Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Mar 1930, p. 12

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS "Had No Permit "Cornwall, -- Roy Baker, Fish and Game Inspector for the Db- ' partment of Marine and Fisheries in this disiriet, laid a charge in Police Court Monday against Al- hort Osler, for trapping without n e.. Osler pleaded guilty and 'was fined $10 and costs, Favors New Truck Prescott, -- At the last regular meeting of Prescott council Mayo? Dubrule asked the fire and light committee to consider the advisa- bility of purchasing a fire truck and went On record as being in favor of so doing. ] I First of Year Peterborough. -- The familiar am of the sea flea has been heard already this year by Peter . borough people who live near Lit- tle Lake, In the space in the cone tre of the lake where the ice has disappeared an outboard motor boat buzzed about for some time the other day. Hoy Gets Eighteen Months Kingston. -- Nineteen years of age, but in appearance a mere boy. Varley Smith broke into tears in the Police Court on Wednesday morning when Magistrate Farrell sentenced him on three charges of burglary, housebreaking and theft, to a sentence of not less than one year apd not more than eighteen months on each charge, wentences to run concurrently. Start Garbage Collection Iroquols,.--~--A once a week col tection of garbage is being inaug- urated next week in Iroquois, where the council has also pro- cured a dumping-ground for re- fupe. Carnival at Prescott Prescott, -- The first carnival to be held in Prescott's new skating arena took place Saturday night, The ice was in good condition and there were a large crowd of skat- ers as well as spactators, The Citizen's Band was in attendance. Cornwall, - Appropriation of | $11,500 for roads and bridges dur- ing 1930 was made at: a meeting of the municipal, council of the Township of Roxborough, A by: law was passed providing this sum. May Ask City To Buy Rallway Kingston, -- At n meeting of the 'Kingston Chamber of Com- merce, on Tuesday 'there' was an overwhelming feeling that 'the eit: should take over the street rai way as a public utility at what is believed to be a Very low price, and, whether put th instant 'use or not, to retain it° for 'when it would be required. . Is Named M. 0, H. Brockyille, ~- Dr,' C, Roy Don- ovan, of Stonewall, Man. son ot the late D. D. Donevin, of Brock. ville, has been appointed medical officer of health at St. James, Man, under the new fuil-time - health district which is being established in that municipality - through co- operation among the .Rockefeller Foundation, the Manitoba Depart- ment of Health ana the' munici- pality. Find Gold Rings Napanee, -- Several valuabls gold rings which Lad been taken by the robbers who bike 'into the window of D. Mahew's jewelry shop, Napanee, last fall were re- covered Wednesday on the corner of Miss Davy's lawit at Dundas and West stroets, where the car which the robbers were driving struck a telephone pole and was wrecked. This is where they tried to get away, but were shortly captured by local police, Discontinue Flying Lessons Cornwall, -- Owing to the fact that there is no ruitable landing place at or near Cornwall, either on water or land, the visits of Capt. Maynard of the Ottawa Fly ing Club have been ' temporarily discontinued. Capt. Maynard was coming to Cornwall each week to give instructions to those in Corn- wall who wished to. take up avia- tion, New Sehool Nears Completion Brockville, -- Unless something | You get | your strength back so much quicker on. OVALTINE difficulcy during convalescence after great illness is to obtain food is palatable, and which will rebuild cells and Owaltine, the original and ; fliegen is why doctors all over the vos] That mend it, ka "455 Ribg Sereet Wes, Toronto, Ons. will not tax the tissues queickly. tonic food | i i Ging from Le ocours to upset' ealeular | tons. tne" Collegiate Institute oil 'be In 'condition about - to' Hi, by the. po gd i far as. the two upper floors are concerned, it. was stated at the monthly meeting of the Board of Education held Wednesday night, "In Business 40 Years Prescott, -- W. H. Raney, pop- ulgr druggist of Prescott, is this week 'recelving the congratulations of his many friends in having cele- brated: the 40th anniversary of his business career on/King street. Removing the Yce . Kingston, ~~ The works depart- ment had a gang of men at work removing the ice off the south side, of Princess street on Tuesday af- ternoon, . This part of the street gols 'very little sunlight and thus the ice. dops not melt and run away quickly, | ---- Goes 'to Jail for Drinking Cornwall. -- Pleading guilty to a third offence for intbxieation, Clarénce Merpaw was, sentenced to four months in' the counties jail, when, he appeared before Deputy Magistrate D. G, McDonell in Po- lice Court Monday, Boat Crews Arvive Kingston, -- The after crew of the steamers James B, Foote and V. Massey arrived in Kingston on Wednesday morning. and com- menced their work of overhauling the 'machinery and getting it in readiness for the season's work, Elected for Third Time Peterborough -- Frank H. Daw, son will remain for a third ter as president of the Peterborough Poultry Association as a result of his re-election at the annual meet Ing held Wednesday night. He will be supported by a strong exe cutive, Receives Appointment Cornwall, -- Announcement was made here Tuseday of the ap- pointment of George Graham for the past four yoars assistant sup- erintendent at the Howard Smith paper mill here as superintendent of Howard Smith mill at Beauhar. nols, Quebec, He succeeds Alex Phillips, a former Cornwall resi. dent, . ! Provincial Constable Gananoque --- R, E, Noble, who for two years has been provineial constable at Cobourg, has been appointed to a similar position with headquarters at Gananoque. He has entered upon his duties. Kingston Man Dies Kingston, ~-- James Shane, an employee of the Kingston Public Utilities, dropped dead while at work Wednesday morning. Celebrates 90th Birthda, Belleville, -- Professor niel R. Coleman, celebrated his 950th birthday Wednesday, He enjoys & walk every day and takes a keen interest in all civic and social af- fairs, He was born in Washing- ton, D. C.,, and is now the oniy living member of the Faculty of the Ontario School for the Deaf of 1870. ag Household Effects Ransacked Peterborough, -- Household ef- fects salvaged from the flames which consumed tho Rifle Range House last Monday snd which bad been stored in the old scheolliouse on the Rifle Range property, were discovered by W. Simmons, the vietim. of the calamity, to have boen ransacked. Ten dollars was taken from a drawer and his war medals were strewn over the floor. Ei Eloct. President Cornwall, -- A, H. Parker was elected president of the Cornwall Engineers' Club at the annual meeting of that organization Fri- day night. He succeeds J, G. Cameron in office. Appointed Crown Prosecntor Brockville. -- F, M. Field, K.C., of Cobourg, has been. appeinted Crown prosecutor for the spring assizes. which are scheduled to open at the court house here dn Mareh 18. . Elovator Work | Kingston, -- It is expegted that | work 'on the erection of the super. structure of the elovator at Cata- raqui Bay will be commenced next week. The necessury Mlling In for the actual site of the. eleva- tor 'is now practically completed and the contractors for the super. structure have made preparations to commence thelr work, Cadets Join t Cornwall, -- Afffilation of the cadet corps of Cornwall Collegiate Institute with the Stormort, Dun- das and Glengarry Highland Regi. ment was the 'subjoct of a brief talic. by Colonel W. H. Magwood, former commander of the local Resim, at a meeting of the Col- Daatd apopored the Doe si 0 plan: an Sided, to put forward the aftilia- . To Attend London CO Brogkville, -- Albert hards, president of the Chamber of Com 'merce, will, be one: of the Cane adlan delegates in attendance at the: sessions in London, England, during the: last' week of May, of the Congress of Chambers of Com- Rares gb he an ive, dt Hing ane a meeting of the coun oi of the local Cheniber Wednes- y. "River Unsafe' for Crossing : Cornwall, '-- As the result of the heavy thaw over the Sresh-tnd, open places are once more Wu; the St, Yavronce River ol a' many Cornwall e 10 | while the canal is' for the mos by. four 'P, { "by Mr. Kenn Canal: the | p 'attempt to cross on the], g sought by for alleged fraud, Th the "cannibals" shown in the film were two local negro janitors, blocked and on Monday several cars are known to have crossed over, To the west of the city, the sun had its effect and although people were able to cross the canal on Sunday, it has since become unsafe, even for fidemsiant: Between Cornwall and fille Roches the canal is open and the river is unsafe for crossing, To: Spend $11,000 on Roads Peterborough. -- At a mecting of the municipal council of the town- ship of Smith a bylaw. providing for the 'expenditure of $11, on roads in the township of Smith during 1930 also received. its several read. ings and was passed. Sentences Imposed Prescott, -- This morning before Magistrate H. Atkinson, of Kempt ville, the cases of J. R, McLarry, Edwardsburgh, and Charles Moodie, Richmond, appeared in police court here Wednesday charged with the theft of a gasoline sawlog machine, the property of Stephen Jennings, Groveton, McLarry was sentenced to six months in the Ontario Re- formatory, with a further indeter. minate sentence of one year, Moodie, who is 15 years of age, pleaded guil- ty. and was sent to the Victoria In. dustrial School, Toronto, for an in- definite period, Worried About Station Closing Maitland, ~-- The people of this district are. much concerned over the report that Maitland CN.R, sta- tion is to be closed, which will be a Rreat inconvenience to the entire community. To Organize Milk Producers Kingston, -- A meeting of milk producers and dairymen in the dis- trict was held Wednesday afternoon in 'Parham for the purpose of or. ganizing & cow testing association, those in attendance being for the main part patrons of Long Lake, Wagarville, Parham and Tichborne cheese factories, Girl Stricken at Game Belleville, = Suffering an attack of acute appendicitis while attending the Stirling-Campbellford hockey match here Tuesday night, Miss Lila Sandercock, & teacher of Eng- lish ct the Stirling high school, was rushed to the Belleville' General Hospital by the police ambulance, where she was operated upon on Wednesday. Her condition is satis. factory. Seed Fair Napanee, -- The annual Quinte District Seed Fair opened here Wed- nesday and will continue until Fri- day, in the Napanee Armouries. More 'than, $800.00 is available for prize 'money 'and one of the most successful fairs in the district's hiss tory is expected. Many A for Pensi Cornwall, ply. for. Pentions ~ Applications for Old Age Pensions, received from the United Counties of Stormont, Dun- das and Glengar. + and passed by the Old Age Pensions Board have now nearly reached the 600 mark, Applications which "have - been re- ceived are greatly in excess of this number but a large number of them have not been passed. Drfink Three Times ~ Gets Jail Belleville~William Poole, = Cathe- rine street, facing his third charge of intoxication in police court Wed- nesday pleaded guilty and Magistrate Mikel imposed a sentence oi gis months in the county jail, Banquet to Hockeyists .. Brockville, -- At a meeting of the council of the Chamber of Commerce held Wednesday night it was decid- ed to tender a complinfentary ban- uet to' the officers and players of the Magedoma Hockey Club in the Hotel Manitonna on the evening of Tuesday, 'March 2%, NORTH OSHAWA NOTES North Oshawa, March 11,-~The Nortls Oshawa Young People's League meoting was held in the North, Oshawa church on Monday evening, March 10. A fairly good crowd was in attendance, meeting was ope Kennedy, president' of the league, The. Scripture lesson was read by Albert, Phillips, The treasurer's report showed a balance 'on hand of $12,65. The mwas. as follows: duet by rs, Kennedy and Miss Muriel Phillips; 'Sweet Genevieve," song ae ; reading by Howard e Clergyman Had to ' several readings by Mrs. pa; instrumental by Mr, Ken. nedy' apd 'vocal solos, 1 community, 'songs were sung, lead y. Tt 'was moved r, Kennedy, seconded by Mrs. that §1.00 be taken from the league treasu buy 'supplies for, Monday pons 8 ontel srl ment, > & hts at 4 vind ™ ' by Sa obtained in Oshawa | "rane irom Kass: Prog Storer ANY The | ned by George | Ing.on "The Originality of Jesus." His sermon to the children on "The the Story of d Lamp Post," wus enjoyed by the children of the congregation, Mr, Ferguson's sub Joct for mext Sunday, Mdrch 16, will be "The Sincerity of Jesus." You are invited tp attend the Sun- day services of the North Oshawa church, There is always room for ou, Laet Sunday , the congregation was favored by a vocal duet by Misses Muricl and. LAly Phillips, "The Old Rugged Cross, « A social evening will be held by the North Oshawa Young People's League on March 17, at 8 pam. Talent from 'Oshawn will supply the program for the evening, Born--On Sunday, Mar, 9, 193v to Mr, and Mrs. Harold Powell, North Oshawa, a daughter, Mr, and Mrs, Edgar Toukin, and family, ot Wyoming, called on his aunt and uncle, Mr, and Mrs, Tred Tonkin, one day last week, Mrs. A, Gerry accompanied the Hammond family to Guelph for the week-end, and yplsited Mrs. Gerry's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Gil- Hen. Miss. Marjorie Gerry entertain- ed a few of her gir friends to a party on Friday evening last. A drama, "Mother O' Mine" will be given at the North Oshawa Schoo! on Friday evening, March 14, under the.auspices of H, and 8, Club of North Oshawa, PRESENTATION T0 ~~ NEWCASTLE FOLK Mr. and Mrs. John Lord Honored on Leaving Community Newoastle, Mar, 10.-~Residents of the Lake Shore section, Clarke, and many friends from beyond the confines of the section, surprised Mr. and Mrs, John Lord at their home on Friday night and present ed them with a farewell address and other tokens of regard in view of their impending departure from the felghbourhood, Rev. W. P. Rogers acted as chairman and conducted the pro- ceedings in an orthodox manner, Mra. Gordon Martiu read the fare- well address and Austin Turner presented Mr. Lord with ha cane, Mrg. Martin and Mrs. Wellington Adams, Mrs. Lord with a fernery, while Mr. Adams presented How- ard Oryderman with a ring, Mrs, Gordon Martin, Mr. Howard Row- land, J. H. Jose, Mrs, John Hen- dry, Miss Gladys Cann, Miss Hilda Rowland and others made speech es, wishing Mr.' and Mrs, Lord and Howard every success in their new home, voicing the high regard of all their friends and expressing re- gret at their removal from this particular section to Shaw's, pleasant evening concluded with refreshments, cards and dancing. The Young People's Society met on Monday evening with the presi. dent, Clarence Allin, in the chair, An amusing contest in which the members were required to earry an apple across the room balanced on the toes of thelr shoes, was conducted by John Ashton, Devo. tional period was splendidly taken by Howard Glenney. The program prepared by Mrs, Eric Pearce was as follows: tople, Lillian Clem- ence; vocal solo, Minnie Pearce; talk and' practical demonstration on "Artificial Respiration" by Dr J. A. Butler; plane duet, Marion Richard and Phyllis Clemence; Mrs. Lanson Millson and young- est son, of Newtonville, spent Sun day with her mother, Mrs, Jas Stapleton, Mr. and Mri, George Eilbeck have returned home after spending w pleasant time with their daugh- ter, Mrs. Stinson. Mr. and Mrs, MORE VIGOR THAN HES HAD IN YEARS "Since taking Sargon I know what good health means for the first time in four years, "My appetite failed me to such an extent that I never even thought of Eric Pearce are | T, ANDERTON cating breaktast, there was a sort of giving away of my digestion and my strength and energy steadily failed me. i was 80 nervous that practical ly every night I'd lie awake until carly morning. 1 couldn't get my liver active, no matter what medi- cines 1 took, and I was weak and rundown (in every way, Sargon res stored my appetite and overcame my indigestion. 1 eat hearty meals; my nerves are strengthened, 1 sleep the whole night through and get oF with strength and jvigor 1 haven't felt in ng on weight right n Pills got my liver different ftom any other laxative \l ever took."--T. An. derton, 874 Ljgan St, Toronto, A | Louis M AUGER of par Former was sentenced to two years in Kingston penitentiary on a serious charge, moving this week to thelr new farm at Claremont, Mrs. W. I, Rickard visited with ber cousin, Mrs, Davidson, at Osh- awa, last week, Reg. Le Gresley was in Cobourg ion Monday attending a demonstra | tion of the Massey-Harris farm tractors." Arthur Simmons has returned to his home in Saskatchewan after spending the winter months with relatives here, Miss Elizabeth Hancock, accoms Panied by Miss Dorothy MePheds ran, of Bt, Catharines, spent the woek-end here and on Friday evening attended the surprise and presentation for Mr, and Mrs, Lord and Howard Cryderman, Mv. and Mrs, Beech, of Bright. on, visited Mr, and Mrs, Wesley Bellamy at Major and Mrs. H. W, Dudley's, Mr, and Mrs, Freq Wight are contemplating moving to Toronto, Ross Jones, of Stouffville, spent the week-end at home, Mr, and Mrs, John Lord and Howard Cryderman, Lake Shore, are returning to the Shaw's sec- tion, having rented the farm whicn Frank Cryderman vacated recent. ly. Mr. Cryderman and family are moving to Bowmanville shortly, Miss Nora Cowan, of Starkville, was home over the week-end. Mr, and Mrs; J. W. Glenney and Mr, and Mrs, Howard Glenney went to Toronto last Wednesday on recelving word of the death of thelr father, Androw James Glen- ney, and on Friday motored with the funeral cortege to Nestleton whert interment was mage, The late Mr, Glenney was 93 years of age and had been ill but one week He died at the home of his daugh- ter, Mrs. Willlam Bannerman, 5¢ Rose Ave,, Toronto, where he had lived for some Years, Joseph Wolfman, 30, who practiced law in Magistrates' Court. in New York for four years, although he Was not a lawyer, was sentenced to Sing Sing on a yearold larceny 'Fresh from the gardens' CELEBRATE DAY OF PRAYER FOR WOMEN Pickering, March 11--The Ine ternational Day of Prayer, for wo= men. which took place on Friday jast, was celebrated by the women | of the three Protesunt churches in the village, by an afternoon ser. vice in St. Andrew's Church, The presidents from the missionary so- cletios, Mrs, I, Buniting, St, Paul's; Mrs. Kingston, St, George's; and Mrs, J. 8mith, St. Andréw's, had charge of the moeting, and repre- sentatives from the three churches took part in the service of prayer, The programs, which had been is- sued by the Inter-board committev of the Women's Missionary .So- cletles of Canada, were used, and an hour of real spiritual fellow- ship was spent, Pickering, March. 11--Mrs, V. E, Cartwright has been in Windsor during the past friends. Miss 8, Anglin, principal ofthe Continuation School bas been off duty for' several days, owing to injuries sustained in a fall on the ice, Messrs, C. M, Marquis, J. C, Marquis and .\H, J, Clark visited with the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs, W. J, Clark, "on Sunday, Miss Laura Androw, and friend, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Jas, and Mrs. Andrew, Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Boyes and son, Jack, visited with friends in Toronto, on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. Cyril Morley, who, residing in Georgetown, returned to' the village last week, to take up residence on tho farm owned | by E. H. Morley, | HARD Telephone 262 charge, usm WOOD JEDDO PREMIUM COAL SEMET- SOLVAY COKE TWENTY -20- DELIVERY VEHICLES OUR SERVICE IS UNBEATABLE M DIXON COAL CO. Five Direct Lines »~ £4 A eH iz he vs he A) Very fine quality Reed Suite filled cushions upholstered woaring moquette, A 'very completes the 4 places. This down away below cost price, Special --- Large size Fibre Suite made by Watson's which speaks for the quality prising large settee with 8 spring filled cush. fons, large size chair and rotker, holstering fs a fine quality cretonme in har- monizing colors. Reg." §118.60." Special ~~ 3 4 PIECE enamel comprising sottee chair, rocker with splendid spring consrtuction seats and spring Reed Furniture LY \ i: 77 void HAA ' ue! 2 Veli v Aural > BEX ARAN AA \ i A - oy we \ in rich hard fine oval table suite is marked Rog. $2156.60, of same, com- The ub- i - - LIVING ROOM SUITE $125.00 3.PIECE LIVING ROOM SUITE $95.00 5-PIECE FIBRE SUITE § beautiful pieces comprising settee, chair, rocker, 'round Table and Fernery make a splendid living Room' outfit, finished in va- rious shades of Two Tone Enamels, soats are spring; construction filled cushions upholstered in smart chinte. Reg, $65.00, Spoelal -- 63 KING STREET EAST The 'with . spring =: $49.96 LUKE FURNITURE CO. - VR + deat PHONES 78 & for the past few years, have. been | weck visiting | or ----

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