Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Mar 1930, p. 7

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It Do, § Ibs, ....36 y THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1930 ! PAGE iE SEVEN f Stock Markets; Grain and Produce Exchanges (From Prices in the' Commercial M Grains and Produce i PRODUCE QUOTATIONS Buying | 'Toronto wholesule dealers are puying produce at the following r P Eggs--Ungraded, cages return fresh extras, 29 to 30c; fresh Hrets, 27 to 28c; seconds, 23 Butter-No, 1 ern meth solids, to 34%e¢c; 0. 2, 33 to Bde. uring cream-----Xpecial, G8 to i No, 1, 37 to 38¢; No.2, 84 Yo J C, Cheese--No, 1 {fined ana | government graded %c. Poultry Alive Sel. M.F. soning chickens, over § lbs; 5 29 32 | Do., 4 to 5 lbs, 22 25 28 Do,, under 4 ha, ies " 22 20 26 26 Hers, over ¢ lbs. 37 Do., 4 108, .;..24 || Do., under 4 oe 4 os 2 32 Young turkeys, dressed, iDId roosters ....19 [Young ducks, over i 1bs. 29 28 a ec Guinea fowl, phir. $1.78. i (Se) ing) Toronto Bi vri, ale dealers are lattering produce to retail deajers at the following prices: Eggs~--I'resh extras, In cartons, se; fresh extras, loose, J0c; ts, S4¢; onds, 30c. [Butte 0. 1 greamery, prints, 9 to 40c; No. 2 creamery, prints, 38 to 38¢. " Chose ew, large, 28 tu 334c; twins, 33% to Zdc; trip lots, 23%e; "stiitons, 27¢. Old nd tn, 20¢c; twins, 29%c; triplets cuts, 30¢c; old stiltons, dle. Pressed Phtckens,' § bs. up. 3b ig 4 to 6 lbs, saben issue 33 Do. 8% 10 4 Ibs. ....00s.30 Do 310 8% 108, (v.00 20 ens, over § Ibs. .... 02 PROVISION PRICES Toronto wholesale dealers are uoting thie following prices to the ade: Smoked meats--Hams, medium, 28 to 3b¢; cooked loins, 48 to Gc moked rolls, 28c; breakfast bacon, 30 to 40¢; backs, pea-mealed, 36 '0. 40¢; do., Suoked, 46 to 6be. ofns, ~~ 393%,c; shoulder, ute," 27¢; "hams. 27¢, meats--Long clear bacon, bo to 70 Ibs, 24c; 70 to 90 Ibs. 2¢: 90 to 110 Ibs. 21c. Heavy- large colored, kets weight ro 400; rolls, Fons Lard--Pure tlerces. 14c; tubs, hor! tening-<Tiorces, '18¢; ¢ 19%e; 'pals, '14e. Yt, HAY AND STRAW RHIC Wholesale dealers and straw are quoting shippers fol ught-welgbt | || Wise: pails, 16¢; prints, 16 to Stock Market Prices Marke; Summary by Canadian Pross 4 ii Toronto and New York Stock Quotations Supplied by - Alger Buflding, Oshawa GRAIN STRONGER ON CHICAGO MART! Wheat Prices Average High- | Toronto Stock bye | High Stock Br, A, Oil 86% Braz, ... 40 Can, 1st 89 Close 30% 39% 89 lowing prices for ca: Ho lots, de- livered on track, Toronto: ' No. 2 Timothy .... 15.00 1b.bv No. 8 Timothy ..... 18.00 . 14,60 Wheat straw ..... 11.00 Oat straw . TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET The following are quotations, retail, in effect on the St. Law- rence Market, Toronto: ¥ Produce Eggs, extras, per doz, .... Do, firsts, per dozen ,.. Butter, dalry, per 1b. 0.36 Do, freshers, per 1b, 0.45 ruits and Vegetables Cont DUS 4 imnar ene Do, 6 qty wine vans Boots, Dus. «.ovuive Do, 6 qt. emnnss Brussels sprouts, qt. .., Onions, dry 11-gt. bas. Do, 6-qt basket ..... OabbABE over sms vy Cauliflower wwe: Endive, dozen ....... Spinach, pPOCK: wins Mushrooms, per 1p, .. Leaf lettuce, three for Head lettuce, two for Parsley, per bunch ,. Cress, three for Celery, dozen ....... Oranges, per dozen ... Bitter oranges, dozen Strawberries, pt ... Grapefruit, each Potatoes, bag . Cucumbers, each Lemons, per dozen , .. Bananas, per doz. .... Apples, 6-qt, basket .. .. Cal. grean peas, 6-qt. Eggplant, each ..... Green beans, 6 at. . .. Green peppers, 4 for Cranberries, qt.' .. Turnips, hus. x Parsnips, 11-qt. .. Apples, bus. ..., Green peas, 6 'omatoes, Ib fneapples. each Rhubarb, bunch cous vos Radishes, 4 bunches. ... ---------------- Portrait of former Mayor John C. Lodge, of Detroit, painted by Fred C. Nash. was presented to eity by group of business men headed by George W, Drennan, \ 'Robert 1. Storms, 57, a : Kansas City grooer, was exonerated of crime inal Hability for killing Robert E. CORR no ------ ed --- 190 TNI0 DIO TI ILO IIIA II 2 Dh BO 1 3 i DN TV 30 1 30 03 ATH ON I HAD PAD RANNUN COCO DONANOO OAC NANO ANS NGS © WM pe ©3220 50 ONO 00 CON SC OONOSOOSONOOOOOONON SOO ted ll 1] JODHA NDOC Adoclk, bandit, in attempted holdup. PYRAMID and NATIONAL brand PORTLAND CEMENT "sole Agents McLauglin Coal & Supplies 110 King St. W. Ph. 1346 Fred Flintoff & Sons - 18 King St. W. Ph. 1500 - Travel The The Ki King's Highway sk | {§ Daily Coach Service OSHAWA . TORONTO. 16% 19 40 8% 21% 24 9 40 39% 20% 8 © % Can, Brd. 17 Cockshutt 19 Cty, Dry. 46 Dis. Sgrm. Imp, Oil Lob, "A" 18% 13% 18% Ms. Hr, 34 8% 33% Mc. /Frt. 24%, 24% 24% Mt. Pro 182% 182% 132% Pg, Hr, 96 95 95 Shaw, 78% 78 78 8. Station 463% 46 46 Standard Mining Exchange 109 26% 24% Abana 107 98 142 56 660 800 430 6556 540 82 Hd, By, 1226 1226 Kt. Fir, 3 3 Lk, Bh, 2225 2200 Nrnda, 4025 4025 sh. Gr, 265 265 8d. Bs. 320 314 Tk, Hg. #615 610 Ventures 180 180 Walnwell 7 1 STOCKS ARE QUIET 98 Ch. Res. 550 De. Mus, 800 Falcon, 43 the upper hand. F) Ho pe made Homeless } i STANDARD MART Oil Group Only One to Show Any Effort at Recovery Toronto, March 13.--Oflls were about the only group to show any real. effort at recoyery on the min- ing market during the early session today, As far as a good portion of themining list was concerned, yesterday's softness was still in evidence, and any firmness display. ed took the formgof mere resist ance of any further declines. Mayland, which touched a low of $1 yesterday after exhibiing | strongth for over a week, was ono' of the early olls to show buoxaney and at moon had regained 15 $1.39. _Albetta Pacific moved up 7 to $1.82, Baltae 3 to 50 and | Home O18 to $8.50. Southwest | and Lowery Pete were still rather soft, the former, easing another 6 to 80 and the latter § tc the fatter 5 to $3. OIL STOCKS HEAD NEW YORK "CHANGE Flurries of Selling Sweep Through Stock Market -. Boosting Prices (BY STANLEY W. PRENOSIL Press Finencial Editor) New York, March 13.--Expecta- tions of a cut in the New York Reserve rediscount raté after the close of today's market rovided the background a k advance in prices in today's stock market, Flurries of selling swept through the market at inter. vals, because of the disappointing nature of some of the recent trade news, but offerings were well ab- sorbed, and operators for the ad- vance su in maintaining uston was marked HY nearly points toa new top at 8 V7 Snel climbed more than 2 points to ( ney Nah at 205 and Standard Oil o! , General Asphalt and "latien t ning sold 2 ute above Jultsrday's ROM TORS: | Barnsdall, Sinsatr Standard Off of New York, Atl te 1 8, Pure Ofl and Independ, Gas were am stocks to attain new 1930 'delivered, Moneta {neluded-~Bran, Bo, r ton, i ne person was jured jnd aobavly Sh,000 perso by a fe ae New York Exchange Chicago, Ill, 1, March 18.~Infiu- Stock Low Amer. Can, 141% Am, Pr, Pr, nu Anaco Ba £0 ohio 11 fil ler .. o "On, LY. 120% Col. Gra, 20 Dupont ».. 181 Erie Rall 08 Gen, Fds. 51% Gen, Mot, 40% Hud, MOt. 656% Int, Com, 7% Int. Tele. 69 Jos. Man, 137% Lse. Wis, 64% Mex, Sbrd, 29 Mt. Ward 44% Phil, Pet, 31% Ph, Br. NJ. 9% Radio .... 61% Simmons ... b6 Sin. Oll ... 27% St. Oil NJ. 66% Utd, Afr, 64% U.8. Steel 179% Woolworth 65% Yel. Truck 22% Fam. Ply, 69 68% Money rate 31; per cent, New Process Paint Close Other C.LL, Paint Products: * Muraltone Wall Finishes FlowkoteGlomEnamel Intariot Gloss for Walls and Weodwork Floor, Porch and Dado Enamels Shingle Stains Quick Drying Varnish Stains | enced by reports that the worst of selling pressure in Liverpool, ap- peared to be dt. an el wheat prices here averaged higher early today. The Chicago market was 'also responsive to complaints of high winds.and of drought in secs tions of domestic winter wheat territory southwest. ,, Opening at, %c off "to 5 up, Chicago: wheat futures aftening scored additional gain8 for crop deliveries, but underwent set- backs for old crop months, Corn and oats were firm, with corn starting at 3% decline to % ad- vance, and subsequently keeping near to the initial figures. Provis- fons tended to sag, EXCHANGES arch 18.--Forelign exchange steady, demand rates: Great Britain 4.86; France 8.91 3-16. Canadian Dollar at 7-82 per- cent discount, NEW YOR! New York, Go S-------------------- To prepare for day and night services on the new Empire Airways to be opened this year, flying boats are nightly experimenting at Cal shot in alighting on water, » Barn Paints Varnishes f {FORD FEATURES TORONTO 'CHANGE Reaches New High for Year at 34, Only to Drop Back One at Mid-day Toronto, ™ March 13.--8t{ll un- setied and reactionary, the market on Toronto Stock xchange de- clined this morning below the aver- age of last night. Losses were for small fractious for the most part, the fact that volume of trading dried up on the decline serving to steady prices. There wad .ofie stock, however, which stood out conspiclously as staging a strong advance in utter disregard for tne general market sentiment. Ford of Canada not only added to yesterday's gain but broke through 84 to sef a new high for the year. Of course the price did not hold at that figure throughout the morning, profit taking toward midday accounting for reaction to as low as 33 at one time, Nickel settled back slowly from the opening, touching 89 at its low, where it was off approximate- ly % point from last night. Smel- ters dropped back 5 points*and Noranda was lower, Liquor stocks were heavy and hére and there individual {issues settled . back, Hamilton Bridge about mid<Tore- noon touched a new low for the year at 31. TORONTO LIVESTOOK ~" + Toronto, March 13---There was no cattle offered on the Dpminion Livestock exchange this forning. Calf receipts 21, Calves closed steady at $8.00 to $13.00 cwt,, for common: to medium quality, good calves were offered. Hog reclepts 69, Hogs steady at $1.25 f.0.b., for bacons or $13.60 off-car There were no sheep, BAST BUFFALO LIVESTOCK East Buffalo, N.Y., March 13.-- | holdover 500, active to packers, generally steady, bulk 160-210 pounds 11.76, 230-260 pounds 11.25 to 11,60, 270 pounds 11.00, 150 pounds and down 11.25 to] 11.60, packing sows 9.00 to Cattle 50, cows unchanged, cut- ter grades 3.75 to 6.25. Calves 100, vealers slow, weak to 500 lower 15.60 down. Sheep 800, lambs draggy, steady at Wednesday"sy decline, quality plain, cholee handiweights quoted 11,50 to 11.75, bulk medium and good 10.00. to 11.15, clippers 10.00, fat ewes 16.50 down. Hogs 800, CHICAGO GRAIN OPENING Chicago, Ill, Mar. 13.--<Wheat, Mar. 1.06%; May, 1.09%; July 1.04% ; Corn, Mar. 76; May 80%: July 818%; Oats, Mar. 397%; May 41%; July 41%. WINNIPEG GRAIN OPENING Winnipeg, Man., March Wheat, May 3% to 13% higher at 104% to 105%; July % to 1% higher at 106% to 1073; Oct 8 to 134 higher at 108 to 108%. Oats, May % higher to. un- 3.-- changed at 47% to 47; Oct,, un- changed at 47%. \ WHEAT PRICES AT WINNIPEG FIRMER Market Fails, However, to Hold Morning Advances Winnipeg, Man., Mar, 13--Open~ ing advances of more than a cent from rock-bottom wheat prices on the Winnipeg Grain market failed to hold today, Forecaet of rain in the Solith-west * United ' States, where Kansas corps are thirsting for moisture, occasioned loss of early grains, May wheat was cent down from yesterday's-close, while the other'two futures were unchanged. Wheat prices, crushed to earth, today struggled to rise again Ad- vances of more than a cent a bus- hel were recorded at the opening of the Winnipeg Grain exchange after yesterday's low marks for the last half-dozen years, however, was only average. The adyance was laid to strength at Liverpool and fair over night export business at the cheap prices. May Wheat was 3% to 1% cents higher at $1.04% to $1.05%. July was up % to 3 cents at $1.06% to $.07% , and October showed an initial rise of 5 to 144 cents at | $1.08 to 1.08%. You'll find Hundreds of Uses for- CILUX QUICK DRYING ENAMELS Women like these new Cilux Enamels. They flow so smoothly, and dry quickly with a lustrous, finish that can be washed over and over without affecting its beauty. . A TH Cilux Quick Drying Colored Enamels, you can quickly 'bring new "beauty into your home. All the season's favorite colors to choose from. Modish color schemes, attractive, new decorative ideas, are surpris- ingly easy to carry out with Cilux Quick Drying Enamels. ~ a CAR sy Finish a breakfast-Foom set "before you go to bed. It's ready for use next morning. Unlike the older enamels, Cilux Quick Drying Enamel sets hard and dry~--and free from brush marks --just a few hours after it's applied. Cilux Quick Drying Colored Enamels make home decoration a real pleasure. Get acquainted with them yourself. Your dealer will explain how simple and easy it is to use Cilux Quick Drying Colored Enamels. SANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED - « FLINT PAINT & VARNISH DIVISION CILUX Quick DRYING COLORED ENAMELS Fo¥ Sdle by. Madey he makireo] BUCO " CW or A PATTE ee 85 Simcoe St. N, Oshawa, Ont

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