Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Mar 1930, p. 1

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fe Oshawa 2 } Baily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily' -- A Growing 'Newspaper in Growing City OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, MARCH 17, 1930. 15 Cents s Week; 3 Cents a Copy TEN PAGES worvice resu f arm, and only recently his "PRICES GAIN THREE CENTS == 2 Burned to Death Near Belleville ted upon, The u I Toro Fund had awarded bim fivey 1 ors, Mar- 0 t, beat oft the whet ars t ih - ihe Siete and bow and Afrow, anime] fled to the bush after f fi r-0ld girl had been pliten, 1t is reported to have | been seen by a number of farmers, The A sir oe recover, , vigation Opens at Soo Sanit Bie Marie, Ont.--The terry ing of the International Tran- y pany opened navigation in #t, Marys River Sunday afternoon, when {t made its way to t. Michi- , smashing a © gan Bath dos,» with the aid of ough 1 States Government outs o. hited A regular half-hour | mervice Haw since been maintained. Soott 1s Dead i WR. ™ Paxton, | the best known figure fn Glasgow, Provost from 1980 to 1913, Lord torday, Since he first hess " Jer of the Glasgow Corporation, a quarter of a con- tury! ago, he held numerous élivie | ofan, and was a member of the | principal charitable Societies, Police Drive Continues : Chioago.---7The Bollcb BY sixth night entered Spon relentless 0 books, Du other 800 plotous characters. | U.6, Sallors ight Natives Manila. ~=Fifty sailors of the | United States navy and & crowd of 8 | Fi)ipion eiviliana engaged in & riot | at Rite) Tield here y after A Baseball game, Clubs and black | fuoks were wielded and stones and ft used as weapons during | fife' malde in which five of the | wailore were injured although not | rlously. ow # png po Tl et. Honry of ID hades Trust rai ss SE ena oldest titles In the re) . 1988 the the Marquess of y a hemes death of the 10th | holder, his cousin, Robert Schom-~ | berg Kerr, : p CIE) 4 oman Burtally Marder ~ 0,~-Hor skull, arated br s, the hody of Mrs, 1, & Republican elec- he second ward, was stat | Western Ontario Farmer in , who had the gum, elaimed firearm was acoldentally. dis The hoys were shooting 0 t in the bush about half mile back from the Sivas Road ad three miles trom Jhe 2 Optimism Is Present as JAPANESE BUDDHISTS Believe Japanese Claims ah the Jiatian torel m fu ht finds optimism thelr buoyancy and the FARMER SHOT, der Herbert Solley, aged 38, a West Missouri township farmehand was charged with 'attempted murder in connection with night of James court here t ed shortly after the shooting. . dered and Solley will vecurred in Oxford county. cha stage he has a slight chance to re. cover, iin | Two National Runners Sallor King" is n okith the fruits "ON SUNDAY INDICATES NO MEANS FOR SETTLEMENT Naval Conference Begins New Week--Macdonald Talks With Tardieu and Italian Minister SEE WORLD PEACE Have Been Made in Real Spirit of Peace and See Lasting Peace If Confer ence Is Successful oly Suonau HAMBLETON a ( n Pross Corresponden London, March 17-=Franco-Its fan disagreement remains the core ner-stone of the Naval conference difficulties, The Chequers conver- sation of Jdstarday between the Prime Ministers of Great Britain and France did not remove nor in- dicate & way his the composing of the 'Latin Parity problem, M, Tardlou had another conver- sation with Mr, MacDonald this morning before his departure for Paris, This atternpon Signor Gran. ister and vy i. 1 ATE A, fed mism of a faw days back is a phase of the past, But to cite » British spokes- man "There are some pretty stiff, problems to be solved," (Continued on Page 3) 1) neh seam 10 have re, HIRED MAN HELD Critical Condition After Quarrel Londen, Ont., March 17~Alexan- the ng at mids Henderson, East Missouri afrmer and a former ems loyer, when he appeared in: county oday, Solley was arrests A remand of eight days was ops appear oodstock police court as a Henderson's condition remaing uns i oy and his = physicians May Be Out of Race m----_ ok (By Cansdian Press Lossed Wire) March B= With Bay & AGED COUNTESS OF COVENTRY 1S DEAD Hed No Desire to Live After Husband Died Four Days Earlier (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, March 17.~-Death of the Countess of Coventry yester- day four days after the dbcense of her husband, the ninth Marl of Coventry, 'wakened sympathetic emotions not only among her friends but among the public, It was more than a colmcidenco that the aged lady-~she was 87-- followed her husband so speedily. Within an hour of her bereave- ment she was saying: "I do not wish to Jive any longer" and took to bed almost at once with evi dont consciousness that her wish would be granted. She was not ill, her physicians sald, she merely lost thy will to tive since she wis separated finally from the man. whose companion she had been for 65 years. Their mutubl friendliness long had been A matter of remark in the social the | slrcles. being buried today, sido by lds 1 the family vault at i t, Worcester, Naval Estimates Show Reduction No Other Power Has Shown Such Large Reductions as Britain London, March 17.Rt, Hon, A. V. Alexander, first Lord of the Ad- miralty, told the Houses of Com- mons today that' no other maval power had made such large naval reductions, compared with war tigures as had Great Britain, In introducing the naval estl- mates, Mr, Alexander pointed to the reduction of more than £4,000,000 (about $20,000,000) from . last yoar's figures, and added that this esonomy had been mchisved de- apite the necemsity for meeting une avoidable new committments for 1,000,000, He sald, too, that if had not been for the very large naval cut announced last July a supplementary estimate would have been required. Referring to naval construction, Mr. Alexander said that, as has been made abundantly clear the last fow months, unilateral disar- mament 'for this or any other country," was no part of the Brit- Ish Government's policy, Shoes on Tariff Free List Washington, D.C,, Mar 17.For the second time in the tariff con. test the Hehate today voted to keep Maw, Jonther, and shoes on the nt. / BY THOS, T, CHAMPION Pross March the Queen nly "had 17 reed ow reaping' in BROKERS TREAT CLIENT'S MONEY AS THEIR OWN of + Solloway-Mills Heads Opens at Calgary (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) Calgary, Alta, March 17-=Heads of the Solloway-Mills brokerage firm treated shares and money of olients as their own, it was claimed by crown prosecutor, A, L, Smith, K.C,, nt the preliminary hearing to- day qf Issac W.C. Bolloway and Harvéy M. Mills, The two execu tives are charged with fraud and conspiracy In connection with brokerage dealings, The crown prosecutor sald Sollo- way and Mills had not made any offorts to make purchases for clients, but had notified clients that purchases had been made, when this was not the case, He stated evidence would be given that Bolloway directed the scheme of operations in Calgary and that Mills made frequent visits to Cal- gary in 1928 and was here con- stantly in 1929, Mr. Smith explained that his In- tention was to proceed with the charge dealing with conspiracy to defraud, Ta all five charges have been laid against the brokers. Crown counsel stated that defence had cogsented that the evidence in the conspiracy charge, laid under section 444 of the criminal code, apply to the other charges. The western {incorporation of Bolloway, Mills and Company oper ated under dominion charter Mr. Smith said to Magistrate Sanders. Operations were begun in Oigary in April of 1028. Assets hive vory considerably increased of iate and ran: into millions of dollars at last available report, HATRY IS DENIED LEAVE T0 APPEAL London Stock Promoter Must Face Fourteen Year Sentence (By Cenadian Press Lesssd Wire) London, March 17 «- Clarence Hatry, stock promoter, has denied leave to appeal from a sentence of 14 years' {imprisonment arising from his recent conviction om ir regular financial operations. s Hatry, in his petition contended that the sentence was too severe, but Lord Ohlet Justice Hewart dis- missing the appeal sald: *"The true conclusion is that this sentence is not a day too long." The Lord Chist Justice in addil- tion said that the tence would date from today instead of the date of conviction, Jan, 24, Hutry was not presont during today's proceedings, Hindenburg Postpones Signing Poland Pact (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Berlin, March 17 «== President Von Hindenburg today postponed again temporarily affixing his sig- nature to German-Polish liquide tion agreement growing out of the Young plan, He has had the agree- ment under consideration to deter mint its constitutionality since signing of the 'Youhg plan proper last week. Trial +» EX-DICTATOR DIES Recently resigned dictator of Spain, who died suddenly in a Paris hotel yesterday of a heart allmont, BROTHERS DIE WHEN LITTLE HOME BURNS Rescue Two From North Hastings Home~Trap- ped by Fire Belleville, Ont, March 17. William and Paul Miller, two brothers, resi. dent at Musclow Monteagle towns ship a northern portion of Hastings county, were burned to death early Saturday morning, according to mea- 'e accounts from that district. Their little home in the bush took' fire an after removing their aged mother and sister,' they were trapped in 'the burning home when they went back to retrieve some valuables, The fire started in the roof of the home. Dr. Lumb, coroner of Bane croft, investigated and considered an inquest unnecessary. The men were bachelors, aged 35 and 38 years. and had just recently moved into the neighborhood, PROMINENT TORONTO BUSINESSMAN DEAD -- Toronto, March 17, = George Wright, former Toronto Harbor Commissioner and for some years commissioner of the Toronto Transportation Commission, dled here today. He was 64 years of age, #e had been ailing for the past fow years. He was president of the George Wright and Company, and algo of the Wright-Carroll, Gold Mines Limited, Kirkland Lake, Born at Glasgow, Scotland, in 1866, a) went to sea and spent almost (] came to Canade in 1877, CRIPPLE BURNED TO DEATH Franco-ltalian Disagreement Huge Stumbling Block PREMIER'S CONVERSATION TGIRL'S DEATH DUE TODELAYED LETTER Peterborough Girl Suicides After Stock Loss Revealed Toronto, March 17.~A letter de- layed through the time taken to ad- Just. accounts following the taking over of a brokerage firm by an as signee, cost Miss Lottie Nugent ov- er $2000 and is given us a possible reason for her taking her own life Shrough illuminating gas at Her home 356 Huron street a week ago. She was found dead in her room. The chief coroner decided an inquest will not be held, On March 12 Miss Nugent' who comes from Peterboro, received a fetter from N. L. Martin chartered accounts, which notified her that she could pick up stocks from them and pay a balance of $4,421.27 within. six ays. an The letter listed the stocks that she could pick up as 100 Mandy, 100 Abana, 2000 Old Colony, 200 Chem- fcal Research 1000 Amulet and 1500 Nordon, The stock account of Miss Nu- gent Showed that she had started to dabble in stocks early last year and had paid in a total amount of cash of $3,100, Up until the end of October, she had quite a wide mar- gin of gain and could have sold, But she held oft and in the crash her mar gin was wiped out and she went in to debt. On January 28 the firm with whom she was dealing went into the hands of an assignee. Had she sold out her holdings at that time she would have had a gain, instead of owing over $4000, But the fact that the letter reached her March 12 through no fault of the assighee, because it took that time to adjust accounts, she lost over $2000, INQUEST FOLLOWS INBECILE'S DEATH Traces of Animal. Medicine Found in Stomach After Autopsy Simeoe, Mareh 17.---An inquest will be conducted on March 28 in- to circumstances surrounding the doath last Wednesday of Lewis Blayney, aged 36, who has been d | mentally unbalanced since the age of five. The inquiry was ordered at the request of Coroner Dr, W. A. Me- Intosh, of Simcoe, after consultas tion with Crown. Attorney W. BE. Kelly, K.C. Funeral services for Blayney were conducted from his home in Cherry Valley, last Thursday, The cortege then proceeded to the cems otery chapel where prayers were said and the mourners dispersed, unknowing the casket was never owered into the grave. Instead the body was returned to a Water- ford undertaker's establishment where Dr. BE, 8, Copeman, performs ed an autopsy. He reported to have found evidences of a medi olnue used for animals. This has been sent to Toronto for analysis. MAY ATTACK RECORD TODAY Daytona Beach, Fla, Mar, 17. Kaye Don, British contender for the world's automobile speed re- 'cord, sent his powerful Silver Bul- 'Jet. machine over the ocean speed- way here Saturday at a clip of 198 miles per hour in a practice run under poor weather conditions, He may try at the record today if con ditions are favorable, WHEAT PRICES VAULT UPWARD DURING FIRST HOUR WINNIPEG TRADING | FORMER SPANISH DICTATOR DIES IN VOLUNTARY EXILE Succumbs Following Heart Seizure in Paris Hotel on Sunday Paris, March 17--Miguel Primo deRivera y Orbaneja, Marques de Estella, Spanish grandee and for seven years dictator of Spain, lay dead tonight in the modest Latin Quarter hotel where in the eigh- teen nineties he spent what he al- ways considered the happlest days of his life as a student at the Sorbonne. The former dictator was strick- en by an affection of the heart Sunday morning and died alone in his room at 11 am., less than seven weeks after relinguishing the supreme power in Spain, Death broke his voluntary snd temporary exile in Paris with the rapidity of a stroke of lightning. Primo"s hand was stretched forth in an effort to reach an gleetric button to summon his valet, His broken readin---glasses lay beside him, Perhaps the former dictator had a premonition of impending death, for as he kissed his daughters Car- men and Pllar early yesterday he said: "Very well, go attend mass. I feel much better and am going to dress, but be sure not to re turn too late." Gandhi Rests During Journey Four Day Walk and Hot Sun Tell on Indian Leader Anand, Bombay, India, Mar, 17. ---Mabatoa Gandhi, the Indian Nationalist leader, passed today in silence as he and his 79 devotees rested from their gruelling four days' march in behalf of Indian de. pendence from Ahmadabad to the sea, The Mahatma has maintained silence one day each week for yoars. It fis a self-disciplinary measure, the Nationalist leader imposes on himself, and he insisty to his great benefit, Tomorrow morning he and his procession of fellow Swarajists will continue on their way to Jala- pur. on the Bay of Cambay, where in defiance of the British mono poly they will manufacture salt, thus inaugurating their campaign of civil disobedience to the British erown, The intense Indian sun has caus- od the 61-year-old leader consider. able discomfort during the. long marches. It was necessary here to revive him hy cold comprosses applied to his head, while his legs were massaged with ointment, Addressing villagers at his last resting place prior to reaching here he said: "Money alone will not win independence. If money could win I should have secured it long ago. What is required therefore is your blood." Grand Duke Says Bandits Rule Russia Trading Becomes Active as Price, Battered for Weeks, Begins to Mount After Gains at Liverpool GOOD DEMAND FOR CANADIAN WHEAT Advices Intimate Large Des creases in Wheat Supe plies Enroute to England Continent Takes More (By Canadian Prey ceased Wire) Winnipeg, Man, March 17 Wheat prices vaulted upward sie most three cents in the first hous of trading on the Winnipeg HXe change today. Trading became ac« tive as the price, battered downe ward for weeks, began to mount, Moderate export businkss overs night and gains at Liverpool were the only reasons to which the rise was attributable. Cabled advices intimated tha large decreases had been noted in wheat supplies en route to Eng land and that the continent had taken much larger quantities, The news appeared to have inspired MN certain amount of fear among Liverpool shorts. Broomhall cons firmed good demand for Canadiag wheat, May wheat was up 2% cents all $1.07%, July and October werd 214 cents better at $1.00% and $1.10%. i At the opening of the gral market wheat prices were as fole lows: May wheat was 1% to 17% highs or at $1.04 to $1.06%. July slump~ ed 1% to 2 cents, reaching $1.08 to $1.08. October 1% to 2% cents better, was quoted initially ng §1.09% to $1.10%. a --------. TWO WAY RADIO CONVERSAs TION Sacramento, Calif, March 17% The national rebroadcast or two way . radio conversation between: fighting acroplanes and between army plan and the ground, has been announc by F, Trube¢ Davison, assistant sece retary of war, as a feature of aig corps field exercises to be held hera from April 1 to 26. The two waw conversation will be carried on by} use of the radio telephone, ; THREE KILLED IN AUTO | CRASH b Baltimore, Md.,, March 17.--Th: persons were killed and three ps probably fatally injured in an gus tomobile accident on the Washings ton-Baltimore boulevard near Savy age, Md, late last night, The were killed almost instantly when the machine in which they were ridi travelling a high, speed, crashed in a culvert, and was split in half. The dead are Ralph Matthews, Ge Foxy and an unidentified woman, of "Baltimore, BRITISH WARSHIP RETURNS TO PORT Réyal Sovereign 'Springs | Leak During Exercises --" Cancels Present Cruise ') (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Valetta, Malta, March 17- battleship Royal Sovreign is res turning to dock here because of damage to one of her bilges durs ing naval exercises, She will tak§ no further part in the p 3 cruise, , : ¢ ' Bets | London, March 17--The alty today stated that the R So strained = plates during naval exercises Farms, (By Canadien Prove Leased Wire) | Estevan, Sask, Magch becca er, 24, emplo nnipeg furrier' a aplore tests ifying in the Belkin-Barish conspire W here turday. elated Get 15 Acres the | ti Jews Expected "Ready-Made" ow - Instead OM 'on Na Day nd, hay were district colony that they would ta accept Cres, 3 a ¢ f Mon! Canada

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