Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Mar 1930, p. 10

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r---- er Le ---- -- A--. ------------ ---- T-- | Sg. THE OSHAWA. DAILY TIMES, ' TUESDAY, MAKCH 18, 1y3v When Wings Gave Out Thornton W. Burgess By ur Hmitations are defined, 'always keep the fact in mind, ; ' --Dipper the Grebe: Dipper the Grebe had spent the inter as far north as he coud flud, dpan 'water all the time. are birds who spend their paign Entertain: the Winners Harmony, seventy-five HARMONY HOME AND 1SCHOOL CLUB HAS A SOCIAL EVENING Losers in Membership Cam- 'Mrs. Harold March 106.--~About members were pres- ent and enjoyed the social even- ing in the auditorium of the school on Thursday evening when the fosing side of the membership campalgn of the Home and. School Club, entertained the winners, The entertainers were attired in hard time St, Patrick dress, and they opened the program with a song The vest of the program tonsisted of Irish selections, including 'tw solos. by Miss Bragg, two solos by Miss W. Cruthers, t o readings by art and a talk ou "Ireland" by Geo, Hart, A number of games were played and con- tests held, Miss Bragg won the prise for the contest 'Wearing or the Green', The, guests and the entertainers Had a p Aato carrying relay race, the entertainers win. ning. All those whose birthday 1s In March were called to the floor and requested to whistle a tune, Mrs, Crulhers, won the prize, There were reven in the group, Re freshments were sorved and the St. Patrick iden was also carried out. "At the close of the evening Miss I, H. Baker on behalf of tho guests expresséd thelr thanks and apprégiation to the entertainers for the enjoyable evening spent. 'Miss RB (dreeniive spent the fiber ir Toronto, ; : Mrs, K, Fletcher spent Sundaes {with relatives in Bowmanville, 'Mr, and firs, 1. Edwards were recent visitors. with relatives in Cos. 3. . Mies Avalean Wakely entertain. ed a number of hes ttle friends on Wednesday afternoon, it being her fifth birthday, Games were played and (aiuty, refreshments served, After an enjoyable afters noon the little friends left among wishes for many mere happy birth. days. ) A very enjoyable evening was spent ai the home bf Mr, and Mrs, Percy -Hayed at Cedurdale on Weds nesday; when about twenty of thelr friends gathersd in honor of the third annlversary of thelr marm age, Games and music were the entertainment for the evening, A ith. velatives in Now | dainty Bt, Patrick supper was DODD KIDNEY sorved, Mr, and Mrs. Hayes (neg Mary Severs) received several nice presents, - Their friends left with wishes for many more happy years Mr, and Mrs, ), Saunders and family and Mr, and Mrs, J, Pollard und family attended the wedding anniversary of Mr, and Mre, P. Hayes on Wednésdny, I" Last week the C,G.1,T, "Chums were entertained nt the home of irene and Gladys Oke, The regu Jer business meeting was conducts ed with the president, Beatrice Willson reading the scripture, Mrs, C,W Irvine of Simcoe street south, Oghawn, gave an interesting talk on the Trinidad Girls In Training i Trinidad, where she was at mis- sionary work for some time, A con test was held with Mrs, Irvine winning first prize end Kva Hazell the comsolation prize, Dminty re- freshmentn were seyved and a very gnjoyable evening spent by all Mra, A. Lott ig honie' from the hospital and doing us well as can be expected, ARABS DISTURB PRAYING JEWS Jreusalem, March 18--The cov respondent of the Jewish Teles || graphic Agency reports that Jew. . ish 'prayers at the Walling Wall were intersupted Saturday by Arabs, who heat drums and used other noisy instruments to disturb the worshippers, The Jewish community protest. ed to the Government and asked for protection for Jewish worship- pers, , ' It wag a clash over the rights of worship at the Walling Wall that provoked the violent Arab-Jewish disorders' of last Angust, A) come mission is investigating the rights of both faiths to the famous wali, Of course, the younger genera- tion travels faster, It has better traveling facilities, ~Brandon Sun, hole lives on and in the water. 3 are wonderful divers, In this roect they are' ke Dippy the "Loon. Their legs are very short 'and are at the 'very ends of their 'bodies, so that wnen they stand J they stand almost straight, rhetr feet are not webbed like the | feet of the dueks and the geese and fthe swans, However: along the in- i§aide of each toe are lobes or flaps Tot skin which act as webs, So they "are wonderful swimmers, Now the wings Ot Ulpper the Grebe are narrow. He can move Wthem very swiftly, which means Sthat he can fly very fast, But it takes him sowe time to get up in 'Nthe alr, That is, he hay to get "going before be can rise, Lo, OL Feourse, he cguuot rise from the Sland, You sce, he cannot run with "those little short legs, ln order tu "Let up iu the afr he must rise from the water aud get up speed. It 1s dike i fast 'aeroplauv, You kuow the fastest seropianes have NArrow wings and have to get gomg ver, "fast indeed on the ground before sthey can rise. It 1s just so with ¢ Dipper the Grebe. "8 Whe approuch' of spring had "made Dipper, Jmpatient to get LY going, 50 one day he took it into this head to fly north. He was heading for'the Big River, where it flows near Farmer Brown's, To _reach it from the place where he shad started he must tly a' very long "distance, Now, lhe thought there "Would be one or two ponds of open Swater that he could drop down 14 into for a rest If he felt tired. He {was mistaken, It happened that Ste "lee had not yet left those 'ponds, By the time he reached the last one lie was getting very tired, "However, there was nothing to do but 'to keep on. With every swilt stroke of those "wings Dipper felt more and more {tired. He began to worry, Would «he be able to reach the Big River "before his wings guve out? If he didn't reach it, ; what would be- {come of him? Anxiovsly he strain- "ed his eyes for a glimpse of the Big River. At last he saw fit. Jt ELLA CINDERS--A Transfer at ---- Hany You see, he cannot run with those little short legs was just a silver llue far away in the distance, but he knew what it wag, The sight of it gave him new cotfrage, Dipper is not one to give up easily. His wings ached so that it seemed as if he could not take an- other stroke with tbem, Still "he kept on. Now he could see thé Big River clearly, With every stroke of his wings it drew nearer, At last he had reached the edge of the Green Meudows, If he could just jet across the Green Meadows, it would be enough, But he couldnt. His wings refused to beat any longer: Down, down, he came and landed with a thump on the Green pg Meadows: And never in all his life | "r YELLOW FIN SAOUPEY ot Ye cam " * ] bad Dipper felt quite so helpless CAMOUFLAGE 19 A NEW ART WHICH YiAS BH felt Snes, DEVELOPED DURING THE WORLD WAR, TOMMY, BUT IT 1S OLD IN NATURE ESPECIALLY AMONG THE FISHES. - os ' i Pre -- Ca U, 8, Pst. OFF; 1690, anes osu Rie | PI TELLING TOMMY DADDY SAYS SOME FISH CHANGE COLOR ACCORDING TO THEIR EMOTIONS, BETTY. PIR i 00 YOU MEAN (Copyright, 1980, T, W. Burgess) THAT A WHITE « The next story: "Dipper Has a Good Meal." When your affairs go wrong the best remedy is to behave better.-- Kiwanis Magazine, ses BT pesos tiered % TIME TABLES AGEL PIs AAR IN. 2 TEREST 1M AQUARIUMS FOR THER SUDDE CF mt Tass = CHNTGES OF COLOR AND MARKINGS, ONE give Jum 8, 1 SPECIES CHANGING FROM YELLOW 70 RED OR BRON, I EXPERIMENTS A FLAT-FSH YIHEN PLACED OVER A PATTERN OF BLACKAND WHITE SQUARES, SIMULATED THE PATTERN, © 199. King Features Syndicate, Int, Great Britam righty reserved. SPOTTED OR BARRED If SUCH A WAY THAT THEY RE - SEMBLE THE GROUND, OR THE ROCKS AND WEEDS AMONG WHICH THEY LIVE, MOST TROPICAL FISH HAVE BRILLIANT COLORATION, REROPICAL SEA PERCHEFROM BERMUDA ARE OF I= West ept Sunday), m, Peily (Except Sunday). ey gt Sunda) le wv WRC ul he pam. Dal mdm sea a am Daily a. { wR 8 ¥ NINININY 2S Ms 1 am, Daily. i nom. Daily (Except nda). bok pn. Daily (Except Sunday). ' pan. Daily (Except Sunday). a.m. Daily, * "For Your Drug Needs mi CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective Jan, 5, 1930 THOMPSON'S ore Tie Eastbound 8.21 a.m; Daily, except Stmday, 8.58 a.m. Sunday only. 10,00 a.m. Daily, "1.47 pan, Daily, except Sunday, 2.32 pm. ly, except Sunday. 6,47 pan. . except Sunday, 9.42 p.m, Daily 39 p.m. Daily, 07 a.m, Pall. 5 pa Daily. Wi 0 N fsa EE BRINGING UP FATHER I'M GOIN TO SEE THIS ARCHITECT: WHOS BUIL MY 'HE DPE THERES TOO MANY HALLWAYS AN' THE WALLS ARE AD THIN AS PAPER - THE SA SIGHT AN THE PATIO LOOKS LAKE a JAN." BAY, YOU - LISTENS I'M NOT GONNA, DPEND EVERY CENT VE GOT IN BULDIN' A HOME BESIDES + DON'T LIKE THE HTYLE OF THE HOLDE AN' MY ROOM 19 TOS BMALL: - BUT WHY SPEND als THI® TIME TELUNG MB ABOUT I'T7 I'M NOT THE ARCHITECT) * CAME HERE MYSELF TO BEE THE ARCHITECT: spi exgept Suturduy, WELL NOW: THATS TOO BAD" ho to = S mats a rn 28 a.m, Daily, 45 a.m, Daily, . am, Daily, 'except Stmday, me Daily, ! to Daily: except 'Sunday, pu. Dajly, except' Sunday. pally, oi Sunds only. apy Pally," except Sunday. except Sunday. ne nema 8 "A Delightful Breakfast Food = Narn S383 fs pd Ga BA . bie | Machinery Repairing. NOTHING Yoo LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL |" Adanac Machine Shoy . 461 King St. W. Phone 1214 8.42 po Daily, Whitby, Oshawa, Bownianvills \ BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE , (Effective on and after Sept. 29, 1929 Are A Arrive 10,50 a.m, gens a ER RE ES fied it a ZEEE EEEE! & ; THI 1 ERS = 1 3 » S 383 S58 » 3 3 2PIEIEE ni 3 S& ga3338; SEE Ft 50 Std wt 3 S83zusas 97 5" <E3 83! _ "a an "HOW DARE YOU COME HERE AND LAUGH AT MEP CRIED THE DWARE AND He SAVE DOLLY A SMACK = THEN OMELET AND WENT FOREST» © 1438 King Postar Braiinta tua, Orem Belin rights moses 348 DOLLY SAID NOTHING ABOUT THE \ LITTLE DWARF, BUT SAID SHE WAS CRYING BECAUSE SHE COULD NOT GET THE STOVE "TD BURN RIGHT BOBBY AND COMEY CAME BACK ech BAD WHY ARE YOU CRYING ? AND WHERE 18 THE SURPER P WE ARE AWELL. HUNGRY" GORBLED LP THE OFF INTO THE repair @ cortect 38) J OF aX o Lac. I ie

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