine in Spies olla, Distrist North Jat, after §'p nm, Mur, 15:1 . resentative, north west and south oat distriots, 100 Frederjok gireet, Phone 8180M, (Mar 16.1 mo) ng Paper "™Weperis Irom users of Mulching Paper in Ontario say1 "We had & gos | crop In spite of the dry sear ¢ had cucumbers long be. fore our nelghbors, melons and tomas toes were eurller and Vielded far (mere than ever before," Send for FRER SAMPLES, Write Halliday, Box 212 Hamilton, (56: 19-62:08-08-71-74) Lost and Found LOST = LADY'S GOLD WRIST wisteh, between Jarvis and Bond te. Ho reward If returned to 204 Jars ihe oF SA 24 pe fla Foon! of Lop store, gold rid set with pearls, Keepsake, Reward, Phone 8714, (04a) COST=SUNM OF MONEY" NEAR gity hall, or Simeoe streats, Finder please phone 2150), Mberal reward, (65h Auction Sale " S| ) i' Thursday, March 27th, 1000, of horses, oattle, Implements, hay, two hundred bushels of seed grain, the property of W, §, Roott, lot 1, Sonoession 1, East Whithy, Sale at 1,80, 9 months' eredit, Wm, Maw, auctioneer, (THM) ROTARY CLUB OF CITY CELEBRATES ST, PATRICK'S DAY [8] ontinued trom Page 3) lay elaim to Irish bleed and in fact he was glad to state that cers fain branches of his family tree had thelr voot in Irish soll, Mr, O'Neill told of a recent visit ta Ireland In which he toured ita mere important olties and was in. troduced to mav® of the charms in. cluding the famous "hlarney stone' which when Kissed is sup~ posed to give one the gift of nleans ing eloguenve, He pald tribute te the Irish people and to thelr sift of ready und spontaneous humor, "The English," sald Mr, O'Neill, 'are noted for thelr fairness and the Neottish for their carefulness, But when one deals with an Irighe man one must exercise hoth these qualities or there will be trouble," Then passing from a humorous to a serious vein, the speaker siressed the finer qualities of the Irigh, including thelr highly de- veloped. soelal instinet, thelr love of muale; Jester and ltarature, mpive Dullders "Tha Ieish have, contributed a great deal towards the building up of the British Empire," he stated amidst applavne, 'they have done much and will dé much in the de velopment of Canada," A vote of thanks for Prineipat | O'Neill's tine address was moved by Mayor T, B, Mitchell, who eall- od upon him to tell another good Irlah story The program wak in charge of Ernie Marks of the New Martin Theatre, and was featured hy the! presence of the Silverton Due, cle: var vaudevilla artists of Toronte, Miss Sadie Silverton played a big plano acoordion while Ren Silvers ton played the violin, thelr selee tions helng very enjoyahle, Appraciation of Rotarian Marks' offorts fn' arrenging sueh a splens Ald program was expressed hy My, George W, Wemselwond, who alsa added a touch of Inlshi humor, Caterer Joo Welsh assisted in making the event thoroughly Irish by 'providing a delicious Irish stew an one of the main items on the menu, President George Hart was in oharge ad a Waal, OSHAWA TAX RATE FIVE MILLS HIGHER \ ceniFontinyad from fallegtate and Yoqationn] maintenance an in forense of $35,001,080; estimates for other munieipal services an ie orease of $12,000; Senora! hen. ture. payments increase $24,000, The expenditures gatimated wns der the various general headings il Abe year are ay follows: edu oition, $201,185.08; social weltare $08,800; grants, WL adminis on tration of justice, $09,280; clvie boards and commissions, $44,939 de ental committees $100. 4 general expense 480,200. the headings showing an {1010480 ate old Me pone slong, gents, and woelal weltare generally, administration of justice In practical al fla subsdivinions, Board, of y Bre protection; te { Atlee salaries, lh society of oor, vounty suburban roads, ety rontages of. local improvements, and reserve for uucollectable taxes, A few items show a decrease fu er A iW: fuge, street lighting, geneval eg Analysiv of Nate vity plan, Tne analysis of the tax rate, ine cluding comparisons between thie your and lest your, iu as follows: 1080 (Milly) 1080 (Mills) 0.71 publie scheol main- LONBNOO orev rvrer sr 3000010 8.60 Jublle sohool debon~ 4 ue 'Collegiate maintens Pe 2.766 Col and Vogl, Debs, 4.660 Vocational maintens BREE avn rr regan 16,05801 General ninfols pal services lows sub B87 870804 1.88540 0, I i Tallor-made Suits ,..., $25.00 Scotland Woollen Mills 8, NOTINH, Manager ary revenues .....14,00604 $.04808 Deb, payments, BONOPAl opi 0000 B08T00 0.00807 Deb, payts, city's share loonl improve- MONLY «vos vibra b.4748Y I") mills ' oT milly Commenting en the increased rate, Alderman JV, A, Magdonald, chairman of the finance vommitiew, explained the vesscn for the in. groans, and said that it seemed Ab. polutely necessary that capital ex ponditures should be out to the bone this year if the rate were not to experience another Jumwy In Jow Taxation Nate Alderman George Hart remind. od the counell that the per capi's debt of this city wan the lowest of any oity in Ontario, except King ston and Chatham, and that the por capita taxation was the lows ost of any city, The Assessment Was very low here, which aceount ed for the low per capita taxation althought the mill rate was higher than in some other places, "In view of Oshawa'n satisfacts ory condition in reward to per cap= Ita debt and taxation, we do not need to he afrald of facing probe lems that confront us,' Alderman Hart declared, "Wa must provide the necessities of clvie life, I do not helieve that it wil be possible to have any lower mill rate for some time than it in this year un« leas the basis of our asssessment Is changed, We must place our Assessment on the same basls as other cities, so that we can show a lower mill rate." Fixed Debts Mayor Ifitehell suid that, while regretting the higher mill rate, the oounell did everytiMug In its power Lo keep the rate as low as possible, There were vertaln fixed debts Ahat It was impossible to evade, "Core tain boards In the elty insist on having their money, regardless of what situation the council has to face, Nearly veery citizen in the eity Is content today with a little less than he has been enjoying In the last few years, but this is not 80 with certain elvlg departments," he declared, With reference to the new techs nieal school, the mayor sald that it had certainly added to the mi rate, hut: he did not condemn the building of the school, for ft was one of the finest things the olty had over done, The matter of the basis of assessment had little to do with the city's ably to sell debentures, us this depended on the per capita debit, "A lower ussessment does #ive the council very little room | 0 play, however," he commented, SYSTEM SOUND REPRODUCTION IS STEP FORWARD Noted Inventor Demon. strates Naturalization of Music and and Speech Gloucester, Massy M Mareh 18. ]ghm Hays Hamménd, Jr, noted Inve yesterday announced fventians 4 a new ayatem of el I" reprod a tion of sound dew ing advance over employed nthe and motion picture fields, The announcement came after a sclected ou of experts on sound reproduction had attended a private' femoputration given by the inventor here Su a Sundun: The Jatement invad by \ 'y Ha as read a. n CM ammeond, 8 dos nonat a Gloucester laboras tory 10 a ctrical experts rid Xo the radio, gramophone and moving picture industries, a base foally new : stem 3 electrical re. refi A aratory. in a" nd speech minatin - son an Sete eden o das a 9 present systems sound LN avy invented by Mr, a developed by his labs tho naturalization of wus in recorded sounds, axlraneonn mechanica ng 4 far more satis of tonal color and ----. "Chicago needs, more than he J 1a a big billy ==Virgintan- Plot, maintenance, Ang Papin of JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLONY J hi Worrall, Oph, D. ht, p0aintinn VOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 0 voomed brick and shingle, all conveniences, on Nighway, at Harmony, large lot, hon house, double garage, Small cash pay. ment will handle or will trade for Oshawa property, DISNEY REAL ESTATE I Order Your Spring Suit Now from the boMmNION OLOTRING CO, 08 KIN I hone 8141 We Deliver LUMBER F. L. BEECROFT Whitby Lumber and Wood | Yard Phone Oshawa 084 f Whitby 18 Hundreds of people wear with utmost comfort fare's Faultioss Lenses Ll Oshawa Burial Co. successor 10 Iisney-Colt AMBULANCE 87 Celina 8t. Phone 1088 dio phonograph EYESIGHT 8PEC Soweintolag tack pn by ur Kara Coffe | Always Frosh at Syperior Chain . TOE DEIN RC HN OR OAR

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