Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Mar 1930, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA: DAILY. TIMES. FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1930 PAGE THREE "Sentenced to Seven Years of Com- 'A. resolution expressing Osh- a's, appreciation for the work been done toward the forelopment of the local .harbor, urging that sufficient provision »e "made for future development nd 'improvement so' that it may n be Squipped with suitable fac- ! ities for na a was forward. 8 yestérday y the Chamber of #ce to 'Hon. J. C. Elliott, i inister Jot Public Wor at o> wa. On March 4th a e . meeting of the Chamber or erce it was decided that such lution, mebonld, be agat, roy ao special com! iH48e ne De "Conant," A, W. Bell, or BB B, 'Mitchell, A, E. Love Leon 'Frazer, secretary, to draft it. he message is worded to draw he government's attention to the ct 'that water borne tramsporta- nis of vital importance to the dustrial' ayor 11 and tivities and shipping of the city and that tion and dockage bsolutely necessary "further growth and he action of the Chamber of mmerce may, be regarded ad a n a pis body of t successive Do- 0! that, have dabbled arbor question here too EY t the time for the for- eiopment 1s Jon overdue. en! ong o ran as forwarded to Hon. Mr, Elliott reads thus: WHEREAS water borne trans< par trial yr i rt ein of 'the: City. of Osh- "AND WHEREAS thé continued relopment of the City of Oshawa ly dependent upon the ear- ést possible provisions of ade- na 'navigation and dockage fac- it] t the Oshawa Harbour: SAND WHERAS certain recom- dations have been made to the postment of Public Works of n Government by the sell of a City of Oshawa for exten) on nm of the goruing basin such facilities, ER ErORE BE IT RESOLV- - that we, the Oshawa Chamber | ied in general meeting i this = Fourth day ose, take this opportun- y of 'expressing our appreciation on Government for past and im us Do De i... a ----. Resolution Urges Dominion ' Government to Continue The | Oshawa Harbor Development | &. bh in sourd to aid 6 Juke polly. 1 provision for. future 'de- velopment. and" improvements so that a harbour commensurate to needs of the City of Oshawa wi suitable' facilities for naviga- tion' and operation may on com- Dleted 'st an early Jatey ¥ OSHAWA STENOS CONTEST SPE WRITING CLASSIC Gertrude.Gomme and Elaine "Hill Represent City in Canadian Event Seventeen contestants wrote last night for the typewriting cham pionship cups 'of Oshawa and dis- trigt, Miss Gertrude Gomme, Osh- awa, retained her speed cup in the senfor '¢lass, and Miss Gertrude Robinson, Oshawa, also success- fully defended her senior, accuracy cup, writing with two errors in the 15 minutes, Miss Elaine Hill, who was aé- curac; fu Samplon in the intermedi- ate ¢ won the speed cup. Miss Hill comes from Mountain Grove, Ontario. Miss Jean Gillies, Oshawa, is the new acpuracy champion in this class. In the novice class Miss Bagnall, Bowmanville, won the speed cup. Miss Bagnall was the holder of the novice accusacy cup, which was won this time by Miss Marjorla Cowan, Newcastie. Miss Gertrude Gomme will repre: sent Oshawa in the senior accuracy class, and Miss Elaine Hill in the novice accuracy class in the Cana- dian, Championship Contest which will b& held in the Royal York Ho- tel a week from Saturday. PROTEST LETTING TORONTO CONTRACT Jot Carpenters said yesterday that of cause they had counted ou the T0 OSHAWA FIRM Allegations of Toronto Labor Are Answered by Toronto, March 14.--In fetting the contract for the construction of the convention grandstands at Exhibition Park. to a non-union, out-of-town contractor, officials of Rameses Shrine have aroused mur- murs of dissatisfaction in the ranks of organized labor im Toronto. Of ticials of 'the International Union they are greatly disappointed be- grandstapd construction to relieve this city's unemployment problem. On 'the other hand, Shrine offi- clals pointed out that the coming © | convention should not be consider ed purely from a local angle. The . | province and .the Dominion as a whole must be taken into consid- eration, they maintained. "The least they can do, would be to employ Toronto labor," sald Charles Moad, secretary of the car- pentérs' union. "As it is, the great- er part of the labor will be brought in from outside, since an Oshawa rater 'has the job. Toronto men have buen aunt 8 on this job ever since it planned," he continued, "and i hey will derive little beufit The agreement with the Oshaws contractor calls for payment. of wages, Alder , the chty coun: ve on the Shrine i then c 'the Bane lie, cont hr a to lavor' 'would ne. as well as Gstiawa hou. Above is a Photograph of the scone. in fg RH dap night, when the Carrier Boys of The Osh- CARRIXR BOYS AT aws Daily Times were entertained at thelr annual banquet tendered them by The Times Publishing TIMES CARRIER BOYS WERE GUESTS AT ENJOY ABLE FUNCTION ANNUAL BANQUET Company. Over fifty-five carvicr boys were present including the boys from Whitby and Sowuan. | ville and the prizes won in a recent circuldtion contest were distrie pute.~FPhoto by Campbell. PETE SIONS GIVEN JAIL TERM EDR SELLING ALCOHOL Convicted in Local Court:To- day -- Will Appeal Case Convicted on a charge of gelling flcohol, Pete Simons was sen- tenced to three months in jajl by Magistrate J. Willis in police court this morning. Simons gave notice through his counsel, Mr. D, A, Swanson, that he would appeal the decision of the court and he was accordingly released on. bail of $4,000. Mrs. Henry Maat, who was re- cently convicted hy the police for haying liquor other than that pur- chased by. an individual permit, claimed that she had procured. a quantity of aleohol from, Simons, in_spite of a rigid cross-examina- che still stuck to her story and even admitted that when she was fined fn 'police dourt she askea Simons to pay half her fine. When he refused fo do so she sald that she would then reveal to the Shilice that the aleohol 'ound premises had heen Daohaveg Horo nim, Henry Matt, Her husband, testified that Simone often called at their place. He had heard his wife ask him to pay half her fine anc threaten Jo get him into troubla if 'he did not do so. Simons when placed in the wit- ness box frankly admitted that he Lad not worked in the past six years and had made his living by selling aleohol, He even admitted selling' Mrs." Matt altohol several mouths ago' but he aenfed the pars ticular sale' with which' he was charged. He had not had business dealings with Mrs, Maat for sevel- al months he claimed. Magistrate Willis decided that all the evidence pointed towards the guilt of the accused and he ac- cordingly vonvicted him. The cast lasted for almost two hours and 'was featured .on several occasions by verbal clash of arms between 'Mr. 'Swansofi and Crown sttornéy MeGibbon, BIBLE CLASS HOLDS The "Blues," the winning grou of the Ladies Adult Bible Class of Trinity United Sunday Schoo), were entertained on Tdesday evening in the school reom by the "red" and "white" groups, when a short pro gram, contests and choice refresh- ments were included in the iter- tainment, Program opened with a brillant plano solo. by Mrs. H. Garbutt, humorous readings were well given by Mrs, Elmer Cox and Miss Rilda Slemon; Mrs, G. E. Pritchard sang sweetly "A Little Bit of Héaven," Franeis Sutton accompanist. Miss Leta Jackson; Pregifient, 'offered a tion at the hands of Mr. Swanson | ' A SOCJAL EVENING! Carrier Boys Are Banquetted | After Most Successful Drive For Subscriptions to Times... . Last Night--D. R:. Poole, of National Boys Work Bodrd, Gives Wholesome | Advice to Boys HAD SECURED OVER 400 SUBSCRIPTIONS Billy Mason Took First Prize With 50 Subscriptions; With 49; Walter Alex- ander Third With 45 A great 'deal. of mirth 'and wholesome Tun, somd good, serious advice, and the awn)ding of worth while prizes to those who had earned them by honest effort made up the fourth annnal banguet of the Oshawa Daily Times "carrier boys held in Rotary Hall last night pnder the dirgetion 'of The Times circulation department. The ban- quet might well be described as the final chapter in one, of the most successful subscription campaigns ever staged by The Times in which 440 new readers were added to a steadily growing list 'of subscrib- ers through the efforts of the smart. young salesmen who deliver your paper at the doer each day No inconsiderable cffort. was put forth _by the boys in gaining these new customers and those who hal worked the hardest and were mos" successful found themselves the winners. of 'the finest prizes last night. | 83 Carrier Boys Attend * M. Mcintyro Hood,' 'editor, was master of ceremonies and perform- ed the particular task before him with a skill and ease which sug- gested much previous experience. Fifty-five carriers were assembled for the feast and sat at tables ! which had been prettily décoratea In St. Patrick's colors of green and white, Offices of The Times Pub- Aoge Johansen Second | | Mirth Prevails at Function I lishing Co., mémbers of the circu: | lation department, the speakers of the evening and numerous guests) were also present. Paper hats had been placed at each platt and these { when donned by the banquetee's added much to the charm of the scene. A sumptuous and tasty Te past was served and the earrier stall demonstrated its marked efficiency with khife, fork and spoon, course after course disappearing wilh great rapidity under the attacks ol 'these weapons. The charmipg {young lady nmiembers of The Times | uftice staft who graciously acted 2s waltresses found thamselves put to {It In order to keep up with these who hustled the foca from thelr plates as quickly as they hustle the papers about town as they come from the press. But an end must come to éverything aud the end of the meal was reachel with the serving of a delicious beverage de- scribed on the menu as "final edi tion" coffee, This part of the evening perfor. mance was without event aun would not be worth a headline even In the Pumpkin's Centre Weekly Bladder save for the facy that a masked man appeared on the scene somewhere hetween tne soup course and the second edi- tion salad, Hiding himself behind cloth covering his head he coni- manded all to stand up and to look at the pretty birdie. A loud re port followed and the banquet hall was filled 'with smoke but all fears were allayed when it was rumored about that the man behind the box was none other than Eddie Pank- | hurst of Campbell's studio, Congratulations By Mayor { Congratuiatious for thelr success in the campaign was conveyed to the boys. by His Worship T. B. Mit- a wooden hox and with a black + chell, who was Que of the guests at the head table last night. Mayor | Mitchell stated that he considered it an honor t6 be present and he Judged trom his attendance at the | banquet last year that the staff of carriers had grsatly increasec since that time. .This he took as (Continued on Page 2) few kindly remarks and Mrs, Ruby Daniels rendered a plano solo, Com- munity singing was led by Mrs, C, A. Wight tegcher'of the class, with Mrs. J, U, Robins at the plano, Miss Haycraft, honorary president, pre- sided during the program. Contests in charge of Misses Sleman and Maude Reynolds, made pleasing | entertalnment, 3 After refreshments, a hearty vote of thanks wis moved by Mrs, C; A. Wight and seconded by Mrs. Fred 'Wight, on behalf of Mrs. B, Balley's "Blue" group, to those who had entertained them during the even- fug. The National Apthem conclud- ed a happy social gathering, Windsor,--The 'proposed wine regulation as an amendment to the Liquor Control Act is opposea by wine merchants in this distriet. It is claimed it will ruin all the small wine merchants and grape growers and throw the business into the hands of a few large mer. chants, IN THE LIMELIGHT AT TIMES CARRIER BOYS BA NQUET { { © dress on Eo ay Carrier Doys® banquet, "th, | New Delhi; Nov. 2 FORMER PASTOR OF SIMCOE ST. CHURCH D1ED YESTERDAY Rae Was Well Known Here--Resided in Indiana Word has been received here of the death of Rev. J. J. Rae, a for- mer pastor of Simcoe Street Unitea Church; which occurred suddenly at Richmond, Indidna, yesteraay. The late Rev. Rae was pastor of the Simcoe Street United Church, which 'was then known as the Methodist Church, from 1904 ww 1903, and he is known to many here who, will sincerely regret nis passing. During his ministry in Oshawa, Rey. Mr. Rae made many firm friends and was a popular and able pastor, performing his work with great earnestness and zeal. After lgaving this city he went to Chico but during the past few years he had been the pastor of the First Presbyteflan Chureh, Richmond, The deceased is survived by lls widow, whom le married in 'the United States several years after the, death of his first wife, and al. so one daughter, Mrs. Hatle, of Richmond, Mr. T, H, Everson, King St. B., was a close personal friend of the late Rev. Mr. Rae and a telegram was received by thi Everson fame ily last night telling of his death. The message did not come to: Mr. Everson ag he is at present holl- daying in the south, TWP. PARKS BOARD MAY PLACE LIGHTS IN HAMPTON PARK Darlington Council Refers Matter to Parks Commission Regular meeting of Darlington Council was held = Friday, March with members all present, Reeve Williams presiding. Minutes of Jast meeting were read and approved, Communications wore disposed of as follows and ordered filed: Department of Public Highways, acknowledging copy of by-laws for expenditure on roads and appoint ment of road superintendent; L. C. Thompson applied for work with tractor on grader for coming sea gon: Counties Clerk gave notice of Clinton Turner, Lot 35, Coy, 2, having been admitted to Oshawa Hospital. Council considered they were not lable, by bLeing a non- resident of Township. Mr, Blllett approached couneil with reference to installing electrie } lights in town hall and park, It was decided mot to place same in (Continued on Page 11) | Leader of Indian Bomb Outrage to be Tried New Delhi, India, March 16mm Authoritative ' lnformation today rovealed that Sher Jung, alleged lezder of a recent train outrage. has "been extradited from Nahan Hill and will be {ried shortly, It was sald that Sher Jung would admit nothing regarding nowledge he is supposed to have connection with the bombing of Yiceroy Lord Irwin's train ' 'near Trial 'of one other person accused also in the Ahmedgarh train outrage has been concluded at Ludhiana but judg ment has been reserved. Magistrate Dismissed New . York.----Magistrate Albert H. Vitale was ordered removed from. office yesterday hy the ap! te division of oes Suite ate Supreme urt, on' charges fim by. the Now York re Git B Bat §isceiation, Five ALi of nae guilty | hiss ence in the Sma aaiing. we ile rowing $20,000 from the late Ane ~ Indld Rothstein, Broadway gambler, in Penitentiary ed by Horace Edges and T. Wigney | LITTLE THEATRE T0 PRODUCE NOTED PLAY 'GRUMPY', John Craig Is To Play Fea- ture Role in the Production Little Theatre workers ave again concentrating on the production of thelr next piay which is to be "Grumpy" the play that was creat- Percyval for the well known Eng- | Nish actor Cryil Maude, It was pro- duced for the first time in the Theatre Royal at Glasgow, Scot- land in September of 1913, Since then it has been a favorite on both English and American stages. It is a mystery play bgt at the game time contains a great deal of comedy, The leading role is'tha' cf Mr. Bullivant, endaaringly termed "Grumpy" by his adoring niece. For the first time since Little Theatre was begun jn Oshawa John Craig, the director, -has consented to take part himself, and he is to play 'the role of Grumpy". The remainder of the cast consists of Mra, John Pangmanu;, Mrs: A, Wil- flams, Miss Lois Mundy, Ted Southey, D, B. Carlyle; H. P. Schell, Herman Lary, H. J. Boge, J. Scilley, G, Pretious and Geo. Fleming. WINS SUITFOR HUSBAND'S DEATH IN COBOURG COURT Mrs. Annie Thomson Is Awarded $9,000 From Kingston Woman Cobourg, Mar, 14--The Supreme Court eittings, held here this week with . Justice Garrow presiding, were concluded yesterday when judgment was given in the $20,000 damage action brought by Mrs, Annie G. Thompson, Provincial highway west, against Mrs. Bea- trice Grant, Kingston, The court ewarded Mrs. Thompson and her little child $8,000 and costs. The action arose out of a mqtor accident .on Aug, 15 last, when a cultivator 'which the late Mr, Thompson was driving on the high- way was struck by a car driven by Mrs. Grant. Mr, Thompson was fatally injured. F, N. Phelan, X.C,, and Major A. R., Willmott, Co- bourg, were counsel for the plain- HY, and T. J. Agar, K.C., Toronto, and W. F. Nickle, Kingston, for the defense. Justice Garrow reserved , judg- ment in an action brought ' by Walker Brothers against J, A. R. Elliott for recision of contract for the purchase of a garage at Port Hope, the sum of $3,600 being in- volved, with interest at 6 per cent. since October 1, 1928, and $2,000 as damages. Additional evidence may be submitted before Justice Garrow in Toronto, DECIDE AUTO IS BENEFIT TO. A TOWN Last evening the régular weekly meeting of the Christ Church Men's Club was held at the Christ Church Parish Hall, AN those present took part in the open debate the sub. ject of which was *'Resolved' that the antomobile is a benefit to the community at large." Rev. R. B. Patterson was leader of the afima~ tive and Mrs. Corben, president of the club took the leadership of the negative. All discussion was strictly {fmpromptu and judging by the points set forth the members need have no fear of falling down in any future debate which the club may hoi. After strong arguing on both os the decision was in favor of the affirmative: HONORED ON MOVING TO BOWMANVILLE nsign) (Brighton on' of Brigh Miss Helen Huto the Brighton Nightwear Co., some time, and who moved to Bowmanville with her' parents re cently, was agreeably 'surprised when her fellow employees gather ed at her home and presented her with a beautiful French ivory mane feure sot, Helen thanked her many friends with kind words end in- vited them all to visit her in her gpent by all present and all kinds of good wishes were yoleod for Der in her new home. At another gathering held at the Brighton Baptist parsonage by the | B.Y.P.U,, Miss Hutchinson was the ory clock Atom pan of a for her services as ry, turer, group leader and'm the choir. on ot |. « Special « Neilson" Shamrocks, . the fr By ACR an your St. Patrick's Party or I Phone 378, Karn's Drug Store, | ton, who has been an employee af | for{ SON new home, A pleasant evening was | -' recipient of a beautiful French! ive} 4. by a most | Toronto Man Is Convicted of ~ Robbing Beaverton Store, Attempting to Escape Jal 15even Years on on Burglary Charge and Two Years for Attempting to Escape. Whitby Jail, to Run Con-* currently TEN CONVICTIONS IN LESS THAN TWO YEARS Toronto Man Who Robbed Beaverton Store Is Refus~ ed Leniency by Judge, Who Declared Citizens Must be Protected (By Whitby Staff Reporter) After deliberating for nearly five hours, a jury in the Supreme Court in Whitby, found Fred W. Plewes, of Toronto, guilty of breaking into and enter- ing a store in the village of Beaver- ton, owned by F. Clough. Mr, Jus- tice Raney sentenced him to seven years in Kingston penitentiary, Thursday afternooh On another charge, that of at- tempting to escape from' the county gaol at Whitby, Plewes was given two years, Both sentences will run concurrently, Had Long Record Plewes had a been tri- ed and convicted of both charges but was successful in appeals in securing mew trials, Before sen- tence was passed, the special pro- secuting attorney, ¥. T. Ward, of Cobourg, read Plewes' record, which showed that between 1928 and the time he was arrested on the store breaking charge, he had been convicted ten times for vari, ous offences. Plewes pleaded for leflency and asked mot to be sent"to Kingstoh, where, he told the gourt, he would have to lead a dog's life, Mr, Jus tice Raney, however, told him that storekeepers and citizens generally must be protected from the opera- tions of men such as he and other prisoners who had testified at this court sittings. Commenting on the conviction for attempting to escape from gaol, Justice Raney stated that the evi- dence disclosed a deep plot for a general gaol delivery which might easily have resulted in murder be- ing committed. Will Not Appeal It {a understood that Plewes has decided not to appeal 'further and that he will be taken to Kingston with four other prisoners: forths with. The jury after hearing the ads dresses of the Crown and defense counsels, and of Justice Raney, we tired just before noon to consider their verdict, At. 4.15 a disagree- ment was reported, whereupon His Lordship pointed out that the trial Fwas costing the county a lot of money and advised the jurymen to make another effort to reach am agreement. About 15 minutes latep the jury filled into the courtroom and the foreman announced a ves dict of guilty. Mr. Greer, counsel for Plewes, asked for a poll of the jury, and the 12 men one by one declared that they found the pris- oner guilty. It was learned afterwards that up until the reported disagreement, only one man held out for an acs quital. CARD OF THANKS The Rodd family Oshawa, for their extreme ness and sympathy shown them in their recent sad bereavement. i (82a) Born WL PUR PIPHER--On Tuescoy, March 13) 1930, to Mf, and Mrs: E. I Plpher, Kingston road west, & son, 'Both doing well: (82s) McQUAID---At the Oshawa Gen eral Hospital on Wednesday, March 12th, to Mr, and Mrs. Ms McQuaid, 127 "Park road south) a son, (Denald Wesley). " N. ER F A will hold their S onual, dav Winter Gardens on Mond Mareh 17th, 8 p.m, Admission 25¢. Blue Bell O:chestra. 203 6 THE PEARSON HAT SHOP A 'showing brimmed hats in the ni mode, also specializing in la: , head {3% Simcoe a (upstairs). (81 MADAME BRO Phone 2636F, 93 Louisa: eT PROGRESSIVE RIVE HUNDRED, day, March 14, 8 p.m, 129: » PA x » Phone appoint» Ron Corners, : "on (820) ments 2894, re Swag? wish to thank their many friends of Myrtle, Brooklin, 'Whitby ang ae a

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