Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Mar 1930, p. 11

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oad STE, ight BA. LLB; A, Conant Annly, B.A, Solicitor, Notary Publ Convey. ander Money i oan, fon ding. Opposite Post rivter, Solichor. Notary pie Gon. 'veyancer. Monev to loan. ° St Em. if Beg Phone #4 BA, N OD TEN, Solicitor, Money 16 oe Dewla; lands titi. north Phoue' 67, Residence SRN TION PIRES BAR GREER A cite iB 24% Sireoe Hn An S16. | uy to loan ALTX 0. BALL, BA A. BARRIL or, elo. Conveyancing ] PROTON rh King $: ro and Port Perry, pawn, Port Perry (Mar, 4:1 me) A WR {one 14 loan 'Alger has, opr si Post Office, Phone 1014, -- Medical DR. MeRAY, PHYS TA con. Aecoucher, OMce 864 resi: fs. King St, Best. comer Victorla St. Oshawa, Ph iC ~ PH SI clan, Obstetrician, Special scleren to maternity wark ard dis scases weenen, Two vears'.post graduate experience, Office and resi dence 167 Simcoe St. N., (cor. Brock) on RANT HURRY, PHUSICTAN Obstetrician, diseases of DR. G end ghildren. Office Surgeon, infants Phos 1158 Ail lan and Su on, special 'attention give "ay work aud Electro: theopy. @, Disney DPlock, Phos 2050, Office npen 9 a.m, to 1% a.m, 88{once 101 King Kart, Phone "$416. CM. Ndi arat: Obstetrician. p oy i >hon 158° (YH A fice Lik ol YN LW at. bod Pent LD HYSL bstetrician, office san Sur wl and y Simcoe Sttest one. 10 Arh Te hone.) oo Spec i Ear, BRYAN OF T60 TLOOR Di F. Steet est, Faro Su Jo b his Lovell's rR Sor 'ebb EB y, from 1 till 4 for consultation and treatment of nose and | may be mad~ at 118 in Oshawa! = | Studio 86 0. : OVER WAS. A nr; 1 6 Phare 455. tows 1312 | Riots #5 oxid oxveen Mce Rowal Bak "Bide and | cents up, Try us, threat C. W. TUCK, OPTOMETNINT, <|apecialist In muscle anomalies, Sh emght and glassos. Author of are and Eye Strain, The Chilg. and Its Development, Dis ney Block opposite Post Office. Plone 10610, (Mar, 13-1 mo) Engineering and od Surveying DONEYAN AND SMITH ONTAR: fo Land Surveyors and Civil Engin- cers, sub-divisions, 'town pra municipal engineers, %5 or 411 King ' 1 E Phones priv] or 254 Und | EET yy 0, Spe A Celina street, J &! | qtter ruce 's'reet. Am fn] + ND SON, INSURANCE, ol wes awa, The oll: est Fire i 3 Re nuts utable Li + Fire Companies WHEN PLAGIN NG INSORANGE oonguls R, N, Johps, porth, Your insurance pi snded to and youy .nterests pro- ected, DAVIS 19 King "| Transportation | CARTAG ND $TORAUB. COLE ah. 8 hey ties | 1 fo Me raiture oy! storage ware house and moving van equipment. Phone 8. cA TAGE, sand ard cinders, distan: hauling, a, lLocu and long Phone 3048 an st. We OSHAWA'Y lishet furn'ture movers, Park Road car ane, Local and long distance Frank Cowle, Ten, 65 Park i Sout; .Pbone . (I"eb, 18:1 mo) CARTAGE, MOVING GRAVEL, sand and cinders, Local and long dis. tance hauling, Phone 2230W. T, Sib- lock, 215 Bloor St. E. (Feb, 22-1 mo) WHY PAY RENT==MOVING 18 cheaper, moving or haulin (1 local and long Eagle' Cartage. Phone (Feb, 28-1 mo) distance, 290, "Beauty "Parlors iE TI "LOU PERMANENT wave, cial ® and $0 as 1 ay shampoo clal Hair Phy Rg 25 Phone 408 or iimeoe Nort XPERT MARCELLING BY tty Ward at Betty Lou Perthune ont Wavg Shoppe. Ma arcel 8 and sham. poo on yes WATSON'S paR RBER AND Beauty Shop. 9 Celina St. We spe- clalize in ladies' halr cutting celling, shampooing, fachls. 5) cents. For 4 0 mare fareel phong «1 me) MADA LATE OF Parls, France Hs "7, Eston, Tor routo, high class beauty culture at moderate prices, oy Building Flat No. 1, above Dr.{l'uck's, Phone 1476. (Mar 5-1 mo) ARTHUR . , VOCAL THACH, or (Hambourg inna fe ronto) pupils prepared r all YXRMN ave | Wilk lam street wast, brine one 2704F, (120t1) ONVERSE TNE o| FRAN on Thin violin teachers, oe THN of Toront Bt res. Church Win sscept uplls in plano, organ apd voca in For particulars apply 50 William streec east. Phone 2800, J Mar £1 Ist and notk master of KIoR | Street United of musie, Oshawa § ( puke Yi En Sd bar Gib Sh Radio Service GENAWA RADIO SERVICE, AO orius for ea Jpatiy on elev: tho. a Bary' oly iia ng batte : Hi oe asl as len i uote Riag. St Es M at » fon sus X-ray in attendance. Phones P Bd floor. | E258 dod adiotrician, (Mar. 141 mo). "756, Ai 25¢, 2 Quhavs hone Mar. bi, reasonable work i h bah ries rech eds i rei or Burroughs; Hous Coolad Menta ed Shirts, ate, AN Kh VE | work on No fines % 2002F, Smith aud Coz, #37 King |} - All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because lose arising from handling a large number of small accounts of this nature. and collect for same, Work Wanted For thy convenience of customers who find it inconvenient come personally to The Times' office, a telephone call will br bring a messenger who will receive the advertisement "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 | ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT of expense and For Rent REPL LSTERING, CHESTER Hl A LC] be Wh you Sells « Hr 74 Mechanic sire Phone TE ------------------------ BATTERIES CHARGED, LED for and delivered, 75 cents. ren. tal sup fled 8. ich repaired, i rt Hiden, Feb, 14-1 mo) JOBBING, EXRFENTERING AND general house repairs, cabinet making Jutniture Fepuireds Jidiatsbed and up- bolstering, one Th. 181 Mo) FIX UP YOUR ROADWAY, gravel, sand, cinders and general trucking, Chris Graham, phone 2081M, (Feb, 24-1 mo) Painting, Also. repair work, Apply 78 Bond street weat, (620) "Dry Cleaning DRY CLEAN'NG, PRESSING, DY- ing, 12% Kivg Street West, Phone 509, a ar. 8:1 Mo. dry I and" Rosia all goods called for' and delivered, {Phone 523. 66 Bagot Street, far, 11-1 mo.) Building Sensi CEMENT BLOCKS FOR SALKw To insure Jiompt delivery, place orders io advance of delivery date, Ww. We Bortowdale, phone 1018, "Articles For Sale NOR rug dx 1. A! MIXED HARD AX AND Ms SOIL W breif body wool an Na Meek Lint Phone 1288, (Apr FOR BALL--RBINTZMAN _ CO. MF ed) and hy radios, oly minutes v delivered in y fow Phone 914, 'ware, 23 King St. West, otler ils tollowlug d stoves: two small cook stov one electric range, one gas range, thred heaters, 421 WALE--A BOURCARI AND tet, Apply 26 Quebes git. Ao notice, Oc S Heintzman plano. for cash, 'Phone Gle Apply A) Grnons niture bought' and sold, Also local and long distance Balti 188 Bloor St. E. Phone 1} a Lk i {Mar 7-1 mo) . JACOB SEC aug cars, old batteries and radi 1D | ors. Phone $108, (March 1-1 mo) pa hy one or two building lots, north or eant, paved street. All couveni. ences, stato sive, location hud poe, Box 604 Times, (800) list Diseascs romegtio Ani Speci) Cai ald duc hospital, 203 Auf Ww. Tel. ¢ 9. (Mar, d-lmo) Fy NE {I FIVE ROOMED HOUSE | FI (02h) | '| flat, APARTMENT. .«~MJUDERN, BOME tke suites,' Some (araished, lau: | messes dry, conveniences, «lec dryer, ole, oleu stoves, elec relriveration, bot water year round, Phons 1880 of 184IW, (ne) Ee dt m---- ABD) FOUR AND FIVD ROOMBL MUD ord suites, Locludiog electric refrig: Jention, stove, lasadry, conven) Onces, ete.) continuous hot water supsiles A Abi 3 oy Jbone 247), Goarantes Co. lad. aa tor owner, Torents, "f) TO WENT="TW0™ I"UXRNISHED apartments. one large aud one small, Phone 2671 "(Fab 22-1 mo) TO WENT -- FIVE ROOMED Bouse on Prince street, Apply $4 Bigin west. (8711) FOR . RENT-- PRIVATE BED- room in quiet home, Garage if re- quired. Phone 3175W. 114 Col. borne Bt. E, (80¢) FURNISHED THREE ROOM Apartment ou ground floor, All conveniences with garage, in quiet home 201 Arthur Street, Phone (591) 10 BENT--TWO LARGE FRONT rooms, Leat, water and yr Private onlrance, Phone (Gla) ---------------------------------- FURNISHED FLAT WOR LIGHT Housekeeping. All »cobvenloncdes Also one large bed sitting room. Central. Apply 186 Celina St. (81e) HOUSE ON TRESAN ' four rooms and -bath, All convenis eboes, Small down payment, Ape ply 190 Burke street, (81¢) FOR rent, with all conveniences and garage. Apply 304 Uztord street, (811) TO RENT=-SIX ROOM HOUSE, newly decorated, all conveniences, 108 Rosedale Avenue, Apply 2 Ris visi L] x E AND BAT Ti furnished pA St, Eloi Street, $30 per month, Apply J. Fitzgerald, ie a Yision Street, 6c I' two acres good six room house, first class condition, barn, garage, hen houses, hard and poft, water, some fruit trees, 'This Is an' ideal poultry farm within M4 miles of the centre of Oshawa. Phone 416.r-23, (62¢ TO RENT--A 3 ROOMED FLAT, with all conveniences, Apply 88 Nassau St, (61c) 0 FURNI D ROOMS, BATH all conveniences, electric rangotie. 313 Jarvig street, (Ble) FOR arn Toon Vo 20 decorated furpished' beat ae of d water, electrio roe arShue. hone, 107 Westmorela All wendy Pandy TIEN aah TOY Alice street. L(8 Rates for Sasa Ads. oy rl o 1s per Phy ous "for" \ price of «A cents » ) a nT three Sg {/ Box number te diosa) oR ber stan id 3 hay or leat te en tive inser ! For Rent FIVE-ROOMED "BRICK, BUNCA- low newly decorated, All convents ences, I fease, Possession Apr. 1st, 651 Carnegle Ave, le UN ) furnished housekeeping rooms, near Motors, 374 Jarvis Street, 61b) ¥ AGL with cellar, Beautiful location,' For appointment, phone 416 r 14, after B 7 «(Ole i 'OR light Boneh r heated. = Cone yeniences, , Near fotos, 108 Col | orne Kast, Phone 2297, (61¢) | furnished heated 'epartment over Ward's store, All conveniences, Apply Bradley Bros, asad rent, . Living rooni and oairaai or will rent suparate, Hituated on the four corners, over the Bank pf Commerce, Apartment 1, top floor, (62h) FOR NERT=- FURKTSAED "PED: room with nll eonvenienves, Cone teal, Apply 79 MceMillay: Drive Phone 2300W. (62¢) TWO room bith fiat, PY and phone, All conveniences, Apply 292 Halg 8 reel, (62¢) with bath, Apply, 72 Ritson road south, (#20) Phove (62¢) "Wanted To Rent FH W by married couple, North prefers red. No children, Apply Box 608 Times, (62a) For Sale or Rent I NERT--F0 ACRES asture' land with runaing stream ud busli for shade. Apply Howard Cowling, Hampton, (81c) Pets and Live Stock. Hing "traps «nested breeders, 8. C, White Leghorns, barred rocks, White Wyandoties, Write or phone for cat. alogue. Oshawa Hatchery and Poultry Farm, 144 Bach JXoad North, Phones 1387J, 13370, y (Feb, 15-1 mo) HORSE FOR SALE -- IN GOOD condition, Apply 99 Mill Street, Phone 2060M, (6l¢) CANARIES FOR SALE-GUAR- unteed singers, $5 up. Hens fifty cénts, Oshawa Aviaries, 185 Contre St. Phone 3118], ( FOR SALE-EIG LD1G D white angora rabbits, best woolets; also breeding hutch, reasonable for Quiek sale, Jo A: Foy; Scugog St. owmanville, (62) "Room and Board Wanted YOUNG OFFICY GENTLEMAN | desires furnished room with ful) or part board, Centrally located, Apply Box 003 Times, (60e) "Real Estate For Sale i Ad )) iV) BUY a country home, Fifteen acre lots for sale, Close to Oshawn Small cash payment, Easy terms. Also house apd ten acres. Apply P.O, Box 745 or 140 Agnes. St, Oshawa. (Ge) ' h L J MODERN bungalo for sale at a. sacrifice price, thirty-five hundred. Attrace tive and a bargain, Central, Phone Holden 371W, (810) $150 -- LOT 25x 135 ON OLIVE Ave, east of "Drew, write J. W. Downie, 55944 Queen wt WW, To. ronto, (ble) 'SIX ROOM BRICK, NEW, MOD- ern in every way, FIVE ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW modern, paved street, §3800, FOR SALE=SIX ROOM FRAME] house, convenience, fine locality, $27 ROOM, 1 HOUSE, house, All conveniences, 1764, EIGHT NEW every convenience, hardwood floors, french doors, close to Motors, a bare fain. DeGuere, 84 Alice St. Phone ( FOR SALE-SEVEN ACRES OF good garden also some good cows 4 Apply fourth house south of Thorn ton's Corners, (62h -- C } monthly buys new brick, six room bungalo." All conveniences. Newly decorated, Garage, Ilillcroft street, Apply i: Slmeap street north, ) «remy pe MONEY, TO" LOAN w= FUNDS available for first mort mo oh well located - residences, radiey Bros, 34 Simcoe South Gapatdice) . ty id farms, apply A, J, Pa ke a 3? King East, NE pite Th d second mortgage up to hone 759, Harris & & Hajeis sone. a security, ly Box 006 Times. (62c) RASHEED AT '$y 'Bond street 198, All cara at one ha arch a: 1 ci! tf) Dominion Gar neat, Phone §1 price $1.30. concess Wm, Maw, Auctioneer, | AUCTION FALE=THERE WILL 'keoper, Phove 8354J, C.D R TT rooms for business men or ladies, Phone 3844W, 76 Charles street, (61¢) QUTET family, (Glee) onlonaily home, privato Central, Phone 1928), J BEDROOM IN quiet gomfortable. home, Board if desired, Central, 78 Bond $t. West. (62¢) * Auction Sale AUCTION SALLE -- ON THURS- day, March 20th, 1930, of cattle, hor« ses, implements, hay and clover, the property of Gordon C, Short, lot 34, A §, Darlington, Sale at One See bills for ternis, (62¢) o'clock sharp, be sold by public auction on Sat. urday, Mareh 15, 1930, at 1.30 p. m, at 12 Bond street west, Osh. Awa, a quantity of groceries, can ¥00ds and tons, als wore fixtures, the property ef L. Brown, Terms cash, W, I Sulley, Auctioneor, (61b) Nursing EXPERIENCED PRACTICAL uuree; with reforende; vpeh for en. gagements March first, Maternity or general 'nursing, Phone 742M. (Feb, 18-1 Mo) TERN ity, invalid, or genesal nursing. Lig fitommatos phone 1298); (Feb, 24-1 Mulching Paper , Reports from users of Mulching Paper in Ontario say; "We had a Boe { crop in spite of the dry sea. pon"="We had cucumbers long be- fore our neighbors, melons and toma. toes were earlier and yielded far more than ever before" Send for FREE SAMPLES, Write Halliday, B~x 212, Hamilton, (56-59-62-65-68-71- 74) "For Sale or Exchange FOR BALE OR EXCHANOE=-- Farm, 125 neres, good buildings. Would exchange for house in Osh. awa or Whitby, Apply Box 507 Timos, (62¢) Help--Wanted Male One who' can organize and super. vise same, Conner Washer Sales, 12 Bond street east, Oshawa, Position Wanted 1] ¥ wants work, Good cook and house- (00d) 'WANTED « HOUSEKEEPING BY April first, with refined Yetitioman or. elderly couple by re- ble, trustworthy widow, with a girl 6 years. Apply Box 498 Times, (6lc) | (62a) Notice of Registration of Bylaw "Notice is hereby given that a by. law, No, 1983, was passed by the Council of the Corporation of the City of Oshawa, on the 2nd day of December, 1929, providing for the is. sue of debentures to the amount of $6,200.00 for the purpose of purchas. ing a combined fire-pumper and hose<truck for fire protection, and that such by-law was registered in the registry office at Whitby, County of Ontario, on the 16th day of De- cember, 1929, Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within: three months after the first publication of this notice and cannot be made there- after, Dated the 13th March, 1930. ~ . Hare, Clerk. (62-68-74) TWP. PARKS BOARD MAY PLACE LIGHTS IN HAMPTON PARK (Continued from Page 3) day of 'town hall and placing of lights in park was referred to Park Come mission, James Curtis, 8.A.0., presented his report as for month of Jan. uary which was approved and ore dered filed, A by-law for the appointment ot Jon ¥, Mutton, as Weed Inspector for 1930, was given its weveral readings, sigued aud sealed, T. H. Richards, road superin- tendont, gave a' report of Road Superintendent Convention which he attended in Toronto rocently, Road superintepdent presented vouchers 0, § and 6, wealary $19.06. Road maintenance $56.30, walch were approved aud ordered paid. n Treanuier 2 acknowledged iy om. C.. Hodgson, taxes $1648.00, Orders were drawn on Treasurer as follows: C. W, Siemon, asst, M. OH, Medica! Sorvices to Edwards family, disinfectants. and antl toxin to 88. No. 4, L.B, ot H, $82.00; €..W. Slemon, asst, M.0, H,, services to Mrs, Smith, . (de. conned), L.B. ot Il, 880, 00; H. et uso, MOH, Medical services to male, (oceantd), L.B. of H., . 3. LY 1, rguson, M.O.H., i 3 oes tO fle vis and wife, L. ot 2 $65,850; L. J, Souitian i AX Mra. A. N Rundle, sup. ard , ohn a supplies ties Mra, J N.' Savage, say Hodgeony supplies Sid Davis, charity, $0.00; Mis. R, Hatherly, milk for 'Mrs,' Bayage, charity, $2.80; Municipal' World, 7 copies of World, $7.00; 8. Rr, Hart & Co. assessor, Guide," $1,185: M, A. James & Son, printing, $28.60; T H, Richards, salary, $10.96; T. H. Richards, rond maintenance, $50.2 Mooting adjourned April 7, at thé hour p.m, W. R. Allin, Clerk, Per M, Pascoe, to Monday of 1 o'clock DOUBT SIMCOE MAN FIRED FATAL SHOT or --------- Jury Returns Open Verdict After Witnesses Doubt Shooting . Simcoe, March" 14. ~Alter witness. cs had stated it "was impossible for Wilson Wride, 21, Jarvis farmer, to hold a shotgun far enough away to inflict the wounds which he died on Saturday last in Simcoe Hospital, coroner's jury last night returned au open verdiet in the cisc. "We find," the yerdict read, "that Wilson Wride came to his death at Norfolk General Hospital at 2.45 am, March 8, as the result of gunshot wounds inflicted, according to the evidence adduced, by the shotgun he was carrying during a scruffle 'with Dazed from sicarly a week of sleep fess nights, the young widow took the stand to tell of the events lead- ing to the fatal scuffle with her hus. band on the country road outside their farm home. Aceording to hin widow's story, Wride was insanely jealous of her Drink Delicious Kara Coffee | Superior Chain his. wile un the evening of March], " Are Sold by THE ONTARIO MOTOR SALES | LIMITED | 90'Slmcoe St. 8. Phouve 900 LOANED } Cars Refinanced All Dealings Confidential MOTOR LOANS AND LIS. COUNTS LTD, Felt Block Room 6 Phone 8:90 on account of her friendship with some neighbors, On Friday evening she had gone to the home of & Mrs, Evans, but had returned Back to hen own home, Wride then went outside, searching, ae declared, for foots prints which might show that she fad gone to see another man, Finds ing nome, phe stated, he then fool his shotgun and a lantern and leff the house again, in spite of Ler pros tests, BARELY A SHRED She -- You pride yourself on hee ing able to judge a woman's char acter by her clothes. What would be your verdict on my sister over there? He «= Insufficient Bits, Yvonne == Fred seems to have s better disposition than most mei, Yvette == I don't know hin very well, either.--Pele Mele, Paris, ss ld kal HARDWOOD FLOONIS LAID BY . EXPERT MECHANICS floors finished like new, windows, combination General contractors. B. W. HAYNES, Itesidence 180'r 2 101 King St. V. Phone 481 OM A FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 1 9 roomed brick and shingle, all conveniences, on Highwas, at Harmony, large lof, hen house, double garage, Small cash pay ment will handle or will trade for Oshawa property. DISNEY REAL ESTATE evidence ~Tit« (Uh) Storm doors. Order Your Spring Suit Now from the DOMINION CLOTHING CO. 68 KING 8T. W, those 3. S141 We Deliver LUMBER ¥. L. BEECROFT Whitby Lumber and Wood Yard 'hone Oshawa 824 Whitby 19 RARPWOOD FLOORS | Electric Sanded and Finish. f od Complete W. J: TRICK CO, LTD. 83 Albert Street ui LJ OPTOMETRIST 8 Bond Street East Hundreds of people wear with otmost comfort Hare's Fanitiess Lenses Oshawa Burial Co. successor to Disney.Colt AMBULANCE 87 Celina St. I'hone 1088 A hid King piri Sta. the better do. way, | OAK FLOORS There are a lot of people who want * things and can afford to have them. But they hesitate, be. cause they have an idea that the bet« ter things cost more than they really For some reason or other, oak floors have often' been roturded shat But do you now Oak Flooridg ie sold at very moderate prices = A it's no secret! : We will be pleased to show . you finished samples, as well as the actual stock ready for wee.

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